One-Way Coupled Integral Boundary Layer
One-Way Coupled Integral Boundary Layer
One-Way Coupled Integral Boundary Layer
Course 4E1211
In our case, the external velocity is not modied by the presence of the boundary layer, and we have to deal with an unrealistic very high adverse gradient at the trailling edge. The problem is that it makes the boundary layer separate very easily in the last percents of the chord length. The solution to this problem consists in not solving the boundary layer up to the trailing edge, but up to C off % of the chord length. Separation of the boundary layer which was happening in the last (1-C off )% of the chord is thus avoided, and the Squire-Young formula still gives good results, since it is based on a loss of momentum. The sensitivity of the drag coefcient with respect to C off will be studied in question 6 of the present lab.
Course 4E1211
Exercises 1- Cylinder Compute and plot the boundary layer parameters ( , , H and C f ) on a cylinder at Re = 1e6. Use the linear vortex panel method with 50 panels. Comment on the results. What characterises laminar and turbulent separation in terms of the boundary layer parameters ? 2- NACA 4 digits library In this question, you will study the effect of the three shape parameters thickness, camber and camber location taken separately on c d . Use the linear vortex panel method and 100 panels. Report c d for 3 sets of Naca airfoils at zero angle of attack and Reynolds Number of 1e6 : * one with variable thickness (Naca 00XX, XX varying between 04 and 26 by increment of 2), * the second with variable camber (Naca X412, with X varying between 2 and 8), * the third with variable camber location (Naca 4X12, with X varying between 2 and 8). Plot the corresponding sensitivity curves c d vs parameter. Indicate on the curves the points at which turbulent separation takes place. Draw a conclusion which sums up what you obtain on these curves. 3- General airfoil library For both 3.1 and 3.2, use the linear vortex panel method, and 100 panels. 3.1- Compute the solution for the three airfoils you selected in question 3.1 of the panel method lab. For Re = 1e6, report the drag coefcient, transition or laminar separation location and eventual turbulent separation. Comment on the differences. 3.2- Use the airfoil you selected in question 3.3 of the panel method lab. Compute the solution at c l = 0 (by nding the right angle of attack), and compare with experimental data. 4- Effect of the angle of attack Use the linear vortex panel method and 100 panels. For a Naca 0012 and a Reynolds Number of 1e6, make computations of the lift and drag coefcients for alpha varying between -8 and +5 with increments of 1 degree. Plot the polar curve, i.e. c d vs c l . 5- Effect of the Reynolds Number Choose any airfoil and compute the solution (drag coefcient, transition or laminar separation, and eventual turbulent separation) for Re = 1e5, 1e6, and 1e7. Comment on the results.
Course 4E1211
6- Effect of cut-off distance In this question, you will study the inuence of C off on c d . By default, C off =0.98, which provides good drag results, and make turbulent separation take place for quite reasonnable cases. Use a Naca 0020 at zero alpha and at a Reynolds Number of 1e6. Compute the inviscid ow with the linear vortex panel method and 100 panels. You will have to make the modication in the code (C off is dened in le solvebl.m at line 15). * Make a rst try with C off =1. What happens ? * Now, report the drag coefcient for C off = 0.95 to 0.99 by increment of 0.01, and indicate the points at which turbulent separation takes place. Note : the program interface gives only 4 decimals for Cd. In order to obtain a better accuracy, remove the semicolon at the end of the line where Cd is computed (le sy.m at line 3). The value of Cd will then appear in the terminal window from where you launched matlab. Plot the curve Cd vs C off . What do you observe ?
References [1] [2] Panda Users Guide, Desktop Aeronautics 1988. Available on M. Drela : An Analysis and Design System for Low Reynolds Number Airfoils (Xfoil). Low Reynolds Number Aerodynamics. Springer-Verlag. Lecture Notes in Eng. 54. 1989 Jack Moran : An introduction to Theoretical and Computational Aerodynamics. John Wiley and sons 1984. H.B. Squire and A.D. Young : The calculation of the profile drag of aerofoils. R.&M. No1838. A.R.C. Technical report, 1938. London.