NBSU Participants Module
NBSU Participants Module
NBSU Participants Module
StabiliZation Unit Training
Dr HarshDr
Harsh Vardhan
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t; vuqlaËkku
t; foKku Dr Harsh Vardhan
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Union Minister for Health & Familyfor
Union Minister Welfare,
Health & Family Welfare,
cdk lkFk] lcdk fodkl]lcdk lcdklkFk]
lcdk fodkl] lcdk fo’okl Science
Union Minister for Health &
& Technology and Earth
Family Welfare, Sciences
& Technology and Earth Sciences
fodkl] lcdk
bka Saath, Sabka Vikas,Sabka
fo’okl SabkaSaath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas
Vishwas Government
Science & Technology Government of India
of India
and Earth Sciences
Vikas, Sabka Vishwas Government of India
It gives me immense pleasure to commemorate the National Newborn Week from 15th to 21st
November, 2020 and launch the training module on "Newborn Stabilization Units (NBSUs)" for
optimal management of newborn care at First Referral Units (FRU).
The health of children including newborns continues to be of highest priority to our Government.
We are committed to reducing Neonatal Mortality Rate to single digit by the year 2030 - a target which
has been much appreciated globally and is more ambitious than the targets set under Sustainable
Development Goals.
I am also happy to note that to provide quality services to newborns at FRUs, my Ministry has
developed a training module for NBSUs. I am sure this will help doctors and nurses to acquire essential
knowledge and skills for optimal care of neonates thereby improving health status of newborns.
I wish all the best and hope this module will work as a good resource for capacity building of our
healthcare personnel.
348, - 110011 • Office: 348, A-Wing, Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi - 110011
Tele.: (0): +91-11-23061661, 23063513 • Telefax: 23062358 • E-mail: hfwminister@gov.in, hfm@gov.in
- 110011 • Residence: 8, Tees January Marg, New Delhi -110011
Tele.: (R): +91-11-23794649 • Telefax. 23794640
Ashwini Kumar Choubey
shwini Kumar Choubey
,d dne LoPNrk dh vksj
,d dne LoPNrk dh vksj
The Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of India has implemented a number of policies and programmes aimed at
ensuring universal access to health coverage and reducing child and neonatal mortality.
Under the umbrella of RMNCAH+N strategy in National Health Mission, Child Health have always been of high priority.
In 2014, the Government of India launched the India Newborn Action Plan (INAP) in order to intensify the efforts towards
improving newborn health. INAP has successfully brought a sharper focus on implementation of the existing and new
initiatives for the newborns both for their survival and subsequent growth and development.
To fulfill the role of providing quality service for newborn care in the health facilities, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare,
Government of India has developed training packages for Newborn Stabilization Units. Capacity building of the service
providers are of utmost importance as newborn care and survival necessitate knowledge and skills of high order in the
I would like to express my heartfelt appreciation to all those who contributed to the preparation of these documents. I am
sure that these packages will help in delivering newborn health services with quality care, all across the country.
Childhood and infant mortality in India has reduced substantially during the last decade, but the rate of neonatal
mortality continues to remains high. Nearly two-thirds of infant deaths each year occur within the first four weeks of life
and about two-thirds of these occur within the first week itself. Thus, the first few days and weeks of life are extremely
critical for survival of a child. Therefore, newborns must be provided special attention during their birth for a healthy and
safe start to life.
India Newborn Action Plan envisages that the country will make all possible endeavors and attain the target of
single digit newborn mortality by 2030, a target which is more ambitious than even the corresponding global SDG target.
Effective and quality Newborn care is a critical challenge faced by every health care setting dealing in child birth and child
care. Building capacities of Doctors, Nurses and ANMs to improve quality of services in low resource settings remains a
challenge but is urgently required for our country.
Newborn Stabilization Units (NBSUs) are an important part of the facility based newborn care at the first referral units
to provide basic stabilization and feeding support to babies delivered at the facility and to sick and small babies referred to
the facilities from outside. The NBSU training package has been developed with an aim to empower the health care providers
with essential knowledge and skills for optimal management of any newborn presenting at NBSU. This aims to bring about
the desired changes in quality of services at these units established at the sub district level.
I am sure that the NBSU training package will act as an enabling tool for health care providers. Functionalization
of the NBSUs will result in effective utilization of resources and contribute in a significant way to reduce preventable
mortality in the country.
(Rajesh Bhushan)
As a part of the Reproductive, Maternal, Newborn, Child, Adolescent Health and Nutrition (RMNCAH+N) strategy
of the National Health Mission, newborn health has always been at priority. A well-defined multi level care system for
newborn care at public health facilities has been scaled up massively and is supported by community level interventions.
Health systems strengthening over the last 15 years has brought about considerable improvement in the infrastructure,
availability of human resources, availability of drugs & equipment along with ancillary services.
Under facility based newborn care, “Newborn Stabilization Units” at the first referral units have been part of the care
system since 2011. However, these units continue to remain underutilized, one of the main reasons being the lack of
confidence and poor skills of healthcare providers working in these units. As a part of the strategy to revitalize these units,
a new “NBSU Training Package” for both doctors and nurses has been developed by the Child Health Division, GoI with
technical support from the Norway India Partnership Initiative (NIPI), technical experts and other development partners.
I do hope that this new package will be rolled out across the States and UTs to reinvigorate the facility based newborn care
system and pave way towards strengthening of timely and quality care for the newborns, closer to their homes.
(Vandana Gurnani)
With the National Health Policy-2017 and the India Newborn Action Plan, India is committed to accelerate reduction in
the newborn deaths by more than half, by the year 2030. Newborn health occupies the centre-stage in the Reproductive,
Maternal, Newborn, Child Health, Adolescent Health and Nutrition (RMNCAH+N) strategy and inter linkages between
various components have a significant impact on the mortality and morbidity rates of a newborn.
Under the National Health Mission, newer interventions and improved service delivery platforms have been included in
the newborn health programme over a period of time. This mandates a review of existing training packages and strategies
in order to incorporate these new topics and skills sets emerging out of new evidences and technological advances which
will work towards improving the quality of care at the health facilities.
With this background, the Child Health Division along with the support of technical experts and development partners
including NIPI, has developed a “NBSU Training Package” for training of doctors and nurses working in the Newborn
Stabilization Units (NBSU). Until now, the Facility Based IMNCI package was being used for this purpose. This new
package equips both doctors and nurses to deliver interventions for management and stabilization of small and sick
newborns. It is further envisioned that these units will play a key role in scaling up Kangaroo Mother Care Services, one
of the most effective interventions , to save lives of preterm and low birth weight babies.
I do hope that by adopting this training package, a large number of babies will receive quality care at the sub district level
thus preventing referral and overburdening of district level facilities, resulting in improvement of neonatal survival to a
great extent.
India witnessed a consistent and sharp decline in maternal and child mortality in comparison to global averages since
the inception of National Health Mission (NHM). India’s newborn mortality has reduced by more than one-third in the
last decade. With the National Health Policy 2017 in place and with sight on the Sustainable Development Goal agenda,
the opportunity now is to build upon the gains made in the last decade, accelerate and sustain the pace of improvement.
In order to scale up the implementation of the facility based newborn care programme, at New Born Stabilization Units
(NBSUs) at sub district level, it was a felt need that a training package should be designed exclusively for training of the
health care providers to deliver full set of services at the NBSUs. Accordingly, the Child Health Division along with the
technical support from the Norway India Partnership team has developed the “NBSU Training Package” for doctors and
nurses to equip them with the necessary technical knowledge and skills for provision of quality care to small and sick
newborns in these units.
I sincerely thank my colleagues Dr. Ajay Khera, Ex-Commissioner MCH & Dr. P. K. Prabhakar, Ex- JC, Child Health, for
starting the process. I specially acknowledge the efforts of Dr. Harish Kumar, Dr. Harish Chellani, Dr. Renu Srivastava,
Dr. Deepti Agrawal and NIPI team for their assistance in the development of this package.This was an intensive process that
required a lot of brainstorming and deliberations. I would therefore take this opportunity to thank all the academicians,
technical experts from NCC, State Programme officers, Child Health Division officers and consultants who participated
in the discussions and shared their valuable experiences and suggestions.
As a next step, I will urge the State / UTs, to roll out this package at the earliest. Concerted, consistent efforts of all
concerned stakeholders are solicited for achieving significant decrease in neonatal mortality.
Referral and Transport of Sick Babies & Communication with the Family / 47
Assessment of Newborns for Admission in NBSU / 57
Supportive Care / 67
Management of Jaundice and Sepsis in Newborn / 83
5.1: Management of Jaundice / 85
5.2: Management of Sepsis in Newborn / 91
Postnatal Care of the Newborn in the Health Facility / 97
Annexure 1: Examination of Newborn from head to toes for Common Birth Defects / 144
Annexure 2: NBSU Stationery and Formats / 146
Annexure 3: Mentoring Checklist / 161
Assessment & Management of
Newborns with Emergency Signs
Under National Health Mission, facility based level care system for managing small and sick newborns is
implemented across the country and the newborn stabilization units (NBSU) play an integral and important
role. They have been established at the sub district level (First Referral Unit/Community Health Centre) in
order to provide facility based newborn care to babies delivered at the same health facility and to sick and
small babies delivered at other health facilities closer to FRU/CHC. The advantage of a functional NBSU
is that it adds to the total bed capacity available in the district for newborn care, while making provision
for newborn care closer to home for many sick and small babies. Current data shows that the mortality
is higher in babies referred from home/other health facilities (out born), as compared to the facility born
babies (inborn). This could be due to the fact that currently newborns are referred to Special Newborn
Care Unit (SNCU), without adequate pre referral management. This gap can be addressed at an optimally
functioning NBSU.
To fulfil your role as quality service provider for newborn care in the FRU/CHC, this course will help you
in acquiring essential knowledge and skills for optimal management of newborns presenting at NBSU.
Learning Objectives:
After completion of this module the participant should be able to:
1. Understand the process of identification of emergency signs requiring urgent attention.
2. Carry out Emergency Triage Assessment and Treatment (ETAT) of all sick neonates when they arrive
at a health facility
Group discussion
Activity 1.1:
• What are the common conditions for which newborns need hospitalization?
• Which skills would help you provide quality newborn services at your health facility?
• Expectations of the participants from the training
Activity 1.2:
• Facilitator will brief the group on the training methodology and agenda
E Emergency
P Priority
N Non-urgent
Newborns are assessed using the TABC priority order so that no danger sign is missed.
T: Temperature
A: Airway
B: Breathing
C: Circulation/Convulsions/Coma
Emergency signs
• Low body temperature (Temp.<35.5°C)
• Not breathing at all "OR" gasping respiration
• Severe respiratory distress
• Central cyanosis
• Shock
• Convulsions/Unconsciousness
✓ Place the newborn on a warm surface under a Radiant warmer and under good light and record
✓ Check for the Emergency signs and institute appropriate treatment while planning for referral to
SNCU/higher facility.
✓ If there is an emergency sign perform bedside diagnostics (check oxygen saturation & blood glucose ).
Give priority to stabilizing the sick or small baby before assessing and treating the underlying cause of
the problem.
✓ Place the newborn on a warm surface under a radiant warmer and under good light
Placing the baby on a warm surface under a radiant warmer and under good light is the first essential
step that you should perform in every baby irrespective of the underlying condition. This is important
as many sick babies are hypothermic and their survival chances increase, if hypothermia is taken care,
of even before initiating any resuscitation measure.
Key Messages:
• All newborns reporting to the hospital should be immediately assessed for emergency signs by the
service provider following the TABC priority order.
• Immediate life saving action is required to manage every emergency sign
Record temperature
Take axillary temperature using a digital thermometer. The digital thermometer needs to be switched on
for recording the temperature. Temperature is recorded by placing the tip of digital thermometer in roof of
dry axilla parallel to the trunk. Newborn's arm is held close to the body to keep the thermometer in place.
The temperature is read when the thermometer beeps. The recording should be noted after the beep. There
should be no addition or subtraction to the displayed temperature. Normal axillary temperature is 36.5°C
to 37.5°C.
Tactile assessment of temperature: Temperature of a baby can be assessed with reasonable precision by
human touch, the reliability of which can be enhanced by practice. Abdominal temperature is representative
of the core temperature and it is reliable in the diagnosis of hypothermia. The warm and pink feet of the
newborn indicate that the newborn is in thermal comfort, but when feet are cold and abdomen is warm,
it indicates that the newborn is in cold stress. In hypothermia, both feet and abdomen are cold to touch.
By Thermistor probe: In a newborn being nursed under a radiant warmer, temperature is usually recorded
by a thermistor probe. The thermistor probe is attached to the skin over upper right side of the abdomen.
The thermistor senses the skin temperature and displays it on the panel.
Hypothermia is graded as:
Cold stress : 36.4 – 36.0°C (97.5 – 96.8°F)
Moderate hypothermia : 35.9 – 32.0°C (96.2 – 89.6°F)
Severe hypothermia : < 32°C (89.6°F)
In hypothermia, the temperature is below 36.5°C. The common signs and symptoms in a hypothermic
newborn are lethargy, irritability, poor feeding and breathing difficulty (tachypnoea/apnoea).
• Assessment for other emergency signs is started while recording temperature.
• Treatment is initiated immediately when an emergency sign is detected, while simultaneously
completing the assessment for other emergency signs.
Observe breathing effort and count the respiratory rate, for at least one minute, if the baby is not breathing;
or is gasping; or respiratory rate is less than 20 breaths per minute, initiate immediate management.
LOOK: Count the breaths in one minute. Repeat the count if elevated.
Count the breaths in one minute to decide if the newborn has fast breathing. Tell the mother you are going
to count her newborn's breathing. The newborn must be calm and quiet when you count the respiratory
rate. If the newborn is crying or agitated, you will not be able to obtain an accurate count of the newborn 's
breaths. If the newborn is sleeping, do not wake him. To count the number of breaths in one minute, use a
watch with a second’s hand or a digital watch. Look for breathing movement, anywhere on the newborn's
chest or abdomen. Usually you can see breathing movements even in a newborn who is clothed. If you
cannot see the movement easily, ask the mother to lift the newborn 's shirt. If the newborn starts to cry, ask
the mother to calm the newborn before you start counting. If you are not sure about the number of breaths
you counted (for example, if the newborn was actively moving and it was difficult to watch the chest, or if
the newborn was upset or crying), repeat the count.
Identification of central cyanosis can be difficult. Examine the lips, tongue or gums in natural light or the
light from an incandescent light bulb (even healthy people may look slightly blue under fluorescent light).
If unsure, compare the colour of the baby’s tongue with that of the mother’s. Bluish discoloration of the
nail-beds indicates peripheral cyanosis, which can occur with vasoconstriction as a result of hypothermia.
This is not central cyanosis and does not denote low oxygen level.
Assess circulation
Assess if a newborn has a poor circulation:
• Does the newborn have cold hands?
• Is the capillary refill time (CRT) longer than 3 seconds?
• Is the pulse weak and fast?
Feel the temperature of extremities. If the newborn’s hands feel cold, you need to assess the capillary refill.
Jitteriness must be differentiated from seizures in neonates.
1. Jitteriness is not associated with ocular deviation.
2. It is stimulus sensitive (e.g., triggered by stimulation or easily stopped with change in position or
restraining of the limb).
3. The movement resembles a tremor and no autonomic changes, such as tachycardia, are associated with it.
Seizures, often, are associated with ocular deviation and are not stimulus sensitive. Autonomic changes
frequently accompany them.
The assessment of a seizure is based on observation; convulsion must be witnessed by a health care worker
in the health facility. A convulsion can be recognised as sudden loss of consciousness, associated with
uncontrolled jerky movements of the limbs and/or the face. The same may be associated with stiffening of
the arms and legs or uncontrolled movements of the limbs.
Sometimes, in newborns, jerky movements may be absent, but there may be twitching (abnormal facial
movements)/abnormal movements of the eyes, hands or feet and the neonate may appear awake but
unresponsive. These are classified as subtle seizures.
Subtle convulsion *
• Repetitive blinking, eye deviation, or staring
• Repetitive movements of mouth or tongue
• Purposeless movement of the limbs, as if bicycling or swimming
• Apnoea (spontaneous cessation of breathing for more than 20 seconds or less, if associated with
cyanosis and bradycardia)
* Also known as automatisms
A newborn who does not respond to any of the above stimuli, may be lethargic or unconscious.
Lethargy is decreased level of consciousness from which the newborn can be aroused, but with difficulty.
Unconscious babies have profound sleep; are unresponsive to stimuli and may not respond to a painful
Video 1
Recognition of emergency signs
Video 2
Pulse Oximetry
Video 3
Glucose monitoring
Once the triaging process is complete and the bedside diagnostics are done the provider may proceed as
• While looking for emergency signs, introduce yourself to the mother/attendant and ask:
What is the problem with the newborn?
When did the problem(s) first start?
How old is the newborn?
• Details of any treatment received so far?
• Keep the newborn with the mother, if possible, and allow her to be present during the assessment and
for any procedures.
• Provide immediate management (as described in the section below) for any life- threatening
emergency signs, before continuing with the further assessment.
• While initiating the emergency management, prepare for referral.
• Look at breathing & count respiratory rate: • Not breathing at all or gasping respiration
Not breathing at all, even when stimulated; or
gasping; or
Slow breathing - Respiratory Rate <20/min
Apnoea – Breathing with prolonged, intermittent
pauses lasting >20 seconds or less if associated
with bradycardia/cyanosis
Key Messages:
• A sick newborn can present with one or more emergency signs.
• Maintain temperature, airway, breathing and circulation (TABC), in addition to specific management
of the condition/emergency sign.
Oxygen therapy: A source for oxygen supply and delivery devices are prerequisites for Oxygen therapy.
Efforts should be made to make the newborn comfortable and facilitate feeding.
Indications: All newborns who present with emergency signs and if the oxygen saturation is < 91%,
Oxygen delivery devices: Include nasal cannula/prongs and head box.
Nasal prongs/cannula: are the most preferred mode of providing oxygen and provide FiO2 between 25 to
45% with flow rates of 0.5-2 L/min. An appropriate neonatal size prongs should be selected from various
sizes available to fit inside the nostrils, without blanching the nares. Ends of prongs should be cleaned twice
daily with saline and checked to avoid plugging by mucous or secretions. Nasal prongs carry the advantage
of permitting breast feeding while newborn is on oxygen therapy.
Oxygen hood: The flow rates in the oxygen hood should be maintained between 2-3L/Kg/min. These are
capable of providing FiO2 between 30 to 90%. They have occludable portholes on the sides. With one port
hole opened it provides a FiO2 close to 40-50%, while with both opened it provides 30-40%. With both
port holes closed, 80-90% FiO2 can be achieved. Head box should allow for newborn’s head movement
within the box.
Monitoring: Meticulous monitoring of SpO2 and general condition should be ensured while the baby is on
oxygen therapy. Use a pulse oximeter to guide oxygen therapy. Oxygen can be discontinued once the infant
can maintain saturation > 90% in room air.
Figure 1.1: Oxygen delivery devices- Nasal prongs and head box
Figure 1.1: Oxygen delivery devices- Nasal prongs and head box
Video 4 Video 1
Oxygen delivery in neonates
Administer IV fluids
Administer IV fluids
Video 5
IV access in newborns
Treatment of Hypoglycemia:
• If blood glucose <45mg/dl by glucometer (if possible get confirmation done by plasma blood sugar
levels), start treatment.
Asymptomatic newborn: Provide one oral feed (direct breastfeed or EBM 20ml by spoon). Assess
blood sugar after an hour, if blood sugar remains below 45mg/dl, treat with IV dextrose as for
symptomatic newborn (given below).
Symptomatic newborn (lethargy, limpness, sweating, respiratory distress, apnoea etc.): Give a bolus
of 10% Dextrose @2ml/kg slowly over a minute (If IV access is difficult, give the same amount through
OG tube) and follow by Dextrose infusion @6mg/kg/min. Start infusion of dextrose containing fluid
at the daily maintenance volume according to the baby's age so as to provide a glucose infusion rate
(GIR) of 6 mg/kg/min.(Refer to the table below)
Repeat blood glucose after half an hour. Refer to SNCU for further management.
In case, immediate referral is not possible , follow the algorithm and refer as soon as possible for
further management.
Asymptomatic Symptomatic
Blood glucose ≥ 45 mg/dl Blood glucose ≥ 45 mg/dl Blood glucose < 45 mg/dl
Frequent Breastfeeding Begin oral feeding q 2 hourly GIR 2 mg/kg/min, as needed
Monitor blood glucose 6 hourly
Oral feeding
Table 1.2: Achieving appropriate glucose infusion rates for neonates with Birth weight ≥ 1500 gms
using a mixture of D10 and D25 Volume (ml/ kg/d)
Day Vol- Glucose Infusion Rate Glucose Infusion Rate Glucose Infusion Rate
of ume 6 mg/kg/min 8 mg/kg/min 10 mg/kg/min
Life (ml/
kg/d) Normal Distill Normal Distill Normal Distill
D10 D25 D10 D25 D10 D25
(ml/ (ml/ Saline Water (ml/ (ml/ Saline Water (ml/
(ml/kg/d Saline Water
kg/d) kg/d) (ml/ kg/d) kg/d) (ml/ kg/d) (ml/
(ml/kg/d) (ml/kg/d) (ml/kg/d)
kg/d) kg/d) kg/d)
1 60 42 18 - - 24 36 - - 5 55 - -
2 75 68 7 - - 49 26 - - 30 45 - -
3 90 60 10 20 - 40 30 20 - 20 50 20 -
4 105 85 - 20 - 65 20 20 - 45 40 20 -
5 120 86 - 20 14 88 12 20 - 70 30 20 -
6 135 86 - 20 29 115 - 20 - 95 20 20 -
7 150 86 - 20 44 115 - 20 15 120 10 20 -
Day Vol- Glucose Infusion Rate Glucose Infusion Rate Glucose Infusion Rate
of ume 6 mg/kg/min 8 mg/kg/min 10 mg/kg/min
Life (ml/
Nor- Distill Nor-
kg/d) D10 D25 D10 D25
D10 Normal Distill
mal Water mal Water D25
(ml/ (ml/ (ml/ (ml/ (ml/
(ml/kg/d Saline Water
kg/d) kg/d) Saline (ml/ kg/d) kg/d) Saline (ml/
kg/d) (ml/
(ml/kg/d) kg/d) (ml/kg/d) kg/d)
1 80 76 4 - - 55 25 - - 35 45 - -
2 95 87 - - 8 80 15 - - 60 35 - -
3 110 87 - 20 - 70 20 20 - 50 40 20 -
4 125 87 - 20 18 70 20 20 15 75 30 20 -
5 140 86 - 20 34 70 20 20 30 100 20 20 -
6 150 86 - 20 44 115 - 20 15 120 10 20 -
a. Maintain temperature under radiant warmer
b. Position the newborn to maintain airway
c. Clear the airway, if required
d. Maintain SpO2 between 91-95%
e. Check glucose levels; if blood glucose <45mg/dl, then treat with 10% dextrose as described above.
f. Give IV 10% Calcium gluconate at 2ml/kg (in equal dilution with distilled water), slowly over 5-10
minutes under cardiac monitoring after taking a blood sample for Calcium estimation preferably by an
infusion pump (withhold infusion if HR< 100/min).
g. If seizure persists, start Injection Phenobarbitone 20mg/kg loading dose (diluted with normal saline)
over 20 minutes prior to referral.
h. For newborns with any signs of serious bacterial infection or sepsis, give first dose of antibiotic before
Note that generalized and subtle convulsions are both managed in the same way.
Administration of anticonvulsant:
Anticonvulsant drugs should be given if seizures persist, even after correction of hypoglycemia and
hypocalcemia. First line drug for newborns is Phenobarbitone which is given in the loading dose of 20 mg/
kg IV over 20 minutes (at the rate of 1mg/kg/min.). In case, immediate referral is not possible , follow the
algorithm and refer as soon as possible for further management.
If seizures persist after initial Phenobarbitone infusion, administer further boluses of 5mg/Kg, up to a total
of 40 mg/Kg.
Inj. Phenobarbitone Intravenous (200 mg/ml) 0.1 ml diluted with 0.9 ml saline (20 mg/ml)
Weight of Infant Initial dose Repeat dose
2 kg or less 2 mL 0.5 mL
2 to 3 kg 3 mL 0.75 mL
3 to 4 kg 4 mL 1 mL
Caution- Do not use Inj. Diazepam for control of convulsions in Neonates < 2 weeks
Phenytoin is used as a second line drug, when full dose of phenobarbitone fails to resolve seizures. If
used, it should only be mixed with saline and not with dextrose as it precipitates in dextrose.
Continue supportive management while preparing for referral to higher centre for further management.
Seizures persist
Seizures Controlled
Inj. Phenobarbitone 20 mg/kg IV Ÿ Do not start maintenance
over 20 min (@ of 1 mg/kg/min)
Seizures persist
Ÿ Start maintenance dose of
Give further 5 mg/kg bolus of Seizures Controlled Phenobarbitone 3-4 mg/kg/day,
Phenobarbitone over 5-10 minutes. once a day aer 12 hours of loading dose
Repeat if seizures not controlled up Ÿ Stop Phenobarbitone once
to a maximum of 40 mg/kg. seizure free for 48 hrs
Seizures persist
Ÿ Continue maintenance dose of
Give Phenytoin 20 mg/kg over
Seizures Controlled Phenobarbitone and Phenytoin
20 mins. (@ of 1 mg/kg/min)
3-4 mg/kg/day once a day
Assess aer 30 min
Ÿ Stop phenytoin once seizure
Seizures persist free for 48 hrs
A sick newborn can present with one or more emergency signs. They all require maintenance of
Temperature, Airway, Breathing and Circulation (TABC), in addition to specific management of the
condition/emergency sign.
Add 1.3 ml sterile Oral syrup (contains 2 mL Vial containing 80mg Gentamicin
water to a vial of 250 125 mg in 5 ml) (For convenience, add 6 ml sterile water to 2 ml vial containing
mg=250 mg/1.5ml 80 mg = 8 ml at 10 mg/ml)
< 1.5 kg 0.4 ml 2.0 ml* 0.5 ml
1.5 - 2.0 kg 0.5 ml 2.0 ml* 1.0 ml
2.0 - 3.0 kg 0.5 ml 2.5 ml* 1.0 ml
3.0 - 4.0 kg 1.0 ml 3.0 ml* 1.5 ml
4.0 - 5.0 kg 1.25 ml 4.0 ml* 2.0 ml
*Determine if the child is able to take orally
Low Body Temperature
Severe Respiratory Distress
Subtle convulsions
Activity 1.6:
1. A 7 days old baby weighing 2.5 kg is admitted with refusal to feed, fast breathing, cold extremities and
CRT of 5 seconds. What are the steps for stabilization of this newborn?
2. A 7 days old baby girl with birth weight 2.8 kg is brought with the inability to breastfeed.
On examination you find that the newborn has subtle seizures, temperature is 36°C and respiratory
rate is 56/min.
Write down initial steps of management.
Babies who are seriously ill at the time of presentation and cannot be cared for at NBSU need to be
transferred to a special neonatal care unit (SNCU). In such instances, communication with the family
is important for ensuring that the referral to the SNCU is smooth and successful. It is also necessary to
arrange for timely transport and provide care during transfer.
Learning objectives:
After completion of this chapter the participant should be able to:
• Identify babies who need referral
• Provide pre referral stabilization
• Counsel and support the family
• Prepare and organize transport
• Ensure en route care
• Document the details and handover the baby
Communication at admission:
Parents are anxious when they bring their sick baby to the health facility. Assess the condition of the baby
and inform the family about the following:
• Whether the newborn needs admission
• Prognosis of the baby, treatment options and likely duration of treatment
• Inform the parent/ parent attendant about free entitelments to baby and mother under Janani Shishu
Suraksha Karyakram and Ayushman Bharat PM Jan Arogya Yojana (PM-JAY).
If the mother is medically fit she should also be allowed to stay along with the admitted baby. Counsel the
mother regarding care of her newborn including feeding which should be transitioned to spoon and finally
direct breastfeeding as baby improves. In addition, the healthcare provider should ensure communication
regarding the infant's condition.
4. Pre-referral stabilization
Refer to chapter 1 and stabilize the baby before referral . Ensure to maintain the vital parameters: Temperature,
Oxygenation, Perfusion and Sugar (TOPS).
A. Temperature: Maintain temperature 36.5-37.5°C by adequate covering (Wrap the baby well in layers
with head, hands and feet covered) / Skin to skin contact or KMC during transport.
B. Airway and oxygenation: Ensure following to maintain saturation between 91-95%.
Ensure airway patency by keeping the neck slightly extended using a shoulder roll and clearing
Babies who need oxygen should be transported with nasal cannula/prongs attached to an oxygen
source with flow of 0.5 to 1 L/min.
The adequacy of oxygen in gas cylinder should be ensured, before starting.
C. Perfusion: Adequate perfusion is indicated by heart rate between 120-160/minute and a CRT <3
seconds. Manage shock and continue IV fluids.
D. Blood Sugar: The blood glucose levels should be maintained > 45mg/dL. It should be checked before
the newborn leaves the health facility and after arrival at the referral health facility. Enteral feeds/IV
fluids should be given to maintain blood glucose levels during transport.
6. Referral note
The referral note should mention the following:
• Case particulars- Name, age, gender, address
• Chief complaints
The baby should be referred and transported safely from the health facility to a higher centre. The transport
facilities can be availed free of cost through the National Ambulance Service. The Government of India has
provided for free transport to the mother and infant (upto one year of age) under the Janani Shishu Suraksha
Karyakram (JSSK). Wherever available, prefer transportation in an ALS (Advanced Life Support) ambulance.
GPS fitted vehicles target to reach the beneficiary within a fixed response time of 30 to 45 minutes. The
facilities under this initiative, include:
• Free transfer from home to facility,
• Inter facility transfer in case of referral, and
• Drop back for mother and newborn, after 48 hours of delivery.
Enroute Care
Ÿ Continuous vigilance and
Ÿ Maintain TOPS
& Handover
Documentation of all the actions should be performed at each step
If a SNCU/Referral unit is very far or not available, the baby should be managed in the NBSU.
The prognosis and outcome of the baby should be explained in detail to the family.
A 2 days old baby, with birth weight 1.6 kg is brought to your facility with refusal to feed and subtle
convulsions. You have taken steps to stabilize the baby and now you are preparing for referral and transfer.
II. What steps will you take to complete the referral process?
Babies who are sick, but do not present with an emergency sign(s) also require initial stabilization followed
by detailed history pertaining to birth, resuscitation, presenting complaints and detailed examination.
These neonates will require investigations and appropriate treatment. Supportive management in terms of
temperature maintenance, feeding, infection prevention and specific management of common neonatal
problems can easily be done at the NBSU.
Learning objectives:
After completion of this chapter the participant should be able to:
• Take a detailed history of the baby and the mother.
• Perform a complete examination of the baby
• Advise relevant laboratory investigations and interpret the results
• Record all information in the mandated format
3.1. History
Review the referral notes or records of the birth, if available. A good history along with the findings of
examination and laboratory investigations, will point towards a probable diagnosis.
Ask the mother or attendant and validate from records:
Did she develop any complications, such as fever, any time from the onset of labour to three
days after birth?
When did the membranes rupture (assess if the duration was more than 24 hours before birth)?
Was the labour or birth difficult or complicated, including any of the following:
§ Prolonged labour
§ Caesarean section
§ Instrumental vaginal delivery (e.g. forceps or vacuum extraction)
§ Malposition of the baby (e.g. breech)
§ Blood group
§ H/O bleeding
§ Any other complications.
Did she develop any complications after the birth?
Record weight
All babies presenting to the facility must be weighed.
Managed at either NBSU or SNCU depending on the place of delivery and sickness. In case
1500-1800 grams
baby requires referral, ensure prereferral stabilization
More than 1800 grams Refer only if emergency signs are present (after stabilization)
>3.8 Kg Refer if baby has associated problems like hypoglycemia, feeding and/or respiratory
Assess breathing
1. Count the breaths in one minute to decide if the newborn has fast breathing. The newborn must be
calm and quiet when you count the respiratory rate. If the newborn is crying or agitated, you will not be
able to obtain an accurate count of the newborn 's breaths. The cut-off rate to identify fast breathing is
60 breaths per minute or more. If the count is 60 breaths or more, the count should be repeated, because
the breathing rate of a newborn is often irregular. The newborn may occasionally stop breathing for a
few seconds, followed by a period of faster breathing. If the second count is also 60 breaths or more,
the newborn has fast breathing.
Fast breathing is considered serious in a newborn and needs management in a health facility. Babies
with only fast breathing can be managed in NBSU. If the baby has severe respiratory distress (as
explained in earlier section), baby should be referred to SNCU.
Assess feeding
Ask the mother how is the baby feeding at the breast. Any difficulty mentioned by the mother is important
as any feeding difficulty may be a sign of illness. A newborn who was feeding well earlier but is not feeding
well now, may have a serious illness. Breast feeding assessment should be done by observing a breastfeeding
# Newborns weighing 1500-1800 grams can be managed at either a functional NBSU or SNCU
depending on the place of delivery and sickness
While babies with emergency signs and those without emergency signs, who fulfill the criteria for admission
to SNCU would be referred, there may be situations, where referral is not possible or gets delayed. Such
babies will need to be managed at the NBSU. Babies who fulfill the criteria for admission to NBSU will also
need optimum care and support until they are fit to be discharged. It is therefore important to know the
components of supportive care, how to counsel the mother and the family and involving them in the care
of their newborn baby.
Learning objectives:
After completion of this chapter the participant should be able to:
1. Enumerate methods of maintaining temperature of babies admitted in NBSU
2. Provide support for and encourage exclusive breast feeding
3. Provide IV fluids where needed
4. Encourage family participatory care
5. Plan discharge of admitted babies
6. Counsel mothers regarding care at home
7. Ensure infection prevention in NBSU
KMC can be initiated immediately in all babies, the ongoing medical support, like intravenous
fluids and tube feeding are not contraindications to KMC.
Video 6 & 7
KMC counselling and KMC technique
Hyperthermia (axillary temperature above 37.5°C): may be either due to an environmental cause or it
may be a sign of infection (usually in a term neonate).
If baby has hyperthermia, maintain optimal room temperature, correct environmental factors (such as
removal of any heat source), ensure that the baby is not overly clothed or covered by blankets. Antipyretics
are not recommended. Continue breast feeding.
4.3. Feeding
Most newborns weighing 1800 grams or more will be able to suckle at the breast. Initiate breastfeeding
soon after (within half to one hour) birth. Do not introduce prelacteal feeds (ghutti, gripe water, honey
or any other milk). They will reduce the breast milk intake by the baby and increase risk of infection.
Breastfeed day and night on demand at least eight times or more per day. Allow baby to feed at one breast
till the baby stops sucking and releases the breast, then offer him the other breast and offer this breast first
at the next feeding session.
Suppresses ovulation
Makes uterus contract
• “Rooting” reflex is when the breast or nipple touches a baby’s lip or cheek, he opens his mouth and may
turn his head to find it, puts his tongue down and forward.
• “Sucking Reflex”: When something touches a baby’s palate, he starts to suck it, and when his mouth fills
with milk, he swallows.
A full term healthy neonate is endowed with all these reflexes, which help him feed at the breast without
the need to learn them. The adequacy of milk intake can be assessed by counting the number of wet diapers
per day (6 – 8 times / day), and weight gain (20 – 30 gms a day in 1st 3-4 months). Those who cannot
breastfeed should be given expressed breast milk with a cup/paladai. Newborn unable to feed from a cup/
paladai should be given intermittent bolus feeds through an oro-gastric tube. When the newborn starts to
suckle well and is gaining weight, reduce the cup/orogastric feeds gradually. Ensure exclusive breastfeeding
during first 6 months of life (feeding only breast milk and medications, if required).
Breastfeeding is ideal for all newborns and should be supported. Breast milk is the ideal feed for all
infants, including LBW infants. Anything other than breast milk is less than optimal.
Type of fluid:
• During the first 2 days of life, give 10% dextrose as IV infusion. After the first 2 days of life, use IV
dextrose with low sodium, such as commercially available Isolyte P.
Administration of IV fluids:
• Use syringe infusion pump or paediatric microdrip infusion set to administer IV fluids in newborns.
• Calculate the drip rate: first calculate the total fluid requirement per day in ml and divide by 24. This will
give the estimate of fluids in ml per hour which can be set on the syringe infusion pump or drops/min
in a microdrip set. In microdrip set, 1 ml=60 micro drops. The number of drops per minute is equal to
ml of fluid per hour. So if a baby needs 5 ml/hour, then set the drop rate at 5 drops per minute).
• Record the drip rate and volume infused every hour in the case sheet.
• Weigh the infant daily. Watch for weight loss/gain and urine output and increase/reduce IV fluids accordingly.
Excessive weight loss (greater than 3-5% in 24 hours): Check for inadequate feeding, and manage
underlying conditions, if any (cold stress, excessive insensible water loss or systemic illness).
Video 11
OG tube insertion & feeding
Family participatory care (FPC) in newborn care units entails supervised delivery of care to haemo-
dynamically stable, sick & preterm newborns by the parents/attendants, in addition to the standard care
provided by the healthcare providers in the nursery.
Detailed operational guidelines on FPC have been issued by the Government of India and should be
referred to for making newborn care family participatory.
• Optimum nutrition for the baby is its own mother’s milk. Mother should be advised and supported to
exclusively breastfeed her baby. The healthcare worker needs to assess the adequacy of breastfeeding.
In case of any concern regarding adequacy of breastfeeding, the newborn should preferably be weighed
on the same weighing scale that was used to weigh the infant at birth. Excessive weight loss (normal
8-10% of birth weight by 3-4 days of age) would indicate inadequate breastfeeding. In such a situation,
check for frequency of feeding, night feeds, positioning, attachment and look for any breast or nipple
If breastfeeding less than 8 times in 24 hours, advise to increase frequency of breast feeding.
If not well attached or not suckling effectively, teach correct positioning and attachment.
If unable to breastfeed, help mother express her milk and feed this expressed breast milk with katori
If breast or nipple problem, help the mother to treat breast or nipple problems.
• Baby is maintaining normal body temperature (in room temperature/when cared for by the mother)
• Baby not requiring IV fluids/medications
• Baby is accepting breastfeeds/assisted feeds well and gaining weight for 3 consecutive days
• IV antibiotic therapy has been completed
• Baby admitted for neonatal jaundice and has completed phototherapy treatment
• Mother has been counselled for danger signs*( Refer Box on Page-77), assisted feeding (as required) ,
KMC (as required) and follow up plan.
• Advise mother to continue the following at home: Breastfeed infant exclusively, keep infant
warm, keep cord clean and dry.
• Explain importance and correct method of handwashing & danger signs.
Table 4.3: Nutritional supplements for LBW babies (1.5 to 2.5 Kg)
From 2-4
Iron LBW babies <2.5 kg 2 mg/kg/day Till one year of age
weeks of age
2. Hand washing:
This is the single most effective step to reduce infection. It should be done before and after contact with
any patient or body fluid or after leaving patient surroundings. The essential steps of hand washing are as
shown below:
Hands should be allowed to dry on their own without use of any mop/cloth/paper.
Video 12 & 13
Hand hygiene and Infection control protocols
Key Messages:
• Supportive care is as important as specific care.
• Ensure baby is normothermic always (temperature between 36.5- 37.5oC), airway is patent and
oxygen saturation is between 91-95%
• Promote and encourage enteral feeds (breast feeds or assisted breast milk feeds) IV fluids to be
started only when enteral feeds can not be given, (add enteral feeds as soon as the condition permits)
• Monitoring the newborn is important to assess and initiate course correction. Promote rooming in,
infection prevention measures and encourage family participation
• Discharge criteria should be fulfilled prior to discharge
1. Ranno delivered a 2.0 Kg baby 48 hours ago. There are no emergency signs. The baby is feeding well
at the breast and maintaining temperature. How will you manage this baby?
2. Baby of Shanti, weighing 2 kg, was admitted with fast breathing on day 1 of life. He was started on IV
a) Calculate total IV fluids to be given.
b) Baby stabilized on Day3 . Plan the fluid and feeding schedule
c) When will you plan for discharge
3. Baby of Malti, weight 1900 grams is being discharged from NBSU at day 6 of life after receiving
phototherapy. What feeding advice will you give to the mother? What supplements will you advise,
in what quantity and for how much duration?
The service providers at NBSU will commonly treat cases of Jaundice (yellow discoloration of skin and
sclera) and Sepsis.
About 60% of term and 80% of preterm neonates are clinically jaundiced and these newborn can be
appropriately managed at NBSU, if required.
Sepsis is the most common cause of neonatal deaths. If diagnosed early and treated with good supportive
care and antibiotics, it is possible to save most cases of neonatal sepsis. Newborns with sepsis who do
not have any emergency or danger signs can also be managed at the NBSU. These neonates need close
monitoring and protocol-based management as described in this chapter.
Learning Objectives:
1. Enumerate the characteristics of physiological jaundice.
2. Enumerate the characteristics of pathological jaundice and alert signs.
3. Assess the severity of jaundice based on the clinical estimation.
4. Institute phototherapy based on recommended guidelines.
5. Identify neonate with sepsis.
6. Interpret the ‘sepsis screen’.
7. Treat neonatal sepsis.
8. Know when to refer
Assessment of jaundice
When a neonate is clinically jaundiced, the total serum bilirubin (TSB) is usually >5-7mg/dl.
Jaundice in newborn progresses in cephalocaudal (head to toe) direction and thus the extent of yellowness
of the skin is useful to assess the level of bilirubin. Kramer’s criteria is used to clinically assess jaundice.
However, serum bilirubin levels must be done to guide management.
Figure 5.1
Figure 5.1: Clinical
: Clinical visualvisual perception of
perception of jaundice:
jaundice:Kramer 1969 1969
2. Look for associated risk factors for jaundice like: Sepsis, asphyxia or haemolysis due to
86 | Newborn Stabilization Unit Training Participants’ Module
blood group incompatibility (mother O+ and baby A+/B+/ AB+ or mother Rh negative an
baby Rh positive).
4. Send blood samples for estimation of
Total serum bilirubin (TSB)
Mother and baby’s blood group (Collect cord blood when mother's blood group is known to be O or
Rh negative)
Management of jaundice is directed towards reducing the level of bilirubin and preventing central nervous
system toxicity and has two main components:
1. Prevention of hyperbilirubinemia: by early and frequent feeding
2. Reduction of bilirubin: This is achieved by phototherapy, and/or exchange transfusion.
The decision to treat depends on the severity and the cause of jaundice.
Phototherapy: a treatment for jaundice, where the skin of the neonate is exposed to a specialized light
source, which helps to reduce the bilirubin levels.
Phototherapy should be initiated (after sending blood sample for TSB), if:
• Jaundice appears on day 1
• Jaundice is severe i.e. involving palms and soles
• S. Bilirubin level is in phototherapy range as per American Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) charts (Refer
Figure 5.2).
Continue phototherapy until the serum bilirubin level is 2-3 mg lower than the phototherapy range.
Important information:
1. Prophylactic phototherapy is not recommended
2. Sunlight exposure or exposure to artificial light at home like a bulb has no effect on bilirubin levels
Figure 5.3: Chart for exchange transfusion as per AAP Guidelines 2004
56 56
Source: Martin & Fanaroff, Neonatal -Perinatal medicine, 8th edition, p1450
Care of babies under phototherapy: (Refer to section on phototherapy in skill station annexure)
Alert Signs
1. Serum bilirubin increasing despite phototherapy
2. Neurological signs (high pitched cry, hypertonia, opisthotounus, seizure, etc.,) develop
3. Jaundice requiring exchange transfusion
4. Jaundice persisting after three weeks and/or associated with clay coloured stools
Key Messages:
• Assess jaundice, admit and treat with phototherapy if required.
• Stabilize neonates with severe jaundice and refer.
• Refer if any danger sign appears during the course of treatment.
1. Ram, a 5 days old baby, born full term with birth weight of 2.8 kg, is brought to health facility with
jaundice on the face and chest which developed over last 24 hours. Baby is feeding well. There are no
risk factors.
a. How will you manage this baby?
b. What advise should be given to the mother?
2. Baby Prerna was born at 34 weeks and has been brought to FRU with yellow palms and soles. The
baby is four days old.
a. How will you manage this baby?
b. What additional information and investigations are required?
General Symptoms Refusal to suckle, not arousable, comatose, poor cry, poor weight gain, abdominal distension,
vomiting, poor perfusion, shock, bleeding
Suggestive of Cyanosis, tachypnea, chest retractions, grunt, apnoea/gasping
Suggestive of Fever, seizures, blank look, high pitched cry, excessive crying/irritability, neck retraction,
meningitis bulging fontanelle
Diarrhoea Diarrhoea is suspected if there is passage of watery stools or an increase in usual stool
Sclerema Sclerema neonatorum manifests as diffuse hardening of the subcutaneous tissue resulting in a
tight smooth skin that feels bound to the underlying structures
Renal failure Renal failure can be suspected clinically by presence of oedema/excessive weight gain and
Diagnosis of sepsis
Isolation of microorganisms from blood, CSF, urine or pus is diagnostic of sepsis. In clinically
suspected cases of sepsis, blood culture should be sent prior to starting antibiotics. As culture facility
may not be available at most NBSUs, indirect method such as sepsis screen may be used to diagnose
Sepsis screen: This is a combination of laboratory parameters which help in predicting sepsis in
newborns, with clinical features suggestive of sepsis. It should be done in all babies with probable
sepsis and in babies born to mothers with risk factors for sepsis. A positive “sepsis screen” takes into
account two or more positive tests as given below:
Sepsis screen
Maintain TABC
1. Maintain normothermia
2. Position and clear airway if required
3. Ensure optimum oxygenation (maintain SpO2 91-95%)
4. Shock to be treated with NS bolus of 10ml/kg over 30 mins
5. Maintain normoglycemia
6. If hemodynamically compromised, avoid enteral feed and give maintenance IV fluids. Start orogastric
feeds, as soon as hemodynamically stable.
7. Consider referral for exchange transfusion, if there is sclerema.
Administration of antibiotics:
• Give Injection ampicillin and gentamicin, as first line of treatment.
• Give cloxacillin (if available) instead of ampicillin, if there are extensive skin pustules or abscesses, as
these might be signs of Staphylococcus infection.
• Antibiotics should be given slowly, after dissolving in 5-10 ml fluid using a microdrip set or infusion
• Never mix two antibiotics in same syringe.
• If baby has been referred/shifted from SNCU, total duration of antibiotics should be as per treatment
plan from SNCU. In babies admitted and managed at NBSU alone, antibiotics should be given for 7-10
Any baby who is being treated with antibiotics but fails to improve by 48-72 hours of admission
should be referred to SNCU/referral unit.
*This frequency of antibiotics is valid in babies weighing < 2kg. In baby weighing ≥ 2kg, the frequency remains as (a) from
0-7 days of life and (b) from > 7 days of life.
Suspect meningitis if signs of serious bacterial infection are present, particularly if the infant is:
• Drowsy, lethargic or unconscious
• Convulsing
• Has a bulging fontanelle
• Irritable
• Has a high-pitched cry.
Treat with antimicrobials as given below in the table.
Key Messages:
• Suspect sepsis when two or more risk factors are present
• Supportive care(maintaining TABC) and antibiotics are equally important
• Refer if any emergency sign develops during the course of treatment
• Prevent infection by simple measures like breast feeding, keeping the baby warm, hand-washing and
keeping baby’s environment clean
• Local infections of skin and umbilicus can be adequately treated by oral antibiotics
Baby Tara, 10 day old baby has come with refusal of feeds, fever and excessive crying. On examination,
temperature is 39oC, heart rate is 170/minute, respiratory rate 66/minute, capillary refill time is 2
seconds. There is pus discharge from umbilicus. Her weight is 2.5 kg and blood sugar is 50mg/dl.
a. Are there any emergency signs ?
b. How will you proceed?
All babies delivered at the health facility should be monitored and provided routine care, support for
feeding difficulties, appropriate treatment for danger signs* and prompt referral if required. [* danger signs
are same as described in Chapter 4 & and Mother & Child Protection Card (MCP)]
Learning Objectives:
After completion of this chapter the participant will be able to:
• Provide care to a baby in the labour room
• Examine a baby for life threatening congenital malformations and ensure referral
• Recognise minor physical peculiarities or developmental variations
• Provide care in postnatal ward
• Provide advise at discharge including recognition of danger signs
The baby should be thoroughly examined at birth from head to toe to clinically screen for any life threatening
congenital anomalies, malformations and birth injuries# and findings should be recorded in the case sheet.
Remember that routine passage of catheter in the stomach, nostrils and the rectum is not recommended
but do give special attention to identify and document the anal opening. Some of the birth defects to be
reported as per RBSK Operational Guidelines are: (Refer to pictures in annexure 1)
The health provider must show the newborn to the mother and other family members, with particular
attention to the identity tag on the newborn and must communicate to them the time, birth weight, gender
and condition of the newborn.
Physiological Conditions
Mothers observe their babies very carefully and are often worried by minor physical peculiarities or
developmental variations, which may be of no consequence and do not warrant any therapy.
Peeling skin Dry skin with peeling and exaggerated transverse sole creases are seen in all post term and
some term babies
Milia Yellow – white spots on the nose or face due to retention of sebum, are present in
practically all babies and disappear spontaneously
Toxic erythema/ An erythematous rash of unknown cause with a central pallor appearing on the second
Erythema or third day in term neonates, which begins on the face and spreads down to the trunk
Neonatorum and extremities in about 24 hours. This should be differentiated from pustules which
need treatment. It disappears spontaneously after two to three days without any specific
Storkbites (Salmon These are discrete, pinkish- gray, sparse, capillary hemangiomata commonly seen at the
patches or naevus nape of neck, upper eyelids,forehead and root of the nose which invariably disappears
simplex): after a few months.
Mongolian blue In babies of Asiatic origin irregular blue areas of skin pigmentation are often present over
spots the sacral area and buttocks, though extremities and rest of the trunk may also be affected.
These spots disappear by the age of six months.
Subconjunctival Semilunar arcs of sub-conjuctival hemorrhage are a common finding in normal babies.
hemorrhage The blood gets reabsorbed after a few days without leaving any pigmentation.
Epstein Pearls These are white spots, usually one on either side of the median raphe of the hard palate.
Similar lesions may be seen on the prepuce. They are of no significance.
Sucking callosities The presence of these button like, cornified plaques over the centre of upper lip has no
Advice at discharge
1. Maintenance of body temperature – as explained earlier
2. Breast feed every two to three hours on a semi-demand schedule both during day and night. During
each feed, one breast should be completely emptied before the baby is put to the other breast. Exclusive
breastfeeding should be advised and the mother should be counselled that there is no need for additional
water or other fluids except under medical supervision.
3. Skin care/bathing Always take special precautions during bathing to prevent draught and chilling.
Daily baths may be avoided during the winter months and the baby can be sponged in a warm room to
avoid exposure and to keep the baby clean.
4. Care of the umbilical stump: Do not apply any medication on the cord, leave it open without any
dressing. The cord usually falls after 4 to 10 days.
5. Care of the eyes: Some neonates may develop persistent epiphora (watering) due to blockage of
nasolacrimal duct by epithelial debris. The mother should be advised to massage the nasolacrimal duct
area (by massaging the either side of the nose adjacent to the medial canthus) 5 to 8 times daily, each
time before she feeds the baby. Routine application of antiseptic ointment/drops for prevention of
ophthalmia neonatorum is not recommended
Immunization: It is recommended to give BCG vaccine, zero dose of oral polio vaccine and Hepatitis B
vaccine as per schedule and document it in the MCP Card. The mother should be informed about the date
of the next visit and the same should be shown in the MCP card.
Follow up
Preferably, each baby should be followed up in the clinic for assessment of growth and development, early
diagnosis and management of illnesses and health education of parents. Routine use of MCP card should
be done to promote monitoring and awareness of parents. Immunization visits can be used for assessment
of newborn by service provider.
Key Messages:
• All neonates need monitoring and support for temperature maintenance,feeding and danger signs
• Recognition of life threatening congenital malformations and danger signs along with timely referral
is life saving
• Mother should be given appropriate advise regarding care of her neonate at discharge
Station 1
Assessment and management of emergency signs
Supplies and equipment
• Wall chart of assessment and management of emergency signs
• Radiant warmer
• Appropriate Mannequin (that allows for bag & mask ventilation)
• Shoulder roll
• Sheets
• Suction apparatus (e.g. DeLee mucus trap), suction catheters, 10, 12F size with suction machine
• Self inflating Bag and mask
• Oxygen tubing and source
• Stethoscope
• Wall clock
• Pulse oximeter
• Glucometer and strips
• IV Cannula 24/26, Pedia drip set
• Sterile cotton swabs, Spirit, Povidone Iodine, 10% Dextrose, Normal Saline
• Drugs: Phenobarbitone, Calcium Gluconate 10%
• Check•daily/in
Radiant warmer
every shift that necessary equipment and supplies are in place.
• Two sheets
• Ensure• that the roll
Shoulder resuscitation equipment is functioning properly. Block the mask
by making a tight seal with the palm of your hand, and squeeze the bag:
• Mannequin
• Suction apparatus (e.g. DeLee mucus trap)
- • IfSuction
you feel pressure
catheters, against
10, 12F size with your
suctionhand, the bag is generating adequate
• pressure;
Pulse oximeter
• Stethoscope
- If the bag reinflates when you release your grip, the bag is functioning
• Oxygen source,
• properly.
Oxygen tubing
• Wall clock
• Equipment (bag and mask) should be cleaned as per the recommended asepsis
Provide warmth by placing the baby under a radiant warmer
Position the head to open the airway; clear the airway if required
Stimulate the baby to breathe
Reposition the head to maintain an open airway
• Move the baby to a firm, warm surface under a radiant warmer. Keep the baby
wrapped or covered,
Provide warmth except for the face and upper chest.
• Position the the
• Place baby
baby on a firm, warm surface under a radiant warmer
Do not suction deep in the throat as this may decrease the baby’s heart rate
Evaluate: You should evaluate the newborn’s respiration and heart rate:
• If the baby is breathing and has a heart rate of >100/min, manage other emergency signs.
• If the baby is not breathing (is gasping or has apnoea) or has a heart rate below 100 beats per minute
(bpm), you should immediately proceed for bag and mask ventilation.
NOTE: The initial steps are same, whether baby is being received in delivery or emergency room
Indications: Apnoea/gasping "OR" Heart rate < 100/min after initial steps
Chest compressions
Indications: Heart rate <60/min after 30 seconds of effective ventilation.
• In order to support circulation start chest compressions, while continuing PPV. At this stage provide
100% oxygen. It is strongly recommended to attach a pulse oximeter and perform endotracheal
intubation (if skilled), if not done earlier. This is for more effective coordination of chest compressions
and PPV.
Compressions and ventilation should be coordinated. For every 3 compressions, 1 breath is delivered.
Thus, the ratio is 90 chest compressions coordinated with 30 breaths per min.
er 30 seconds of
heart rate less than 60
mpressions along with
d ventilation should be
3 compressions, 1
us the ratio is 90 chest
ted with 30 breaths
index or ring finger are used to compress the sternum. The spine is
hand or by placing the baby on a hard surface.
se, the fingers should remain in contact with the chest to avoid
Station 4
Umbilical vein catheterisation and medication
Equipment and Supplies
• Sterile gloves
• Sterile umbilical catheter or ordinary feeding tube, triway cannula
• Syringes- 1ml, 10ml and 20ml
• Swabs or cotton-wool balls soaked in antiseptic solution
• Sterile blade
• Sterile forceps
• Suture
• Adhesive strapping, or thin paper tape (to secure catheter)
• Fresh umbilical cord for demonstrating umbilical vein catheterization
Ensure that there is no air in the catheter and that a closed syringe is attached to the end of the
catheter; a sudden deep breath by the baby just after the catheter has been inserted may result in an
air embolus if air is inside the catheter.
Place sterile drapes over the baby’s body so that only the umbilical area is exposed.
• P
lace a cord tie or suture around the base of the umbilicus to control bleeding, and using a sterile blade,
cut the cord to a length of 1 to 2 cm
• Identify the two umbilical arteries, which are thicker-walled and usually contracted, and the
single umbilical vein, which usually has a wider opening and is found above the arteries (at 12 o’ clock
old Hold
• •H theincatheter
the catheter in one
one hand (applying hand
gentle (applying
traction gentle
to the cord with traction
forceps in the otherto theif cord w
the and
necessary) otherinserthand, if necessary)
the catheter and
into the umbilical vein,insert the
guiding the catheter
catheter towards into the
the head umbilica
of the
baby and to the baby’s right side.
• As thethe catheter
catheter towards
is advanced, periodicallythe
applyhead of thewith
gentle suction baby anduntil
the syringe to the
flows back.right sid
Once blood flows back freely through the catheter (usually after the catheter is inserted 5 to 7 cm), do
As the
•not advance the catheter is advanced, periodically apply gentle suction with th
catheter any further.
blood flows back. Once blood flows back freely through the cathete
• If resistance is encountered while advancing the catheter, especially in the first 2 to 3 cm, do not
continue. Remove the catheter and try again.
the catheter is inserted 5 to 7 cm), do not advance the catheter any
Never force the umbilical catheter, if resistance is encountered.
• T
If resistance is encountered while advancing the catheter, especia
ie the cord tie or suture around the stump of the umbilicus to hold the catheter in place and prevent
to around
bleeding 3 cm,thedo notorcontinue.
catheter Remove
from one of the arteries. the catheter and try again.
• Secure the catheter with suture material or adhesive tape to prevent it from being dislodged.
When the drug is given intravenously through a catheter, you should follow the drug with a
3 ml flush of normal saline to be sure that the drug has reached the blood.
If the baby appears to be in shock and is not responding to resuscitation, administration of a volume
expander may be indicated.
What can you give to expand blood volume? How much and how to give it?
The recommended solution for treating hypovolemia is an isotonic crystalloid solution. Acceptable
solutions include
• 0.9% NaCl (“Normal saline”)
• O Rh-negative packed red blood cells should be considered as part of the volume replacement when
severe fetal anemia is documented or expected. If timely diagnosis permits, the donor unit can be
cross- matched with the mother who would be the source of any problematic antibody. Otherwise,
emergency- release of O-Rh negative packed cells may be necessary. (Only if facilities and expertise is
Station 1: Equipment
Radiant Warmer
Upon completion of this section the participant should be able to
1. Describe the parts of a radiant warmer
2. Demonstrate the working of the warmer
3. List the dangers associated with its usage
4. Identify trouble shoot and correct
5. Manage minor maintenance
1. Bassinet (for placing the neonate)
2. Radiant heat source (Quartz/ceramic or similar heating rod)
3. Skin probe (for measuring baby’s skin temperature)
4. Air probe
5. Control panel (Displays and control knobs)
i. Mode selector (selects manual or servo mode)
ii. Heater output control key/knob (to increase or decrease the heater output manually)
iii. Heater output display (indicates heater output)
iv. Temperature selection key/knob (select the desired skin temperature)
v. Temperature display (displays temperature of baby ’s skin, the set temperature and air temperature)
vi. Alarm display for power failure, system failure, skin probe failure, skin temp. high/low & heater
Do not leave the baby unattended when operating in manual mode. Switch to servo mode once temperature
is 360C
i. Clean using Isopropyl alcohol swab before and after each use.
Problem Action
1. No power on turning instrument on - Check power supply, plug, fuse
- If above okay, call engineer
2. Power on, heater not on - Call engineer
3 No skin temperature display - Faulty skin sensor (replace/call engineer)
4. Display temperature and baby temperature variation > 1°C - Needs calibration, call engineer
Phototherapy Unit
Upon completion of this section the participant should be able to:
i. Describe the types and parts of a phototherapy unit
ii. Demonstrate the working of a phototherapy unit
iii. Manage a baby under a phototherapy unit
Source of light
1. Fluorescent lights (Conventional phototherapy)
• 6-8 white fluorescent light OR
• A combination of 2 special blue and 4-6 white fluorescent lights with a plexiglass shield.
White tubes (Philips TL 20 W/52)
Blue tubes (F 20 T 12/ BB)
• Tube life is 1000 hours/ 6 months, whichever is earlier
• Irradiance provided
6-8 uw/cm2/nm (White light)
8-12 uw/cm2/nm (Blue + White light)
Other parts
• Radiator fan (as applicable)
• Hour meter (as applicable)
i. Connect to mains.
ii. Switch on the unit & check that all tubes/lamps are working.
i. Soap/Detergent once daily
ii. Clean with disinfectant once a week
iii. Keep the lamps, the covering shield and the grill clean
Problem Action
1. No power on turning instrument on - Check power supply, plug, fuse
- If above okay, call engineer
2. Fan not working - Call engineer
3. Timer not working - Call engineer
4. Conventional phototherapy units
- Tubes not coming on - Tubes faulty/choke needs change
- Blackening / flickering of tubes - Tubes need change
Ineffective Phototherapy
i. Baby covered or frequently removed from phototherapy
ii. Low irradiance (tubes old, flickering, black ends, bulbs covered with dust or reflectors dirty)
iii. Distance between phototherapy lights and baby is more than recommended
iv. Hemolytic conditions can cause bilirubin to rise in spite of phototherapy
1. Change lights if:
i. Irradiance as measured with flux meter < 15 uw/cm2/nm
ii. Lamp life > 1000 hours of use for fluorescent tubes, for LED > 20000-30000 and for CFL 2000 –3000
hours / as per manufacturer’s instruction manual
iii. If Flux meter and hour meter are not available, then change fluorescent tubes every 6 months
iv. Tube ends are black or flickering or not working
1. Prewarm and humidify oxygen especially when the flow rates are >2 L/min
2. Oxygen saturation should not cross 95% as hyperoxia leads to widespread free radical injury.
3. Set appropriate alarm limits on pulse oximeter.Use pulse oximeter to titrate the FiO2 when Oxygen
therapy is initiated and thereafter, whenever a change in the flow rate is made or a change in the
respiratory status of the neonates has occurred.
Oxygen Concentrators
An oxygen concentrator is a device providing oxygen therapy to a patient at minimally to substantially
higher concentrations than available in ambient air. Oxygen concentrators are less expensive than liquid
oxygen and are the most cost-effective source of oxygen and a more convenient alternative to tanks of
compressed oxygen.
Room air contains 21% oxygen combined with nitrogen and a mixture of other gases. A miniaturized
compressor inside the machine pressurizes this air through a system of chemical filters. This chemical filter
is made up of silicate granules called Zeolite. The Zeolite will sieve the nitrogen out of the air, concentrating
the oxygen. Through this process, the system is capable of producing medical grade oxygen up to 96%
consistently. Most of the portable oxygen concentrator systems available today provide high concentration
of oxygen and also maximize the purity of the oxygen.
The concentrator’s instruction manual indicates as to what maintenance is necessary; here are some general
guidlines to follow:
• The concentrator needs good, clean air to operate properly. Hence, operate the concentrator in a well-
ventilated area.
• Wash the filters periodically (at least once in a week).
There are also some very important safety issues to be kept in mind. Oxygen is most dangerous in the
presence of fire. Keep flammable materials safely away, and do not allow any heat sources to be near a
working oxygen concentrator. In both clinical and emergency-care situations, oxygen concentrators have
the advantage of not being as dangerous as oxygen cylinders, which can, if ruptured or leaking, greatly
increase the combustion rate of a fire.
Oxygen concentrators are considered sufficiently foolproof to be used in neonatal units. They can be used
for more than one patient by using flow splitters. Oxygen concentrators need a power source to function.
