MA3351 Transforms and Partial Differential Equtions

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Question Paper Code: 2203001

Third Semester
(Common to: Aeronautical Engineering/ Aerospace Engineering/ Automobile Engineeting/
Civil Engineering/ Mechanical Engineering/ Mechatronics Engineering)
Time: Three hours Maximum: L00 marks
Answer ALL Questions
PART - A 0x2= 20 Marks
CO Bloom's
Q.No Questions

1,. Form the partial differential equation by eliminating the arbitrary constants a co1 K3
and b from (* - r)' + (y -b)' + 22 =l-
2. Find the complete integral of z= px+qv+ ,trq co1 K3

3. State Dirichlet's conditions for a function to expand in Fourier series. coz K1

4. Find the root mean square v alue of f (x) x ln (0t I ) coz K3

5. Write d own the three p ossib 1e solutions of one dimensional wave uation.
co3 K1

6. In steady S tate conditions d erlve the s olution of one dimensional hea t flow c04 K3
7. Define Fourier transform Pair.
co5 K1

8. f
If F (s ) 1S the F ourler transform of f (x) show that F t ( x a )rl e F ( s ).
co5 K3

9 Form a difference equation by eliminating the arbitrary constant from co6 K2

!n = A3n
co6 K3
Find z+)
PART - B (5 x'1.6 = 80 Marks )
CO Bloom
Q.No Questions ,s

1L.(a) i). Solve (32 - 4y) p + (4x -22)q = 2y -3x' (8 Marks) co1 K3

ii).Find the singular integr al of , = px + qv + p2 - Q2 '(8 Marks)

co1 K3

co1 K3
(b) i). Solve (D' + DD'-6D''), : e"*' + x'y .(8 Marks)
co1 K3
ii). Solve p' + q' : x' + y' .(8 Marks)
12.(a) 0 Find the first two harmonic of the Fourier series of f (x) given by the table coz
x 0 1T/ 2n/ 4tr/ 5tr / 2n I
/3 /3 /z /3
L.4 L.9 1.7 L.5 1..2 L
v 1,

(8 Marks)

ii) obtain the Half Range Cosine series for f(x) = x(n- x) in the interval
coz K3
(a,il. Hence show that
#= i*i*+.
. ( 8 Marks)

(b) i). Find the Fourier series otf(x1:a2 in -ft <x<lr Hence show that co2 K3

rro ' t--+-+

1 1 1' .. /o r r, --r--\
g0- 14'24'34''
-L- (8 Marks)

ii). Obtain the Fourier Series lot f (x) of period 2l ,whichis defined as co2 K3

-.r 0(x</ . (8 Marks)

f(x) =
I 0 I !x<21
L3.(a) i). A uniform sking is stretched and fastened to two points 'l' apatt. Motion co3 K3
is started by displacing the string into the form of the curve y = bc(t - x) and
then releasing it from this position at timer = 0 . Find the displacement of the
point of the string at a distance x from one end at time t. (1,4Marks)

ii). Write down the possible solutions of One dimensional heat equation. (2
Marks) c04 K1

(b) (i) A tightly stretched string of length 'l' with fixed ends is initiallY in c03 K3
equilibrium position. It is set vibrating by giving each point a velocity
rir'[9].Find the displacement of the point of the string at a distance x
from one end at time t. (14 Marks)

(ii) Write down the possible solutions of Two dimensional heat equation.
c04 K1
(2 Marks)
an,aLe,:* *7 7*.{?a?a*r-*<aY

1a.(a) o -l*l l,l <a Hence deduce that

co5 K3
Find the Fourier transform of 71x1=
o lrl >a

tr (16 Marks)
iu,,1, and
l, t- 2 i(+)r3a, =L.

i). Evaluate i x'dx usinge transform techniques. (8 Marks) co5 K3
J,a};;,L? +b\
ii). Find the Fourier transfor of e-o'i , rf o >0 . Hence fn a rp-*) . (8 Marks) co5
^ K3
L5.(a) 822 co6 K3
i).Find Z-1 using convolution theorem. (8 Marks)
(2, r\+z 1

z co6 K3
ii).Find Z-1 using Partial Fractions Method. (8 Marks)
(z +t)(z -r)'z
(b) i). Solve !,+z-3!,+t-10y,,:0with !o =1, lr:}using Z-transforms. (8 Marks) co6 K3

ii).Find t}reZ-trartsform of cosnl. Hence tind z(co"T),r(r'*"ff).

co6 K3
(8 Marks)

)F** **)F *)F** * *****

Pase 3 of3

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