Catálogo de Miniaturas (Atualizado em 100123)

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As miniaturas estão disponíveis nos tamanhos 32mm e

2. Todos os Props são em escala 1:1 (tamanho real).
3. Cada personagem possui uma ficha que pode ser
consultada (e copiada) na loja.
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uma revista com as fichas dos personagens.

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Lair of Liars

Have you heard of the Silent Coin Tavern? What a fitting name! Real coins
clink; phony coins – whether they’re made of wood, chocolate,
cryptography or illusions – those are the silent coins. You can expect
nothing better than that from the Silent Coin Tavern: watered ale,
mislabeled bottles of wine, reused bathwater, and the list goes on. What a
hoax! Instead, you should come to the Two-Faced Coin Tavern!
But how is that any better? Well, dear customer, while there may be shady
dealings in our business, we assure you everything is real and high-quality.
Maybe we need to bribe some guards to get cheaper goods… That’s good
for you, who gets better prices! Maybe we host some not-quite-law-abiding
contests or entertainment… But you get access to it! Everything is real, like
the gold in a two-faced coin. No ‘silent coin’ nonsense coming from us.
If you happen to be adventurers, we might even have some unusual,
lucrative activities… fair activities! If you partner with us, both parties will
make a killing!



+ extra content
Crusade Of Darkness
The heroes emerged victorious. They could sense a weight being lifted off the woods as the
influence of Vilgrim and the Defiled Hearthold ceased. The way back was secured, and the
Flimbey Woods would eventually heal. All that was left was to find the Unwavering Resistance
and tell them of Panshaw’s liberation.
With only rough directions, the party relied on scouting with magical flight. It was high noon,
the glaring sunlight shining. They could see a city atop a mountain. On further inspection, the
city was moving. In fact, it was no mountain, but an enormous tortoise with the city on its
back! It was the Unwavering Resistance.
The heroes were overcome with joy. If they could persuade the folks living there to go to
Panshaw, they could start rebuilding. As they were filled with euphoria, it took them a while to
notice something… odd. Far in the horizon, the sky was dark with ash, despite the sun.
The moving silhouette of an impossibly large humanoid was all that could be seen. The party
decided to split up to check both the tortoise and the ashen cloud.
When they entered the ashen cloud, they could see the giant humanoid, much like the
tortoise, also carried a city. Could this actually be the Unwavering Resistance? Getting closer,
more silhouettes resembling humans could be seen. On closer inspection, their features were
different, with crackly skin and glowing eyes, but they looked otherwise human.
Meanwhile, the rest of the heroes caught up to the moving tortoise. Soldiers stood guard on
the walls with readied balistas, armored knights patrolled the walls – they were ready for
battle. Still, as the heroes approached, they were welcomed into the city. “Civilized folk? Why,
we thought we were the last. Your timing is fortunate. The Fell approaches; we should clash by
tomorrow. I’ll take you to a hearing with our leaders. Perhaps you can come to an
Both groups met with the rulers. They would be glad to expand their territory to Panshaw and
help rebuild. However, war stood in the way. On the following day, the titan and the tortoise
would clash. This battle will dictate the course of humanity. With whom will you side?
The Ashen

Unwavering Knights
Ashen-Shrine Titan


Gul'Trot, Fortressback Tortoise

Tangleheart Forest
As the loup garou fell, lord Crimson was slain, and Brienne’s ghost was put to rest, the heroes’
job of liberating Panshaw was done. The land was free, and now began the job of
repopulating. Rumors of a human settlement reached their ears through what few survivors
there were in Panshaw. “The Unwavering Resistance”, they called it. Giving part of Panshaw’s
lands to citizens of the Resistance was the best plan they could come up with to quickly
repopulate and keep Panshaw safe without relying on the adventurers.
To get to their headquarters, the heroes needed to go through the Flimbey Woods. “Isn’t that
where the fey Oasis is located?”, one of them asked. “Oh no, m’lord”, a survivor said. “If there’s
any fey left, it sure is one of the unseelie court”, he added in a sad tone. “The woods are
cursed, I tell you. No one who went looking for the Resistance ever came back… None in their
right mind at least…” the peasant said, as the glint of tears flashed in his eyes.
Knowing they needed to get to the Unwavering Resistance and then back, the heroes were
determined to cleanse Flimbey Woods. With their decades of experience in the astral sea,
they were confident in their abilities, and went straight to the woods, with no attempt to avoid
predators. Creatures infected with fungus, giant insectoids, wicked plants – they all fell to the
party’s blades and spells.
Eventually, intelligent fey stood in their way. At first, they were aggressive. As they noticed how
powerful the adventurers were, the fey used of subterfuge to try to best them. Seeing it was
no use, and seemingly desperate, the party stopped meeting the unseelie fey. That is, until
they reached the heart of the forest, where the Defiled Hearthold awaited them along with the
wicked fey!
Tangleheart Forest

Community Hero
Mezlcoatl (“Mez”)

Defiled Hearthold – Plant



Night Hunters
How long has it been? The adventurers lost track of time while in the astral sea. Was it years,
decades, centuries? They passed through the astral opening back into the material plane. In
the dark of night, it was difficult to spot what was around them. Ruins, it seemed. Those ruins
were somewhat familiar, though. What could have happened to their home, to Panshaw?
The sound of howling broke the still of the night. Around the heroes a pack of werewolves
appeared, sniffing and salivating with their eyes fixed on the party. With the skills learned on
their long and arduous journey on the astral sea, the adventurers made short work of this first
pack. It was far from over, though.
Investigations took place, and the heroes confirmed this was old Panshaw, but it had been
overtaken by the curse of lycanthropy and vampirism. No humanity was left there. The
adventurers thought of their loved ones gone, and the longing for connection burdened their
hearts. They decided Panshaw had to be cleansed in order to rebuild. So began their new
journey hunting the denizens of the night.



Astral Looters
They stood before Ziadtroks, their wills shattered by the crown. As a life of servitude started to
unravel in the heroes’ minds’ eyes, space cracked. Out of a fissure came pouring out astral
walkers, one of them riding a red dragon, alien words coming out of their mouths, and rays
started flying from the watcher’s many eyes. Still stunned by the mind control, all the
adventurers could do was duck. As rays and dragons’ breath flew, another opening appeared
and the party was sucked into the astral sea.
The crown’s influence faded, unable to traverse the planar boundaries. The heroes were free
of Ziadtroks’ influence, but also trapped in another dimension far from home. Out of a cage,
into the unknown. After taking in their surroundings, marveled by the vast expanse all around,
the party decided they would look for a way home. Luckily, a ship was passing by, and they
hopped aboard.
The crew was friendly, and they all got along for a long, long time. It was hard to track just how
long, with no setting sun, and oddly, no visible aging. It was long enough to pass many
asteroids, meet a variety of creatures, and finally find out how to get back to the material
plane. There was a catch, though.
As the vessel neared their destination, privateers stood in their way, their many tentacles
flailing as they spoke. The two ships clashed, and the adventurers fought for their way home.

The Crew


Eye of The Watcher
The goblin king was struck down, and the adventurers took his crown. With Slugor slain, the
remaining goblinoids should cease to be a threat to Panshaw. As they picked up the crown,
however, something has tugged them. Not physically, but mentally. The heroes’ will was
stronger than Slugor’s, the goblin king, and they remained in control, although they felt the
sympathy attracting them deeper into the mines.
The descent revealed there was something more to the mines. The mastermind behind the
goblin encroachment on Panshaw had other plans that greatly surpassed the influence of
such a small city. The adventurers didn’t know what it was, but they knew they had to find out.
They just had to quench their curiosity.
Perhaps the heroes got lost along their way. Their will was strong at first, but the crown’s
influence grew with every step towards the lair. They couldn’t resist any longer, and Slugor’s
fate might become their own.
On their way, the party of adventurers met with others; charmed creatures straight out of
nightmares, adventurers who got lost in the underground, and many watchers. It all felt
completely normal, as a stroll in the park on a spring’s afternoon. It didn’t sate their need to
venture deeper.
Finally, they reached the deeper chambers. There was Ziadtrocks, the Elder Watcher.



Goblin Mines
It’s been a long while since Panshaw has been an active stage for wannabe adventurers, but
circumstances have arisen, and it’s here once more. Goblins have settled near Panshaw, and
have been competing for the same resources used by the town’s residents. There’s a
shortage of wild game meat, of fruits and nuts, and even of iron, as the nearby mining
operations are on a standstill. The goblins are trying to assert dominance over the nearby
mountains, which are rich in ore. The miners’ guild will not accept such dangerous working
The people are terrified of an invasion, resembling when the cultists and gnolls crashed the
Festival of the Rising Sun. The town guard cannot afford to spread their forces thin by tracking
and attacking the goblins. Hence, the call to action: adventurers, will you rise to the occasion
and lend Panshaw your hands?
Alas, some will. Motivated by a lust for vengeance, for blood, or for proving themselves, a
group of adventurers set out into the wild to stop the goblin menace. Into the mountain they



Nightmares of The Abyss

The heroes’ quest in the City of Planes led them all around searching for the “secret to
victory”, but to no avail. They decided to spy the cultists’ activities to get a better sense of what
it could be. The Cult of Hunger’s activities – gathering ingredients for the ritual that would
connect the planes – was the source of inspiration for the adventurers. Food is a common
subject in the Cult, but there was something else linking all of their ingredients. They were all
parts of dead sentient creatures.
In a desperate attempt to secure victory, the heroes went into a tomb, where the dead from
all over the multiverse lay to rest. Violating crypt after crypt, the adventurers eventually broke
into a coffin to find the skeletal remains of a powerful archnecromancer, whose name has
been lost in history for a long time. Getting their hands dirty, they inspected the corpse, and
noticed there was something inside its chest cavity. A chill went down their spine. Was this it?
Was it cursed? Was it worth it? They started tearing the carcass apart, breaking its spine and
removing a tome from inside it, with its spine binding the book together. Laughter echoed
inside their minds.
The adventurers hurried out of the tomb – they couldn’t be late when going after the Cult. Just
before leaving the underground, the sound of chanting and the bright light of a portal could
be sensed. This was it, the ritual happened exactly where they were. They turned around,
following the chanting, finding no cultist, but a portal, and the heroes went straight through it
in pursuit of the enemy.
In the demon lord’s domain, they looked through the portal they just went through. It wasn’t
anything resembling the City of Portals – it was Colossus! With a direct link between the
material plane and the Abyss, humanity was in danger. The heroes opened the Book of Death,
forbidden power wielded by their hands. The book’s jaw cackled maniacally as it granted
power over undeath to the adventurers. Now, it was time to put that power to good use.
Dozens of cultists, undead, and demons stood in their way as they went for the demon lord’s
throne. None were a match for their new-found power. As they entered the throne room, the
demon lord grinned. Was it confident in its own abilities? Was it content that the adventurers
had been corrupted? Was it searching for the Book of Death all along? Regardless of who
would win this battle, evil was victorious.


Serve como capa (encaixa na original sem danificar) para as edições de capa dura do Dungeons and
Dragons: Manual dos Monstros, Guia do Mestre e Livro do Jogador.
Dice Tower

Life-Size Luthumos Mask

The Oasis
After defeating the coven, the adventurers and the hags come to an agreement. Granny
Agnes tells our heroes they have both the strength and moral duty of taking on Goro’s
mission to save the multiverse. “You really screwed this up, now you must fix it!” Ah, words of
wisdom from an old lady. Her wise words did not stop there, however. The hags knew a lot
more about the Missing Eye of Gorgu and the disaster that will befall all creation if it isn’t
retrieved in time. In fact, they were the ones who prophesied what was to come.
The Missing Eye of Gorgu lies in His domain, Acheron. Reaching the underworld is no easy
task, however. To reach their destination, they must enter the River Styx – which happens to
be nearby Panshaw. “That’s why the orc settlement was there, dummies! Now go back there,
get to Acheron and snatch that Eye, or else we’re ALL doomed!”
Our (anti-)heroes get the best night of sleep they have ever had and journey back to Flimbey
Woods. Ghostly moans are half-heard in the distance “Don’t… closer… it’s a…”, but they’re
quickly overwhelmed by the sound of flutes in the distance. The adventurers come to find
satyrs playing in the woods. “Howdy, weary travelers! You sure look like you need some
refreshing rest! Why don’t you come and join us in a party in our forest oasis?” “There’s no
time, we need to find the River Styx right away.” “Then it’s your lucky day, the oasis is on the
The forest grows brighter, lusher, vivider as the party journeys on. The sounds, smells and
colors are enchanting, and our heroes feel entranced. As they reach the oasis, an eerie elf
greets them. “I’ve been expecting you, travelers. I hope you find my oasis to your liking. I have
a proposition for you. My nymphs are marvelous, are they not? What do you say, would you
like to lay with them? They could be yours – all I ask of you is to bring me the Missing Eye of
Gorgu! What do you say?” “No way, José! – crap, we’re surrounded!”






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