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Human Resource Policy Manual 2024 Gaken Foundation

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P.O. Box 490138 Hoima, Uganda Tel: +256 -788926960


For the governance and Management

of Human Resources

Edition 2024


A Set of Policies, Procedures and Guidelines

For the governance and Management of Human Resources


Edition 2024

2 Human Resources Policy

Resources Policy Manual 3
Gaken Charity and Orphanage Foundation (GACOF) was established in 2022 as a charity and orphanage-
based, non-political and non- profit-making foundation in Mid-Western Uganda.
It is officially registered with the Uganda Registration Service Bureau (URSB) Certificate No.
80034098501497.The foundation has so far registered over 500 vulnerable children from the area, 200
teen-girls who are helpless seeking for help, 225 widows and 102 aged up mothers above 70 years but
helpless and currently its housing 35 orphans in a home.
Much focus is to extend hand to the homeless, distressed and HIV/AIDS orphans, providing immediate
needs and other timely needs of needy, street children, vulnerable teen-girls and nursing sick and
malnourished needy children for better health, education and skilling them for self-reliance, talent
promotion and keep them well and strong through child survival program, and important for all to win
their souls back to God through Ministering them in our ministry.
The child should grow up in a family friendly Environment and in an atmosphere of happiness,
love, guidance and understanding. Also, the inspiration to form this foundation came out of the need to
respond to socioeconomic and developmental concerns affecting communities characterized by locals in
rural and urban-slum areas, isolation, high disease prevalence, poor homes and inter generational
transmission of poverty, that act as barriers to growth and development communities.


4 Human Resources Policy Manual


This page is meant exclusively for staff of Gaken Foundation working in the

Please sign the below to indicate that you have seen and read this Human Resource (HR)
Policy and Manual, and return the signed page to Human Resource office. This page will be
kept in your personnel file.

I, .................................................................. acknowledge that I have received and duly read the

Human Resource Policy Manual of the Gaken Foundation (Gaken Foundation) and
commit to comply with all the provisions of the Policy and Guidelines herein.





Human Resources Policy Manual 5



CHAPTER 1 Introduction to the HR Manual 14

1.1.2 Purpose of the Manual 14

1.1.3 Objectives of the Policy Manual 15
1.1.5 General guidelines for the Policy Manual 15
1.1.6 Compliance 15
1.1.7 Policy manual review 15
1.1.8 Implementation 16
1.1.9 Amendments to the Manual 16

CHAPTER 2 General Provisions 17

2.1.1 Vision 17
2.1.2 Values and Principles 17
2.1.3 Mission 17
2.1.4 Employee Code Of Conduct 17
2.1.5 Dress code 17
2.1.6 Internet usage 13
2.1.7 Cellphone 13
2.1.8 Gaken Foundation email 13
2.1.9 Using personal social media at work 14
2.1.10 Representing Gaken Foundation through social media 14
2.1.11 Employee relationships 14
2.1.12 Employment of relatives 15
2.1.13 Workplace visitors 16
2.1.14 Solicitation and distribution 16
2.1.15 Other employment 16
2.1.16 Use of Gaken Foundation Property and Assets 16
2.1.17 How we Implement the Code of Conduct 17
2.2 Conflict Of Interest Policy 20
2.3 Fraud/Corruption Prevention And Investigation Policy 20
2.3.1 Definition 21
2.3.2 Prevention 22
2.3.3 Personal Conduct 22
2.3.4 Executive Directors ’s responsibilities 22
2.3.5 Line Managers’ responsibilities 23
2.3.6 Staff responsibilities 23
2.3.7 Reporting suspected Fraud 23
2.3.8 Investigating suspected Fraud 23
2.4 Whistleblower Policy 23
2.4.2 Making a Report. 24
2.4.3 Protection of Employees who report misuse of Gaken Foundation 24
6 Human Resources Policy Manual
2.5 Professional Misconduct and Harassment Policy 24

Human Resources Policy Manual 7

2.5.1 Line Manager responsibility 25
2.5.2 HR responsibility 25
2.5.3 Employees responsibility 25
2.5.4 Data Protection 25
2.6 HIV/Aids Workplace Policy 25
2.6.1 Non-Discrimination 26
2.6.2 HIV Testing, Confidentiality and Disclosure 26
2.6.3 Promoting a Safe Work Environment 26
2.6.4 Education and Awareness 27
2.6.5 Access to Treatment and Care 27
2.7. Child Protection Policy 28
2.7.0 Scope of the policy 28
2.7.1 Some of the common Child abuses 28
2.7.2 Gaken Foundation’s Commitment and Policy position on child protection 28
2.7.3 Practical Steps to achieve the commitments on Child protection 28
2.7.4 Child protection at the level of Human Resources 28
2.7.5 Child protection at the level of programming 28
2.7.6 Child protection at the level of fundraising 28
2.7.7 Identification, reporting and Investigation of child abuse 28
2.7.8 Reporting Mechanisms 28
2.7.9 Non reporting of suspected cases of Child abuse 28
2.8.0 Investigation of suspected cases of Child abuse 28
2.8.1 Management of abused child protection cases 28
2.8.2 Responsibility in implementation of the policy 28

Chapter 3 Terms and Conditions of Service 40

3.1. Introduction 40
3.1.2 Objectives of Terms and Conditions of Service 40
3.1.3 General Conditions Of Service 40
3.1.4 Duties 40
3.1.5 Attendance to duty 41
3.1.6 Working Hours 41
3.1.7 Absence from work 41
3.1.8 Public holidays 41
3.1.9 Altering working hours 41
3.1.10 Overtime 42
3.1.11 Date of Appointment 42
3.1.12 Probation 42
3.1.13 Confirmation 42
3.1.14 Performance Management 42
3.1.15 Performance Management Cycle 43
3.1.16 Performance Appraisal 43
3.1.17 Appraisal Instrument 43
3.1.18 Appraisal Interval 43
3.1.19 Participation 43
3.1.20 Reward and Recognition 44
3.1.21 Salary 44
3.2 Summary Of Benefits 44
3.2.1 Medical Insurance 44
3.2.2 Transport Allowance 44
3.2.3 Subsistence Allowance/ Per Diem 44

8 Human Resources Policy Manual

3.2.4 Safari-Day Allowance 35
3.2.5 Training Allowances 35
3.2.6 Other Allowances 35
3.2.7 Loans 35
3.3 LEAVE 35
3.3.1 Annual Leave 35
3.3.2 Maternity leave 36
3.3.3 Paternity Leave 36
3.3.4 Study Leave 37
3.3.5 Sick Leave 37
3.3.6 Special Leave 37
3.3.7 National Social Security Fund (NSSF) 37
3.3.8 Gratuity 37
3.2.11 Compensation
for Disability/Death 38
3.2.12 Cost of Burial
3.2.13 Retirement Age

Chapter 4 Employment At Gaken Foundation 48

4.1.1 Introduction 48
4.1.2 Employee Classifications 48
4.1.3 Fixed Term Contract 48
4.1.4 Specific Task Contract 48
4.1.5 Pre-Employment Requirements 48
4.1.6 Medical Examination 49
4.1.7 Orientation 49
4.1.8 Probationary Period 49
4.1.9 Misrepresentation 49
4.1.10 Equal
Employment Opportunity 50

Chapter 5 Recruitment and Selection Policy 51

5.1.1 Definition of Terms 51
5.1.2 Policy Statement 52
5.1.3 Audience and applicability 52
5.1.4 Principles and guidelines 52
5.1.5 Needs analysis for establishment requirements 53
5.1.6 Advertising 53
5.1.7 Adverts should indicate 53
5.1.8 Screening 54
5.1.9 Competency Assessment for Selection 54
5.1.10 Pre-
Employment Reference Checks 54
5.1.11 Appointment
5.1.12 Staff Mobility
5.1.13 Employment
Records 56
5.1.14 Personal data
Form 56
5.1.15 Personal Files
Human Resources Policy Manual 9
5.1.16 Records
Management 56
5.1.17 Update of
Records 56

Chapter 6 Salaries And Wages 57

6.1.1 Salary Computation 57
6.1.2 Salary Payments 57
6.1.3 Salary Adjustments 57

10 Human Resources Policy Manual

6.1.4 Allowances 57

Chapter 7 Human Resource Development 59

7.1.1 Definition 59
7.1.2 Objectives 59
7.2 Training policy 59
7.3 Institutional Framework for managing Training and Staff Development 59
7.3.2 Implementation 60
7.4 Categories of training 60
7.5 Methods of training and development 61
7.6.1 Identification of training need 61
7.7 Monitoring and evaluation of training 61
7.8 End of training report 62

Chapter 8 Employee Safety 63

8.1.1 Obligations of Gaken Foundation 63
8.2 Obligations of the Employee 63
8.3 Compensation 63
8.3.1 Reporting Workplace Injuries/Accidents 64
8.4 Employee Welfare Facilities 64
8.4.1 Salary advance 64
8.4.2 Staff Health 64

Chapter 9 Employee Discipline 66

9.1.1 Definition and application 66
9.1.2 Principles underlying disciplinary procedures 66
9.1.3 Types of Offences 66

Chapter 10 Disciplinary Procedure 68

10.1.1 Minor offences 68
10.1.2 Major Offences 68
10.1.3 Summary Dismissal 69
10.1.4 Right to appeal 69
10.2 Employee Complaints and Grievances 69
10.2.1 Definition 69
10.2.2Principles 69
10.2.3Application 69
10.2.4Grievances procedure 69

Chapter 11 Termination Of Service 71

11.1.1 General Provisions 71
11.1.2 Voluntary Termination 71
11.1.4 Acceptance/Rejection of Resignation 72
11.2 Termination by the Employer 72
11.2.1 Dismissal 72
11.2.2 Retirement 72
11.2.3 Expiry of Contract 73
11.2.4 Redundancy 73

Human Resources Policy Manual 1

11.2.5 Termination due to Natural Causes 73
11.2.6 Procedures to Terminate 73
11.2.7 Exit Interview 73
11.2.8 Death of Employee 73
11.2.9 Terminal Benefits 74
11.2.10 In-House Terminal Benefits Scheme 74
11.2.11 Returning Gaken Foundation Property 74
11.2.12 Hand Over Form and Exit Interview 74
11.2.13 Final Pay 74
11.2.14 Certificate Of Service 74

Tools and Templates

Appendix 1 Gaken Foundation Organogram 69
Appendix 2 Staff Requisition Form 70
Appenidix3 Reference Request Letter 71
Appendix 4 Personal Data Form 72
Appendix 5 Letter of Appointment 74
Appendix 6 Standard Contract of Employment 75
Appendix 7 Oath of Confidentiality and Secrecy 77
Appendix 8 New Hire Orientation Checklist 78

12 Human Resources Policy Manual

Appendix 9 Leave Application Form 79
Appendix 10 Staff Performance and Development Appraisal (Tools ) 80
Appendix 10.1 Gaken Foundation Staff Appraisal Form 81
Appendix 11 Extension/Renewal of contract Letter 85
Appendix 12 Personnel Action Form 86
Appendix 13 Record of verbal warning 87
Appendix 14 Warning Notice 88
Appendix 15 First Warning letter 89
Appendix 16 Second/Final Warning Letter 90
Appendix 17 Suspension Letter 91
Appendix 18 Dismissal Letter 92
Appendix 19 Disciplinary Action Form 93
Appendix 20 Disciplinary Appeal Form 94
Appendix 21 Formal Grievance Form 95
Appendix 22 Employee Exit Interview Form 96
Appendix 23 Certificate of Service 98

Human Resources Policy Manual 1

Gaken Foundation Gaken Foundation
BOD Board of Directors
C&B Compensation and Benefits
COLA Cost of Living Adjustment
DFA Director Finance & Administration
DP Director of Programmes
ED Executive Director
EDP Employee Development Plan
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity
HR Human Resources
HRD Human Resources Development
HRM Human Resources Management
IDP Individual Development Plan
JD Job Description
KPI Key Performance Indicator
KPM Key Performance Measures
KSA’s Knowledge, Skills and Abilities
PIP Performance Improvement
PM Performance Management
T&D Training and Development
TNA Training Needs Assessment
WC Workers’ Compensation

14 Human Resources Policy Manual



1.1.1 Introduction to the Human Resource Policy Manual

In the context of the Gaken Foundation (Gaken Foundation), the term “Human Resource”
refers to all people with or without formal professional qualification, employed by or are
volunteers in the organization and contribute to its functions under the direct
responsibility of its management.

Policy guidelines are normally contained in a separate Implementation Manual. They are
meant to guide implementation of the policy document, which is a separate document.
However, these guidelines and procedures have been incorporated with the policy
statements, hence the naming as “Human Resources Policy Manual”.

The Gaken Foundation (Gaken Foundation) Human Resource Policy Manual establishes
policies, procedures, benefits, and working conditions that will be followed by all
employees as a condition of their employment at the Organization. The Code of Conduct
describes the expected actions and behaviors of employees while conducting Gaken
Foundation business

1.1.2 Purpose of the Policy Manual

The human resource is a very important asset of an organization. It is therefore

important that this asset is well governed and managed. The Policy Manual, therefore,
serves to ensure that on one side the human resource is looked after in terms of
respecting their needs and rights as well as providing for their benefits due by virtue of
their engagement. It also, on the other hand, helps to address complaints, problems,
and grievances of employees, and outlines how to solve them appropriately

This Policy Manual aims to provide Gaken Foundation with a useful guide which is
standardized and equitable for management of its personnel. The goal is to define
working conditions that are recognized as impartial and encourage staff to demonstrate a
sincere sense of interest and pride in the organization and its work program, and to use
their best skill sets to fulfil roles assigned to them.

Broadly, this Policy Manual will enable staff of and volunteers working in Gaken Foundation
to understand the nature of the organization, the organization’s expectation of them and
the acceptable as well as the unacceptable behaviors while working in and for the
organization. It will also enable the management of Gaken Foundation understand what
the staff and volunteers working in the organization expect of it.

The policies and procedures outlined herein will be applied at the discretion of Gaken
Foundation. Gaken Foundation therefore reserves the right to withdraw or change the
policies, procedures, benefits, and working conditions described herein at any time, for
any reason, and without prior notice.

Human Resources Policy Manual 1

Gaken Foundation will make every effort to notify employees when an official change in
policy or procedure has been made but employees are responsible for their own up-to-date
knowledge about Gaken Foundation policies, procedures, benefits, and working
conditions. No provision in this Human Resource Policy Manual can be waived without
written permission from the Executive Director, or designee.

Gaken Foundation values talents and abilities of its employees and seeks to foster an
open, cooperative, and dynamic environment in which employees and the organization
alike can thrive. An Open Door Policy is provided which encourages employees to take
problems to the next level of management if they are unable to resolve a situation with
their direct supervisor.

1.1.3 Objectives of the HR Policy Manual

a) In general, the objective of the Human Resource policies manual is to provide

guidelines on employer-employee relationships, spelling out acceptable norms of
behavior, work schedules, health and safety measures, employment modalities,
conflict resolution and disciplinary measures

b) In specific terms it is to:

i. To provide clear guidelines for application of human resources functions and systems.

ii. To maintain consistency and predictability in decision-making.

iii. To ensure transparency and accountability in Human Resources (HR) management

and development.

iv. To promote adherence to the rules and regulations governing employment at Gaken

v. To provide a basis for protecting the rights of the employer and the employee

1.1.4 Scope:

The provisions in the policy manual shall apply to all staff of Gaken Foundation. Except
where expressly not applicable, provisions of this policy also applies to volunteers
working in Gaken Foundation

1.1.5 General guidelines

In order to facilitate implementation, Gaken Foundation management shall:

a) Avail copies of the policy manual to all managers, who in turn, shall make copies
accessible to all employees.

b) Sensitize all managers and all other relevant stakeholders about the Policy Manual.

c) Coordinate and monitor implementation of the Policy Manual and facilitate its reviews.

d) Ensure that line managers and Human Resources personnel, induct all Gaken
Foundation employees on the application of the policies and guidelines herein and
ensure adherence to it.

1.1.6 Compliance

a) Non-compliance with the policies and guidelines is a misconduct liable to disciplinary

action in accordance with the provisions of the disciplinary code.

1.1.7 Policy Manual review

a) The Board shall facilitate Annual review of the Policy Manual and guidelines to
16 Human Resources Policy Manual
ensure that it remains-up-to date.
1.1.8 Implementation

The Executive Director is responsible for the overall implementation of the Manual. A
copy of the Manual shall be available in each department. All staff are required to
read and acquaint themselves with the Manual.

1.1.9 Amendments to the Manual

a) Gaken Foundation Board may amend the Policy Manual or any part hereof as
deemed necessary, aligning it to changes in the legal framework e.g. the
Employment Act or as a result of operational needs.

b) All amendments made and adopted by the Board shall be communicated to staff.


2.1.1 Vision

To bring light to orphans, vulnerable children, teen-mothers and widows for equal

opportunities like any other citizen.

2.1.2 Values and Principles

In Gaken Foundation, conduct and performance are underpinned by the following core values and

a) Empowerment

b) Genuine Partnerships

c) Professionalism

d) Transparency and Accountability

2.1.3 Mission

To uplift the standards of living of orphans and vulnerable children, teen-mothers and widows to fulfil their
inherent potential which consists of unique abilities, identities, interests and social capabilities, all of which we
need to discover, protect and develop; by involving them in a continuous program which we will address in a
holistic fashion.


An Gaken Foundation employee has the duty and responsibility to ensure that he or she behaves
appropriately at work. The expected appropriate conduct at work is here below outlined. It is
not possible to cover every single case of conduct, but Gaken Foundation expects that each
staff will always use his or her best judgement in each situation. Staff are encouraged to reach
out to their respective managers or the Human Resource Manager if faced with any issues for
clarification or have any questions.

2.1.5 Dress code

a) Gaken Foundation’s official dress code is Business Casual/ Smart Casual. However,
Human Resources Policy Manual 1
an employee’s position may also inform how they should dress. If an employee
frequently meets with clients or prospects, he / she is expected to conform to a
more formal dress code.

b) All staff and volunteers working in Gaken Foundation are expected to be clean
when coming to work and avoid wearing clothes that are unprofessional (e.g.
workout clothes.) As long as a staff or volunteer conforms with the guidelines
above, there are no specific expectations about what types of clothes or accessories
is / are won.

c) Grooming styles, clothing and accessories that are dictated by religious beliefs,
ethnicity or disability are respected and permitted.
2.1.6 Employee relationships

It is important and desired that appropriate and harmonious relationships between

employees as well as professional behavior are ensured. The following guideline should
therefore be followed:

a) Fraternization:

i. Refers to dating or being friends with one’s colleagues. In this policy,

“dating” equals consensual romantic relationships and sexual relations.

ii. Non-consensual relationships constitute sexual violence and are strictly prohibited.

b) Dating colleagues

i. If staff starts dating a colleague, they are expected to maintain

professionalism and keep personal discussions outside of the workplace.

c) Dating Managers/Supervisors

i. To avoid accusations of favoritism, abuse of authority and sexual

harassment, supervisors must not date their direct reports. This restriction
extends to every

manager/supervisor above an employee. Also, if one acts as a hiring manager, he

/ she isn’t allowed to hire the partner to his/her team. He / She can refer their
partners for employment to other teams or departments where they don’t have
any managerial or hiring authority

d) Friendships at work

i. Employees who work together may naturally form friendships either in or

outside of the workplace. Gaken Foundation encourages this relationship
between peers, as it can help them communicate and collaborate. But each
staff is expected to focus on his/her work and keep personal disputes outside of
the workplace.

