Wesene G+6 Apartment BOQ

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Project Name:G+M+5 Residence Building Project Location: Nifas Silk Lafto Sub city

Project Owner : Wosene Alemayehu

no Description Unit QTY Rate Amount




1 Excavation and earth work....................................................................

Birr 706,546.72
2 Concrete work.....................................................................................
Birr 3,042,032.11
3 Masonary work.....................................................................................
Birr 63,262.79

TOTAL A........... Birr 3,811,841.62


1 Concrete work......................................................................................................
Birr 14,532,019.62
2 Walling.........................................................................................................
Birr 3,390,553.35
3 Roofing.....................................................................................................
Birr 0.00
4 Carpentry and Joinery.........................................................................................
Birr 1,948,616.27
5 Metal work.........................................................................................
Birr 5,530,006.12
6 Plastering and Pointing......................................................................................................
Birr 4,843,953.65
7 Finishing......................................................................................................
Birr 5,968,562.78
8 Glazing......................................................................................................
Birr 595,555.90
9 Painting.................................................................................................
Birr 1,788,419.88
10 Sanitary Installation…………………………….. Birr 2,134,670.08
11 Electrical Installation…………………………… Birr 2,150,236.01
12 Fence Work…………………………………….. Birr 205,987.20

Total B ………......... Birr 43,088,580.85

Total A + B ................... Birr 46,900,422.47

VAT 15%...................... Birr 7,035,063.37

GRAND TOTAL………… Birr 53,935,485.84

Page 1
Project Name:G+M+5 Residence Building Project Location: Nifas Silk Lafto Sub city
Project Owner : Wosene Alemayehu

no Description Unit QTY Rate Amount
no Description Unit QTY Rate Amount


Clear and remove top soil to an average depth of 200mm.
M2 114.75 59.99 6,883.62
1.02 Bulk excavation in ordinary soil to reduce level to the
specified depth on the drawing. M3 275.67 181.80 50,116.58
1.03 Trench excavation in ordinary soil to a depth specified in the
detail drawing starting from reduced ground level. M3 25.35 489.67 12,411.72

1.04 Pit excavation in ordinary soil to a depth specified in the

detail drawing starting from reduced ground level. M3 32.00 489.67 15,669.50

1.05 Back fill around foundation with selected excavate material

from quarry waste and compact in layers not exceeding
200mm thick. M3 138.39 2114.04 292,570.98

1.06 Fill under hardcore with selected material from quarry waste
and compact in layers not exceeding 200mm thick. M3 91.85 2114.04 194,174.57
1.07 Load and cart away surplus excavated material to an
appropriate tip. M 330.62 218.00 72,076.21

1.08 250mm thick basaltic stone hardcore well rolled, consolidated

and blinded with crushed stone . M2 91.85 682.02 62,643.54
TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY ............................ 706,546.72


2.01 50 mm lean concrete quality C-5, with minimum cement
content of 150 kg /m3, of concrete:
a) Under Footings M 53.97 369.41 19,936.58
b) Under ground floor beam and strap beam M2 45.00 369.41 16,623.36
c) Under masonry wall M2 17.89 369.41 6,608.71
Reinforced concrete quality C-25,360 kg of cement/m3 filled
in to form work and vibrated around rod reinforcement
(Formwork and reinforcement measured separately)
a) In footings M3 33.38 10395.85 347,037.45
b) In strap footing beams M3 3.30 10395.85 34,306.31
c) In foundation columns M 15.05 10754.63 161,857.15
d) In grade beams M3 14.22 5943.47 84,509.46
e) In 100mm thick ground floor slab. M2 91.85 10395.85 954,859.01
2.03 Provide, cut and fix in position sawn structural wood or steel
formwork which ever is appropriate.
a) To footings M2 72.95 825.18 60,200.18
b) To strap footing beams M2 24.50 825.18 20,216.91
c) To foundation columns M 128.10 825.18 105,705.56
d) To grade beams M 57.51 825.18 47,456.10

