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Data and Output from file D:\dimas water\new me\New folder\Jryan Febby.


Fluid viscosity : 0.000001

Friction loss equation : Darcy Weisbach

Secondary loss in the pipes are missing. For more realistic design you should add
A relatively long pipes model in the software may contain several pipes in reality
depending on the real length of each pipe
Demands type of pattern at nodes are Constant
Average demand is applied to all nodes. Please consider the maximum demand

Node Data (At time 48 for extended flow)

Absolute Relative
Node Ground Elv Energy Energy Demand Notation
( m ) ( m ) ( m ) ( l/s )

1 115.44 115.44 0.00 0.00

2 115.31 115.39 0.08 0.00 upstream
140.25 downstream
3 115.17 140.13 24.96 0.00
4 115.02 140.00 24.98 0.00
5 114.60 139.85 25.25 0.65
6 113.27 139.19 25.92 0.37
7 112.54 139.02 26.48 0.03
8 112.83 138.81 25.98 0.43
9 112.49 138.63 26.14 0.30
10 112.09 138.50 26.41 0.31
11 111.76 138.24 26.48 0.00
12 111.77 138.01 26.24 0.53
13 111.35 137.88 26.53 0.09
14 112.16 137.77 25.61 0.30
15 112.76 137.68 24.92 0.09
16 111.75 137.50 25.75 0.37
17 112.11 137.38 25.27 0.37
18 113.02 137.35 24.33 0.09
19 113.10 137.32 24.22 0.30
20 111.52 137.32 25.80 0.53
21 111.09 137.37 26.28 0.45
22 111.00 137.47 26.47 0.40
23 111.00 137.77 26.77 0.34
24 113.00 138.13 25.13 0.34
25 112.32 138.32 26.00 0.03
26 112.38 138.39 26.01 0.37
27 114.08 138.93 24.85 0.37
28 114.43 139.06 24.63 0.37
29 114.68 139.47 24.79 0.43

Pipes and flow data (at time 48 for extended flow)

From To
Pipe Node Node Length Diameter Dischg eps hf Slope
( m ) ( m ) ( l/s ) ( m ) m / m
1 1 2 8.20 0.1140 8.91 0.0015 0.050 0.0061
2 2 3 20.20 0.1140 8.91 0.0015 0.124 0.0061
3 3 4 21.29 0.1140 8.91 0.0015 0.130 0.0061
4 4 5 30.15 0.1140 7.86 0.0015 0.147 0.0049
5 5 6 166.54 0.0890 3.62 0.0015 0.667 0.0040
6 6 7 50.67 0.0890 3.25 0.0015 0.168 0.0033
7 7 8 63.22 0.0890 3.22 0.0015 0.206 0.0033
8 8 9 72.13 0.0890 2.79 0.0015 0.182 0.0025
9 9 10 64.74 0.0890 2.49 0.0015 0.134 0.0021
10 10 11 74.65 0.0760 2.18 0.0015 0.259 0.0035
11 11 12 64.58 0.0760 2.18 0.0015 0.224 0.0035
12 12 13 64.21 0.0760 1.65 0.0015 0.136 0.0021
13 13 14 58.31 0.0760 1.56 0.0015 0.112 0.0019
14 14 15 64.25 0.0760 1.26 0.0015 0.085 0.0013
15 15 16 51.71 0.0600 1.17 0.0015 0.184 0.0036
16 16 17 61.21 0.0600 0.80 0.0015 0.112 0.0018
17 17 18 53.37 0.0600 0.43 0.0015 0.033 0.0006
18 18 19 75.83 0.0600 0.34 0.0015 0.032 0.0004
19 19 20 61.84 0.0600 0.04 0.0015 0.001 0.0000
20 20 21 66.58 0.0600 -0.49 0.0015 0.052 0.0008
21 21 22 41.36 0.0600 -0.94 0.0015 0.101 0.0024
22 22 23 64.88 0.0600 -1.34 0.0015 0.294 0.0045
23 23 24 166.40 0.0760 -1.68 0.0015 0.364 0.0022
24 24 25 62.16 0.0760 -2.02 0.0015 0.188 0.0030
25 25 26 24.22 0.0760 -2.05 0.0015 0.075 0.0031
26 26 27 129.32 0.0760 -2.42 0.0015 0.539 0.0042
27 27 28 51.55 0.0890 -2.79 0.0015 0.130 0.0025
28 28 29 130.13 0.0890 -3.16 0.0015 0.410 0.0032
29 29 5 96.19 0.0890 -3.59 0.0015 0.380 0.0040

Pump data

Pump number : 1
Pump status : ON
Design Discharge = 6.9 ( l/s )
Design Head = 32 ( m )
Operating Discharge = 8.91 ( l/s )
Operating Head = 24.86 ( m )
Assumed Optimum Efficiency = 95 %
Approximated running Efficiency = 661.34 %

Tank Data

Tank Number 1
Tank shape : Prismatic
Area = 9 ( m 2)
Maximum Elevation = 140.02 ( m )
Minimum Elevation = 125.05 ( m )
Elevation during simulation = 140 ( m )


The following general comments are based on hydraulics performance of the network.

The comments are aimed at suggesting whether the network need updating
The comments are devided into 1. Node, 2. Pipe, 3. Tank, 4. Pump, and their


The flow is steady state (average condition).

Consider simulating with the maximum velocity during peak hour that can be as high
as 1.6 of the average velocity
Higher velocity means higher head loss needed to flow the water

Number of reservoir in the network 1

Reservoir elevation 1 = 115.440002441406
Maximum reservoir elevation = 115.440002441406
Minimum reservoir elevation = 115.440002441406

The capacity of reservoir 1 has been assumed as unlimited. Edit the reservoir if

The ratio between the maximum average demand of all nodes and the minimum average
demand of all nodes = 21.66
This range is larger than usual

The demand of one or more nodes are constant. Chek the demand. The following are
the nodes with constant demands
Node 5 , Node 6 , Node 7 , Node 8 , Node 9 , Node 10 , Node 12 , Node 13 ,
Node 14 , Node 15 , Node 16 , Node 17 , Node 18 , Node 19 , Node 20 , Node
21 , Node 22 , Node 23 , Node 24 , Node 25 , Node 26 , Node 27 , Node 28 ,
Node 29
All demands at nodes are constant(no fluctuation) This is not realistic, correct
the demands (ignore when intended)

Number of demand patterns available = 10

Number of demand patterns used = 1
Check whether there is a demand pattern which is not required

The minimum pressure in node(s) are negative (for example node 29 ). This node is
not capable of distributing water in the node's area

The network was simulated under average demand. The coefficient at all nodes is 1
Low pressure at nodes, for example node 29 may even lower during peak flow (during
early in the morning or evening). Use EXTENDED simulation for more complete results

All pipes in the network is the same type.Are you sure to use the same pipe type?.
Consider stronger pipe like GI when the pipe is not underground
There are 29 stright pipes
Among the stright pipes, there are 29 pipes without secondary loss coefficient such
as bends
Parts or all of the secndary loss coefficient along the pipes are small. Consider
to use secondary coefficient at least = 1.0 for each pipes
Correct the pipes data

Following are pipes with too large diameter (Ignore if it is intentionally

Pipes 1 , Pipes 2 , Pipes 3 , Pipes 4 , Pipes 5 , Pipes 6 , Pipes 7 , Pipes
8 , Pipes 9 , Pipes 10 , Pipes 11 , Pipes 12 , Pipes 13 , Pipes 14 , Pipes
15 , Pipes 16 , Pipes 17 , Pipes 18 , Pipes 19 , Pipes 20 , Pipes 21 , Pipes
22 , Pipes 23 , Pipes 24 , Pipes 25 , Pipes 26 , Pipes 27 , Pipes 28 , Pipes
29 ,

The pipes wall used in the network are smooth. May be you refer to new pipes.
Increase the roughness of the pipes slightly such as it has been used for 20 years
or so
The smooth pipe wall are as follows
Pipa 1, Pipa 2, Pipa 3, Pipa 4, Pipa 5, Pipa 6, Pipa 7, Pipa 8, Pipa 9, Pipa 10,
Pipa 11, Pipa 12, Pipa 13, Pipa 14, Pipa 15, Pipa 16, Pipa 17, Pipa 18, Pipa 19,
Pipa 20, Pipa 21, Pipa 22, Pipa 23, Pipa 24, Pipa 25, Pipa 26, Pipa 27, Pipa 28,
Pipa 29,


Size of tank1 is normal or slightly larger than normal

Height of tank 1 is normal between 0 and 20 m


Tidak ada BPT dalam jaringan


There is 1 pump in the network

Pump 1 is very efficient
End of Report
Printed on 2/8/2024

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