1014 Issue of The Daily Journal
1014 Issue of The Daily Journal
1014 Issue of The Daily Journal
Schools sue
county for
$20 million
San Mateo County and Lee Buffington
facing lawsuit from 13 county schools
By Michelle Durand investment pool
Lehman before
San Mateo County and Treasurer- its Sept. 15,
Tax Collector Lee Buffington owe 2008 collapse
13 county school districts approxi- but engaged in
mately $20 million that should be “a high-stakes
Liam Caraher,left,works the zipper on his sweater with the help of occupational therapist Jolanda De Lange at gamble” that the
the Arbor Bay School in San Carlos.Repetition and playing help Liam,who is diagnosed with Global Apraxia,develop used to educate children but instead
was lost when officials knowingly government or
his motor skills.
kept the money invested in flailing Lee Buffington another entity
Building on blue
Lehman Brothers, according to a would rescue
claim filed on the districts’ behalf. the firm. The county, which charges
The claim, filed in mid- investment pool participants $3 mil-
September, claims the county and
Buffington should have pulled its See LAWSUIT, Page 20
Arbor Bay School helps children learn new skills
By Heather Murtagh
Oct. 12 Mega Millions Daily three midday In 1066, Normans under William the Conqueror defeated the Birthdays
10 31 36 37 43 15 7 1 0 English at the Battle of Hastings.
Mega number In 1890, Dwight D. Eisenhower, 34th president of the United
Daily three evening
Fantasy Five States, was born in Denison, Texas.
1 4 0 In 1912, Theodore Roosevelt, campaigning for the presidency,
12 16 20 30 31 was shot in the chest in Milwaukee. Despite the wound, he
went ahead with a scheduled speech.
The Daily Derby race winners are No. 12 Lucky In 1930, Ethel Merman made her Broadway debut in the musi-
Charms in first place; No. 6 Whirl Win in second cal comedy “Girl Crazy” with songs by George and Ira
place;and No.11 Money Bags in third place.The Gershwin.
race time was clocked at 1:40:13. In 1939, a German U-boat torpedoed and sank the HMS Royal Actor Roger Singer Natalie Singer Usher is 32.
Oak, a British battleship anchored at Scapa Flow in Scotland’s Moore is 83. Maines is 36.
State. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5,7 Orkney Islands; 833 of the more than 1,200 men aboard were
killed. Former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop is 94. Classical
Opinion. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 pianist Gary Graffman is 82. Movie director Carroll Ballard is
Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 In 1944, German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel committed
73. Former White House counsel John W. Dean III is 72.
Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-15 suicide rather than face execution for allegedly conspiring
Country singer Melba Montgomery is 72. Fashion designer
Nation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,16 against Adolf Hitler.
Ralph Lauren is 71. Singer Sir Cliff Richard is 70. Actor Udo
World . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 In 1947, Air Force test pilot Charles E. (“Chuck”) Yeager broke Kier is 66. Singer-musician Justin Hayward (The Moody
Suburban Living . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-19 the sound barrier as he flew the experimental Bell XS-1 (later Blues) is 64. Actor Harry Anderson is 58. Actor Greg Evigan
Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 X-1) rocket plane over Muroc Dry Lake in California. is 57. TV personality Arleen Sorkin is 55. Golf Hall of Famer
Comics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 In 1968, the first successful live telecast from a manned U.S. Beth Daniel is 54. Singer-musician Thomas Dolby is 52.
Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-27 spacecraft was transmitted from Apollo 7. Actress Lori Petty is 47. New York Yankees manager Joe
In 1987, a 58-hour drama began in Midland, Texas, as 18- Girardi is 46. Actor Steve Coogan is 45. Singer Karyn White is
Publisher Editor in Chief month-old Jessica McClure slid 22 feet down an abandoned 45. Actor Jon Seda is 40. Country musician Doug Virden is 40.
Jerry Lee Jon Mays well at a private day care center; she was rescued on Oct. 16.
jerry@smdailyjournal.com jon@smdailyjournal.com Actress-singer Shaznay Lewis (All Saints) is 35. TV personal-
In 1990, composer-conductor Leonard Bernstein died in New ity Stacy Keibler is 31. Actor Ben Whishaw is 30. Actor Jordan
York at age 72. Brower is 29.
Phone: . . . . . . . . . . . . (650) 344-5200 Fax: (650) 344-5290
To Advertise:. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ads@smdailyjournal.com
Classifieds: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ads@smdailyjournal.com Strange but True
Events: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . calendar@smdailyjournal.com Boulevard at about 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, found what looked like his grandmoth-
News: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . news@smdailyjournal.com Police: Drunken men blocking four of the five lanes. The driv- er’s lost wedding ring.
Delivery: . . . . . . . . . . . . . circulation@smdailyjournal.com knocked at police station er took the keys and fled in another car, His grandfather is deceased, and he
Career: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . info@smdailyjournal.com UNIONTOWN, Pa. — Authorities in then three musicians climbed on top of showed the ring to his parents, who con-
800 S. Claremont St., Ste. 210, San Mateo, Ca. 94402 southwestern Pennsylvania say they the van and began to perform. firmed his suspicion. Together they
charged two men with public drunken- Quintero says they were arrested and decided to surprise Norma Welker with
THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME ness after they knocked on a police sta- the truck was finally towed away around the cleaned up ring for her 80th birthday.
by Mike Argirion and Jeff Knurek tion door. noon after causing a mile-long traffic “I really couldn’t believe it,” Norma
Unscramble these four Jumbles, A Uniontown police report says 30- jam. Welker said. “It just seemed like it was
one letter to each square, Quintero says the musicians could face so impossible. I asked him where on
year-old Alan Scritchfield, of
NEW BIBLE Jumble Books Go To: http://www.tyndale.com/jumble/
Editorial Contact Us
Yes on measures I,N
libraries to maintain its budget and Splitting the bonds is a nod to
he Belmont-Redwood Measure N would allow the dis-
Shores Elementary School its foundation raised $1.6 million, the fact that Redwood Shores resi- trict to take out $35 million in
District had an explosion twice as much as the year before, dents are already paying for a $25 bonds for four Belmont elementary Daily Journal e-mail:
of enrollment on the east side of just to keep the student/teacher million bond passed in 2005 to schools — Nesbit, Fox, Central letters@smdailyjournal.com
the district before it passed a bond ratio at 25 to 1 instead of 30 to 1. build the new Redwood Shores and Cipriani. it would cost $27 per Tel: 344-5200
measure in 2005 to build a new In furnishing the new Redwood School, needed to accommodate $100,000 of the assessed property Fax: 344-5298
school in Redwood Shores. Now, Shores school, district officials growing enrollment on the east side value every year. It includes roof Mail: 800 S. Claremont St., #210
because of good test scores and rel- spent significantly less by shopping of the district. With that school repair and other classroom San Mateo 94402
atively reasonable home prices around for deals on used furniture. now open, district officials deter- improvements.
compared to similarly ranked dis- It scrapes pennies and continually mined the time is now for other Though it makes for a complicat- Newsroom
tricts, it is seeing an enrollment rise looks for cost-effective ways to needs. E-mail: news@smdailyjournal.com
ed ballot proposal, the district
on the west side. The trouble is, the conduct its business. Measure I would allow the dis- Fax: 344-5298
should be commended for splitting
district’s facilities are having diffi- The district is now asking voters trict to take out $25 million in
to approve two different bonds for bonds for the middle school and the fiscal impact for Redwood
culty keeping up with the growth, Letters to the Editor
particularly since hard-to-come by school improvements in its two replace a deteriorating roof and Shores residents already paying for
should be no longer than 250 words.
resources are being funneled into cities. The first one, Measure I, is make other classroom improve- a new school. It is that type of
the classrooms to keep student to districtwide and will help fund crit- ments. It would cost $11 per thinking that is commensurate with
Perspective Columns
teacher ratios reasonable and main- ical improvements to Ralston $100,000 of the assessed property its overall stance to its finances. should be no longer than 600 words.
tain the high test scores the district Middle School in Belmont which is value every year. In Redwood These measures are modest and
and its property owners have come used by both residents in Belmont Shores, that means paying $41 per only taken up with a good amount • Illegibly handwritten letters and
to enjoy. and Redwood Shores. The second, $100,000 of the assessed property of self help through its foundation anonymous letters will not be accepted.
This year, the district made the Measure N, is specifically for value every year, which includes work and overall fiscal conser-
• Please include a city of residence and
difficult choice of closing its Belmont residents. the previous bond obligation. vatism. They deserve your support. phone number where we can reach you.
ew presidents have been as the vice president feigned alarm at
Miss California pageant next credit for helping to correct the County Transit District which confident, relaxed and artic-
month. mistake. “That sounds like Jim,” recently won the Distinguished having to go back to Washington
ulate on the podium as
*** Gaskill said. Henderson is general Leadership Award of Excellence and tell the president he’d broken
Barack Obama, which makes it an
Get out your carving knife as manager of Neighborhood Radio from the California Chapter of the enduring mystery why he’s so it.
Hillbarn Theatre and Foster City AM-1710. American Planning Association Still, the notion persists that the
dependent on teleprompters.
TV team up for the first annual *** for its work on the Grand teleprompters with the president
Obama has proven that he’s a
Great Pumpkin Contest. The historic Fox Theatre in Boulevard Initiative. The initiative rhythmically looking left and then
soaring orator. But his oratory is
Foster City and Peninsula resi- downtown Redwood City is ready is a collaborative project to trans- right reinforce the perception of
form El Camino Real throughout often marred by two mechanical
dents 10 and older can enter their to host Robert Cray’s award-win- Obama as too cool, too distant. The
the Peninsula. And the award? It is, assistants placed to the left and
pumpkins in one of three categories ning blues on Nov. 12. Cray last latest such criticism came from an
in a word, grand. right of the speaker’s lectern.
— funniest, scariest or most unusu- appeared at the theater five years unusual source, former Vice
*** He used two teleprompters to
al pumpkin. Upload a picture of ago. President Walter Mondale, who
Those looking for cooking goods give a five-minute speech to a room
your creation at www.fostercity.tv ***
will have a new place to shop of sixth-graders in the Washington said Obama’s reliance on “idiot
by Sunday, Oct. 1. Congratulations to the
before the holidays. Sur La Table suburbs. He uses teleprompters at boards” kept him from connecting
The top winner in each category Burlingame Art Society, which is
celebrating the fact that it has near- just signed a lease at 1208 his (news) conferences even though with his audience.
will receive a pair of tickets to
Hillbarn Theatre’s holiday show “A ly 100 members. Many of its mem- Donnelly Ave. in Burlingame.
Wonderful Life,” the musical ver- bers participate in Burlingame’s Tentatively scheduled to open in Fire vote delayed Oh my gourd! Pumpkin
sion of the classic Jimmy Stewart Art in the Park, Music in the late November or early December,
movie “It’s a Wonderful Life.” The Park, Paint Burlingame and San the store will be approximately The pending dissolution of the winner matches weight
7,000 square feet but will not offer South County Fire Authority was Pumpkin farmers from all over
winning pumpkins will also be dis- Mateo County Fair “County granted a reprieve
played in the Hillbarn lobby the Scenes” art competition. For more a culinary program. the West Coast arrived the week of
*** the week of Oct. 15, Oct. 15, 2005 in Half Moon Bay
weekend of Oct. 29 to Oct. 31. information on the society visit 2005 as San Carlos
For information on how to enter http://www.burlingameartsociety.w Sub-Zero Wolf, located at 1755 with hopes of winning the 32nd
Rollins Road in Burlingame, was city offi- Annual
and rules visit www.fostercity.tv or ebs.com/. cials
call 286-3219. *** named the winner of the Third Safeway World
Annual Burlingame Business delayed a Championship
*** Question: How can you help vote on alternatives
A Half Moon Bay radio station Redwood City-based Project Landscape Award by the Weigh-Off, but the prior year’s
Bulingame Beautification for fire service. winner proved victorious again.
has taken credit for uncovering a READ raise money for its literacy Mayor Inge Tiegel Doherty
billing snafu on county tax bills programs? Participate or sponsor a Commission. The property, in the Joel Holland of Puyallup, Wash.
light industrial area of the city, uses appeared to be in a rush to vote by broke a Half Moon Bay record in
sent to mobile home park residents team at the 21st annual trivia bee calling a surprise special meeting
on the coast from the Cabrillo benefit on Friday. The bee gives maple, magnolia and palm trees 2004 with his 1,229-pound pump-
along with native shrubbery, flow- the prior week and then canceling it kin. In 2005, Holland matched that
Unified School District. Some real people a chance to prove their for another special meeting. She,
trivial expertise before a crowd of ers, grass and a statue. weight exactly, a rare feat.
mistakenly received a $150 tax however, said that was not the case
assessment pursuant to San Mateo hundreds, raise funds to help more and suggested San Carlos go back
County Measure E, passed in than 500 adults and children The reporters’ notebook is a weekly to the drawing board with fire serv-
June. The radio station’s general improve their writing and reading From the archives highlights stories
collection of facts culled from the note- ice proposals from Menlo Park, originally printed five years ago this
manager, Jim Henderson, takes skills and enjoy hors d’oeuvres and books of the Daily Journal staff. It
Redwood City, San Mateo and the week. It appears in the Thursday edition
credit for correcting the billing dessert. Find out more by e-mailing appears in the Thursday edition. of the Daily Journal.
California Department of Forestry.
10 Thursday • Oct. 14, 2010 BUSINESS THE DAILY JOURNAL
Menlo sinks Sequoia
By Nathan Mollat
games suit
the Giants
few weeks ago, I said in this
The Sequoia girls’ water polo program has space that the San Francisco
been slowly building over the last several sea- Giants would come up short in
sons. Last year, the Cherokees earned a pro- their quest for a playoff spot. They would-
motion to the Peninsula Athletic League’s n’t have enough offense to get by the
Bay Division for the first time and this season Rockies and the Padres.
they earned first-ever wins over both Aragon But now that they’re in the National
and Burlingame. League Championship Series against the
Menlo School, on the other hand, has been Phillies, I’m saying now they have an
in decline since winning the 2006 Central excellent chance to reach the World Series.
Coast Section title. Here’s my reasoning: first and foremost,
Two evenly matched teams took to the pool the Giants have essentially been playing
when the two met Wednesday in Redwood playoff baseball for
City, but it was Menlo that pulled ahead in the the last two months.
second half and then held off a furious Nearly every game in
Sequoia fourth-quarter rally to record a 10-7 September and now
victory. October were nearly
“Sequoia had beaten Aragon and must-win games. The
Burlingame and those are two big games com- Giants have become
ing up (for us),” said Menlo coach Sean used to the pressure
Nolan. “By taking out Sequoia, we are getting on having to win
momentum for the end of the season.” now, while the
After scoring just three goals in the first Phillies, on the other
half, Menlo (1-2 PAL Bay) more than doubled hand, clinched a post-
that output in the second half. With the score season berth relative-
tied at 3 entering the third period, the Knights ly early — they did
scored two quick goals and Sequoia (2-1, 9-1) not have to go
could not recover. Menlo got a goal just 1:05 through the grind of having to win every
into the third quarter and tacked on another 36 game down the stretch.
seconds later when Hannah Rubin received a Second is the fact most playoff games
pass in the hole set from Morgan Cundiff and tend to be low-scoring affairs. The Giants
buried it as the shot clock was winding down. are masters of low-scoring games this sea-
Sequoia answered just under two minutes son. They may not have won them all, but
later when Megan Beach took a pass on the they’re definitely used to scores of 1-0 and
left wing and lofted a shot over the defender 2-1. Are the Phillies? Granted, their pitch-
and just inside the far right post to cut the ing staff is used to giving up few runs
Menlo lead to 6-5, but the Knights needed while the offense gives them a comfortable
only 20 seconds to push the lead back to two lead.
when Isabelle Stepien, all alone on the right But what happens when the Phillies get
wing, took a cross-pool pass from Cundiff and to the later innings and they’re tied or even
slammed it home. down a run or two? How will they
Menlo kept up the pressure in the fourth respond? That, I believe, will be the key to
period, scoring the first four goals of the peri- series — how the Phillies handle not scor-
od. Cundiff had two goals in the period, while ing runs in bunches.
Third, the Giants pitching matches up
Menlo School’s Hailey Smith eyes the goal as she attempts a backhanded shot.Her shot was
See POLO, Page 15 saved by Smith did have two goals and an assist in the Knights’10-7 win over Sequoia. See LOUNGE, Page 15
out West. The 34-year-old Burrell batted .266 with 18 home runs
Continued from page 11
and 51 RBIs in 96 games for the Giants, playing a key role in the
club ending a six-year playoff drought.
Bochy and all the playoff first-timers on this team are counting
on Burrell’s insight at this stage. Playing in Philly is one of the
toughest stops in baseball, right up there with Boston’s Fenway
Monday at Atlanta, is a candidate to pitch Game 4 depending on Park.
where the series stands.
“He’s been there, he’s been there with Philly. Sure, he can give
If anybody can help the Giants get ready, it’s Pat Burrell. The left them some advice,” Bochy said. “He’s great about that. He’s not just
fielder, who signed a minor league deal in late May and joined San a talent on the field but he’s been great to have in the clubhouse.”
Francisco after a short stint with Triple-A Fresno, spent his first nine Bochy didn’t anticipate any lineup changes, though the teams
major league seasons with the Phillies — and won a World Series have until Saturday morning to set their rosters. There weren’t any
ring in Philly two years ago. Burrell was the No. 1 overall draft pick indications that struggling $126 million lefty Barry Zito would be
by the Phillies in 1998. added for the NLCS after being left off the 25-man roster for the first
“There were a lot of expectations, I remember, but no more than round. The Giants brass planned to meet later Wednesday about
I put on myself,” Burrell said. “I had some years when I struggled such tough decisions.
and I had some good years. It was never up to me to decide if I lived The Giants leave early Thursday for the East Coast. San Francisco
up to the expectations. My job was to go play and be accountable won two of three from the Phillies at home back in April with a ros-
for it. I felt like I did that.” ter far different from its current one, then dropped two of three in
Burrell joined the Tampa Bay Rays last season and they released Philadelphia from Aug. 17-19. The two defeats were by scores of 9-
him this spring. Burrell has made the most of his second chance way 3 and 8-2.
THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Thursday • Oct. 14, 2010 13
14 15 16 17 18 19 20
vs. Atlanta vs.Carolina
CSN-CAL HD CSN-CAL W L T Pts GF GA Atlantic Division East
x-New York 14 8 6 48 35 27 W L OT Pts GF GA W L T Pct PF PA
x-Columbus 13 8 7 46 35 31 Philadelphia 2 0 1 5 8 6 N.Y.Jets 4 1 0 .800 135 81
@ Philly @ Philly vs.Philly vs.Philly Kansas City 10 12 6 36 32 33 New England 3 1 0 .750 131 96
4:30 p.m. 5 p.m. 1 p.m. 4:30 p.m.
N.Y.Islanders 1 1 1 3 11 11 Miami 2 2 0 .500 66 92
Chicago 8 12 8 32 33 37 New Jersey 1 2 1 3 7 14
FOX FOX FOX FOX Buffalo 0 5 0 .000 87 161
Toronto FC 8 13 7 31 28 37
N.Y.Rangers 1 1 0 2 10 9
New England 8 15 5 29 31 48
Oct. 16 Oct. 20 Oct. 23 Philadelphia 7 14 7 28 32 45
Pittsburgh 1 3 0 2 10 11 South
vs.Houston vs.Chivas USA @Kansas City End regular
D.C. 6 19 3 21 19 44 Northeast Division W L T Pct PF PA
7 p.m. 7 p.m. 5:30 p.m. season W L OT Pts GF GA Houston 3 2 0 .600 118 136
CSN-CAL CSN-CAL Jacksonville 3 2 0 .600 107 137
Toronto 3 0 0 6 12 6
WESTERN CONFERENCE Montreal 1 1 1 3 8 9 Tennessee
Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 29 W L T Pts GF GA Buffalo 1 2 1 3 8 12
vs. Raiders @ Panthers vs. Denver in
vs. St.Louis vs.Tampa @ Arizona x-Los Angeles 17 6 5 56 41 22 Boston 1 1 0 2 5 5 North
1:05 p.m. 10 a.m. Bye 1:15 p.m. 1:05 p.m. 5:30 p.m. x-Real Salt Lake 14 4 10 52 41 18 Ottawa 0 2 1 1 4 10
10 a.m. W L T Pct PF PA
CBS x-FC Dallas 12 2 14 50 41 24 Southeast Division Baltimore 4 1 0 .800 92 72
Oct. 17 Oct. 24 Oct. 31 Nov. 7 Nov. 14 Nov. 21 Nov. 28
x-Seattle 13 9 6 45 36 32 W L OT Pts GF GA Pittsburgh 3 1 0 .750 86 50
@ 49ers @ Broncos vs. Seattle vs.K.C. Bye @ Steelers
x-San Jose 12 8 7 43 30 28 Washington 3 1 0 6 14 9 Cincinnati 2 3 0 .400 100 102
vs.Miami Colorado 11 8 9 42 39 29 Cleveland 1 4 0 .200 78 97
1:05 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 1:15 p.m. 10 a.m. 1:05 p.m.
Carolina 2 0 0 4 6 4
Chivas USA 8 15 4 28 29 36 Tampa Bay 2 0 0 4 9 6
CBS West
Houston 7 15 6 27 37 48 Atlanta 1 2 0 2 8 10
Florida 0 2 0 0 3 5 Kansas City 3 1 0 .750 77 57
NOTE:Three points for victory, one point for tie.
LOCAL SCOREBOARD x- clinched playoff berth
San Diego 2 3 0 .400 140 106
GIRLS’TENNIS COLLEGE WATER POLO Tuesday’s Games Central Division
Burlingame 6,Aragon 1 Women Kansas City 2, Chicago 0 W L OT Pts GF GA
SINGLES — Tsu (B) d.Liu 6-1,6-0;Davidenko (B) d. CSM 18,De Anza 4 Friday, October 15 Detroit 2 0 1 5 11 7 NATIONAL CONFERENCE
Chivas USA at Seattle FC, 8 p.m.
