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Learner Name

Ahtesham ul haque

Course Title FIAT

Assessor Name
Mrs. Khushnuma Khan Ma'am

Internal Verifier Name Date 14/01/2024

Unit Number and Title CUSTOMER SERVICE

Assignment Title Customer Service

Outcome Number(s) Examine the importance of Customer Service.

and Statement(s)

Date Set Hand In Date


Instruction Your assignment will not be accepted if it does not contain the list of

source details of the text material referred to and the details of the people contacted in accomplishing this project and the tasks attached.

Purpose/Aim Explain ways in which the needs of different types of customers are met.

Examine the importance to customers, the employee, and the organization of exceeding customer expectations.

I confirm that the work submitted for this assignment is my own.

Ahtesham ul haque
Learner name Date - July 19th, 2023

Reference id Batch Code- P2

Back Ground work:

As an integral part of your Customer Service module, you are required to visit any Customer service outlet--a shopping
mall/an individual vendor/a super market/a daily ‘bazaar’/a restaurant/a theatre/a travel agency/a ticketing counter of the
Railways or Ferry Service or any other service outlet – In person or Online.

You are required to have a verbal/ virtual chat transaction with the concerned service provider with or without the purpose
to actually purchase, but definitely with the objective to record your experience in the process as an external customer as
well as your observation of the internal customer behaviour. You will focus on Customer behaviour, the basic needs of a
Customer, Customer Satisfaction and Customer delight aspects including both external and internal customers. You may
record your experience as a brief PPT presentation /MS word write up presentation in the following format:


On the basis of the above project, you are required to answer the given Questions.

Guidelines: Students to attempt the below questions for getting PASS/ MERIT/ DISTINCTION

1. Write your responses in the space provided below the questions

2. Review your answers before submitting the Assignment

TIMELINE: You can take upto One Week to submit the Assignments-
Question 1. Define Customer and Customer Service. Describe External and Internal Customer, with examples
from the project work. Identify different types of external customer (PASS)

Ans. A customer is anyone who receives a product - either a good or a service - from an organisation. In most
situations the customer will have to pay to obtain the product, but this is not always the case.

Customer service maybe defined as an art that is a gift within all of us which needs to be fine tuned, inorder to
satisfy the needs of the customer in the most efficient way possible and it is beneficial for the organisation as

An external customer is someone who uses your company's products or services but is not a part of your
organisation. Like in a retial store- someone who enters the premises just to buy a product will be called an
external customer. Some examples of external customers are like -

Individuals, groups, organisations, government organisation, etc.

An internal customer is any member of your organisation who relies on assistance from another to fulfill
their duties, for example - a sales executive needs assistance from customer service executive to place an order.
Question2.Demonstrate the methods/strategies used to identify the customer need. Analyze and discuss the
basic needs of a Customer and present your findings on the same from the project that you have done. (MERIT)

Ans. Inorder to identify the needs of a customer the organisation has to understand the expectations of the
customer from that organisation. The personnel has to maintain a professional as well as inter-personal
relationship with the customer so as to make the customer comfortable about discussing their needs and

Basic needs of a customer are -

1. Friendliness -

It is the most basic of all customers needs, usually associated with being greeted graciously and with
warmth. It creates a positive image of the organisation in the eyes of the customers.

2. Understanding and Empathy -

Customers need to feel that the service person understands and appreciates their circumstances and
feelings without criticism or judgement. They want us to understand and feel the emotions and then treat us

3. Fairness -

All customers want to be treated fairly. They often get annoyed and defensive when they feel they are
subject to any class distinction. Every single customer wants to get treated without any distinctions.

4. Control -

Control represents the customer's need to feel they have an impact on the way things turn out. Customers
don't really care about policies and rules; they want to deal with us in all our reasonableness.

5. Options and Alternatives -

Costumers need to feel that other avenues are available to getting what they want accomplished. They get
pretty upset when they feel they have spun their wheels getting something done, and we all know all along a
better way, but never made the suggestion.

6. Information -

Customers need to be educated and informed about our products and services, and they don't want us
leaving anything out. They don't want to waste precious time doing homework on their own- they look to us to
be their information control centre.

Question3. Identify, analyse the bottleneck of customer problem and implementation of solutions to exceed the
customer expectations and enhance the customer satisfaction. Correlate Customer Expectation, Customer
Satisfaction and further, Customer Delight in the process…How do you think Customer perception is related to
service evaluation?


Ans. The bottleneck of major customer problem in an organisation are like-

- Indecisive planning and course of operation

- Lack of coordination among various departments

- inadequate synchronisation between the personnels

Inorder to provide a solution to these problems, the enterprise must make efficient planning z that provides a
good course of plan , operations and execution which bring clarity of actions and hence establishing
coordination amongst the organisation people. And hence the enterprise can understand the customers' needs
in a better way and then provide with better services fulfilling the expectations utmost and enhancing the
customer satisfaction.

Customer expectations and customer satisfaction are correlated as it is the expectations that set up the bar
for the satisfaction. The higher the expectations then higher will be the efforts to provide utmost satisfaction
to the customer. When the customer feels that they have been provided with the utmost satisfaction, then it
creates a feeling of customer delight and hence creates a chance that customer would come back again for the
purpose to the same organisation.

Customer perception of a service or product is determined by his emotions and impressions. Emotions are
guided by expectations, whether the service or product met, exceeded or fell below expectations.

Question 4. Analyse customer Satisfaction, Customer Delight, and Customer Retention. (MERIT)

Ans. Customer satisfaction is defined as a measurement that determines how happy customers are with a
company's products, services, and capabilities. Customer satisfaction information, including surveys and
ratings, can help a company determine how to best improve or changes its products and services.

Customer delight means surprising a customer by exceeding their expectations and thus creating a positive
emotional reaction. This emotional reaction leads to word of mouth. Customer delight is the process of
exceeding a customer's expectations to create a positive experience with your product or brand.

Customer retention refers to the ability of a company or product to retain its customers over some specified
period. High customer retention means customers of the product or business tend to return to, continue to buy
or in some other way not defect to another product or business, or to non-use entirely.
Question 5. Assess the different Customer Service skills that you noticed (external and internal) during your
project. Evaluate your own aptitude towards serving another human being. Demonstrate the customer handling
skills with example in Rater Model (Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy & responsiveness) (DISTINCTION)

Question 6. If you were in the place of the service provider that you noticed in the project, how differently would
you render service to your customers? What changes would you try bringing in and how would you implement
the same? (DISTINCTION)


Question7. How would you handle an angry customer? Explain with reasoning. (DISTINCTION)

Ans. Inorder to deal with an angry customer one needs to -

1. Be an active listener
They're angry, and they want to be heard. If you're their first interaction, give them the floor and actively listen
to what they have to say. It's your customer's time to express what they're feeling and experiencing. Take the
opportunity to listen and support them through the resolution process.

2. Listen carefully to the customer. ...

3.Repeat what you've just heard. ...

4.Actively sympathize / apologize. ...

5.Take responsibility to resolve the issue. ...

6.Remain calm and compassionate

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