Corporate Plan 2024 29
Corporate Plan 2024 29
Corporate Plan 2024 29
Our Corporate
Plan 2024–2029
Foreword – Policy Chairman 2
Foreword – Town Clerk and Chief Executive 4
Who we are 6
Our impact and key facts 8
Our people 9
Our broader remit 10
Sustainability and natural environment 12
Culture and heritage 14
Our community 16
Education and lifelong learning 18
Economic contributions and assets 20
Our responsibilities in the Square Mile 22
Our responsibilities outside the Square Mile 24
Executive summary 26
Six Outcomes 28
Monitoring impact 30
Diverse Engaged Communities 32
Dynamic Economic Growth 38
Leading Sustainable Environment 44
Vibrant Thriving Destination 50
Providing Excellent Services 56
Flourishing Public Spaces 62
Annex: Key strategies and programmes 68
Foreword –
Policy Chairman
Our status as a global financial powerhouse national cultural icons for all to enjoy.
faces international competition like never We are partnering with the Greater London
before. Dynamic economic growth and being Authority to build a new world-class London
globally competitive is vital to the success Museum. We are creating an international
of people and businesses not just in the justice hub through our development at
financial and professional services sector, or Salisbury Square. And we are relocating
the City, but the entire country. We will press Billingsgate and Smithfield markets to
forward with our Vision for Economic Growth Barking and Dagenham, creating over
to help unlock investment and create 10,000 new jobs. As the sole trustee of the
prosperity, creating more jobs and helping to City Bridge Foundation, London’s biggest
fund the public services we all rely on. independent charity funder, we donate over
£30 million across the capital annually.
By improving our public In the City itself, changing economic
services and cultural offer, we conditions and working patterns mean
want our residents to be able we must promote and secure a magnetic
place that attracts businesses and people
to call the Square Mile the best alike. Being a successful and safe area
place to live. – a world-leading business district and
leisure destination that appeals to residents,
The Square Mile serves as the engine of workers, companies, and visitors alike –
the UK economy. It generates £85 billion is vital for our long-term prospects. Crucial
in economic output annually, supporting to our success is creating a safe and vibrant
615,000 jobs and businesses ranging from destination in the Square Mile. The world
our vital SMEs to global giants. Our financial of work has changed and will continue to
and professional services firms underpin do so. Enticing workers back to the office
modern life, supporting everything from means earning their commute. That requires
daily purchases to major life moments. This excellence across a range of factors from
sector is a truly nation-wide industry, with business appeal to transport, policing to the
two-thirds of the 2.5 million jobs outside built environment, hospitality to promoting
of London. We will continue to partner our cultural offer, and more.
with regional and local leaders, trade
associations and businesses to promote This corporate plan showcases
our sector and deliver on its contributions.
not only our commitment to
The City, and the UK, must strengthen the residents, businesses and
our economic security. This is vital for communities we serve in the
our prosperity. Our dedicated City of
Square Mile, but emphasises
London Police has an important role to
play – nationally and locally, online and our leadership in contributing
on our streets – in ensuring that the City to the UK’s future prosperity.
has the safest and most secure business
environment in the world. I am immensely proud to serve as the
In London, the City of London Corporation Policy Chairman of the City of London
not only governs our capital’s financial Corporation. Working together, there is
district but helps drive its overall success. no limit to what we can, and will, achieve.
Our major capital investments into London’s
civic fabric and public realm will support Chris Hayward
Foreword –
Town Clerk and
Chief Executive
We’re privileged to serve a diverse range of develop existing ones; and be values-driven
communities. As the governing body of the in our interactions, promoting equity, diversity
Square Mile, the City of London Corporation and inclusion, and supporting sustainability
has responsibilities to residents, workers, (economic, social, and environmental).
businesses, visitors, and many more. It is
serving this collection of communities, both We will be accountable, measuring our
in the City and elsewhere, that makes the success against targets that will evolve to
City of London Corporation an exciting and reflect new challenges. Clear targets will
unique place to be. help us make better, more effective, and
more strategic decisions. Embedded in
decision-making at all levels, this corporate
Whether you call the City of plan will be our golden thread, enabling
London home, or work, study everyone within the organisation, wherever
or visit here or at one of our they work, to feel connected to, and a part
of, the next five years.
sites outside the Square Mile,
this corporate plan is for you. Leading our response to the challenges and
opportunities of the next five years will be
our people. Wherever they are based, our
The following pages outline the actions dedicated professionals are key to delivering
that we as one organisation – including our our objectives. To recognise our dynamic
institutions – will take over the next five workforce as the asset that they are, our
fantastic years to ensure that the City of first people strategy has been developed in
London offers the best place to live, work, tandem with this corporate plan.
learn, and explore.
