Scope of Works: "Mantra Broadbeach On The Park" CTS 32638 2685 Gold Coast Highway Broadbeach QLD

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Scope of Works

“Mantra Broadbeach on the Park”

CTS 32638

2685 Gold Coast Highway

Broadbeach QLD

Buildcheck Job: 27392rev.1

25 June 2020

c/ Todd Heal (Accor)

c/ Christine Eccles (BCS)

1/10 Albert Ave, Broadbeach

QLD 4218
1300 956 364
ABN: 73 800 311 025
27392.rev.1 2685 Gold Coast Highway Broadbeach 25 June 2020

Introduction .......................................................................................................... 6

Property ........................................................................................................... 6

Scope Request .................................................................................................. 6

1.1 Objective of Works .................................................................................... 7

1.2 Description of Works ................................................................................. 7

1.3 Basis of Works .......................................................................................... 7

1.4 Extent of Works ........................................................................................ 8

1.5 Hold Points ............................................................................................. 10

1.6 General Inclusion and Exclusions .............................................................. 11

1.6.1 Inclusions ...................................................................................... 11

1.6.2 Exclusions ...................................................................................... 12

1.6.3 Building Standards .......................................................................... 12

1.6.4 Tender Review ............................................................................... 13

1.6.5 Basis of Construction Management ................................................... 13

1.6.6 Intellectual Property ........................................................................ 13

Work Specification ............................................................................................... 14

2.1 Permits & Documentation ........................................................................ 14

2.2 Site Preparation ...................................................................................... 16

Protection ............................................................................................... 16

Services ................................................................................................. 16

Hazardous Material and Cleaning .............................................................. 16

Dilapidation Survey ................................................................................. 16

Signage and Marketing ............................................................................ 17

Site Samples ........................................................................................... 17

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2.3 Access Methodology & Fall Protection ....................................................... 18

2.4 Waterproofing of North-Eastern Flat Roof .................................................. 19

2.5 Roof Sheet Demolition ............................................................................. 20

2.6 Roof & Box Gutter Installation .................................................................. 21

2.7 Roof Insulation Replacement.................................................................... 22

2.8 Roof Sheet Installation ............................................................................ 23

2.9 Penetration & Walkways .......................................................................... 24

2.10 Reinstatement ........................................................................................ 25

Site Management ................................................................................................. 26

3.1 Workplace Health & Safety....................................................................... 26

3.2 Environmental Control ............................................................................. 26

3.3 Amenities ............................................................................................... 26

3.4 Services ................................................................................................. 26

3.5 Staging, Deliveries, Site Accommodation ................................................... 27

3.6 Works Access.......................................................................................... 27

3.7 Lot Access .............................................................................................. 27

3.8 Property Protection ................................................................................. 27

3.9 Work Hours ............................................................................................ 27

3.10 Quiet Amenity ......................................................................................... 27

3.11 Site Control ............................................................................................ 28

3.12 Site Cleaning .......................................................................................... 28

3.13 Precautions............................................................................................. 28

3.14 Product Specifications .............................................................................. 28

Contracts, permits & warranty .............................................................................. 29

4.1 Works Contract ....................................................................................... 29

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4.2 Warranties .............................................................................................. 29

4.3 Q-Levy ................................................................................................... 30

4.4 Insurances & Licenses ............................................................................. 30

4.5 Sub-Contracting ...................................................................................... 30

4.6 Retention ............................................................................................... 30

4.7 Defect Liability Period .............................................................................. 30

4.8 Liquidated Damages ................................................................................ 30

4.9 Scheduling.............................................................................................. 31

4.10 Certificates ............................................................................................. 31

4.10 Material selection .................................................................................... 32

ABIC Basic works contract summary ...................................................................... 33

5.1 Contract Summary .................................................................................. 33

5.2 Section A / Overview ............................................................................... 33

5.3 Section B / Documents ............................................................................ 33

5.4 Section C / Security ................................................................................. 33

5.5 Section D / Liability ................................................................................. 34

5.6 Section E / Insurances ............................................................................. 34

5.7 Section F / Site ....................................................................................... 34

5.8 Section G / Building Works ....................................................................... 34

5.9 Section H / Claims to Adjust The Contract ................................................. 34

5.10 Section I / Works Warranties.................................................................... 35

5.11 Section J / Variations: Time or Cost .......................................................... 35

5.12 Section K / Provisional & Prime Cost Sums ................................................ 35

5.13 Section L / Adjustment of Time ................................................................ 35

5.14 Section M / Completion of The Works ....................................................... 35

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5.15 Section N / Payment for The Works .......................................................... 36

5.16 Section O / (Not Used) ............................................................................ 36

5.17 Section P / Dispute Resolution .................................................................. 36

5.18 Section Q / Termination ........................................................................... 36

5.19 Section R / Miscellaneous......................................................................... 37

5.20 Section S / Definitions ............................................................................. 37

Tender requirements ............................................................................................ 38

6.1 Intent to Tender ..................................................................................... 38

6.2 Company Capability ................................................................................. 39

6.3 Access Methodology ................................................................................ 39

6.4 Costs ..................................................................................................... 39

6.5 Referees ................................................................................................. 39

6.6 Tender Form........................................................................................... 39

Tender Form ....................................................................................................... 40

Contractor Details ............................................................................................ 40

Property ......................................................................................................... 40

Tender Details ................................................................................................. 40

Scope of Works (Including GST) ....................................................................... 40

Provisional Sums or Prime Costs ....................................................................... 41

Total Cost (Including GST) ............................................................................... 41

APPENDICES ....................................................................................................... 42

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27392.rev.1 2685 Gold Coast Highway Broadbeach 25 June 2020

Location: 2685 Gold Coast Highway Broadbeach QLD

Description: Multi-storey development with commercial premises on the ground floor

Scope Request
Buildcheck were engaged to produce an independent Scope of Works and to tender the project to
suitably qualified and registered contractors in email on April 27 th 2020.

Prepared by: Reviewed by:

Mr. Adam Husband 28/05/2020 Mr. Terry O’Donoghue 28/05/2020

National Commercial Manager Managing Director

MTech (Civil), BE (Chem), Grad Dip FSE,
Grad Dip BS, MIE (Aus)
EC42168 / EF64766 / RPEQ16047 / BPB2388

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1.1 Objective of Works

The objective of these works is to provide the building with a new roof and drainage to meet
current standards. Several items to be upgraded from the original construction including roof
profile, overflow provisions for box guttering and flashing details.

1.2 Description of Works

1.2.1 Permits

1.2.2 Site Preparation

1.2.3 Access Methodology & Fall Protection

1.2.4 Waterproofing to North-Eastern Flat Roof

1.2.5 Demolition

1.2.6 Roof Box & Gutter Replacement

1.2.7 Insulation Replacement

1.2.8 Roof Sheet Installation

1.2.9 Penetration & Walkways

1.2.10 Reinstatement

1.3 Basis of Works

Buildcheck was requested to provide a Scope of Works for full replacement of Mantra Broadbeach
on the Park via an email request dated 30th March 2020.
This scope has been based on observations made by Buildcheck during inspections of roofs at the
property. The scope has allowed for replacement of existing to upgraded Klip-Lok 700 system, but
no allowance has been made for upgrading purlin spacing if required.

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1.4 Extent of Works

Replacement of all roofs within designated envelope of Figure 1.

Figure. 1

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1.4.1 Permits

Contractor to pay and provide all required permits to carry out the works

1.4.2 Site Preparation

To entire building site within Figure 1 relevant to each element of works

1.4.3 Access Methodology & Fall Arrest

Installation of barriers and fall protection to all roof area within Figure 1

1.4.4 Waterproofing to North Eastern Flat Roof

Mechanical grind and reinstatement of Class 3 Liquid Membrane to North-Eastern Penthouse roof

1.4.5 Demolition

Remove, store, & dispose of all defective materials to allow for complete roof replacement.

Existing roof sheets are Trimdek and Buildcheck have recommended installing Kliplok Stramit to
reduce exposed fixings. Please allow for a Prime Cost of $2,500 for potential batten replacement.

1.4.6 Roof Box & Gutter Replacement

To required roof area within Figure 1

1.4.7 Insulation Replacement

To required roof area within Figure 1, approximately 850m2

1.4.8 Roof Sheet Installation

To required roof area within Figure 1, approximately 850m2

1.4.9 Penetration & Flashing Replacement

To required roof area within Figure 1

1.4.10 Reinstatement

To entire building site as affected areas in Figure 1

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1.5 Hold Points

The Contractor will provide a Quality Assurance Program detailing ‘Hold Points’, Testing and
Records for the approval of the Project Manager prior to commencement; these documents will be
included in ‘The Contract’. ‘Hold Points’ must be approved by the Project Manager before further
work proceeds.

A Hold Point is defined as a position in the progress of The Works beyond which further work must
not proceed without mandatory verification by The Project Manager or an authorized
representative. The Project Manager may, at any time, request The Contractor to insert additional
Hold Points. Hold Points also apply on issue of a non-conformance report or corrective action
requested by the Project Manager.

The Contractor must give the Project Manager 3 working days’ notice of Hold Points. The
Contractor must provide the following advice with each notice of inspection:
1. When The Works will be ready for inspection
2. Whether or not The Works element is to be concealed and when it is intended to commence
concealment or subsequent work; and
3. Whether or not The Works element is to be followed by related subsequent work that would
be disturbed by rectification activities in rejection of the inspected work.

Hold Points required under this scope are:

1. Demolition & Structure Inspection
2. Insulation Installation
3. Gutter Installation
4. Roof Sheet Installation
5. Flashing & Penetration Installation
6. Document Handover

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1.6 General Inclusion and Exclusions

The Scope of Works includes, but is not limited to, the provision of supervision, labour, materials,
transport, and equipment and permits necessary to carry out the specified works.

The Contractor should ensure himself that this Scope will achieve the desired Objective. If the
Contractor believes additional or alternate works are required to achieve the desired Objective, the
matter must be discussed with the Project Manager for resolution.

All works are to be carried out to the specifications & drawings provided within this Scope and to
product supplier’s/manufacturer’s specifications and requirements. Any item noted in at least one
of the specified documents in Section 2, forms part of the Scope of Works and it’s omission from
any particular document does not exclude it from the Scope of Works. Any contradictions between
the specifications provided within and supplier’s/manufacturer’s specifications must be referred to
the Project Manager for clarification before proceeding with works.

1.6.1 Inclusions
The Scope includes (unless separately specified within the work specification):

1. Repair and potential replacement of any surface, item, or thing damaged by the works in
either the common area or private lots as a result of negligence or careless work practices,
as determined by the Project Manager.
2. All works described plus any other reasonably expected works that are required to complete
the stated objective, such as disengagement and reinstatement of services such as HWS &
AC units, or other fixtures such as fencing, downpipes, staircases.

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1.6.2 Exclusions
The Scope does not include:

1. Repair of consequential damage caused by the works which could not be reasonably
foreseen or quoted.
2. Coating of pre-finished surfaces unless specifically nominated
3. Repair or coating of internal private areas, unless specifically nominated
4. Repair of hidden, latent, unforeseen, covered defects, nor original construction flaws
5. Removal and storage of any furniture
6. Repair of services such as HWS or AC units that were temporarily relocated and have
become defective due to the age and condition of the unit, as determined by the Project

1.6.3 Building Standards

All works performed must meet:

1. National Construction Code

2. Handbook 39
3. Building Act (QLD) 1975
4. Building Regulations (QLD) 2006
5. Building Fire Regulations (QLD) 2006
6. QLD Building & Construction Commission Act 1991 and Regulations 2003
7. Work Health & Safety Act (QLD) 2011, Code and Regulations 2011
8. All relevant Australian Standards including those specified within
9. Be completed in a tradesman-like manner by suitably skilled and experienced tradespersons
who carry out work to the warranties set out in Schedule 1B Part 3 of QBCC Regulations
10. Use only new and first quality materials in strict accordance with manufacturer’s specified

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1.6.4 Tender Review

This Scope will be issued to a minimum of 3 Contractors who are registered and qualified to carry
out The Works. Buildcheck will provide the Body Corporate with a recommendation upon a review
of Contractor documentation. Please note that our recommendation is a weighted algorithm which
attempts to remove as much bias as possible, it remains Buildcheck intellectual property and shall
not be distributed. However, the following factors influence a positive or negative contribution:

• Past Project Performance

• Past Tender Compliance
• Past Tender Pricing
• Availability
• Pricing
• Documentation

*Please note: If the overall submitted tender price is in excess of 30% from the average, your
price will not be included for consideration. This is due to the belief that using contractors of
similar quality and experience should be capable of providing similar pricing. Contractors should
also present any questions or concerns in writing (via email) to the author of these documents.

1.6.5 Basis of Construction Management

This scope has been prepared by Buildcheck on the basis that a company carrying the legal
qualifications and insurances will manage the works. As defined by the QBCC Act Part 4 and the
QBCC Contractual Responsibilities V2.1 6116, the Construction Manager must have an active
registration in Open Project Management, Engineering, or Architecture.

1.6.6 Intellectual Property

This scope has been prepared by Buildcheck for the Body Corporate only and shall not be provided
to other parties without the written consent of Buildcheck.

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This section provides details of specific requirements for this project. These are not considered
exhaustive, and therefore if questions arise please direct them in writing to the Author.

The Work Specifications are to be read in conjunction with the provided appendices drawings and
product specifications.

2.1 Permits & Documentation

The Contractor shall be directly responsible to:

1. Obtain all approvals and pay all fees to authorities which have jurisdiction over the ‘Contract
2. Be informed and provide all requirements of relevant codes/permits required by WH&S,
relevant council regulations and all working regulations.
3. Assist the Owners Corporation in acquiring a Building Permit/Development Application
4. Provide Job Safety Analysis, Safe Work Method Statements, confined space access
methodology, working at heights access methodology
5. Provide Access Certification (scaffold, swing stage, mast climber, cranes, etc)
6. Provide Dilapidation Surveys
7. Provide Asset Protection Methodology
8. Provide Services Location
9. Provide Gantt Schedule
10. Provide Council Permits
11. Provide Public Liability Insurance Certificates
12. Provide Contract Works Insurance Certificates
13. Provide Product Specifications
14. Provide Product Supplier Registration
15. Provide Q-Levy Invoice (if required)
16. Provide Product Supplier Draft Warranties (if required)
17. Provide Engineering Design (if required)

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The Project Manager will provide consultancy at a direct cost to the Body Corporate to obtain:

18. Any Building Permits and/or Development Applications including relevant documentation
(Engineering Design, Calculations, etc)
19. Any Architectural Services, we have previously recommended Carl Brooks of ABM Architects
( T: 07 3124 2069)
20. Any Certification Services, we have previously recommended Michael Leighton of McKenzie
Group ( T: 07 3152 5200)
21. Any Fire Engineering, Structural Engineering, Hydraulic Engineering, & Mechanical

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2.2 Site Preparation

1. Identify any potential damage to pavement, lawns, or other areas and advise the Owners
2. Provide suitable barriers around all work areas to ensure public safety and protection of
property, including pavement.
3. Remove, isolate, disconnect all pipes, drains, fences, balustrades, services (HWS/AC), and/or
other items required to carry out the specified works.
4. (If required) locate services and provide protection as required.

1. Provide temporary services (as required) to carry out the works for the duration of works
2. Provide temporary sanitary facilities (as required)

Hazardous Material and Cleaning

1. The contractor is to establish the location and extent of any hazardous materials present
onsite, expert advice will be sought from a registered specialist.
2. A variation will apply, unless otherwise specified and a licensed contractor will be engaged to
3. All paint cleaning is to be done using a Dulux Envirowash system.
4. For coating removal and lead abatement we have previously recommended Bob Harris of
Dumond Chemicals M: 0447 233 233

Dilapidation Survey
Buildcheck can provide an independent survey of common area or private lots for an additional
fee. If the committee elects not to engage Buildcheck the successful contractor will be required to
provide such a service.

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Signage and Marketing

1. The Body Corporate acknowledge that both The Contractor and The Project Manager may
advertise their businesses on prominent client facing locations of the building
2. All signage is to be consistent with local laws
3. All signage is to be installed and removed by the contractor, as requested by The Project
4. Buildcheck have access to all photos and video created from work commencement to 12
months from practical completion; for the purpose of digital and/or print distribution
5. The Contractor will include Buildcheck and correctly link Buildcheck platforms in any
digital/print/social media marketing or other documentation.
6. Traffic Management shall be provided in this section.
7. Power, services isolation shall be provided in this section.

Site Samples
Before work commences, a controlled area is required to be prepared as a benchmark for further
works. Work affected by control samples will not proceed until samples have been approved. The
Samples required are identified as any item identified under ‘Work Specification’, unless otherwise

Any materials or methodologies used in The Works that do not conform to the standard
represented by the approved control sample will be rejected and require to be redone at the cost
of The Contractor.

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2.3 Access Methodology & Fall Protection

1. Access to the works may be via existing roof access points
2. Residents will be given 14 days written notice prior to works commencing, this notice is the
responsibility of the contractor.
3. If reasonable steps have been taken and required access is not provided, The Contractor
must inform The Project Manager and seek a variation for time and cost to mitigate lost
productivity and delays.
4. All costs allocated to transport of materials shall be provided under this section
5. All fall protection shall be provided under this section

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2.4 Waterproofing of North-Eastern Flat Roof

1. High Pressure wash of slab between 2500-3000 psi to remove surface contaminants
2. Mechanical grind of existing membrane
3. Apply 2 x coats of Emerproof Non-Porous Primer
4. Installation of perimeter coving joint with Emerseal Joint Sealant followed by Elastic Joint
Band Tape
5. Apply 2 x coats of Emerproof Aqua Barrier Advanced to Slab wrapping up wall 150mm from
floor level
6. Apply screed to fall away from building at a rate no less than 1:100
7. Apply 2 x coats of Emerproof Aqua Barrier QuickDry to Balcony Screed
8. Apply 2 x coats of Emerproof UV Top Coat

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2.5 Roof Sheet Demolition

1. Weather forecast for possible rain and high winds will be provided by the contractor to the
Project Manager prior to demolition
2. Lift, remove and dispose from site all existing roof sheeting.
3. Lift, remove and dispose from site all existing guttering.
4. Lift, remove and dispose from site all existing insulation and flashings
5. Isolate power to extraction exhausts
6. Replace weatherproof outlets
7. Identification of defective plant equipment for a potential variation

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2.6 Roof & Box Gutter Installation

1. Relevant Code AS 3500.3: Stormwater Drainage & HB.39: Metal Roofing & Cladding Works
2. Box Gutters shall be replaced with the with 0.9mm 1.2mm 316 stainless steel, all sumps,
stop ends and outlets are required to be riveted and/or soldered.
3. Box Gutters shall be straight without change in direction.
4. Where the Box Gutter comes into contact with the roof sheeting a barrier will be created to
stop dissimilar metal corrosion. We recommend coating the apron flashing in 2 coats of
Durebuild STE.
5. Roof Eaves Gutters shall be 100mm deep by 130mm wide (profile to be confirmed by The
6. Installation of fall to outlet of minimum 10mm over 3m
7. Joints to be 200mm overlap sealed with 2 continuous beads of a UV stable neutral cure, roof
and gutter silicone and pop riveted
8. Laps required in the direction of fall
9. Install overflow provision to box and roof gutters
10. New 100mm overflow provision to be cored to the North-Eastern concrete roof.
11. Provide expansion joints to box gutters every 15m
12. Installation of minimum 150mm Chinaman’s Hat in 216 Stainless Steel along northern roof
box gutter (location to be determined).

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2.7 Roof Insulation Replacement

1. Spacers may be required. Do not allow for spacers, if required they will quoted as a variation
from the contingency.
2. Supply and install as per the Fletcher Insulation Design Calculations.

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2.8 Roof Sheet Installation

1. Roofs shall be metal pan roof decking, manufactured from G550 hi-tensile colour coated
(Colorbond) steel in accordance with AS1397 and AS2728-Category 3, with a thickness of 0.48
2. Supply and install Stramit ‘Speed Deck Ultra’ 0.48 BMT in accordance with the manufacturer’s
3. Ends of sheets must be turned up at ridges, penetrations and abutments, and turned down
into gutters using specialist tools.
4. The colour of the roof sheeting must be approved by The Committee; generally light colours
5. Where vertical linings are required they shall be in colour matched profiled steel wall
sheeting with a thickness of 0.42mm BMT, equivalent to Stramit ‘K–Panel’.
6. Cutting shall be completed with a cold cutting saw, away from new installations. Contractors
will be required to provide their work method to reduce potential swarfing.
7. Sunscreen containing titanium oxide or zinc oxide can damage roof coatings. Contractors will
be required to provide all workers with alternative sun-care whilst on-site.

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2.9 Penetration & Walkways

1. Supply and install Dektites (UV stable) to cylindrical penetrations.
2. Supply and install Pop Up Penetration systems in COLORBOND Ultra.
3. Supply and install Parapet Capping in COLORBOND Ultra (where required)
4. Supply and install Apron Flashings in COLORBOND Ultra (where required), the western most
apron flashing will be required to run 1200mm.
5. All dry pans and apron flashings were 7mm plywood installed underneath to reduce the
potential of future damage.
6. All laps to be under and oversealed with a minimum of 100mm underlap between flashing
and cappings
7. Supply and install the Access Hatch above the plant room.
8. Ladders fabricated from hot dip galvanised steel shall be provided between changes in roof
levels, and between access doors from plant rooms and the roof surface if required.
9. Walkways shall be provided across roofs to provide access to equipment, mechanical fans
etc. Walkways shall be of aluminium construction equivalent to that manufactured by
Juralco. Walkways which do not require supports that penetrate the roof decking are
preferred. All access stairs, ladders and walkways shall comply with AS 1657.
10. Anchor points to be installed by others (DO NOT include in your tender submission)

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2.10 Reinstatement
Once all works are completed all disturbed surrounding finishes shall be thoroughly cleaned.
Reinstate all deconstructed, dismantled, demolished, relocated or otherwise disturbed elements,
finishes, services, attachments, fixtures and fittings, furniture and the like to ‘as new’ condition to
match the existing. This includes damage or deterioration which may have been caused either as a
result of the original defect or directly or indirectly as a consequence of the repair processes. The
cost of removal of coatings from non-specified areas will be at the cost of the contractor.

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3.1 Workplace Health & Safety
1. The Contractor must supply work and access method for approval by The Project Manager
before commencing work. These ‘Work Method Statements’ should be confirmed while
inspecting the site with an WH&S officer explaining proposed containments and control
measures of construction works at interface and on ground
2. If a non-approved method causes any form of delay or interruption to the time schedule, the
contractor will accept responsibility. This includes any potential financial loss to The Body
Corporate or Building Manager and includes Liquidated Damages to The Project Manager.
3. All JSA & SWMS will be identified prior to commencement and retained onsite for records and
4. Procedures must be developed for the protection of neighboring people and assets and
confirmed by The Project Manager.
5. The Contractor is to ensure all employees, sub-contractors, and suppliers are fully informed
of the requirements of the relevant codes and regulations.
6. The site is to be maintained in a safe condition at all times

3.2 Environmental Control

The Contractor’s work methods must comply with local environmental laws and EPA compliance,
particularly with respect to disposal of liquid wastes. These will be documented and provided to
The Project Manager for approval before commencing work.

3.3 Amenities
The Contractor must supply temporary amenities in a location approved by The Committee or
Project Manager, these amenities must be maintained and cleaned on a fortnightly basis (or more
frequently dependent on the schedule)

3.4 Services
If 3-phase power is required it is The Contractor’s responsibility to organize and pay for it, all
single phase power and water will be provided by The Body Corporate.

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3.5 Staging, Deliveries, Site Accommodation

The Body Corporate will make available a work area for messing, staging and storage.

3.6 Works Access

1. The Contractor must supply access methodologies and their defined extents within their
2. External walk up access is available to all work areas
3. External access can be provided to private lots where necessary and approved

3.7 Lot Access

The Contractor shall document the dates on which owner/occupier lots distributed the written 14-
day notice

3.8 Property Protection

Appropriate ground, horizontal and vertical protection will be provided to all Common Areas and
Private lots at the commencement of each day’s work and removed at the completion of each
day’s work.

3.9 Work Hours

Between the hours of 7:00am and 5:00pm Monday to Saturday.

Unless otherwise specified or confirmed in writing.

3.10 Quiet Amenity

1. Noisy work will not be carried out before 8am or after 3:30pm Monday to Friday nor on
2. Noisy work is identified as anything above 75dBA
3. Open music is not allowed unless otherwise specified
4. The Contractor can work outside these requirements if they can at their own cost, provide a
certified engineered solution

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3.11 Site Control

The Contractor will take direction from the Project Manager.

No communication is to be made to The Body Corporate or its representatives without The Project
Manager being included. Any disputes are to be first referred to The Project Manager for

3.12 Site Cleaning

Site is to be cleaned and tidy with all debris removed progressively and at the completion of works.

3.13 Precautions
1. A site file is required to be established and available at all times for reference
2. All products specified are to be installed according to the latest supplier specification and
confirmed with The Project Manager if differing from tender documents. Specifications must
be kept within the site file for duration of project and available at all time for reference
3. Specification ratios, timeframes, procedures, & preparations are required to be observed
unless otherwise confirmed in writing
4. Work to be carried out with scheduling unless otherwise confirmed in writing
5. Work to be carried out to the same quality as confirmed sample, as determined by the
Project Manager
6. Control measures are required to be adhered to
7. Site shall be left in a clean and tidy condition on a daily basis and on completion
8. Adjoining surfaces shall be protected from damage

3.14 Product Specifications

All product specifications and brochures will be held onsite in the site file for duration of project
and will be included in the handover documents along with supplier warranties.

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4.1 Works Contract
1. The Contractor will be required to enter into a Commercial Contract, identified as “The
2. The works described in this scope will form the basis of “The Contract Works” in “The
3. “The Contract” must be in the form of a standard Master Builders, HIA, QBCC, or ABIC
4. Tenders should be based on the contract conditions of these standard forms
5. Provided in the appendices is a summary of the ABIC Minor Works Contract which will be
used if Buildcheck are to prepare contracts, it will not form part of “The Contract”

4.2 Warranties
The Contractor will provide warranties as follows: ( if definitions are required please confirm with
the Project Manager before tendering)

10 years – Structural

2 years – Non-Structural

All installed/applied Product Warranties

Implied workmanship warranties as per Schedule 1B Part 3 of the QBCC Regulation 2003

“The materials used in the works will be new and good for the purpose for which they are used.

The works will be carried out in accordance with all applicable laws.

The works will be carried out in an appropriate and skillful way and with reasonable care and skill.

The works will be carried out in accordance with the plans and specifications.

The dwelling or home will be suitable for occupation when the works are finished.

Provisional sums and prime cost sums, if nominated by the Contractor, have been or will be
calculated with reasonable care and skill.”

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The Body Corporate will address and maintain all items through a continued maintenance program
as required by the product supplier in order to preserve warranties.

4.3 Q-Levy
1. Q-Levy is to be paid by The Body Corporate
2. The Contractor has responsibility to assist with the process and be involved in required
3. If the levy is paid by The Contractor the cost will be claimed back with the first progress
claim as a variation to the project.
4. The Q-Levy equates to 0.475% of the price once the works exceed $150,000.00 (excl. GST)

4.4 Insurances & Licenses

To tender on these described works requires:

1. Public Liability of $20 million

2. Contract Works Insurance of $1 million
3. Current registration under the QBCC Act to carry out the works

4.5 Sub-Contracting
The Contractor may subcontract up to 50% of The Scope but may not subcontract the works as a
whole. This is to be approved with The Project Manager prior to work commencing and The
Contractor will maintain responsibility of all works including those of the subcontractor.

4.6 Retention
5% of The Contract price is required until the expiration of the Defects Liability Period and will not
be paid without successful completion of the Quality Assurance and providing required
documentation at handover.

4.7 Defect Liability Period

26 weeks

4.8 Liquidated Damages

$1,000/week or part thereof incl. GST

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4.9 Scheduling
Gantt scheduling or similar are required to be provided with the tender, “The Schedule” will form
part of “The Contract”.

4.10 Certificates
The Contractor is to provide the following certificates where applicable prior to payment of
Practical Completion:

1. Engineering Form 15/16 (if required)

2. Product Warranties
3. Plumbing Certificates (if required)
4. Electrical Certificates (if required)
5. Waterproofing Certificates (if required)
6. Glazing Certificates (if required)
7. Council Letters confirming condition at completion of works (if required)

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4.10 Material selection

Unless specified otherwise in this document, all materials selected by the Contractor shall be fit for
purpose but in particular shall be resistant to all forms of deterioration for the following minimum

Category Period without deterioration Expected materials

Concealed fixings 25 years Stainless Steel
Exposed fixings which can be easily
10 years AS3566 Class 4 materials
Fixings concealed within concrete
25 years AS 3566 Class 4 materials
Powder coated or anodized
Difficult to replace items 20 years
Easily maintained and removable
10 years Colorbond Ultra

This may require surfaces to be treated with a protective coating or shall be inherently resistant.
All fixings are required as a minimum standard to comply with AS3566 Class 4 performance
requirements. Where fixings are used and there is doubt regarding performance, stainless steel
shall be utilised.

It is assessed that the corrosivity zone, in accordance with AS4312, would be classified as C5: Very
High (C5-M:Marine)

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5.1 Contract Summary
Sections of The Contract which may affect tender pricing are summarised for the benefit of the
Body Corporate and Contractor. The information provided does not attempt to summarise all
aspects of The Contract which should be thoroughly assessed before executing.

5.2 Section A / Overview

Section A describes the general obligation and warranties of both the Body Corporate and the
Contractor regarding their respective ability to carry out and pay for the works.

The Body Corporate will appoint a Project Manager who will act as the Body Corporate
representative, manage The Contract and approve all invoices for payment.

5.3 Section B / Documents

The Project Manager is to promptly resolve any discrepancies in documentation. The order of
precedence for Documents is defined.

5.4 Section C / Security

A cash or guarantee (optional if required) retention totaling 5% of the Contract Works will be held
as per Section C of “The Contract”.

Repayment of cash or guarantees will be made at the end of the Defect Liability Period as per
Section C and N of The Contract.

Final payment of the retention will be paid within fourteen (14) days of receiving an invoice and if
after the Defect Period has ended and (Section M):

1. All defects identified through the defect period are repaired to the satisfaction of the
Project Manager
2. All statutory inspections and final certificates are issued
3. The form of guarantee can be provided if required.

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5.5 Section D / Liability

The Contractor will be liable for death, injury or property damage arising from the works as
defined by Section D of “The Contract”.

5.6 Section E / Insurances

The Contractor will maintain Public Liability Insurance of $20 million or otherwise as specified in
The Contract Schedule.

The Contractor will maintain Contract Works Insurance to the value of 10% of the Contract Price
or otherwise as specified in The Contract Schedule. The Scope and Schedule nominate $1 million.

The Contractor will maintain workers compensation insurance as per current legislation and must
ensure that all sub-contractors have workers compensation insurance.

The Contractor will provide Home Owners Warranty (Domestic Building Contracts only).

5.7 Section F / Site

The Owner must give the Contractor access to the site within fourteen (14) working days after the
owner or Project Manager advises that The Works may commence.

The Contractor must comply with all WHS regulations

5.8 Section G / Building Works

The Contractor must set out, direct and supervise the works competently and must maintain
satisfactory industrial relations and Workplace Health and Safety practices.

The Contractor may sub-contract part of the Works but not the Works as a whole.

The Contractor must provide a Works Schedule and updates, as required by the Project Manager.

5.9 Section H / Claims to Adjust The Contract

The Contractor may submit a claim in writing to adjust either “The Contract” Price and/or the
Practical Completion Date to the Project Manager in the time and format required by “The

The Project Manager will promptly assess the validity of the claim.

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5.10 Section I / Works Warranties

The Contractor warrants that workmanship will comply with the implied warranties as per Section 8
of the Domestic Contracts Building Act – 1995 or equivalent.

The contractor warrants that the works will be warranted for 10 years for structural elements and
2 years for nonstructural from the date of practical completion.

5.11 Section J / Variations: Time or Cost

The Project Manager may give an instruction to the Contractor for a variation at any time or may
issue a variation at the request of the Contractor.

The Contractor must promptly carry out the variation unless the variation will result in an
adjustment to the Contract Price or Practical Completion Date.

Where the variation will result in an adjustment to the Contract Price or Practical Completion Date,
the Contractor must advise the Project Manager of the additional cost or time caused by the
variation. The Project Manager must then promptly assess the variation and issue a further
instruction whether or not to proceed

5.12 Section K / Provisional & Prime Cost Sums

The Project Manager will assess and if appropriate approve in writing Provisional and Prime Cost

5.13 Section L / Adjustment of Time

The Contract provides for causes of delay which would enable a claim for both time with costs and
those for time only. The Project Manager will assess and if appropriate approve in writing claims
for an adjustment of time and/or cost.

5.14 Section M / Completion of The Works

The Project Manager will assess works for Practical Completion and, if appropriate, will issue a
Certificate of Practical Completion.

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Liquidated Damages of $500 per week or otherwise as specified in the “The Contract” Schedule
may be payable by the Contractor to the Owner for work which has not been completed by the
date for Practical Completion.

The Defects Liability Period is 26 weeks or otherwise as specified in the “The Contract” Schedule.

5.15 Section N / Payment for The Works

Progress claims may be made on a monthly basis or on a basis of completed works, as specified in
the Schedule attached to The Contract.

Progress Claims will be assessed by the Project Manager and if appropriate approved within five
(5) business days.

The Body Corporate must pay approved claims within ten (10) business days.

The Project Manager will approve the Final Claim when:

The defects liability period has ended.

All defects have been rectified, and

The works have been completed in accordance with The Contract, and

All certificates, commissioning works and approvals have been provided, as required by the Project

5.16 Section O / (Not Used)


5.17 Section P / Dispute Resolution

Refer to “The Contract”.

5.18 Section Q / Termination

The Project Manager may be entitled to end “The Contract” under the provisions detailed in
Section Q if The Contractor fails to remedy a default.

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The Contractor may be entitled to suspend and/or terminate “The Contract” under the provisions
detailed in Section Q if The Body Corporate fails to remedy a default.

5.19 Section R / Miscellaneous

Refer to “The Contract”.

5.20 Section S / Definitions

Refer to “The Contract”.

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6.1 Intent to Tender
Failure to comply may result in the Tender being deemed non-conforming, and not be

Confirmation of Tender YES NO

Do you agree to the Tender Requirements and Scope of Works provided? ☐ ☐

Do you agree to the summary of the provided Contract? ☐ ☐

Conflict of Interest YES NO

Will any actual or potential conflict of interest in the performance of your ☐ ☐
obligations under the Contract exist if you are awarded the Contract? This
includes but is not limited to casual, personal, or professional relationships
with committee members, owners, or building managers.

Financial Capacity YES NO

Are you presently able to pay your debts in full as and when they fall due? ☐ ☐

Are you currently engaged in litigation as a result which you may be liable for ☐ ☐
$50,000 or more?

If you are awarded the Contract, will you be able to fulfill the Requirements ☐ ☐
from your own resources or from resources readily available to you and
remain able to pay all your debts in full as and when they fall due?

Will you be able to provide the financial profile for you and you Sub- ☐ ☐
Contractors (if any), that demonstrates your (and their) financial capacity,
together with a list of financial referees.

This may include Annual Financial Statements (Profit and Loss, balance Sheet,
Bank Guarantee and/or Accountant’s Statement(s).

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6.2 Company Capability

Provide documentation and up-to-date certificates of currency and relevant licenses

Insurance Policy Insurance

Type Expiry Date
Broker Number Value ($)

Public Liability

Product Liability

Professional Indemnity


6.3 Access Methodology

Extent of works defined to each specified access method

6.4 Costs
Formatted in the Tender Form, each price must be inclusive of GST

6.5 Referees
3 x Referees and their contact details from the past 18 months

6.6 Tender Form

Tenders must be completed on the accompanying Tender Form.

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Contractor Details
Business Name:



Scope: 27392.rev.0

Address: 2685 Gold Coast Highway Broadbeach

Tender Details
Onsite Meeting: 22/06/2020

Closing Date: 2/07/2020


Project Duration:

Scope of Works (Including GST)

2.1 Permit & Documentation

2.2 Site Preparation

2.3 Access & Fall Protection

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2.4 Waterproofing to North Eastern Flat Roof


2.6 Roof & Box Gutter Installation

2.7 Roof Insulation Replacement

2.8 Roof Sheet Installation

2.9 Penetration & Walkway

2.10 Reinstatement

Provisional Sums or Prime Costs

Description Allowance Unit Cost
Prime Cost Structure $2,500 $2,750

Total Cost (Including GST)

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Roof Plan WD

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