12 - Chapter 4
12 - Chapter 4
12 - Chapter 4
The safety and protection of people, equipment and the environment is a serious
losses and other fallouts associated with industrial accidents. Safety management
accidents, loss of life & property, public scrutiny, statutory requirements, aging
facilities and intense industrial processes, all contribute to a growing need for Safety
Indian industries generally do not accord high priority to safety like the
developed countries, barring some few industries. Many industries view safety as an
inconvenience, as a cost rather than a benefit. The importance of good safety practice
at work has not been properly understood by the Indian industries and thus they fail to
reap the benefits of being safe. The industries do not aim at the best safety practice
Most of the industries do not have specific policy and budget for safety. It is
also to be mentioned that most of the industries maintain separate safety wing or
department, only if they are legally bound to do so. Safety research in Indian
industries is almost nil except the support extended by the government run
organizations like Regional Labor Institutes spreading across the country, Central
about tools & methodologies of safety techniques to understand and mitigate the
hazards they are dealing with on a day-to-day basis, and create a safe working
¾ Worksite Analysis
The concept of the safety in the present era of industrialization has become
vital. The Factories Act, 1948 strongly envisages that the adoption of safety measures
cannot be postponed until provision is made for them in rules. It is the owner’s
responsibility for taking all measures necessary to secure the safety of workers in his
factory. For many years the slogan was “safety first”, and many professional believed
and preached this. Today we do not want safety, first or last. In other words, we do
not want to think of safety as being separate from the other aspects of production. The
safety and production goes hand in hand. The present scenario is -- we do not want
production and safety or production with safety but, rather, we want safe production.
In this context, the study of “Behavior Based Safety Management” has gained
Engineering solutions have been achieved to a great extent in the Organizations
but behavioral engineering in managing safety is a lot more challenging to learn. Dr.
H.L. Kaila, a Professor of Psychology, Mumbai and a BBS Trainer writes that so far
in the past 15 years nearly 200 BBS workshops has been conducted in Indian
locations in diverse sectors. Every organization has introduced and customized BBS
process and implementation; and then taken down the levels. Others have started off
with bottom level employees and contract workers; whereas some other organizations
places, organizations have introduced ‘train the trainers’ programme and then these
promoting safe behaviors and creating safety culture in Indian organizations. BBS has
provided better accident prevention practices than before. BBS exposure to employees
has been an enriching and refreshing experience on understanding the fact that in
order to prevent near misses at workplaces, we need to tackle first unsafe / at-risk
organizational safety systems are top-down driven (Kaila, 2006). Research indicates
that BBS has reduced accident rates by 40percent to 75percent within six months to
think about the human and behavioral aspects of workplace safety (Kaila, 2010).
Although OHSAS 18001: 2007 urges organizations to comply with the behavioral
aspects of safety, such compliance has not been achieved because implementation
The challenge before the industries now is how to prevent the recurring unsafe
behaviors that are contributing to accidents? The factors and the environment that
influence and compel the individuals to do unsafe acts is the area we should deal with
now. To equip the industries to face this challenge, the concept of Behavior Based
ABC Analysis:
events into two sets of categories: events that precede the behavior and events that
Behavioral psychologists use the terms antecedents for events that occur before
the behavior and consequences for those that follow behavior Figure (4.1).
Antecedents are events that precede behavior and prompt or cue the occurrence of that
behavior. Consequences are events that follow behavior and that influence the
likelihood that the behavior will occur again under those antecedent conditions in the
suggests that consequences affect the likelihood that the behavior will occur again.
They may either strengthen or weaken the behavior. Consequences cause the
frequency of behavior to increase or decrease. In other words, they can increase the
likelihood that the behavior will occur again under similar conditions.
that is, an if-then relationship. If the antecedent conditions are present, then the
behavior will occur. If the behavior occurs, it will be followed by the consequence.
It can be explained with some examples. If someone walk into a dark room, the
dark room is likely to be an antecedent for what? It will usually prompt you to flip or
look for a light switch. The consequence of flipping the light switch is what? When
you flip a light switch, the light comes on and he can find his way around to room.