2.1.7 Employment of relatives

a) Everyone at Gaken Foundation should be hired, recognized or promoted because of

their skills, character and work ethic. Gaken Foundation does not tolerate
phenomena of tribalism, nepotism, favoritism or conflicts of interest. There will be
some restrictions on hiring employees’ relatives. Any suspicion of influence peddling
or practice of tribalism, nepotism, favoritism or any other conflict of interest shall be
investigated and if confirmed both parties involved shall face disciplinary actions.

b) At Gaken Foundation, a “relative” is someone who is related by blood or marriage to

an employee. This includes: parents, grandparents, in-laws, spouses or domestic
18 Human Resources Policy Manual
partners, children, grandchildren, siblings, uncles, aunts, nieces, nephews, step-
children and adopted children.

c) An employee, may refer his/her relatives to work with or in Gaken Foundation under
the following four conditions.

i. The staff must not be involved in a supervisory/reporting relationship with

a relative.

ii. A staff cannot be transferred, promoted or hired inside a reporting

relationship with a relative.

iii. A staff cannot be part of a hiring committee, when his/her relative is

interviewed for that position.
iv. If a staff becomes related to a manager or direct report after both are
already employed by Gaken Foundation, one of the two may have to be

2.1.8 Workplace visitors

a) If a staff invites a personal visitor or personal visitors to Gaken Foundation offices,

he or she is required to first obtain clearance for entry from the Security Office .

i. The inviting officer should also inform front-office of his/her expected visitor .

ii. Visitors should sign in and show identification.

iii. They will receive passes and will be asked to return them to front-office once
their visit is complete.

b) Any staff who has office visitors, also has the following responsibilities.

i. Always attend to his/her visitors at all times (especially when they are underage).

ii. Keep his /her visitors away from areas with dangerous machines,
chemicals, confidential records or sensitive equipment.

iii. Prevent his/her visitors from participation in organization activities while

on Gaken Foundation premises.

c) Anyone who delivers orders, mail or packages should remain at reception or gate.

i. If any staff is expecting a delivery, front office will notify the staff so that
he/she may collect it.

2.1.9 Solicitation and distribution

a) Solicitation:

i. Is any form of requesting money, support or participation in organizations or

causes which are not related to Gaken Foundation business (e.g. asking petition


b) Distribution:

i. Means disseminating literature or material for commercial or political

purposes. Solicitation and distribution by employees at Gaken Foundation
workplace are prohibited.

ii. However, an employee may solicit from colleagues only when he / she want to:

Human Resources Policy Manual 1

• Ask to help organize events for another employee

• (e.g. Funeral arrangements).

• Seek support for a cause, charity or fundraising event sponsored, funded,

organized or authorized by Gaken Foundation

2.1.10 Other employment

a) Gaken Foundation employees shall not take on other permanent paid employment
outside the organization while they remain in employment with Gaken Foundation.

2.1.11 Use of Gaken Foundation Property and Assets

a) All Gaken Foundation property is primarily for meeting the goals and objectives of the
organization. Private use of Gaken Foundation assets/property is allowed under the
discretion of the Executive Director and when there is no competing need for use by
the organization at the time
2.1.12 Implementation of the Code of Conduct

The Code of conduct forms part of the Employment Contract at Gaken Foundation, which is
signed by all staff members. All staff members must abide by the Code of Conduct in letter
and spirit.


a) Gaken Foundation Conflict of Interest Policy is designed to ensure the highest

level of ethical conduct of persons employed by or involved in the governance
of Gaken Foundation and to avoid perceptions and consequences detrimental to
Gaken Foundation that could arise from the real or perceived misuse of an
individual’s position or influence.

b) Any member of management team who has an actual or perceived conflict of

interest with Gaken Foundation shall notify the Executive Director of such
conflict in writing, and staff members shall notify the Finance Director or HR

c) A conflict of interest is defined as an interest that might affect, or appear

to affect, the judgment or conduct of an individual associated with Gaken
A conflict of interest may exist when the real or potential interests of any
director, or staff member, or close relative, or any individual, group or
organization to which he or she has allegiance, competes with the
interests of Gaken Foundation, or may impair such person’s loyalty to
Gaken Foundation.

d) For example, a conflict of interest may exist if such person:

i. Has business or financial interest in any third party dealing with Gaken Foundation

ii. Holds office, serves on a Board or is employed by any third party dealing
with Gaken Foundation.

iii. Derives financial gain from transaction(s) involving Gaken Foundation.

iv. Receives non-monetary gifts from any third party above a reasonable value,
unless they are made available to the whole team, or placed in a common

20 Human Resources Policy Manual

v. Engages in any outside activity that will materially affect obligations to Gaken
Foundation, competes with Gaken Foundation’s activities, jeopardizes Gaken
Foundation’s reputation or on-going
work in region, involves Gaken Foundation equipment, supplies or facilities, or
implies Gaken Foundation support of the activity

vi. Should a change in circumstances arise in the course of employment that

might trigger a conflict of interest, staff undertake to spontaneously inform
their Line Manager or Executive Director.


2.3.0 Introduction

This part of the Policy is meant to:

a) Define fraudulent and corrupt activities and

b) increase awareness about fraudulence and corruption.

c) Encourage prevention of fraudulence and corruption.

d) Define standards of personal conduct for the organization.

e) Define the responsibilities at different levels.

f) Promote and understand methods of detection;

g) Identify a clear pathway for the investigation and reporting of fraud and corruption.

2.3.1 Definitions

a) Fraud: The term fraud is used to describe a whole range of activities such as
deception, bribery, forgery, extortion, theft, conspiracy, embezzlement,
misappropriation, false representation, concealment of material facts and collusion. It
involves the act of deceit against the organization in order to obtain a personal or
collective advantage, avoid an obligation or cause a loss.

b) Corruption: Involves the act of dishonestly obtaining an advantage from a third

party by abusing an entrusted power for private gain.

c) Neither fraud nor corruption are restricted to monetary or material benefit, but could
also include intangible benefits such as status or information.

d) Fraud covers a wide range of activity including (but not exclusive to):

Theft of assets, misappropriation of funds, misuse of the organization’s assets (e.g.

using Gaken Foundation automobile privately without permission), deception (e.g.
misrepresentation of qualifications to obtain employment), theft from a partner,
customer or supplier, theft or misuse of proprietary data, theft of Intellectual
property, providing favors to government officials to pursue personal or Gaken
Foundation goal, providing contracts to third parties for the provider’s personal

2.3.2 General Provisions

a) Gaken Foundation is committed to an effective approach to the management of the

risk of fraud and corruption in all its operations. Gaken Foundation has a zero-
tolerance principle to fraud and corruption. As an organization that condemns and
fights corruption, this being one of the key drivers of poverty, environmental
degradation and bad governance, Gaken Foundation requires its own staff at all

Human Resources Policy Manual 2

times to act and comply with its zero-tolerance principle by fully conforming to all
procedures and policies adopted to prevent corruption and fraud in its offices.

b) All staff and volunteers should therefore be irreproachable in their personal conduct.
Fraud and corruption are an ever-present threat to Gaken Foundation’s assets and
reputation and so must be a concern of all members of staff and volunteers. Where
there is any evidence or possibility of fraudulent or corrupt activities, Gaken
Foundation will deal with it in a firm and controlled manner

c) Gaken Foundation seeks, at all times, to deal with its employees, volunteers,
partners, supporters and suppliers with honesty and integrity. The organization
expects these individuals to treat each other in the same way. Behavior that falls
short of the required standards is not acceptable. Where such behavior is suspected
it will be investigated and, where proven, legal and/or disciplinary action will be

d) All staff of Gaken Foundation at the headquater and its field offices have the duty and
responsibility of ensuring that appropriate measures are in place to prevent, deter,
detect and communicate potential fraud and corruption.

e) In all cases, if any employee has any concerns as to whether actions may be
fraudulent or corrupt, they should first review the issue against the policies set out
in this Manual and if the situation remains unclear seek advice from the Executive
2.3.3 Prevention:

Gaken Foundation seeks to regulate the actions of staff and to ensure that appropriate
procedures are in place to prevent fraud and corruption.

The framework for regulating these actions is provided by the procedure manual issued by
Gaken Foundation for general use or manuals issued for specific offices / departments.

The areas regulated are:

a) Travel and expense policies,

b) Management and control of vehicle usage,

c) Management and control of the use of consultants,

d) Ensuring adequate segregation of duties where required,

e) Employment contracts,

f) Standard for recruitment and IT policies.

Although the Gaken Foundation Executive Director bears overall responsibility for establishing,
maintaining and ensuring the enforcement of a sound system of internal control,
administratively these responsibilities fall directly to line managers and involves all of Gaken
Foundation’s employees, including staff in field offices

2.3.4 Personal Conduct

Gaken Foundation employees must have, and be seen to have, high standards of personal
integrity. They should not accept or offer gifts, hospitality or benefits of any kind to or from an
Gaken Foundation third party that might be seen to compromise their integrity or to be
benefiting the person offering the service or the recipient personally and/or at the cost of
Gaken Foundation’s reputation.

In particular, it is Gaken Foundation policy that under no circumstances should any payments
22 Human Resources Policy Manual
or anything of value be made, promised or offered to any government employee in
contravention of applicable laws in the country. Furthermore, no assistance, payments or
anything of value (monetary or non-monetary) should be made, promised, offered to, or
accepted to or from any government employee or official in order to:

a) Influence any official government act or decision;

b) Induce any employee or partners or official to do or omit to do any act in violation of

his/her lawful duty;

c) Obtain or retain business for, or direct business to any individual or entity.

d) In addition, all staff should follow the Code of Conduct at all times and ensure that
there is no conflict of interest in their activities. This Code is set out in Chapter One
of this Manual and provides guidance in this area.

2.3.5 Executive Directors ’s responsibilities

The ED has specific responsibility for the promotion of an anti-fraud/corruption environment

and is responsible for:

a) Providing guidance on the measures to be taken by supervisors/manages in order to

implement this policy.

b) Managers and staff have the necessary training in order to comply with their obligations.
c) Arranging for reported incidents of actual or suspected fraud/corruption to be
promptly and appropriately investigated in conjunction with the appropriate
supervisors / managers.

d) Ensure that appropriate legal and/or disciplinary action is taken against the
perpetrators of actual or attempted fraud or corruption as well as those accomplices
in such acts.

e) Reporting incidents of fraud/corruption to the Board (through the FAARM Committee).

2.3.6 Line Managers’ responsibilities

Line Managers are responsible for:

a) Assessing the types of fraud and corruption risk involved in the operations for which
they are responsible.

b) Ensuring that an adequate system of internal control exists within their areas of
responsibility and that these controls are effective.

c) Ensuring that all staff reporting to them fully understand the internal control system
in place and that they adhere to these control procedures at all times

d) Line Managers should be alert to the possibility that unusual events or transactions
could be symptoms of fraud or corruption. Managers should ensure that satisfactory
controls are in place and be alert to any “red flags” that come to their attention.

e) Particular examples of such “red flags” include but not limited to: Unusual or
inadequately documented payments, misuse of fuel, purchases which have not
passed through the normal procedure for obtaining estimates, excessive rates of
remuneration paid to suppliers, regular use of the same service providers /vendors

2.3.7 Staff responsibilities

Every member of Gaken Foundation staff has a duty to ensure that the organization’s assets
and funds are safeguarded and to report immediately if they suspect a fraud has been
Human Resources Policy Manual 2
committed or they see any suspicious acts or events.

a) In addition, they should alert their respective Line Managers where they believe that
the opportunity for fraud or corruption exists because of weak procedures or the lack
of effective oversight.

b) Staff should assist in any investigation by making available all relevant information
and by co-operating with investigators (e.g., interviews, provision of documentation,

2.3.8 Reporting suspected Fraud

Where any member of staff suspects a fraudulent or corrupt act has been or is being
committed s/he should immediately report it to the Executive Director.

a) This may be done directly or via the employee’s line manager.

b) The ED will ensure that the allegation is promptly and appropriately investigated.

c) If the employee feels unable to report the allegation through these channels, then
he/ she should use Gaken Foundation’s Whistle Blower Policy to do this.

2.3.9 Investigating suspected Fraud

It is the ED’s responsibility to ensure that each allegation is appropriately and promptly
investigated in accordance with the response plan.
a) The ED should ensure the Board and the FAARM Committee are kept aware of
developments as appropriate.

b) As a minimum requirement the ED should report at the end of any investigation of

fraud or corruption: Details of what has taken place, the loss to the organization (if
any), how it was detected and the likely reasons this fraudulent or corrupt act was
able to take place. Action taken (if any) to deal with the persons involved in the fraud
or corruption.

c) Action taken to recover lost assets and funds where applicable. Lessons learned and
actions taken to prevent recurrence of such fraudulent or corrupt activities.

d) Proven fraudulent or corrupt activity by an employee will be treated as gross

misconduct and appropriate disciplinary action will always be taken. In any event,
whether an outsider or an employee commits the fraud, Gaken Foundation may also
initiate civil action to recover the losses.


a) The whistle blower policy provides a mechanism for the reporting of illegal activity or
the misuse of Gaken Foundation’s assets while protecting the employees who make
such reports from retaliation

2.4.1 Questionable Conduct.

a) This is a situation in which an employee suspects another employee to have engaged

in illegal acts or questionable conduct involving Gaken Foundation assets.

b) This conduct might include outright theft (of equipment or cash), fraudulent expense
reports, miss-statements of any accounts to any manager or to Gaken Foundation
auditors, or even an employee’s conflict of interest that results in financial harm to
Gaken Foundation but also extends to acts of corruption.

c) Gaken Foundation encourages staff to report such questionable conduct and has

24 Human Resources Policy Manual

established a system that allows them to do so anonymously if necessary

2.4.2 Making a Report.

a) If an employee suspects illegal conduct or conduct involving misuse of Gaken

Foundation assets or in violation of the law, he or she may report it, anonymously if
the employee wishes, and will be protected against any form of harassment,
intimidation, discrimination or retaliation for making such a report in good faith.

b) Employees can make a report to any of the following executives at any time:
Executive Director Finance Director, or HR officer.

c) Their names and contact information are available on the Gaken Foundation Intranet
site and at the end of this policy statement.

d) Reports can be made by telephone or in writing.

e) Gaken Foundation will promptly conduct an investigation into matters reported,

keeping the informant’s identity as confidential as possible, consistent with the
organization’s obligation to conduct a full and fair investigation.

f) All reports received either directly or via the Whistle-blowing hotline will be passed
to the Gaken Foundation Audit Committee.

g) This Committee is independent of management and reports to the Gaken Foundation

Board of Directors.
h) Gaken Foundation Whistleblower Hot line shall always be the reigning FAARM
Committee Chairperson’s contact address: Tel +256……………………and Email…………………

2.4.3 Whistleblower protection

The General Principle is of ”No Retaliation”

a) An employee who has made a report of suspicious conduct and who subsequently
believes he or she has been subjected to retaliation of any kind by any Gaken
Foundation employee is directed to immediately report it to the Human Resource

b) If the Human Resource Officer is the one against whom the whistleblowing occurred
or is the one accused of causing or facilitating retaliation or appears to show no
interest in acting on the report of retaliation, the whistleblower is encourage to
escalate the matter to the Executive Director.

c) Reports of retaliation will be investigated promptly in a manner intended to protect

confidentiality as much as practicable, consistent with a full and fair investigation.

d) The party conducting the investigation will notify the employee of the results of the

e) Gaken Foundation strongly disapproves of and will not tolerate any form of
retaliation against employees who report concerns in good faith.

f) Any employee who engages in retaliation will be subject to discipline including



2.5.0 General Provisions

a) Gross professional misconduct, such as theft, fraud, dishonesty, harassment,

violence, deliberate falsification of reports, willful damage to property, unsatisfactory
Human Resources Policy Manual 2
performance, insubordination among others, is illegal and will be subject to

b) Harassment, whether based on color, national or ethnic origin, religion, age, family
or marital status, sex, sexual orientation or disability, is prohibited.

c) Workplace harassment includes offensive, intimidating, demeaning, hurtful, malicious

or threatening comments or conduct towards another person, expressed or
demonstrated repeatedly

d) In the case of gross professional misconduct or harassment, Gaken Foundation

reserves the right to take legal action, dismiss a staff member and terminate the
contract with immediate effect.

e) The workplace is not simply defined as Gaken Foundation’s offices and properties. It
also extends to harassment that occurs at meetings, conferences, or when travelling
for business.

2.5.1 Line Manager responsibility:

a) The respective line manager must discuss any behavior that could be considered as
harassment with the employee, and take corrective action.

b) When a case of gross professional misconduct/harassment is reported to HRO S/he

must raise it with the Executive Director
2.5.2 Human Resource Officer:

The Human Resource Officer shall:

a) Inform all new staff about professional conduct during the orientation.

b) shall be informed of all cases of harassment.

c) Shall cause the investigation of any reported case of harassment and any such
reported case shall be subject to disciplinary procedures.

d) Shall be responsible for raising the case, if appropriate, with the Executive Director
and shall file a written report for the staff member’s file.

e) Will take appropriate action as in 2.5.2 (b) above and assist the Executive Director
in pursuance of such other actions therefrom in line with the Employment Act (2006)
or as amended,

2.5.3 Employees Harassment:

a) Employee harassment is any unwelcome conduct to an employee by either fellow

employee or anybody in management of the organization, including supervisors, that
may be based on personal attitude resulting from personal conflicts, race, age,
gender segregation, tribalism, race, disability, political or religious differences.

b) Any harassment that becomes continuous and is pervasive and severe enough to
become intimidative, hostile or abusive is particularly unacceptable in Gaken

c) In general, harassment must be reported, within one week of its occurrence. It is

known that persons intimidated by repeated harassment may take longer to gain the
courage to report.

d) Harassment should be reported to the Line Manager, or if the staff member does not
feel comfortable with this should report to Human Resource Officer and in special

26 Human Resources Policy Manual

cases as in 2.5.2 (e).


a) At Gaken Foundation, staff personal records are kept private, safe and up-to-date
and personal information is treated with great respect.

b) The HR is committed to respecting each staff member’s right to privacy and utmost
confidentiality regarding his/her personal and professional life.

c) Staff members’ personal files and the information contained therein, which are held
in the Finance & Administration Department and HR Department, are property of
Gaken Foundation


Gaken Foundation recognizes the magnitude and severity of the development of HIV/AIDS
epidemic worldwide. Gaken Foundation is committed to implementation of policies on
HIV/AIDS, which will lead to non-discrimination, heightened awareness, better prevention and
health support.

2.6.1 Non-Discrimination

a) Consistent with its policy to provide a work environment for its employees free from
harassment and/or discrimination, Gaken Foundation will manage situations related
to HIV and AIDS by the following principles:

i. Will not discriminate against colleagues or applicants having, perceived as

having,living with or otherwise affected by HIV or AIDS.

ii. Will treat HIV/AIDS the same as other illnesses in terms of employee
policies, benefits and leaves of absence.

iii. Will ensure that staff adhere to its non-discrimination policy with respect
to people suffering from HIV/AIDS, or else face disciplinary action.

2.6.2 HIV Testing, Confidentiality and Disclosure:

a) Gaken Foundation encourages employees to take regular, confidential, voluntary

testing and counseling.

b) HIV and AIDS will be treated confidentially, as are all other medical conditions, in
accordance with Gaken Foundation policies.

c) Staff are encouraged to seek guidance from the medical professionals during
counseling on relevant notification of the employer or partners.

d) Gaken Foundation will not require staff, their dependents, job applicants or other
third parties to undergo compulsory HIV testing as a condition of employment or
receipt of benefits.

2.6.3 Promoting a Safe Work Environment:

a) Gaken Foundation is committed to providing a work environment that protects the

health and safety of its employees. This commitment recognizes that HIV/AIDS
cannot be transmitted through casual contact.

b) Employees who know the facts about HIV infection and AIDS are less likely to react
negatively or inappropriately to a colleague’s illness.

c) Therefore, Gaken Foundation will minimize the risk of HIV infection in the workplace
through ensuring that HIV/AIDS information is included in first-aid training and that
Human Resources Policy Manual 2
staff have access to training and awareness on the use of infection control measures
at work.

d) As knowledge of one’s HIV status, Gaken Foundation shall facilitate early seeking of
care and treatment, hence improving of health of the infected person and protection
of potential sexual partners, employees will be encouraged to take HIV tests as
provided for in 2.6.2 (a)

2.6.4 Education and Awareness:

a) Gaken Foundation will ensure that staff have access to print, video or computer-
based communication strategies to promote medically accurate, relevant information
on HIV/ AIDS prevention and treatment and information on effective safety

2.6.5 Access to Treatment and Care:

a) In line with clause 2.6.4.(d), Gaken Foundation will encourage any employee who
tests positive for HIV seek adequate care and treatment, which may include anti-
retroviral therapy, if prescribed by the health workers, and other approved
medications, through the medical insurance schemes Gaken Foundation has
subscribed to.

b) Should the prescribed medication not be within the package of care of the insurance
scheme, the staff will be encouraged to seek further or additional treatment from the
public facility that provides the missing service or treatment.

The Gaken Foundation (Gaken Foundation) Child Protection Policy is read in tandem with the
Gaken Foundation Employee Code of Conduct as part of the overall Human Resource Policy. It
is with international and national legal frameworks to ensure that the children that we work/
interact with are protected from all forms of child abuse (namely: physical, emotional, sexual,
neglect and exploitation). It is, therefore, mandatory that all Gaken Foundation staff and
volunteers read this policy and adhere to these standards at all times and promote the rights
and dignity of a children, empower children and reduce vulnerability of a child as enshrined in
the Universal declaration of Human Rights,1948; United Nation Convention on the rights of a
child 1989 Article 19; African Union Charter on the Rights and welfare of child 1999;
Constitution of the Republic of Uganda 1995 Article 34; and other International ,Regional and
National laws on the rights and welfare of a child.

In this policy a child is defined according to UNCRC, as “any individual under the age of 18,
irrespective of local country definitions of when a child reaches adulthood.”


Gaken Foundation ‘s Child Protection policy is binding to all staff (regardless of type of
employment contract), Volunteers, Consultants, Contractors and Interns and any other entity
Gaken Foundation is engaged with both at work place and their private life. It is as well
applied retrospectively to all Gaken Foundation staff, Consultants, Contractors, Volunteers and
Interns. It applies to all environments of Gaken Foundation’s work; including offices both
headquarter and field offices, field activities and all Gaken Foundation programs. The
adherence to the policy will be reviewed as part of staff performance management
(appraisals), internal audits. It is the responsibility of all staff to adhere to the policy shall lie
with the board while its implementation will be overseen by the Human Resources unit and
senior management.


28 Human Resources Policy Manual

a) Child labour: Child labour refers to any work that deprives children of their
childhood, their potential and dignity and that is harmful to physical and mental
development. In extreme forms, may involve enslavement, separation from their
families, exposure to serious hazards and illnesses and/or left to fend for
themselves; therefore,

b) Child neglect: the persistent failure of a parent or caregiver to provide the basic
Physical and psychological needs of the child likely to result in impairment of a
child’s Health and Development. It may occur during pregnancy (e.g., Substance
abuse, lack of attendance of care to ensure health development of child) or after
birth and may involve failure to; provide adequate food, clothing and shelter
(including exclusion from home or abandonment).

c) Child deprivation: A deprived child is a child who is not given proper prenatal care,
control, education, or other care and control necessary for the physical and
emotional well-being of the child. The term may also refer to a destitute, homeless
or abandoned child; a child without a parent or guardian.

d) Sexual Exploitation: the act of using a minor child for profit, labor, sexual
gratification, or some other personal or financial advantage. It often results in cruel
or harmful treatment of the child, as the activities he or she may be forced to
engage in can cause emotional, physical, and social problems

e) Sexual Abuse: is when a younger or less powerful person is used by an older or more
powerful child, youth or adult for sexual gratification. Sexual abuse can be contact
or non-contact. Contact Sexual Abuse includes Touched in sexual areas (mouth,
breasts, buttocks, anus, and genital area), Forced to touch another’s sexual areas.
f) Child marriage: A informal or formal union of a child below 18years with an adult or
another child before the girl is physically and psychologically ready for the
responsibilities of marriage and childbearing

g) Female genital Mutilation: This involves the partial or total removal of external
female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical
reasons. The practice has no health benefits for girls and women. FGM is mostly
carried out on young girls between infancy and age of 15. Thus, representing a
violation of the human rights of girls and women.

h) Child Trafficking: form of child exploitation or modern slavery where children are
tricked to leave their home and moved to other locations and exploited as; domestic
labour, forced transactional sex, forced begging, forced organ removal, forced
criminality and forced marriages

i) Child Sacrifice: the ritualistic killing of children in order to please or appease a deity,
supernatural beings, or sacred social order, tribal, group or national loyalties in order
to achieve a desired result

j) Child Slavery: Child slavery is the enforced exploitation of a child for someone else’s
gain, meaning the child will have no way to leave the situation or person exploiting

k) Physical abuse: when a person in a position of trust or authority purposefully injures

or threatens to injure a child

l) Emotional abuse: Persistent attack on a child’s self-esteem by a person in a position

of trust or authority. Rejecting, degrading, isolating, terrorizing, corrupting, ignoring,
and exploiting are all forms of emotional abuse.

Human Resources Policy Manual 2

m) Grooming: is when an individual deliberately tries to gain a child’s trust for the
purpose of carrying out sexual abuse or exploitation.


a) Treat all children fairly, and with respect and dignity, regardless of race, color, sex,
language, religion, political or other opinion, national, ethnic or social origin,
property, disability, birth or other status.

a) The employee will always seek to care for and protect the rights of children, and act
in a manner that ensures that their best interests shall be the paramount

b) Uphold the integrity of Gaken Foundation, by ensuring that his/her personal and
professional conduct is, and is seen to be, of the highest standard.

a) The employee will demonstrate integrity, truthfulness, dedication and honesty in my

actions. I will be patient, respectful and courteous to all persons with whom I deal in
any capacity, including children.

b) The employee further recognizes that his/her personal conduct will reflect on Gaken
Foundation’s reputation and may impact on community perceptions; therefore,
he/she will refrain from inappropriate behavior that may be compromising or
detrimental to Gaken Foundation.

c) Safeguard and make responsible use of the information and resources to which
he/she has access by reason of employment with Gaken Foundation.
The employee shall:

Exercise due care in all matters of official business, and not divulge any confidential
information about a child and other work-related matters in accordance with the staff
regulations and rules and current guidelines.

Protect, manage and utilize Gaken Foundation human, financial and material resources appropriately.

a) Never use Gaken Foundation resources to exploit or harass children or access child

b) Before photographing or filming a child, obtain consent from the child or parent or
guardian of the child. As part of this, I must explain how the photograph or film will
be used.

c) Also comply with local traditions or restrictions for reproducing personal images.
Ensure photographs, films, videos and DVDs present children in a dignified and
respectful manner and not in a vulnerable or submissive manner. Children shall be
adequately clothed and not in poses that could be seen as sexually suggestive.

d) Ensure images are honest representations of the context and the facts.

e) Ensure file labels do not reveal identifying information about a child.

d) Refrain from any involvement in criminal/unethical activities, activities that

contravene human rights or compromise the image and interests of Gaken

The employee:

a) Shall neither support nor take part in any form of illegal, exploitative or abusive activities,
including, for example, child labor, child pornography and trafficking of human
beings and commodities.

30 Human Resources Policy Manual

b) Shall not engage children under the age of 18 in any form of sexual activity
including paying for sexual services and drug abuse.

c) Shall not use Ignorance or mistaken belief of the child’s age as an excuse or a defense.

d) Understands that failure to report abuse/ exploitation of a child that he/she is aware
of could lead to disciplinary action against him/her.


2.7.4 Child Protection at level of Human Resources management (Employment Cycle)

a) Training of staff on child protection (prevention, identification and management)

b) Assign child protection focal person who deals with matters of staff training,
overseeing policy implementation, reporting and any other matters related to child

c) Child protection requirements clearly included in job adverts and job descriptions

d) Assessment of knowledge of and record on child protection during recruitment

e) Child protection as critical part of induction

f) Every staff receives policy on child protection and signs commitment to implement
the policy

g) Display of information on child protection to continuously remind staff

h) Review of adherence to child protection policy is part of performance reviews

i) Offenses of child abuse among staff expressly investigated and punished accordingly.

2.7.5 Child Protection at the Level of Programming

The objective is to ensure safer programming environment that impacts positively on children: the
following shall be taken into consideration;

a) All programs to be assessed for child protection

b) All programs shall be sensitive of child protection and no program shall cause harm
to children

c) Design and execution of a program shall provide for child protection

d) Program activities are carried out in a way that promote rights, dignity of children
and empowers children on their rights

e) Staff implementing program activities are well versed on this policy and apply it in
their day-to-day work

f) Every program has well established complaint mechanism for beneficiaries and other
stakeholders raise concerns on child protection

g) When working with children, they are informed about their rights and are made to
actively participate; and raise concerns regarding to their protection

h) Decisions on children shall be made with their participation as far as possible

i) Children shall not be engaged in program activities that constitute child labour by
project staff and contractors

2.7.6 Child protection and fundraising

Human Resources Policy Manual 3

Child protection in working with Others (Donors, Contractors; - consultants, suppliers, vendors,
Volunteers, Interns & Visitors)

a) All our partners including visitors shall be made aware of this policy

b) Assessment of child protection history shall form part of contracting

c) Partners shall be expected to demonstrate child protection in their works

d) This policy shall be part of MOU with our partners

e) Where a partner does not have child protection policy and has gaps in the same,
Gaken Foundation shall provide training on Child Protection for her partners

f) Partner staff working with Gaken Foundation shall sign to Gaken Foundation child
Protection policy

g) Any child protection concerns among partner staff shall be investigated according to
this policy

h) Partners shall be expected to exhibit minimum child protection standards

i) No contractor shall use a child to accomplish her assignment where the amount of
work to be done by a child qualifies to be classified as child labour

j) Contractors shall make sure their work environment does not expose children to any
form of abuse

k) Partners shall agree to share information and knowledge with Gaken Foundation to
improve child protection

All staff and partners of Gaken Foundation are obliged to identify, report a) staff and any
person involved in child abuse b) a child that is experiencing abuse whether or not the
perpetuator is known; and investigate cases of child abuse. Therefore, staff are expected to be
aware of obvious indicators of a child being abused; this include;

a) Physical Signs: Bruises, burns, fractures, irritability, frequent hunger, unexplained weight
loss, any sexually transmitted infections and poor hygiene. Multiple bruises, Bruises
of various stages of healing, bruises located on unusual parts of the body (face, neck,
ears buttocks, back, chest etc.) unexplained injuries and injuries inconsistent with
child’s age

b) Behavioral Signs: showing little or no emotion when hurt, being withdrawn,

anxiousness, wariness of parent or guardian, Alcohol and or drug misuse, age-
inappropriate sexual behavior, stealing food, Extreme Apprehensiveness or
Vigilance; Avoiding touch or flinching easily, excessive friendliness to strangers; fear
of going home

c) Disclosure – if the child tells you they have been abused.

2.7.8 Reporting Mechanism:

a) Gaken Foundation shall have Internal (within the organization) and external (outside
the organization to relevant local authority) reporting systems.

b) All staff at field level shall report suspected cases of child abuse to the project
manager or his/her designate child protection focal persons.

c) Whereas suspected case of child abuse that falls outside the mandate of Gaken
Foundation for example abuse not related to Gaken Foundation staff, abuse of child
32 Human Resources Policy Manual
by a parent or any person outside Gaken Foundation shall be reported to the local

d) It shall be the responsibility of the project Manager or his/her designate to report

suspected child abuse by non-Gaken Foundation staff to the local authority

e) Project manager shall inform the overall focal person, who shall be HR manager of
the organization of any suspected cases of child abuse

f) Cases of child abuse shall be reported using retrievable means i.e by writing as a
report, short text messages, emails etc.

g) To avoid blackmail a staff reporting any case of suspected child abuse shall have
adequate evidence before making such a claim against colleague or any person

2.7.9 Non-reporting of Suspected Case of child abuse:

Any staff that does not report any member of staff, contractor, consultant, volunteer, intern,
any person outside the organization (member of community, community leader, a parent etc.)
and or does not report about any child experiencing abuse is in contravention of this policy
and is liable to disciplinary proceedings

2.8. Investigation of Suspected cases of child abuse:

h) Project manager shall constitute a team to conduct preliminary investigation of

suspected case of child abuse involving staff and shall update the focal person of the

i) Confirmed cases of child abuse shall be referred to the focal person for further
j) Suspected cases of child abuse involving Gaken Foundation contractors, donors and
other significant partners shall be referred to focal person for appropriate

k) In investigating cases of suspected child abuse Gaken Foundation with the approval
of Executive Director and at the request of focal person may seek the assistance of
an expert in investigating cases of child abuse

Response to confirmed cases of child abuse:

a) The minimal punishment of child abuse in Gaken Foundation shall be summary dismissal

b) Where the abuse is grave e.g. Sexual abuse such as defilement; child slavery, child
sacrifice, child trafficking, the dismissed staff shall be handed over to relevant
authority for further reprimand

2.8.1 Management of Abused child:

Since Gaken Foundation has limited expertise in management of abused child;

a) Referral to appropriate professionals and organizations

b) Offer of appropriate support to those involved in management of cases of child

abuse and these may include; Counselling, legal and medical support

c) Where possible Gaken Foundation shall offer material and financial support as part of
the management

Malicious Allegation of child abuse:

a) Any staff that bring against a colleague or any person malicious allegations of child

Human Resources Policy Manual 3

abuse shall be liable to disciplinary proceeding

b) Such malicious allegations shall be punishable by warning, or dismissal from the



Board of Directors

a) Responsible for approval of the policy

b) Ensure the policy is integral part of the organizations’ processes

c) Responsible for sanctioning review of the policy with recommendation of the senior
management team

Senior Management Team (Led by ED)

a) Recommend review and revision of the policy

b) Responsible for overall implementation of the policy, ensuring its application in

human resources practices, programming and contracting and out sourcing of

c) Provide the enabling environment for the implementation of the policy

Focal person (HR Unit)

a) Training of staff, partners and visitors on the policy

b) Each staff signs and receives a copy (either in hard or soft) of the policy

c) Day to day implementation of the policy

d) Publicizing the policy in work place including extracts from the policy displayed in
offices, notice boards and other relevant places

e) Ensure availability of updated tools to aid implementation of the policy e.g. risk
assessment tool, checklists to assess history of child abuse in interviews, checklists
to assess programs for child protection, etc.

Program Managers

a) Provides the enabling environment at program kevel for policy implementation

b) Applying the policy in programming; in planning, execution and evaluations

c) Program staff adhere to the policy

d) Day to day implementation at program and field level

e) Training of program staff


a) Adhere to the policy

b) Recommend improvement

c) Participate in review and improvement of the policy

34 Human Resources Policy Manual

Contractors, consultants, volunteers, Interns, suppliers

a) Adhere to the policy

b) Recommend improvement to the policy

Donors and Government Authorities

a) Adhere to the policy

b) Recommend for improvement on the policy based on their own Child protection policy

c) Can participate, contribute and guide in the review process

d) Sponsor review process


a) Adhere to the policy

b) Identify any gaps in the policy and propose improvements


Introduction: This section outlines how information and communication technology is

to be used at Gaken Foundation. It’s the responsibility of all managers across Gaken
Foundation to implement this policy and of each individual staff member to adhere to

This policy will be reviewed annually by HR and the ICT department jointly, and
updated in accordance with the practice and Gaken Foundation business needs.

Purpose: Gaken Foundation has made significant investment in installing and

maintaining its computer systems and networks with access to e-mail and internet
for its use in order to improve efficiency, effectiveness and productivity.

Gaken Foundation will provide employees, and may provide consultants, contractors,
partners and
volunteers (referred to as ‘users’) with full or limited electronic access, depending on
their roles.

This policy section outlines the policies on the use of ICT systems which includes.

a) Internet usage

Gaken Foundation internet is primarily for business. Employees can occasionally use
the institution’s connection for personal purposes as long as they don’t interfere with
their job responsibilities and as long as the usage is for legally and technically
acceptable purpose. Gaken Foundation’s internet and other digital channels of
communication may not be used for propagation of malicious articles, political
confrontation, pornographic viewing and dissemination or any other purpose that
risks putting the organization into disrepute.

Specifically, Gaken Foundation internet connection and any of its other digital
applications may not be used to:

a) Download or upload obscene, offensive or illegal material.

b) Send confidential information to unauthorized recipients.

c) Invade another person’s privacy and gain access to sensitive information.

Human Resources Policy Manual 3

d) Download or upload pirated material or software.

e) Visit potentially dangerous websites that can compromise the organization’s network
and computers’ safety.

f) Perform unauthorized or illegal actions, like hacking, fraud or buying/selling illegal


Employees are expected to temporarily halt personal activities that slow down the organizational
internet connection (e.g. uploading photos) if asked to.

b) Password Policy. The potential threat to the security of these facility requires Gaken
Foundation to ensure it has an appropriate password policy.

The objective is to protect Gaken Foundation’s data and information against loss,
damage and abuse from unauthorized use.

Individual members of staff are responsible for keeping their passwords secure not
divulging them to other users. If an incident happens and it tracked back to your
password, the assumption would be that you were responsible for associated misuse
of the computer system.

Passwords must contain rear characters from English upper or lowercase A to Z,

base digits 0 to 9, Non-alphanumerical characters e. g (!, $,#,%) and be at least
eight characters in length.

c) ICT policy regarding staff who leave Gaken Foundation.

It is in the interest of Gaken Foundation to ensure that only current staff are
registered to use Gaken Foundation’s ICT system and equipment, to avoid potential
security loopholes which may be used to allow access to unauthorized users.

It follows from this that a procedure has been established to ensure the return of all
Gaken Foundation supplied equipment’s and to delete the computer accounts and
email addresses of staff when they leave Gaken Foundation.

Before any non-payroll staff member leave Gaken Foundation, All files in his/her files-store,
which need to be kept for ongoing research or administrative purpose, will be transferred to
a suitable account.

Before a member of staff leaves Gaken Foundation, the leavers line

manager/department administrator must ensure that any equipment supplied by
Gaken Foundation has either been transferred to another member of staff who is to
take over the leavers responsibilities or returned.

d) System Access for Non-Payroll Staff.

Any member of staff, temporary staff, contractor, consultant, volunteer or other

representatives of Gaken Foundation who uses Gaken Foundation’s ICT system, must
comply with this policy.

Access to Gaken Foundation’s ICT systems will only be granted to non-payroll staff
that requires access to Gaken Foundation system in order to perform their role. All
requests must be submitted to local ICT focal person with the approval of the
Executive Director, who will create an account that gives the non-payroll staff
member the level of access appropriate for their role.

2.8.4 Cell phone

Use of cell phones at work is allowed. But it is required that users ensure that use of
communication devices like phones don’t distract users from work or disrupt the workplace.
36 Human Resources Policy Manual
The following few simple rules are to be followed:

a) Cell phones should be used in a manner that supports performance at work

b) Personal calls should be kept brief and made in common area so as not to disturb
others at work.

c) Playing of games or excessive texting on phones are to be avoided while at work.

d) Use of phone for any reason while driving a company vehicle/ motorcycle is prohibited.

e) Use of one’s phone to record confidential organizational information is prohibited.

2.8.5 Policy on the use of e-mails.

a) Email communication is essential to work in Gaken Foundation. Staff should use their
organisational email primarily for work. Use of the organization’s email for personal
purposes is allowed provided it conforms to the provision as for use of internet in
2.1.6 above.

b) Work-related use.

i. A staff of Gaken Foundation, volunteer or somebody doing work for Gaken

Foundation can use the organisational email for work-related purposes without
limitations. For example, a staff can sign up for newsletters and online services
that will help him/her in his or her job or professional growth.

c) Personal use.

i. A staff or Gaken Foundation’s volunteer or somebody doing work for

Gaken Foundation can use Gaken Foundation email for personal reasons
as long as he / she keeps it safe,
and avoids spamming and disclosing confidential information.

ii. In general, users should use strong passwords and be vigilant in catching
emails that carry malware. If any user is not sure that an email received is
safe, he / she should ask the Gaken Foundation’s IT specialists/ Contractor.
2.8.3 Using personal social media at work

a) A staff of Gaken Foundation, volunteer or somebody doing work for Gaken

Foundation is permitted to access personal accounts at work. But the staffs are
expected to act responsibly, according to Gaken Foundations policies and ensure
that they stay productive.

b) Specifically, Gaken Foundation expects the staff, volunteer or somebody doing work for
Gaken Foundation to:

i. Have personal discipline. Avoid getting sidetracked by social platforms.

ii. Ensure others know that personal accounts or statements don’t represent Gaken

iii. Avoid sharing intellectual property or confidential information.

iv. Ask his / her supervisor before sharing Organization information that is
not officially announced.

v. Avoid any defamatory, offensive or derogatory content.

2.8.6 Representing Gaken Foundation through social media

If a staff handles Gaken Foundation’s social media accounts or speak on Gaken Foundation’s
Human Resources Policy Manual 3
behalf, he/she is expected to protect the organization’s image and reputation. Specifically,
he/she should:

a) Be respectful, polite and patient.

b) Avoid speaking on matters outside his/her field of expertise when possible.

c) Follow the organization’s confidentiality policies

d) Coordinate with management when about to share any major-impact content.

e) Correct or remove any misleading or false content as quickly as possible

All staff, consultants, contractors, partners and volunteers are expected to read, understand
and agree to abide by the terms of the Gaken Foundation’s ICT Policy. Any violation of the
policy or part of it may result into disciplinary action including termination of employment (or
contractual/other relationships or even criminal prosecutions.


Gaken Foundation has zero tolerance for sexual harassment. If you have proof, or a justifiable
suspicion, of sexual harassment, in strictest confidence, report to the designated focal person,
HR Officer.

Definition of sexual harassment

Sexual harassment is a specific type of prohibited conduct. Sexual harassment is any

unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature that might reasonably be expected or be perceived to
cause offense or humiliation. Sexual harassment may involve any conduct of a verbal, nonverbal
or physical nature, including written and electronic communications, and may occur between
persons of the same or different genders.

For purposes of this code of conduct sexual harassment entails;

1. a) Direct or indirect requests for sexual intercourse, sexual contact or any other
form of sexual activity that contains; an implied or express promise of preferential
treatment in employment, implied or express threat of detrimental treatment in
employment, implied or express threat about the present or future employment
status of the employee.

2. b) Use of language whether written or spoken of a sexual nature

3. c) Use of visual material of a sexual nature

4. d) Showing physical behavior of a sexual nature

By the employee’s employer or representative of that employer, which directly or

indirectly subjects the employee to behavior that is unwelcome or offensive to that
employee and that either by its nature or through repetition, has a detrimental effect
on that employee’s employment, job performance or job satisfaction.

For purposes of this policy, an employer’s representative is a person who is employed by that
employer, who either has authority over the employee alleging sexual harassment or is in a position
of authority over other employees in the work place of the employee alleging sexual

2.9.1 Sexual harassment can occur in a variety of circumstances, including but not limited to
the following:

• the victim as well as the harasser may be male or female and may not be of the
opposite sex;

38 Human Resources Policy Manual

• the harasser may be either a person having authority over the employee alleging
sexual harassment or a person in a position of authority over other employees in the
work place of the employee alleging sexual harassment.

2.9.2 Complaint process

Staff who feels that they have been sexually harassed or witnessed such
harassment, must report the matter immediately to HR Officer, Supervisor or
designated focal person. All cases of sexual harassment must be reported to the
designated person. Any staff found guilty of sexually harassing colleagues will be
subjected to disciplinary procedure.

2.9.3 Investigating

Gaken Foundation management will conduct a thorough and neutral investigation of

all reported complaints of sexual harassment as soon as is practicable. During an
investigation of allegations related to sexual harassment, Gaken Foundation
management will examine the circumstances, such as the nature of the sexual
advances, and the context in which the alleged incidents occurred. A decision on the
allegations will be made from the facts on a case-by-case basis.

2.9.4 Examples of sexual harassment include, but are not limited to:

a) using language written or verbal or comments of a sexual nature which are unwelcome;

b) unwelcome comments directed at an individual, based on the individual’s gender,

that are abusive in nature,

c) sexually degrading words, verbal abuse of a sexual nature,

d) sexual remarks, flirtations, graphic or suggestive comments about a person’s

body, clothing or behavior,

e) patting, pinching or other unwanted touch of another’s body,

f) uninvited letters, e-mails and telephone calls that are sexually suggestive,

g) unwelcome and offensive sexual advances,

h) solicitation of sexual favours or other sexually related behaviour by promise of rewards,

i) coercion of sexual activity by threat or punishment,

j) the display in the workplace of sexually suggestive objects, magazines,

cartoons, pictures-including nude photographs, videos or films.

2.9.5 Signs of Sexual Harassment.

a) Physical Signs of sexual abuse or exploitation: Sleep disturbances, Bedwetting, Pain

or irritation in genital/anal area, Difficulty walking or sitting, difficultly urinating,
Pregnancy, Positive testing for sexually transmitted disease or HIV, Excessive or injurious

b) Behavioral signs of sexual abuse or exploitation: Sexually promiscuous,

Developmental age-inappropriate sexual play and/or drawings, Cruelty to others,
Cruelty to animals,
Fire setting, Anxious, Withdrawn

c) Physical Signs of mental injury: Frequent psychosomatic complaints (nausea,

stomachache, headache, etc.), Bed-wetting, Self-harm, Speech disorders

Human Resources Policy Manual 3

d) Behavioral of mental injury: Expressing feelings of inadequacy, Fearful of trying new
things, Overly, compliant, Poor peer relationships, Excessive dependence on adults,
Habit disorders (sucking, rocking, etc.), eating disorders

2.9.6 Protection of victims

Gaken Foundation will do everything to protect the privacy of individuals involved to

ensure that the complainant and the accused are treated fairly. Information about
individual complaints shall be strictly confidential.

2.9.7 Prohibition of retaliation

Retaliation against persons who make sexual harassment complaints or who provide
information about such behavior is strictly prohibited. Retaliation could take the form
of physical violence, threats and insults or blackmail or threats of blackmail against
an individual who has made a claim of sexual harassment or witness. Retaliation
amounts to gross misconduct and will be dealt with as per the disciplinary

2.9.8 Implementation of the policy

The policy forms part of the Employment Contract at Gaken Foundation, which is signed by all
staff members. All staff members must abide by the Code of Conduct in letter and spirit.

40 Human Resources Policy Manual




3.1.1These terms and conditions shall be known as Gaken Foundation’s staff Terms and
Conditions of Service.

3.1.2 Each member of staff shall be issued a copy of the Terms and Conditions of service.

3.1.3Management shall also maintain an up-to-date copy of the staff Terms and
Conditions of service that shall be available for staff at a specified time.

3.1.4Ignorance of any of the terms and conditions shall in no way constitute an excuse for
or defense against the violation of that regulation by a member of staff.

3.1.5 These terms and conditions may be amended from time to time by the Board.

3.1.2 Objectives of Terms and Conditions of Service

The objectives of these Terms and Conditions of Service are to: -

3.2.1 Enable Gaken Foundation to attract and retain high quality human resources;

3.2.2 Help Gaken Foundation to create a favorable working environment for its staff and
promote good working relations

3,2,3 Act as a basis for the management and development of members of staff

3.1.3 General Conditions Of Service

3.3.1No discrimination shall be made by Gaken Foundation in its appointments on

grounds of gender, religion, ethnicity, race or region of origin; and equal opportunity
will be accorded to disabled persons for posts in which their disability does not
impair their performance.

3.3.2 On appointment Gaken Foundation staff must be prepared to serve in any area/
location of programme work to which they may be appointed or to which they may
later be transferred and shall be expected to undertake any duties within the terms of
reference of Gaken Foundation, reasonably required of them.

3.3.3 Members of staff at Gaken Foundation at all times must behave with due decorum
and integrity. Breaches of behavior, discipline and the laws of Uganda shall be dealt
with as provided for in these conditions of service.

3.1.4 Duties

3.4.1 Gaken Foundation staff shall, on appointment or promotion, be allocated duties and
responsibilities for their jobs.

Human Resources Policy Manual 4

3.1.5 Attendance to duty

3.5.1Members of staff will normally be required to remain on duty at all times except
during leave, public holidays, or when permission for absence has been granted by
line management or their delegate as the case may be, in consultation with the
relevant heads of departments.

3.5.2 Where permission for absence is granted, the supervisor shall make appropriate
arrangements to handle the employee’s schedule of duties during the absence.

3.5.3 The Executive Director or his/her delegate, as the case may be, shall have power to
require an individual member of staff to remain on duty during gazetted public
holidays or portions thereof as they deem fit or as duties require.

3.5.4 In circumstances where prior permission may not be possible, notification to the
supervisor or head of department or unit must be done within six hours of absence.

3.5.5 Failure to comply with the above regulations shall attract disciplinary action

3.1.6 Working Hours

3.6.1 The working days for employees of Gaken Foundation shall be Monday to Friday of
every week.

3.6.2 The official working hours of Gaken Foundation shall be 8:00 a.m. to 5:00p.m.

3.6.3 This constitutes 40 hours a week.

3.6.4 Lunch break shall be minimum of 1hour duration (1:00 p.m. – 2: 00p.m).

3.6.5 All employees are expected to keep to the time specified above without exception.

3.1.7 Absence from work

3.7.1 Any absence from work should be reported to the respective supervisor the same
day or as soon as it is practically possible unless permission was sought previously.

3.7.2 Exception provided in 3.7.1 notwithstanding, a staff who has been granted
permission to be off duty shall still, before commencement of that off-duty, notify
the respective supervisor.

3.1.8 Public holidays

3.8.1Gaken Foundation shall observe all statutory public holidays as the Government may
declare from time to time.

3.8.2 Employees shall be entitled to all public holidays as promulgated by law or as

appearing from time to time in the Uganda gazette.

3.8.3 Saturday and Sunday shall be regarded as a public holiday abstention from all
unnecessary labor and business except where circumstance dictates.

3.8.4 Gaken Foundation employees whose jobs require them to offer services on Saturdays
and Sundays may be granted days off during the week

3.1.9 Altering working hours.

3.9.1 Wherever the situation demands, management may alter the working hours;
provided that in exercising this right; Employees shall not be disadvantaged to work
extra hours without their consent, reasonable notice is given to such employees,
compensation either in form of extra leave days to the days worked is provided to
such workers, terms and conditions of appointments are revised to include the
42 Human Resources Policy Manual
agreed alterations.

Human Resources Policy Manual 4

3.1.10 Overtime.

3.10.1 The basic guideline on the subject is that there is no compensation

(financial) available for Gaken Foundation employees for working overtime.

3.10.2 When asking staff for overtime work, it is important that supervisors
respect work-life balance and any external priority that staff may have.

3.10.3 Supervisors must have an agreement with the staff for overtime work.

3.10.4 Gaken Foundation employees when officially requested to workover time, may
be granted by line management (Time Off In Lieu) TOIL equivalent to overtime as

3.1.11 Date of Appointment

3.11.1 The date of appointment on first appointment shall be the date of assumption of

3.11.2 The date of appointment on reappointment or re-designation or

promotion shall be stated in the letter of appointment.

3.1.12 Probation

• There shall be a minimum probationary period of six months for all persons
appointed to the Gaken Foundation service except for the following: Volunteers/

3.1.13 Confirmation

3.13.1 A member of staff appointed on probationary terms shall be confirmed

upon satisfactory completion of the probationary period.

3.13.2 Where a member of staff’s probationary period elapses and it is established

that his/her performance has not been satisfactory, such member of staff’s
probationary appointment may be terminated, or the probationary period may be
extended, but the total extension shall not exceed six months.

3.14.3 The appointment of such a member of staff shall be terminated if performance

does not improve after the extension. Probationary appointment may also be
terminated before its expiry for indiscipline or misconduct, or if the member of staff’s
performance is so poor that there is no room for improvement.

3.1.14 Performance Management

3.14.1 Performance management shall be a continuous process involving an

agreement between the employee and the supervisor on performance targets for
every employee, formulating strategies to achieve the targets, evaluation and review
of performance and agreeing on new targets.

3.14.2 It shall aim at improving the productivity and development of all Gaken Foundation

3.14.3 Performance reports shall be the basis for determining performance

gaps and training needs, promotion, and other forms of rewards, review of job
design and disciplinary action.

44 Human Resources Policy Manual

3.1.15 The performance management cycle shall be as summarized in Table 1 below:

Table 1: The Performance Management Cycle.

Month of Year Performance Management Activity

Jan Reviewing and Setting targets
Feb-May Implementation (Phase I)
June Mid-term review and adjustment of targets
Jul-Oct Implementation (Phase II)
Nov Appraisal
12 Feedback

3.1.16 Performance Appraisal

3.16.1 Performance Appraisal shall be one of the key tools used in performance

3.16.2 Performance appraisal shall be transparent and participatory - involving

the employee and supervisor.

3.16.3 Each employee shall be entitled to feedback on the appraisal from the
immediate supervisor.

3.16.4 All appraisal reports from immediate supervisors shall be submitted

through the heads of department to the Executive Director.

3.16.5 On the basis of the Appraisal reports, the Appointing Authority will take
appropriate action including but not limited to promotion, training, transfer,
recognition, special awards, and/or disciplinary action.

3.1.17 Appraisal Instruments

3.17.1 Appraisal shall be conducted using specifically designed instruments/ tools for
supervisors and other staff.

3.1.18 Appraisal Interval

3.18.1 All members of staff shall be appraised at least once in a financial year
except those on probation who shall be appraised after every 6 months.

3.18.2 However, the supervisor may appraise an employee as and when necessary.

3.1.19 Participation

3.19.1 Employees, supervisors, line managers and management shall be duty bound
to participate in the appraisal process at their respective levels.

3.19.2 An employee who fails to perform their role in the stipulated time shall face
disciplinary action.

3.19.3 An employee with a grievance about the appraisal process shall present the
grievance in writing to the Director of Programmes / Director of Finance and

3.19.4 Where an employee has a grievance about the appraisal process that involves

Human Resources Policy Manual 4

the Director of Programmes /Director of Finance and Administration such an

46 Human Resources Policy Manual

shall present his/her grievance in writing to the Executive Director.

3.19.5 The Executive Director after consultation with the complainant’s head of
department/ Unit shall handle the grievance and conclude it or present it to an ad-
hoc Grievance Committee appointed by the Executive and chaired by Director of
Finance and Administration.

3.1.20 Reward and Recognition

3.20.1 An appropriate reward and recognition shall be accorded to any member of

staff who exhibits good ethical conduct and exemplary performance;

3.20.2 The rewards may include, but not limited to, official word of recognition of
good performance, open praise, challenging work assignments normally done by
seniors, letter of commendation, presents, certificate of merit, salary increments or

3.20.3 As a means of motivating employees, management shall also encourage

supervisors to exercise innovativeness in terms of developing and implementing
appropriate schemes of staff recognition and rewards;

3.20.4 The Director Finance and Administration, in consultation with Human Resource
Officer, shall coordinate the formulation of frameworks for determining excellence
deserving rewards or recognition across the different departments and occupation

3.1.21 Salary

3.21.1 Gaken Foundation shall pay a salary to all employees as determined by its Board of

3.21.2 All salaries of full-time staff shall be paid on a monthly basis.

3.21.3 Salaries of employees shall be subject to statutory and other approved deductions.

3.21.4 For each appointment, the salary scale and entry point shall be specified in the
letter of appointment and contract.

3.21.5 An employee may, with good reasons, apply for a salary advance.

3.21.6 Salary Advance payment shall be subject to the approval of the Executive Director.

3.2 Summary Of Benefits

3.2.1 Medical Insurance

a) Subject to availability of funds, Gaken Foundation may provide medical insurance to

a member of staff, his/her spouse and biological or legally adopted children in
accordance with approved staff medical Insurance policy.

b) An employee may be required to contribute an agreed percentage to the health

insurance premium under the medical insurance scheme.

3.2.2 Transport Refund

a) A member of staff may be provided with transport refund to facilitate performance of

his / her duties as management may determine.

3.2.3 Subsistence Allowance/ Per Diem

a) A member of staff shall be entitled to subsistence allowance to cover the cost of

feeding and accommodation while traveling on official duty at rates to be set by the
Human Resources Policy Manual 4
Board from time to time and stipulated in the Gaken Foundation financial manual.

48 Human Resources Policy Manual

3.2.4 Safari-Day Allowance

a) A member of staff on out of station day duty shall be entitled to Safari-day allowance
to cover cost of feeding at rates to be determined by the Board from time to time
and stipulated in the Gaken Foundation financial Manual.

3.2.5 Training Allowances

a) A member of staff proceeding on training or a programme of study may receive

salary and /or allowances as provided for in the Training Policy.

3.2.6 Other Allowances

a) The Board shall, on the advice of management, provide for other types of allowances
from time to time to improve on the terms of service of members of staff.

3.2.7 Loans

a) Members may be recommended to commercial banks and microfinance institutions

for salary loans.


a) A member of staff may be granted one or more of the following types of leave

3.3.1 Annual Leave

a) A member of staff whether on probation or confirmed in service shall be entitled to

21 working days Annual Leave.

b) Working days shall be defined as Monday to Friday, Friday inclusive, excluding any
officially gazetted public holiday in Uganda.

c) Annual leave for a member of staff shall commence on the day following the day
S/he ceases duty, and end the day preceding the day S/he resumes duty.

d) It is mandatory for all members of staff to apply for leave when it is due.

e) A maximum of 10 annual leave days not taken during a calendar year may be with
prior written permission by ED carried forward to the succeeding year.

f) A member of staff whose leave is due but his/her services are required during the
leave period shall reschedule the leave to a later date in the same calendar year.

g) The Executive Director shall have the right to recall any member of staff from annual
leave or deter or cancel permission to proceed on annual leave in the interest of
Gaken Foundation.

h) Where leave is cancelled or deferred, the affected individual shall be allowed to carry
the leave to the succeeding year max 10 days, or may be granted leave immediately
after accomplishing the task for which the leave was cancelled or deferred.

i) The Executive Director will explain to the individual in writing the reasons for
cancelling or deferring the leave

3.3.2 Maternity Leave

a) An expectant female member of staff shall be eligible for a maternity leave between
the 36th and 38th weeks of pregnancy or after delivery.

b) If deemed necessary and on recommendation of a Medical Officer, leave may be

granted before the stipulated time.
Human Resources Policy Manual 4
c) Maternity Leave shall be granted at the rate of 60 working days on full pay per delivery.

d) Where staff requires, for maternity purposes, an additional period of absence from
duty over and above the 60 days, such additional period shall be counted against her
Annual leave.

e) The leave extension on the basis of Annual leave shall not exceed the individual
annual leave entitlement.

f) A female employee, on the advice of a medical officer, may be granted maternity

leave after a miscarriage. The leave so granted shall not exceed 28 working days.

3.3.3 Paternity Leave

a) Paternity Leave shall be granted to a male employee at the rate of 4 working days
immediately after the delivery or miscarriage of his wife.

3.3.4 Study Leave

a) A member of staff may apply for study leave to the Executive Director through the
Head of Department.

b) Employees applying for study leave must have completed the probationary period

c) Such study leave shall be for short tailored training programme, which are directly
relevant to the employees work in the organization and which do not exceed a
period of nine months.

d) Employees who are on their own initiative arranges their own studies on full time
basis locally or abroad, may be advised to resign their post or granted leave without
pay but bonded for three years under the following terms.

(a) That the period of absence shall not exceed nine months.

(b) That the employee on study leave shall on return furnish evidence of having
undergone and accomplished the said study.

3.3.5 Sick Leave

a) A member of staff who is prevented by illness from carrying out his/her duties shall
be required to furnish the line manager/HR with a Medical Certificate signed by a
Medical Practitioner.

b) Sick leave on full pay will be granted for a period up to a total of six months in any
one Calendar Year, subject to the right of management to call for a second medical
opinion, after which the position will be reviewed by the Board.

c) If a continued period of sickness extends beyond six months, management will

continue with half pay for another six months. If the sickness continues the
management in its desecration subject to a third opinion of a certified medical
expert will terminate the contract.

D) Annual leave entitlement shall not be affected by sick leave.

3.3.6 Special Leave

a) The Executive Director may in his discretion grant special leave for any deserving
purpose (e.g., for compassionate reasons, attendance of learning conferences,
absence for purposes of study other than normal leave) not covered by the
categories of leave set out above.

50 Human Resources Policy Manual

3.3.7 National Social Security Fund (NSSF)

a) All members of staff shall be contributors to the NSSF, except those exempted in
accordance with the NSSF Act, 1985.

b) A member’s standard monthly contribution to the NSSF shall be 15% of total wages/
gross pay and shall comprise of 5% contributed by the employee and 10% by the

c) Benefits of the scheme shall be as stipulated in the NSSF Act, 1985

3.3.8 Gratuity

a) Gaken Foundation employees shall be paid gratuity as an integral part of their

monthly salary and as agreed with the individual donors supporting the respective
projects in which the individual staff are employed to work.

b) Gaken Foundation makes no separate provision for payment of gratuity at the end of
the employment contract.

3.3.9 Compensation for Disability/Death

a) In the event of physical or mental incapacitation or death by accident attributable to

the execution of Gaken Foundation duties, a member of staff or beneficiaries thereof
shall receive compensation in accordance with the Group Personal Accident (GPA)
and Workers’ Compensation Act 2000 (WCA).

3.3.10 Cost of Burial

a) Gaken Foundation shall contribute to the cost of burial of a member of staff, and
his /her one registered spouse and children as provided for in the Gaken
Foundation’s contracted staff Medical Insurance Policy.

3.3.11 Retirement Age

a) The mandatory retirement age for all full-time formal employees shall be sixty (60)

Human Resources Policy Manual 5




4.1.1 Introduction

Gaken Foundation’s employees are the greatest resource and the key to fulfilling its
vision and mission. Gaken Foundation is committed to attracting talented, skilled,
and productive people by offering a hospitable, challenging, and supportive work
environment, as well as a competitive salary and benefits package.

This chapter presents fundamental information about employment with Gaken

Foundation, and the standards by which Gaken Foundation conducts its staffing

4.1.2 Employee Classifications

Gaken Foundation has established employment categories to assist in determining

eligibility for various benefits and in accordance to the Uganda Labor Laws

4.1.3 Fixed Term Contract

• Employees provided with a Fixed Term contract for a period of six months or more
are considered fixed term employees.

• Such employees are entitled to all benefits as per this manual. However, this type of
contract does not guarantee continued employment beyond the period of the
contract, and does not preclude termination of the employee due to a reduction in
work force, budget cuts/restraints, poor work performance, or disciplinary action.

• Seconded, Assigned and Other Partners are considered Fixed Term Contract employees.

4.1.4 Specific Task Contract

• Employees who are provided with specific short-term work on a daily, weekly or
monthly basis are considered casual employees. These employees are not entitled to
any benefits. Casual employees can be hired for no more than 90 continuous days.
Employees hired as casual laborers are required to sign a temporary contract.

4.1.5 Pre-Employment Requirements

Personal information is required to ensure personal records are accurate. A new

employee at Gaken Foundation must bring or receive a complete of the following
52 Human Resources Policy Manual

a) Personal Data Form Dully completed

b) passport size photos of self and 1 for spouse and children

c) Certified copies of academic certificates

d) Copy of National Identity Card/Passport

e) Copy of driving License

f) Birth certificate of children

g) Social Security Card or Number

h) Signed Conflict of Interest, Code of Conduct, Child Protection Self-Disclosure and


i) Tax identification number

j) Medical examination form

4.1.6 Medical Examination.

a) All new hires shall undergo medical examination by a registered medical practitioner
or hospital.

b) Information gleaned from the medical examination report is confidential and access
to it is limited to Human Resources Officer.

c) Final employment contract is subject to a satisfactory medical report.

4.1.7 Orientation

a) Newly appointed employees shall be oriented by Human Resources Officers and the
Line Manager within the first one to two (1–2) weeks after appointment.

b) The content for the generic induction programme shall include: Gaken Foundation
vision, mission, values and core functions; organization structure; Codes of Conduct,
Human Resources policies overview

c) Line Managers shall induct employees on the following: departmental vision, mission
and values; current developments in the department; department’s functions and
operational plan; role of the officer in terms of the departmental initiatives;
performance contract for the newly appointed.

4.1.8 Probationary Period

a) The first six months of an employee’s term of employment, represents a

Probationary Period.

b) During this period, an employee will not be entitled to any leave.

c) Upon completion of the probation period and successful appraisal by the supervisor,
an employee will be given a confirmation letter as a fixed term employee of Gaken
Foundation. However, for under performance, a three months’ probation period will
be extended with agreed performance improvement plan.

d) If there is no improvement and based on performance evaluation, Gaken Foundation

may decide to terminate employment by giving one-month notice or salary in lieu of

4.1.9 Misrepresentation
Human Resources Policy Manual 5
a) Should it become evident, subsequent to an employee’s appointment, that the
employment was the result of the employee’s submission of false, unreliable, or
flawed information, declarations, recommendations or certificates, the employee
assuming an untrue personality or the employee deliberately concealing or keeping
silent concerning an incident or a circumstance relevant to the employment
requirements of Gaken Foundation, the contract may be forthwith annulled without
prior notice and without compensation.

4.1.10 Equal Employment Opportunity

a) Gaken Foundation in recognition of her responsibility to her employees and to the

communities in which staff operate, reaffirms her equal employment opportunity
policy of complying with equal employment opportunity/non-discrimination laws.

b) Gaken Foundation make this commitment because it is the right thing to do and not
just because it is the law. In carrying out this responsibility, Gaken Foundation will, to
the fullest extent required by applicable law: recruit, hire, and promote for all job
classifications, and take all personnel actions (such as compensation, benefits,
transfers, Gaken Foundation-sponsored training, social programs, and terminations
without regard to race, color , health national origin, ethnicity, marital status, religion,
gender, age, disability, socioeconomic status, HIV/AIDS status or other bases
prohibited by Uganda laws

54 Human Resources Policy Manual




This chapter of the Human Resource Policy provides guidelines for recruiting best-
qualified and skilled workforce in a transparent, objective, fair and just manner so as
to promote efficiency and effectiveness in service delivery.

5.1.1 Definition of Terms

In this policy the following words and expressions shall have the meanings as set
out below;

Advertising: Method of inviting applications to fill vacant positions

Appointment: A job offer to a successful candidate by the appointing


Appointment letter: A formal letter written to a successful candidate for a job. It

includes terms and conditions of employment

Exit Interview: An exercise conducted with officers leaving Gaken Foundation in

to establish their reasons for leaving.

Induction: The process of orientating employees about Gaken

Foundation mandate, set up, its structures, systems,
processes, procedures, rules and regulations on
assumption of duty.

Job Description: A detailed outline of the purpose, scope, duties and

responsibilities of a particular job

Job Design : Organizing tasks, duties and responsibilities into

a productive unit of work.

Job Specification: A detailed description of all necessary formal qualifications

and competencies required to perform a particular job.

Job Profile: It is a detailed statement of the job purpose, key

performance areas, key performance outputs, necessary
knowledge, skills, competencies and required
personal attributes.

Promotion: It is an upward mobility of an officer, based on merit after a

fair and open competition, to a job within Gaken Foundation,
which has greater scope of duties, responsibilities and
Human Resources Policy Manual 5
Recruitment: A process of filling a vacancy; it includes advertising the
position internally and externally using circulars and
media, head hunting, screening applications against set
criteria for the purpose of short listing, interviewing,
appointment and placement.

Reference: A clear, unbiased and comprehensive description of a

candidate’s abilities and behavior

Selection: A process where suitable applicants are selected against set

criteria for appointment

Transfer: A move to a position, which has similar responsibilities

and pay within Gaken Foundation

Variation in Establishment: Changes in establishment, e.g. abolition, creation,

resignation, re-grading.

5.1.2 Policy Statement:

Gaken Foundation strives to ensure that its recruitment results into having
employees who are fit- for-purpose i.e. the right people, in the right place at the
right time. The right persons are those with the right skills, knowledge, behaviors
and experience to meet the needs of the vacant job positions. Accordingly,
appointments are to be done on merit, hence without discrimination.

5.1.3 Audience and applicability

The Policy applies to all employees and all vacancies.

5.1.4 Principles and guidelines:

a) Recruiting managers shall ensure that:

i. The recruitment and selection process shall be ethical, professional and

will respect applicant’s inalienable right to privacy and confidentiality

ii. Candidates are given equal access to information about the job vacancy and
its requirements.

iii. Candidates are considered on merit.

iv. Interviews and selection process are applied equally and consistently to candidates.

v. An agreed set of questions and assessments, focusing on Technical

Skills, Experience, Knowledge as well as overall Behavioral Competence will
be used consistently with all candidates selected for the Interview.

vi. All answers provided by candidates will be scored against a standard

rating system, which will then be used to establish the most suitable

vii. Selection methods are reliable and free from bias or discrimination.

viii. Job requirements shall serve as criteria for selection.

ix. All recruitment and selection activities and decisions shall be documented
to permit future reference.

56 Human Resources Policy Manual

x. Various assessment tools used for selection shall be developed on the basis
of inherent job requirements.

xi. The recruitment, selection and placement shall be a shared responsibility

between Human Resources Officers and hiring Manager

5.1.5 Needs analysis for establishment requirements

a) The needs analysis for variation in establishment is the responsibility of the Human
Resources officers, but shall be conducted in close consultation with relevant Line
Managers and supervisor.

b) The compilation of job profiles shall be done according to the standardized process
and templates for job design.

c) New and updated job profiles shall be authorized by the Executive Director.

d) The creation of new positions shall be authorized by the Board.

e) All relevant information about the position shall be compiled and attached to the
application to fill the vacancy (declaration).

f) All vacancy declaration shall be authorized by the ED.

5.1.6 Advertising

a) All positions shall be advertised internally and externally using circular notices,
media and employment agencies whenever applicable.

b) Human Resources officers shall compile the advertisement in consultation with

relevant Line Management.

c) The job description and the job profile shall be used as the main source document in
the compilation of job advertisements.

d) The advertisement shall be formulated in such a manner that it does not allow direct
and indirect discrimination.

5.1.7 Adverts should indicate:

a) Gaken Foundation’s organizational setting and its mission;

b) Job title, job responsibilities and reporting lines;

c) Location of the job.

d) Outputs and tasks as contained in Job Profile

e) Job specification; competencies (knowledge, skills, and attitude) required;

f) Remuneration package, terms of appointment

g) Contact person; applications shall be tendered in a relevant application form;

h) Where application forms can be obtained;

i) disclaimer notifying applicants that if they do not receive any correspondence within
30 days after the closing date, their application has been unsuccessful

j) The closing date for all job advertisements shall be one (1) month from the date of

Human Resources Policy Manual 5

k) A database of all advertisements and applications shall be kept safely for twelve (12)

5.1.8 Screening

a) Screening of applications is the responsibility of Human Resources officers and

relevant Line Managers.

b) The inherent job requirements as contained in the advertisement shall be the criteria
for including or excluding candidates on the screened list.

c) All screening decisions must be recorded and filed with the other documentation of
the recruitment process

d) Screening shall be done by two or more people, one from the Human Resources
department and the other a relevant Line manager.

e) In the case of scarce skills or where suitable candidates have not been identified
through screening of responders to an application, head hunting and referrals may
be used to source candidates.

5.1.9 Competency Assessment for Selection

a) Candidates shall undergo competency assessment to determine suitability for

appointment to a position.

b) Human Resources office, Line managers and Assessors shall form part of the
assessment panel.

c) Where necessary, a relevant technical expert and an independent observer will be

invited to be part of the assessment panel.

d) Human Resources Officer shall conduct a briefing session for potential candidates on
the assessment process prior to the assessment.

e) Assessment tools shall be verified and validated by the Assessors.

f) In cases where a candidate is in disagreement with the assessment results, the grievance
procedure should be followed.

g) The Human Resource office shall file all records of the recruitment process, including
assessment proceedings’ records.

5.1.10 Pre-Employment Reference Checks

a) Reference checks shall be conducted for all candidates.

b) A list of reference questions, prepared by Human Resources Officers shall be used in

reference checking.

c) The questions shall be based on the requirements of the job.

d) A telephonic interview shall be conducted with the candidate’s referees and/or

previous employer.

e) If concerns are identified during the reference check, Human Resources Officer shall
consider other options, such as additional reference checks.

f) When a decision is made not to offer a candidate a job based on the outcome of the
reference check, the basis of the decision shall be documented.

g) All information obtained in the reference check shall be documented.

58 Human Resources Policy Manual
5.1.11 Appointment

a) Appointments into Gaken Foundation service shall be on either of the following terms:
permanent; fixed contract; temporary; casual.

b) Once the successful candidate accepts the offer, Human Resources shall issue a
letter of appointment.

c) Human Resources Office in consultation with the relevant Line Manager shall ensure
that all logistical arrangements regarding the date of assumption of duty, time,
location, office, furniture, stationery, etc. are in place.

d) All new employees shall sign the Declaration of Oath of Office and Secrecy before
assumption of duty.

5.1.12 Staff Mobility

a) Promotion

i. Promotion within Gaken Foundation service shall be after a fair and open competition.

ii. It shall be based on merit, which is ability, qualifications, knowledge, skills,

and aptitude.

iii. An employee who is appointed on probation and has not completed

his/her probationary period shall not be eligible for promotion.

b) Transfer

An employee at Gaken Foundation is liable for transfer to any office within or

outside the
headquarter offices of Gaken Foundation.

c) General Provisions

i. An employee shall be notified at least three (3) months prior to the transfer,
however, where operational requirements dictate otherwise, the officer shall
be liable for immediate transfer.

ii. A transfer shall be effected under either of the following circumstances:

rotation for capacity building (job enrichment, job enlargement);
exposure for a better understanding of an organizational set up; to fill a

iii. Employees proceeding on transfer shall be accorded all entitlements as

outlined in the Conditions of Employment.

d) Redeployment

Redeployment shall only be effected for operational requirements under either of the
following conditions:

i. For purposes of job enrichment; where a division, department etc. is abolished;

ii. When an employee is unable to perform due to ill health;

iii. Where an employee is misplaced;

iv. When a position no longer contributes to the achievement of the objectives

of the department or Gaken Foundation.

v. Employees must be redeployed to similarly positions where they can

Human Resources Policy Manual 5
perform according to their abilities and competencies.

60 Human Resources Policy Manual

vi. Employees must be prepared and sensitized in advance about their new placement.

vii. Concurrences by the relevant line managers shall be sought before

redeployment is affected.

viii. Redeployment shall be authorized by the Executive Director or the Board.

e) Exit Interviews

i. Exit interviews shall be conducted by Human Resources Office for all positions
at the termination of employment.

ii. The data collected from the exit interviews shall be analyzed, documented
and used to inform policy and to improve the Conditions of Service.

5.1.13 Employment

Records General


All Gaken Foundation records both manual and electronic shall be managed within the
provisions of this policy.

5.1.14Personal data Form

a) All employees shall be required to complete a Personal Data Form

capturing basic details about them (see Appendix 4)

b) The record shall be continuously updated and it is incumbent upon the employee to
provide the updated information for example marital status, family members,
academic qualifications, etc.

c) All employees shall provide current photographs to be attached to their bio data forms

5.1.15 Personal Files

a) All records about an employee shall be kept on their personal file.

b) Kept and maintained in the HR department

c) An employee shall not access their personal file without prior authorization

5.1.16 Records Management

a) All records are confidential and shall only be accessed upon express request to the
Head of department or Executive Director

5.1.17 Update of Records

a) All requests for updating records shall be communicated to the Human Resources as
soon as need arises.

b) No requests for change of date of birth shall be considered.

c) Falsification of records when discovered at whatever stage shall lead to disciplinary

action including dismissal, to the discretion of the appointing authority.

Human Resources Policy Manual 6




6.1.1 Salary Computation

a) Salaries for each position shall be based on the responsibilities, required

qualifications of the position, relative to salaries of existing positions in other
organizations and overall resource base.

b) Generally, Gaken Foundation salary scale shall be used as and when approved by the

6.1.2 Salary Payments

a) Salary shall be paid monthly on or about the 28th day of each month subject to
availability of funds from the approved sources for the job holder.

b) Salaries shall be paid in Uganda shillings through individual/employee Bank Accounts.

c) Timesheets, it’s a requirement by Gaken Foundation and its donors that staff
prepare and submit accurate monthly timesheet, completed timesheets must be
approved by employee’s supervisor and submitted to the human resources
department not later than 25th day of every month and this will form basis for
salary payment.

6.1.3 Salary Adjustments:

a) All salaries may be periodically reviewed in comparison with other organizations of

a similar nature and size in order to make sure that Gaken Foundation salaries
remain fair and competitive but without losing sight of financial and sustainability

b) Adjustments may consider changes in cost of living as well as available funding.

c) Salary adjustments shall be determined by the Executive Director in consultation

with the senior management team and approved by the Board.


Transport refund.

a) Members of management at Gaken Foundation will be provided with transport

allowance to undertake official duties as is determined by the Board from time to
time at rates stipulated in the financial manual.

b) Where there is a pool vehicle policy, employees shall have access to this vehicle for
official duties after obtaining permission from the ED.

62 Human Resources Policy Manual

c) Such permission shall only be given if the ED is satisfied that the journey cannot be
accomplished more economically and with equal efficiency by other means of

Human Resources Policy Manual 6

6.1.5 Personal Allowances

(a) Local travel:

i. A staff member shall claim a per diem when he /she has been sent out of
the station over night or more on official duty. “Per diem” means “for each
day” where the “day” is complete day and night. Therefore, caters for all
meals, accommodation and out-of-pocket expenses.

ii. Where training is part of an approved Gaken Foundation program, transport

and costs of training plus an appropriate out of pocket expenses shall be
paid, if another sponsor does not meet the same.

iii. Where the staff member shall not stay overnight, but the assignment
goes beyond lunch time, he or she shall be paid a safari day allowance
(SDA) or “Day travel allowance” .

iv. Per diem rates shall be determined, reviewed and set by the Board from time
to time.

v. Where travel is funded other than by Gaken Foundation, the rates applicable
to the funding body /organization shall apply

vi. Where rates are lower than those paid by the funding organization, Gaken
Foundation may provide the difference.

(b). Travel abroad:

i. Where a partner other than Gaken Foundation sponsors an employee in kind

to cover travel and maintenance expenses, a reasonable out of pocket
allowance shall be provided by the Board to cater for incidental expenses
related to the travel.
The Board shall set and from time to time review the amount of out-of-
pocket payable for such circumstances.

ii. Where the foreign training is fully sponsored by Gaken Foundation a per diem
shall be paid at a rate approved by the board and spelt in the Financial

(c). Acting allowance

i. An acting appointment is a non-substantive appointment in which an officer is

appointed to undertake the duties of a vacant post,

ii. The holder of an office in “Acting” capacity may or may not still maintain the current
substantive post depending on the terms of appointment.

iii. The person holding an office in acting position takes accountability responsibility for
that office.

iv. An acting allowance is therefore paid to an officer when he/she is appointed to act in
an office/position higher than his/her substantive position while still maintaining the
substantive position.

v. The higher post may be either temporarily or permanently vacant.

vi. This appointment will be for a period not more than six months. Beyond this period,
the employee in acting position will earn 50% of the difference between his or her
salary for the position. This appointment will lapse after three months.

64 Human Resources Policy Manual

vii. The authority to assign acting appointment is vested in the Executive Director and
shall be made formally in writing.

Human Resources Policy Manual 6




7.1.1 Definition

Human resource (HR) development is a process of improving the personal knowledge, skills,
attitude, all leading to better ability of the staff to perform. Also often called “staff
development”, it should lead to improvement in organizational performance and growth. HR
development may be done through either or both formal and informal processes. Formal staff
development is through training and education while informal development is through
mentorship or coaching. In other words, staff training is part of staff development.

Staff development in Gaken Foundation shall be understood as a learning intervention that

shall provide an opportunity for an employee to develop skills, knowledge, attitudes and
confidence required to undertake a job/position of higher responsibility.


The objectives of this chapter are to:

a) Establish a framework that will promote systematic and effective coordination,

management and implementation of staff development activities.

b) Put in place organizational strategies that will support and ensure that all staff
develop their potential and improve their skills, knowledge and attitudes for effective
and quality service and best performance.

c) Ensure fairness in provision of training and staff development opportunities to all staff.

7.2. Training

a) Gaken Foundation shall encourage and support its staff to enhance their skills,
knowledge and attitudes so as to enable them continuously improve their
performance in both their present and future positions.

7.3 Gaken Foundation’s Institutional Framework for managing Staff Development

The overall coordinator of the staff training and development function at Gaken Foundation
shall be the Human Resources Officer.

7.3.1 The specific training responsibilities of the Director of Programmes shall be as follows:

a) Reviewing, formulating and overseeing the implementation of the operational

training policy throughout Gaken Foundation.

b) Translating the Training and Staff Development decisions approved by the relevant
authorities into reality through provision of required guidelines.

66 Human Resources Policy Manual

c) Providing technical guidance at organizational level.

d) Planning, organizing, monitoring and evaluating training programme pertinent to the

organizational needs of Gaken Foundation.

e) Developing annual training plans and budgets according to the needs of Gaken
Foundation and present them for approval to the board –develop Gaken
Foundation’s Capacity Building Plan and Budget.

f) Identifying and liaising with possible Development Partners and Training Service
providers to ensure that the identified training needs are catered for

7.3.2 Implementation

• Implementation of Staff Development activities shall be the responsibility of the

immediate supervisor who has ultimate responsibility for the work performance of
the subordinate.

• The immediate supervisor in liaison with the job holder and head of department shall
identify training needs of all the staff supervised and submit them to the Programme
Director for incorporation in the Medium Term and Annual Training Plans.


7.4.1 Induction /orientation:

a) All new staff shall undergo a planned program of induction and orientation to
familiarize them with Gaken Foundation operations, culture and their job/work.

b) The new staff shall be acquainted with mission, vision, strategic objectives, core
values, policies, structure, working relationships, practices and procedures of Gaken

c) The aim of induction program shall be to provide new staff with information to
enable them appreciate how their job is related to other jobs in Gaken Foundation
and what their jobs entail.

7.4.2 Performance improvement training:

• All serving staff shall be provided with opportunities to undergo capacity building
program for performance improvement biannually, based on systematic
identification of needs. Such a program shall address improving specific performance
gaps of serving staff in relation to their jobs

7.4.3 Professional development training:

• All serving staff shall undertake mandatory career training and development at
various stages of their career as and when the need arises.

• This category of training shall be full or part time and short or long term in nature

7.4.4 Pre-retirement training:

• Gaken Foundation shall provide for planned pre-retirement training to prepare staff
for life after retirement from service in the organization.

7.4.5 On the job training:

• On the job training effectively takes place on the job and is the foundation upon
which other types of training must depend.

• The supervisor shall be responsible for conducting on the job training and performance
Human Resources Policy Manual 6
counseling on an on-going basis.

• Any performance gaps shall be noted in the employee’s file.

• The supervisor shall ensure that he/she addresses such gaps through relevant
training and development and continuous encouragement for improved


7.5.1 Informal HR Development

Informal HR development shall be through mentorship/ coaching, private studies,

delegation, personal practice seminars, workshops, study tours, team building task
force activities and counter parting

7.5.2 Formal Training

This may take the form of short and long courses,


7.6.1 Training needs identification

Training needs shall be identified at both the organizational and individual level
through the following methods of assessment

a) Staff appraisal reports

b) Management planning sessions

c) Discussions with job holder.

d) Discussion with supervisor

e) Review of relevant documentation.

f) Discussion with top and senior staff

g) Discussions with persons and bodies responsible for the management and
implementation of the training function

h) Discussions with clients.

i) Organization Self-Assessment (OSA)

j) Human Resource Audit


Supervisors shall monitor the performance of their departments and individual

subordinates throughout the year to identify any performance gaps.

Supervisors shall carry out:

a) Pre-evaluations

b) Evaluation during training

c) Evaluation after training (about 3-6 months) to analyze its impact. This may be
carried out through of the following singly or in combination:

i) Questionnaires

ii) Interviews with job holder

68 Human Resources Policy Manual
iii) Discussion with supervisor

iv) Discussion with community/stakeholders.

v) Direct observation.


7.8.1 All employees who undertake training shall submit end of training reports upon their
return to duty, highlighting the course content, benefits achieved, proposed implementation
plan of added exposure and course evaluation

Human Resources Policy Manual 6



All Gaken Foundation employees shall be accorded a safe and secure working environment.

8.1. OBLIGATIONS OF Gaken Foundation

8.1.1 Gaken Foundation shall endeavor to make all reasonable efforts to accord safe and
secure working environment to all staff.

8.1.2 Accordingly, Gaken Foundation shall provide:

a) Information for the control of spread of diseases and ensure that staff comply with
necessary Public Health requirements

b) Systems of work, plant and machinery that are safe and secure.

c) Ways to reduce hazards and risks to health

d) Training on employee safety

e) Competent supervision and generally ensure that safe working practices are in place
and enforced

f) Environment where staff are encouraged to respect and support one another.

g) Adequate working space.


8.2.1 The employee, while at work, shall:

a) Take maximum precaution regarding their health and safety at work

b) Cooperate with Management in complying with health and safety legal requirements

c) Carry out lawful orders and obey all health and safety rules

d) Report unsafe situations to the Supervisor or Head of Department

e) Report all incidents that result in, or may have resulted in injury to the Supervisor or
Head of Department


Gaken Foundation shall abide by the provisions of the Workers Compensation Act,
currently in force whose salient features for purposes of this manual are:

a) If the personal injury by accident arises out of and in the course of a worker’s employment,
the injured worker’s employer shall be liable to pay compensation in accordance with
this Act.

70 Human Resources Policy Manual

b) The employer shall not be liable in respect of an injury which does not either Result
in permanent incapacity; or

c) Incapacitate the worker for at least three consecutive days from earning full wages
at the work at which he or she was employed.

d) An act shall be deemed to be done out of and in course of employment when a

worker acts to protect any person on the employer’s premises whom the worker
believes to be injured or imperiled, or when a worker acts to protect property on the
employer’s premises.

e) Any personal injury by accident arising while the employee is travelling directly to or
from his or her place of work for the purpose of employment shall be deemed to be
an accident arising out of and in the course of his or her employment.

f) For the purposes of this section, it shall be for the employee who suffers injury by
accident arising while travelling to or from his or her place of work to show that such
travel was direct.

8.3.1 Reporting Workplace Injuries/Accidents

a) Gaken Foundation employees are covered under the mandatory Worker’s’ Compensation

b) Should an employee sustain work related injury or become involved in a work-

related accident, he/she must immediately notify the line manager and the HR


Gaken Foundation shall provide the following welfare facilities to its staff.

8.4.1 Salary advance:

a) This may be given to an employee in cases where an employee has an extraordinary

need and requests for part of his /her current month’s salary to be availed to

b) An employee shall be allowed only one request for salary advance in a month.

c) Maximum salary advance shall be limited to three months net pay and recoverable in
six months on monthly installments / deductions commencing at the end of the
month in which the advance is made.

d) No salary advances shall be processed after the 20th date of the month.

e) An employee seeking salary advance shall submit a written request though his/her
Head of Department who will compute and certify, then forward to the Finance
Director who will submit the request to the Executive Director for final approval
before payment.

f) The repayment of the previous salary advance must be cleared first before a
request for a new advance is granted.

8.4.2 Staff Health

a) General principle:

Gaken Foundation is committed to employing healthy people and keeping them and their

Human Resources Policy Manual 7

immediate families healthy.

72 Human Resources Policy Manual

b) First Aid

i. There shall be a First Aid Box at the premises and in vehicles which all
employees shall have access to.

c) Health Insurance cover

i. All employees shall be offered comprehensive Health Insurance cover in

accordance to a summary of Benefits in this manual.

d) Worker’s Compensation (WC)

i. All employees shall be covered under the Worker’s Compensation Act.

ii. Employees who are seriously injured or die while on duty shall be duly
compensated in accordance with the Worker’s Compensation Act.

iii. Minor accidents shall be treated through the existing medical scheme.

iv. Workman compensation scheme shall only be enforced for proven cases that
are incidental to the employee’s duties.

Human Resources Policy Manual 7




These procedures are intended to facilitate and encourage all employees to achieve
and maintain high standards of conduct even as they post optimum job

The vision, mission and values of Gaken Foundation shall underpin the disciplinary
procedures for employees of Gaken Foundation. All employees shall comply with the
terms and conditions of service as provided for in Gaken Foundation.

9.1.2 Principles underlying disciplinary procedures

a) Consistent and fair treatment for all-Principal of Natural Justice and Rule of Law.

b) Full investigation of any case before disciplinary action can be taken.

c) The right of the employee to be informed of the complaint against him or her.

d) The right of an employee to be heard before any decision is made.

e) The right to appeal against any disciplinary penalty imposed.

f) Dismissals for a first breach of discipline to be applied to gross misconduct only.

9.1.3 TYPE OF OFFENCES Minor offences:

Examples of minor offences include;

a) Leaving office without authorization;

b) Minor personal misunderstanding with other staff;

c) Minor damage to property. Major offences

Examples of major offences include but are not limited to;

a) Abandonment of duty for at least 14 consecutive working days without due cause;
Insubordination, insolence;

b) Use of abusive language to supervisor or other workers;

c) Persistent failure to satisfactorily perform work;

d) Repeated refusal to comply with rightful orders as given by supervisor;

74 Human Resources Policy Manual

e) Breach of Gaken Foundation’s policies and procedures.

Human Resources Policy Manual 7

f) Threat to another employee either by word or deed;

g) Public renunciation of the beliefs, doctrine and practices of Gaken Foundation

h) Unauthorized outside employment during office hours;

i) Unauthorized sharing of information, data and records with outsiders;

j) Minor offence repeatedly committed;

k) Moral turpitude (e.g. adultery, fornication, rape, drunkenness Gross offences;

Gross offences for Gaken Foundation employees shall include but not limited to:

a) Conviction of a criminal offence (other than for a traffic offence), which has a bearing
on an employee’s suitability for continued service;

b) Willfully causing loss of or damage to Gaken Foundation property and funds;

c) Exposing the lives of fellow workers to serious risk say by willful breach of duty;

d) Use of violence such as fighting /assault on another person while in office or on duty;

e) Incapacitation and inability to perform due to influence of alcohol and or other illegal

f) Theft, fraud, deliberate falsification of records;

g) Immoral behavior such as sexual harassment, promiscuity and other sexual offences.

h) Child sex abuse

76 Human Resources Policy Manual



10.1.1 Minor offences

Shall be dealt with informally by the supervisor (unless they become persistent)

10.1.2 Major Offences

For major offences, the disciplinary procedures as outlined below shall apply;

a) Interdiction

i. For an act of gross misconduct, an employee shall immediately be interdicted

from work for not more than one month on full pay/half pay, while
investigations for the alleged offence are being conducted.

ii. If the investigation reveals that gross misconduct has occurred, the
employee shall be summarily dismissed.

b) Oral warning:

i. An employee whose conduct or performance does not meet acceptable

standards shall be given a formal oral /verbal warning by the immediate

ii. A written note of the verbal warning shall be prepared and shall be used in
giving the oral warning by reading it to the employee;

iii. The note shall be explicit about the reason for the warning and employee
shall be informed that this is the first stage of the disciplinary procedure;

iv. The employee shall be required to append his /her signature on the written
statement; (e) The written note shall be expired after one month, subject to
satisfactory conduct and performance.

c) Written warning:

i. An employee who commits an act of indiscipline that is regarded as major

shall be served with a written letter of warning. This includes repeated minor
cases of indiscipline, where a verbal warning was served but there has been no
change in the conduct or performance of duty;

ii. This written warning shall give details of the case, the improvement required
and the time scale and shall be warned of the next action to be considered if
there is no satisfactory improvement and shall also be advised of the right of

iii. The supervisor shall keep a copy of this written warning but it shall be disregarded

Human Resources Policy Manual 7

for disciplinary purposes after two months’ subject to satisfactory conduct and

iv. If an employee who has been served with 3 written warning in the last 12
consecutive months commits the same or another major offence, he/she
shall be liable to termination or dismissal from employment.

10.1.3 Summary Dismissal:

Any employee, who commits offences considered to be a gross misconduct, shall be

summarily dismissed;

10.1.4 Right to appeal

Any employee who is summarily dismissed shall have a right of appeal to the
Executive Director/Board.


10.2.1 Definition:

A grievance is a written request by an employee for the review of a problem or

conflict that cannot be satisfactorily resolved through discussions with the immediate
supervisor. Grievances generally are triggered by an employee complaining about
employment conditions, relationships with other people or other causes of
dissatisfaction. When these complaints are appropriately addressed, they will
improve employee morale, maximize effectiveness and assure a high level of job

10.2.2 Principles

The procedures below are developed with the following principles;

a) Equity, fairness and the right to be heard for all employees of Gaken Foundation.

b) Solutions arrived at ought to be satisfactory to both parties in the spirit of

reconciliation and or restitution.

c) Disputes and /or conflicts are promptly and effectively handled.

d) Incidents of formal disciplinary action, termination and litigation are reduced.

10.2.3 Application

This policy applies to all employees of Gaken Foundation.

10.2.4 Grievances Procedure

An employee who has sufficient reasons to believe that he has not been fairly treated
in any respect shall appeal in writing following the procedure below;

a) The employee desiring to raise a grievance shall in the first instance have made an
honest attempt to discuss it with his/ her immediate supervisor.

b) Subject to the nature of the grievance, the supervisor may be able to deal with the
matter directly.

c) Where this is not possible, the supervisor him/herself may choose to forward the
details of the grievance to the next level or to the person designated to handle
human resource issues.

d) Employees are advised to retain a copy of their grievance;

78 Human Resources Policy Manual
e) The employee may also on failing to reach an agreement with the supervisor over
the grievance forward his/her complaint to the next level or to the person
designated to handle human resource issues;

f) The person designated to handle the complaint shall always start by discussing with
the supervisor the grievance so as to get his/her views alone;

g) He / She shall then investigate the grievance and reply in writing to the employee (s)
as soon as possible.

h) Where necessary, a meeting shall be called involving the employee(s) and the
supervisor. If the circumstances warrant it, witnesses to the fact may attend such a
meeting to offer clarity;

i) The outcome of the investigations and the meeting (s) between parties shall be
confirmed in writing;

j) Where the employee(s) remain aggrieved following receipt of a formal written

response from the investigator, the matter shall be referred to the head of

k) The last authority in resolving employee grievances shall be the Executive Director
and the Board as is applicable.

Human Resources Policy Manual 7



11.1.1 General Provisions

Services of an employee shall be terminated under any of the following circumstances

a) Death of an employee

b) Incapacity to continue in employment.

c) Abscondment

d) Resignation

e) Retirement

f) Expiry of Contract

g) Redundancy

h) Persistent Absenteeism from work

i) Professional and or ethical misconduct

j) Gross negligence of duty

k) Gross misconduct

l) Upon conviction and sentence of a criminal case e.g., fraud, murder, rape,
corruption, safety, forgery, defilement, malicious damage to property,
assault and/or battery, etc.

11.1.2 Voluntary Termination


General provisions

• An employee may resign from office by giving a duly written and signed
resignation notice.

• All notices of resignations, shall be addressed to the Executive Director the

(appointing authority), through their supervisors for consideration and
appropriate action.

• An employee shall not resign while under investigation or suspension.

• The period of notice shall not be less than three (3) months for Executive
Director and substantive heads of Department.

80 Human Resources Policy Manual

• For all other categories of employees, the required notice of resignation shall
be one (1) month or payment in lieu of notice

11.1.3 For an acceptable resignation, the employee will be required to work the full 22 days or
else She / He will receive pro-rated salary

a) Where an employee has not served the bonding period;

b) Where an employee has not fully handed over all Gaken Foundation equipment/

c) Where an employee is under investigation

11.1.4 Acceptance/Rejection Of Resignation

a) Shall be communicated to the employee before the expiry of the resignation


b) The grounds for refusal as well as the consequences shall be clearly stated in
the letter to the employee.

c) Any employee who feels aggrieved by the outcome of may appeal to the
appointing authority

d) An employee whose resignation has been accepted by the appointing

authority shall be entitled to terminal benefits as provided for under this
manual less what may be due to Gaken Foundation and other parties.

e) An employee whose resignation has been rejected by the appointing

authority for good cause but goes ahead to leave service shall be deemed to
have absconded from duty.


11.2.1 Dismissal

The following shall be instances of offences punishable by dismissal from Gaken

Foundation employment

a) Abscondment Absence from duty without permission for a continuous period

of 7 working days

b) Persistent absenteeism an employee who is persistently absent from duty

with no justifiable reason may be dismissed from Gaken Foundation service.

c) Removal for good cause an employee shall be dismissed by the appointing

authority on account of a grave offence or gross neglect of duty.

d) Professional and or ethical misconduct an employee shall be dismissed by the

appointing authority on account of professional and or ethical misconduct.

e) Conviction in a court of law: An employee shall be dismissed by the

appointing authority upon conviction and sentence in a criminal case e.g.
fraud, murder, rape, corruption, forgery, defilement, malicious damage to
property, assault, etc.

f) Any other offence considered grave by the appointing authority

11.2.2 Retirement

a) Employees who attain the age of 60 shall be automatically retired.

Human Resources Policy Manual 8

a) On expiry of contract of the employee, Gaken Foundation may terminate the

employment contract or re- engage the employee based on the initial
provisions in the expired contract

b) For all contracts, notice for non- renewal shall be at least two (2) months
before expiry of the contract.

11.2.4 Redundancy

a) Termination by reason of redundancy shall be based on the following;

b) When Gaken Foundation has ceased/intends to cease to carry on the activity

for the purposes of which the employee was appointed or employed by
Gaken Foundation or has ceased or intends to cease to carry on that activity
in the place in which the employee concerned worked

c) Where the requirements of that activity for the employee to carry out
work of a particular kind have ceased/diminished or are expected to

d) The procedures for termination on account of redundancy shall be as agreed

upon as stipulated in the Employment Act 2006.

11.2.5 Termination Due To Natural Causes

a) Death of an employee

b) Incapacitation

i) Incapacity due to illness If an employee is prevented by illness from carrying

out their duties, Gaken Foundation may appoint a certified medical expert to
examine him/her.

ii) After considering the Medical report, Gaken Foundation shall decide whether
or not to terminate appointment, on medical grounds.

iii) Incapacity due to other factors If an employee is prevented by any other

factor from carrying out his/her duties, Gaken Foundation may decide to
terminate the services of such employee, if it deems it fit.

11.2.6 Procedures To Terminate

a) The procedures for termination shall be as laid out in the specific

employment letter/contract and in conformity with the Employment Act, 6 of
2006 and any other relevant law.

b) The procedure for dismissal shall be as laid down in this Manual.

11.2.7 Exit Interview

• Whenever possible, Gaken Foundation shall conduct exit interviews, to get

feedback for purposes of policy review and any other changes considered
necessary to promote better employee management practices.

11.2.8 Death Of Employee

General Provisions

a) Where an employee dies; at the place of work, the employer shall notify the
employee’s next of kin or legal representatives and shall obtain a copy of the
82 Human Resources Policy Manual
death certificate.

Human Resources Policy Manual 8

b) Other than at the place of work, the employee’s next of kin or legal
representative shall notify Gaken Foundation and present a copy of the death
certificate and/or any other evidence of death to Human Resource
Department for record and subsequent action.

11.2.9 Terminal Benefits

a) National Social Security Fund (NSSF) All Gaken Foundation employees

contribute to the National Social Security Fund (NSSF) where their
retirement benefits are secured

11.2.10In House Terminal Benefits Scheme

a) This is an in house (Gaken Foundation employee benefits scheme to which

the employee makes monthly contribution. It is meant for Gaken Foundation
employees and paid on prorata basis.

11.2.11Returning Gaken Foundation Property

a) All Gaken Foundation property shall be returned to the respective line

manager when requested or at least by the last day worked.

b) This property includes: computers, computer software, data and any other
electronic equipment, files, office supplies, confidential and proprietary material,
letters, documents, and any other items issued or produced during
employment at Gaken Foundation.

c) All staff of Gaken Foundation shall handover all work prepared by them
individually or collectively within the scope of their job—including, without
limitation, reports, data etc. as belongs to Gaken Foundation and constitutes
“work-for-hire” and is the property of Gaken Foundation.

11.2.12Hand Over Form And Exit Interview

a) All employees departing from Gaken Foundation must complete Handover

Form and complete exit interview before receiving their final entitlements.

b) Departing employees are required to finalize their check out formalities

within one week of end of contract.

11.2.13Final Pay

a) A staff exiting employment in Gaken Foundation shall be paid any earned

wages and applicable allowances through the last day worked less any
outstanding amount owed to Gaken Foundation, in accordance with
applicable law.

11.2.14Certificate Of Service

On retirement, an employee shall be given a reference in relation to his/her

job clearly indicating his job title, job content, academic and professional
qualifications, competence at work, conduct, last pay and benefits plus other
information that may be relevant in his/her case.

84 Human Resources Policy Manual

Appendix 1
Gaken Foundation Organogram

Satellite Offices

Human Resources Policy Manual 8

Appendix 2
Staff Requisition Form

Date :
To: ED

cc: DP, DFA

From: Project/Department

A. Requirements
Job Title: Date Needed
New Post
If short-term, for
what period?
If regular, for what
Reasons for additional post:
If replacement, please complete the following:

Name of Employee Replaced:

Date of Leaving

Reason for leaving

B. Job Description

Please attach an updated job description.

Any other requirements - please comment
Signed Line Manager Date

Signed Date

For New Posts:


Director Programme Date

Director Finance and Administration Date

ED Date

86 Human Resources Policy Manual

Appendix 3


Applicants Name: Position Applied For:

Referee’s Name: Referee’s Job Title

Referee’s Organization: Referees Telephone Contact & Email:

The above-named person has given your name as a referee. We would like to supplement our
knowledge of his suitability and background with an appraisal from those who have worked
closely with him/her in the past. It is our understanding that you are acquainted with the
candidate. Therefore, we would be very grateful if you could give us your honest opinion of
him/her. The information provided will be strictly confidential for use by the Human Resources
Section ONLY and will NOT be divulged to the concerned candidate

When (years) did you know the


In what capacity did you know the


What was the applicant's position

and responsibilities?

Why did the applicant leave the


Human Resources Policy Manual 8

About the applicant…Where applicable

Describe the attributes of the

applicant and where possible with Strengths Weaknesses
examples, in the following areas:

Strategic thinking
Financial and logistical

Relationship building with donors,

partners, supervisors, colleagues
and beneficiaries
Planning and work organization

Effective monitoring, reporting and

meeting deadlines

Written and oral communication

Compliance with internal policies/

code of conduct
Personal development and integrity

What are the applicant’s major

areas of technical, leadership and
management development?
Has the applicant ever been
engaged in violations of internal
policies/code of conduct e.g., child
abuse, fraud, conflict of interests,
Is there anything I haven't asked
that you would like to share with

Would you rehire this person? If so,


Signed: Date:
Reference checked by (HRO)

Signed: Date:

Thank you for supporting our recruitment process.

Please return the form to:

Human Resource Officer
Attn: Director Finance and
Administration Gaken Foundation

88 Human Resources Policy Manual

Appendix 4
Personal Data Form

Date of Birth
Marital Status
Address: Phone Contact
Place of Birth: County
Who to Contact in Case of emergency:

Name Relationship
Phone Contact

Declaration of Beneficiary

I Mr./Ms………………………………….., nominate Mr./Ms……………………………… to be my beneficiary in the

event of anything happening to me (e.g. death in service). He/she is my................(relation).
With this declaration, I authorize Gaken Foundation to pay all that is due to me to the above
named person.

Signature ……………………………….
Schools Attended Year Qualification

Employment History
Employer Year Designation

Human Resources Policy Manual 8

Immediate Relatives
Relationship Names Contact
1. Husband/Wife
1. Father
2. Mother
3. Guardian
D. Names of natural children Date of birth Sex

History of Employment with Gaken Foundation

Date of employment Job Title Location

Sickness record per year

Year No. of Days Remarks

Discipline Record Date Remarks

1. Verbal Warning
2. Written Warning
3. Final Warning
4. Suspension
5. Dismissal
6. Termination

90 Human Resources Policy Manual

Appendix 5
Letter of Appointment



P O Box ………………………………………………….

Dear Mr./Ms………………………………………………


Following your application and successful interview for the position of..................................,
I am happy, on behalf of Gaken Foundation, to appoint you to the position of …………with effect
from ……... subject to receiving satisfactory references.

You will be required to report to the Gaken Foundation offices on …… ready to commence work.

I would like to make clear the terms and conditions of this post. Your Grade is ……and the
salary is UGX ……… (Ugandan Shilling ……………………only) gross per month and is subject to
statutory deductions and availability of funds.

Gaken Foundation does not offer any other benefits.

Your position will be probationary for six months, after which, if your job evaluations are
satisfactory, you will be confirmed in the position.

You are required to sign a contract and return one copy to Gaken Foundation. Working days
from Monday to Fridays from 8.00am to 5.00pm; however, staff members are expected to be
flexible as they may be required to work on holidays, late or on weekends.

I would be grateful if you could give me your acceptance in writing as soon as you can (sign
below). I wish you success in your work with Gaken Foundation.

Yours sincerely

Executive Director

Cc: Director Finance & Administration, HR and Personal Files


I...................have accepted the offer made by Gaken Foundation with the terms and conditions

Name and Signature …………………………………………………

Employee Date: …………………………

Human Resources Policy Manual 9

Appendix 6
Standard Contract of Employment

This Contract is made on this ……………………. day of......................................(Month and Year)



Called “Employer”)


Name and Address of Employee:.....................................(Herein called “Employee”).


The Employee shall, subject to Gaken Foundation’S Human Resource Policy Mnual, serve as
(position) reporting to the .............. for a period of ..........(months/years) with effect from...........The
Employee shall use the best endeavors to promote the interests of the Employer.

2. Place of work:…………………………………………………………………………………


3.1Job Title……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..…………

3.2Core Duties: …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

4. Payment


The Employee will receive remuneration for services amounting to a gross salary of Ug
Shs…………………… (amount in words) per month. In accordance with the Laws of Uganda, the
Employer shall deduct government taxes and NSSF contributions from the Employee’s due

4.2 Overtime pay

Where hours in excess of eight hours per day per week are worked, you shall take leave days
equivalent to the overtime worked.

5. Business Expenses

Expense incurred by the Employee in connection with the business activities of Gaken
Foundation shall be reimbursed against vouchers. The reimbursement of business costs will be
according to Gaken Foundation’s business travel policy, with which the Employee is obliged to
familiarize herself or himself.

6. Hours of Work

The Employee will be required to work 40 hours per week excluding lunch and tea breaks. The
normal hours of duty may be changed by Management to suit the requirement of the work
programmes. The Employee may be required to work overtime from time to time.

7. Leave

92 Human Resources Policy Manual

The Employee shall be entitled to an annual leave of 21 working days after the probation
period. This leave has to be taken within the respective calendar year. However, the right to
this leave may be postponed for serious reasons, with prior written permission being given by
the Executive Director(ED). Leave will be taken at a time mutually convenient to both Gaken
Foundation and the Employee.

8. National Social Security Fund (NSSF)

Membership to NSSF is compulsory. The Employer will contribute to the Fund at the current
stipulated rate of 10% of the Employee’s gross salary. The Employee will contribute the
current stipulated amount of 5% of his gross salary.

9. Termination of Contract

This Contract may be terminated by either party at the end of any calendar month by giving
notice in writing to the other party as set out in the Terms and conditions of service or
payment in lieu of notice.

If the employee wishes to resign for any other reason, he/she is free to proceed on condition
that he/she notifies the management one month in advance.

10. Alteration of the Contract

This Employment Contract comprises the totality of all contractual relations between Gaken
Foundation and the Employee. It replaces all previous offers, promises and contracts in verbal
or written form between the parties. No alteration in the Terms of the Contract shall be
binding unless made in writing and signed by both parties.

11. Applicable Law and Jurisdiction

The Terms of this Contract shall be interpreted, the relations between the parties who are
signatories thereto shall be determined, in accordance with the Laws of Uganda.

12. Final Provisions

a) All issues mentioned in this Contract will be covered in accordance with Labor
Laws of Uganda.

b) The Employee shall devote their entire professional capacity to the interests
of Gaken Foundation, and will refrain from any activity which might be
harmful to such interest.

c) The Employee may not disclose to third parties any confidential information,
knowledge or documentation relating to transactions, organizational or business
matters, developments or research findings of the Employer, both during or
following termination of the Employer-Employee relationship, and may not
provide third parties with the opportunity of obtaining this information.

d) In addition, the Employee is obligated to maintain secrecy about confidential

information with which they are entrusted in connection with their work by
the Employer, prospective customer, or other outside parties, or which they
learn about in any other way.

In witness whereof, the parties have signed this Contract in duplicate on this ……. day

Name :………………………………………………… Name:…………………………………………………

Human Resources Policy Manual 9
Executive Director Gaken Foundation Employee

94 Human Resources Policy Manual

Appendix 7
Oath of Confidentiality and Secrecy

I, , do solemnly swear that I will

faithfully, truly and to the best of my judgement, skill, and ability, execute and perform the

duties required of me as a director/ officer, employee, volunteer, student placement, etc. as the

case may be, of Gaken Foundation. Except in the course of judicial proceedings, I will not

disclose, communicate or convey or allow to be disclosed, communicated, or conveyed directly

or indirectly to any person, any private or confidential information whatsoever obtained by me

or in or about the performance of my duties or by virtue of my position at Gaken Foundation;

and I further promise and swear that I will not allow any person or persons to inspect or have

access to any written statement, departmental record, return, correspondence, plan,

photograph or any other information or over which I have any control and I will

conscientiously endeavor to prevent any person from inspecting or having access to any such

information as aforesaid. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature or that is confided to

me in my official capacity will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the

performance of my duty. I shall not remove any written document from Gaken Foundation

office without the written consent of the Executive Director or his or her designate

Dated this day of , 20...........................................

Name……………………………………………………. Signature ……………………………………………..........

Human Resources Policy Manual 9

Appendix 8
New Hire Orientation Checklist

Name Start date:
Position: Line Manager:

Provide and review with employee

• Terms and conditions of Service,
• Gaken Foundation HR Policy Manual, &
• HR get signed certification page from employee file.
• Schedule Induction at Gaken Foundation
• Give and review Employee’s Personal file Checklist etc.


• Performance
• Personal conduct
• Anti-harassment
• Vacation and sick leave
• Review key • Security
• Holidays
policies • Confidentiality
• Time and leave reporting
• Safety
• Overtime
• E mail and
Internet use
• Dress cod


• Office/desk/work station • Telephones

• Keys • Building access
• Review
• Mail (incoming and outgoing) cards
• Business cards • Conference rooms
• Picture ID badge


Give introductions to department staff and key personnel during tour
• Tour of • Restrooms • Copier • Add
facility, • Printers • Office supplies content

• Review initial job assignments and training plans.

• Review job description and performance expectations and standards.
• Review job schedule and hours.
• Review payroll timing and policies and procedures

• Hardware and software • E-mail Microsoft Office System
reviews, including: • Intranet •Databases • Internet

96 Human Resources Policy Manual

Appendix 9
Leave Application Form

Staff Names Identification Number


Entitlement (……) days

Number of Balance
days taken No. of days

1. Annual leave

2. Sick leave

3. Maternity leave

4. Paternity leave

5. Compassionate leave

6. Compensatory time off (CTO)

7. Other type of leave( if any)

Accrued annual leave as of ………………………………….is......days

(a) Leave Applicant

Date leave applied
(b) Authorized by
……………………………………………… Date:
Line Manager ………………………………………………..

(c) Approved by
Executive Director

*All leave types require Executive Director approval
*For sick leave medical certification must be attached on the application form
*Leave application form and handover report

Human Resources Policy Manual 9

Appendix 10
Staff Performance and Development Appraisal is a method used to establish staff

performance gaps and development needs of an individual staff. It aims at informing a staff

whether s/he is performing to the expectation of the organization; and agreeing on how best

to improve such performance level.

This form has been designed for a (Bi) Annual Gaken Foundation Staff Performance and

Development Appraisal (ASPDA). The appraisal is expected to be conducted in a participatory

manner involving the supervisee/appraisee, her /his supervisor/appraiser, and finally the

Programme Director/Board Chair (as the case may apply).

Please, complete all sections making notes about your performance over the appraisal

period. Ensure that under all sets of appraisal headings you jointly agree with the appraiser.

Staff details

Name of staff Job title Project:

Name of Terms of employment (Tick 1):

Supervisor Position
(appraiser) Probation/Permanent/Contract/
Others (specify)

Score 1 – 5 (1 lowest, 5-
Justifications for scores with highest)
Key Assessment Areas examples, work completion
levels, Agreed
Staff Supervisor
Job description/ Key planned
Targets (Copy from the

Critical Performance Personal


98 Human Resources Policy Manual

Strengths/value adds that Gaken Critical capacity building needs will improve
Foundation can
tap into performance

1. 1.
2 2.
3. 3.

General recommendation
A. Renew contract
B. Probationary renewal (observation for.........months and appraise again. Supervisor
to attach a sheet clearly showing changes expected with time lines. The appraiser will
then write a report and recommend to the HR either to renew the contract of not.
C. Do not renew
contract Reasons for B or C

Signed Signed
Date of appraisal:
…………………………………………………. ……………………………………
(Appraisee) (Supervisor)

10.2 Recommendation for future action

On the basis of the above assessment, please provide a recommendation with justification for
future action. This must be discussed and agreed upon by the appraise and the appraisee

Action Recommendation Timeframe

(Indicate: Appraisee is still on
probation; Probation should be
extended; Probation should be



Consideration For Transfer

Within Service/Re-Deploy

Disciplinary Action

Terminate/Renew Contract

OTHERS (Specify)

Human Resources Policy Manual 9

The Future (New Targets and Objectives)

The Period Under Review: From …………….. To …………

The employee and her/his supervisor are expected to set the new period’s target in the table
below basing on the job description and strategic plan. (Additional copies of this page may be
made as necessary).

Target Means of
Key Result Area and activities When Remarks
set verification

10.3 Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

The employee and her/his supervisor should agree on the new period’s capacity building needs.

Means of
Capacity needed Learning methods Justification


Employees’ name & signature Date

Supervisors’ name & signature Date

Director of Programmes’ name & signature Date

ED’s name & signature Date

10 Human Resources Policy Manual

10b. Managers Appraisal Form (Period:..............................)
Name of staff
Job title Project:

Terms of employment
(Tick 1):
Name of Supervisor (appraiser)
Position Probation/Permanent/

& staff
Justifications for scores with examples, agreed
Key Assessment Areas
work completion levels, Score 1 –
(1 lowest,
5- highest)
Job description/ Key planned Targets
(Copy from the contract)


Total as % of 60

Critical Performance Personal

attributes (Manager’s)

a) Strategic thinking
a. Understands, inspires
and mentors team
on Gaken Foundation
vision, values,
goals, strategy, and
project designs

Human Resources Policy Manual 1

b. Understands new
innovations, technologies,
and development

c. Accepts responsibility for

failures and draws
remedial actions

d. Adherence to Gaken
Foundation’s values,
policies and
procedures e.g., HR,
FA, Child protection/
safeguarding, Sexual
exploitation, Anti-
corruption, etc

b) Relationship building
a. Ensures donor compliance
through effective
deadlines, and mutual
b. Ensures functional relations
with stakeholders (groups,
LGs, private sector, peer
CSOs, implementing
partners, etc.)

c. Collaborates with
colleagues and
actively participates in
other sectors/projects

d. Provides clear, valid, and

timely communication
(including feedback) to the

c) Planning & Work organization

a. Has approved periodic
work plans with clear
task allocation and

b. Guides team to deliver

quality results within
planned time and

c. Periodically reviews
progress with team
and agree on
applicable solutions

10 Human Resources Policy Manual

d) Financial and
logistics management
a. Has approved periodic
budget with clear input
costs and spending/
procurement plan
(cash flow)
b. Timely request for funds
and effectively accounts
for resources used
c. Ensures safe custody of
assets, logbooks up to
date, timely servicing/
e) Effective monitoring and reporting
a. Has a monitoring
results framework
b. Conducts regular M&E
and provides quality data
and feedback to improve

c. Produces quality and

timely reports with case
studies; photos; stories of
f) Personal development and
a. Has self-respect &
respect for others and
reflects a good image of
Gaken Foundation
b. Pursues career
development, financial
investments, and talent

Total as % of 40

Strengths/value adds that Gaken Critical capacity building needs will improve
Foundation can tap performance
into 1.
1. 2.
2 3.
General recommendation
A. Renew contract
B. Probationary renewal (observation for.........months and appraise again. Supervisor
to attach a sheet clearly showing changes expected with time lines. The appraiser will
then write a report and recommend to the HR either to renew the contract or not.
C. Do not renew
contract Reasons for B or C

Signed Signed
Date of appraisal:
…………………………………………………. …………………………………………
(Appraisee) (Supervisor)
Human Resources Policy Manual 1
10.2 Recommendation for future action

On the basis of the above assessment, please provide a recommendation with justification for
future action. This must be discussed and agreed upon by the appraise and the appraisee

Action Recommendation Timeframe

(Indicate: Appraisee is still on
probation; Probation should be
extended; Probation should be
Consideration For Transfer
Within Service/Re-Deploy
Disciplinary Action
Terminate/Renew Contract

OTHERS (Specify)

The Future (New Targets and Objectives)

The Period Under Review: From …………….. To …………

The employee and her/his supervisor are expected to set the new period’s target in the table
below basing on the job description and strategic plan. (Additional copies of this page may be
made as necessary).

Key Result Area Means of

Target set When Remarks
and activities verification

10.3 Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)

The employee and her/his supervisor should agree on the new period’s capacity building needs.

Means of
Capacity needed Learning methods Justification

10 Human Resources Policy Manual


Employees’ name & signature Date

Supervisors’ name & signature Date

Director of Programmes’ name & signature Date

ED’s name & signature Date

Human Resources Policy Manual 1

10.1 Gaken Foundation STAFF APPRAISAL FORM (Period…...............)

Name of staff Job title Project:

Name of Supervisor (appraiser) Position

Justifications for scores with examples, Score 1 – 5 (1 lowest, 5- highest)

Key Assessment Areas
work completion levels,
Staff Supervisor score
Job description/ Key planned Targets (Copy from the


Human Resources Policy Manual







Critical Performance Personal attributes TOTAL

a) Results driven (Conducts context/problem analysis,

delivers quality results; Accepts responsibility for failures

and successes)

b) Team work (Collaborates with colleagues, actively

participates in other sectors, relationships with
Colleagues and management)

c) Time Management (Deliver results within planned

Human Resources

time; able to work under stress; reports to/from work

timely; logs in/out, has honest timesheets)

d) Work organization (Has periodic work plans; output

Policy Manual

reviews, clean work space, mobilization skills)

e) Monitoring (Conducts regular M&E, provides quality

data, and uses feedback to improve performance,
initiate solutions)

f) Reporting and documentation (Produces quality and

timely reports with case studies; photos; stories of

g) Communication (good oral/written communication,

provides honest and open feedback, takes on positive
criticisms, personal presentation, confidence, listening
skills, etc.))

h) Resources/Logistics management (Good use of

resources, effectively accounts for resources used, safe
custody of assets, logbooks up to date, timely
servicing/ repairs)
i) Integrity (Has self-respect & respect for others,
Reflects a good image of the organization, Reliable,
and trustworthy)

j) Compliance (Adherence to organizational values,

policies and procedures e.g., HR, FA, Child
protection/ safeguarding, Sexual exploitation, Anti-

k) Partnership building (Has functional relations with

groups, LGs, private sector, peer CSOs, etc.)

l) Personal development (pursues career, investments)

Human Resources Policy Manual

Strengths/value adds that Gaken Foundation can tap into Critical capacity building needs will improve performance
1. 1.
2 2.
3. 3.

General recommendation
A. Renew contract
B. Probationary renewal (observation for.........months and appraise again. Supervisor to attach a sheet clearly showing changes expected
with time lines. The appraiser will then write a report and recommend to the HR either to renew the contract of not.
C. Do not renew
contract Reasons for B or C

Signed.......................................(Appraisee) Signed.................................(Supervisor) Date of appraisal: …………………………………………….

10.2 Recommendation for future action
On the basis of the above assessment, please provide a recommendation with justification for
future action. This must be discussed and agreed upon by the appraise and the appraisee

Action Recommendation Timeframe

(Indicate: Appraisee is still on
probation; Probation should be
extended; Probation should be

Consideration For Transfer
Within Service/Re-Deploy

Disciplinary Action

Terminate/Renew Contract

OTHERS (Specify)

The Future (New Targets and Objectives)

The Period Under Review: From …………….. To …………

The employee and her/his supervisor are expected to set the new period’s target in the table
below basing on the job description and strategic plan. (Additional copies of this page may be
made as necessary).

Target Means of
Key Result Area and activities When Remarks
set verification

98 Human Resources Policy Manual

10.3 Performance Improvement Plan (PIP)
The employee and her/his supervisor should agree on the new period’s capacity building needs.

Means of
Capacity needed Learning methods Justification


Employees’ name & signature Date

Supervisors’ name & signature Date

Director of Programmes’ name & signature Date

Executive Director’s name & signature Date

Human Resources Policy Manual 99

Appendix 11 : Renewal of Contract Letter
Our Ref: Mr./Ms………………..............................................



Location: ……………............................................………………..

Extension /Renewal of Contract

Gaken Foundation is pleased to offer you a renewal of your contract

as……………………………………………… for ------ (period), from ----- to --.

All terms and conditions previously signed for will apply with a salary of UGX ……………..............

Term and conditions contained within the HR manual and any updates brought to your
attention, will apply to your contract with Gaken Foundation.

Please ensure that you have read and understood the HR manual and the staff code of conduct
available at Gaken Foundation head office.

If your personnel records need to be updated (e.g. next of kin, spouse, children, address)
please ensure that you do this as a matter of urgency.

Please sign below if you accept the offer.



Executive Director


Name: ......................................................................Signature: .............................................

100 Human Resources Policy Manual

Appendix 12: Personnel Action Form

Name Telephone Sex

Employee ID Department
Date of hire : Immediate Supervisor:


Job Title: Job Title:
Grade : Grade :
Department: Department:
Salary: Salary:

Status Status
Full time Full time
Part-time Part-time
Temporary Temporary
Volunteer Volunteer



Current salary New salary

Grade /Level Grade/Level

% Increase % increase

Date last increased % (Performance Award /Bonus)

% ( COLA )

LEAVE OF ABSENCE OR SUSPENSION (Check “” leave Classification)

Nature of leave From

To Annual leave

Sick leave

Maternity leave

Paternity Leave

Compassionate leave

Study leave


Human Resources Policy Manual 101

Appendix 13: Record of verbal Warning


Staff/Payroll No:


A verbal warning was given to the above named person for the following reason(s)


Signature/position of person issuing the warning: Date:


Signature of staff receiving the warning: Date:

102 Human Resources Policy Manual

Appendix 14: Warning Notice

Section 1 – Employee Information

Date First Name Last Name

Staff I.D. # Department/Division Job Title/Position

Pay Grade Date of Hire Reports to Title/Position

Supervisor Name

Section 2 –Warning Notice Detail

You are hereby warned against exhibiting the behavior(s) described below. Be informed that
further disciplinary action (s) up to and including dismissal will be taken if behavior(s) does
not change
Policy Violation(s) – Give Details Below (include policy #):

Other (Please Explain Below):

Section 3 – Confirmation & Acknowledgements

By signing this disciplinary form, the employee acknowledges that he or she has read it.
Signing does not imply agreement with its contents.
Employee’s Acknowledgement & Comments:

Employee’s Signature:


Supervisor’s Comments:

Supervisor’s Signature:

Reviewer’ Signature:

HR Staff Signature of Receipt:


Human Resources Policy Manual 103

Appendix 15 : First Warning Letter
Date: ……. Staff/Payroll No:……………………………….




It has come to the notice Management of Gaken Foundation that (give reason, offence, dates
and places) ……

I hereby give you written warning that should you continue to carry on such activities/ should
such an incident occur in the future it will be dealt with severely and management may be
compelled to take further disciplinary action against you, up to dismissal from the job.

Yours sincerely,

Line Manager


I.........................the above named, have received a copy of this warning letter and

Signature:………………………………. Date:……………………………………….


Signature:………………………………………….. Date:…………………………………………..

104 Human Resources Policy Manual

Appendix 16: Second/Final Warning Letter
Date: Staff/Payroll No




On..........................(date and reason for second warning)

A letter of warning was previously issued to you on ………………………for ………………………………………………….

You are hereby given a second/ final warning and should any similar occurrence take place
them management will be compelled to take further disciplinary action against you, which
could result in your instant dismissal.

Yours sincerely,

Line Manager


I, the above named, have received a copy of this second and final warning letter.

Signature:………………………………………… Date:……………………………………………………..


Signature:…………………………………………. Date:……………………………………………………….

Human Resources Policy Manual 105

Appendix 17. Suspension Letter




(State reasons, exact place, date and time for suspension)

You are hereby suspended from your work from -------------to----------------on full pay/ without
pay (delete one) pending a decision regarding your case.

You will not report for work before the above date unless requested to do so by your Line

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by signing and dating it in the space provided below.

Yours sincerely,




I...........................................the above named, have received a copy of this suspension letter

and will abide by the conditions stated.

Signature: …………………………………….. Date:……………………………………….


Signature:……………………………………….. Date:…………………………………………
106 Human Resources Policy Manual
Appendix 18: Dismissal Letter




Following an investigation into the incident described below I have no option but to terminate
your employment with Gaken Foundation. You will receive any outstanding payments due to
you on receipt of your Gaken Foundation Identification card and any other items belonging to
Gaken Foundation.

(State reasons, exact place, date and time for dismissal - including details of the investigation)

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter by signing and dating it in the space provided below.

Yours sincerely,



I, the above named, have received a copy of this dismissal letter.

Signature:……………………………………… Date:………………………………………………………….


Signature: ……………………………………………..Date:…………………………………………………………
Human Resources Policy Manual 107
Appendix 19: Disciplinary Action Form

Section 1 – Employee Information

Date First Name Last Name

Staff I.D. # Department/Division Job Title/Position

Pay Grade Date of Hire Reports to Title/Position

Supervisor Name

Section 2 – Type of Disciplinary Action

Written Warning Suspension Demotion Dismissal

Other (Explain):

Details of the Disc (Attach Additional Sheet, if necessary):

Section 3 – Confirmation & Acknowledgements

By signing this disciplinary form, the employee acknowledges that he or she has read it.
Signing does not imply agreement with its contents.

Employee’s Acknowledgement & Comments:

Employee’s Signature: Date

Supervisor’s Comments:

Supervisor’s Signature: Date

Reviewer’ Signature: Date

HR Staff Signature of Receipt: Date

108 Human Resources Policy Manual

Appendix 20: Disciplinary Appeal Form
Employee Name and Title

In accordance with HR procedures, I wish to appeal my:

Suspension (copy of documentation attached)

Demotion (copy of documentation attached)

Dismissal (copy of disciplinary/incapacity memo attached)

For the following reasons (may attach extra statements):

For the following reasons (may attach extra statements):

Employee Signature


Telephone Number:

Human Resources Policy Manual 109

Appendix 21: Formal Grievance Form

Employee Employee ID Number

Job Title Contact Telephone

Department Immediate Supervisor

Step 1: Grievance & Immediate Supervisor’s response

Employee’s detailed explanation of grievance:

(Include any witnesses to the grievance.)

Proposed resolution to this grievance:

Employee’s Signature: Date

Immediate Supervisor’s response:

Supervisor’s Signature: Date:

Date original returned to employee:

I am not satisfied with Step 1 response and want to proceed to Step 2 of the policy.

Employee’s Signature: Date:

Step 2: Head of Department ’s response
Head of department response

Department Directors Signature


Date original returned to employee:

I am not satisfied with Step 2 response and want to proceed to Step 3 of the policy.

Employee’s Signature: Date

Step 3: Executive Director’s response
Executive Director’s response

Executive Directors Signature

Date original returned to employee:

110 Human Resources Policy Manual

Appendix 22: Employee Exit Interview Form


Name Position
Date of Joining Date of leaving
Department Immediate Supervisor
Employer details
Principal reasons for leaving
Notes (Interviewer):

Have you enjoyed your time at Gaken Foundation? If so, why/why not?
Notes (Interviewer):

Reasons for joining Gaken Foundation

Notes (Interviewer):

Job content/workload whilst with Gaken Foundation (heavy/light, challenging?), is it

what you expected?

Notes (Interviewer):

How effective was communication within Gaken

Notes (Interviewer):

How would you describe your relationship with management, line managers, colleagues and
the team?

Notes (Interviewer):

How do you rate the training received/available within Gaken Foundation? Quality,
frequency and relevance?

Human Resources Policy Manual 111

Notes (Interviewer):
How do you rate the career development opportunities available within Gaken Foundation?

Were your expectations met?

Notes (Interviewer):
What are your views on Gaken Foundation’s compensation and benefits package (salary,
leave, etc.)?

Notes (Interviewer):
How does this package compare with the one offered by your new employer (if applicable)?
Notes (Interviewer):
Do you feel Gaken Foundation’S appraisal process works (regularity, were objectives set)?
Notes (Interviewer):
What do you feel could be improved, generally, within Gaken Foundation?
Notes (Interviewer):
Using a one-to-five agreement scale, please rate your overall satisfaction/commitment/
engagement for the following: (1= not satisfied, 5= exceeded

Clear goals/performance expectations 1 2 3 4 5

Connection to the organization 1 2 3 4 5
Level of input in decisions that affect your position 1 2 3 4 5
Opportunities for learning and development 1 2 3 4 5
Relationship with manager 1 2 3 4 5
Satisfaction with pay and benefits 1 2 3 4 5
Type of work 1 2 3 4 5
Work environment 1 2 3 4 5

Thank you for taking the time to complete this form, which will be treated in the strictest
confidence. We hope that you have enjoyed working at Gaken Foundation and we wish you
every success in your future employment.

Interviewee Signature Date

Interviewer Signature Date

HR staff Signature Date

112 Human Resources Policy Manual

Appendix 23: Certificate of Service
To whom it may concern,

This is to certify that [……………………………………….] left the service of Gaken Foundation on

[date]……………. [................................] commenced employment on [date] and the

terminated on [ date].................At the date of leaving was in the position of [position title].

The main duties of this position were:







It is the policy of Gaken Foundation not to issue any reference other than the above statement
of service. This certification is being issued upon his/her request for whatever purpose it may

Yours faithfully,

Executive Director Date

Human Resources Policy Manual 113

114 Human Resources Policy Manual

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