J Energy 2021 119993
J Energy 2021 119993
J Energy 2021 119993
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a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: The experimental investigation of the steam methane reforming process over an industrial Ni-based
Received 27 September 2020 catalyst was presented. The set of experiments was performed in order to comprehend the effect of
Received in revised form the carbon deposition on the methane conversion and pressure drop in a reformer. Various operating
18 January 2021
conditions such as temperature (600 C and 800 C), steam-to-methane ratio (0.5, 1.0, 2.0) and pressure
Accepted 26 January 2021
were tested in the experiments. The thermodynamic analysis was accomplished to calculate the equi-
Available online 3 February 2021
librium carbon formation zones for various operating conditions and the experimental results were
compared with the results of thermodynamic analysis. The experiments revealed that the methane
Carbon deposition
conversion close to equilibrium is at a residence time of about 5 kgcat$s/ molCH4 . The methane conversion
Steam methane reforming as a function of the time on stream was experimentally determined. The maximum decrease in the
Experiment methane conversion was observed for the steam-to-methane ratio (b) of 0.5. For b ¼ 2:0 and b ¼ 1:0, the
Pressure drop decrease in the methane conversion is minimal. The reforming efficiency and mass of deposited carbon
Reforming efficiency were determined for all investigated operation parameters. When the steam-to-methane ratio is greater
than 1, the rate of carbon deposition has an almost linear dependence versus time on stream. For b ¼ 2
and T ¼ 800 C, the carbon deposition rate is approximately 0.12 g/h; for b ¼ 2 and T ¼ 600 C - 0.21 g/h,
for b ¼ 1 and T ¼ 800 C - 0.29 g/h, for b ¼ 1 and T ¼ 600 C - 1.02 g/h.
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
0360-5442/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
D. Pashchenko and I. Makarov Energy 222 (2021) 119993
composition has a significant effect on carbon formation. Silvester but when carbon is deposited on the surface of the catalyst, pres-
and co-authors [22] investigated the steam methane reforming sure loss will increase. When carbon deposition on the surface of
process over the Ni-based catalysts for the chemical looping sys- the catalyst takes place, the roughness of the catalyst particles is
tems. The authors determined that the carbon deposition on the increased and as a consequence, the aerodynamic resistance of the
catalysts decreases monotonically with cycles. However, the packed bed increases. The effect of carbon deposition on reforming
decrease in the carbon deposition was much faster during the first 5 characteristics has been widely discussed in the scientific articles
cycles and the carbon deposition continued to decrease slowly in [32e34] but the works on the effect of carbon deposition on the
subsequent cycles. Moreover, the authors reported that the pressure loss in the reformers has not been discovered by the
composition of the catalysts is also playing a significant role in the author during a literature review. Nevertheless, the study of the
amount of carbon deposition. effect of carbon deposition is an important task from a practical
Nematollahi et al. [23] performed a thermodynamic analysis of point of view. Additional roughness will lead to an increase in
different methane reforming processes in order to understand solid pressure loss and, as a consequence, to an increase in energy con-
carbon formation. The authors reached to the conclusion that the sumption for pumping the reaction mixture through a reformer.
carbon deposition decreases with increasing pressure in the Therefore, this investigation of the steam methane reforming
methane reformer. For that reason, the industrial-scale steam process aims at assessing the effect of carbon deposition on the
methane reforming process is occurring at the pressure above methane conversion and the pressure loss in the reformer. An
10 bar. Annesini and co-workers [24] presented the results of experimental study of the steam methane reforming process and
thermodynamic analysis based on the elemental composition to thermodynamic analysis were performed to achieve this aim. A
comprehend the carbon formation in the steam reforming process. wide variety of technological parameters (pressure, temperature,
They investigated the temperature ranges for the favourable con- steam-to-methane ratio) as well as various catalysts (shape,
ditions for carbon formation and deposition. The authors deter- composition, size) and reformers for the steam methane reforming
mined that in the temperature range of above 1000K, the carbon process makes obtaining new experimental data an important task.
formation for the reaction mixture with steam-to-methane ratio Steam methane reforming is a widely investigated process. There
above 1 is negligible. are thousands of publications dealing with investigation SMR. This
Behnam and Dixon conducted the numerical investigation of variety of publications is due to the effect of various parameters on
the carbon deposition process [25] in the packed bed filled with the the process. Steam reforming depends on temperature, pressure,
Ni-based catalysts. The results showed that a low steam-to-carbon composition, catalyst type, reformer type, catalyst composition and
ratio may cause local carbon formation at high temperature (about properties, and catalyst particle size and shape. In addition, the
900K) on the surface of the catalyst particle. The risk of carbon initial condition and the way of supplying heat to the reaction space
formation was highest at the surface hot spots and inside the also has a significant effect on the result. In our work, we used a
catalyst particles where the methane cracking reaction rate commercial Ni-based catalyst and investigated practically inter-
exceeded those of the gasification reactions. sected cases (reforming efficiency, pressure drop, the mass of
The carbon formation and deposition in the steam methane deposited carbon, etc). We did not find similar studies with such
reforming process depends on various factors. These factors can be initial data that we used. That is why we considered this research
divided into two groups. The first group is operational parameters relevant and wrote this article.
such as temperature, pressure, steam-to-methane ratio, residence
time. The second group is reformer characteristics such as catalyst 2. Experimental and thermodynamics analyses
type and shape, design of the reformer, and its elements. Chris-
tensen et al. investigated an effect of supports and Ni crystal size on 2.1. Experiment
carbon formation and sintering during steam methane reforming
[26]. The authors used conventional NiO/a-Al2O3 catalysts at 823 K The schematic diagram of an experimental setup for an exper-
and a total pressure of 20 bar for various steam-to-methane ratios. imental investigation of the steam methane reforming process is
They found that the higher resistance to carbon formation could be classical. The schematic diagram is shown in Fig. 1. The experiments
due to a higher saturation concentration of carbon in the smaller were performed at the setup that can be virtually divided into three
nickel crystals. Kumar and co-workers [27] reported the results of modules. The first module is to prepare the steam-methane
the creation of the new metal-support catalysts for the methane tri- mixture. The second module deals with implementing SMR and
reforming process with high coke resistivity. The authors the third module is a measuring module that is meant for calcu-
concluded that the strength of metal-support interaction has a lating and storing results.
notable effect on the activity and stability of the Ni-based catalysts. The notations on the schematic diagram are as follows: 1 - a
In addition, the suitability of either strong or weak metal-support steam methane reformer filled the cylindrical catalysts; 2 - an
interaction is subject to catalyst composition. electrical heater; 3 - a watt-hour meter; 4 - four thermocouples; 5 -
To understand the effects of catalyst particle size on steam a portable gas analyzer Gasboard 3100P; 6 - a laptop; 7 - the mass-
methane reforming activity over Ni-based catalyst, Wang et al. flow meters; 8 - an electrical heat exchanger; 9 - an electrical steam
performed experimental and theoretical analysis [28]. The authors generator; 10 - two manometers at the reformer inlet and reformer
found that the small size of the Ni-based catalyst shows higher outlet.
steam methane reforming activity than large ones. The authors The reformer is tubular. The outer diameter of the tube is
observed that the carbon deposition phenomenon appeared on 100 mm and the length of the tube is 800 mm. To stabilise flow
Ni(100). These results previously were found Schouten et al. [29]. In before measurements, the region of 100 mm after inlet and 100 mm
addition, Eizenberg and Blakely observed monolayer graphite for- before outlet doesn’t contain the catalyst. Therefore, the packed
mation on Ni-based catalyst surface during the experimental bed with the catalysts has a length of 600 mm. The electrical heater
investigation of the steam methane reforming process [30]. is heating the reaction mixture in the reformer up to 800e850 C.
In addition, the carbon deposition on the surface of the catalyst The synthesis gas composition is measured by Gasboard 3100P
leads to an increase in the pressure loss in the reformer. Typically, a gas analyzer. This gas analyzer is connected to a laptop to store and
reformer is presented as a packed bed filled with the catalysts of calculate results. The steam generator PG-LEK 1.1 is used to produce
various shapes [31]. Such reformers have a notable pressure loss, superheated steam. High purity water (H2O) is used in the steam
D. Pashchenko and I. Makarov Energy 222 (2021) 119993
Fig. 1. Schematic view of experimental setup: 1 - a steam methane reformer filled the cylindrical catalysts; 2 - an electrical heater; 3 - a watt-hour meter; 4 - four thermocouples; 5
- a portable gas analyzer Gasboard 3100P; 6 - a laptop; 7 - the mass-flow meters; 8 - an electrical heat exchanger; 9 - an electrical steam generator; 10 - two manometers at the
reformer inlet and reformer outlet.
generator. Methane N40 with 99.99% purity is used for the characteristics. The operation conditions were set as following: the
reforming process. The methane and nitrogen were obtained from temperature range is 600e800 C; H2O/CH4 ratios are 0.5, 1 and 2;
the cylinders. Nitrogen is used as neutral gas for catalyst preheat- the pressure is 5 bar. The residence time (residence time i.e. catalyst
ing. The flows of methane are measured by rotameters and the flow pellet weight divided by the feed rate of the methane expressed as
of steam is controlled by the mass-flow meters. Methane and steam kgcat$s/mol shows the mass of catalyst bed per mole flow-rate on
were mixed to obtain the homogeneous mixture and this mixture methane inlet [36]) ranges from 2 to 6 kgcat$s/mol. The residence
was heated by an electrical preheater. time was varied due to a change in the flow rate of the steam/
A photograph of a pilot setup and the main elements of the pilot methane mixture.
setup are presented in Fig. 2. The notations in Fig. 2 coincide with A set of experiments was performed. The fresh catalysts were
the figure caption to Fig. 1. used for each new experiment. The total number of catalyst parti-
The packed bed of the steam methane reformer is filled with the cles in each experiment was constant and equal to 250 pieces. The
cylindrical NiO-aAl2O3 catalyst. The composition of NieAl2O3 mass of the deposited carbon on the catalyst surface was calculated
catalyst corresponds to an extensively used industrial catalyst: as follows:
NiO ¼ 14.5%; SiO2 ¼ 0.2%; support CaOeMgOeLa2O3-aAl2O3 [35].
The packed beds were obtained by random filling of the catalyst after before
particles. The geometrical characteristics of the catalyst particle Mcarbon ¼ Mcat Mcat (1)
include: diameter e 15 mm, height e 15 mm.
after before
In this study, the operation conditions such as temperature, inlet where Mcat ; Mcat is mass of catalysts before and after experi-
steam-to-methane ratio and residence time were changed to ments, respectively.
comprehend the effect of carbon deposition on reforming and flow An electronic scale accurate to 0.01 g is used to measure a
catalyst mass.
In the present study, a set of experiments was performed for
various operational parameters: a temperature range from 600 to
800 C, a pressure 3 bar, steam-to-methane ratio from 0.5 to 2, a
residence time (residence time i.e. catalyst pellet weight divided by
the feed rate of the methane expressed as kgcat$s/mol shows mass
of catalyst bed per mole flow-rate on methane inlet) from 1 to 8
kgcat$s/mol. The residence time was varied due to a change in the
flow rate of the reaction mixture.
Before the experiment, the electrical furnace heats the catalyst
to the predetermined temperature. When the catalyst is heated, the
reaction space of the methane reformer is filled with nitrogen.
Heating of the catalyst takes approximately 15e17 min. The fresh
catalysts are used for each experiment. During this period, the
temperature in the reformer stabilizes throughout the reaction
space. In parallel with the heating of the catalyst, steam generation
is regulated by means of flowmeters. The temperature of the steam/
methane reaction mixture is regulated in the heat exchanger to a
temperature of the catalyst in the reformer.
At the initial time, the system of steam generation is not con-
nected to the reformer. After the reformer becomes warmed up and
the steam generation is regulated, the steam generation system is
connected to the reformer. With the help of an electric heater, the
temperature in the reaction space during the experiments is
regulated. Each experiment has a duration of 10e15 min. Fresh
Fig. 2. The photographs of an experimental setup. The notation is the same as in Fig. 1. catalyst is used for each experiment. During the experiment, the
D. Pashchenko and I. Makarov Energy 222 (2021) 119993
2.2. Thermodynamics
> Keq;4 ; 2
> Keq;5 ; (2) In these equations n_ i;j is the molar flow rate of i-element
through inlet (subscript 1) and outlet (subscript 2), mol/s.
The carbon formation conditions is determined from in-
e for temperature below 950K:
n_ CH4 ;1 n_ CH4 ;2 n_ CO;2 n_ CO2 ;2 > 0 (6)
PCO2 ,PH2 2
< Keq;6 ; 2
< Keq;7 ; (3) To determine equilibrium molar flow rate of i-element at the
PH2 O PH O 2 reformer outlet, a system of equations with the material balance
equations and the law mass equation must be solved. A detailed
algorithm for solving the system of equations has been presented in
the author’s previous work [39].
where Pj e is partial pressure of jth element; j-index for the equi-
librium constants Keq;i is number of reaction in Table 1.
To determine the favourable conditions for the carbon forma- 3. Results and discussion
tion, the following new variables are introduced:
In this section, we presented the results of thermodynamic
e steam-to-methane ration can be expressed as: analysis and experimental results. The real efficiency of the steam
methane reforming process depends on various parameters such as
temperature, pressure, composition, catalyst type, reformer type,
Table 1 catalyst composition and properties, and catalyst particle size and
Possible chemical reactions in the reformer [9].
shape, etc. Therefore the experimental results obtained in this
No. Reaction DH298 , (kJ/mol) study can be used for the development of new models or algo-
Methane oxidation rithms, and verification of the theoretical results (for example,
1 CH4 þ H2 O⇔CO þ 3H2 206.4 numerical simulation or CFD-modeling).
2 CO þ H2 O⇔CO2 þ H2 41.1
3 CH4 þ CO2 ⇔2H2 þ 2CO 247.3
Carbon formation 3.1. Equilibrium conditions
4 CH4 ⇔C þ 2H2 74.8
5 2CO⇔C þ CO2 173.3 In the scientific literature, there is adequate information that
6 CO þ H2 ⇔C þ H2 O 90.13 carbon formation can be regulated by the operating conditions
7 CO2 þ 2H2 ⇔C þ 2H2 O 131.3
such as a steam-to-methane ratio [40]. In this subsection, the
D. Pashchenko and I. Makarov Energy 222 (2021) 119993
Fig. 5. Effect of temperature on CH4 conversions at p ¼ 5 bar for the various inlet gas compositions (a e b ¼ 1; b e b ¼ 2): dashed line e equilibrium condition; solid line e approx.
curve; hollow point e experimental results.
D. Pashchenko and I. Makarov Energy 222 (2021) 119993
Fig. 6. CH4 conversions vs. time on stream: a – time on stream in minutes; b – time on stream in hours; filled points – for T = 800 °C; hollow points – for T = 600 °C.