Bass 6-1,6-2;Harrigan (B) d.Jiang 6-0,6-1;Sinatra (B) CSM 5 4 5 4 — 18 Nashville 2 0 0 4 7 3 East
d. Wong 7-6(6), 6-4. DOUBLES — Hsu-Sun (A) d. Saturday, October 16 W L T Pct PF PA
De Anza 1 1 2 0 — 4 Columbus at Toronto FC, 1 p.m.
St.Louis 2 0 0 4 7 2
Patel-Chambers 6-4,6-4;Murphy-Huang (B) d.Ma- Chicago 1 2 1 3 11 13 Washington 3 2 0 .600 89 92
Huang 6-4,6-1;Fregosi-Cohn (B) d.Yip-Ahn 6-3,7-5. CSM goal scorers — Chao 5;Davino,Medina 3;Na- D.C. United at Chicago, 1 p.m. N.Y.Giants 3 2 0 .600 106 98
jdawi 2; Morton, Aquila,Velichko, Ramstack, Chan. New York at Philadelphia, 3 p.m. Columbus 1 1 0 2 5 5
Northwest Division Philadelphia 3 2 0 .600 122 103
CSM goalie saves — Aquila 8.Records — CSM 2-2 Kansas City at New England, 5 p.m. Dallas 1 3 0 .250 81 87
GIRLS’WATER POLO Coast Conference,5-9 overall. FC Dallas at Real Salt Lake, 6 p.m. W L OT Pts GF GA
Menlo School 10,Sequoia 7 Houston at San Jose, 7 p.m. Edmonton 2 0 0 4 7 2 South
Menlo 1 2 3 4 — 10 TUESDAY Colorado at Los Angeles, 7:30 p.m. Colorado 2 1 0 4 11 11 W L T Pct PF PA
Sequoia 1 2 1 3 — 7 Vancouver 1 0 1 3 3 3 Atlanta 4 1 0 .800 113 70
Calgary 1 1 0 2 3 5 Tampa Bay 3 1 0 .750 74 80
Goal scorers: MS — Smith, Cundiff 3; Crankshaw,
Rubin,Stepien,Westerman.S — S.Beach,Bertero
Menlo School def. Harker 18-25, 25-21, 24-26,
25-15, 15-9 (Highlights: MS — Huber 17 kills, 21
TRANSACTIONS Minnesota 0 1 1 1 4 6 New Orleans
2; M. Beach, Carroll, Wade. Goalie saves: MS — digs, 3 aces, 2 blocks; Moledina 13 kills, 7 blocks, 4
Pacific Division
Montgomery 10.S — Manca 8.Records — Sequoia digs, 2 aces; Ko 43 assists, 12 digs, 4 aces). Records National League North
2-1 PAL Bay,9-1 overall; Menlo School 1-2. — Menlo School 2-0 WBAL,15-6 overall;Harker 0- Dallas 2 0 0 4 9 7 W L T Pct PF PA
ATLANTA BRAVES—Named Fredi Gonzalez man- Los Angeles 2 1 0 4 6 5
3,13-5. ager. Fired first-base coach Glenn Hubbard and Chicago 4 1 0 .800 92 74
bench coach Chino Cadahia. Named Carlos Tosca San Jose 1 0 1 3 5 5 Green Bay 3 2 0 .600 119 89
GIRLS’TENNIS bench coach.Reassigned hitting coach Terry Pendle- Phoenix 1 1 0 2 5 5 Minnesota 1 3 0 .250 63 67
Menlo School 23,Sequoia 6 ton to first-base coach. Anaheim 0 3 0 0 2 13 Detroit 1 4 0 .200 126 112
Menlo 4 7 6 6 — 23 Menlo-Atherton 6,Half Moon Bay 1
ST. LOUIS CARDINALS—Claimed RHP Bryan Au- Two points for a win,one point for overtime
Sequoia 0 2 1 3 — 6 SINGLES — Keating (MA) d. Vandroff 7-5, 7-6(11); genstein off waivers from Arizona. loss or shootout loss. West
Segervall (HMB) d.Sommer 1-6,7-5,(10-4);LaPorte WASHINGTON NATIONALS—Assigned C-OF Bryce W L T Pct PF PA
Menlo goal scorers — Lucas 4; Gilhuly 3; Finch, (MA) d.Davison 6-0,6-2;Diller (MA) d.Berke 6-2,6- Arizona 3 2 0 .600 88 138
Avery, Holland McCowan, Marcus 2; Hale, Corley, Harper to Scottsdale (Arizona Fall). Wednesday’s Games
4. DOUBLES — Rehlaender-Fantuzzi (MA) d. NBA Seattle 2 2 0 .500 75 77
Bowman, Godfrey, Sohelli, Pugliese. Menlo goalie Haack-Sullivan 6-3, 6-2; Roat-Shumway-LaPlante CLEVELAND CAVALIERS—Waived G Cedric Jack-
New Jersey 1,Buffalo 0,OT St.Louis 2 3 0 .400 83 96
saves — Williams 5; Dorn 4; Dillon 3. Records — (MA) d.Jolley-St.Andrew 6-0,6-2;Aebi-Jones (MA) Washington 2,N.Y.Islanders 1 San Francisco 0 5 0 .000 76 130
Menlo School 3-0 PAL Bay,9-4 overall;Sequoia 2-1. son and F Tasmin Mitchell.
d. Brinkmeier-Cagle 4-6, 6-4, (10-4). Records — NEW ORLEANS HORNETS—Signed C D.J.Mbenga. Tampa Bay 4,Montreal 3,OT
Menlo-Atherton 6-2 PAL Bay; Half Moon Bay 1-8. NFL Toronto 4,Pittsburgh 3 Sunday’s Games
CAROLINA PANTHERS—Signed G Adrian Martinez Nashville 3,Chicago 2 Seattle at Chicago,10 a.m.
WHAT’S ON TAP to the practice squad.Released WR Eron Riley from
the practice squad.
Vancouver at Anaheim,late
Thursday’s Games
Miami at Green Bay,10 a.m.
Kansas City at Houston,10 a.m.
CLEVELAND BROWNS—Traded RB Jerome Harri- Tampa Bay at Philadelphia,4 p.m. Cleveland at Pittsburgh,10 a.m.
THURSDAY Moon Bay at Sequoia, Westmoor at Capuchino, 5 son to Philadelphia for RB Mike Bell. San Diego at St.Louis,10 a.m.
GIRLS’TENNIS p.m.;Notre Dame-Belmont at Homestead,6:45 p.m. Carolina at Ottawa,4 p.m. Detroit at N.Y.Giants,10 a.m.
Notre Dame-Belmont at Mitty,3:30 p.m.;Carlmont Placed CB Cedric Griffin on injured reserve.Signed CB St.Louis at Nashville,5 p.m. Baltimore at New England,10 a.m.
at Menlo-Atherton,Burlingame at Mills,Aragon at Marcus Sherels to the practice squad. Released TE Edmonton at Minnesota,8:30 p.m. Atlanta at Philadelphia,10 a.m.
San Mateo,Sequoia at Terra Nova,Oceana vs.West- FRIDAY John Nalbone from the practice squad. Detroit at Dallas,8:30 p.m. New Orleans at Tampa Bay,10 a.m.
moor at Skyline College, Hillsdale at Woodside, El
FOOTBALL ST.LOUIS RAMS—Signed RB-LB Brit Miller from the Florida at Calgary,9:30 p.m. N.Y.Jets at Denver,1:05 p.m.
Camino at Capuchino,4 p.m. practice squad.Signed WR Brandon McRae and LB Friday’s Games Oakland at San Francisco,1:05 p.m.
Mills at El Camino, Hillsdale at Carlmont, Menlo- Mortty Ivy to the practice squad. Colorado at New Jersey,7 p.m. Dallas at Minnesota,1:15 p.m.
GIRLS’VOLLEYBALL Atherton at Aragon, 3 p.m.; San Mateo at Menlo SAN DIEGO CHARGERS—Placed LB Shawne Mer- Toronto at N.Y.Rangers,7 p.m. Indianapolis at Washington,5:20 p.m.
Carlmont at Woodside, Menlo-Atherton at San School,3:30 p.m.;Woodside at Jefferson,Half Moon riman on injured reserve. Agreed to terms with T Open: Buffalo,Cincinnati,Arizona,Carolina
Mateo,Burlingame at Aragon,Hillsdale at Mills,Jef- Bay at South City, Sequoia at Capuchino, 7 p.m.; Marcus McNeill on a five-year contract extension N.Y.Islanders at Pittsburgh,7 p.m. Monday,Oct.18
ferson at El Camino, South City at Terra Nova, Half Burlingame at Terra Nova,8 p.m. through 2015. Chicago at Columbus,7 p.m. Tennessee at Jacksonville,5:30 p.m.
THE DAILY JOURNAL SPORTS Thursday • Oct. 14, 2010 15
to play and Menlo simply ran out the clock to Cundiff scored from the point. found the back of the cage.
record the win. In the second period, the teams took turns With just under a minute to play in the first
“We were forcing things on offense in the dominating play. Sequoia received a 5-meter half, Menlo tied the score. Ilana Crankshaw
Continued from page 11 first half,” Nolan said. “In the second half, we penalty shot 31 seconds into the period and took a pass from Rubin on the right wing and,
had a lot more patience and a more well-bal- Lucia Bertero converted, although Menlo again with the shot clock winding down, beat
anced team attack.” goalie Lindsay Montgomery got a hand on the the Sequoia goalie.
Averi Westerman scored on a man advantage
and Smith scored from the point on a restart. That was a far cry from the first half when shot. “We had a bit of a slow start adjusting to
Sequoia, to its credit, didn’t throw in the the Knights tried to force the ball into the hole The Cherokees pushed their lead to 3-1 just their drops and speed,” Nolan said.
towel. The Cherokees responded with three set, only to see two, and sometimes three, more than three minutes later. Bertero took a The statistics prove how close the match
unanswered goals of their own, all coming defenders collapsing. After a few minutes pass from Wade on the left wing and rifled it was. Menlo outshot Sequoia 25-22, while
during a two-minute span. Brianna Carroll feeling each other out, Sequoia struck first past the goalie, who barely moved on the shot. Menlo goalie Montgomery finished with 10
and Olivia Wade each scored on man advan- with 4:47 left in the first period when Sarah Menlo, however, rallied, scoring twice saves, compared to eight for Sequoia’s
tages and Sarah Beach scored off an assist Beach lofted a shot from the left wing and just in the final 1:45. With the shot clock at Manca.
from goalie Kaila Manca, cutting the Menlo inside the far right post. two seconds left, Smith was fouled. On “They played very well,” said Sequoia
lead to 10-7. Menlo tied the game with just under two the restart, Smith wasted little time in put- coach Dave Knochenhauer about Menlo. “We
But Sequoia’s final tally came with 1:22 left minutes to play in the first period when ting a shot on goal from the point — it had some mistakes that we’re working on.”
same thing for weeks: The team and coach-
ing staff are a reflection of the head coach
and if the coach doesn’t know the Xs and Os
Continued from page 11 of football, he needs to make sure he sur-
rounds himself with people who do. If he
makes mistakes in hiring his assistants, or
well with the Phillies big three — who have not bringing in the best talent to make the
been dubbed “H2O” — Halladay, Hamels team better, it’s on him. As former offensive
and Oswalt. Don’t be surprised to see the coordinator Jimmy Raye said after he was
first three games score a total of 10 runs or fired, he was running the offense as dictated
less. by Singletary. If that’s the case, Singletary
With everything else being equal, the win- needs to change his offensive philosophy.
ner will the team that best handles the pres- As far as Smith goes, he was nearly
sure of low-scoring games. That has been the benched Sunday night against the Eagles as
Giants M.O. the last couple years. They’re the boos rained down on him and chants of
used to it. How will the Phillies respond? “We want Carr!” came from the stands.
*** Singletary thought better of it and put Smith PICK THE MOST NFL WINNERS AND WIN! DEADLINE IS 10/15/10
On the opposite end of the spectrum, we back in.
have the winless San Francisco 49ers, who
are quickly becoming the laughingstock of
What choice did Singletary have? Bench
Smith in favor of a quarterback who was
Pigskin Pick ‘em Week Six
the NFL. Adding to the amusement was the Alex Smith before Alex Smith? David Carr Win Dinner For Two and a Limo Ride* to Broadway Grill
text message team president Jed York sent to hasn’t exactly lit up the NFL during his
ESPN’s Adam Shefter, who asked if the career, what makes the fans believe he would
49ers would keep Mike Singletary as coach. be any better than Smith?
York’s response: We will win the NFC West. And therein lies the problem. Singletary Oakland vs San Francisco
Yeah. Right. Not as long as Singletary, in should have brought in another quarterback
Atlanta vs Philadelphia
his current incarnation, remains. The prob- who would have pushed Smith, one the
coaching staff wouldn’t have any problem Seattle vs Chicago
lems with the 49ers do not lie with the offen-
sive coordinator, nor is Alex Smith the sole turning to if need be. Kansas City vs Houston
reason for the slow start. No, the problem Singletary didn’t do any of those things Baltimore vs New England
lies with Singletary and, unless he changes and now they’re stuck in the mess they’re in. vs
San Diego St. Louis
his philosophy, he’ll be out of a job at the vs
end of the year. Miami Green Bay
Although Yahoo! Sports writer Jason Cole Nathan Mollat can be reached by e-mail: New Orleans vs Tampa Bay
nathan@smdailyjournal.com or by phone: (650) vs
beat me to the punch Wednesday with his 344-5200 ext. 117. You can also follow him on Detroit NY Giants
column on the 49ers, I’ve been saying the Twitter@CheckkThisOutt. Cleveland vs Pittsburgh
NY Jets vs Denver
Dallas vs Minnesota
Indianapolis vs Washington
Tennessee vs Jacksonville
News briefs
Suspected U.S. missiles
strikes kill 11 in Pakistan
Armenian gangsters and their asso-
ciates used phantom health care
Joyous ending for miners in Chile
By Michael Warren
— Suspected U.S. unmanned air- clinics and other means to try to
craft launched four missile strikes at cheat Medicare out of $163 million, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS
a house and two vehicles in north- the largest fraud by one criminal
western Pakistan near the Afghan enterprise in the program’s history, SAN JOSE MINE, Chile — The
border Wednesday evening, killing U.S. authorities said Wednesday. last of the Chilean miners, the fore-
11 militants, including three for- Federal prosecutors in New York man who held them together when
eigners, said intelligence officials. and elsewhere charged 73 people. they were feared lost, was raised
The attacks occurred within about Most of the defendants were cap- from the depths of the earth
an hour in the Datta Khel area of tured during raids Wednesday morn- Wednesday night — a joyous end-
North Waziristan, part of Pakistan’s ing in New York City and Los ing to a 69-day ordeal that riveted
semiautonomous tribal region that is Angeles, but there also were arrests the world. No one has ever been
dominated by militant groups that in New Mexico, Georgia and Ohio. trapped so long and survived.
often attack U.S. and other foreign Luis Urzua ascended smoothly
troops in Afghanistan. Witnesses point to Maj. through 2,000 feet of rock, complet-
The first attack occurred at about Hasan as Fort Hood gunman ing a 22 1/2-hour rescue operation
9 p.m. and targeted a house in that unfolded with remarkable speed
Lataka village, killing four mili- FORT HOOD, Texas — A hear- and flawless execution. Before a jubi- REUTERS
tants, said the intelligence officials, ing to determine if the accused lant crowd of about 2,000 people, he The last miner to be rescued,Luis Urzua,next to Chilean President Sebastian
speaking on condition of anonymity shooter in last year’s rampage at became the 33rd miner to be rescued. Pinera,right,at the end of the rescue operation.
because they were not authorized to Fort Hood should be bound over for “We have done what the entire ed to fight for our families, and that side, he led the crowd in singing the
talk to the media. trial has wrapped up for the day. world was waiting for,” he told was the greatest thing.” national anthem.
Eight witnesses Wednesday gave The president told him: “You are The rescue exceeded expectations
Chilean President Sebastian Pinera
Dozens charged with consistent accounts tying Maj. Nidal
immediately after his rescue. “The not the same, and the country is not every step of the way. Officials first
Hasan to the gunfire that left 13 peo-
largest Medicare scam ever ple dead and dozens more wounded
70 days that we fought so hard were the same after this. You were an said it might be four months before
not in vain. We had strength, we had inspiration. Go hug your wife and they could get the men out; it turned
NEW YORK — A vast network of at the Texas post last November. your daughter.” With Urzua by his out to be 69 days and about 8 hours.
spirit, we wanted to fight, we want-
top of two prior strikes for home later matched Hutchinson who was competency issues would likely be against two women and their chil-
invasions in Yolo County leave arrested after a West Sacramento in play. dren.
Hutchinson facing three strikes and couple found him inside their home. According to Sheriff’s Lt. Ray His attorney may bring it up him-
Continued from page 1 a term of 25 years to life in prison — After being convicted in that case Lunny, Hutchinson assaulted the two self to prove a mental defense,
and that’s not counting the possible and another home invasion, officers at approximately 2 p.m. Oct. Giannini said.
life in prison without parole or death Hutchinson was sentenced to prison 4 while they provided security for a In January 2009, Hutchinson was
counts of obstruction.
Defense attorney Jim Thompson sentence he could receive if convict- for six years and eight months and maintenance worker fixing the hot charged with misdemeanor counts of
was not aware of the new case and ed of murdering and robbing 88- sent back to San Mateo County. water in his cell sink. Hutchinson criminal threats and battery against
called it “unfortunate” because his year-old Albert Korn. Although charged in Korn’s death, tried punching one with a closed two women and their young children
client, who is currently being evalu- Korn died two weeks after criminal proceedings are currently right fist and kicked another in the at the Hillsdale Caltrain station.
ated by court-appointed doctors, allegedly encountering Hutchinson on hold while court-appointed doc- head and chest as they brought him Hutchinson reportedly yelled epi-
should be receiving mental treat- on the afternoon of June 2, 2009 tors determine if he is competent to to the floor to cuff him, Lunny said. thets and spit at one woman as she
ment. after the transient entered a back stand trial. The officers had no visible injuries threw away a cookie. Hutchinson
“I find it somewhat disheartening window of a home on the 2500 Prosecutor Al Giannini anticipates and Hutchinson had only a minor was convicted and sentenced to 120
that the prosecution is filing new block of Hallmark Drive in Belmont. a similar move happening with the scratch by his right armpit, Lunny days jail and probation.
charges. It is really unfortunate if Authorities believe he beat Korn newest case and also the consolida- said. Hutchinson remains in custody on
they are trying to capitalize on this,” before fleeing with his wallet and tion of it with the preceding murder If Hutchinson goes to trial for no-bail status. He returns to court
Thompson said. jewelry in the man’s car. case. Although Thompson had not murder, jurors may hear of this inci- Oct. 29 for a competency decision in
Conviction of the two felonies on Fingerprints from the crime scene yet seen the case, he agreed the same dent and a previous confrontation the murder case.
The small school is meant to be a transition blessing for us. He puts 100 percent in all day challenge him to succeed,” Caraher said,
for students who may need smaller classes, all the time,” he said. adding it’s even special for him to work with
hands-on opportunities and support with var- Liam, an avid sports fan, has come a long his son on math or studying for spelling tests.
ious therapists like speech and occupational way from his days of having a one-word Admittedly, Liam isn’t working on the
Continued from page 1 math and spelling other children his age may
throughout the school day. Once a family can vocabulary. He approaches new people,
learn how their child best learns, the way to shakes their hand and is not shy about asking be tackling, but it’s appropriate for his cur-
referred them to a specialist before Liam was approach challenges and the questions to ask, questions. He loves playing sports, particular- rently abilities.
diagnosed with Global Apraxia. As a result, the student can return to school in their home ly tennis, and joyfully participates in activi- If asked, Liam can quickly explain why he
Liam’s motor skills — like talking and con- district. Currently, the school hosts just under ties that he doesn’t realize are teaching him likes school: “I get to the fight the bad guys.”
trolling movements — are delayed. 50 students in kindergarten through middle other skills. Even on the playground, chasing other
“Everything takes him longer,” his father, school from all over San Mateo and neigh- Take Jenga, for example. Liam and De kids, Liam is working on his ability to quick-
Peter Caraher, explained. boring counties. Lange were playing the block-stacking bal- ly adjust to new situations and deciding
As a result, Liam needs a bit of extra help which path will be the quickest to reaching
Children with different challenges work ance game which helps him work on control-
when it comes to school. This is Liam’s his friend who is playing the “bad guy.”
together so everyone can learn from one ling his movements and clearly thinking
fourth year at Arbor Bay School, a nonprofit Liam’s latest goal is to go to college, said
non-public state accredited school founded in another, explained Rose. through the process of choosing the best
When Liam started he could only say one block to grab without knocking over the Caraher, who is encouraging his energetic
2003 that offers an integrated program of aca- son to focus on his current classroom chal-
demics and occupational therapy for students word, blue. stack, De Lange explained. Even the inside-
“When he picks up on something he repeats out sweatshirt and zipper help as he begins lenges first.
with mild to moderate learning difficulties.
Some students are placed at Arbor Bay by it,” said Caraher. focusing on a problem and relying on his
Liam may take some extra time in tasks, abilities to fix it. To learn more about Arbor Bay School visit
their district while others are enrolled by their www.arborbayschool.org.
parents. but is able to communicate in unique ways Caraher appreciates seeing his son build his
“We’re truly giving support they need to go that his family has began to call sign slang. academic skills as well, something others did
back in their community,” said Director “He’s just a positive guy. When he walks not always believe he had the ability to
Heather Murtagh can be reached by e-mail:
Susan Rose. into a room he has this charisma about him. ... accomplish. heather@smdailyjournal.com or by phone: (650)
He wants to interact with people. He’s a “Arbor Bay teaches him to read, write; they 344-5200 ext. 105.