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Project Name:G+M+5 Residence Building Project Location: Nifas Silk Lafto Sub city
Project Owner : Wosene Alemayehu

no Description Unit QTY Rate Amount
2.04 Mild steel reinforcement according to structural drawings.
Price includes cutting, bending, placing in position,tying wire
and concrete spacers.
a) Dia 8 mm deformed bar Kg 1,247.89 177.80 221,880.54
b) Dia 10 mm deformed bar Kg 0.00 177.80 0.00
c) Dia 12 mm deformed bar Kg 303.65 172.46 52,368.43
d) Dia 14 mm deformed bar Kg 447.40 172.46 77,161.02
e) Dia 16 mm deformed bar Kg 3,116.79 172.46 537,533.77
f) Dia 20 mm deformed bar Kg 1,703.38 172.46 293,771.56
TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY ............................. 3,042,032.11


3.01 500mm thick hard trachytic roughly dressed stone masonry

foundation wall below ground level bedded in cement mortar
mix ratio (1:3) M3 12.50 4780.22 59,752.80
3.02 Ditto but for exposed part above natural ground level. M3 32.00 5327.60 3,509.99
TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY ............................. 63,262.79

Reinforced concrete quality C-25,360 kg of cement/m3 filled
in to form work and vibrated around rod reinforcement
(Formwork and reinforcement measured separately)
a) In elevation columns M3 90.30 11134.46 1,005,442.10
b) In floor beams M3 81.58 10723.50 874,780.24
c) In stair case M3 32.37 10723.50 347,098.25
d) In 150mm thick floor slab. M2 642.95 1559.38 1,002,600.80
1.02 Provide, cut and fix in position sawn structural wood or steel
formwork which ever is appropriate.
a) To elevation columns M2 667.80 838.61 560,022.42
b) To floor beams M2 636.84 838.61 534,059.12
c) To staircase. M2 642.95 838.61 539,183.01
d) To 150mm suspended floor slab. 2 539,183.01
M 642.95 838.61

1.03 Mild steel reinforcement according to structural drawings.

Price includes cutting, bending, placing in position , tying
wire, concrete spacers and chairs.
a) Dia 8 mm deformed bar Kg 22,485.50 177.80 3,998,011.77
b) Dia 10 mm deformed bar Kg 11,582.58 177.80 2,059,429.13
c) Dia 12 mm deformed bar Kg 2,184.62 172.46 376,767.67
d) Dia 14 mm deformed bar Kg 7,091.90 172.46 1,223,096.91
e) Dia 16 mm deformed bar Kg 4,597.57 172.46 792,914.64
f) Dia 20 mm deformed bar kg 3,939.55 172.46 679,430.54
TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY ....................... 14,532,019.62
2.01 Class B, 200mm thick HCB wall with the designed
compressive strength , bedded in cement mortar (1:3).Price
shall include mortar bed. M2 1,098.91 1477.40 1,623,535.21
2.02 Class B, 200mm thick ribbed HCB slab with the designed
compressive strength , bedded in cement mortar (1:3).Price
shall include mortar bed. M2 0.00 885.94 0.00
2.03 Class B, 150mm thick HCB wall with the designed
compressive strength , bedded in cement mortar (1:3).Price
shall include mortar bed. M2 1,628.29 1085.20 1,767,018.14

TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY .......................... 3,390,553.35

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Project Name:G+M+5 Residence Building Project Location: Nifas Silk Lafto Sub city
Project Owner : Wosene Alemayehu

no Description Unit QTY Rate Amount
3.01 EGA roof cover, fixed to wooden purlins,price shall include
ridge cap, washer & bolts,7x5cm Purlins & 10x10 zigba rafter(
roof measured in horizontal projection).
M2 0.00 2781.65 0.00
3.02 Supply and fix G-28 galvanized flat metal sheet gutter as per
the detail drawing. Price shall include all necessary
accessories, metal brackets, one coat of antirust paint and two
coat of synthetic enamel paint.
Development. length =880mm Ml 0.00 2781.65 0.00

TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY ............................ 0.00


4.01 Supply and fix 40mm thick hollow core flush wooden door
with hard wood frame and both sides covered with best
quality 4mm thick ply wood, wall nut or OAK veneered type
including best quality cylinder lock ,hinges and door stopper.
Price includes three coats of varnish paint.

a) Type D1 = size:850x2100mm m2 74.97 12624.66 946,470.76

b) Type D1 = size:100x2100mm m2 22.68 12624.66 286,327.29
c) Type D1 = size:750x2100mm m2 56.70 12624.66 715,818.22
4.02 Supply and fix 8 mm thick chip wood ceiling on and
including 40 x 50 mm structural wood battens placedc/c 600
mm both ways suspended to Eucalyptus truss lower
M2 0.00 2693.11 0.00
member. Price includes 40x40mm decorated wood corner list
and all other necessary accessories to complete the work.

TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY ....................... 1,948,616.27


Windows and Doors are manufactured from best quality

anodized aluminum profile, as per the engineers approval
and window door schudle.Unit price shall include door
stopper, hinges,best quality lock with handle,and all other
necessary accessories.

5.01 Top Windows

a) Type TW1 = size: 800x700mm Pcs 118.05 13540.87 1,598,499.94
5.02 Windows
b) Type W1 = size:2500x2700mm Pcs 64.55 13540.87 874,063.29
c) Type W2 = size:1500x1800mm Pcs 27.10 13540.87 366,957.63
d) Type W2 = size:1100x1600mm Pcs 29.11 13540.87 394,161.24
e)Type W2 = size:1000x1600mm Pcs 26.94 13540.87 364,791.09
f)Type W2 = size:750x1000mm Pcs 37.28 13540.87 504,803.71
g) Type W2 = size:1200x1800mm Pcs 2.24 13540.87 30,331.55
h) Type W2 = size:1000x9000mm Pcs 19.32 13540.87 261,609.65
5.03 Supply & fix Dia. 50, 2mm thick Handrail to stair case welded
to Dia 28mm,2mm thick ballustade placed c/c 200mm
anchored to concrete treads including 30x20x1.5mm bottom
rail welded to ballustrade in accordance with the Ml 37.8 5214.06 197,091.47
Architectural drawing .Price include one coat of Antirust, two
coats of synthetic paint and all the necessary accessories to
make the work complete .
5.04 Ditto but to Balcony Ml 179.84 5214.06 937,696.55
TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY ....................... 5,530,006.12

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Project Name:G+M+5 Residence Building Project Location: Nifas Silk Lafto Sub city
Project Owner : Wosene Alemayehu

no Description Unit QTY Rate Amount
6.01 Apply three coats of plastering in cement mortar (1:3). Price
shall include pre-cleaning and preparation of the surface.

a) To all internal wall surface M2 3,256.59 566.56 1,845,039.47

b) To exposed beams, stairs & columns. M
1468.23 610.32 1,341,374.48
c) To RC ceiling M
642.95 610.32 392,405.24
6.02 Apply two coats of plastering in cement mortar (1:3). Price
shall include pre-cleaning and preparation of the surface.
a) To external wall surface to receive quartz paint. M2 2,197.82 566.56 1,245,189.01
b) To receive ceramic wall tile. M2 45.00 443.23 19,945.44

TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY ....................... 4,843,953.65

7.01 Imported type best quality Non Slipery flooring stuck down
with approved type adhesive on cement sand screed floor
finish and joints grouted in appropriate colour setting coat
mortar,colour and pattern of tile shall be approved by the

a) 10mm thick ceramic floor tile. M2 642.95 4012.60 2,579,898.60

7.02 10x100mm high Ceramic skirting stuck to wall with approved
type adhesive with cement sand mortar backing. Ml 4,355.50 384.56 1,674,968.04

7.03 20mm thick Marble tile flooring bedded on and including

30mm thick cement sand (1:3) mortar and joints grouted in
appropriate color setting coat mortar. Color and pattern of the
tile shall be as per the Engineer approval.

-20mm thick to landing.

M2 22.68 6576.88 149,163.55
- Tread size1200x320mm Ml 192.50 2367.76 455,793.03
- Riser size 160x1200mm 1085.32
Ml 192.50 208,923.33
- 20x140mm Marble skirting 734.80 795.74
Ml 584,712.69
7.04 30mm. Thick Marble window cill on HCB. 134.25 2347.14
Ml 315,103.55

TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY ....................... 5,968,562.78

8.01 4mm thick clear glass glazed with beads, rubber gasket and
sealant to PVC profile frames.
M2 324.59 1834.80 595,555.90
TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY ....................... 595,555.90
a) To all internal wall surface. M2 3,256.59 121.42 395,401.89
b) To RC ceiling M2 642.95 121.42 78,064.42
c) To exposed beams & columns. M2 1468.23 121.42 178,266.61
9.01 Aplly Kadisco or equivalent type Quartz paint to all external
wall surface according to complete manufacturers instruction
a) To external wall surface M2 2,197.82 517.19 1,136,686.96

TOTAL CARRIED TO SUMMARY ....................... 1,788,419.88

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Project Name:G+M+5 Residence Building Project Location: Nifas Silk Lafto Sub city
Project Owner : Wosene Alemayehu

no Description Unit QTY Rate Amount



All fixtures which differs from that specified

below is subject to the owner's approval, based
on samples, catalogues and brochures presented
by the Contractor. Unit Price shall include all the
necessary fixing brackets or hooks and all assistnace
civil works such as chiselling of walls, floors, beams etc…

1.1.1 Supply and fix hand wash basins with chrome plated
water tap mixer made of white vitreious china, complete
with plug, chrome plated chain holder, P-smell trap with
connection pipe and with all other necessary accessories.
a) 450 x 550mm normal No 14.00 16187.62 226626.624
1.1.2 Supply and fix wash down water closets made of white
vitreous china with plastic seat and cover including low flush
cistern. Complete with all necessary accessories. No 14.00 25187.62 352626.624
1.1.3 Supply and fix toilet paper holder with chrome
plated brass wall flanged roll with chrome
plated fastening screws and other accessories. No 14.00 762.05 10668.672

1.1.4 Supply and fix crystal glass mirrors for handwash basins
with copper back protection, including chrome plated
brass mirror clips with chrome plated
screws and etc... for hand wash basins. Price
shall also include approved quality shelves.
a) 50 x 40cm No 14.00 9600.00 134400

1.1.5 Supply and fix single tubular chrome plated

swing pattern towel rails, with chrome plated
fastening screws. Complete with all the accessories. No 14.00 983.77 13772.808

1.1.6 Supply and fix soap holder in white vitreous china of

size 150 x 150 mm. Complete with the necessary fixing
and other accessories for hand wash basins and bath tubs. No 14.00 1086.05 15204.672

1.1.7 Supply and fix stainless steel kitchen sink with double bowl
as where shown on the drawing. Complete with mixing battry,
chrome plated chain, plug,chrome plated faucet,
P-smell trap and with all accessories.
Size:- 1000 x 600 mm No 7.00 8239.68 57677.76

Supply and fix electric water heater complete with all

water proofing, mounting and fastening materials,
heat insulating safety and valves 3x2.5mm cable with
plug and other accessories there to: all of approve quality.
a) 50 liter capacity No 21.00 21267.29 446613.048

1.1.9 Supply, fix,test and commission approved quality

Jacuzy Bath, equipped with the necessary accessories.
All approved qualities. No 0.00 179158.37 0

1.1.10 Supply, fix,test and commission approved quality

bath tub made of enameled cast iron, equipped with
telephone type shower set, plug with chromed Chain
approved qualities.
a) Size: - 1700 x 700mm No 1.00 7639.45 7639.452

1.1.11 Supply and fix shower units made of enamelled cast

iron, comlete with approved quality flexible shower head,
P-smell trap and with all other necessary accessories.
Size: 700 x 700 mm No 14.00 5358.82 75023.424

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Project Name:G+M+5 Residence Building Project Location: Nifas Silk Lafto Sub city
Project Owner : Wosene Alemayehu

no Description Unit QTY Rate Amount


Water pipes shall be polypropylene pipes (PPR) and be
fixed to trusses, walls, beams or etc… with metal straps.
Unit price shall include all assistance civil works
and necessary fittings such T, bends, Y, reducers.
Gate valves and other necessary valves shall be fixed
properly as per the manfacturer's instruction and
according to where shown on the drawing. All water
pipes shall be tested two times the working pressure or
50 meters head, which ever is greater at the expense
of the contractor.

1.2.1 Supply and install polypropylene pipes (PPR) to internal

water distribution system as shown on the drawing.
Complete with all the necessary fittings and accessories.
Dia. 25 " ml 252.00 286.09 72095.184
" 32 " ml 186.00 337.72 62815.176

1.2.2 Supply, fix, test, and commission service valves

on the water supply pipe before sanitary appliances
including accessories, all as shown on the drawings.
a) Dia.15mm ( ½'' ) No 6.00 439.33 2635.992

1.2.3 Ditto item number 1.2.2 but stop valves for isolation
of branch pipes.
a) Dia.15mm ( ½'' ) No 3.00 439.33 1317.996
b) Dia. 20mm (¾'') No 4.00 502.08 2008.32


Alll domestic waste, vent and storm water pipe lines shall be
PVC pipes and shall be provided with a minimum slope of 2%
towards the outlet. All PVC pipes & necessary fittings shall
be standard quality & be free from damage during storage,
construction & etc. Unit price shall include all the necessary
assistance civil works, such as excavation, cartaway, fixing
or hanging to walls, beams or slabs.etc., necessary fittings
such as bends, Y, T, etc. Storm water PVC pipes shall resist
the external temperature & the quality shall meet the purpose.

1.3.1 Supply and lay internal PVC waste and vent pipes
according to where shown on the drawings.
Complete with all the necessary fittings.
Dia. 50 mm ml 95.00 130.98 12443.1
" 110 " ml 18.00 160.00 2879.928

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Project Name:G+M+5 Residence Building Project Location: Nifas Silk Lafto Sub city
Project Owner : Wosene Alemayehu

no Description Unit QTY Rate Amount
1.3.2 Supply and fix floor drain made of stainless steel or
equivalent, according to where located on the drawings
complete with P - smell trap and other necessary
accessories there to, all of approved qualities: -
a) Size: - Dia.50mm No 36.00 523.93 18861.552
1.3.3 Supply and fix screw or plug type approved quality
cleanouts as where shown on the drawing: -
a) Size: - Dia.110mm No 2.00 146.06 292.128

Supply and install vent caps made of rigid PVC to be

connected to the roof terminal of vent pipe. Unit price shall
include flushing works to prevent roof leakage: -
a) Size: - Dia.50mm No 14.00 160.00 2239.944


1.4.1 Supply and install PVC down pipes complete with bends
of 450 and 900 respectively as per shown on the drawings;

a) Size: - Dia.75mm ml 128.00 629.32 80,552.45

1.4.2 Supply and install Universal anti-backup roof terraz drain

with all gravel-grate and necessary fittings and accessories
thereto; of approved qualities.
a) Size: - Dia.110mm No 64.00 884.56 56,611.58


Supply and mount water tanks of fiber glass, vertical
type, on the roof slab as where shown on the roof plan,
complete with inlet, outlet, over flow and drain access
holes, float valves.... etc. of size as per the respective
pipe layout details provided: -
a)Size: - 5000 L capacity No 1.00 45962.26 45,962.26

Supply and mount water tanks of fiber glass, vertical

type, on the ground slab as where shown on the plan,
complete with inlet, outlet, over flow and drain access
holes, float valves.... etc. of size as per the respective
pipe layout details provided: -
a)Size: - 10000 L capacity No 1.00 86425.00 86,425.00

1.5.3 Supply and install gate valves (Italy made) or equivalent

standards complete with unions and other necessary fittings
and accessories there to, all of approved qualities: -
a) Dia. 15mm No 18.00 432.16 7778.808
b) Dia. 20mm No 4.00 951.88 3807.504

Total carried to summary (Eth. Birr)----------------------

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Project Name:G+M+5 Residence Building Project Location: Nifas Silk Lafto Sub city
Project Owner : Wosene Alemayehu

no Description Unit QTY Rate Amount


All Sanitary Materials such as pipes, fittings, and the like
should be as per the manufacturer's specification; and all
Sanitary units should be approved based on test certificates

1.6.1 Supply and lay galvanized steel pipes (GSP), or and

equivalent standards, for water distribution system from
municipality water meter to the roof mounted water tank
all as indicated on the drawing complete with all fittings
such as Tees, couplings...etc and other accessories.
Unit price shall include all assistance works such as
excavation of 30 x 50cm deep trenches, 10cm thick sand
bedding, 10cm thick over coating sand fill around the
pipe and red ash back fill: -
a) Dia. 25mm ml 12.00 1126.31 13515.696

1.6.2 Supply and install gate valves (Italy made) or equivalent

standards complete with unions and other necessary fittings
and accessories there to, all of approved qualities: -
a) Dia. 25mm No 2.00 580.85 1161.696

1.6.3 Construct manholes as shown on the detail drawing

provided.Price shall include all assistance works there to:
a) Size: 60cmx60cmx60cm No 6.00 18871.97 113231.808

