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Current Affairs
(A book for TNPSC Examination)

APRIL 2024 - PART 1

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Date Day Theme / Remark

April 1 RBI Foundation Day ▪ The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) completed 90
years on April 1, 2024.
▪ RBI was established on April 1, 1935.
▪ First Governor - Sir Osborne Smith.
April 2 World Autism ▪ Every year April 2 is observed as World Autism
Awareness Day Awareness Day to raise awareness about autism
among the general public.
▪ The day was first observed by United Nations
in 2007.
▪ Theme 2024: 'Empowering Autistic Voices’
April 3 International Day for ▪ The International Day for Mine Awareness and
Mine Awareness and Assistance in Mine Action is observed every year
Assistance in Mine on April 4 to raise public attention towards mine
Action action activities.
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▪ The day was first observed in 2006.

▪ The day is observed mainly by United Nations
Mine Action Service (UNAMS).
▪ UNAMS was established in 1997.
April 5 National Maritime ▪ National Maritime Day is celebrated on 5 April
Day every year in India to raise awareness about the
international economy and promote maritime
▪ The day was first observed on 5 April 1964.
▪ Theme 2024: "Navigating the future: safety first!"
2 | Current Affairs, April - 2024 Vetrii IAS Study Circle

Date Day Theme / Remark

April 6 International ▪ The International Day of Sport for Development

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Day of Sport for and Peace (IDSDP) is observed annually on
Development and April 6.
Peace ▪ The day aims to recognize the positive role sport
and physical activity play in communities and in
people’s lives across the globe.
▪ Theme 2024: “Sport for the Promotion of Peaceful
and Inclusive Societies”.
▪ The day was first observed in 2013 by the United
Nations General Assembly.
April 7 World Health Day ▪ World Health Day 2024 is celebrated every year on
April 7 to raise awareness around various health
issues worldwide.
▪ Theme 2024 : 'My health, my right’.
▪ The day commemorates the founding of the World
Health Organisation (WHO)
▪ The day was first observed in 1948.
April 9 Central Reserve Police ▪ This day is celebrated on April 09 every year to
Force valor Day celebrate the bravery and selfless sacrifice of the
Central Police Force (CRPF) soldiers.
▪ The day marks the anniversary of the 1965 war
between the Central Samaj Police Force and the
Pakistani Army.
April 10 World Homeopathy ▪ World Homeopathy Day is observed every year
Day on April 10 to mark the birth anniversary of
Dr. Samuel Hahnemann.
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▪ He is the founder of homeopathy.

▪ Theme 2024: 'Empowering Research, Enhancing
Proficiency: A Homeopathy Symposium'.
April 11 World Parkinson's ▪ World Parkinson's Day is observed annually on
Day April 11 to raise awareness about Parkinson's
▪ It is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects
millions of people worldwide.
▪ The day commemorates the birthday of Dr.James
▪ He first described the symptoms of the disease.

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Date Day Theme / Remark

April 12 International Day for ▪ The International Day for Street Children is

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Street Children observed on April 12 every year to raise awareness
about the plight of street children and to promote
their inclusion and well-being.
▪ The day was first observed in 1989 when the United
Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child was
▪ Theme 2024 : “Belonging.”
April 12 International Day of ▪ The International Day of Human Space Flight is
Human Space Flight observed on April 12 every year to commemorate
2024 the beginning of the space era for mankind.
▪ It was on April 12, 1961 that the Russian cosmonaut,
Yuri Gagarin made the first human space journey
in Vostok 1.
▪ Theme 2024: "Encouraging Scientific Curiosity"


Defence exports cross Rs.21,000 crore Note
▪ Defence Minister Rajnath Singh stated that ▪ Agni-Prime is a surface-to-surface missile
India’s defence exports crossed Rs.21,000 capable of hitting targets at ranges of 1200-
crore for the first time. 2000 kilometres.

▪ The defence exports in India had grown by 31 Akashteer system

times in the past 10 years compared with FY ▪ The Indian Army has recently begun the
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2013-14. induction of control and reporting systems

under ‘Project Akashdeep’ to strengthen its
Agni Prime Missile tested successfully
air defence capabilities.
▪ Agni-Prime was successfully tested from Dr
About ‘Project Akashdeep’
APJ Abdul Kalam Island off the coast of
▪ Aim – To enhance the operational efficiency
and integration of the Army’s air defence
▪ It is a New Generation Ballistic Missile
▪ It was tested jointly by the Strategic Forces
▪ Under this project, the defence systems are
Command (SFC) and Defence Research and
developed by Bharat Electronics Limited
Development Organisation (DRDO).

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4 | Current Affairs, April - 2024 Vetrii IAS Study Circle


Phanigiri site Note
▪ A coin hoard was unearthed recently at ▪ Phanigiri is one of the important Buddhist

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Phanigiri in Suryapet district in Telangana. monasteries located on Dakshinapatha
▪ Phanigiri is a renowned Buddhist heritage (ancient trade route)
site. ▪ Ikshvaku period is dated between 3rd century
▪ It was found that the coins belong to the and 4th century Common Era.
Ikshvaku period.


GD Birla Award for Scientific Excellence ▪ She won the award for her contributions to the
▪ Dr.Aditi Sen De has won the 2023 GD Birla world of literature.
Award for Scientific Excellence recently.
John L. “Jack” Swigert Jr.
▪ She is the first women to receive the Award. ▪ Chandrayaan-3 mission team of Indian Space
▪ The award recognises outstanding Research Organisation (ISRO) has received
contributions by Indian scientists who are the John L “Jack” Swigert Jr. award 2024 for
under the age of 50 and living and working Space Exploration.
in India. About Chandrayaan – 3
▪ The award is given annually by the KK Birla ▪ Launch - 14th July 2023
Foundation since 1991. ▪ India became the fourth nation to soft-land on
CIDC Vishwakarma Awards 2024 Moon and first nation to soft-land on Moon’s
▪ The Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) south pole on August 23, 2023.
has been awarded the Construction Industry ▪ Launch Vehicle - LVM3
Development Council's (CIDC) Vishwakarma ▪ Lander - Vikram
Awards 2024 in multiple categories recently. ▪ Rover – Pragyan
▪ Categories include, ▪ Site name - Shiv Shakti Point
• India's best Metro Rail network.
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• Award for Best Construction Projects

• Construction Health, Safety and
About CIDC
▪ Established by the Union government in
conjunction with industries.
▪ Apex representative organisation of the Indian
construction industry.
WOW World Literature Prize
▪ A renowned Kannada poet, writer, and an
activist Mamta G. Sagar won the WOW World
Literary Prize from the World Organization
of Writers (WOW).

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NATO's 75th Anniversary About NATO
▪ North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) ▪ Formation - April 4, 1949

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recently completed 75 years since its ▪ Members – 32 countries
conception. ▪ Headquarters – Brussels, Belgium
▪ Sweden is the latest country to join the Alliance
on 7 March 2024.

Chanu qualified for Paris Olympics 2024 ▪ She won the silver medal in Tokyo Olympics
▪ Saikhom Mirabai Chanu became the only 2020
Indian weightlifter to qualify for the Paris ▪ She is the second Indian weightlifter after
Olympics 2024. Karnam Malleswari to win an Olympic medal.
▪ Paris Olympics 2024 is set to be held from 26th
July to 11th August 2024 in Paris, France.

New Head of National Judicial Academy About National Judicial Academy
(NJA) ▪ It is an independent society, established in 1993
▪ The Supreme Court has appointed Justice under the Societies Registration Act, 1860.
Aniruddha Bose as the new Director of the ▪ Chairperson-Justice D.Y. Chandrachud (Chief
National Judicial Academy (NJAC). Justice of India)
▪ The Director is appointed by the Chairperson
of the NJA.
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National Digital database of organ ▪ It is recognised by Articles 14 (Right to
donors Equality) and Article 21 (Right to Life)
▪ Centre plans to create a national digital ▪ The verdict links the Right against Climate
database of organ donors for smooth Change to Articles 14 and 21 as the Rights to
transplants. life and equality could not be fully realised
▪ As per the NOTTO’s data, India witnessed without a clean, stable environment.
16,041 organ transplants in 2022, as against
Suvidha Portal
the wait list of nearly 500,000 organ failure
▪ Over 73,000 applications received on Suvidha
portal since the announcement of Lok Sabha
Note elections.
▪ NOTTO National level organization set up
▪ Maximum requests were received from Tamil
under Directorate General of Health Services,
Nadu (23,239)
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
About Suvidha Portal
Citizen’s ‘climate rights’ ▪ Developed by Election Commission of India.
▪ The Supreme Court has recognised the ▪ Aim - To promote transparency in election
right against the adverse effects of climate management
change as a distinct fundamental right in the
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One Vehicle, One FASTag SEBI Scores

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▪ The National Highways Authority of India’s ▪ The Securities and Exchange Board of India
(NHAI) launched the ‘One Vehicle, One (SEBI) unveiled an upgraded version of SEBI
FASTag‘ scheme recently. Complaint Redress System (SCORES).
▪ Aim – To enhance efficiency of the Electronic ▪ It is an online system where investors in the
Toll Collection system and provide seamless securities market can lodge their complaints.
movement at the Toll Plazas. ▪ It was launched in June 2011.
Note About SEBI
▪ FASTag is an national electronic toll collection ▪ It is a regulatory body for securities and
system operated by NHAI. commodity market in India.
▪ It uses Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) ▪ Chairperson - Madhabi Puri Buch
NICES project
START Programme ▪ The National Information System for Climate
▪ ISRO has launched the ‘Space Science and and Environmental Studies (NICES) project
Technology Awareness Training (START)’ has been jointly launched by ISRO and the
programme recently. Department of Space.
▪ It is a new introductory-level online training ▪ It aims to enhance the contribution of academics
programme for post-graduate and final-year and research institutions in addressing the
undergraduate students of physical sciences challenges related to climate change.
and technology.
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Chital Deer Artificial Reefs
▪ Chital deer has become an invasive species ▪ 210 artificial reefs will be installed in the
in Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Island Arabian Sea Worli Koliwada.
(formerly Ross Island). ▪ It is located near Mumbai in Maharashtra.
▪ The herbivore was brought to the Andaman ▪ The artificial reef will become a breeding
and Nicobar Islands for hunting in the early ground for small fishes in 90 days and for large
1900s by the British. fishes in six months.
About Chital Deer Note
▪ It is native to the Indian subcontinent. ▪ Artificial reefs were installed for the first time
▪ IUCN Status: Least Concern. in India in Pondicherry in 2023.
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Clean Energy Transitions Programme ▪ Sustainable Development Goals financing
annual report 2023 needs are growing, but development financing
▪ International Energy Agency (IEA) recently is not keeping pace.
launched the Clean Energy Transitions About UN – DESA
Programme annual report 2023. ▪ Founded: 1948
About Clean Energy Transitions Programme ▪ Headquarters: New York.
▪ It is an initiative launched by IEA. Global Trade Outlook and Statistics
▪ Launch - 2017 Report
▪ Aim - For accelerating progress toward a ▪ The World Trade Organisation (WTO) has
global net zero energy system. recently published the latest edition of the
Global Trade Outlook & Statistics Report.
"Global Unicorn Index 2024" Key Findings
▪ Hurun Research Institute released the Global ▪ World merchandise trade volume is projected
Unicorn Index 2024. to grow 2.6% in 2024 and 3.3% in 2025.
▪ It is the ranking of the world's start-ups ▪ Inflation is expected to ease in 2024 and 2025.
founded in 2000s. About WTO
• Founded - January 1, 1995
Key findings
• Headquarters – Geneva
▪ In 2023, India had 67 unicorn startups and
placed third globally. Global Hepatitis Report 2024
Vetrii IAS Study Circle

▪ USA led with 703 unicorns, followed by China ▪ Global Hepatitis Report 2024 was recently
with 340. released by the World Health Organisation
Financing for Sustainable Development
Report 2024 Key Findings
▪ The estimated number of deaths from viral
▪ Financing for Sustainable Development
hepatitis increased from 1.1 million in 2019 to
Report 2024 was released by United Nations
1.3 million in 2022.
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
(UN – DESA) recently. ▪ Of these, 83% were caused by hepatitis B, and
17% by hepatitis C.
Key Findings
▪ Sustainable development prospects continue to ▪ India accounted for the second-highest
diverge between developed and developing number of cases of Hepatitis B and C in 2022
countries. with 3.5 crore infections.
10 | Current Affairs, April - 2024 Vetrii IAS Study Circle

▪ China recorded the highest number of cases of Key Findings

Hepatitis B and C. ▪ India has the largest gaming market in the
Note world.