60 min is insignificant for these operational parameters. This can be cracking reaction. However, the methane conversion decreases
explained by the fact that according to Fig. 3, at a temperature of slightly. Thus, it can be assumed that the carbon formed by the
800 C, the change in the Gibbs energy for the methane steam cracking reaction (4) is consumed by the Boudouard reaction (5).
reforming reaction (1) is more than two times smaller than the With b ¼ 1:0, the decrease in the methane conversion with time on
change in the Gibbs energy for the methane cracking reaction (4) stream becomes more noticeable. Within 60 min, the methane
and the Boudouard reaction (5). In addition, in the temperature conversion decreases by more than 12%. For b ¼ 0:5 at T ¼ 600 C, a
range above 800 C, reactions (6) and (7) have the opposite direc- minimal change in the methane conversion is observed. This can be
tion, which leads to gasification of the formed carbon by reactions explained by the fact that methane is predominantly consumed by
(4) and (5). However, if for conditions 800 C and b ¼ 2:0, carbon the cracking reaction, and the carbon is partially consumed by
formation is thermodynamically unfavourable (according to Fig. 4) another reaction from Table 1. In addition, carbon deposition on the
then for conditions 800 C and b ¼ 1:0, the system is in the carbon surface of the catalyst slightly affects the rate of the cracking re-
formation zone. Due to a decrease in catalyst activity due to carbon action, and the rate of methane reforming is negligible at
deposition, a noticeable decrease in the methane conversion is T ¼ 600 C.
observed (Fig. 6a) at 800 C and b ¼ 0:5. The deposition of carbon Fig. 6b clearly shows a trend towards a decrease in the methane
on the catalyst surface reduces the reaction rate of steam reforming conversion with an increase in the duration of experiments. The
and, as a consequence, reduces the methane conversion. largest decrease in methane conversion is observed for b ¼ 0:5 at
At a temperature of 600 C, all three investigated steam-to- T ¼ 800 C. Moreover, for b ¼ 2 at T ¼ 800 C and T ¼ 600 C, the
methane ratios of b ¼ 2:0, b ¼ 1:0, b ¼ 0:5 are thermodynami- change in the methane conversion is minimal. This fact agrees well
cally in the carbon formation zone (Fig. 4). For T ¼ 600 C, methane with the results of the thermodynamic analysis since the operating
is predominantly consumed by the methane steam reforming re- conditions of b ¼ 2 and T ¼ 800 C are located near the boundary
action (1) and methane cracking reaction (4). In this case, the curve of carbon formation. It is worth mentioning that at b ¼ 0:5
change in the Gibbs energy for the steam reforming reaction is and T ¼ 600 C, the methane conversion does not change signifi-
approximately equal to the change in the Gibbs energy for the cantly in comparison to b ¼ 0:5 and T ¼ 800 C. This can be
Fig. 7. Reforming efficiency vs. time on stream: filled points e for T ¼ 800 C; hollow Fig. 8. Mass of deposited carbon vs. time on stream: filled points e for T ¼ 800 C;
points e for T ¼ 600 C. hollow points e for T ¼ 600 C.
D. Pashchenko and I. Makarov Energy 222 (2021) 119993
Fig. 9. Carbon mass gain as a function on time on stream (duration of experiment): a) carbon mass gain per hour; b) total carbon mass gain. Filled points e for T ¼ 800 C; hollow
points e for T ¼ 600 C.
explained by the fact that at T ¼ 600 C, the behaviour of a methane the reformer, a series of experiments were performed. The duration
cracking reaction (4) is most likely and the probability of a methane of each experiment was 1 h. The number of catalyst particles in
reforming reaction (1) is small, therefore, methane is predomi- each experiment was constant (250 pieces). After each experiment,
nantly consumed by reaction (4). In this case, the Ni-based catalyst the catalysts were weighed and the mass of deposited carbon was
mainly increases the rate of the reforming reaction (1) and it has a determined by expression (1). Fig. 8 shows the dependence of the
minimal effect on reaction (4). Therefore, carbon deposition slightly mass of deposited carbon on the time on stream.
