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Maths 9

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raDinE.-tV cl !E rEfr_irATLtEirATtfc
.r.fr. i, A Dlzc_Qn
t.L.r.h. .!-

SECTION-A (20 Marks)

This section comprises multiple choice questions (Mcqsl of 1 mark each.

Q.1 Which of the following is irrational?

t# q# cld5 d) fiE
A.22\h + rE isequal to
alhl6 bl rle c! 3V3 dl 4.{6
Q.3 ilegree of the polynomial 4 - yZ
a)2 bl3 cl4.
Q.4Ttre linearequationTx - 5y :35 has
a! A unique solution

bt Two sotutions

c) tnfinitely many solutions

d! Nosolution
Q.5 Point (-3,51lies in the
a) First quadrant
' b) Second quadrant

c! Third quadrant

Q.6 tt is kn0wn that if x+y=5 then r+11+1ry=ga57 the Euctid.s axibm that illustrates
a) FirstAxiom b) Second Axiom . : j .

c) Third Axiom d) Fourth Axiom

Q.7 Write the complementary angle of EOo

a) 500 b) 9oo

c) 30o d) 0o
Q.8 Calculate the value of x"
a! 800 bl 1000
c) xOo d) 5oo 2x
5x 2x
Q.9 An exterior angle of a triangle is 110 and its two interior opposite angles are equal ed9h,of,1;',,'
these equal angles is
a) E5o b) 75o

ci 85-
-. --0 d) s5"

Q.10 ln a AABC AB=5 cm, AC=5 cm and zA=400 then zB?

a) 8oo b) 5oo c! 7oo d! 9oo

ntl 1 icarrrralfrr
*-*- .lz--!*
atd7 -,{6 blrk
at41 + lE

t..ftg YO -. -
a .< 17 A' lffi :- -' -----r --
\ L, 15 equdl LL,

alel7 h) 318
c) e€ dl2{,
Q.13 36*=93 then x=?
alz bl1 dl4
Q.14 Value of 31ox51o

a) 3oto hl ls1o e) 2o1o dla5*

Q.I.5 The factorizatio n of 1;2*-7x+t
a) (3x-1) (ax-l) b) (2x+U {4x+1}

c] (3x+2){4r<+2} d){3x+1} {4x+1}

Q.16 (x+y)3
a) a3-y3-3ry b| a3-t'-sxy {x-y}
c) a3+y3+3ry df a3+y3+3xy{x+y}

Q.17 x=3, y=2 is a solution of the linear equation

. ':. ,- .

aJ x+2V=2 b)x+g=5 -r:rt:.i

c) 5x+-2f7 dlsx+y=?
' ':,:".
. ::- . ,
Q.18 Write the supplementary angles of 930
a) 1200 b) 11oo c| 23€ dl 870
Q.19 Abscissa of a point is positive in?
a) I quadrant only blJI quadrant only
i:., ,

I &II dll &I7 quadryntg

Q.20 Find the value of k if x=3, y=l is a solution of the equation 2x+5y=ft
. : :. ,. ':,.t:.

al I bl -11 c) 11 d) None oftheabove

SECTION-B (10 Marks)

This section comprises very short answer (VSA) type question of 2 marks each.
Q.21 Express the following in the tarm? where p and q are integers and q*0.

a) 0.6
4 !-t.--
tl.zz use aa-- a--1---1---
Eire ia.tilr tr-ieorein to d-t€ri-iliile --,r---a--_
wiretirer Sixi
is a factor of pixi iii eartr of tire faiio-ruine.

p(x!=f+3x2+3x+1 g{x)=x+z

Q.23 Express the following linear equation in the form ax+by+c=0 and indicate the values of a,b&c.
q,.24 ffilA is an isoseeies tiangie with PQ=PR. firag-PAiQfr- Shs-uE that zq=2ft.
,:1 ..- -,"'j'.

:t' ,l:

a A

q.24 AD is an altitude of an isosceles triangle ABC in which AB=AC, Show that AD bisect zA.


.i,- :

B D c

CL25 Two supplementary angles are in the ratio S:4,findthe angles.


Q.25 ln the figure given below, calculate the value of angle x.