The diagram of this event is shown in Figure (4.2) below. In this example, what
is controlling the behavior? The answer is that both the antecedents and the
consequences are controlling the occurrence of the behavior. The antecedent prompts
antecedent condition.
Figure 4.2 Contingency diagram of the environmental events associated with
Condition Behavior Consequences
In fact, the antecedents are effective in prompting behavior only because of the
consequences. Since the antecedent would not be effective without consequences, the
But why is the behavior occurring in the first place? The behavior occurs
improvement efforts need to add consequences that support safe behavior on the job.
The consequences occurring in the natural work environment simply do not maintain
the levels of safety that we strive for in today’s workplace. The key to improving
Increased Behaviour
Decreased Behavior
Built-in consequences:
part of the consequences “built in” to the job itself. Many consequences involved in
safety are natural consequences that occur simply as a result of engaging in the
built in to the act of wearing the equipment and makes the use of that equipment less
likely. Following safety procedures often takes more time than short cutting those
without a hot-work permit may result in getting the job done more quickly.
Conversely, if a tool is dropped from above, the head is protected by a hard hat. The
protection from injury is reinforcement that is built in to the act of wearing the hard
compliance with safety procedures. Too often, following safety procedures creates
safety practices. However, following safety procedures reduces the risk of injury,
avoiding injury by following the safety procedure is usually too improbable to provide
Added consequences:
Because most of the built-in consequences do not support safe practices, the
used to provide such support. Social consequences require that another person to
threat of punishment. It can take the form of corrective feedback, criticism, nagging,
attention from management and from peers. Such attention may include simple
be provided in the form of publicized comments that employees are making progress
Often, safety award programs do not affect behavior on the job because
2. The employees are likely to get the award regardless of safe or unsafe
Some safety programs continue to use awards and forms of recognition that are
award program is to be able to select awards that will be meaningful to particular
groups or individuals.
identifying an antecedent, one should identify the stimulus conditions that prompted
the behavior to occur. Safety antecedents include verbal instructions, signs, and the
situation that prompted action. Other events not immediately preceding the behavior
of interest may include written procedures, safety rules, and safety improvement
goals. Because these events do not immediately precede safe behavior, you should
with the training or instruction that the employee has received some time prior to the
referred to the procedure immediately before starting the job. Otherwise, the
procedure and training on that procedure are part of the employee’s individual
learning history.
antecedents yet are important to how a person responds in a given situation. These
factors often establish employees’ skill or knowledge of job procedures, both actual
on-the-job practices and formal procedures. This behavior environment clarifies all of
Behavioral Safety - How It Works?
effective act in the BBS process. At the end of the observation, the observer would fill
in a checklist with the safe and at-risk behaviors he noticed along with the date, time
and location of the observations. The worker's name or identification number is not
noted in the checklist. The worker's comments and reasons for the at-risk behavior are
recorded along with the suggested safe behavior. Recording this interaction is
important for a later detailed analysis so feedback can be provided to both workers
2. Data gathering and preliminary reports: Observation checklists are gathered and
entered in electronic database. Reports are generated for BBS steering committee to
analyze and recommend practical solutions. These reports flag out trends of at-risk
committee has periodical meetings to discuss and analyze BBS report findings. The
the recommendations would change the at-risk behaviors at the targeted location. Also
the recommendations would eliminate hazards and risks caused by hardware or wrong
What is behavior? Furthermore, why do people behave the way they do? These
are two important questions, particularly for those interested in improving safety.
Behavior is simply anything someone does or says. Behavior is any activity that a
dead person cannot do, any muscular or glandular action or reaction (Malott et al.,
2000). While attitudes may be important, the behavioral approach addresses how
people behave on the job. We can only know someone’s attitude by our observations
If we can change their safety habits, their attitudes about safety will follow,
especially as their colleagues also adopt better safety habits. Once we have a group of
people with similar habits and attitudes about safety, then we begin to talk about
people having a common safety culture, we have to talk about changing people’s
behavior. When we get behavior change, changes in attitude and culture will follow.
improve the identified behaviors and the management system that produced
nothing. What are needed are actions, i.e., changes in behavior. From this philosophy
flows the concept of Behavior Based Safety. Behavioral Based Safety is a process that
reduces unsafe behaviors that can lead to incidents occurring in the workplace. The
process works by reinforcing safe behavior and identifying the causes of unsafe
Any Behavioral Safety process should seek to include the six pillars of
continuous improvement
observations which are fed back to a workforce run behavioral safety team who
• Collective: a collective approach is where both managers and front line
safety team (represented by both managers and front line personnel) to identify
the root causes of unsafe practices. Recommendations are then identified and
safe behavior.
BBS is a proactive process that helps to get changes in a work group’s safe
behavior levels before incidents happen. All incidents are preceded by some kind of
behavior, e.g. a worker falls off a ladder because he was over-reaching or the ladder
was not secured. Both of these are individual behaviors. BBS seeks to change the
person’s mindset, habits and behaviors so that these “at risk” behaviors will no longer
be performed.
Blaming those with the least say; although the supporters of BBS programs say
they do not “blame workers” this is what happens if you do not ask ”why “ someone
did what they did. By asking “why” we can trace the chain of events and reasons that
lead to workers being exposed to risks. When we begin to ask why the behavior
occurred we move back along various chains which invariably implicate management.
Just as the great majority of accidents can be attributed to unsafe behavior by front
line workers, the great majority of accidents are at the same time attributable to
Why not?
If he used one hand to hold the rail he would have had to make more than one
trip up and down the stairs to get his tools to the lower level.
Because there was pressure from the supervisor to get the job done quickly.
Production pressures routinely lie behind unsafe actions by workers in this way.
Despite all the company rhetoric about putting safety first, the experience of many
workers, not all, is that production takes precedence over safety. But we can go
further than this. The failure to use the handrail is not the only reason the worker fell.
He fell because the stairs were too steep, far steeper than would be acceptable in the
Because the designers had not considered the hazards of steep stairways.
Because they had not adopted the philosophy of designing out hazards at source.
Why not?
This example could easily be developed further, but this is far enough to
triggered by unsafe behaviors, which tend to interact with other negative features
every organization has its fair share of accident causing pathogens. These pathogens
lie dormant and are relatively harmless, until such time as two or more combine and
behaviors; people tend to be more aware of their potential to cause harm. In turn this
gives people the mechanism by which they can control their own safety behavior and
A focus upon unsafe behaviors also provides a much better index of ongoing
safety performance than accident rates for two reasons: First, accidents are the end
Accident rates tend to be used as the primary outcome measure of safety performance
simply because they signal that something is wrong within the company's safety
management system. Because of the way they are calculated, they also provide a
crude benchmark by which companies can compare the effectiveness of their safety
management attention and resources being focused on safety only when accident rates
attention and resources are diverted to other pressing organisational issues until such
Consequently, rather than being proactive, those who focus almost exclusively
as it allows other safety-related issues in the accident causal chain to be identified and
dealt with before an incident occurs. Because 'safety behavior' is the unit of
and employees is adopted to identify critical sets of safe and unsafe behaviors and
used to develop 'Safety Behavior Inventories'. These inventories provide the basis for
behavior, on a daily basis, in an enabling atmosphere. Based on the first few weeks’
results of the peer monitoring, the workforce set their own 'safety improvement'
workgroups to track their progress in reaching the safety improvement targets.
team working, all of which can exert beneficial effects on production related issues
People often behave unsafely because they have never been hurt before while
doing their job in an unsafe way: 'I've always done the job this way' being a familiar
comment. This may well be true, but the potential for an accident is never far away as
illustrated by various accident triangles. Heinrich's triangle, for example, suggests that
for every 330 unsafe acts, 29 will result in minor injuries and in a major or lost time
incident. Over an extended period of time, therefore, the lack of any injuries for those
who are consistently unsafe is actually reinforcing the very behaviors that in all
probability will eventually lead them to be seriously injured. The principle being
illustrated here is that the consequences of behaving unsafely will nearly always
supported by more than one reinforcer, some will exert stronger effects on peoples'
behavior than others. This is particularly the case for reinforces that are soon, certain
and positive. Employees will find it hard to follow certain safety rules and procedures
In some instances, the actual workflow process also reinforces peoples' unsafe
blind-eye, or actively encouraging employees to take short-cuts for the sake of
production. Unfortunately, this has negative effects that are not always immediately
apparent: First, employees learn that unsafe behavior pays; Second, it wastes
resources as the very behaviors that companies spend a lot of time, money and effort
trying to eradicate are reinforced; and third, by condoning unsafe behavior, line
can be an effective way of limiting the potential for unsafe behavior. While successful
in many instances, it does not always work, simply because people have the capacity
solutions have a strong place in safety management, they cannot be relied upon.
people’s attitudes?
Comments on accident reports often say 'so and so should take more care. With
better attitudes and safety awareness, this accident would not have happened'. Where
this occurs, attempts to change unsafe behavior usually hinge upon the belief that
attitudes determine behavior. Remedies tend to rely on publicity campaigns and safety
change people’s behavior. Although positive safety attitudes are important and very
desirable, the link from attitude change to behavior change is very weak. This can be
explained by the fact that a single attitude comprises of at least three components:
Additionally, a single attitude is usually linked with a set of other related attitudes.
Logic dictates, therefore, that attempts at attitude change must target each individual
component of each individual attitude, for each single employee. In practical terms
Fortunately, the link from behavior change to attitude change is much stronger.
If people consciously change their behavior, they also tend to re-adjust their
associated attitudes and belief systems to fit the new behavior. This occurs because
people try to reduce any tension caused by a mismatch between their behavior and
attitudes. Behavior change, therefore, tends to lead to new belief and attitude systems
that buttress the new set of behaviors (Cooper & Phillips, 2004).
the positive reinforcement brought about by peer pressure. Psychologists have known
for some time that group membership demands conformity to the groups' behavioral
and attitudinal 'norms'. If a workgroup adopts the 'norm' that 'thinking and behaving
safely' is best for all concerned, the group as a whole will tend to apply social
'sanctions' to the individual who deviates from this norm and behaves unsafely. If
people wish to remain a part of the social fabric of the workgroup, they soon revert
back to the safety norm and behave safely. Importantly, this illustrates the point that
tasks that are considered to be risky (Cooper, 1997). This fact lies at the very heart of
How Do We Stop People Behaving Unsafely? Why not punish people
authority, fear and punishment (i.e. if you do not behave in a safe manner at work you
could be reprimanded, fined or even dismissed). These approaches emphasize the use
largely ignored. This often results in the opposite of that intended (e.g. accident or
near-miss incidents are not reported for fear of sanctions). Although the judicious use
of discipline and punishment can have the intended effects, more often than not it
doesn't. The reason for this is quite simple: The effectiveness of punishment is
dependent upon its consistency. It only works if is given immediately, and every
single time an unsafe behavior occurs. It is self-evident that punishing someone every
time they behave unsafely is a very difficult thing to do, simply because they will not
always be seen to do so by those in authority. This means those soon, certain and
positive reinforces gained from behaving unsafely will tend to outweigh any
Thus, although punishing those who deliberately put other people at risk is a
valid option, punishing people for everyday infractions of safety rules (e.g. not
wearing a safety helmet) is a very difficult thing to do consistently and does not
address the underlying problems (e.g. the safety helmet is uncomfortable or gets in the
2) Only after the organization has done everything in its power to create the
equipment and a persons' unsafe behavior is a consistent, willful act aimed at
flouting authority.
How can we stop unsafe behavior? Why not praise people for
behaving safely?
So how can line management ensure that the reinforcers for working safely
outweigh those for working unsafely? It is a fact that most people tend to respond
more to praise and social approval than any other factor. Some people may not use
It makes sense, therefore, to make use of this phenomenon and praise people for
behaving safely (something very rarely done) to bring about the required changes
(Incentive and reward schemes reflect this principle). Crucially, the effect of this is to
explicitly link the desired safe behavior to the praise received. Once the required
behavior pattern starts to become established, the timing and frequency of the praise
and social approval can be reduced over a period of time: i.e. it doesn't need to be
given immediately and every single time that someone is seen to be behaving safely.
increased trust and confidence between line managers and the workforce.
unsafe behavior.
What next?
Focusing on people's safety behavior will bring about the desired changes and
that attitude changes follow behavioral changes. Social approval and encouragement
can bring about positive changes in safety 'norms'. The workforce is best placed to
redefine their safety 'norms, as they control their own behavior. It follows, therefore,
that any safety improvement initiative which relies almost exclusively on line
Accordingly, behavioral safety approaches are very much driven and shaped by
the workforce, in conjunction with line management. In this way, the workforce is
given responsibility and authority for identifying, defining and monitoring their own
safe and unsafe behaviors, as well as setting their own 'safety improvement' targets.
As a result, workgroups are able to redefine their own safety related 'norms' in an
monitoring. In this way a 'blame free' pro-active safety culture is created that is so
Does it work?
improving safety, a question commonly asked is 'Do these ideas work in practice?'
Overwhelmingly, the answer is yes! Researchers from around the globe have
consistently reported positive changes in both safety behavior and accident rates,
regardless of the industrial sector or company size. Positive results have been
obtained over the last decade in many sectors in construction, mining, engineering,
bakeries, food processing, manufacturing, oil & gas, shipbuilding and others.
4. Better communications between management and the workforce
Thus Behavioral Safety has a lot to offer to the world of work, although it must
identified by focusing on incidents that result from the interaction between people and
their working environment. This could include the presence, quality and functioning
resources available (financial and nonfinancial) and the overall safety culture
(Cooper, 2000). Once these problems are identified, attempts are made to discover
which antecedents (e.g., unavailable equipment) are driving at-risk behavior (e.g.,
using improvised tools), and which consequences (e.g., saves time) are reinforcing or
remove barriers while the associated safety behaviors are placed on checklists so
workers can conduct observations of ongoing behavior. Observation results are used
overall progress.
BBS emphasizes that employees need to take ownership of their safe and unsafe
behaviors. If they behave unsafely, they are not to be punished but, rather, told
repeatedly to correct such behavior. When they behave safely, they are encouraged
(Kaila, 2010).
The secret of the success of BBS is that it puts safety control into the hands of
each employee, enabling him or her to feel empowered and responsible (Kaila, 2010).
BBS makes workers aware of their unsafe and safe behaviors and helps to maintain an
1. 90percent or more of the accidents are due to unsafe human acts or behaviors
2. 50percent of the unsafe behaviors are identified or noticeable at any plant any
5. BBS secret of success is that safety control is in the hands of each and every
reduce the number of unsafe behaviors, and assists in decreasing the number of unsafe
at work. With BBS Approach, we can not only bring down accidents, we can also
prevent them.
Colortex, Sandoz, ultratech, GAIL, ICC, NPC, Jindal, Suzlon, BHEL, GE, ONGC,
M&M and Tata Motors have implemented BBS in different ways. BBS Workshops
have been conducted for ITC, ESSAR, Reliance Industries, ColourTex, Reliance
Many Indian companies viz. Tata Chemicals Limited (TCL), Mithapur, Tata
Steel Ltd (construction), Hindustan Uniliver Ltd and Dr. Reddy’s Laboratory etc.
in Figure (4.3).
Figure 4.4 Result of BBS at Tata Chemicals Ltd. (TCL)
The safety statistics about fatality and lost time Injury on implementation of
BBS is given below in Figure (4.6) in a Case Study of Saint-Gobain a leading glass
The concept and process of BBS can bring for safety professionals and
everyone who are concerned about correcting unsafe behaviors for reduction of
accidents and promoting safe behaviors for developing injury free culture in their
2. Kaila HL. (2010), Industrial Safety and Human Behavior. Available with