Group 3 Aircraft Rev 02 Removal of Limitation

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Family name: First Name:

License No.:

Date and Place

of Birth: Nationality:

Company Name: Ref. Nr. CH.145.

EASA Part‐66 B1.2 EASA Part‐66 B3

Starting Date: End Date: Number of Hours:

Metal aeroplanes Composite aeroplanes Metal tubing & fabric aeroplanes

Wooden aeroplanes Pressurized aeroplanes

Revision 02 / Apr. 2023 Page 1 von 10

Removal of Limitations Group 3 Aircraft
Logbook Ownerʼs
Last Name First Name


Lastname First name License Nr Signature

*For the endorsement of your license, attach a license copy of all signing Supervisors with your application Form19.


This Syllabus is applicable to the category B1.2 & B3 Part-66 license holder for the removal of the limitations of the group 3 Aircraft rating.
For the category B1.2 it affects „Full group 3” rating or for the category B3 „Full rating piston engine non pressurized airplane of 2000kg MTOM
and below”.
The preliminary requirement to endorse a group rating in a Part-66 license are practical experience (maintenance activities) in accordance
with EASA part 66.A.45 (f). The practical experience tasks must cover all relevant maintenance activities and shall be a representative cross-
section regarding to the required group 3.
If the applicant is not able to demonstrate the required experience or the application is incomplete, the application may be refused or the li-
cense will be endorsed with a limited group rating or a single type rating/s.

Following group 3 limitations exist according Part 66.A.45:

 Wooden airplanes
 Metal tubing & fabric airplanes
 Metal airplanes
 Composite airplanes.
 Pressurized airplanes only for B1.2
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Revision 02 / Apr. 2023
Removal of Limitations Group 3 Aircraft
Logbook Ownerʼs
Last Name First Name

The wording “competence obtained” means that the license holder and, if applicable, the organisation where he/ she is contracted/ employed,
should ensure that he/ she has acquired the appropriate knowledge, skills, attitude and experience to maintain the aircraft of the group. Be-
cause of the nature of a group rating it is important that some systems and technology in the future or present are not covered by the syllabus
It is therefore the responsibility of the license holder after receiving the group rating to acquire the necessary competence.


For the initial application, you are allowed to apply for one limitation (structure) only.
For this purpose use both log books: ”Initial practical experience group 3 Aircraft” & the log book “Removal of limitation group 3 Aircraft”. Fill
out both Syllabus according to the required group limitation.
To remove further group 3 limitations after the entry of Group 3 into the license use only log book “Removal of limitations group 3”.


It is required that:
- Maintenance activities have to be performed on airplanes of at least two different manufacture and of the same limitation (structure). If
the aircraft type is not listed under the group 3 Aircrafts of the appendix l list, it is necessary to get previously the FOCA permission that
the required maintenance experience tasks are allowed to perform on an Annex ll aircraft.
- All mandatory maintenance tasks marked with a letter M and bold have to be performed.
- As of the remaining maintenance tasks at least 50% must be performed from each Chapter of the Syllabus.
- An annual check must be performed on an aircraft corresponding to the requested limitation of the airplane structure. Please note that a
signed copy of at least one annual checklist must be attached to the license application for each limitation removal.
- Under the column “aircraft registration” only maintenance experience gained on aircrafts are allowed to be filled in. Activities referring to
schools, modules and courses are not permitted.
- Each Log. Book is assigned to one person only.
- All entries must be made in capital letters (signatures are excluded) and with a permanent pen.
- Corrections are accomplished by crossing out with a horizontal line and write the correction above or beside.
- Start and finishing date of the practical experience must be noted on the front page of the LOG BOOK.
- Only completed LOG BOOK´s are accepted.
- Each task performed by the trainee shall be supervised and counter signed by an authorized certifying staff. Collecting signature are not

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Revision 02 / Apr. 2023
Removal of Limitations Group 3 Aircraft
Logbook Ownerʼs
Last Name First Name

Metal aeroplanes
AC Registration Aircraft type
AC Registration Aircraft type
AC Registra- Trainee Supervisor
Date Competence obtained Reference Hours
tion Signature Signature

M Perform two annual check i.a.w manufacturer instructions and AMP (provide a copy of the
signed checklists used to FOCA)
M Perform detailed introduction to standard practices and structure
M Assess class and type of damage
Perform a penetrate inspection of cracks
Select and prepare metal sheet
Perform repair of stringer or rib or spar structure
Perform repair of skin structure
M Inspect / repair / replace lose rivets, fasteners, cam-locks
M Assess corrosion
M Treat corrosion
Apply protective treatment
Prepare perform painting after repair
Inspect/repair of empennage components
Perform balancing after repair / painting
Perform resistance measurement of bonding system

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Revision 02 / Apr. 2023
Removal of Limitations Group 3 Aircraft
Logbook Ownerʼs
Last Name First Name

Composite aeroplanes
AC Registration Aircraft type

AC Registration Aircraft type

AC Registra- Trainee Supervisor
Date Competence obtained Reference Hours
tion Signature Signature

M Perform two annual check i.a.w manufacturer instructions and AMP (provide a copy of the
signed checklists used to FOCA)
M Perform detailed introduction to standard practices and structure
M Perform tap-test/coin-test
M Perform a light-test
M Assess class and type of damage
Prepare different types of adhesives/resins for repairs
Select and prepare fibre glass materials of different stiffness (45% vs. 90%)
M Evaluate / adapt environmental conditions for work with composite
Perform repair of composite sandwich structure
M Perform repair of composite surface structure
Prepare/perform painting after repair
Perform balancing after repair/painting
Apply protective treatment
Assess corrosion
Treat corrosion
M Perform resistance measurement of bonding system
Inspect / repair of empennage components

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Revision 02 / Apr. 2023
Removal of Limitations Group 3 Aircraft
Logbook Ownerʼs
Last Name First Name

Wooden aeroplanes
AC Registration Aircraft type
AC Registration Aircraft type
AC Registra- Trainee Supervisor
Date Competence obtained Reference Hours
tion Signature Signature

M Perform two annual check i.a.w manufacturer instructions and AMP (provide a copy of the
signed checklists used to FOCA)
M Perform detailed introduction to standard practices and structure
M Assess type of damage
Inspect wood structure using tapping method
Prepare different types of glue/adhesives for repairs
M Prepare/ select wood materials for repairs
Perform repair of wood structure one of the following three options is mandatory:
Perform repair of spar
Perform repair of rib
Perform repair of box-spar
Perform repair of plywood surface structure, needing bending
Prepare / perform finishing of repair
M Inspect / test coating (tension, loose fabric, cracks)
Perform a scarfjoint repair
Inspect/ repair of empennage components
Perform doping and taping
M Perform repair of fabric covering
M Select and prepare fabric materials

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Removal of Limitations Group 3 Aircraft
Logbook Ownerʼs
Last Name First Name

M Perform lacing (including blind lacing)

Evaluate / adapt environmental conditions for work with fabric
Prepare / perform painting after repair
Perform balancing after repair /painting

Metal Tubing & Fabric covering aeroplanes

AC Registration Aircraft type
AC Registration Aircraft type
AC Registra- Trainee Supervisor
Date Competence obtained Reference Hours
tion Signature Signature

M Perform two annual check i.a.w manufacturer instructions and AMP (provide a copy of the
signed checklists used to FOCA)
M Perform detailed introduction to standard practices and structure
Inspect/ test coating (tension, loose fabric, cracks)
Inspect/ test metal tubes
Perform penetrant inspection of cracks
M Assess type of damage
Perform repair of metal tube fuselage structure
Perform repair of stringer/ or rib/ or spar structure of wing/ or stabilizer /or aileron/ or elevator
Select and prepare fabric materials
Evaluate/adapt environmental conditions for work with fabric
M Perform repairs of fabric covering
M Perform lacing (including blind lacing)
Perform doping and taping

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Revision 02 / Apr. 2023
Removal of Limitations Group 3 Aircraft
Logbook Ownerʼs
Last Name First Name

Prepare/perform painting after repair

Perform balancing after repair /painting
M Inspect/repair/replace lose rivets, fasteners, cam-locks
Assess corrosion
M Treat corrosion
Apply protective treatment
Inspect/repair of empennage components
Perform resistance measurement of bonding system

Pressurized aeroplanes (only for B1.2)

AC Registration Aircraft type
AC Registration Aircraft type
AC Registra- Trainee Supervisor
Date Competence obtained Reference Hours
tion Signature Signature

M Perform two annual check i.a.w manufacturer instructions and AMP (provide a copy of the
signed checklists used to FOCA)
Replace combustion heater
Replace outflow valve
M Replace / check safety valve
Replace vapour cycle unit
Replace cabin blower
Replace heat exchanger
Replace pressurisation controller
M Clean outflow valves

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Revision 02 / Apr. 2023
Removal of Limitations Group 3 Aircraft
Logbook Ownerʼs
Last Name First Name

Deactivate / reactivate cargo isolation valve

Deactivate / reactivate avionics ventilation components
M Check operation of air conditioning / heating system
M Check operation of pressurisation system
M Troubleshoot faulty system
M Functional Check
M Cabin leak Check
Replace and service compressor

ATA 35 Oxygen
AC Registra- Trainee- Supervisor
Date Competence obtained Hours
tion Signature Signature

Inspect on-board oxygen equipment

M Purge and recharge oxygen system
Replace regulator
Replace oxygen generator
M Test crew oxygen system
Perform auto oxygen system deployment check
M Troubleshoot faulty system

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Revision 02 / Apr. 2023
Removal of Limitations Group 3 Aircraft
Logbook Ownerʼs
Last Name First Name

ATA 56 Windows
AC Registra- Trainee- Supervisor
Date Competence obtained Hours
tion Signature Signature

Replace windshield
Replace cabin window
M Repair transparency

Additional optional tasks

AC Registra- Trainee- Supervisor
Date Competence obtained Hours
tion Signature Signature

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Revision 02 / Apr. 2023

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