SECTION-C (18 Marks)

This section comprises of short answer {sA} type questions of 3 marks each.
Q.25 LMN is an isoscelestriangle in which altitudes Mq & NP are drawn to equal sides LM & Lf.*i

respectively. Show that these altitudes are equal.

P a
,:i1.::'. . ;.....,', .,'.: :,r: ii;.,,ri::',:l:

Q.27ln ZPQR=ZPRQthen prove that ZPQS=ZPRT.


S Q R T.:
q.28 Wr'rte the quadrant in which each of the following-pointlie.

1,{42} 2}{3,-2} 3}{-5r-a}

r} a.t I laira r crri+ohtc iCa**i+rr finC I('Otl3

Q.3O Factorise.

1) x3+13x2+32x+20


1l (2x+113

Q,31 Rationalize the denominators of the following

aFEaAit n rta rr^-1.-l
JLL r rarri-rJ tzt, tvroa lq)!

This section comprises long answer {LA} type question of 5 marks each.

?? Evaaarl
[,-fr,P.i.ii'a a+!r af +lro'!alla'.,i-o
.-..-rsr..E ,.cina crritlhla idpntlti+q
=ri!i. .r. .-.- -....a;-.]Ir:

Ll l-2x+3V+2212 2) {3a+4b+5c}2
Q.33 See fig. 3.14 write the following

-2 r


1) The coordinate of C.

2) The coordinate of the point M.

3) The absclssa cf the point H.

4) The coordinate of the E.

5) The point identified by the coordinate (-5, -3).


Q.33 dPQR & AOQR are two isosceles triangle on the same base QR ' P

and vertices P&O are on the same side of QR. lf PO is extended

to intersect QR at S show that

,.j , i

tl., ar4J:ornJ
Annc ADnc

,t frs
. , hicari "/P r( wall )c ,fi
rr s R

zl,t P> !s tne Berpencrcurar grsefior oT qK.

Q.34 in right angie Ciiivi right angie at i"i. P is the midpoint of hyroteiiiise Oir;i. i.i is joined to P anu'

produced to a point L. Such that LP=PN. Point P joined to point M.

shoruthat L o
2, ZIMN is a right angle

3) etMN:AMNO
4l PN =;oM N

Q.34lf PQllRT, zPXY=500 & /)(Zf=LZAo, find x&y'
P x

K Y L t

Q"35 Evaluate.

Q 1O3x107
21 98x102

SECTION-E (12 Marksl

Tlris sgtloaCornprises 3ease st".ldy based grrestians sf 4 n*lr'kS:each.r "i '.";''t l

Q.35 P.ead the fc!!o'*ing passage and ans;"er the questions.

tn a schoot 5 out of every 7 children participated in save wild,lifecampaign organized by

theschoolauthorities. , ,, .:

1) What fraction of the students particip.qted in the campaign?

-t What is the vaiue of,1 5? ,. :_4. i I i

3l How many rational numbers are there hetween 5 and 7?

4l Every rational number is a number.

Q.37 Observing the figure given below and answer the following questions.



tI ln a Cartesian plane find the coordinates of point R. i L

7l Which point lie in fY quadrant L

3i ilihat wi!! be the va!'.ie of {abscissa of Qi-icooidinate of Ri I

Q"38 Read the following passage and answer any four questions of the following.

fi*r€ S,{iBEter'sllat&oaal Relief Su*d (elso called PMNRF in short} is the fur}d raised to

I provide support for oeople affected by Natural and manmade disasters. Natural disasters that are
covered urder this include flood, cryctone, earthquake etc. Manmade disasters that are included
sas ...gte.
s. asian r..ia{an+c
svr.se..rr, arirl elllakc iia+< o+.
, ..vld Lr-.

T-ws friends Sita and Gita together eontributed t20$ towards prime ministers relief fund.

1l if Gita"coi*ributed 184, then hcw much was contributed by Sita?

2l How to represent above situation in linear eguations in two variables?
3l Which is the standard form.of linear equation x=-5?
a) x+5d) b) 1.x-5=O

ci x+0.y+5=0 d) 1.x+0.y=5
aI h^+h ranlrihrrlod
l.F yst..
.r aarrallrr
eYssi.rt *han harrr mrrrh ic Lvrrl..vuLLu
aan*rihrrtarl hrr olrh?
vy \qer.,

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