“The loss of the electrical signal resulted in about 6 p.m. “That’s a step in the right direction but it
the regulating valve moving from partially At 6:08 p.m., it dropped to 386 psig. At 6:11 should not divert our attention from the
open to the full open position as designed. The p.m., the pressure at Martin Station decreased human failure, the 33-minute delay it took for
pressure then increased to 386 psig. The over- from 386 to 361.4 psig; within one minute the someone at PG&E to dispatch crews to turn
Continued from page 1
protection valve, which was pneumatically pressure dropped to 289.9 psig, according to off the valves. Remote shutoff valves require
activated and did not require electronic input, the report. human intervention. PG&E must assure us
of the pipe exploded. maintained the pressure at 386 psig,” accord- The first calls into 911 regarding the explo- that human error won’t be a part of its emer-
State Sen. Leland Yee, D-San Francisco/San gency response,” Speier said in the press
ing to the report. sion in the Glenview neighborhood came in at
Mateo, does not see the malfunction as an iso- release.
Assemblyman Jerry Hill, D-San Mateo, 6:11:59, according to an incident history
lated incident, however. The ruptured pipeline fractured length-wise
“This report suggests to me that this is not suggested the power supply malfunction report of the fire.
PG&E suffered Sept. 9 should make the utili- Lawmakers have been critical of PG&E’s and at welds that held the sections of pipe
an anomaly,” Yee said. “There are power fail- together, according to the NTSB report. The
ures all the time. PG&E needs to win back the ty company consider creating greater redun- failure to turn off the gas to Line 132 for an
dancy in the system so that if one system fails, hour and 46 minutes after the pipe exploded. thickness of the pipe walls were “fairly uni-
confidence of the public.” form” and corrosion was not listed as a factor
The Milpitas Terminal is about 40 miles a backup system would kick in to keep the “PG&E did not dispatch crews until 6:45
power supply constant. p.m., 33 minutes after 100-foot high flames in for the pipe’s failure.
south of where Line 132 burst. The investigation is ongoing, however, with
The specified maximum operating pressure “You can’t be too prepared,” Hill said. Glenview were clearly visible from
At about 5:45 p.m., the SCADA system (Highway) 101, more than 10 miles away. a final report on the incident not expected to
for the ruptured pipeline, installed in 1956,
indicated the pressure at Martin Station in Why?” U.S. Rep. Jackie Speier, D-San Mateo, be completed for about a year.
was 375 pounds per square inch gauge,
according to the report. PG&E, however, indi- Milpitas exceeded 375 psig, according to the said in a press release yesterday.
cated to the NTSB that the maximum allow- report. The SCADA system indicated the On Tuesday, PG&E indicated automatic Bill Silverfarb can be reached by e-mail: silver-
able operating pressure for the line was 400 pressure at Martin Station continued to shutoff valves would be installed throughout farb@smdailyjournal.com or by phone: (650) 344-
psig. increase until it reached about 390 psig at its system. 5200 ext. 106.
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20 Thursday • Oct. 14, 2010 DATEBOOK THE DAILY JOURNAL
replace Buffington. As officials and enti-
Calendar ties call on the federal government and
the courts to hold Lehman accountable
Continued from page 1 and make jurisdictions whole, San
THURSDAY, OCT. 14 lead the ceremony. Events will
Adapt Foundation. Redwood include a silent and live auction. Mateo County’s voice has been among
Shores Public Library, 399 Marine Proceeds will benefit the children of the loudest. The county has a claim in
Parkway, Redwood City. Free non- the two San Mateo County clubhous- lion to manage the funds, failed them by Lehman’s bankruptcy proceedings but
profit organization helping and teach- es. $95 per person. For more infor-
ing family and friends and loved ones mation contact Cindy Taylor at 347- investing too much in Lehman and com- also sued individual executives and audi-
of the alcoholic and drug addict to get 9891. pounding the error by failing to sell tors.
their lives back to order please join when the credit rating and stock price
us. For more information call 307- SUNDAY, OCT. 17 Meanwhile, questions have swirled
3585. Tour of Historic San Carlos fell, the claim argues. over just what county investment offi-
Homes. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Museum of The result was a $155 million pool
Meet the Keeper Talk at Coyote San Carlos History, 533 Laurel St., cials knew, when they knew it and if they
Point Museum. 11:30 a.m. 1651 San Carlos. Tour local homes of loss, of which approximately $20 mil- failed to act.
Coyote Point Drive, San Mateo. architectural and historical impor- lion was shared by the districts named in
Come meet the Coyote Point tance to learn fascinating details According to the claim, the county
Museum animal keepers as they dis- about early San Carlos life. $30 in the claim. violated its own policies and state law by
cuss a different animal every day and advance, $35 day of event. For more Claiming the county should have purchasing two Lehman bonds with
answer your questions about animal information contact 591-2880.
behavior. Free with museum admis- known better is “unfair second-guess- more than five years remaining to matu-
sion. For more information call 342- Open House on the San Bruno 4-H ing,” said attorney Stuart Gasner who rity and by buying eight floating rate
7755. Farm. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. 4-H Farm,
First Avenue, San Bruno. See the ani- represents the county and Buffington. School District, Portola Valley Lehman notes with maturities in excess
Senior Citizen Healthcare Seminar. mals and find out what 4-H is all The county, he said, contends it did Elementary School District and of the 270-day maximum. The portion of
3 p.m. 250 Myrtle Road, Burlingame. about. Wide variety of projects and nothing wrong.
Dangers of seniors not taking their activities for youth aged 7 to 19 years Woodside Elementary School District. the pool invested in Lehman — more
medications properly. Free. For more old. “These are investments that had been They seek the losses estimated at $20 than 17 percent as of Aug. 29, 2008 —
information call 343-2747. made over a long period of time and million plus interest to date.
The Crestmont Conservatory of “would have been excessive and impru-
4C’s Ninth Annual Leadership Music Student Recitals. 3 p.m. The were well known to the school districts. The San Mateo County Community dent under the beset of circumstances”
Awards Dinner. 6 p.m. Dominico Crestmont Conservatory of Music, We think this was a reasonable decision College District also lost an estimated
Winery, 1867 Industrial Road, San 2575 Flores St., San Mateo. The but was particularly so “in light of the
Carlos. Join us for this dinner which Crestmont Conservatory of Music rather than selling at a loss,” Gasner $25 million itself but is not part of the deteriorating condition of Lehman and
brings together the San Mateo child will feature piano and guitar per- said. suit and Barbara Christensen, director of the county’s knowledge of heightened
care community and celebrate the formances by students of Crestmont
gains made in making quality care Conservatory. Free. For more infor- The Board of Supervisors will discuss community and government relations, risks of investment in Lehman,” accord-
and early education available for all mation call 574-4633. the claim Tuesday in closed session. If it said she was not aware of it. ing to the claim.
children. denies the claim, as anticipated, the par-
Fifth Annual Car Show and County Superintendent Anne The claim cited Alan Bill and
My Liberty San Mateo Meeting. 6 Barbecue. South San Francisco Elks ties can then move forward with a law- Campbell did not return a call for com-
p.m. to 8 p.m. American Legion Hall, Lodge 2091, 920 Stonegate Drive, Associates, a consultant hired by the
suit. ment. San Carlos Elementary School
130 South Blvd., San Mateo. South San Francisco. A fun-filled day county after the bankruptcy, which con-
Biweekly meeting of the conserva- with a barbecue, car show and activi- Board President Rich Gordon did not District Trustee Mark Olbert said all
ties for the children. $30 in advance, cluded that by that summer “it was then
tive group MyLiberty San Mateo. return a call for comment. inquiries are being referred to outside
Free. For more information visit $35 day of event. For more informa- common knowledge that Lehman was in
mylibertysanmateo.com. Free. tion call 588-5911. The county has 24 public school dis- counsel. The County Counsel’s Office bad shape.”
tricts of which 12 are named in the claim handles legal matters for the districts but
St. Bartholomew’s Social Justice MONDAY, OCT. 18 The county investment pool includes
Committee Sponsoring Election Halloween Shakespeare Camp. San along with the San Mateo County because of the conflicting nature, outside 1,050 different accounts from cities,
Forum. 7 p.m. Parish Center Mateo Unitarian Universalist Superintendent of Schools: the San attorneys were hired to represent them
Auditorium, St. Bartholomew Church, 300 E. Santa Inez Ave., San school districts and special agencies.
Mateo. The Bay Area Shakespeare Mateo Union High School District, and, separately, the county and
Church, 600 Columbia Drive, San Aside from schools, the losses included
Mateo. Candidates will speak in a Camp is available for youth ages 7 to Menlo Park City Elementary School Buffington.
forum about upcoming election. For 13 for a two-week session ending hundreds of thousands of dollars to more
with a performance of an abridged
District, Belmont-Redwood Shores Inquiries to the firm of Jenkins,
more information contact Brenda than $1 million from Peninsula cities
Sell at brendaleesell@yahoo.com. version of Richard III. For more Elementary School District, Cabrillo Goodman, Neuman & Hamilton were
information call (415) 865-4425. and $25 million from the San Mateo
Unified School District, Burlingame not returned.
South San Francisco Public
Elementary School District, County Transportation Authority.
Library presents the new docu- TUESDAY, OCT. 19 The fallout of the Lehman failure and
mentary by Ann and Steve Dunsky. Where the Road Ends: A Home in Ravenswood City Elementary School local loss has continually colored the
7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. South San the Brazilian Rainforest book sign-
Francisco Municipal Service ing. Noon. Notre Dame de Namur District, San Bruno Park Elementary county budget, its investment pool and Michelle Durand can be reached by e-mail:
Building Community Room, 33 University, 1500 Ralson Ave., School District, San Carlos Elementary even upcoming November elections to michelle@smdailyjournal.com or by phone:
Arroyo Drive. Screening of the new Belmont. Author Binka Le Breton
documentary Butterflies and will be signing her book, and encour- School District, Las Lomitas Elementary (650) 344-5200 ext. 102.
Bulldozers: David Schooley, Fred age for environmental understanding
Smith and the Fight for San Bruno of the rainforest.
Mountain. Free. For more informa-
tion contact 829-3872. THURSDAY, OCT. 21
Power of Possibilities Recognition
FRIDAY, OCT. 15 Breakfast. 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., San
Dads Count Fatherhood Breakfast Francisco Airport Marriott, 1800 Old
and Awards Ceremony. 7:30 a.m. to Bayshore Highway, Burlingame. Join
9:30 a.m. The Crowne Plaza, 1177 us as we celebrate 90 years of
Airport Blvd., Burlingame. Community Gatepath at The Power of
Possibilities Recognition Breakfast.
Meet the Keeper Talk at Coyote We will recognize the businesses and
Point Museum. 11:30 a.m. 1651 individuals that make a difference in
Coyote Point Drive, San Mateo. the lives of our families. This year’s
Come meet the Coyote Point event features keynote speaker
Museum animal keepers as they dis- Lauren Potter from the award win-
cuss a different animal every day and ning Fox show ‘Glee.’ $65 For more
answer your questions about animal information call 259-8500.
behavior. Free with museum admis-
sion. For more information call 342- Easy Beading. 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
7755. Twin Pines Senior and Community
Center, 20 Twin Pines Lane,
Norwegian Heritage Night. 7 p.m. Belmont. Join in this class for adults
to 9 p.m. 1665 Fernside St., Redwood and expand craft making, class
City, Highland Community Club. includes supplies. $20. For more
Sons of Norway invites the public to information call 595-7444.
a celebration of Norwegian heritage.
