Gas 3383-G

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, Governor


SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-3298

Advice Letter 3383-G/4221-E

August 14, 2013

Brian K. Cherry
Vice President, Regulatory Relations
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
77 Beale Street, Mail Code B10C
P.O. Box 770000
San Francisco, CA 94177

SUBJECT: Revisions to Form 79-1031 Community Choice Aggregator Non-Disclosure

Agreement to Implement D.12-11-015, Which Authorized the Marin Energy
Authority to an Offer Energy Efficiency Program in Its Service Area.

Dear Mr. Cherry:

Advice Letter 3383-G/4221-E is effective as of May 2, 2013.


Edward F. Randolph, Director

Energy Division
Brian K. Cherry Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Vice President 77 Beale St., Mail Code B10C
Regulatory Relations P.O. Box 770000
San Francisco, CA 94177
Fax: 415.973.7226

May 2, 2013

Advice 3383-G/4221-E
(Pacific Gas and Electric Company ID U 39 M)

Public Utilities Commission of the State of California

Subject: Revisions to Form 79-1031 Community Choice Aggregator Non-

Disclosure Agreement to implement D.12-11-015, which authorized
the Marin Energy Authority to offer an Energy Efficiency Program in
its Service Area.
The purpose of this advice letter is to revise Pacific Gas and Electric Company’s
(PG&E’s) Tariff Form 79-1031 to implement one aspect of Decision (D.) 12-11-015,
which authorized the Marin Energy Authority (MEA), a Community Choice Aggregator
(CCA), to offer Energy Efficiency Programs in its service area. MEA states that to
implement these programs, it needs to be able to access various customer-specific
usage data regarding customers in its service area, including customers taking bundled
electric service from PG&E and gas customers, in addition to its own CCA customers.
PG&E and MEA agree that in order to protect the privacy and security of this customer
data consistent with MEA’s obligations under D.12-08-045 and PG&E’s obligations
under D.11-07-056 and Public Utilities Code Section 8380, the California Public Utilities
Commission (Commission or CPUC) should approve revisions to the existing
Community Choice Aggregation Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA), which is Form 79-
After discussions between PG&E and MEA, the parties jointly suggest adding specific
references to gas usage data to the NDA, because the NDA now only discusses electric
usage data. PG&E and MEA also clarify that the approved purposes for this data
include uses for energy efficiency programs. In addition, PG&E revises the NDA to
comply with PG&E’s statutory obligations under Public Utilities Code Section 8380 and
Tariff Revisions
PG&E revises Form 79-1031 Community Choice Aggregator Non-Disclosure Agreement
to include the provisions described above. The revised tariffs are included in
Advice No. 3383-G/4221-E -2- May 2, 2013

Attachment 1 to this advice filing. In addition, because Form 79-1031 includes access
to both gas and electric customer information, PG&E must amend its gas tariffs to make
available Form 79-1031. In this filing, PG&E hereby amends its gas tariff book to
include Form 79-1031.

Anyone wishing to protest this filing may do so by letter sent via U.S. mail, facsimile or
E-mail, no later than May 22, 2013, which is 20 days after the date of this filing.
Protests must be submitted to:
CPUC Energy Division
ED Tariff Unit
505 Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor
San Francisco, California 94102
Facsimile: (415) 703-2200
Copies of protests also should be mailed to the attention of the Director, Energy
Division, Room 4004, at the address shown above.
The protest shall also be sent to PG&E either via E-mail or U.S. mail (and by facsimile,
if possible) at the address shown below on the same date it is mailed or delivered to the
Brian K. Cherry
Vice President, Regulatory Relations
Pacific Gas and Electric Company
77 Beale Street, Mail Code B10C
P.O. Box 770000
San Francisco, California 94177
Facsimile: (415) 973-7226
Any person (including individuals, groups, or organizations) may protest or respond to
an advice letter (General Order 96-B, Rule 7.4). The protest shall contain the following
information: specification of the advice letter protested; grounds for the protest;
supporting factual information or legal argument; name, telephone number, postal
address, and (where appropriate) e-mail address of the protestant; and statement that
the protest was sent to the utility no later than the day on which the protest was
submitted to the reviewing Industry Division (General Order 96-B, Rule 3.11).
Advice No. 3383-G/4221-E -3- May 2, 2013

Effective Date

PG&E requests that this Tier 1 advice filing be approved effective May 2, 2013, the date
of filing.