reduces the methane conversion at T ¼ 600 C for b ¼ 0:5. The Fig. 8 shows that when the steam-to-methane ratio is greater
finding results are in good correlation with other studies on effect than 1, the rate of carbon deposition has almost linear dependence
of carbon deposition on reforming characteristics [9,42]. on time on stream. For b ¼ 2 and T ¼ 800 C, the carbon deposition
rate is approximately 0.12 g/h; for b ¼ 2 and T ¼ 600 C - 0.21 g/h,
for b ¼ 1 and T ¼ 800 C - 0.29 g/h, for b ¼ 1 and T ¼ 600 C - 1.02 g/
3.3. Carbon deposition h. For b ¼ 0:5, the carbon deposition rate increases notably. In
addition, the carbon deposition rate is maximum initially. When
To understand the effect of carbon deposition on the reforming the time on stream increases, the carbon deposition rate decreases.
efficiency with time, the dependence in Fig. 7 was obtained based For b ¼ 0:5 and T ¼ 800 C, for the second hour of the experiment,
on experimental results from Fig. 6. The reforming efficiency was the carbon deposition rate is 3.82 g/h, while for the last hour of the
calculated as follows: experiment, the carbon deposition rate is 1.37 g/h. The slowdown in
1 i
! the rate of carbon deposition can be explained by a general
XCH XCH decrease in the efficiency of the reforming process, including
Eref ¼ 1 4
100%; (7)
methane cracking reactions. When the efficiency of the reforming
process is maximum (according to Fig. 7), the carbon deposition
where XCH e the methane reforming at the first time step (3 min
after start of experiment); XCH e the methane reforming at the ith
Fig. 10. Pressure drop vs. inlet velocity for various temperatures after 10 min of Fig. 11. Pressure drop vs. time on stream for various temperatures: filled points e for
experiment: the hollow points e experiment; the lines e approximation curve. T ¼ 800 C; hollow points e for T ¼ 600 C.
D. Pashchenko and I. Makarov Energy 222 (2021) 119993
rate is maximum. In Fig. 11, the change in pressure drop is defined as the pressure
To evaluate and compare the carbon deposition rate, the carbon difference:
mass gain for the steam methane reforming process at the resi-
dence time of about 5 kgcat$s/molCH4 was determined. For this, the DPc ¼ Pout
t 0
Pout (10)
following two indicators were identified:
where Poutt 0
- outlet pressure for i-th time step, Pa; Pout - outlet
e carbon deposition gain per hour (%): pressure after 10-min experiment, Pa.
Fig. 11 shows that for b ¼ 1 and b ¼ 2, the effect of carbon
MCiþ1 MCi deposition is minimal and is only a few percent. However, for
Chour ¼ 100% (8)
MCi b ¼ 0:5 at a temperature of 800 C, the change in pressure drop
noticeably increases with time. Therefore, after an 8-h experiment,
the pressure drop increased by about 15% in comparison to the
e total carbon deposition mass gain (%): pressure drop for the 10-min experiment. For such operating con-
P ditions (T ¼ 800 C, b ¼ 0:5), the maximum carbon deposition was
MCi just observed.
Ctotal ¼ 100% (9)
4. Conclusion
In these expressions, MCi is mass of deposited carbon for ith time In this paper, the experimental and thermodynamic study of the
step, MCtotal is mass of deposited carbon after 8-h experiment (8 h is steam methane reforming process has been conducted to
duration of experiment). comprehend the carbon deposition in the reformer. Based on the
Fig. 9a shows the carbon deposition gain per hour and Fig. 9b thermodynamic analysis the equilibrium conditions for the carbon
shows the total carbon deposition mass gain. Fig. 9a shows that deposition were determined. The increase in pressure and the
carbon deposition gain per hour has the maximum increase for all steam-to-methane ratio in the reaction mixture leads to decrease in
studied operational parameters during the initial steps. Also, it can the carbon formation zone. The experiments show that by
be seen from Fig. 9a that the carbon deposition gain per hour for all increasing the residence time, the methane conversion approaches
the studied operational parameters has similar dynamics. This can to equilibrium value and the methane conversion close to equilib-
be explained by the fact that despite the difference in the steam-to- rium is achieved at a residence time of about 5 kgcat$s/molCH4 . The
methane ratio, carbon is predominantly formed by reactions (4) methane conversion as a function of time on stream is determined
and (5) (Table 1), for which the steam concentration does not for various time steps: every 3 min and every 30 min. The
matter. Fig. 9b shows the carbon deposition rate for every hour. It maximum decrease in the methane conversion is observed for the
can be seen from Fig. 9b that for b ¼ 1 and b ¼ 2, approximately steam-to-methane ration (b) of 0.5. For b ¼ 2:0 and b ¼ 1:0 the
equal mass of carbon deposits every hour. However, for b ¼ 0:5, it decrease in the methane conversion is minimal. The reforming
is seen that during the initial time in the first 3 h, the mass of efficiency and mass of deposited carbon are determined for all
carbon deposits faster than that in the last 3 h of the experiment. investigated operation parameters. When the steam-to-methane
This can be explained by the fact that deposited carbon in the ratio is greater than 1, the rate of carbon deposition has an
reformer slows down the carbon formation reactions (according to almost linear dependence on time on stream. For b ¼ 2 and
Table 1). T ¼ 800 C, the carbon deposition rate is approximately 0.12 g/h; for
b ¼ 2 and T ¼ 600 C - 0.21 g/h, for b ¼ 1 and T ¼ 800 C - 0.29 g/h,
for b ¼ 1 and T ¼ 600 C - 1.02 g/h. The carbon deposition gain per
3.4. Pressure drop
hour and the total carbon deposition mass gain are calculated based
on the experimental results. It is observed that the carbon depo-
To evaluate the effect of deposited carbon on pressure drop, a
sition gain per hour for all the studied operational parameters has
series of experiments were performed. Fig. 10 shows the depen-
similar dynamics. For b ¼ 1 and b ¼ 2 the carbon deposition rate for
dence of the pressure drop on the inlet velocity for various
every hour has approximately equal mass of carbon depositing
every hour. However, for b ¼ 0:5, it is seen that during the initial
In Fig. 10, the pressure drop was measured during 10-min
time in the first 3 h, the mass of carbon deposits faster than in the
experiment. Therefore, it is expected that during the first 10 min,
last 3 h of the experiment.
carbon deposition does not have a significant effect on the pressure
drop. In addition, Fig. 10 shows the experimental results only for
b ¼ 2:0. This is due to the fact that the pressure drop for b ¼ 1 and Credit author statement
b ¼ 0:5 almost completely coincides with the pressure drop for b ¼
2:0. Fig. 10 shows that the approximation curves for T ¼ 600 C and The article was written by Dmitry Pashchenko.
T ¼ 800 C have a characteristic quadratic dependence. As velocity
increases, pressure drop increases faster. A smaller pressure drop
Declaration of competing interest
for T ¼ 800 C as compared to T ¼ 600 C can be explained by the
fact that according to the classical concept of aerodynamics, the
The authors declare that they have no known competing
pressure drop in a packed bed depends on the gas density [43]. By
financial interests or personal relationships that could have
increasing temperature, the density of the reaction mixture de-
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.
creases. In addition, at T ¼ 800 C, the reforming products contain
mainly gases with a low density.
With an increase in the duration of the experiment, the effect of Acknowledgment
carbon deposition becomes noticeable. Fig. 11 shows the depen-
dence of the change in pressure drop due to carbon deposition for This work is supported by the Russian Science Foundation under
an initial velocity of 1 m/s. grant 19-19-00327.
D. Pashchenko and I. Makarov Energy 222 (2021) 119993
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