A soup supper and Norwegian FRIDAY, OCT. 22
desserts will be served, as well as ‘The State of the State.’ 10 a.m.
cooking demonstrations. For more Twin Pines Senior and Community
information call 851-1463. Center, 20 Twin Pines Lane,
Belmont. Assemblyman Jerry Hill
SATURDAY, OCT. 16 will discuss ‘The State of the State’
Wine Tasting and Giants Baseball. and also talk about the high-speed
11 a.m. to 4 p.m. La Honda Winery rail project and other topics of inter-
2645 Fair Oaks Ave., Redwood City. est. For more information call 595-
Enjoy the recent releases of La 7444.
Honda winery with their new
Cabernets and Pinot Noirs. $10. For For more events visit
more information contact 366-4104. smdailyjournal.com, click Calendar.
Meet the Keeper Talk at Coyote
Point Museum. 11:30 a.m. 1651
Coyote Point Drive, San Mateo.
Come meet the Coyote Point
Museum animal keepers as they dis-
cuss a different animal every day and
answer your questions about animal
behavior. Free with museum admis-
sion. For more information call 342-
Peninsula Gymnastics of San
Mateo grand opening. 2 p.m. to 5
p.m. Peninsula Gymnastics, 1171
Laurel St., San Carlos. Peninsula
Gymnastic announces the grand
opening of its second location in San
Carlos with a two hour open gym fea-
turing evaluations and a meet and
greet with the instructors. For more
information call 571-7555.
Sixth Annual Benefit Celebration:
Wings, Wheels and Whirlybirds. 6
p.m. Hiller Aviation Museum, 601
Skyway Road, San Carlos. This event
is to benefit the educational programs
of the Museum. For more informa-
tion call 654-0200.
55th Anniversary Dinner Auction
Honoring State Sen. Leland Yee.
6:30 p.m. DeLue Boys & Girls Club,
Bayshore Community Center, 450
Martin St., Daly City. State Sen.
Leland Yee, D-San Francisco/San
Mateo, and ‘Youth of the Year’
Alberto Rodriguez will be honored.
Paul Tonelli, 49ers announcer, will
THE DAILY JOURNAL COMICS/GAMES Thursday • Oct. 14, 2010 21
Thursday, Oct. 14, 2010 ARIES (March 21-April 19) - There is no need to allow com-
petitive situations to intimidate you. You have some aces in
Critical conditions in your life during the next solar cycle are
the hole that you could play anytime you choose.
likely to cause the changes for the better that you’ve been
looking for. Keep the faith and keep plugging, because what TAURUS (April 20-May 20) - As long as you keep the faith,
you desire will eventually manifest itself in your life. substantial results are likely, so no matter what you’re doing
or with whom you’re doing it, you should come out OK. Your
LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) - Your mate or counterpart could
only enemy is yourself.
be luckier than you, so if there is a toss-up as to whose ideas
should be used, opt for his/hers. At the very least, it gets you GEMINI (May 21-June 20) - Being cooperative benefits
off the hook. you as much as it does those with whom you share common
interests, so don’t think you’re doing anybody but yourself
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) - Be careful what you say when
any favors.
socializing with co-workers. One among them could be look-
ing for something to hang on the rest of you, and is anxious to CANCER (June 21-July 22) - When negotiating an agree-
carry back tales to the boss. ment, the smartest thing you could do is to take yourself out
of the picture. Opposition pops up when you appear to be
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Dec. 21) - When shopping for a
self-serving and unconcerned with anything else.
certain item, don’t settle for something that is close to, but
not quite, what you want. It might take a bit of checking, but LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) - The more heads there are figuring
patience and perseverance will help you find it. things out, the quicker you’ll get a solution, but be sure to
listen to everyone’s ideas. The best one could come from an
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) - Pick the brains of close
unexpected source.
associates or friends when hunting for critical information.
Chances are you’ll find what you’re looking for in your own VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) - Stick to doing business with the
backyard. firms or people you’ve used for a long time, and you won’t be
disappointed. Other firms about which you know little might
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 19) - Someone you went out of
care more about their own bottom line than yours.
your way to help, never expecting your kindness to be repaid,
might pleasantly surprise you. S/he’s likely to come through Sudoku
when everyone else fails you.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13
14 15
16 17 18
19 20 21 22
23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 31 32 33 34
35 36 37
38 39 40 41 42
43 44 45 46
47 48 49 50 51
52 53 54 55 56 57
58 59
60 61
The Daily Journal is looking for in-
terns to do entry level reporting, re-
search, updates of our ongoing fea-
tures and interviews. Photo interns al-
so welcome.
TUTOR experience
required. SALES -
Is your child struggling in
language arts? Immediate Putnam Auto Group The following persons are doing busi-
Private English tutor now Placement Buick Pontiac GMC ness as: Thai Art of Massage, 3 West
37th Ave. Ste. #1, SAN MATEO, CA
$50,000 Average Expectation 94403 is hereby registered by the follow-
accepting new students. on all assignments a must… ing owner: Vatche Yervant Markarian &
Netsai Pluemjit-Markarian, 80 Raymond
CALL (650)777-9000 5 Men or Women for Ave., SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94134. The
Specializing in working with
elementary and middle school Career Sales Position business is conducted by Husband and
Wife. The registrants commenced to
students with all aspects of • Car Allowance
transact business under the FBN on
reading and writing skills --
essays, spelling, vocabulary, CAREGIVERS • Paid insurance w/life & dental /s/ Vatche Y. Markarian /
This statement was filed with the Asses-
CNAs, hourly & live-ins, • 401k plan sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo
and literature comprehension. • Five day work week County on 10/01/2010. (Published in the
mid Peninsula. San Mateo Daily Journal, 10/07/10,
10 Years’ Experience Hiring now! Top Performers earn $100k Plus!! 10/14/10, 10/21/10, 10/28/10).
Flexible schedule call Mon-Fri 9am-3pm. Bilingual a plus
Reasonable rates Reliable Caregivers. Paid training included I, THILAKAM Vimal Thilak Krishna son
Call Mr. Olson of A. R. Krishna Thilakam resident of
(415)436-0100 1-866-788-6267 OLD No.9, NEW No.41, Kambar Street,
Contact Shauna for more details at Tambaram East, Chennai 600 059 and
650.365.2750 or 1391 Broadway Avenue Apt. 6, Millbrae
DramaEducationProject@yahoo.com RCF ADMINISTRATOR - with current CA 94030, USA have changed my name
license for 68 capacity facility, from Thilakam Vimal Thilak Krishna to
(650)591-2008 RETIRED RN with license to be director Vimal Thilak. All concerned may please
for small Nursing Home (650)591-2008 note - Vimal Thilak
THE DAILY JOURNAL Thursday • Oct. 14, 2010 23
203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices 203 Public Notices Drabble Drabble Drabble
CHANGE OF NAME The following person is doing business The following person is doing business
SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, as: Laser & Cosmetic Dentistry, 648 Je- as: Saggio, 2397 Broadway St., RED-
COUNTY OF SAN MATEO, nevein Avenue, San Bruno, CA 94066 is WOOD CITY, CA 94063 is hereby regis-
400 COUNTY CENTER RD, hereby registered by the following owner: tered by the following owner: Boca Cal-
REDWOOD CITY CA 94063 Phuong T. Nguyen, Inc., CA. The busi- iente LLC. The business is conducted by
PETITION OF ness is conducted by a Corporation. The a Limited Liability Company. The regis-
Dolores Rodriguez registrants commenced to transact busi- trants commenced to transact business
TO ALL INTERESTED PERSONS: ness under the FBN on under the FBN on
Petitioner, Dolores Rodriguez filed a /s/ Phuong T. Nguyen / /s/ Rabie Askari-Sori /
petition with this court for a decree This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses-
changing name as follows: sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo
Present name: Yonathan Rodriguez County on 09/03/2010. (Published in the County on 09/24/10. (Published in the
Proposed name: Jonathan Rodriguez San Mateo Daily Journal, 10/07/10, San Mateo Daily Journal, 10/07/10,
THE COURT ORDERS that all persons 10/14/10, 10/21/10, 10/28/10). 10/14/10, 10/21/10, 10/28/10).
interested in this matter shall appear be-
fore this court at the hearing indicated
below to show cause, if any, why the pe- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
tition for change of name should not be STATEMENT #241242 STATEMENT #241173
granted. Any person objecting to the The following person is doing business The following persons are doing busi- Over the Hedge Over the Hedge Over the Hedge
name changes described above must file as: Cellables, 5 Fulton St., Redwood ness as: Zeewerks, 121 Beach Park
a written objection that includes the rea- City, CA 94062 is hereby registered by Blvd., Foster City, CA 94404 hereby reg-
sons for the objection at least two court the following owner: Brandon Lee Welsh, istered by the following owners: Mauzam
days before the matter is scheduled to same address. The business is conduct- Satar & Aziz Satar, same address. The
be heard and must appear at the hearing ed by an Individual. The registrants com- business is conducted by a General Part-
to show cause why the petition should menced to transact business under the nership. The registrants commenced to
not be granted. If no written objection is FBN on transact business under the FBN on
timely filed, the court may grant the peti- /s/ Brandon Lee Welsh / 10/01/2010.
tion without a hearing. This statement was filed with the Asses- /s/ Mauzam Satar/
A HEARING on the petition shall be held sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo This statement was filed with the Asses-
on November 10, 2010, at 9 a.m., Dept. County on 10/04/2010. (Published in the sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo
24, Room 2C, at 400 County Center, San Mateo Daily Journal, 10/07/10, County on 09/29/2010. (Published in the
Redwood City, CA 94063. 10/14/10, 10/21/10, 10/28/10). San Mateo Daily Journal, 10/14/10,
A copy of this Order to Show Cause shall 10/21/10, 10/28/10, 11/04/10).
be published at least once each week for
four successive weeks prior to the date FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
set for hearing on the petition in the fol- STATEMENT #241270 FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
lowing newspaper of general circulation: The following person is doing business STATEMENT #241115
The Daily Journal, San Mateo County as: Toole’s Garage, 501-B Old County The following person is doing business
Filed: September 21, 2010 Road, San Carlos, CA 94070 is hereby as: Arabesque Communications, 833 N.
/s/ Stephen Hall / registered by the following owner: Toole- Humboldt St., #317, San Mateo, CA
Judge of the Superior Court man Enterprises, LLC, CA. The business 94401 hereby registered by the following
Dated: 09/16/2010 is conducted by a Limited Liability Com- owner: Dianna Hua Chung, same ad-
(Published 09/23/2010, 09/30/2010, pany. The registrants commenced to dress. The business is conducted by an
298 Collectibles 303 Electronics 306 Housewares
10/07/2010, 10/14/2010) transact business under the FBN on Individual. The registrants commenced to
/s/ David Toole / CARNIVAL GLASS WATER PITCHER - TEKNIKA VCR HQ $40. (650)341-5347 BOWL - light green heavy glass swirl de-
transact business under the FBN on N/A. beautiful design, $25., leave message sign bowl, great centerpiece, $25.,
This statement was filed with the Asses- /s/ Dianna Hua Chung /
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo (650)365-1797 TV - Big Screen, $70., ok (650)834-2804
This statement was filed with the Asses-
County on 10/04/2010. (Published in the sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo condition,(650)367-1350
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME San Mateo Daily Journal, 10/07/10, County on 09/24/2010. (Published in the CLASSICAL, OPERA dvds (200), al- CANDLEHOLDER - Gold, angel on it,
STATEMENT #240769 10/14/10, 10/21/10, 10/28/10). San Mateo Daily Journal, 10/14/10, most new, and (100) CD’s, $3,000 all,
304 Furniture tall, purchased from Brueners, originally
$100., selling for $20.,(650)867-2720
The following person is doing business 10/21/10, 10/28/10, 11/04/10).
as: Cones Labels, 628 Pilgrim Drive, 2 END Tables solid maple '60's era
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME DANCING FIGURINE by Bradley Dolls - $40/both. (650)670-7545 OASIS COUNTERTOP water cooler dis-
Foster City, CA 94404 is hereby regis- STATEMENT #241274 Musical, plays “If You Love Me”, 8 1/2 “ penses cold and luke warm water $50.,
tered by the following owner: Cones De- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
The following person is doing business STATEMENT #241247 tall, $20., (650)518-0813 3 PIECE COFFEE TABLE SET: $100. (650)218-4254
sign, LLC, CA. The business is conduct- as: 2nd Avenue Market, 503 2nd Ave-
ed by a Limited Liability Company. The The following person is doing business (650)787-8219
nue, San Mateo, CA 94401 is hereby as: Crystal Springs Investigations, 2603 GIANTS ORANGE short sleeve shirt OVEN ROASTING PAN WITH RACK.
registrants commenced to transact busi- registered by the following owner: Tua with collar & button front, Men's Small, New, non stick, large, never used $55.,
ness under the FBN on 09/01/10. Carolina Ave., REDWOOD CITY, CA 3 TIERED stainless rolling cart gently
Thi Tran, 1551 Newlands Ave., Burlin- 94061-3242 hereby registered by the fol- with embroidered patch on front: "Spring used $100 firm, (650)341-0418 (650)341-0418
/s/ Jennifer Chien / game, CA 94010. The business is con- Training 2006." $10. (650)712-1070
This statement was filed with the Asses- lowing owner: Jeffrey L. Wilcox, same
ducted by an Individual. The registrants address. The business is conducted by ANTIQUE SOLID oak end table, marble
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo commenced to transact business under GLASSES 6 sets redskins, good condi- REVEREWARE, 1,3.4 qt. pots, 5",7"
County on 09/03/10. (Published in the an Individual. The registrants com- top, carved door $50. (650)342-7568
the FBN on N/A. menced to transact business under the tion never used $30/all. (650)345-1111 pans, stainless steel w/copper bottoms,
San Mateo Daily Journal, 09/23/10, /s/ Tua Thi Tran / BEACH CHAIRS (5) $5/each. (650)592- excellent cond., $60/all. (650)577-0604
09/30/10, 10/07/10, 10/14/10). FBN on 10/4/2010.
This statement was filed with the Asses- /s/ Jeffrey L. Wilcox / HISTORY BOOK of "Superbowls by the 2648
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo This statement was filed with the Asses- bay" game 1-18, $35., (650)592-2648
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME County on 10/05/2010. (Published in the sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo BLACK LEATHER office chair with 5 307 Jewelry & Clothing
San Mateo Daily Journal, 10/07/10, County on 10/04/2010. (Published in the rollers $25. (650)871-5078
STATEMENT #240654 JACK TASHNER signed ball $25. Ri- MURANO GLASS bracelet from Italy
The following person is doing business 10/14/10, 10/21/10, 10/28/10). San Mateo Daily Journal, 10/14/10,
chard (650)834-4926 BOOKCASE - $25., (650)255-6652 various shades of red and blue artfully
as: Dawg House Pet Spa, 1656 El Cami- 10/21/10, 10/28/10, 11/04/10). designed $100. (650)991-2353
no Real, SAN CARLOS, CA 94070 is NINERS GOLD Jacket, red & white trim, CABINET - wood, $70., (650)367-1350
hereby registered by the following owner: FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME
STATEMENT #240963 lined, "SF" embroidered on front; back is SMALL JEWELRY cabinet - 17” H, 12”
Steve Desedale, 107 Club Dr., SAN FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME embroidered "World Champs, SF, 82, 85, CHAIR "BAKER" wing backed excellent
CARLOS. The business is conducted by The following person is doing business STATEMENT #241071 spring construction needs upholstery $75 W, 2 glass doors, plus 2 drawers, very
as: White Glove Mobile Auto Detailing, 89, 90. Extra Large $35. (650) 712-1070 pretty, $35., (650)592-2648
an Individual. The registrants com- The following person is doing business obo. (650)593-8880
menced to transact business under the 3720 Madera, San Bruno, CA 94066 is as: Lightriver Media, 501 E. 40th Ave.,
FBN on hereby registered by the following owner: SAN MATEO, CA 94403 hereby regis- CHANDELIER WITH 5 lights/ candela- WOMAN’S PEARL NECKLACE - ivory
Jeremy Salisbury, same address. The NINERS RED with white striped arms, V- & blue cultured, blue pearl collar, 10
/s/ Steve Desedale / tered by the following owner: Catherine neck pullover shirt, with "Super Bowl bre base with glass shades $20.
This statement was filed with the Asses- business is conducted by an Individual. Ann Clemett, same address. The busi- (650)504-3621 strands, 18”, $40., (650)834-2804
The registrants commenced to transact XXIII - NFC Champions, San Francisco
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo ness is conducted by an Individual. The 9ers" on front. Lg. $10. (650)712-1070
business under the FBN on 09/15/10.
County on 08/27/10. (Published in the
/s/ Jeremy Salisbury /
registrants commenced to transact busi-
ness under the FBN on N/A.
COFFEE TABLE - $60., (650)367-1350 308 Tools
San Mateo Daily Journal, 09/23/10, OAKLAND A'S bobbleheads 80's (2)
09/30/10, 10/07/10, 10/14/10). This statement was filed with the Asses- /s/ Catherine Ann Clemett / COFFEE TABLE - Square, oak Coffee
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo $15/each or $25/all (408)249-3858 Table w/leather top, $30. (650)771-1888 CLICKER TORQUE wrench 1/2 inch
This statement was filed with the Asses- drive 20-150 LBS reversible all chrome
County on 09/16/2010. (Published in the sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo POSTER - framed photo of President
San Mateo Daily Journal, 10/07/10, $40. 650-595-3933
FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME County on 09/22/2010. (Published in the Wilson and Chinese Junk $25 cash,
STATEMENT #241145 10/14/10, 10/21/10, 10/28/10). San Mateo Daily Journal, 10/14/10, (650)755-8238 COFFEE TABLE light brown lots of stor-
10/21/10, 10/28/10, 11/04/10). age good condition $65. (650)867-2720 CRAFTSMAN 16” SCROLL SAW -
The following person is doing business good condition, $85., (650)591-4710
as: Hitachi Software Engineering Ameri- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME SALEM CHINA - 119 pieces from 50’s.
ca, 601 Gateway Blvd., #100, South San STATEMENT #241135 Good condition, $225., appraised at DOLLEY - Heavy Duty
COMPUTER DESK $70. (650)367-1350
Francisco, CA 94080 is hereby regis-
tered by the following owner: Hitachi Sol-
The following person is doing business 210 Lost & Found $800., (650)345-3450. Dual Use 54" hgt. Upright-
as: European Wax Center, 518 Westlake CREDENZA - $25., (650)255-6652 Push Cart South City $99.OBO
utions America, Ltd., CA. The business is Center, DALY CITY, CA 94015 is hereby FOUND SONY Power Shot digital cam- VASE - with tray, grey with red flowers, (415) 410 - 9801
conducted by a Corporation. The regis- registered by the following owner: Penin- era, July 14th at Fox School in Belmont. perfect condition, $30., (650)345-1111 CURIO CABINET, Hand tooled lighted
trants commenced to transact business sula EWC, Inc., CA. The business is con- (650)593-9294 Curio cabinet Blonde. 5.5" X 23" X 1.5" PRESSURE WASHER 2500 PSI, good
under the FBN on 09/21/2010.
/s/ T. Wakabayashi /
ducted by a Corporation. The registrants WANTED $98. San Mateo. 650-619-9932 condition, $350., (650)926-9841
This statement was filed with the Asses-
commenced to transact business under
the FBN on
295 Art SILVER DOLLARS DESK 60”w 28”h 30” d, two shelf exten- SPEEDAIR AIR COMPRESSOR - 4 gal-
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo /s/ Lynda Oliver / sion 4 drawers $60 (650)364-7777. lon stack tank air compressor $100.,
County on 09/28/2010. (Published in the PAINTING "jack vettriano" Portland gal- (650)591-4710
This statement was filed with the Asses-
San Mateo Daily Journal, 09/30/10, sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo
lery 26 x 33. $65. (650)345-1111. Any Condition DINING TABLE with 4 chairs with leaf
10/07/10, 10/14/10, 10/21/10). light wood 42 x 34 $99. (650)341-1645 TABLE SAW 10", very good condition
County on 09/27/2010. (Published in the
San Mateo Daily Journal, 10/07/10,
PICTURE WITH Frame Jack Vettriano I will pay $5.00 each! $85. (650) 787-8219
with light attached $100. (650)867-2720 DIRECTORS TYPE CHAIR with leather
10/14/10, 10/21/10, 10/28/10). seat, $35., (650)355-2996 TORO LEAF BLOWERS
STATEMENT #241028 296 Appliances (650)492-1298 Power Sweep + 850 Super Blower
The following persons are doing busi- FICTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME Electric like new $40. pair South City
ness as: San Carlos Plaza Dry Cleaners, STATEMENT #241077 AIR CONDITIONER - slider model for DRAFTING TABLE 30 x 42' with side (415) 410-9801
81 El Camino Real, San Carlos, CA The following person is doing business narrow windows, 10k BTU, excellent tray. excellent cond $75. (650)949-2134
94070 is hereby registered by the follow- 300 Toys
ing ownesr: Jung Moon Jun & Myung
as: Latin Cellular, 2595 Middlefield Rd., condition, $100., (650)212-7020 ENTERTAINMENT CENTER - Oak 309 Office Equipment
REDWOOD CITY, CA 94063 is hereby wood, great condition, glass doors, fits
Sun Jun, 1591 Laurel St., #10, San Car- registered by the following owner: Silvia SCOOTER "STREET SURFER" $30
los, CA 94070. The business is conduct- large TV, 2 drawers, shelves , $100/obo. CALCULATOR - Casio, still in box, new,
Valencia, same address. The business is MINI FRIDGE - 34 inches high, runs well, obo never used, SOLD! (650)261-9681 $25., (650)867-2720
ed by Husband & Wife. The registrants conducted by an Individual. The regis-
commenced to transact business under $85., (650)355-2996
trants commenced to transact business 302 Antiques FANCY COCKTAIL SIDE TABLE - 2 DELL ALL IN ONE COLOR PRINTER
the FBN on 04/01/2008. under the FBN on
/s/ Jung Moon Jun / door, 1 drawer, excellent condition, anti- SCANNER with 4 extra ink cartridges,
/s/ Silvia Valencia / MINI-FRIDGE - 32" tall; White Kenmore ANTIQUE SOLID mahogany knick-knack que, $95. obo, (650)349-6059. $40. obo., SOLD!