In accordance with General Order 96-B, Section IV, a copy of this advice letter is being
sent electronically and via U.S. mail to parties shown on the attached list and the
service lists for Rulemaking (“R.”) 08-12-009, R.03-10-003 and Application
(“A.”) 12-07-001. Address changes to the General Order 96-B service list and all
electronic approvals should be directed to For changes to any
other service list, please contact the Commission’s Process Office at (415) 703-2021 or
at Advice letter filings can also be accessed
electronically at

Vice President – Regulatory Relations

cc: Service Lists R.08-12-009, R.03-10-003, and A.12-07-001
MUST BE COMPLETED BY UTILITY (Attach additional pages as needed)
Company name/CPUC Utility No. Pacific Gas and Electric Company (ID U39 M)
Utility type: Contact Person: Shirley Wong
ELC GAS Phone #: (415) 972-5505
PLC HEAT WATER E-mail: and
EXPLANATION OF UTILITY TYPE (Date Filed/ Received Stamp by CPUC)
ELC = Electric GAS = Gas
PLC = Pipeline HEAT = Heat WATER = Water
Advice Letter (AL) #: 3383-G/4221-E Tier: 1
Subject of AL: Revisions to Form 79-1031 Community Choice Aggregator Non-Disclosure Agreement to
implement D.12-11-015, which authorized the Marin Energy Authority to offer an Energy
Efficiency Program in its Service Area
Keywords (choose from CPUC listing): Compliance, Forms
AL filing type: Monthly Quarterly Annual One-Time Other _____________________________
If AL filed in compliance with a Commission order, indicate relevant Decision/Resolution #: D.12-11-015, D.12-08-045
and D.11-07-056
Does AL replace a withdrawn or rejected AL? If so, identify the prior AL: No
Summarize differences between the AL and the prior withdrawn or rejected AL:
Is AL requesting confidential treatment? If so, what information is the utility seeking confidential treatment for: No
Confidential information will be made available to those who have executed a nondisclosure agreement: N/A
Name(s) and contact information of the person(s) who will provide the nondisclosure agreement and access to the
confidential information: ___________________________________________
Resolution Required? Yes No
Requested effective date: May 2, 2013 No. of tariff sheets: 6
Estimated system annual revenue effect (%): N/A
Estimated system average rate effect (%): N/A
When rates are affected by AL, include attachment in AL showing average rate effects on customer classes
(residential, small commercial, large C/I, agricultural, lighting).
Tariff schedules affected: Gas and Electric Sample Form No. 79-1031, Community Choice Aggregator Non-
Disclosure Agreement
Service affected and changes proposed: Revise Form 79-1031 to protect the privacy and security of customer
data consistent with D.12-08-045 and PG&E’s obligations under D.11-07-056 and Public Utilities Code
Section 8380.
Protests, dispositions, and all other correspondence regarding this AL are due no later than 20 days after the date of
this filing, unless otherwise authorized by the Commission, and shall be sent to:
CPUC, Energy Division Pacific Gas and Electric Company
ED Tariff Unit Attn: Brian K. Cherry, Vice President, Regulatory Relations
505 Van Ness Ave., 4th Floor 77 Beale Street, Mail Code B10C
San Francisco, CA 94102 P.O. Box 770000
San Francisco, CA 94177 E-mail:
Advice 4221-E
Cal P.U.C. Cancelling Cal
Sheet No. Title of Sheet P.U.C. Sheet No.

32646-E* Electric Sample Form No. 79-1031 32235-E

Community Choice Aggregator Non-Disclosure
Sheet 1
Sheet 31

Page 1 of 1
Advice 3383-G
Cal P.U.C. Cancelling Cal
Sheet No. Title of Sheet P.U.C. Sheet No.

30437-G* Gas Sample Form No. 79-1031

Community Choice Aggregator Non-Disclosure
Sheet 1
Sheet 1
Sheet 12

Page 1 of 1
Pacific Gas and Electric Company Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 32646-E*

San Francisco, California Cancelling Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 32235-E

U 39

Electric Sample Form No. 79-1031

Community Choice Aggregator Non-Disclosure Agreement

Please Refer to Attached

Sample Form

Advice Letter No: 4221-E Issued by Date Filed May 2, 2013

Decision No. 12-11-015 Brian K. Cherry Effective May 2, 2013

D.12-08-045, D.11-07-056 Vice President Resolution No.

1C7 Regulatory Relations
This Non-Disclosure Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Pacific
Gas and Electric Company (“Utility”) and _______________________________
________________________, a ________________________ [describe political entity]
_____________________________(“CCA”) as of _________________________ (“Effective
Date”). This Agreement is executed pursuant to California Public Utilities Commission
(“CPUC”) Order Instituted Rulemaking (“OIR”) 03-10-003, California Public Utilities Code
(“PU Code”) Section 366.2 et seq., and applicable Utility tariffs (as modified hereafter from time
to time). As used herein Utility and CCA may each be referred to individually as a “Party” and
collectively as “Parties.”
The CPUC has determined that CCA/Community may obtain specified confidential
customer information from Utility pursuant to Tariff Schedules E-CCAINFO-Information (as
modified hereafter from time to time) (“E-CCAINFO”) as a community choice aggregator, as
defined by PU Code Section 331.1, solely in order to investigate, pursue or implement
community choice aggregation pursuant to PU Code Section 366.2, et seq. or confidential
customer electric and gas consumption data to implement energy efficiency programs pursuant to
PU Code section 381.1. The provisions of this Agreement and E-CCAINFO govern the
disclosure of Utility’s confidential customer information to CCA/Community (“Disclosure
Provisions”) under Schedules E-CCAINFO and E-CCA.
The Parties hereby mutually agree that:
1. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, current proprietary and
confidential information of Utility regarding customers of Utility (“Utility
Customers”) may be disclosed to CCA from time to time in connection herewith as
provided by the Disclosure Provisions and solely for the purpose of investigating,
pursuing or implementing community choice aggregation pursuant to PU Code
Section 366.2, et seq. as a community choice aggregator or to implement energy
efficiency programs pursuant to PU Code section 381.1. Such disclosure is subject to
the following legal continuing representations and warranties by CCA:
(a) CCA represents and warrants that, pursuant to PU Code Section 331.1,

(1) it is either (i) a city, county, or other entity as defined in PU Code Section
331.1 whose governing board has elected to combine the loads of its residents,
businesses, and municipal facilities in a community wide electricity buyers
program or (ii) a city, county, or other entity as defined in PU Code Section
331.1 that intends to actively investigate or pursue delivery of electric service
to customers located within the geographic territory of the CCA, and
(2) that to investigate, pursue or implement community choice aggregation under
PU Code Section 366.2 et seq., or to implement energy efficiency programs
pursuant to PU Code section 381.1;

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Form 79-1031
Advice 3383-G/4221-E
Revised May 2013

(b) CCA represents and warrants that it has all necessary authority to enter into this
Agreement, and that it is a binding enforceable Agreement according to its terms;

(c) CCA represents and warrants that the authorized representative(s) executing this
Agreement is authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the CCA; and

(d) CCA confirms its understanding that the information of Utility Customers is of a
highly sensitive confidential and proprietary nature, and that such information will
be used as contemplated under the Disclosure Provisions solely for the purposes
of investigating, pursing or implementing Community Choice Aggregation under
PU Code Section 366.2 as a community choice aggregator or to implement energy
efficiency programs pursuant to PU Code section 381.1, and that any other use of
the information may permit Utility to suspend providing further information

(e) CCA represents and warrants that it will implement and maintain reasonable
security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of the information, to
protect the personal information from unauthorized access, destruction, use,
modification, or disclosure, and prohibits the use of the data for a secondary
commercial purpose not related to community choice aggregation or energy
efficiency purposes without the customer’s prior consent to that use.

2. The confidential and proprietary information disclosed to CCA in connection

herewith may include, without limitation, the following billing information about
Utility Customers: Customer-specific information from the current billing periods as
well as prior 12 months consisting of: service agreement number, name on agreement,
service address with zip code, mailing address with zip code, telephone number, meter
number, monthly kWh usage, monthly maximum demand where available, electrical
or gas consumption data as defined in PU Code Section 8380, other data detailing
electricity or gas needs and patterns of usage, Baseline Zone, CARE participation,
End Use Code (Heat Source) Service Voltage, Medical Baseline, Meter Cycle, Bill
Cycle, Balanced Payment Plan and other plans, HP Load and Number of Units and
monthly rate schedule for all accounts within the CCA's territory. In addition, PG&E
will provide the CCA the following additional information regarding customers
currently enrolled in its CCA service: current and historical billing information for
non-CCA services provided by PG&E or other electric service providers (collectively,
“Confidential Information”). Confidential Information shall also include specifically
any copies, drafts, revisions, analyses, summaries, extracts, memoranda, reports and
other materials prepared by CCA or its representatives that are derived from or based
on Confidential Information disclosed by Utility, regardless of the form of media in
which it is prepared, recorded or retained.

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Form 79-1031
Advice 3383-G/4221-E
Revised May 2013
3. Except for electric and gas usage information provided to CCA pursuant to this
Agreement, Confidential Information does not include information that CCA proves
(a) was properly in the possession of CCA at the time of disclosure; (b) is or becomes
publicly known through no fault of CCA, its employees or representatives; or (c) was
independently developed by CCA, its employees or representatives without access to
any Confidential Information.

4. From the Effective Date, no portion of the Confidential Information may be disclosed,
disseminated or appropriated by CCA, or used for any purpose other than to
investigate, pursue or implement community choice aggregation under PU Code
Section 366.2 et seq. as a community choice aggregator or to implement energy
efficiency programs pursuant to PU Code section 381.1 as permitted under this
Agreement and the Disclosure Provisions.

5. CCA shall, at all times and in perpetuity, keep the Confidential Information in the
strictest confidence and shall take all reasonable measures to prevent unauthorized or
improper disclosure or use of Confidential Information. CCA shall implement and
maintain reasonable security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of the
information, to protect the personal information from unauthorized access,
destruction, use, modification, or disclosure and prohibits the use of the data for a
secondary commercial purpose not related to community choice aggregation or
energy efficiency. Specifically, CCA shall restrict access to Confidential Information,
and to materials prepared in connection therewith, to those employees or
representatives of CCA who have a “need to know” such Confidential Information in
the course of their duties with respect to the CCA program and who agree to be bound
by the nondisclosure and confidentiality obligations of this Agreement, provided,
however, that, an Energy Service Provider, agent, or any other entity, including
entities that provide both direct access (as codified in Assembly Bill No. 1890, Stats.
1996, ch. 854) and community choice aggregation services shall limit their utilization
of the information provided to the purposes for which it has been provided and shall
not utilize such information, directly or indirectly, in providing other services,
including but not limited to Direct Access services, in order to effectuate the
obligations of this Agreement. Prior to disclosing any Confidential Information to its
employees or representatives, CCA shall require such employees or representatives to
whom Confidential Information is to be disclosed to review this Agreement and to
agree in writing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement by signing the “Non-
Disclosure Agreement for CCA Employees or Representatives” form attached as
Exhibit A hereto. CCA shall provide Utility with copies of the signed Exhibit A
forms at Utility request. CCA shall also provide Utility with a list of the names, titles,
and addresses for all persons or entities to which Confidential Information is disclosed
in connection herewith (“Disclosure List”). This Disclosure List shall be updated by
CCA on a regular basis, and will be provided to Utility once each quarter at a

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Form 79-1031
Advice 3383-G/4221-E
Revised May 2013

6. CCA shall be liable for the actions of, or any disclosure or use by, its employees or
representatives contrary to this Agreement; however, such liability shall not limit or
prevent any actions by Utility directly against such employees or representatives for
improper disclosure and/or use. In no event shall CCA or its employees or
representatives take any actions related to Confidential Information that are
inconsistent with holding Confidential Information in strict confidence. CCA shall
immediately notify Utility in writing if it becomes aware of the possibility of any
misuse or misappropriation of the Confidential Information by CCA or any of its
employees or representatives. However, nothing in this Agreement shall obligate the
Utility to monitor or enforce the CCA’s compliance with the terms of this Agreement.

7. CCA shall comply with the consumer protections concerning subsequent disclosure
and use that are in Attachment B to CPUC Decision No. 12-08-045.

8. CCA acknowledges that disclosure or misappropriation of any Confidential

Information could cause irreparable harm to Utility and/or Utility Customers, the
amount of which may be difficult to assess. Accordingly, CCA hereby confirms that
the Utility shall be entitled to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction or the CPUC
for an injunction, specific performance or such other relief (without posting bond) as
may be appropriate in the event of improper disclosure or misuse of its Confidential
Information by CCA or its employees or representatives. Such right shall, however,
be construed to be in addition to any other remedies available to the Utility, in law or

9. In addition to all other remedies, CCA shall indemnify and hold harmless Utility, its
affiliates, subsidiaries, parent company, officers, employees, or agents from and
against and claims, actions, suits, liabilities, damages, losses, expenses and costs
(including reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs and disbursements) attributable to actions
or non-actions of CCA and/or its employees and/or its representatives in connection
with the use or disclosure of Confidential Information.

10. If, at any time, CCA ceases its investigation, pursuit or implementation of community
choice aggregation pursuant to PU Code Section 366.2 et seq., CCA shall promptly
return or destroy (with written notice to Utility itemizing the materials destroyed) all
Confidential Information then in its possession at the request of Utility.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the nondisclosure obligations of this Agreement shall
survive any termination of this Agreement.

11. This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the successors and
permitted assigns of the Parties hereto. This Agreement shall not be assigned,
however, without the prior written consent of the non-assigning Party, which consent

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Form 79-1031
Advice 3383-G/4221-E
Revised May 2013
may be withheld due to the confidential nature of the information, data and materials

12. This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the Parties with respect to the
subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations,
understandings, communications, correspondence and representations, whether oral or
written. This Agreement shall not be amended, modified or waived except by an
instrument in writing, signed by both Parties, and, specifically, shall not be modified
or waived by course of performance, course of dealing or usage of trade. Any waiver
of a right under this Agreement shall be in writing, but no such writing shall be
deemed a subsequent waiver of that right, or any other right or remedy.

13. This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the
State of California, without reference to its principles on conflicts of laws.

14. This Agreement shall, at all times, be subject to such changes or modifications by the
CPUC as it may from time to time direct in the exercise of its jurisdiction.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the authorized representatives of the Parties have executed

this Agreement as of the Effective Date.



(Signature) (Signature)

(Type/Print Name) (Type/Print Name)

(Title) (Title)

(Date) (Date)

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Form 79-1031
Advice 3383-G/4221-E
Revised May 2013

I, ________________________________, declare under penalty of perjury that

(1) I am employed as ____________________(title) at _____________________

___________________________________________ (employer and address); and

(2) I have personally reviewed the attached COMMUNITY CHOICE AGGREGATOR NON-
DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT relating to disclosure and use of Confidential Information (as
defined therein) and I agree to be bound by its provisions.

Print Name:

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Form 79-1031
Advice 3383-G/4221-E
Revised May 2013
Pacific Gas and Electric Company Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 32647-E*
San Francisco, California Cancelling Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 32644-E
U 39



Title Page ............................................................................................................................................. 32647-E* (T)
Rate Schedules .........................................32390, 32391, 32392, 32393 ,32394, 32402,31852, 31541,32396-E
Preliminary Statements ..............................................32397,29900,30376,32544,32398,30846,32215,32645-E
Rules .............................................................................................................................. 32424, 32425, 32426-E
Maps, Contracts and Deviations. 32427-E
Sample Forms .............. 32503,32429,32430,32431,32504,32433,32505-32506,32648*,32437,32508,32439-E (T)

Advice Letter No: 4221-E Issued by Date Filed May 2, 2013
Decision No. 12-11-015 Brian K. Cherry Effective May 2, 2013
D.12-08-045, D.11-07-056 Vice President Resolution No.
1H9 Regulatory Relations
Pacific Gas and Electric Company Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 32648-E*
San Francisco, California Cancelling Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 32507-E
U 39



Sample Forms
Miscellaneous (Cont’d)
79-966 Agreement for Schedule E-OBMC ................................................................................... 32491-E
79-984 Interval Meter Installation Service Agreement .................................................................. 18693-E
79-985 Interval Meter Data Management Service Agreement...................................................... 18708-E
79-993 Agreement for Schedule E-POBMC ................................................................................. 27810-E
79-995 Agreement for Customers Taking Service on Schedule E-31 .......................................... 20623-E
79-1006 Municipal Departing Load - Nonbypassable Charge Statement ....................................... 32124-E
79-1029 Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) Service Agreement .............................................. 27499-E
79-1031 Community Choice Aggregator (CCA) Non-Disclosure Agreement.32646-E* (T)
79-1039 Agricultural, Commercial, Residential Rate Schedule Selection Customer
Agreement ..................................................................................................................... 30095-E
79-1040 Non-Disclosure and Use of Information Agreement ......................................................... 23601-E
79-1050 Contract for Customer Provision of Physically Assured Load Reduction.......................... 24956-E
79-1075 Notice to Add or Delete Customers Participating in the Capacity Bidding
Program......................................................................................................................... 32495-E
79-1076 Agreement for Aggregators Participating in the Capacity Bidding Program ..................... 32496-E
79-1079 Agreement for Aggregators Participating in the Base Interruptible Load Program ........... 32497-E
79-1080 Notice to Add or Delete Customers Participating in the Base Interruptible Program ........ 32498-E
79-1102 Section 399.20 Power Purchase Agreement .................................................................... 32140-E
79-1103 Small Renewable Generator Power Purchase Agreements ............................................. 32141-E
79-1118 General Off-Bill and On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement32499-E
79-1120 Standard Contract for Eligible CHP Facilities.. 30818-E
79-1121 Power Purchase and Sales Agreement - Contract For Eligible CHP Facilities with Net Output of
Not Greater Than 5 MW... 32148-E
79-1126 Off-Bill and On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement for Self-Installed Projects..32500-E
79-1127 Agreement to Perform Tariff Schedule Related Work, Rule 20A General Conditions...29717-E
79-1128 Customer Affidavit Form for the Self Certification of Small
Business Customers under Government Code Section 14837 ....................................... 29725-E
79-1138 Power Purchase and Sale Agreement - Contract For Eligible CHP Facilities with Power Rating
of Less Than 500 KW. 32150-E
79-1141 Agreement for Schedule A-15 Fixed Usage Estimate 31456-E
79-1143 California State Government Customers On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement 32501-E
79-1149 Election to Withdraw From the Capacity Bidding Program Form32481-E

Advice Letter No: 4221-E Issued by Date Filed May 2, 2013
Decision No. 12-11-015 Brian K. Cherry Effective May 2, 2013
D.12-08-045, D.11-07-056 Vice President Resolution No.
31H9 Regulatory Relations
Pacific Gas and Electric Company Original Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 30437-G*

San Francisco, California Cancelling Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No.

U 39

Gas Sample Form No. 79-1031 Sheet 1 (N)

Community Choice Aggregator Non-Disclosure Agreement (N)

Advice Letter No: 3383-G Issued by Date Filed May 2, 2013

Decision No. 12-11-015 Brian K. Cherry Effective May 2, 2013

D.12-08-045, D.11-07-056 Vice President Resolution No.

1C8 Regulatory Relations
This Non-Disclosure Agreement (“Agreement”) is entered into by and between Pacific
Gas and Electric Company (“Utility”) and _______________________________
________________________, a ________________________ [describe political entity]
_____________________________(“CCA”) as of _________________________ (“Effective
Date”). This Agreement is executed pursuant to California Public Utilities Commission
(“CPUC”) Order Instituted Rulemaking (“OIR”) 03-10-003, California Public Utilities Code
(“PU Code”) Section 366.2 et seq., and applicable Utility tariffs (as modified hereafter from time
to time). As used herein Utility and CCA may each be referred to individually as a “Party” and
collectively as “Parties.”
The CPUC has determined that CCA/Community may obtain specified confidential
customer information from Utility pursuant to Tariff Schedules E-CCAINFO-Information (as
modified hereafter from time to time) (“E-CCAINFO”) as a community choice aggregator, as
defined by PU Code Section 331.1, solely in order to investigate, pursue or implement
community choice aggregation pursuant to PU Code Section 366.2, et seq. or confidential
customer electric and gas consumption data to implement energy efficiency programs pursuant to
PU Code section 381.1. The provisions of this Agreement and E-CCAINFO govern the
disclosure of Utility’s confidential customer information to CCA/Community (“Disclosure
Provisions”) under Schedules E-CCAINFO and E-CCA.
The Parties hereby mutually agree that:
1. Subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement, current proprietary and
confidential information of Utility regarding customers of Utility (“Utility
Customers”) may be disclosed to CCA from time to time in connection herewith as
provided by the Disclosure Provisions and solely for the purpose of investigating,
pursuing or implementing community choice aggregation pursuant to PU Code
Section 366.2, et seq. as a community choice aggregator or to implement energy
efficiency programs pursuant to PU Code section 381.1. Such disclosure is subject to
the following legal continuing representations and warranties by CCA:
(a) CCA represents and warrants that, pursuant to PU Code Section 331.1,

(1) it is either (i) a city, county, or other entity as defined in PU Code Section
331.1 whose governing board has elected to combine the loads of its residents,
businesses, and municipal facilities in a community wide electricity buyers
program or (ii) a city, county, or other entity as defined in PU Code Section
331.1 that intends to actively investigate or pursue delivery of electric service
to customers located within the geographic territory of the CCA, and
(2) that to investigate, pursue or implement community choice aggregation under
PU Code Section 366.2 et seq., or to implement energy efficiency programs
pursuant to PU Code section 381.1;

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Form 79-1031
Advice 3383-G/4221-E
Revised May 2013

(b) CCA represents and warrants that it has all necessary authority to enter into this
Agreement, and that it is a binding enforceable Agreement according to its terms;

(c) CCA represents and warrants that the authorized representative(s) executing this
Agreement is authorized to execute this Agreement on behalf of the CCA; and

(d) CCA confirms its understanding that the information of Utility Customers is of a
highly sensitive confidential and proprietary nature, and that such information will
be used as contemplated under the Disclosure Provisions solely for the purposes
of investigating, pursing or implementing Community Choice Aggregation under
PU Code Section 366.2 as a community choice aggregator or to implement energy
efficiency programs pursuant to PU Code section 381.1, and that any other use of
the information may permit Utility to suspend providing further information

(e) CCA represents and warrants that it will implement and maintain reasonable
security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of the information, to
protect the personal information from unauthorized access, destruction, use,
modification, or disclosure, and prohibits the use of the data for a secondary
commercial purpose not related to community choice aggregation or energy
efficiency purposes without the customer’s prior consent to that use.

2. The confidential and proprietary information disclosed to CCA in connection

herewith may include, without limitation, the following billing information about
Utility Customers: Customer-specific information from the current billing periods as
well as prior 12 months consisting of: service agreement number, name on agreement,
service address with zip code, mailing address with zip code, telephone number, meter
number, monthly kWh usage, monthly maximum demand where available, electrical
or gas consumption data as defined in PU Code Section 8380, other data detailing
electricity or gas needs and patterns of usage, Baseline Zone, CARE participation,
End Use Code (Heat Source) Service Voltage, Medical Baseline, Meter Cycle, Bill
Cycle, Balanced Payment Plan and other plans, HP Load and Number of Units and
monthly rate schedule for all accounts within the CCA's territory. In addition, PG&E
will provide the CCA the following additional information regarding customers
currently enrolled in its CCA service: current and historical billing information for
non-CCA services provided by PG&E or other electric service providers (collectively,
“Confidential Information”). Confidential Information shall also include specifically
any copies, drafts, revisions, analyses, summaries, extracts, memoranda, reports and
other materials prepared by CCA or its representatives that are derived from or based
on Confidential Information disclosed by Utility, regardless of the form of media in
which it is prepared, recorded or retained.

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Form 79-1031
Advice 3383-G/4221-E
Revised May 2013
3. Except for electric and gas usage information provided to CCA pursuant to this
Agreement, Confidential Information does not include information that CCA proves
(a) was properly in the possession of CCA at the time of disclosure; (b) is or becomes
publicly known through no fault of CCA, its employees or representatives; or (c) was
independently developed by CCA, its employees or representatives without access to
any Confidential Information.

4. From the Effective Date, no portion of the Confidential Information may be disclosed,
disseminated or appropriated by CCA, or used for any purpose other than to
investigate, pursue or implement community choice aggregation under PU Code
Section 366.2 et seq. as a community choice aggregator or to implement energy
efficiency programs pursuant to PU Code section 381.1 as permitted under this
Agreement and the Disclosure Provisions.

5. CCA shall, at all times and in perpetuity, keep the Confidential Information in the
strictest confidence and shall take all reasonable measures to prevent unauthorized or
improper disclosure or use of Confidential Information. CCA shall implement and
maintain reasonable security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of the
information, to protect the personal information from unauthorized access,
destruction, use, modification, or disclosure and prohibits the use of the data for a
secondary commercial purpose not related to community choice aggregation or
energy efficiency. Specifically, CCA shall restrict access to Confidential Information,
and to materials prepared in connection therewith, to those employees or
representatives of CCA who have a “need to know” such Confidential Information in
the course of their duties with respect to the CCA program and who agree to be bound
by the nondisclosure and confidentiality obligations of this Agreement, provided,
however, that, an Energy Service Provider, agent, or any other entity, including
entities that provide both direct access (as codified in Assembly Bill No. 1890, Stats.
1996, ch. 854) and community choice aggregation services shall limit their utilization
of the information provided to the purposes for which it has been provided and shall
not utilize such information, directly or indirectly, in providing other services,
including but not limited to Direct Access services, in order to effectuate the
obligations of this Agreement. Prior to disclosing any Confidential Information to its
employees or representatives, CCA shall require such employees or representatives to
whom Confidential Information is to be disclosed to review this Agreement and to
agree in writing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement by signing the “Non-
Disclosure Agreement for CCA Employees or Representatives” form attached as
Exhibit A hereto. CCA shall provide Utility with copies of the signed Exhibit A
forms at Utility request. CCA shall also provide Utility with a list of the names, titles,
and addresses for all persons or entities to which Confidential Information is disclosed
in connection herewith (“Disclosure List”). This Disclosure List shall be updated by
CCA on a regular basis, and will be provided to Utility once each quarter at a

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Form 79-1031
Advice 3383-G/4221-E
Revised May 2013

6. CCA shall be liable for the actions of, or any disclosure or use by, its employees or
representatives contrary to this Agreement; however, such liability shall not limit or
prevent any actions by Utility directly against such employees or representatives for
improper disclosure and/or use. In no event shall CCA or its employees or
representatives take any actions related to Confidential Information that are
inconsistent with holding Confidential Information in strict confidence. CCA shall
immediately notify Utility in writing if it becomes aware of the possibility of any
misuse or misappropriation of the Confidential Information by CCA or any of its
employees or representatives. However, nothing in this Agreement shall obligate the
Utility to monitor or enforce the CCA’s compliance with the terms of this Agreement.

7. CCA shall comply with the consumer protections concerning subsequent disclosure
and use that are in Attachment B to CPUC Decision No. 12-08-045.

8. CCA acknowledges that disclosure or misappropriation of any Confidential

Information could cause irreparable harm to Utility and/or Utility Customers, the
amount of which may be difficult to assess. Accordingly, CCA hereby confirms that
the Utility shall be entitled to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction or the CPUC
for an injunction, specific performance or such other relief (without posting bond) as
may be appropriate in the event of improper disclosure or misuse of its Confidential
Information by CCA or its employees or representatives. Such right shall, however,
be construed to be in addition to any other remedies available to the Utility, in law or

9. In addition to all other remedies, CCA shall indemnify and hold harmless Utility, its
affiliates, subsidiaries, parent company, officers, employees, or agents from and
against and claims, actions, suits, liabilities, damages, losses, expenses and costs
(including reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs and disbursements) attributable to actions
or non-actions of CCA and/or its employees and/or its representatives in connection
with the use or disclosure of Confidential Information.

10. If, at any time, CCA ceases its investigation, pursuit or implementation of community
choice aggregation pursuant to PU Code Section 366.2 et seq., CCA shall promptly
return or destroy (with written notice to Utility itemizing the materials destroyed) all
Confidential Information then in its possession at the request of Utility.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the nondisclosure obligations of this Agreement shall
survive any termination of this Agreement.

11. This Agreement shall be binding on and inure to the benefit of the successors and
permitted assigns of the Parties hereto. This Agreement shall not be assigned,
however, without the prior written consent of the non-assigning Party, which consent

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Form 79-1031
Advice 3383-G/4221-E
Revised May 2013
may be withheld due to the confidential nature of the information, data and materials

12. This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the Parties with respect to the
subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior discussions, negotiations,
understandings, communications, correspondence and representations, whether oral or
written. This Agreement shall not be amended, modified or waived except by an
instrument in writing, signed by both Parties, and, specifically, shall not be modified
or waived by course of performance, course of dealing or usage of trade. Any waiver
of a right under this Agreement shall be in writing, but no such writing shall be
deemed a subsequent waiver of that right, or any other right or remedy.

13. This Agreement shall be interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the
State of California, without reference to its principles on conflicts of laws.

14. This Agreement shall, at all times, be subject to such changes or modifications by the
CPUC as it may from time to time direct in the exercise of its jurisdiction.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the authorized representatives of the Parties have executed

this Agreement as of the Effective Date.



(Signature) (Signature)

(Type/Print Name) (Type/Print Name)

(Title) (Title)

(Date) (Date)

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Form 79-1031
Advice 3383-G/4221-E
Revised May 2013

I, ________________________________, declare under penalty of perjury that

(1) I am employed as ____________________(title) at _____________________

___________________________________________ (employer and address); and

(2) I have personally reviewed the attached COMMUNITY CHOICE AGGREGATOR NON-
DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT relating to disclosure and use of Confidential Information (as
defined therein) and I agree to be bound by its provisions.

Print Name:

Automated Document, Preliminary Statement Part A Page 6 of 6

Form 79-1031
Advice 3383-G/4221-E
Revised May 2013
Pacific Gas and Electric Company Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 30438-G*
San Francisco, California Cancelling Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 30435-G
U 39


Title Page ......................................................................................................................................... 30438-G* (T)
Rate Schedules ....................................................................................................................... 30431,30432-G
Preliminary Statements............................................................................................................ 30433,30436-G
Rules .................................................................................................................................................. 29737-G
Maps, Contracts and Deviations ......................................................................................................... 29288-G
Sample Forms ..................................................................................................30322-30326,30439*,30327-G (N)

Advice Letter No: 3383-G Issued by Date Filed May 2, 2013
Decision No. 12-11-015 Brian K. Cherry Effective May 2, 2013
D.12-08-045, D.11-07-056 Vice President Resolution No.
1H9 Regulatory Relations
Pacific Gas and Electric Company Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 30439-G*
San Francisco, California Cancelling Revised Cal. P.U.C. Sheet No. 30326-G
U 39


Sample Forms
79-1089 Independent Storage Providers (ISP) – PG&E Exchange Agreement ............................. 30036-G
79-1090 G-ESISP Service Agreement ........................................................................................... 30037-G
79-1091 G-ESISP Service Relocation Agreement ......................................................................... 30038-G
Sample Forms
62-0562 Gas and Electric Facilities Transfer Agreement ............................................................... 18418-G
62-0579 Design / Construction Change Order Request ................................................................. 29981-G
62-4501 Absolving Service Agreement .......................................................................................... 29989-G
62-4527 Agreement to Perform Tariff Schedule Related Work .....................................................29990-G*
62-4778 Cancellation of Contract ................................................................................................... 13137-G
79-861 Electronic Data Interchange Trading Partner Agreement ................................................. 18294-G
79-936 Deed of Conveyance ........................................................................................................ 13639-G
79-937 Assignment Agreement .................................................................................................... 30315-G
79-967 Electronic Billing Customer Agreement ........................................................................ 30024-G
79-1039 Agricultural, Commercial, Residential Rate Schedule Selection Customer
Agreement ........................................................................................................ ..24081-G
79-1040 Non-Disclosure and Use of Information Agreement..23183-G
79-1041 Notice of Bill Guarantee Termination.30033-G
79-1042 APS/Auto Pay Customer Application23185-G
79-1043 Irrevocable Standby Letter of Credit.30034-G
79-1095 Authorization to Receive Customer Information or Act Upon a Customer’s Behalf..24840-G
79-1096 Authorization to Receive Customer Information or Act Upon a Customer’s Behalf
79-1097 Request Change of Mailing Address to a Third-Party Change of Address24842-G
79-1099 Property Manager Authorization to Receive Owner Information or Act on an Owner’s
Behalf.. 25054-G
79-1104 Billing Calculation Service Agreement.26570-G
79-1118 General Off-Bill and On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement..30318-G
79-1126 Off-Bill and On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement for Self-Installed Projects30319-G
79-1128 Customer Affidavit Form for the Self-Certification of Small Business Customers Under
Government Code Section 14837.....28659-G
79-1139 Notice of Payment Default.. 30043-G
79-1140 CTA Unrecovered Capacity Cost Invoice. 30044-G
79-1143 California State Government Customers On-Bill Financing Loan Agreement..30320-G
79-1031 Community Choice Aggregator Non-Disclosure Agreement30437-G* (N)

Advice Letter No: 3383-G Issued by Date Filed May 2, 2013
Decision No. 12-11-015 Brian K. Cherry Effective May 2, 2013
D.12-08-045, D.11-07-056 Vice President Resolution No.
12H9 Regulatory Relations
PG&E Gas and Electric
Advice Filing List
General Order 96-B, Section IV
1st Light Energy Downey & Brand OnGrid Solar
AT&T Ellison Schneider & Harris LLP Pacific Gas and Electric Company
Alcantar & Kahl LLP G. A. Krause & Assoc. Praxair
Anderson & Poole GenOn Energy Inc. Regulatory & Cogeneration Service, Inc.
BART GenOn Energy, Inc. SCD Energy Solutions
Barkovich & Yap, Inc. Goodin, MacBride, Squeri, Schlotz & SCE
Bartle Wells Associates Green Power Institute SDG&E and SoCalGas
Bear Valley Electric Service Hanna & Morton SPURR
Braun Blaising McLaughlin, P.C. In House Energy San Francisco Public Utilities Commission
California Cotton Ginners & Growers Assn International Power Technology Seattle City Light
California Energy Commission Intestate Gas Services, Inc. Sempra Utilities
California Public Utilities Commission Kelly Group SoCalGas
Calpine Lawrence Berkeley National Lab Southern California Edison Company
Casner, Steve Linde Spark Energy
Cenergy Power Los Angeles Dept of Water & Power Sun Light & Power
Center for Biological Diversity MAC Lighting Consulting Sunshine Design
City of Palo Alto MRW & Associates Tecogen, Inc.
City of San Jose Manatt Phelps Phillips Tiger Natural Gas, Inc.
Clean Power Marin Energy Authority TransCanada
Coast Economic Consulting McKenna Long & Aldridge LLP Utility Cost Management
Commercial Energy McKenzie & Associates Utility Power Solutions
Consumer Federation of California Modesto Irrigation District Utility Specialists
Crossborder Energy Morgan Stanley Verizon
Davis Wright Tremaine LLP NLine Energy, Inc. Water and Energy Consulting
Day Carter Murphy NRG Solar Wellhead Electric Company
Defense Energy Support Center Nexant, Inc. Western Manufactured Housing
Communities Association (WMA)
Dept of General Services North America Power Partners
Douglass & Liddell Occidental Energy Marketing, Inc.

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