1.6.4 Construct CESSPOOL (septic tank) where located and

as per the detail drawings. No 1.00 164665.37 164665.368
1.6.5 Supply and lay UPVC- BS4660 HUNTER drainage pipes
or equivalent standards for sewer lines conveying soil &
waste water from the building up to the septic tank
allocated as shown on the drawings, complete with all the
necessary accessories there to. Unit price shall include trench
excavation, preparation of 10cm thick firm sand bedding,
10cm thick sand over coating & red ash back filling, carting
away material and other assistance works there to:
a) Dia. 160mm ml 24.60 1191.04 29299.4856
1.6.6 Supply and lay PVC drainage pipes or equivalent
standards for storm water lines conveying storm water
from the site to the nearest drainage ditch allocated as
shown on the drawings, complete with all the necessary
accessories there to. Unit price shall include trench
excavation, preparation of 10cm thick firm sand bedding,
10cm thick sand over coating and red ash back filling,
carting away material and other assistance works there to:
Size: - Dia. 1600 mm ml 11.60 1191.04 13816.0176
Total carried to summary (Eth. Birr)----------------- 2,134,670.08

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Project Name:G+M+5 Residence Building Project Location: Nifas Silk Lafto Sub city
Project Owner : Wosene Alemayehu

no Description Unit QTY Rate Amount



1 Power /Auxiliary Intakes (Provisional Quantity)

Manhole in bricks and with concrete base internally of
1.1 500x400x600mm including cast iron cover with lifting hole. No 1.00 13624.62 13,624.62

PVC pipes.
1.2 (a) 50 mm diameter. M 64.00 243.82 15,604.48
(b)32 mm diameter. M 36.00 144.83 5,213.81

2 Low Voltage System Earth

2.1 16x2400mm earth rod. No 1.00 1116.30 1,116.30
2.2 1x16 sq. mm bare copper earth conductor from MLPP earth terminal
to earth rod. M 32.00 705.71 22,582.66

3 Distribution Boards
3.1 Flush mounting main distributionboard, MDB,
with lockable doors and including bus bars of
1000A /3P rating and consisting of :-
5PCs ACB of 16A/3P NO 1.00 119581.68 119,581.68
14PCs ACB of 16A/3P
12PCs ACB of 20A/3P
36PCs ACB of 32A/3P
1PCs ACB of 25A/1P
25% reserve pitches

Flush mounting main distribution board, SDB-1- 6F

with lockable doors and including bus bars of
40A /3P rating and consisting of :-
75PCs ACB of 16A/1P
1PCs ACB of 25A/1P NO 6.00 21181.10 127,086.62
1PCs ACB of 20A/1P
25% reserve pitches

Flush mounting main distribution board, SDB-MF

with lockable doors and including bus bars of
25A /3P rating and consisting of :-
52PCs ACB of 16A/1P
3 PCs ACB of 10A/1P NO 1.00 14485.10 14,485.10
2 PCs ACB of 20A/1P
25% reserve pitches

Page 10
Project Name:G+M+5 Residence Building Project Location: Nifas Silk Lafto Sub city
Project Owner : Wosene Alemayehu

no Description Unit QTY Rate Amount
10.6.1 Flush mounted light points fed through PVC
insulated conductors of 2x2.5mm² inside PVC
conduits of 16mm diameter, including junction boxes with
covers insulating screw cap connectors.
connectors. NO 256.00 2554.12 653,853.70


10.7.1 Flush mounting single pole switch, 71801 + 71850 NO 25.00 472.18 11,804.40
10.7.3 Flush mounting double pole switch, 71811 + 71850 NO 22.00 474.62 10,441.73
10.7.3 Flush mounting two-way switch, 71803 + 71850 NO 55.00 153.37 8,435.46
10.7.4 INTERMIDIATE SWITCH NO 4.00 679.03 2,716.13
10.8.1 10-16A/1P socket outlet points fed through PVC
insulated conductors of 3x2.5 mm² inside PVC conduits NO 124.00 3008.40 373,041.60
of 16mm diameter including junction boxes with covers,
and insulating screw cap connectors all for flush
mounting .
10.8.2 Ditto, but 20A-25/1P socket outlet point fed through PVC
insulated conductors of 3x4 mm² inside PVC conduits NO 21.00 5552.18 116,595.86
of 25mm diameter including junction boxes with covers,
and insulating screw cap connectors all for flush
mounting .


10.9.1 Flush mounting single socket outlet NO 146.00 204.12 29,801.52
10.9.2 Water heater socket outlet NO 21.00 552.96 11,612.16
10.9.3 Ditto, but for ENJERA MITAD . NO 7.00 578.05 4,046.36
10.9.4 Stove socket outlet NO 7.00 578.05 4,046.36
10.9.5 Shaver socket outlet(water proof) NO 24.00 467.28 11,214.72
10.10.1 TV points fed through twin flat TV cables inside
PVC conduits of 19mm diameter including
junction boxes with covers, insulating screw NO 21.00 1303.27 27,368.71
cap connectors, and flush mounted terminal
TV sockets .
10.10.2 TV aerial suitable for local transmission on 2.5m mast NO 1.00 3124.86 3,124.86
fixed on roof of the main building as to receive
optimal signal.


10.11.1 Only conduits of 19mm diameter including
junction boxes with covers etc. as per ETC
requirement. NO 21.00 819.85 17,216.89


10.11.3 Telephone box 300x300x400 NO 8.00 287.48 2,299.87


10.12.1 Bell call points fed through PVC insulated
conductors of 2x2.5mm², inside PVC conduits of
13.5/16 mm diameter, including junction boxes NO 28.00 1115.26 31,227.17
with covers and insulating screw cap
10.12.2 Bell call indicator panel of 10 numbers
complete with 220/(8-24v), 25VA transformer NO 7.00 1047.00 7,329.00


10.13.1 Flush mounting bell push button 71826 + 71850 NO 14.00 472.18 6,610.46
10.13.2 Ditto, but water-proof. NO 7.00 474.62 3,322.37
10.13.3 Bell push button with pull chord ( for bath rooms), 71829
71829+71850 NO 21.00 472.18 9,915.70

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Project Name:G+M+5 Residence Building Project Location: Nifas Silk Lafto Sub city
Project Owner : Wosene Alemayehu

no Description Unit QTY Rate Amount
(Specified or Equivalent)
10.14.1 philips TCS 214/236 ICL 2xTL-D36W NO 24.00 2446.08 58,705.92
10.14.2 MASSIVE 36507/43/10 with 2 xE14/40W LAMP NO 68.00 947.28 64,415.04
10.14.3 RZB 211024.002 with A60 60w NO 7.00 742.08 5,194.56
10.14.4 ENERGY SAVING FCL 15WLAMP NO 14.00 1363.08 19,083.12
10.14.5 RZB 23660.002 With 1xA60 60W NO 16.00 742.08 11,873.28
10.14.6 Massive 81979/03/43 with1xE14/max.40w lamp NO 8.00 947.28 7,578.24
10.14.7 RZB 23660.002 With 1xA60 60W NO 4.00 742.08 2,968.32
10.15.1 Gate post and garden light points fed through PVC
insulated conductors of 3x2.5mm² inside GIP conduits and
cement pipes (measured elsewhere)including water proof
junction boxes with covers, and insulating, screw cap NO 2.00 753.59 1,507.18
connectors all flush mounted.
3X4sq.mm ml 35.00 862.01 30,170.28
5X10 mm2 ml 72.00 1592.65 114,670.94
5X6 mm2 ml 142.00 1188.37 168,748.82

11-Fence Work

Construct fence for rear and sides of the compounds,which
is made of masonry foundation,grade beams,200 mm H.C.B
wall,Avg 60 mm thick concrete copping on top of H.C.B wall
and all other necessary work as per the detail drawing.Price
shall include pointing
ml 13.18 3840.00 50,611.20

Construct fence for front of the compounds,which is made of
masonry foundation,grade beams,1000 mm height dressed
stone elevation wall ,1500 mm high metal grill,Avg 60 mm
thick concrete copping on top of dressed stone wall and all
other necessary work as as specified in the detail drawing.
ml 26.16 5400.00 141,264.00
Construct 2(500x500x2500 mm) well dressed stone post at
the entrance ,60x600x600 mm concrete copping on top of
stone post and Supply and fix metal gate as per the detail
drawing.Price shall include all the necessary material and
work according to the detail drawing.
ml 4.20 3360.00 14,112.00

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