1. Machine with compressor
2. Flow meter with/without splitter
3. Humidification bottle
1. Plug on to the power supply.
2. Switch on the concentrator using the ON/OFF button.
3. Once the concentrator is on, a yellow light will come up.
4. Next, adjust the flow to 3-4 liters. This light will be on till the desired concentration of oxygen is achieved,
which in most concentrators is nearly 90-93%, after which it goes off.
5. Every manufacturer has its own way of showing the achieved desired concentration. In some concentrators
this yellow light will become green after achieving the desired concentration.
1. Coarse filter –Ensure it is dust free, wash daily
2. Zeolite granules –Change every 20,000 hrs
3. Bacterial filter –Change every one year
Pulse Oximeter
Upon completion of this section the participant should be able to:
i. Describe the parts of Pulse Oximeter
ii. Demonstrate the working of the pulse oximeter
iii. Interpret the Pulse Oximeter readings
iv. Describe daily maintenance, cleaning and troubleshooting
i. Display panel
a. Numeric display
b. Graphic display
ii. Control buttons
a. Power / standby button
b. SpO2 alarm setting button
c. HR alarm setting button
d. Set button (alarm, volume, trend)
e. Alarm silence button
iii An electric cable
iv. An extension cable for attachment of the patient sensor
v. A patient sensor which is to be connected to the extension cable
i. Connect to the mains.
ii. Switch on the machine
iii. Set the alarm limits for heart rate 100 – 160 bpm
iv. Set saturation alarm limits—90/96%
Trouble shooting
Pulse Oximeter
Hand Washing
Upon completion of this session each participant should be able to demonstrate steps of hand washing
Prevention of infection in newborns is easily achievable by simple measures like hand-washing and keeping
baby’s environment clean. Prevention is much more rewarding as therapy for neonatal sepsis is not always
i. Remove watch, bangles and rings
ii. Fold sleeves above the elbows
iii. Wet hands till elbows
iv. Apply soap
v. First rub hands with both palms facing each other
vi Then rub palm of right hand over the left dorsum and left palm over the right dorsum
vii. Rub palm to palm with fingers interlocked to clean the web spaces
viii.Then interlock both the palms with rotational movements for cleaning the knuckles
ix. Rub both the thumbs with the palm of the opposite side
x. Fingers over the opposite palm on both sides
xi. Keep elbows dependent during the entire procedure so that water drips from palm to elbow
xii. Air dry or dry with disposable sterile paper/ napkins
For collection of blood sample follow the same procedure till point 8, let the blood flow into the vial for
collection and then secure the intracath and flush the cannula.
Intramuscular (IM) Injections
Intramuscular injections are used in the newborn period to administer vit K, some vaccines and pre-
referral dose of antibiotics
• The site for IM injection is Quadriceps muscle group of the upper, outer thigh (anterolateral part at the
junction of the upper and middle thirds of this muscle). This site is preferred because of the small risk
of giving the injection intravenously, hitting the femur with the needle, or injuring the sciatic nerve.
• Minimize pain associated with injection by:
Ensuring pain management with breast feeds/assisted feeds with EBM or 25% dextrose/swaddling
Using a sharp needle of the smallest diameter that will allow fluid to flow freely (e.g. 22- to 24-gauge)
Using a minimal volume for injection (e.g. 2 ml or less at any single injection site)
Avoiding rapid injection of drug/vaccine
Using alternative injection sites for subsequent injections
• Gather necessary supplies.
• Wash hands.
• Select the site for injection.
• Draw the drug for injection into the syringe.
• Ensure that the drug and dose are correct.
• Clean site with alcohol swab.
• Grasp the anterolateral part of the Quadriceps muscle at the junction of the upper and middle thirds
between the thumb and forefinger, if possible.
• Insert the needle at a 90-degree angle through the skin with a single quick motion.
• Withdraw the plunger of the syringe slightly to ensure that the tip of the needle is not in a vein (i.e. no
blood should enter the needle)
• If the needle is in a vein:
Withdraw the needle
• Select without
the site injecting the drug
for injection.
Apply• gentle
Draw pressure to the site
the material for with a dryinto
injection cotton-wool ball to prevent bruising
the syringe.
Place a new, sterile needle on the syringe
• Ensure that the drug and dose are correct.
Choose a new site for injection
Repeat Grasp
• the the centre
procedure of theabove
described target muscle between the thumb and forefinger, if
• If the needle is in the muscle,:
If the •needle is inthe
a 90-degree anglewith
the material through
steadythe skin with
pressure a single
for three quick
to five seconds. Upon
of the injection, withdraw the needle and apply gentle pressure with a dry cottonwool
Hypoglycaemia is to be suspected and managed in all sick or low birth weight newborn.
For this blood glucose levels can be estimated at the bedside using a glucometer.
Note: You can also directly prick over the vein to obtain blood sample and is less painful compared
to the heel prick.
• Syringe barrel clamp
• Pusher & push guard/ flange guard
• Handle assembly bolt
• SWING lock clamp
• ON/Off
• Screen
• Silence alarm
• Bolus OR Prime
• Value selection
• Pre alarm & alarm warning
• Stop – Infusion stop
• Menu
• Connect to Mains. Observe indicator light comes on.
• Press the ‘ON’ key to turn the pump on. All signals on display panel will glow.
• Select the type of syringe and the appropriate size of syringe10ml or 20ml or 50ml, (some pumps
may do it automatically)
• Press OK to confirm syringe.
• Install syringe loaded with desired amount of fluid with intravenous tubing attached and primed
with the required fluid.
• Select the flow rate in ml/hour.
• Connect the tubing to the patient.
• Start the infusion. Check arrow indicator movement to ensure that the fluid is being delivered.
• Press OK to confirm syringe.
• Install syringe loaded with desired amount of fluid with intravenous tubing attached and primed
with the required fluid.
• Select the flow rate in ml/hour.
• Connect the tubing to the patient.
Trouble Shooting
Problem Action
No power on turning instrument on - Check power supply, plug, fuse
- If above okay, call engineer
Alarms - Check syringe position and clamps
Occlusion alarm with no block in line (easy fluid - Call engineer
infusion when manually pushed)
• Comprehensive/ Annual maintenance contract.
Station 3
1. Drying
Dry baby from head to toe, back, front, axillae & groin and discard wet linen.
2. Wrapping
Wrap the baby using a baby sheet. Spread the square sheet and fold one corner on itself- place baby’s
head on the in folded corner so as to cover the head till the hairline on forehead. Cover over the right
shoulder & tuck on left side. Fold from the foot end & tuck beneath the chin & finally cover over the
left shoulder and tuck on the right side
3. Record temperature
i. Place the baby supine or on the side
ii. Ensure dry arm pit. Switch on the digital thermometer
iii. Abduct arm at shoulder. Place the bulb of the digital thermometer in the apex of the axilla
iv. Hold arm in adduction at shoulder & flexion at the elbow till you hear a beep
v. Remove thermometer & read temperature
4. Tactile assessment of temperature
i. Wash hands
ii. Allow them to dry
iii. Rub together & warm them
iv. Touch the baby’s soles & palms with the dorsum of your hands
v. Now touch the baby’s chest using the dorsum of your hands
vi. If both are warm- baby is normothermic, if periphery is cold but chest is warm- cold stress, if both
are cold – baby is hypothermic.
Kangaroo mother care (KMC) is care of a small baby, who is continuously carried in skin-to- skin contact
by the mother and exclusively breastfed. It is the best way to keep a small baby warm and it also helps
establish breastfeeding.
Beginning KMC
• Counsel the mother and the family. Ensure that the mother has support from her family to stay at the
hospital. Discuss with the family, if possible, how they can support the mother so she can provide KMC.
• Explain to the mother that KMC may be the best way for her to care for her baby once the baby’s
condition permits. Enumerate the advantages of KMC.
• Clothes for the mother: light, loose clothing that is comfortable in the ambient temperature, provided
the clothing can accommodate the baby.
• Clothes for the baby: shirt open at the front, a napkin, a cap, and socks
Place the baby in an upright position directly against the mother’s skin in between her breasts
Ensure that the baby’s hips and elbows are flexed into a frog-like position and the baby’s head and
chest are on the mother’s chest, with the head in a slightly extended position
Use a soft piece of fabric (about 1 square metre), folded diagonally in two and secured with a knot
Make sure it is tied firmly enough to prevent the baby from sliding out if the mother stands, but not
so tightly that it obstructs the baby’s breathing or movement
After positioning the baby, allow the mother to rest with the baby, and encourage her to move
around when she is ready
KMC should be provided for as long as possible and never less than one hour at a time
Breast milk is the ideal milk for all neonates and every attempt must be made to ensure establishment
of breastfeeding in babies who can feed at the breast. For small and sick neonates expressed breast milk
should be provided by alternative feeding methods. Advantages of breast milk are many fold and mothers
of babies in NBSU/ SNCU must be encouraged, counselled and supported to ensure this mode of feeding.
1. Assessment of breastfeeding – Attachment, position and effective sucking and swallowing
2. Manual Expression of breast milk
3. Assisted feeding
1. Assessment of breastfeeding
• Ask mother to feed her baby if she has not fed in the previous one hour
• Check for signs of good attachment and positioning
• Observe for effective sucking and swallowing
• Demonstrate the same to the participants
3. Assisted feeding
• Provide gavage feeds to the baby
• Provide paladai feeding to the baby
Gavage feeding
• Take 5 fr or 6 fr catheter depending on the gestation and weight of the baby
• Measure length from angle of mouth to tragus to midpoint between umbilicus and xiphisternum
• Insert the tube from mouth till the desired length has been introduced
• Check position using a syringe & a stethoscope to auscultate the gush of air
• Tape the tube to the side of mouth & close outer end after removing the syringe
• To instil feed-Take a 10 ml syringe barrel without the plunger and insert nozzle into the open end of
the feeding tube. Pour milk in to the syringe and wait for it to go down slowly by gravity. After a feed,
close the open end
• Check abdominal girth at next feeding session & proceed to feed if no increase in girth. If the girth
increases by 2 cm, do a pre-feed gastric aspirate and analyse the amount and content to decide about
continuing/discontinuing feeds
• Always confirm the position of the tube prior to giving a feed
Head and
appearance for
Source (RBSK)
t a b i li z a
nS tio
Admission Register
Sister Incharge...........................................................
t a b i li z a
nS tio
jk"Vªh; LokLF; fe'ku
Date and Time of Birth ...../...../20......... ..... : ..... Birth Weight (grams) :
Date and Time of Admission ...../...../20......... ..... : ..... Age on Admission : Wt. on Admission (grams) :
Date and Time of Discharge ...../...../20......... Age on Discharge : Wt. on Discharge (grams) :
Type of Admission Inborn / Out born (Health Facility Referred) / Out born (Community Referred)
Indication for Admission ( Encircle the most relevant single indication, If multiple indication also mention all relevant numbers in the end as per priority, mention even if admitting for stabilization)
Provisional Diagnosis:
*Presumptive Diagnosis ( Encircle the most relevant single diagnosis, If multiple causes also mention all relevant numbers in the end as per sequence)
Other LBW (1000 gm – 2499 gm) : P 07.1 Neonatal Jaundice : P 59 Any Other Diagnosis (…...............…..
Prematurity (28-<37 Weeks) : P 07.3 Neonatal Diarrhoea : A 09 ...........................................................)
Small for Gestational Age (IUGR) : P 05.1 Hypothermia of Newborn : P 80 Multiple Diagnosis-
RDS of Newborn (HMD) : P 22.0 Environmental Hyperthermia of Newborn : P 81.0 Mention All Relevant Codes :
Transient Tachypnoea of Newborn : P 22.1 Congenital Malformation : a .......... b ........... c ............ d ............
Acquired Pneumonia : J 15 (a) Cong. Hydrocephalus : Q 03
Birth Asphyxia : P 21.0 (b) Meningomyelocele : Q 05
HIE of Newborn : P 91.6 (c) Imperforate anus : Q 42.3
Neonatal Sepsis : P 36.9 (d) Cleft Palate : Q 35
Meningitis : G 00 (e) Cleft Lip : Q 36
Convulsions of Newborn : P 90 (f) Cleft Palate with Cleft Lip : Q 37
(Hypoxic, Hypoglycaemic, Hypocalcaemic, (g) Congenital Deformities of Hip : Q 65
CNS Infections, Birth Trauma, Metabolic, (h) Congenital Deformities of Feet : Q 66
Other, Unknown Cause) (i) Other Malformation (.........................)
No. of doses : [1] [2] [3] [4] Foul Smelling Discharge : Yes [ ] No [ ]
Leaking P.V. > 24 Hours. : Yes [ ] No [ ] PIH : Hypertension / Pre Eclampsia / Eclampsia
Course of Labour : Uneventful / Prolonged 1st stage / Prolonged 2nd stage / Obstructed
Indication for Caesarean, : [Cephalo Pelvic Disproportion] [Malpresentation] [Placenta Previa] [Obstructed Labor] [Foetal Distress]
if Applicable
[Prolonged Labour] [Cord Prolapse] [Failed Induction (Dystocia)] [Previous LSCS] [Other ....................]
Resuscitation Required : NO [ ] Yes [ ] Tactile Stimulation /Only Oxygen / Bag & Mask [Duration....................min.]/
Intubation / Chest Compression / Adrenaline
Tone : Limp / Active / Increase Tone Convulsions : Present on Admission / Past History / No
Jaundice : Yes [ ] No [ ] If Yes, extent [Face] [Chest] [Abdomen] [Legs] [Palms / Soles]
Sucking : [Good] [Poor] [No Sucking] Attachment : [Well attached] [Poorly attached] [Not attached]
Umbilicus : [Red] [Discharge] [Normal] Skin Pustules : [No] [Yes <10] [Yes >=10] [Abscess]
Congenital Malformation : No [ ] Yes [ ] Hydrocephalus / M.M.C. / Imperforate Anus / Cleft Palate / Cleft Lip /
Cleft Palate with Cleft Lip /Cong. Deformity of Hip / Cong. Deformity of Feet /
CVS : ...........................................................................................................................................................
RESPIRATORY : ...........................................................................................................................................................
CNS : ...........................................................................................................................................................
lgefr i=
gesa MkWDVj }kjk crk fn;k x;k gS fd gekjk f'k'kq xaHkhj :i ls chekj gS ,oa mipkj ds nkSjku gksus okyh
tfVyrkvksa ls gesa voxr djk fn;k x;k gS rFkk gesa iw.kZ :Ik ls fofnr gS fd mipkj ds nkSjku leL;k,sa mRiUu gks
ldrh gSaA bu lHkh [krjksa ls voxr gksus ds cknk Hkh ge gekjs cPps dks uotkr f'k'kq fLFkjhdj.k bdkbZ
¼,u-ch-,l-;w-½ esa mipkj gsrq HkrhZ djkus ds fy;s lger gSaA
In Case of Death : Mention Cause of Death ( The Most Relevant Cause of Death)
I / V Drugs
I / V Fluids
Oral Drugs
(Results with Date)
Planning for
Next Day
NBSU Reg. No............................................................................... Date of Admission.........................
Weight............................................................................................ Date...............................................
( Dull / Active )
O2 Flow
IV Patency
( Yes / No )
Oral Feeds
Feeding Tube ( ml )
Oral Drugs
1. .......................................
2. .......................................
IV Drugs
(Also Record Fluid Volume)
1. .......................................
2. .......................................
3. .......................................
IV Fluids
1. ....................................... .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr
( Enter Rate & fluid given
between each time slot ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml )
2. ....................................... ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr
( Enter Rate & fluid given
between each time slot ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml )
IV Infusions
1. ....................................... .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr .......ml / hr
( Enter Rate & fluid given
between each time slot ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml )
2. ....................................... ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr ......ml / hr
( Enter Rate & fluid given
between each time slot ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml ) ( ........ml )
IV Bolus
................................. ml
Rate................. ml / hr
Name of NBSU.....................................................
NBSU Reg. No. Sex : M / F / A Age : Weight (grams) :
Indication for Referral Ventilation / Surgical Intervention / Diagnostic Work up / Metabolic Work up / Dialysis / Other
*Final Diagnosis ( Encircle the most relevant single diagnosis, If multiple causes also mention all relevant numbers in the end as per priority)
Other LBW (1000 gm – 2499 gm) : P 07.1 Neonatal Jaundice : P 59 Any Other Diagnosis (…...............…..
Prematurity (28-<37 Weeks) : P 07.3 Neonatal Diarrhoea : A 09 ...........................................................)
Small for Gestational Age (IUGR) : P 05.1 Hypothermia of Newborn : P 80 Multiple Diagnosis-
RDS of Newborn (HMD) : P 22.0 Environmental Hyperthermia of Newborn : P 81.0 Mention All Relevant Codes :
Transient Tachypnoea of Newborn : P 22.1 Congenital Malformation : a .......... b ........... c ............ d ............
Acquired Pneumonia : J 15 (a) Cong. Hydrocephalus : Q 03
Birth Asphyxia : P 21.0 (b) Meningomyelocele : Q 05
HIE of Newborn : P 91.6 (c) Imperforate anus : Q 42.3
Neonatal Sepsis : P 36.9 (d) Cleft Palate : Q 35
Meningitis : G 00 (e) Cleft Lip : Q 36
Convulsions of Newborn : P 90 (f) Cleft Palate with Cleft Lip : Q 37
(Hypoxic, Hypoglycaemic, Hypocalcaemic, (g) Congenital Deformities of Hip : Q 65
CNS Infections, Birth Trauma, Metabolic, (h) Congenital Deformities of Feet : Q 66
Other, Unknown Cause) (i) Other Malformation (.........................)
*( Based on WHO, ICD - 10 Version: 2010 )
1. Oxygen : Yes / No ( If yes duration..............................................)
2. Phototherapy : Yes / No ( If yes duration..............................................)
3. Antibiotics : Yes / No ( If yes fill the details below)
Treatment Given No. of Days ......................................................................................................
a) .................................................................................. .......................
b) .................................................................................. ....................... ......................................................................................................
c) .................................................................................. .......................
d) .................................................................................. ....................... ......................................................................................................
Date & Time of Discharge ....../....../20.... .... : .... Age on Discharge : Wt. on Discharge (grams) :
Other LBW (1000 gm – 2499 gm) : P 07.1 Neonatal Jaundice : P 59 Any Other Diagnosis (…...............…..
Prematurity (28-<37 Weeks) : P 07.3 Neonatal Diarrhoea : A 09 ...........................................................)
Small for Gestational Age (IUGR) : P 05.1 Hypothermia of Newborn : P 80 Multiple Diagnosis-
RDS of Newborn (HMD) : P 22.0 Environmental Hyperthermia of Newborn : P 81.0 Mention All Relevant Codes :
Transient Tachypnoea of Newborn : P 22.1 Congenital Malformation : a .......... b ........... c ............ d ............
Acquired Pneumonia : J 15 (a) Cong. Hydrocephalus : Q 03
Birth Asphyxia : P 21.0 (b) Meningomyelocele : Q 05
HIE of Newborn : P 91.6 (c) Imperforate anus : Q 42.3
Neonatal Sepsis : P 36.9 (d) Cleft Palate : Q 35
Meningitis : G 00 (e) Cleft Lip : Q 36
Convulsions of Newborn : P 90 (f) Cleft Palate with Cleft Lip : Q 37
(Hypoxic, Hypoglycaemic, Hypocalcaemic, (g) Congenital Deformities of Hip : Q 65
CNS Infections, Birth Trauma, Metabolic, (h) Congenital Deformities of Feet : Q 66
Other, Unknown Cause) (i) Other Malformation (.........................)
* ( Based on WHO, ICD - 10 Version: 2010 )
1. Oxygen : Yes / No ( If yes duration..............................................)
2. Phototherapy : Yes / No ( If yes duration..............................................)
3. KMC : Yes / No ( If yes duration..............................................)
4. Antibiotics : Yes / No ( If yes fill the details below)
CONDITION ON DISCHARGE (Mention Vitals, Provisional Diagnosis, General Condition, Persisting Health Problems)
OPV (0 Dose)
Hepatitis B (Birth Dose) .........................................................................................................................................................
nS tio
jk"Vªh; LokLF; fe'ku
Final Diagnosis
Final Outcome
T.T. Doses :__________ Gestation Weeks :__________ Gravida :__________ Para :__________
Antenatal Steroids :________________ Number of Doses :_________________ Foul Smelling Discharge :______________
Leaking P.V. > 24 Hours :____________ PIH :___________________________ Course of Labour :____________________
E/O Feotal Distress :_______________ Type of Delivery :___________________ Indication of Caesarean, If Applicable
Cried Immed. after Birth :__________ Wt. at Birth :__________Kgs. Gestational Age_______(in completed weeks)
Maturity :__________
Resuscitation Required :__________ Vitamin K Given :__________ Breast Fed within 1 Hour :________
General Condition :___________ Temperature :_______ºC Heart Rate :________/min Apnea:_________ RR :________/min
Jaundice :________________ Bleeding :__________ Bulging Anterior Fontanel :_____ Taking Breast Feed :__________
CVS : ...........................................................................................................................................................
RESPIRATORY : ...........................................................................................................................................................
CNS : ...........................................................................................................................................................
CONDITION ON DISCHARGE (Mention Vitals, Provisional Diagnosis, General Condition, Persisting Health Problems)
160 | Newborn Stabilization Unit Training Participants’ Module 2014 VERSION - UNICEF - GOI
Annexure 3: Mentoring Checklists
Mentoring Checklists are available online on NHM portal under Child Health guidelines: