NP Chart
NP Chart
NP Chart
NP Chart
The NP Chart procedure creates a control chart for data that describes the number of times an
event occurs in m samples taken from a product or process. The data might represent the number
of defective items in a manufacturing process, the number of customers that return a product, or
any other attribute that can be classified as acceptable or unacceptable. Out-of-control signals are
highlighted, including both points beyond the control limits and any unusual runs in the data.
The chart may be constructed in either Initial Study (Phase 1) mode, where the current data
determine the control limits, or in Control to Standard (Phase 2) mode, where the limits come
from either a known standard or from prior data.
The data for this analysis consist of m samples from a population detailing:
Many of the options for the NP chart are the same as those of the P chart. This document
highlights the differences between the 2 charts. For information on options such as runs test and
ARL curves, consult the P Chart documentation.
Sample Data:
The file nonconforming.sgd contains inspection results from m = 25 samples taken from a
manufacturing process. The data is presented by Montgomery (2005). The table below shows a
partial list of the data in that file:
Sample n Nonconforming
1 100 12
2 80 8
3 80 6
4 100 9
5 110 10
6 110 12
7 100 11
8 100 16
9 90 10
10 90 6
11 110 20
12 120 15
13 120 9
14 120 8
15 110 6
Data Input
The data required by this procedure is a numeric column containing the number of unacceptable
items in the m samples.
Sample Sizes: the number of items in each sample. If all sample sizes are equal, you can
enter a single value such as “100”. Otherwise, enter a column with the sizes corresponding to
each count.
LSL, Nominal, USL: optional lower specification limit, nominal (target) value, and upper
specification limit.
NP Chart
The NP Chart plots the numbers of nonconforming item dj.
0 5 10 15 20 25
In Phase 1 (Initial Studies) mode, the centerline and control limits are determined from the data.
The centerline is located at:
CL np (1)
j 1
j pj
p m
j 1
equals the weighted average of the proportion of nonconforming items in each sample. The
control limits are placed above and below the centerline at:
CL k np (1 p ) (3)
where k is the sigma multiple specified on the Control Charts tab of the Preferences dialog box
(k = 3 except in rare cases). If the sample sizes are not equal, then depending on Analysis
Options, n is replaced by either:
(1) n , the average sample size. In this case, the centerline and control limits are the same
for all samples.
(2) nj , the individual sample sizes. In this case, the centerline and control limits are step
Any points beyond the control limits will be flagged using a special point symbol. Any point
excluded from the analysis, usually by clicking on a point on the chart and pressing the
Pane Options
Outer Warning Limits: check this box to add warning limits at the specified multiple of
sigma, usually at 2 sigma.
Inner Warning Limits: check this box to add warning limits at the specified multiple of
sigma, usually at 1 sigma.
Moving Average: check this box to add a moving average smoother to the chart. In addition
to the sample counts, the average of the most recent q points will also be displayed, where q
is the order of the moving average. The default value q = 9 since the 1-sigma inner warning
limits for the original counts are equivalent to the 3-sigma control limits for that order
moving average.
Exponentially Weighted Moving Average: check this box to add an EWMA smoother to
the chart. In addition to the sample counts, an exponentially weighted moving average of the
sample counts will also be displayed, where is the smoothing parameter of the EWMA.
The default value = 0.2 since the 1-sigma inner warning limits for the original counts are
equivalent to the 3-sigma control limits for that EWMA.
Decimal Places for Limits: the number of decimal places used to display the control limits.
Color Zones: check this box to display green, yellow and red zones.
Display Specification Limits: whether to add horizontal lines to the chart displaying the
location of the specification limits (if any).
NP Chart Report
This pane tabulates the values plotted on the control chart:
np Chart Report
Samples Beyond Limits
X = Excluded * = Beyond Limits
Sample Size np
11 110 * 20.0
Out-of-control points are indicated by an asterisk. Points excluded from the calculations are
indicated by an X.
Pane Options
np Chart - nonconforming
Number of samples = 25
Average sample size = 98.0
0 samples excluded
np Chart
Period #1-25
UCL: +3.0 sigma 18.0889
Centerline 9.36
LCL: -3.0 sigma 0.63107
1 beyond limits
Period #1-25
Mean np 9.36
Sigma 2.90964
Sample Information: the number of samples m and the average sample size
j 1
n (4)
If any samples have been excluded from the calculations, that number is also displayed.
np Chart: a summary of the centerline and control limits for the p chart. Using Analysis
Options, separate limits may be calculated for different periods (sets of samples).
̂ n p (5)
ˆ n p(1 p ) (6)
Type of Study: determines how the control limits are set. For an Initial Study (Phase 1)
chart, the limits are estimated from the current data. For a Control to Standard (Phase 2)
chart, the control limits are determined from the information in the Control to Standard
section of the dialog box.
Normalize: if selected, all statistics will be normalized by calculating Z-scores and the Z-
scores plotted on the charts. The centerline on such a chart is always located at 0, and the
control limits are always located at k.
Avg. Subgroup Size: if checked, the control limits will be horizontal lines based on the
average sample size. If not checked, the individual sample sizes will be used, resulting in step
function control limits if the sample sizes are not all equal.
Use Zone Format: if checked, the statistics will be plotted using a zone chart rather than the
usual format. See the example in the P Chart documentation..
Recalculate at: the control limits of the chart may be recalculated at up to 4 locations along
the X axis by specifying the sample numbers at which new estimates are to be initiated.
Separate estimates of the mean number of nonconforming items will be obtained using the
data in the different sections. In such cases, the control limits will be adjusted at the start of
each new period.
NP Chart Control Limits: specify the multiple k to use in determining the upper and lower
control limits on the np chart. To suppress a limit completely, enter 0.
Control to Standard: to perform a Phase 2 analysis, select Control to Standard for the Type
of Study and then enter either of the following:
Specify Control Limits: specify the location of the centerline and control limits exactly
where you wish them to be placed.
Exclude: use this button to exclude specific samples from the calculations.
0 5 10 15 20 25
The control limits are tighter for the smaller samples, since the number of nonconforming items
in smaller samples is less variable than it is in larger samples. Such a chart can be very difficult
to understand. In such cases, a p chart would probably be preferable, or he normalized chart
below could be employed.
d j nj p
Zj (7)
n j p 1 p
0 5 10 15 20 25
On all normalized charts, the centerline is located at 0 and the control limits at k. The plotted
values represent the number of standard deviations that each count is above or below its expected
Save Results
The following results can be saved to the datasheet: