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Subject Homework Key Words: EFL EFL EFL

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LOOKING AHEAD: NEXT WEEK IN GRADE 8: Week Commencing 26th February 2024

Subject Homework Key words

English EFL EFL
Identify explicit and deeper meaning in a story Language worksheet 7.1 from Devious, waterskin,
opening. the Cambridge Unit 7 resource anguished, fatigue,
pack. flagged, nigh, reading
Understand and analyze the implications of a motif. strategy, implications,
Use voice to convey a character when reading an motif
unseen text out loud as a group.

Understand and analyze the use of formality in


Contribute to a discussion on themes and patterns in

fantasy stories.

EFL Ext. EFL Ext. EFL Ext.

Unit 2A: Strange and Unusual “Macbeth” extract Shakespearean
manipulation worksheet tragedy
Literature: “Macbeth” Tragic hero
Students will be introduced to the graphic novel of Graphic novel
William Shakespeare’s “Macbeth”. We will focus on Stage directions
distinguishing aspects of a graphic text versus a Tone
conventional play structure.


Note: Our staff are planning weekly to ensure that Grade level teachers are teaching in a consistent fashion both within the individual
schools and across Bilingual and International. This planning is important for a consistent approach however we actively encourage
individual variation and for teachers to use their own personalities and individual flair for best teaching effect.
Students will demonstrate their ability to
communicate a variety of tones using language
features to alter extracts from “Macbeth”.


• Students can listen to and understand a -Learn and make vlog G8 ESL 2023-2024
conversation about social media. - Year 9 A 01 on IXL Flashcards | Quizlet
• Students can understand opinions of
speakers in a conversation about social media.
• Students can talk about social media and should be
able to discuss their use of
technology and social media.

Maths Regular Regular

Regular Myimaths relative frequency
Unit 5. Probability trials
Students will complete experiments to determine experimental
relative frequency of events. They will use their results probability
to make further predictions and find the expected estimate
number of outcomes. expected outcome,
observed outcome
Students are going to describe a translation by Fast Fast
Myimaths Vector, scalar,
using a vectors, Also they are going to add and
brackets, curly
subtract vectors brackets, translation.
Multiply a vector by a scalar

Advanced And, Or rule.
Students will revisit probability. They solve problems Advanced Intersection, Union,
relating to conditional and unconditional probabilities. MyiMaths sampling with and
without replacement
This week the students will be working on their Any work that needs to be
science week projects. They will construct their completed at home
models and prepare their displays

《社戏》 大练,预习纸,仿写练习 当地民俗探索,揣摩
《回延安》 课文语句,感受童真
CSL 童趣
ESC 3 Vocabulary, Workbook, CSL
Lesson 6 Text 1 爱好 Worksheet ESC3
ESC4&5 ESC4&5 球、钓鱼
(1)Unit 1 Lesson 3 交友 Text 1 Vocabulary, Workbook,
(2)Unit 3 Lesson 7 学校 Text 1 Worksheet ESC4&5
Note: Our staff are planning weekly to ensure that Grade level teachers are teaching in a consistent fashion both within the individual
schools and across Bilingual and International. This planning is important for a consistent approach however we actively encourage
individual variation and for teachers to use their own personalities and individual flair for best teaching effect.
ESC 7 ESC7 、礼貌、城市、影响
第一课 大学入学申请 Vocabulary study,reading (2)国际、寄宿、
comprehension 设施、安排、齐全


This week in Humanities, students will start their unit Belief systems research; Bias
of Belief Systems. Students will continue learning compare and contrast. Disposition
about the belief systems of the Classical world, Sensitivity
analyzing them to discover similarities and differences, Stance
as well as how they translate to the modern world. Hierarchy of Value
Students will also begin practicing detecting bias and Philosophy
learning about the sensitive nature of beliefs. Perspective
Nature vs Nurture

Specialist Subject Key Words

Spanish En la clase hay una mesa
The students will carry out the oral presentation of La clase tiene una mesa
the project done during the New Year break.
Additionally, there will be a review and revision of the Vocabulary:
verbs "Tener" and "Hay" to describe a school, a house, mesa, silla, pizarra, tiza, reloj, libro, cuaderno.
or a place. The vocabulary will include the objects and
materials found in a school. Verb. Tener - Hay

Music Pop
The start of the new semester is also the start of unit Ensemble
2.1 in music. Rock School is an ensemble-based unit
and this week students will explore pop music.

Drama 6 elements of Stanislavski’s System

Over the next two weeks students will explore the Semester 2 key terms:
basic fundamentals that includes analysing and 1.Didactic Theatre
staging a one act play. They will explore the 3 key 2.Peer pressure
terms for semester 2. 3.Theatre for social change
Note: Our staff are planning weekly to ensure that Grade level teachers are teaching in a consistent fashion both within the individual
schools and across Bilingual and International. This planning is important for a consistent approach however we actively encourage
individual variation and for teachers to use their own personalities and individual flair for best teaching effect.
To be able to use a pencil effectively to show tonal Tone
shading. Blending
To be able to understand and use the equipment Contrast
needed when drawing.
To be able to draw and shade eyes and skin tone.

Students will learn to write and apply knowledge of Expression
expressions using the arithmetic operations learned in Integer
previous lessons of Python. They will learn to Float
differentiate between arithmetic, logic, and string Hexadecimal
expression. Operator Precedence

Students will begin their Introduction to Athletics unit Long jump
in preparation for Upper Primary Sports Day, High jump
scheduled for April 12th. Students will learn a brief Discus
history of Athletics, the names of the events, and Shot put
begin to distinguish the different techniques involved Javelin
to maximize personal bests. Students will have a slow Relay
progression of each event in weeks leading up to Exchange
Sports Day, with engaged conversation and analysis
including but limited to: centrifugal force and weight
transfer in shot and discus; phases of long jump;
approach and throw for the javelin; J-approach and
scissor jump for the high jump; exchanges zones and
leadoff with relays; and refining body mechanics in
sprinting events. There will be opportunities for
students to build relatable connections using these
concepts. Over this unit, students’ fitness levels and
aerobic capacity will be challenged with much
emphasis on personal bests.

Events next week:

February 26th- CCA Block 2 resume

February 26th-29th - Science Week
February 29th - Coffee, Tea & Chat (G4-5) 9:00-10:00

March 1st - Science Fair

Note: Our staff are planning weekly to ensure that Grade level teachers are teaching in a consistent fashion both within the individual
schools and across Bilingual and International. This planning is important for a consistent approach however we actively encourage
individual variation and for teachers to use their own personalities and individual flair for best teaching effect.

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