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▪ Hepatitis is a viral infection that causes the ▪ India has a user base of 568 million gamers
inflammation of the liver. and over 9.5 billion gaming app downloads
▪ There are five main strains of the hepatitis in 2023.
virus, referred to as types A, B, C, D and E. ▪ The annual revenue of the Indian gaming
industry is expected to double by almost $6
India Gaming Report 2024
billion by 2028 from $3.1 billion in 2023.
▪ The India Gaming Report 2024 was jointly
▪ India's online gaming industry will add 2.5
released by the Interactive Entertainment
lakh more jobs in the next 10 years.
and Innovation Council (IEIC) and WinZO


India’s Coal and Lignite Production Note
▪ India has 5th largest coal reserve and is 2nd
▪ Union Minister of Coal, Pralhad Joshi stated
largest consumer of coal across the world.
that India’s coal and lignite production has ▪ Coal India Limited (CIL) is the largest
crossed one Billion tonnes for the first time. producer of coal in India
▪ Coal and lignite production has grown by ▪ India's total coal and lignite production
more than 70 per cent over the last 10 years. incresed to 1,039 million tonnes last fiscal
▪ Coal sector mining helps India to achieve
▪ India has produced 937.22 million tonnes of
Viksit Bharat. coal and lignite in FY2023.
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Evidence of Ozone About KSO
▪ Researchers from the Physical Research ▪ Establishment - April 1, 1899.
Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad in Gujarat ▪ Aim - To obtain data on how Sun heats up
have uncovered evidence of ozone presence Earth’s atmosphere and to understand the
on Jupiter’s moon Callisto.
monsoon patterns.
▪ Callisto is Jupiter’s second largest moon and
third largest moon in solar system. TSAT-1A
▪ It was discovered by Galileo Galilei in 1610 ▪ TSAT-1A satellite was successfully deployed
▪ Jupiter has 95 moons. into the space by SpaceX’s Falcon 9 rocket.

▪ Ganymede is the largest moon ▪ The satellite was developed by Tata Advanced
Systems Ltd. (TASL).
Kodaikanal Solar Observatory (KSO)
▪ It was placed in space as part of the
▪ KSO completed 125 years of establishment on
Bandwagon-1 mission.
April 1, 2024.
▪ It functions under the Indian Institute of ▪ It was launched from Kennedy Space Centre
Astrophysics. at Florida in U.S.
▪ It is located in Palani range in Tamil Nadu.


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Empathic Voice Interface (EVI) ▪ Hume is a New York-based research lab and
▪ Hume has introduced world’s first technology company.
conversational AI with emotional intelligence
called Empathic Voice Interface (EVI)
Paradip Port ▪ The project will be overseen by Indian
▪ Paradip Port surpassed Kandla to emerge as Strategic Petroleum Reserves Ltd (ISPRL)
the highest cargo handling major port of the ▪ ISPRL is a special purpose vehicle created for
country in the financial year 2023-2024. building and operating SPR.
▪ It was the first major port on the East Coast Note
commissioned after independence. ▪ At present, SPRs are located at Visakhapatnam
▪ The port is located near confluence of river in Andhra Pradesh and Mangalore & Padur
Mahanadi and the Bay of Bengal. in Karnataka.
Note Gene Therapy for Cancer
▪ India has 13 major ports and 205 minor and ▪ The President of India, Droupadi Murmu
intermediate ports. launched India’s first home-grown gene
Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) therapy for cancer at IIT Bombay.
▪ India plans to build its first privately managed ▪ The line of treatment named “CAR-T cell
SPR by 2029-30. therapy” is accessible and affordable.
▪ SPR aims to enhance stockpiles against
potential supply disruptions.
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S.A.R.A.H. About WHO
▪ S.A.R.A.H. was launched by the World Health ▪ Established - 7 April 1948
Organisation recently. ▪ Headquarters - Geneva, Switzerland
▪ It is a Smart AI Resource Assistant for Health ▪ Director-General of WHO - Tedros Adhanom
(S.A.R.A.H.) that denotes an evolution of Ghebreyesus
▪ AI-powered health information avatars.
▪ It uses new language models and cutting-edge
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Maa. Aranganathan Memorial Awards ▪ The foundation was launched in 2018.
▪ Maa. Aranganathan Memorial Awards for ▪ It has been honouring Tamil scholars who
literary scholars will be conferred on Tamil have made contributions to literature, art, and
scholars Thea.Gnanasundaram and K.V. heritage.
Balasubramaniam. ▪ The award includes a cash prize of Rs.1 lakh
▪ The Award is conferred by the Maa. and a citation.
Aranganathan Foundation.

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