Guided by this corporate plan, we are Together, they are steps toward
embarking on an exciting and challenging
range of work that is only possible at the
our ambition of being a values-
City of London Corporation. Where we driven organisation.
excel, we want to continue demonstrating
leadership. Where we can be better, we have This plan is for everyone connected to
the aspiration and commitment to improve. the work, activities, and responsibilities of
That means building on brilliant basics and the City of London Corporation. We want
the provision of statutory duties to deliver to deliver the things that matter to you.
for people; contributing to our civic life both We want to ensure that the people and
in the City and further afield; and delivering places we support are the best they can
social inclusion and social mobility for all. be. Working in partnership with all our
To be world-class, to achieve our ambitions, communities, institutions and spaces, we will
we’ll need to work collaboratively as one shape a fantastic five years ahead, together.
team, breaking down organisational silos to
solve the important issues of the day. We
will proactively create new partnerships and Ian Thomas CBE
we are
Our mission
The City of London Corporation is the governing
body of the Square Mile dedicated to a vibrant and
thriving City, supporting a diverse and sustainable
London within a globally-successful UK.
key facts
Our people
There are
residents living in
the City of London. 1 in 52
UK workers are
employed in the City.
There are
in the City of London.
Welcoming millions
of domestic and
international visitors to the Square Mile each year.
Our broader remit
We work alongside our residents to deliver excellent
services and ensure people live in good quality housing
and live independent and healthy lives. This includes
housing, education, safeguarding, care and support
for children and adults, public health, libraries, leisure
and adult education. Our work also focuses on building
new affordable homes and providing well maintained,
safe homes on our existing properties (including the
Barbican Estate, Middlesex Street Estate, Golden Lane
Estate and ten other estates situated in six different
London boroughs).
Since 1856, we have operated the City of London
Cemetery and Crematorium, a stunning 200-acre
Grade 1 listed landscape and one of the largest
municipal cemeteries in Europe.
Sustainability and
natural environment
The City is lead authority for
hazardous waste collection across
London, arranging for around
5,600 collections of asbestos and
chemical waste from the public
sector, schools and charities.
and heritage
Our community
social tenanted properties
and over 950 leaseholder
We provide over properties across London.
social housing units on 12 estates across
six London Boroughs and the City.
Our children’s social care services are rated
Passionate and proud
volunteers help our natural
environments thrive giving over Volunteer groups play an active
role in helping us manage our
City Gardens – approximately
Three community libraries –
including the award-winning
Barbican Music Library – attract
288,000 Our care-related quality
of life score for adults is
visits annually.
ranked first
within peer group and of 150 councils.
Education and
lifelong learning
and assets
The City accounts for
1 in every 5
financial services jobs in Great Britain.
Our responsibilities
in the Square Mile
Bunhill Fields 24
Barbican Estate 13 Gresham College 35
City Gardens and
Golden Lane Open Spaces London Symphony
Estate 14 (all green areas) 25 Orchestra 36
Middlesex Street
Estate 15
Our responsibilities
outside the Square Mile
Executive summary
This corporate plan informs effective use of resources and guides
planning and decision-making for the City of London Corporation
from 2024 to 2029 through six strategic outcomes, ultimately
ensuring everything we do aligns to our mission to be world-class.
This corporate plan is a living document which is being monitored,
reviewed, and refreshed during the five-year period, with progress published
annually. It includes positive outcomes which are measurable by assessing
impact. These measures will be further developed and refined during the
lifetime of the plan.
The plan also:
• ties individual contribution to our • will be implemented through
core purpose and alongside other strategies
• builds on the past and lays and programmes
a foundation for the future • is agile and iterative to respond to
• is informed by extensive new challenges
engagement and collaboration • will be embedded in all areas of work,
• recognises spheres of operation and from business plans to individual staff
influence in the Square Mile, London, reports, acting as a ‘golden thread’
nationally, and globally across the organisation
The six corporate plan outcomes are of equal importance, reflecting
the vast portfolios covered by the City of London Corporation. They are
interlinked and delivered through activities across the organisation and in
partnership with our stakeholders. We will strive for equity, equality, diversity
and inclusion to ensure impactful delivery.