This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses-
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo $70. Call (650)229-4735 or bookshelf with 4 small drawers, good
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo condition, $95. 650-726-5200 FRAMED MIRRORS - Pair of dark wal- LADIES SWIVEL ADJUSTABLE office
County on 09/20/2010. (Published in the County on 09/23/2010. (Published in the
San Mateo Daily Journal, 09/30/10, nut, framed mirrors, 29” X 22”, perfect, desk chair, burgundy upholstery with
San Mateo Daily Journal, 10/07/10, PORTABLE GE Dishwasher, excellent each $25., pair $44., (650)344-6565 black frame, never used, $35/obo, exc.
10/07/10, 10/14/10, 10/21/10). 10/14/10, 10/21/10, 10/28/10). CHINA CABINET - Vintage, 6 foot,
condition $75 OBO, (650)583-0245 cond. ,(650)260-2664
solid mahogany. $300/obo. FRENCH END TABLE - exquisite inlaid
RADIATOR HEATER, oil filled, electric, (650)867-0379 rich mahogany wood, custom glass tray,
STATEMENT #241162 20” x 27” X 19”H, $100., (650)347-5104 OFFICE LAMP - new in box, $35/obo,
STATEMENT #241211 (650)303-3568
The following person is doing business The following person is doing business SHOP VACUUM rigid brand 3.5 horse EDISON MODEL B STANDARD + 20
as: Kris Hansen Auto, 7361 Mission St., as: Bay Area Self Storage, 151 Industrial HUTCH - maple finish, 4 shelves, 52
power 9 gal wet/dry $40. (650)591-2393 Cylinders oak case - Serviced yearly, inch W, $75., (650)341-1645 OFFICE LAMP brand new $8. (650)345-
DALY CITY, CA 94014 is hereby regis- Rd., SAN CARLOS, CA 94070 is hereby beautiful, $550/obo, (650)344-6565 1111
tered by the following owner: Kristin Han- registered by the following owner: BP1, STOVE TOP 4 burners with electric grill
SPE LLC., CA. The business is conduct- commercial grade $50., (650)756-6778 ENGLISH ARMOIRE with stand. Bought 37 L x 19 W 9 drawers and attached mir- OFFICE WATER COOLER
94014. The business is conducted by an ed by a Limited Liability Company. The for $415. Sacrifice for $330. Hot - Ex Hot ,Cold - Ice Cold
Individual. The registrants commenced to ror 37 H x 36 W , $75., (650)341-1645
registrants commenced to transact busi- (650)771-1888 Like New South City $99. OBO
transact business under the FBN on N/A. ness under the FBN on 01/01/2000. VACUUM CLEANER heavy duty like (415) 410 -9801
/s/ Kristin Hansen / OFFICE DESK - $25., (650)255-6652
/s/ Derek K. Hunter Jr. / new $45. (650)878-9542
This statement was filed with the Asses- This statement was filed with the Asses- 303 Electronics RECLINER - Beige, $40., (650)771-1888
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo 297 Bicycles 310 Misc. For Sale
County on 09/29/2010. (Published in the County on 10/01/2010. (Published in the ROLL-A-WAY SUPERB, wood book-
San Mateo Daily Journal, 09/30/10, San Mateo Daily Journal, 10/07/10, 46” MITSUBISHI Projector TV, great 2 "HUFFY Tundra" Bicycles Male & Fe-
BICYCLE - Sundancer Jr., 26”, $75. obo condition. $400. (650)261-1541. case/entertainment center $70.
10/07/10, 10/14/10, 10/21/10). 10/14/10, 10/21/10, 10/28/10). (415)585-3622 male $100/each. SOLD!
JVC DVD cd player $25. (650)834-4926 SHELVING - 2000 square foot of shelv- 2 BOXES of glass and plastic beads
ing, $500. obo, (650)212-6666
STATEMENT #241061 STATEMENT #241222 JVC VHS recorder - Like new, $15.,
The following person is doing business The following person is doing business BICYCLE WICKER BASKET -quality 2 LIGHT fixture shades - vintage, 1960’s,
thick weave, never used, $25. obo, (650)367-8949 TABLE & CHAIR SET - new, perfect
as: Vida Home Health LLC, 652 Scorpio as: Thai Basil, 1765 E. Bayshore Rd., condition, $475., (650)638-1285 square ceiling glass shades, 11”X11”x1”,
Lane, FOSTER CITY, CA 94404 is here- Ste. C, EAST PALO ALTO, CA, 94303 is (650)260-2664 original beauty, SOLD!
MAGNOVOX 32” TV - excellent cond.,
by registered by the following owner: Vi- hereby registered by the following owner: refurbished, $100.obo., (650)260-2664 TV STAND good condition beige lots of
da Home Health LLC, CA. The business GIRL'S BIKE HUFFY Purple 6-speed storage $40. (650)867-2720 ARTIFICIAL FICUS Tree 6 ft. life like, full
Firedragon LLC., CA. The business is good cond. $35 - Angela (650)269-3712
is conducted by a Limited Liability Com- conducted by a Limited Liability Compa- PANASONIC COLOR tv with Vhs combo branches. in basket $55. (650)269-3712
pany. The registrants commenced to ny. The registrants commenced to trans- 20 inches like new $70. 650-347-9920 TWO END tables: $35 or $20 each.
MEN'S MOUNTAIN BIKE "Pacific 7K SX (650)787-8219 BARBIE BEACH vacation & Barbie prin-
transact business under the FBN on act business under the FBN on N/A. 26 inch 21 speed SOLD!
/s/ Nancy Aziz / /s/ Ehab Youssef / PHILIPS VCR pus VHS HQ 4head hi-fi cess bride computer games $15 each,
This statement was filed with the Asses- like new San Mateo. SOLD! WOODEN BOOKCASE with doors, $20., (650)367-8949
This statement was filed with the Asses- (650)771-1888
sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo sor-County Clerk-Recorder of San Mateo MENS MOUNTAIN bike 26 inch new 18
County on 09/22/2010. (Published in the County on 10/01/2010. (Published in the speed, SOLD! PHILLIPS VCR plus vhs-hu 4 head Hi-Fi
San Mateo Daily Journal, 09/30/10, San Mateo Daily Journal, 10/07/10, like new, $35. (650)341-5347 WOODEN KITCHEN China Cabinet: $99 BARBIE DOLL - 36" my size Barbie doll,
10/07/10, 10/14/10, 10/21/10). 10/14/10, 10/21/10, 10/28/10). (great condition!), (650)367-1350 fully dressed, $35., (650)583-5233
298 Collectibles PROSCAN VCR plus VHS HQ with re-
mote San Mateo $50. (650)341-5347 BEADS - Glass beads for jewelry mak-
49ER REPORT issues '85-'87 $35/all, SAMSUNG COLOR tv 27 inches good
306 Housewares ing, $75. all, (650)676-0732
(650)592-2648 condition $90. 650-347-9920 "PRINCESS HOUSE" decorator urn BETTY BOOP Women's perfume in box
"Vase" cream with blue flower 13 inch H $10. (408)249-3858
SANIO CASETTE/RECORDER 2 way $25., (650)868-0436
BARBIE DOLLS - in boxes, $5. ea., Radio - $95.obo, call for more details, BLUE BACK disc never used in box
(650)676-0732 (650)290-1960 $15. (408)249-3858
BAY MEADOW coffee mug in box $10. SONY RADIO cassette recorder $15 use, used 3 times, cleans great, CHARCOAL BBQ like new with cover
(650)345-1111 black good condition. (650)345-1111 $35.obo, (650)260-2664 and extended holder $55. (650)347-9920
24 Thursday • Oct. 14, 2010 THE DAILY JOURNAL
610 Crossword Puzzle 610 Crossword Puzzle 610 Crossword Puzzle 311 Musical Instruments 335 Garden Equipment 470 Rooms
2 ORGANS, antique tramp, $500 for TABLE - for plant, $20, perfect condi- HIP HOUSING
both. (650)342-4537 tion, (650)345-1111 Non-Profit Home Sharing Program
Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle KEYBOARD CASIO 3 ft long $50.
345 Medical Equipment
San Mateo County
DATSUN ‘72 - 240Z with Chevy 350, au- NISSAN ‘07 FRONTIER, SE, gray,
38K miles, $17,892. P71161334. Melody
Toyota, Call 877-587-8635.
SMART CARE Free Pickup, Running or Not - in most
cases. Help yourself and the Polly Klaas
tomatic, custom, $5800 or trade. #9911P, $17,588. Toyota 101. Please 400 El Camino Real Foundation. Call (800)380-5257.
(650)588-9196 mention the Daily Journal. (650)365- DODGE ‘94 Caravan, no rear seats. (1 block north of Holly St.)
5000 Used as a pickup truck. Needs engine San Carlos Wanted 62-75 Chevrolets
OLDSMOBILE ‘69 F-85 - 2 door, power repair, $250 (650)678-1018 Novas, running or not
front disc, $2,800., with 71 running parts TOYOTA ‘06 Highlander hybrid,
(650)593-7873 Parts collection etc.
car with console, buckets. (650)851-4853 #9751T, $29,888. Toyota 101. Please HONDA ‘07 Odyssey EXL, van, blue, Hours: M-F, 8a-4p, Sat. 8a-5p So clean out that garage
mention the Daily Journal. (650)365- 38K miles, $24,891. P7B059887 Melo- See Our Coupons & Save! Give me a call
PINTO ‘73 V8 AUTOMATIC, CUSTOM. 5000 dy Toyota, Call 877-587-8635. Joe 650 342-2483
$1650. (415)412-7030.
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PERSIAN CARPET (Klim) good condi- Retaining Walls, Pavers, Stamped &
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Cabinetry 45 $100. (650)867-2720 Affordable Rates, Liability Insurance,
Bonded, Lic.#917401
PERSIAN CARPET (Klim) good condi- (650)295-9102
tion. Red and blue w/ bird design. 65 in x (650)270-8549
QUESCO 45 $100. (650)867-2720
CABINETRY Contractors
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151 Old County Rd., Specializing in Window Patch, Free Estimates!
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26 Thursday • Oct. 14, 2010 THE DAILY JOURNAL
Attorneys Food Financial Health & Medical Real Estate Loans Seniors
Gold CoinsNEW
$1.00 ............ $75 & Up............................. $150 to $7,500
$2.50 .......... $145 & Up............................. $165 to $5,000
$3.00 .......... $350 & Up........................... $1000 to $7,500
$5.00 .......... $275 & Up............................. $310 to $8,000
$10.00 ........ $600 & Up........................... $625 to $10,000
$20.00 ...... $1200 & Up......................... $1250 to $10,000