Use color #1289 canary
Crochet in the round. Close rnds
with 1 sl st. Make a magic ring.
R1: 6 sc inside of the magic ring.
R2: 6 sc
R3: 1 sc, 1 inc = 9 sc
R4 & 5: 9 sc in each rnd
Flat piece and close the bottom of
the beak with 1 sl st, 3 dc in the same
base st, skip 1 base st, 1 sl st.
Fasten off with a tail for sewing.
Sew beak between R6 & 7 of head.
Feet (make 2)
Use color #1289 canary
Crochet in the round. Close rnds
with 1 sl st. Make a magic ring.
R1: 6 sc inside of the magic ring.
R2: 6 inc = 12 sc
R3: 12 sc