These outcomes bring to life priorities gathered from feedback we received about our focus
during the next five years. We gathered this feedback from the diverse communities we
serve, including residents and businesses and the sectors we represent. The outcomes also
encapsulate wider considerations about safety, security, social value, sustainability, open
spaces, economic competitiveness, and accessibility.
This corporate plan is a catalyst for excellence. Combining improved ways of working,
strategy and culture, and collaborative leadership to best use resources. Our goal is for
the City of London Corporation to be a world-class organisation. One that is resilient,
responsive and agile; and seizes, leverages and creates opportunities for all.
Six Outcomes
Dynamic Economic Growth
The City of London is the engine in the country’s
economy. Driving dynamic economic growth
in financial and professional services at local,
national, and international levels will create jobs,
attract investment, and support businesses
across communities and the country.
Monitoring impact
Our objective
Monitoring and reporting on corporate
performance through the use of appropriate
measures and methodologies (including objective
key results) will ensure we are on track to achieve
our stated outcomes. It will allow us to report
progress, map success, and identify areas that
may benefit from additional resource, or where
improvement may be required.
Our aspirations
For each outcome, an initial selection of performance
measures have been identified that will allow us to
keep track of progress. These are based on agreed
metrics that support existing strategies and business
plans, and will be refined over the lifetime of this
corporate plan.
Our aim is to track both quantitative and qualitive performance
information, and report on this annually. Reporting mechanisms
will be iterative. This is a new way of working as we develop data
maturity and capability.
Our reporting will improve year on year as more data becomes
available and is used for our analytical work, and will extend to the
development of scorecards and dashboards.
Some targets already exist within our suite of performance metrics;
the same is true for benchmarking and SMART measures. Once
we have sufficient data and have improved our data management
capabilities, we will include a more expansive suite of comparative
metrics in this corporate plan.
We actively promote
participation in our
encouraging people
to stand for election,
to vote in our city-
wide elections, and to
put questions to their
elected representatives.
We continue to engage
SMEs, including through
a survey, to inform a
new SME strategy.
We always undertake
statutory public
on planning applications
within the City.
Our Community
Infrastructure Levy
Fund distributes We help communities
over and networks become
£1 million better connected
in grants annually through The City
across the City. Belonging Project.
Our actions
Performance measures
Context and impact
£85 billion
in economic
output annually.
Financial and
professional services
employ over
2.4 million
people across the
country with two-thirds
outside of London.
There are
614,500 workers
in the City of London, or 1 in every
52 Great British workers. City jobs
have grown over 13% since pre-
pandemic 2019 to 2022.
Our ground-breaking Vision for
Economic Growth report could
help unlock
£225 billion
of investment through insurance
reforms, pension reforms and
net zero investments to drive
economic growth across the UK.
£278 billion
of economic output in
2022, 12% of the entire
UK’s economic output,
and contributed nearly
£100 billion in tax revenue.
The City of London Police is the
More than
98% of businesses
in the City are SMEs. We provide a
range of support, information and
advice that encourages and enables
their growth.
Our actions
Performance measures
Leading Sustainable
We have a responsibility to
ensure that we act as a leader
on environmental sustainability
and strive to enhance it in all
aspects of how we work. Climate
action, resilience, air quality, and
sustainability are all facets of
ambitious targets for the entire
City to be net zero by 2040.
Context and impact
and energy consumption
by 21% between 2018 to
2019, and 2021 to 2022.
Our open spaces remove around
tonnes of carbon from the
atmosphere a year, equivalent to
44% of the City Corporation’s annual
carbon footprint in its own operations.
renewable electricity.
£68 million
investment – commits us to achieving
net zero carbon emissions in our own
operations by 2027.
Our actions
Performance measures
©Clive Totman 51
Context and impact
The City Corporation is one of
the largest funders of heritage
and cultural activities in the UK,
investing over
£130 million annually.
The City of London Police work
hard to ensure the Square Mile is a
safe and welcoming
place for everyone, which is crucial to a vibrant,
thriving and prosperous environment that works
for residents, visitors, business and leisure.
Our actions
1. Cement the City as London’s central business district
where businesses want to be and where workers,
residents and visitors want to spend time.
2. Continue to promote crime prevention in the City of
London, and tackle local crime and antisocial behaviour
through the Safer City Partnership.
3. Make the City a thriving, seven-day-a-week destination
through our flagship Destination City programme, and
build economic prosperity through flourishing retail,
leisure and business.
4. Be home to an exciting all-year-round events programme.
5. Grow the City’s cultural offer through new development.
6. Strengthen our cultural offer through partnerships with
brands, the City’s Business Improvement Districts,
and landowners.
7. Boost the supply of skilled workers for sustainable
buildings, enabling central London to decarbonise its
built environment at scale.
8. Undertake a new city occupiers and investment study to
assess the short and long-term demand for office space
and amenities and attract major tenants and occupiers.
9. Help start-up business and SMEs to scale and grow
through our SME strategy.
10. Adopt the City Plan 2040 for sustainable growth
and development direction.
11. Provide more space for walking and making the City’s
streets more accessible.
12. Deliver the licensing service within the context of the
‘Vibrant Thriving Destination’ outcome, considering the
views of our residents, businesses, workers and visitors.
Performance measures
Context and impact
We have a joint public health
team with Hackney, delivering
services commissioned
to improve the health and
wellbeing of the City’s
different populations, and
focused strategies,
like our Carers Strategy,
capturing our specific aims and
driving forward the work we do.
We invest We have a
£700,000 annually unique family
in the Grange Road hostel run by St of schools
Mungo’s in Southwark, helping some
comprising a maintained
of the Square Mile’s most vulnerable
primary school,
rough sleepers with complex needs.
sponsored academies in
London boroughs, and
We work to independent schools.
support the City’s
most vulnerable
and those who are facing hardship
by tackling health inequalities,
providing safe and secure homes,
delivering education to children
and adults, and delivering
services enhancing the welfare
of the City’s communities. We do
this by maximising the use and
reach of our assets and through
partnerships with health, policing, We provide a
and neighbouring authorities.
vital link
in the food supply chain
for London and the
South of England by
operating food markets.
We are a social landlord with
12 housing estates
across the City of London and six
neighbouring London boroughs.
Our actions
1. Support others to provide outstanding education, lifelong
learning, and skills.
2. Deliver new social rented homes and focus on housing
management quality and service standards.
3. Improve housing management, communication and
engagement across our social housing portfolio and
the Barbican Estate.
4. Complete a refurbishment programme for the Grade II
listed Golden Lane Estate.
5. Promote the health, wellbeing, and quality of life
of people of all ages.
6. Focus on equality, diversity and inclusion to improve
social mobility and reduce inequalities, including
health inequalities.
7. Respond to new adult social care legislation and
inspection requirements.
8. Continue, through our Carers Strategy, to provide
support to carers.
9. Protect and promote public, animal and environmental
health (including at our borders) and consumer protection.
10. Provide our Licensing Service, considering the views
of our residents, workers and visitors with a business-
friendly approach.
11. Improve air quality and control excessive noise in the
Square Mile.
12. Provide a responsive street cleaning service.
13. Use libraries and community spaces to support learning,
tackle social isolation, and build resilience.
14. Implement a new homelessness strategy and help prevent
homelessness by reviewing and revising the supported
accommodation pathway.
Performance measures
©Clive Totman 61
Context and impact
We invest over
£38 million
a year managing open
spaces, which attract over
47 million visits annually.
We are creating a
new civic hub
at Salisbury Square in the heart
of London’s legal centre to be
the headquarters of the City of
London Police and a flagship
combined court for His Majesty’s
Courts and Tribunals Service.
We are reinvigorating a part
of the City at Smithfield with a
We are the
City Bridge Foundation
sole trustee supports over
of City Bridge Foundation, which is a 500 organisations
world-class bridge owner, and responsible
across London at any one time
for five Thames crossings, and London’s
and awards over £30 million a
biggest independent charity funder.
year to charitable organisations
across the capital, funding
causes from child poverty
to female equality. It
has made an additional
£200 million
of funding available to 2026.
Our actions
Performance measures
Annex: Key strategies
and programmes
City Corporation owns many sector, department and subject-
specific strategies, programmes and plans. Those listed below
contain metrics key to measuring and monitoring performance
in the City of London Corporate Plan 2024 to 2029.
Existing strategies
Strategies and plans under development
Corporate Strategy & Performance Team
Town Clerk’s Department
City of London Corporation
PO Box 270 | Guildhall | London, EC2P 2EJ
T: +44 (0) 20 7606 3030 | E: