BTech OT Syllabis
BTech OT Syllabis
BTech OT Syllabis
II) Mission
We are committed to:
Encourage faculty and students to carry out socially relevant and forward looking
Offer consultancy services using state of the art facilities fulfilling the needs of the
industry and society
Enable our students, faculty and staff to play leadership roles for the betterment of
the society in a sustainable manner
III) Programme Educational Objectives (PEO) for B Tech Oil Chemical Technology-
Oil Technology Programme:
PEO1. Graduates of the programme will contribute to the development of sustainable growth of
engineering and Oil technology sector for the betterment of society
PEO3 Graduates of the programme will accept and create innovations in providing solution for
sustainable technology development
PEO4 Graduates of the programme will discharge their duties as professional engineer and Oil
Technologist with quality and ethics
PO3. Design solutions for complex problems in C h e mi c a l Design/Development of
T e c h n o l o g y - O i l T e c h n o l o g y and design system solutions
components or processes that meet the specified needs with
appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and
the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations
PO4. Use research-based knowledge and research methods including Conduct Investigations of
design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and complex problems
synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions.
PO5. Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and Modern Tool Usage
modern engineering tools such as optimization techniques,
simulations , including prediction and modeling to complex
process Engineering problems with an understanding of their
PO6. Apply contextual knowledge with justification to assess The Engineer & Society
societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the
consequent responsibilities relevant to engineering and
C h e mi c a l T e c h n o l o gy - O i l T e c h n o l o g y professional
PO7. Understand the impact of the professional engineering and Environment and
C h e mi c a l T e c h n o l o gy - O i l T e c h n o l o g y solutions in Sustainability
societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the
knowledge of, and need for sustainable development
Sl. Course Course Title Subject Credits Periods Sessional Marks ESE Total
No. Type Code Marks
L T P CT TA Lab. Total
1 BSC Engineering BCY 4 3 0 2 15 20 15 50 50 100
Sl. Course Course Title Subject Credit Periods Sessional Marks Total
No. Type Code s ESE Marks
L T P CT TA Lab Total
1 BSC Physics BPH 4 3 0 2 15 20 15 50 50 100
2 BSC Mathematics II BMA 4 3 1 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
3 ESC Electrical Engineering EEE 4 3 0 2 15 20 15 50 50 100
4 ESC Engineering EME 3 3 0 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
5 HSMC English Language & HHS 2 2 0 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
6 HSMC Professional HHS 3 3 0 2 15 20 15 50 50 100
Total Credits 20 600
Sl. Course Course Title Subject Credits Periods Sessional ESE Total
No. Type Code Marks Marks
L T P CT TA Lab Total
1. BSC Mathematics III BMA 4 3 1 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
2. PCC Chemistry of Oil TOT 251 4 3 1 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
& Allied Products
3. PCC Chemistry of Oil TOT 253 2 0 0 4 - 20 30 50 50 100
& Allied Products
4. ESC Fluid Mechanics TOT 255 5 3 1 2 15 20 15 50 50 100
and Mechanical
5. PCC Materials & TOT 257 4 3 1 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
Energy Balance
6. HSMC Organizational HHS 3 3 0 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
7. MC (Non Cyber Security ECS 0 2 0 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
Sl. Course Course Title Subject Credits Periods Sessional Marks ESE Total
No. Type Code Marks
L T P CT TA Lab Total
1 BSC Modern Analytical BCY 4 3 0 2 15 20 15 50 50 100
2 BSC Computer Oriented BMA 4 2 1 2 15 20 15 50 50 100
Numerical Methods
3 PCC Source, Composition, TOT 252 5 3 1 2 15 20 15 50 50 100
Characterization of
Oils Fats & Waxes
4 ESC Heat Transfer TOT 254 3 2 1 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
5 PCC Chemical TOT 256 3 2 1 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
6 HSMC Engg Economics & HHS 3 3 0 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
7 MC Indian Constitution HHS 0 2 0 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
Total Credits 22 600
Sl. Course Type Course Title Subject Credits Periods Sessional Marks ESE Total
No. Code Marks
L T P CT TA Lab Total
1 PCC Technology of Soaps & TOT 351 5 3 1 2 15 20 15 50 50 100
Fat Splitting
2 PCC Expression & TOT 353 4 3 1 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
Extraction Technique of
Oil Bearing Materials
3. PCC Biotechnology of Oils TOT 355 2 2 0 0 - 20 30 50 50 100
& Oil Seeds
4 PCC Mass Transfer TOT 357 4 3 1 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
5 PCC Chemical Reaction TOT 359 4 3 1 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
6 OEC Open Elective Course -I HHS 3 3 0 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
Total Credits 22 600
Sl. Course Course Title Subject Credits Periods Sessional Marks ESE Total
No. Type Code Marks
L T P MSE TA Lab. Total
1 PCC Hydrogenation & TOT 352 3 2 0 2 15 20 15 50 50 100
Modification of Oils
2 PCC Technology of TOT 354 3 2 1 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
Surfactants & Synthetic
3 PCC Refining of Oils TOT 356 4 3 0 2 15 20 15 50 50 100
4 PCC Quality Assurance of TOT 358 3 2 1 0 30 20 0 50 50 100
Oils & Allied Products
5 PCC Environmental Aspects TOT 360 3 3 0 0 30 20 0 50 50 100
of Oils & Allied
6 PCC Instrumentation & TOT 362 3 2 1 0 30 20 0 50 50 100
Process Control
5 OEC Open Elective Course - BMA 3 3 0 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
(Maths) II
Total Credits 22 700
Sl. Course Course Title Subject Credits Periods Sessional Marks ESE Total
No. Type Code Marks
L T P CT TA Lab Total
Sl. Course Course Title Subject Credits Periods Sessional Marks ES Total
No. Type Code E Marks
L T P CT TA Lab Total
1 PEC *Programme Elective Course III 4 3 1 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
(Packaging of Oils, Fats & TOT 452
Allied Industries OR
Fuel & Green Lubricants) TOT 454
2 PEC *Programme Elective Course IV 4 3 1 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
(Process Modeling & Simulation TOT 456
Computer Aided Equipment
Design) TOT 458
3 OEC *Open Elective Course –IV TOT 460 4 3 1 0 30 20 - 50 50 100
(Transport Phenomena)
List of Programme Elective Courses
Department of Oil Technology
School of Chemical Technology
B. Tech. Chemical Technology - Oil Technology
Semester 1
Course outcome
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to
Module I
(i) Bonding: CFT, Electronic Spectra and Ligands (strong and weak field), Phosphorescence and
Fluorescence, Jablonski diagram, hydrogen bonding and their effect on physical properties, Metallic
bonds, Classification and Applications of Liquid crystals, Band Theory of Solids and
(Lectures: 7-
(ii) Spectroscopy: Basic Principles, Instrumentation and Applications of UV-VIS and IR
(Lectures: 5-
Module II
(i) Chemical Kinetics: Second order reactions. Determination of order, Fast and slow reaction, steady
state approximation, Temperature effect, Concept of Activated Complex/Transition State: Energy of
activation, Potential energy surface, Theories of reaction rate: Collision and Transition State theories
in terms of enzyme catalysis. (Lectures:
Module III
(i) Electrochemistry: Dry and fuel cells, electrochemical cell, Solar cells, Disensitized cell,
Photovoltaic cell.
(Lectures: 3-4)
(ii) Environmental Chemistry: Air and Water Pollution, analysis of gaseous effluents oxides of
Nitrogen, oxides of Sulphur and H2S, chemical analysis of effluents liquid streams, BOD, COD,
control of pollution, Depletion of ozone layer.
(Lectures: 5-6)
Module IV
(ii) Stereochemistry: Stereoisomerism of organic compounds containing one & two chiral centers.
Enantiomers & Diastereomers, E-Z nomenclature, R-S configuration, Atropisomerism, and Optical
isomerism in Allenes, biphenyl and Spiranes, Circular Dichroism. (Lectures:
(i) Reaction Mechanism: Inductive, Electromeric and Mesomeric effects. Study of reaction
intermediates (Carbanion, carbocation, carbene, nitrene and benzyne). Mechanism of nucleophilic
and electrophilic substitution reactions. Mechanism and application of following reactions:
a) Suzuki-Miyaura Cross coupling reaction
b) Fries and Photo-Fries Rearrangement
c) Wagner- Meerweir Rearrangement
d) Umpolung Reactions
e) Reaction of vision (Lectures: 4-5)
Module V
(i) Polymers: Introduction and their classifications, types of polymerization, Free radical, anionic and
cationic polymerization, Preparation, Rheological properties and uses of some common polymers.
Synthetic Polymers (carbon framework, silicon framework, fluorinated polymer), Conducting and
Biodegradable polymers. (Lectures: 4-
(ii) Water Analysis: Introduction; Hardness of Water- cause, types, units, Disadvantages of using
hard water for domestic and industrial purposes, Softening of hard water, Chemical analysis of
Water- estimation of free chlorine, total alkalinity, hardness, Numerical based on determination of
List of Experiments:
1. Determination of alkalinity in given water sample.
a. Sodium Carbonate & Sodium Bicarbonate
b. Sodium Carbonate & Sodium Hydroxide
2. Determination of temporary and permanent hardness in water sample using EDTA as
standard solution.
3. Determination of Chloride content of water by Mohr‟s Method.
4. Determination of Chlorine content in Bleaching powder.
5. Determination of strength of supplied Ferrous Ammonium Sulphate (FAS) solution in using
external, internal indicators.
6. Determination of viscosity of a given liquid by Ostwald‟s viscometer.
7. Determination of surface tension of a given liquid by Stalagmometer.
8. pH determination of given sample.
9. Determination of iron content of water by Mohr‟s Method.
10. Determination of Dissociation constant of weak acids by conductometric Titration.
Reference Books:
1. Advance Organic Chemistry by Jerry March, Third Edition Wiley Eastern Limited, New
2. Organic Chemistry by Morrision & Boyd, Allyn and Bacon, Inc. Boston.
3. Physical Chemistry by Puri, Sharma & Pathania, Peter Atkins & Julio de Paula, Arun Bahl,
B.S. Bahl & G.D.Tuli.
4. Textbook of Physical Chemistry by S. Glasstone, Macmillan and Co. Ltd., London.
5. Chemical Kinetics and Reaction Dynamics by Puri, Sharma & Pathania.
6. Principles of Polymerization by George Odian.
7. Polymer Science by V. R. Gowarikar, N. V. Vishwanathan and J. Shridhar, Wiley Eastern
Ltd., New Delhi.
8. Principles of Instrumental Analysis by Douglas and Skoog, Saunder College Publishing Co.,
New York.
9. Engineering Chemistry by Jain & Jain, Dhanpat Rai Publication Co., New Delhi.
10. Application of Absorption Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds by John R. Dyer, Prentice
Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi.
11. Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds by P.S. Kalsi, Y.R. Sharma.
3 1 0 4
CO4 solve linear system of equations and determine the eigen vectors of the Apply, Analyze
matrix. Evaluate,
CO5 learn concept of optimization and optimization techniques. Apply, Analyze,
CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSOs
CO1 3 3 2 1 2 - - 1 - 1 - 3 1 2
CO2 3 3 2 1 2 - - 1 - 1 - 3 2 1
CO3 3 3 2 1 2 - - 1 - 1 - 3 2 1
CO4 3 3 2 1 2 - - 1 - 1 - 3 2 2
CO5 3 3 2 1 2 - - 1 - 1 - 3 2 2
Average 3 3 2 1 2 - - 1 - 1 - 3 1.8 1.6
Detailed Syllabus:
Unit III- Vector Calculus:
Point functions, differentiation, Gradient, Directional derivative, Divergence and Curl of a vector and
their physical interpretations, Solenoidal & irrotational fields, Integration, Line, Surface and Volume
integrals Green‟s. Stoke‟s and Gauss Divergence theorems (without proof) and applications.
Unit V- Optimization:
Engineering applications of optimization, statement and classification of optimization problems,
Optimization techniques, single variable optimization, multi variable optimization with no constraint,
with equality and inequality constraints, Linear Programming Problems, Graphical method and
Simplex method.
Books Recommended:
1. R.K. Jain & S. R. K. lyengar; Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Narosa Publishing House 2002.
2. Erwin Kreyszig: Advanced Engineering Mathematics. John Wiley & Sons 8th Edition.
3. Dennis G. Zill & Michael R Cullen; Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Jones & Bartlett
Publishers, 2nd
4. S.S. Rao; Optimization: Theory & application Wiley Eastern Limited.
5. T.M. Apostol, calculus, Vol. I, 2nd ed., Wiley 1967.
6. T.M. Apostol, Calculus, Vol. II, 2nd ed., Wiley 1969.
7. Gilbert Strang, Linear Algebra & its applications, Nelson Engineering 2007.
8. Calculus & Analytic Geometry, Thomas and Finny.
EET 151/152 Electronics & Instrumentation Engineering
3 0 0 3
Upon Completion of the course the students will be able to:
P-N Junction Diode, V-I Characteristics, Diode Application as Rectifier (Half Wave & Full Wave),
Zener Diode and its Applications.
Introduction to Bipolar Junction Transistor, Operational Amplifier and FET: Applications, demo,
explanation, Applications
Boolean Algebra, Logic Gates, Concept of Universal Gate, Minimization using K map, Number
Basic Combinational Circuits: Adder, Subtractor.
Sequential Circuits: Flip-Flops, Registers.
Functional Elements of Instruments, Classification & Characteristics, Types of Errors, Active and
Passive Transducers and their Characteristics
Display Devices: Seven Segment Display, Alphanumeric Display, LCD, LED, Plasma, Projectors.
Electronic Ammeter and Voltmeter, Digital Multi-meter, Digital Storage Oscilloscope (DSO)
Text Books:
1. Malvino, A.P. / “Electronics Principles” / Tata McGraw-Hill.
2. Boylestad, Robert &Nashelsky, Louis / “Electronic Devices & Circuit Theory” / Prentice Hall
of India.
3. H.S. Kalsi / “Electronic Instrumentation” / Tata McGraw-Hill
4. Malvino& Leach / “Digital Principles & Applications” / Tata McGraw-Hill.
Reference Books:
1. Sedra, Adel S., Smith, Kenneth C. / “Microelectronic Circuits”/ Oxford University Press.
2. Sawhney AK/ “Electrical and electronic Measurement and Instrumentation”/ DhanpatRai&
3. Lectures of NPTEL
0 06 3
Lettering and Dimensioning: Introduction, lettering practice, Elements of dimensioning - systems of
Geometric Constructions: Free hand sketching, Conic sections, Special curves.
Engineering Scales
Projection of Points: First and Third Angle Projections; Projection of points.
Projection of Lines: Projection of straight lines (First angle projection only); Projection of lines
inclined to one plane and both planes, true length and true inclinations.
Projection of Solids and Section of Solids
Projection of solids: Classification of solids, Projection of solids in simple position, Projection of
solids inclined to one plane. Sections of Solids: Right regular solids and auxiliary views for the true
shape of the sections.
Development of Surfaces
Development of surfaces for various regular solids.
Isometric Projection and Perspective Projection
Isometric Projection: Isometric scales, Isometric projections of simple and combination of solids;
Perspective Projection: Orthographic representation of a perspective views – Plane figures and
simple solids - Visual ray method.
Orthographic Projection
Conversion of pictorial view into orthographic Projection.
Introduction to auto CAD
3 0 2 4
Course Outcomes:
1. Identify the parts of the computer system and explain the functioning of its
componentsalongwith the process of problem solving. (Remember, Understand)
2. Design an algorithmic solution for a given problem and translate it into a program. (Design)
3. Understand different operating systems, related concepts and their functions. (Understand)
4. Use the appropriate control statements to solve the given problem. (Apply)
5. Implement different Operations on arrays and use functions to solve the given problem.
6. Understand pointers, structures and unions &Implement file Operations in C programming.
(Understand, Apply)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO Statement
CO1 3 3 2 1 2 - - 1 - 1 - 3 1 2
CO2 3 3 2 1 2 - - 1 - 1 - 3 2 1
CO3 3 3 2 1 2 - - 1 - 1 - 3 2 1
CO4 3 3 2 1 2 - - 1 - 1 - 3 2 2
CO5 3 3 2 1 2 - - 1 - 1 - 3 2 2
CO6 3 3 2 1 2 - - 1 - 1 - 3 2 1
Course Content:
Introduction to Computers: Computer hardware Components, peripherals and their functions, Number
Systems and conversion methods, Concept of an algorithm; termination and correctness. Algorithms
to programs: specification, top-down development and stepwise refinement, Introduction to
programming environment, use of high level programming language for the systematic
developmentof programs. Introduction to the design and implementation of correct, efficient and
maintainable programs, Structured Programming, Trace an algorithm to depict the logic.
Basic operating System Concepts: Introduction of MS-DOS, WINDOWS, and LINUX Operating
Systems, Functional Knowledge of these operating systems, Introduction of basic commands of
LINUX and Editors, Managing Files and Directories in LINUX, Programming Environment in
LINUX, Writing and executing programs in LINUX.
Operators: Unary operators, Arithmetic & logical operators, Bit wise operators, Assignment operators
and expressions, Conditional expressions, Precedence and order of evaluation. Control statements: if-
else, switch, break, and continue, the comma operator, goto statement. Loops: for, while, do-while.
Functions: built-in and user-defined, function declaration, definition and function call, and parameter
passing: call by value, call by reference, recursive functions, Multi-file programs. Arrays: linear
arrays, multidimensional arrays, passing arrays to functions, Arrays and strings.
Structure and Union: definition and differences, self-referential structure. Pointers: value at (*) and
address of (&) operator, pointer to pointer, Dynamic Memory Allocation, calloc and malloc functions,
array of pointers, function of pointers, structures and pointers. File Handling in C: opening and
closing a data file, creating a data file, read and write functions, unformatted data files.
Lab Work:
1. Write C program to find largest of three integers.
2. Write C program to check whether the given string is palindrome or not.
3. Write C program to find whether the given integer is
a. (i). a prime number
b. (ii). an Armstrong number.
4. Write C program for Pascal triangle.
5. Write C program to find sum and average of n integer using linear array.
6. Write C program to perform addition, multiplication, transpose on matrices.
7. Write C program to find Fibonacci series of iterative method using user-defined
8. Write C program to find factorial of n by recursion using user-defined functions.
9. Write C program to perform following operations by using user defined functions:
(i) Concatenation
(ii) Reverse
(iii) String Matching
0 0 42
Objective : The objective of this course is to educate and impart basic knowledge of various hand
tools and equipments and their use in different shops, day to day industrial work and domestic life.
Students able to understand safety precautions in the workshop. Student acquires skills of application
oriented task.
Course Outcome
CO 3 Identify and apply suitable tools for machining processes including plain
turning, step turning, taper turning, facing, thread cutting operations
CO 6 Comprehend the proper safety measures required to be taken while using Remember,
different tools. Understand
CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO( PO10 PO11 PO12 PSOs
CO1 2 - - 1 1 1 - - - - - 1 1 2
CO2 2 - - 1 1 1 - - - - - 1 2 1
CO3 2 - - 1 1 1 - - - - - 1 2 1
CO4 2 - - 1 1 1 - - - - - 1 2 2
CO5 2 - - 1 1 1 - - - - - 1 2 2
Semester 2 L T PC
BPH: 151/152 PHYSICS (Theory & Lab)
Sessional Marks: 50
End Semester Exam Marks: 50
Course Objectives (COs)
CO – PO Matrix
Course CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSOs
BPH 2 2
CO1 3 3 1 2 1 2 1
CO2 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
CO3 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
CO4 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
CO5 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
Average 3 3 1 2 1 2 1 2 2
Introductory Mechanics & Theory of Relativity: Potential energy function F = −grad (V),
equipotential surfaces, meaning of gradient, divergence, curl and their physical significance,
Conservative and Non-Conservative forces, Curl of a force, Central forces, Examples of Central
forces, Conservation of Angular Momentum,.
Inertial and Non- Inertial Frames of reference, Galilean transformation, Michelson Morley
Experiment, Lorentz Transformation, Length contraction, Time dilation and Evidences for time
dilation, Relativistic velocity addition formula, Relativistic variation of mass with velocity, Evidence
of mass variation with velocity, Einstein‟s Mass energy equivalence, Examples from nuclear physics,
Relativistic energy momentum relation.
Dual Nature of matter & Radiation, Heisenberg‟s uncertainty Principle and their applications, wave
group concept, Davisson Germer experiment, Postulates of quantum mechanics, Significance of wave
function, Derivation of Schrodinger equation for time independent and time dependent cases.
Application of Schrodinger wave equation for a free particle, Particle in a box (one dimensional and
three dimensional), Simple harmonic oscillator (one dimensional).
Electromagnetic Theory: Ampere‟s law and Faraday‟s law of electromagnetic induction, Maxwell‟s
equations, Correction of Ampere‟s law by Maxwell (concept of displacement current), transformation
from integral to differential form, Physical significance of each equation,Poyntingtheorem, Maxwell‟s
equations in free space, velocity of electromagnetic wave, Transverse character of the wave and
orthogonality of E, H and v vectors, Maxwell‟s equation in dielectric medium and velocity of e.m.
wave, Comparison with free space, Maxwell‟s equations in conducting media, Solution of differential
equation in this case,penetration depth, its significance.
Nano Materials: Basic principles of nanoscience and technology, preparation, structure and
properties of fullerene and carbon nanotubes, applications of nanotechnology.
Statistical Mechanics & Lasers: Phase space, the probability of distribution, most probable
distribution, Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics, Applicationsof Maxwell-Boltzmann Statistics, derivation
of average velocity, RMS velocity and most probable velocity in the above case, Bose-Einstein
Statistics, application to black body radiation, distribution law of energy, Planck‟s radiation formula
and Stefan‟s law. Fermi – Dirac statics, application in case of free electrons in metals, energy
distribution, Fermi energy.
1. To determine the energy of band gap of a N-type Ge-semiconductor using four probe method
2. Verification of Stefan‟s fourth power law for black body radiation, determination of the
exponent of the temperature
3. Study of thermoelectricity: Determination of thermo-power of Copper-constantan thermo-
4. To study the variation of magnetic field with distance along the axis of current carrying coil
and then to estimate the radius of the coil
5. Study of Carrey Foster‟s bridge: determination of resistance per unit length of the bridge wire
and of a given unknown resistance
6. Determination of specific charge (charge to mass ratio; e/m) for electron
7. Study of tangent galvanometer: determination of reduction factor and horizontal component
of earth‟s magnetic field
8. Determination of the wavelength of sodium light using Newton Rings‟ method
9. To determine the concentration of sugar solution using half shade polarimeter
10. Determination of wavelength of spectral lines of mercury (for violet, green, yellow-1 and
yellow-2) using plane transmission grating
11. Determination of charge sensitivity and ballistic constant of a ballistic galvanometer
12.To determine the wavelength of spectral lines of hydrogen & hence to determine the
value of Rydberg Constant
13. Draw the V-I characteristic of Light Emitting Diode (LED) and determine the value
of Planck's constant
EEE-151/152 Basic Electrical Engineering
3 0 2 4
Course Outcome:
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO-PO Mapping:
CO1 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2
CO2 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1
CO3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 1
CO4 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2
CO5 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) ifthere is no correlation, put "-'
Circuit Concepts: Concepts of Network, Active and Passive elements, voltage and current sources,
concept of linearity and linear network, unilateral and bilateral elements. R L and C as linear
elements. Source Transformation.
Kirchhoff‟s Law; loop and nodal methods of analysis; star – delta transformation; Network
Theorems: Superposition Theorem, Thevenin‟s Theorem, Norton‟s Theorem, Maximum Power
Transfer Theorem. (Simple Numerical Problems)
AC Fundamentals: Sinusoidal, Square and Triangular waveforms – average and effective values,
form and peak factors, concept of phasors, phasor representation of sinusoidally varying voltage and
current. Analysis of series, parallel, and series – parallel RLC Circuits: Apparent, Active & Reactive
Powers, Power factor, causes and problems of low power factor, power factor improvement.
Resonance in Series and Parallel Circuits, Bandwidth and Quality Factor. (Simple Numerical
Module III:
Three Phase System – its necessity and advantages, meaning of phase sequence and star and delta
connections, balanced supply and balanced load, line and phase voltage / current relations, three
phase power and its measurement. (Simple Numerical Problems)
Types of instruments: Construction and Working Principles of PMMC and Moving Iron type
Voltmeter & Ammeters, Single Phase Dynamometer Wattmeter and Induction Type Energy Meter,
use of Shunts and Multipliers. (Simple Numerical Problems on Energy Meter, Shunts and
Module IV
Magnetic circuit concepts, analogy between Electric & Magnetic circuits, Magnetic circuits with
DC and AC excitations, Magnetic leakage. B-H curve, Hysteresis and Eddy Current looses,
Magnetic circuit calculations mutual Coupling.
Principle of Operation, Construction, e.m.f. equation, equivalent circuit, Power losses, efficiency,
introduction to auto transformer. (Simple Numerical Problems)
Module V (8 hours):
DC Machines:
Types of dc machines, e.m.f. equation of generator and torque equation of motor, characteristics and
applications of dc motors. (Simple Numerical Problems)
Text Books:
Reference Books:
Experiments list:
8. To Study speed control of dc shunt motor using (1) Armature Voltage Control (2) Field Flux
9. Determination of Efficiency of a dc shunt motor by load test.
10. To study running and speed reversal of a 3 – Ø induction motor and record its speed in both
11. To measure energy by a 1 – Ø energy meter and determine error.
12. Department may add any three experiments in the above list.
Sessional Marks: 50
End Semester Exam Marks: 50
Objective: To provide the basic fundamentals of forces, moments, stresses and strains.
2 3 4 5 7 8 9 0 1 2
EME-101/ 102 3 3
CO1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 1 1
EME-101/ 102 3 3
CO2 3 3 3 1
EME-101/ 102 3 3
CO3 3 3 3 1
EME-101/ 102 3 3
CO4 3 2 2 1
EME-101/ 102 3 3
CO5 3 2 2 1
EME-101/ 102 3 3
CO6 3 2 3 1
3 3
Course Content:
Two Dimensional Force Systems: Basic concepts, Laws of motion, Principle of Transmissibility of
forces, Transfer of a force to parallel position, Resultant of a force system, Simplest Resultant of Two
dimensional concurrent and Non-concurrent Force systems, Distributed force system, Free body
diagrams, Equilibrium and Equations of Equilibrium, Applications.
Friction: Introduction, Laws of Coulomb Friction, Equilibrium of Bodies involving Dry-friction, Belt
friction, Applications.
Beam: Introduction, Shear force and Bending Moment, Differential Equations for Equilibrium, Shear
force and Bending Moment Diagrams for Statically Determinate Beams.
Trusses: Introduction, Simple Truss and Solution of Simple truss, Method of Joints and Method of
Centroid and Moment of Inertia: Centroid of plane, curve, area, volume and composite bodies,
Moment of inertia of plane area, Parallel Axes Theorem, Perpendicular axes theorems, Principal
Moment Inertia, Mass Moment of Inertia of Circular Ring, Disc, Cylinder, Sphere and Cone about
their Axis of Symmetry.
Simple Stress and Strain: Introduction, Normal and Shear stresses, Stress- Strain Diagrams for
ductile and brittle material, Elastic Constants, One Dimensional Loading of members of varying
cross-sections, Strain energy.
Compound stress and strains: Introduction, state of plane stress, Principal stress and strain, Mohr‟s
stress circle, Theories of Failure.
Pure Bending of Beams: Introduction, Simple Bending Theory, Stress in beams of different cross
Torsion: Introduction to Torsion of circular shaft, combined bending & torsion of solid & hollow
Sessional Marks: 50
End Semester Exam: 50
Course Outcome:
CO1 Understand the various techniques of writing effectively and write Apply, Understand
professional statements & organizational communications.
CO2 Develop writing skills by applying different strategies on organization system. Understand and apply
CO3 Will write articles, reports, projects and different organizational proposals Apply, Create
differently and efficiently.
CO4 Write in concise with brevity and coherency all the messages of the Analyze and Create
Cours PO1 O1 PO 1 O2
e CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 0 1 12
IHU 1 2
2 CO1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 1
CO2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 1 1 2
CO3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 1 1 2
CO4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 1 1 2
Averag 1 2
e 2 3 1
1. Das, B K and A David, „A Remedial Course in English for Colleges‟, (Book -1,2,3) Oxford
University Press, New Delhi.
2. Sinha, R P, „Current English Grammar and Usage with Composition‟, Oxford University Press,
New Delhi.
3. Wren, P C & Martin, „English Grammar and Composition‟, S Chand & Co Ltd. New Delhi.
4. A. S. Horne, Guide to Pattern and usage in English, Oxford University Press, N.D.
5. M.L. Tickoo& A. E. Subramanian, Intermediate Grammar, usage & composition, Orient
Course: B. Tech & MCA Branch: All Year / Semester: Ist Year
Sessional Marks: 50 Credit: 3
End Semester Exam: 50 LTPC: 3 0 2 3
Course Outcome:
CO-PO Matrix
Course CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
HHS 1 2
CO1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 1
2 1
CO2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 1
2 1
CO3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 1
2 1
CO4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 1
2 2
CO5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 0 1
1.8 1.4
2 3 1
Text Books:
1. „Improve Your Writing‟ ed. By V N Arora and Laxmi Chandra, Oxford University Press, New
2. „An Anthology of English Short Stories‟, edited by R P Singh, Oxford University Press.
3. „Technical Communication- Principles and Practices‟ by Meenakshi Raman &Sangeeta Sharma,
Oxford University Press, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
Semester- 3
Course Outcome
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO1 solve boundary value problems using Laplace transform and Fourier Apply, Evaluate
transform methods and solve difference equations and BVPS using z
CO2 construct conformal mapping between many kinds of domains. Understand, Apply
CO3 evaluate complex integrals, improper real integrals using various Apply, Evaluate
find Taylor and Laurents series expansion of complex functions.
CO4 estimate relationship between two variable using curve fitting, Understand, Apply
regression and its strength using correlation.
CO5 various parametric and nonparametric tests parameter estimation, Understand, Apply
hypothesis testing and ANOVA.
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) If there is no
correlation, put“-“
CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSOs
CO1 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 - 1 3 2 2
CO2 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 - 1 3 2 1
CO3 3 3 3 3 2 1 2 1 1 - 1 3 2 1
CO4 3 3 3 3 1 1 - - - - - 2 2 2
CO5 3 3 3 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 2
Detailed Syllabus:
Development of difference equations as models, operator method, method of undetermined
coefficients, Z-transform pairs, ROC. Operational properties, limiting- value theorems, its
applications to solve difference equations and BVP, systems of difference equations.
Books Recommended:
1. Dennis G, Zill & Michael R. Cullen; Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Jones & Bartlett
Publishers. 2nd
2. R.K. Jain & S.R.K. Iyengar; advanced Engineering Mathematics, Narosa Publishing House, 2002.
3 Erwin Kreyszig; Advanced Engineering Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons 8th Edition.
4. R.V. Churchill and J.L. Brown, Complex Variables and Applications, McGraw Hill, 1990.
5. J.N. Kapur and H.C. Saxena, Mathematical Statistics, S.Chand. & Co., 2001.
6. H.C. Saxena, Practical Mathematical Statistics, S. chand & Co., 2000.
7. J.H. Mathews and R.W. Howell, Complex analysis for Mathematics and Engineering, 3rd Ed.
Narosa, 1998.
L : T: P:C
3 : 1: 0:4
The course provide necessary knowledge of basic chemistry ofoils and allied products, their
fatty acid composition and chemical reactions.Course also provide glyceride and non-glyceride
components and adulteration of other oils.
Students are required to have basic knowledge of Chemistry.
Course Outcome:
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to.
(CO1) This gives exposure of various edible, non-edible, commercial oils and fats Understand
from Animal and vegetable sources including various waxes.
(CO2) Student will be exposed to various fatty acids present in oils & fats, Apply
composition of fatty acids and glyceride & non-glyceride components.
(CO3) This enable the students to come through the BIS specification and analyze Apply
physical & Chemical characteristics of oils & fats.
(CO4) Understand various chemical reactions of oils & fats and their derivatives. Analyze
(CO5) Apply their understanding of Chemistry of Oils & Fats to determine the Analyze
adulteration of Oils & Fats and their industrial applications.
Assessment Pattern:
Bloom‟s Category Continuous Terminal
Assessment Tests Examination
1 2 3 4
Remember 20 10 20 20
Understand 20 30 20 20
Apply 0 20 20 10
Analyze 50 20 20 40
Evaluate 10 20 20 10
Create 0 0 0 0
3. Production and consumption pattern of various Oils & Fats.
Course Outcome 2(CO2)
1. Non- Glyceride components of Oils & Fats.
2. Minor constituents of Oils & Fats.
3. Waxes and their chemistry.
Course Outcome 3(CO3)
1. Physico-chemical characteristics of Oils & Fats.
2. BIS methods for testing of oils and fats.
Course Outcome 4(CO4)
1. Adulteration tests for vegetable and animal fats and oils and their chemistry.
2. Estimation of minor constituents of Oils & Fats.
Course Outcome 5(CO5)
1. Chemical reactions of fats and fatty acids.
2. Industrial applications of chemical reactions.
History and general introduction
Oils, fats, waxes, mineral oils, essential oils, their sources, composition and structures.Constituentsof
natural fats Glycerides and fatty acids, their nomenclature, classification and principle sources;
theories of glyceride structure.Production and consumption pattern of various Oils & Fats in the
Country vis-à-vis world.
Module –II
Non–glyceride components, important minor constituents and contaminants
Phosphatides, sterols, gossypol, carotenoids, hydrocarbons, coloring matter, natural pigments,
vitamins, antioxidants, Fatty Alcohols, Sterols, Tocopherols, Tocotrinols, Oryzanols, Triterpine
Alcohols Waxes etc. Gossypol, Sesamol and Sesamoline, Flavoring compounds. Some minor
important constituents of oilseeds: ricin, sinigrin, linamarine, saponin, allylisothiocyanate, gossypol,
sesamol and sesamoline; environmental contaminants.
Module– III
Physico-chemical characteristics of natural oils, fats and fatty acids
Oiliness and viscosity, cloud point, titre, density and coefficient of expansion, melting point, plasticity
of fats & plastic range, smoke, flash and fire points, Boiling point; solubility and miscibility,
refractive index,. Acid value, saponification value, Iodine value, thiocyanogen value, diene value,
acetyl and hydroxyl value Riechert Miessel and Polensky values, and Kirshner value, Peroxide Value,
Anisidine Value, Oxirane Value, TBA value, Totox value, unsaponifiable matter. BIS methods for
testing of oils and fats
Adulteration tests for vegetable and animal fats and oils and their chemistry
Boudiens Test, Holde Test, Halphens test, Hexa Bromide Test, Ammonium Molybdate test, Belliers
Turbidity Test, Test for the presence of Argemone, Sal Neem Kusum, Karanja, Animal fat,
Allylisothiocyanate test, Detection of rice bran oil in other oils and other relevant test.
Brief introduction to chemical reactions of fats and fatty acids
Esterification, interesterification, saponification, hydrolysis: reactions involving the carboxyl groups
e.g., formation of metal soaps: nitrogen derivatives, acid chlorides, anhydrides etc.: alkoxylation,
pyrolysis: reactions in the fatty acid chain; hydrogenation, dehydrogenation, halogenation, addition of
sulphur, phenols, cresols, hydrogen sulphide and mercaptans: sulphation and sulphonation and
miscellaneous addition to the double bonds, Rancidity and mechanism of chemical and auto
oxidation, natural & synthetic antioxidants
Detection of adulteration in oils and fats as per BIS- Boudiens Test, Holde Test, Halphens test, Hexa
Bromide Test, Ammonium Molybdate test, Belliers Turbidity Test, Test for the presence of
Argemone, Adulteration of rice bran in mustard oil
Reference Books and suggested readings:
1. Chemical constitutions of natural fats by T.P. Hilditch and P.N. Williams 4th ed., Chapman and
Hall (1964)
2. Baileys Industrial oil and fat products by Daniel Swern, Wiley Interscience publication (1979)
3. Chemistry and technology of oils and fats by Prof. M. M. Chakrabarti, Allied publishers
4. Analysis of fats and oils by Mehlenbacher V. C., Garrardpren (1960)
5. Nontraditional oilseeds and oils by N. V. Bringi, Oxford and IBH Co. Pvt. Ltd. (1989)
6. Fatty Acid by K. S. Markely, Interscience publishers (1968)
7. Treatise on fats , fatty acids and oleochemicals by O. P. Narula, Vol I & II, Industrial
Consultants (India), (1994)
8. Natural fatty acids and their sources by E. H. Pryde
9. BIS specifications; IS- 548, part I, II
Course Objective:
The course provides introductory knowledge of basic chemistry of oilseeds, oils & allied products. It
is a foundation course for their analysis & estimation of adulteration.
Course Outcome:
Students are well conversant with the basic knowledge of various oilseeds & oil products & explore
their uses in further studies & in-depth knowledge of the course.
L : T: P:C
0: 0: 4:2
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this course is to enable the students
The course provide necessary knowledge of basic chemistry of oils and allied products.
their fatty acid composition and chemical reactions.
Course also provide glyceride and non-glyceride components and adulteration of other oils
Course also provides the basic knowledge of oils & Oleochemicals
Course Outcome
CO1 Apply laboratory methods of analysis for estimation of purity of oil Apply
CO2 Apply laboratory techniques for determination of physical properties of oils, Apply
fats & oilseeds
CO3 Apply analytical methods for identification of oil Apply
CO4 To identify different adulteration & to analyzed the quality of oils & fats & to Analyze
apply understanding of chemistry of oils & fats & to ensure quality.
3 1 2 5
Sessional: 50 marks
Course Objective:
To understand basic concept of fluid flow and its application to chemical process industries including
pipe flow, fluid machinery and agitation & mixing.
Course outcomes:
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSOs
CO1 3 3 1 1 - - 2 - - 1 - 2 3 2
CO2 3 3 3 - - 1 1 - - 1 - 2 3 3
CO3 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 - - 1 - 2 3 2
CO4 3 2 1 - - 2 2 - - 1 - 2 3 3
CO5 3 3 1 3 1 2 1 - - 1 - 3 3 2
CO6 3 2 2 2 1 2 1 - 3 1 - 3 3 3
Avg. 3.00 2.67 1.83 1.50 0.67 1.33 1.33 - 0.5 1 - 2.33 3 2.5
Module I (8 hours)
Module II (8 hours)
Macroscopic Balances: derivation of integral balances for mass, energy and momentum; Derivation of
engineering Bernoulli equation with losses, Application of macroscopic balances: Losses in
expansion, Force on a reducing bend, Diameter of a free jet; Jet ejector. Flow measurement: Orifice
meter, venturi meter, Pitot tube, and Rota meter.
Differential balances of fluid flow: derivation of continuity and momentum (Navier-Stokes) equations
for a Newtonian fluid, Boundary layer theory, Pipe flows and fittings: laminar and turbulent flows;
friction factor charts, losses in fittings, Fluid transportation: Valves and Pumps and Compressors.
Module IV (8 hours)
Flow through packed and fluidized beds: Flow through beds of solids, motion of particles through the
fluid, Particle settling, Fluidization, minimum fluidization velocity, Mixing and Agitation- power
consumption, mixing times, scale up
Module V (8 hours)
Filtration: Governing equations, constant pressure operation, constant flow operation, cycle time,
types of filters. Centrifuges and Cyclones: Gravity settling, centrifugal separation, cyclone
separations, separation efficiency, pressure loss,
2. Coulson & Richardson, Chemical Engineering Vol. I: Pergamon, (1979) McGraw hill
3. Gupta, Vijay and S. K. Gupta, “Fluid Mechanics and its Applications”, Wiley Eastern, New Delhi
Assessment: L T P C
Sessional: 50 marks 3 1 0 4
Course Objective:
To understand and apply the basics of calculations related to material and energy flow in the
Course Outcome
CO1 Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of material and energy balance Understand, Apply,
equations for open and closed systems. Remember
CO2 Select appropriate basis and conduct degree of freedom analysis before solving Apply, Evaluate
material and energy balance problems.
CO3 Make elementary flow-sheets and perform material and energy balance Analyse, Evaluate
calculations without and with chemical reactions, and involving concepts like
recycle, bypass and purge.
CO4 Perform process calculations utilizing psychometric charts and steam tables. Understand, Apply,
CO5 Apply simultaneous material and energy balance calculations for steady state Understand, Apply,
continuous flow systems and unsteady state systems Evaluate
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSOs
CO1 3 3 2 1 - - - - - - 1 1 1 3
CO2 3 3 3 2 - - - - - - - 1 2 3
CO3 3 3 3 3 2 2 1 - - 1 1 1 2 3
CO4 3 3 2 2 1 - - - - 1 1 1 1 3
CO5 3 3 2 1 - - - - - - 1 1 2 3
Avg 3 3 2.4 1.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 - - 0.4 0.8 1 1.6 3
Module 1 (9 hours)
Dimensions, system of units and their conversions, Mass and volume relations, Basic stoichiometric
principles, limiting and excess reactants, Degree of completion, Conversion, selectivity, yield. Ideal
gas law, Dalton‟s Law, Amagat‟s Law, Introduction to degrees of freedom analysis.
Module 2 (7 hours)
Vapor pressure of liquids and solids, Vapor pressure plot (Cox chart), Vapor pressures of miscible and
immiscible liquids and solutions, Raoult‟s Law and Henry‟s Law. Humidity and saturation use of
humidity charts for engineering calculations.
Module 3 (8 hours)
Material balance without chemical reactions and its application to unit operations like distillation,
absorption etc. Material balance with chemical reaction Recycle, bypass and purging.
Module 4 (8 hours)
Heat capacity of gases, liquids and solutions Heat of fusion and vaporization. Steady state energy
balance for systems with and without chemical reactions. Calculations and application of heat of
reaction combustion, formation, neutralization and solution. Enthalpy-concentration charts. Orsat
analysis Calculation of theoretical and actual flame temperatures
Module 5 (8 hours)
Simultaneous material and energy balance. Introduction to Unsteady state material and energy
1. Hougen, O.A., Watson, K.M and Ragatz, R.A., "Chemical Process Principles Part-I", John Wiley
and Asia Publishing, 1970.
2. Himmelblau, D.M., “Basic Principles and Calculations in Chemical Engineering", sixth Edition,
Prentice Hall Inc., 1996.
3. Felder, R.M. & Rousseau, R.W. "Elementary Principles of Chemical Processes ", 3rd edition.
JohnWiley. (1999)
4. Bhatt, B.L., VORA, S.M., “Stoichiomentry ", Tata McGraw-Hill, 1976.
Suggested Reference Books
1. Venkataramani, V., Anantharaman, N., Begum, K. M. MeeraSheriffa, “Process Calculations”,
Second Edition, Prentice Hall of India.
2. Sikdar, D. C., “Chemical Process Calculations”, Prentice Hall of India.
Course: IIIrd B. Tech Branch: CS/IT Year / Semester: IIIrd Year
Sessional Marks: 50 Credit: 3
End Semester Exam: 50 LTPC: 3 0 0 3
To identify organizational objectives, components and models for better results in attaining
organizational goals;
To understand individual behavior dimensions and interpersonal behavior;
To analyze group, group behaviour, team and team building with its key role in organization;
CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
3 3
CO1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 2 1 3
CO2 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 3 3
CO3 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 3 3 3 2 3 3 3
CO4 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 3 3 3 2 3 3 3
CO5 0 0 0 2 0 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3
3 3
Average 1.4 1.4 1.4 2.4 2.6 2.6 1.6 3
CO-PO Matrix
Test Books:
1. Luthans Fred., "Organizational Behavior", McGraw Hill, 1998
2. Pareek, Udai, "Understanding Organizational Behavior, Oxford university press
1. Robbins (4th ed.), "Essentials of organizational behavior", Prentice Hall of India Pv1. Ltd., New
Delhi, 1995
2. Keith Davis, "Organisational Behaviour,
3. Hersey and Blanchard (6th ed.). "Management of organizational behavior L utilising human
resources", Prentice Hall of India Pv1. Ltd., New Delhi, 1996.
4. Nancy J. Adler, “International Organisational behavior‟, Cengage Learning
5. Nelson Quick, „Organizational Behaviour Function Learning‟ Fifth Edition
0 2 0 0
Course Outcomes:
1. Understand information, information systems, information security, Cyber Security and Security
Risk Analysis. (Understand)
2. Understand and apply application security, data security, security technology, security threats from
malicious software. (Understand, Apply)
3. Understand the concepts of security threats to e-commerce applications such as electronic payment
system, e-Cash, Credit/Debit Cards etc. (Understand)
4. Understand and apply Information Security Governance & Risk Management, Security of IT Assets
and Intrusion Detection Systems. (Understand, Apply)
5. Understand various types of Security Policies, Cyber Ethics, IT Act, IPR and Cyber Laws in India.
Introduction to information systems, Types of information systems, Development of Information
systems, Introduction to information security, Need for Information security, Threats of Information
Systems, Information Assurance, Cyber Security and Security Risk Analysis.
Application security (Database, E-mail and Internet), Data Security Considerations-Backups, Archival
Storage and Disposal of Data, Security Technology- Firewall and VPNs, Intrusion Detection, Access
Control, Security Threats- Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horse, Bombs, Trapdoors, Spoofs, E-mail viruses,
Macro viruses, Malicious Software, Network and Denial of Services Attack, Security Threats to E-
Commerce – Electronic Payment System, e-Cash, Credit/Debit Cards, Digital Signature, public Key
Developing Secure Information Systems, Application Development Security, Information Security
Governance & Risk Management, Security Architecture & Design, Security Issues in Hardware, Data
Storage & Downloadable devices, Physical Security of IT Assets, Access Control, CCTV and
intrusion Detection Systems, Backup Security Measures.
Security Policies, why Policies should be developed, WWW Policies, Email Security Policies, Policy
Review Process- Corporate policies- Sample Security Policies, Publishing and Notification
requirement of the Policies. Information Security Standards- ISO, IT Act, Copyright Act, Patent Law,
IPR. Cyber Laws in India: IT Act 2000 Provisions, Intellectual Property Law: Copy Right Law,
Software License, Semiconductor Law and Pattern Law.
Semester- 4
The objective of this course is to make the students aware of the modern instrumental techniques, the
principles underlying them and their applications in the characterization of materials.
Course outcome
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO1 Interpret Raman and IR–Spectra for characterization of materials. Understand, Apply,
CO2 Interpret NMR, Mass and ESR–Spectra for characterization of Understand, Apply,
materials. Analyze
BCY101/ PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 3 2 3 2 - 1 - - - - 3
CO2 3 3 2 3 2 - 1 - - - - 3
CO3 3 3 2 3 2 - 1 - - - - 3
CO4 3 3 2 3 2 - 1 - - - - 3
CO5 3 3 2 3 2 - 1 - - - - 3
CO6 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 2 1 2 - 3
Average 3 3 2.17 3 2 0.33 1.17 0.33 0.17 0.33 - 3
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3: Substantial (High) If there is no correlation put “-
Module I
(i) Infrared Spectroscopy: Introduction, Principle, Instrumentation, mechanics of measurements,
Selection rules, fundamental vibration modes, Factors influencing the Band Position and
intensities, some characteristics frequencies and co-relation of IR spectra with molecular structures,
effect of Hydrogen Bonding on vibrational frequencies.
(Lectures: 6-7)
(ii) Raman Spectroscopy: Introduction theory of Raman Spectroscopy, Mechanism of Raman and
Rayleigh scattering, Rule of Mutual Exclusion, correlation with the molecular structure, difference
between Raman and IR spectra, Resonance Raman effect, Application of Raman Spectroscopy.
(Lectures: 4-5)
Module II
Module III
(i) Potentiometry and Conductometry: General principles, reference and indicator electrodes,
potentiometric and conductometric titrations (Lectures: 3-4)
Polarography: Basic principle, dropping mercury electrode (DME), half wave potential,
polarographic currents and applications. (Lectures: 3-4)
Module IV
(i) Chromatographic methods: Introduction to Chromatographic methods: TLC, Column and Gas
chromatography, Principles, Instrumentation, GC column, Detectors and stationary phases and
applications, hyphenated techniques (GC-MS). (Lectures: 4-5)
Liquid Chromatography LC/HPLC, Column efficiency in LC, Detectors, Instrumentation,
Partition/Adsorption/Ion Exchange Chromatography (Lectures: 4-5)
Module V
(i) Thermal Methods of Analysis: Thermogravimetric analysis, differential thermal analysis and
differential scanning calorimetry and applications. (Lectures: 4-5)
List of Experiments:
6. Determine the adsorption isotherm of oxalic acid/acetic acid on activated charcoal and verify
the Freundlich adsorption isotherm.
7. Determine the rate constant (K) of hydrolysis of ethyl acetate catalyzed by HCL.
8. Prepare p-nitro acetanilide from acetanilide and find its percentage yield.
9. Determine the viscosity and percentage composition of the given liquid using Ostwald‟s
10. Determine the strength of given glucose solution by titration against Fehling‟s solution.
11. Evaluation of Dissociation Constant k for a weak acid using conductometry.
12. Elution of chemicals by Column Chromatography.
13. Elution of genomic DNA from plants suspension.
14. Estimation of Phosphoric acid from coca cola.
Reference Books:
1. Instrumental Analysis, Douglas A. Skoog, F. James Holler & Stanley R. Crouch.
2. Instrumental Methods of Analysis, Willard, Merit and Dean.
3. Handbook of Instrumental Techniques for Analytical Chemistry Ronald A. Hites, Indian
University, School of Public and Environmental Affairs and Department of Chemistry.
4. Applications of absorption spectroscopy of organic compounds, John R. Dyer.
5. Instrumental Methods Analysis, B. K. Sharma.
6. Text book of Quantitative Inorganic Analysis, A. I. Vogel.
7. Spectroscopy of Organic Compounds by P.S. Kalsi, Y.R. Sharma, Robert M. Silverstein &
Francis X. Webster.
2 1 2 4
CO1 find roots of nonlinear equations and solve systems of algebraic Apply, Evaluate
CO2 use interpolation techniques and to find numerical differentiation/ Apply, Evaluate
integration of data function.
CO3 use numerical methods for finding solutions of ordinary differential Apply, Evaluate
equations, simultaneous and higher order equations.
CO4 learn numerical methods for finding solution of initial and boundary Apply, Evaluate
value problems, partial differential equations.
CO5 learn basic concepts of some Finite element methods. Apply, Evaluate
CO6 developing computer programs of numerical methods using C/C++ Apply, Evaluate,
language. Create
CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
CO1 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 - - - - 3
CO2 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 - - - - 3
CO3 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 - - - - 3
CO4 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 - - - - 3
CO5 3 2 3 3 1 1 1 - - - - 3
CO6 3 2 2 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 3
Average 3 2 2.83 2.83 1.33 1.16 1 .33 .33 .33 .33 3
1: Slight (Low) 2: Moderate (Medium) 3:Substantial (High) If there is no correlation, put “-“
Roots of nonlinear equation, Methods of solution, Order of convergence of iterative methods, Simple
roots: Bisection, False position, secant, Newton-Raphson, Chebyshev, Iteration and multi point
iteration methods, Multiple roots: Newton-Raphson and Chebyshev, Complex roots: Newton-
Raphson and Muller‟s method, a system of nonlinear equations: Newton-Raphson and Iteration
methods, Polynomial equations: Bairstow‟s method, convergence analysis of above methods.
Linear systems: Introduction, Direct methods, Operation count, Pivoting, III conditioned linear
systems & condition number, Iteration methods: Jacobi, Gauss-Seidel, SOR methods, convergence
conditions. Special system of equations: Thomas algorithm. Eigen value problems: Given‟s and
Power methods.
UNIT IV: Initial & Boundary Value Problems and Iterative Solvers
BVP: Shooting method and Finite difference methods for Ordinary Differential Equations, Solution
of Partial differential equation; solution of Laplace, Poisson equations: Standard 5- point and
diagonal 5- point formulae, Jacobi method, Gauss Seidel method (Liebmann‟s iterative method)
Relaxation method. Solution of heat equation: Crank – Nicolson method, Solution of wave equation.
TOT-252 Sources, Composition, Characterization of Oils, Fats and
L : T: P:C
3 : 1: 2:5
The course provide necessary knowledge of demand and supply scenario of oil- seed & oils
its storage and handling, physical and chemical properties as well as fatty acid composition. Course
also provide knowledge of natural and synthetic waxes, animal fat and marine oils and fats
characteristic fatty acid composition and uses.
Students are convergent with the basic knowledge of various oil-seeds and oils, fats, waxes.
They are aware of physico chemical characteristic of individual oils.
Course Outcome:
(CO1) This gives exposure of various edible, non-edible, commercial oils, fats and Understand
waxes from Animal and vegetable sources.
(CO2) Utilization of oils fats, waxes as well as storage and handling of oils and oil- Apply
(CO3) This enable the students to come through the specification and physical & Apply
chemical characteristic of the oil occurring naturally from
vegetable/animal/marine sources
(CO4) Apply their knowledge to analyze the application of individual oils/fats & their Analyze
nutritional value for edible application direct or after modification.
(CO5) To analyze the characteristic and composition of various oils, fat and waxes for Analyze
their nonedible & industrial purposes.
Reference Book
1. Bailey‟s Industrial Oil and Fat Products, Volume 5, Sixth Edition Edible Oil and Fat
2. Products: Processing Technologies Edited by Fereidoon Shahidi, A Wiley-
Interscience Publication, JOHN WILEY & SONS, New York. Oils & fats Technology
Edited by E. Bernardini
3. Chemical constitutions of natural fats by T.P. Hilditch and P.N. Williams 4th ed.,
Chapman and Hall (1964)
4. Nontraditional oilseeds and oils by N. V. Bringi, Oxford and IBH Co. Pvt. Ltd. (1989)
5. Fatty Acid by K. S. Markely, Interscience publishers (1968)
6. Analysis of fats and oils by Mehlenbacher V. C., Garrardpren (1960)
5.1 Natural waxes such as bees wax, shellac wax 1
5.2 Carnauba wax, sugar cane wax 1
5.3 Montana wax, Jojoba wax 1
5.4 Sperm oil, rice bran 1
5.5 Sunflower and spermaceti 1
5.6 Synthetic waxes their occurrence and classifications 2
5.7 General properties and uses of synthetic waxes 1
Total 41
2 1 0 3
Sessional: 50 marks
Course Objective:To understand the fundamentals of heat transfer mechanisms in fluids and solids
and their applications in various heat transfer equipment in process industries.
Course outcomes:
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSOs
CO1 3 2 1 1 - - 2 - - 1 - 1 1 2
CO2 3 3 3 3 2 1 1 - - 1 - 1 2 2
CO3 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 - - 1 1 1 1 2
CO4 3 2 3 3 3 2 2 - - 1 1 1 2 2
CO5 3 3 3 3 1 2 1 - - 1 1 1 1 2
Avg. 3 2.6 2.6 2.6 1.8 1.2 1.4 - - 1 0.6 1 1.4 2
Module 1 (6 hours)
Introduction ot heat transfer and general concepts of heat transfer by conduction, convection and
radiation, Conduction: Basic concepts of conduction in solids, liquids, gases, steady state temperature
fields and one dimensional conduction without heat generation e. g. through plain walls, cylindrical
and spherical surfaces, composite layers, Insulation materials, critical and optimal, insulation
thickness, Extended surfaces, fins and their applications, Introduction to unsteady state heat transfer.
MODULE 2 (6 hours)
Convection: Fundamentals of convection, Basic concepts and definitions, natural and forced
convection, hydrodynamic and thermal boundary layers, laminar and turbulent heat transfer inside
tubes, Dimensional analysis, determination of individual and overall heat transfer coefficients, heat
transfer in molten metals.
Radiation: Basic laws of heat transfer by radiation, black body and gray body concepts, view factors,
Kirchoff's law, solar radiations, combined heat transfer coefficients by convection and radiation.
Heat Transfer by phase change: Condensation of pure vapours, film wise and drop wise condensation,
eat transfer in boiling liquids, boiling heat transfer coefficients, Evaporation: Elementary principles,
types of evaporators, Single and multiple effect evaporators.
Heat exchangers: Types of heat exchangers, Principal components of a concentric tube & shell-and-
tube heat exchangers, baffles, tube and tube distribution, tubes to tube sheet joint, heat exchanger with
multiple shell and tube passes, log-mean temperature difference, overall heat transfer coefficient,
fouling factors, design of double pipe and shell and tube heat exchangers.
1. "Heat Transfer principles and applications" Dutta, B. K., PHI
2. "Heat Transfer" Holman J. P, 9th Ed. McGraw Hill.
3. "Process Heat Transfer". Kern D. Q. McGraw Hill Book
4.Heat and Mass Transfer Fundamentals and Applications, Cengel Y. A. and Ghajar A. J., McGraw
Hill,5th edition, 2016.
Assessment: L T P C
Sessional: 50 marks
2 1 0 3
End Semester: 50 marks
Course Objective:
Course outcomes:
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSOs
CO1 3 2 1 1 - - 1 - - 1 - 1 1 2
CO2 3 1 1 1 - 3 3 - - 1 - 1 2 2
CO3 3 3 2 2 3 - - - - 1 - 1 1 2
CO4 3 3 3 2 3 1 1 - - 1 - 1 2 2
CO5 3 2 2 3 2 1 1 - - 1 - 1 2 2
Avg. 3 2.2 1.8 1.8 1.6 1 1.2 - - 1 - 1 1.6 2
Module 1 (8 hours)
Basic Concepts & First Law of Thermodynamics: Scope of thermodynamics, System & Surroundings,
Properties -Force, Temperature & pressure, Equilibrium, Processes- Reversible & Irreversible, Work,
Heat, Energy ,Phase rule, Joule‟s Experiment, Internal energy, Enthalpy, Heat capacities, Application
of first law to closed & open systems.Volumetric properties of pure fluids: PVT behavior of pure
substances, Virial equation of state and its application ,ideal gas and cubic equation of state,
Generalized correlations for gases and liquids.
Module 2 (6 hours)
Second Law of Thermodynamics: Heat engine and its efficiency, Heat pump, Refrigerator, COP,
Second law of Thermodynamics, Kelvin–Planck statement &Clausius Statement, Carnot‟s cycle and
Carnot theorems, Clausius inequality, Entropy balance for open systems, ideal work and lost work,
Principle of entropy.
Module 3 (6 hours)
Residual properties, two phase systems: Clapeyron equation, Estimation of thermodynamic properties
by using graphs and tables.Solution thermodynamics Theory: Fundamental property relation,
Chemical potential and phase equilibria ,Partial properties ,Ideal gas mixture model.
Module 4 (6 hours)F
ugacity and fugacity coefficient for pure species and in solution, Ideal solution model and excess
properties.Solution thermodynamics Application: Liquid phase properties from VLE data, Models for
the excess Gibbs energy, Property changes of mixing.
Module 5 (4 hours)
Phase Equilibria: Nature of equilibrium, phase rule, VLE qualitative behavior, Simple Models for
VLE, VLE by Modified Raoultslaw and VLE from K-value charts.
1. “Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics” by J.M. Smith and H.C. Van Ness,
McGraw Hill International Ltd, 2005.
3. “Chemical and Process Thermodynamics”, Kyle B.G., 3rd ed., Prentice Hall. 1999
3 0 0 3
CO1 Understand essential economic principles for solving economic problems Understand
with suitable policy alternatives
CO2 Understand and evaluate the production system with different type of cost. Understand, evaluate
CO3 Study and analyse the market, structure, types and characteristics Analyze and apply
CO4 Understand fundamentals of management principles and functions Understand and apply
CO5 Know various forms of business ownership, formation and their relevance Analyze, evaluate and
Course CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12
HHS- 1 2
CO1 0 0 0 1 0 2 1 3 1 3 3 3
2 1
CO2 1 0 0 0 0 2 1 3 3 3 3 3
1 2
CO3 0 0 0 1 0 2 2 3 2 3 3 3
1 2
CO4 0 0 0 0 0 2 2 3 3 3 3 3
3 2
CO5 0 0 0 0 0 2 3 3 3 2 3 3
1.6 1.8
average 0.2 0 0 0.4 0 2 3 2.4 2.8 3 3
CO-PO Matrix
Text Books:
1. Koutsoyiannis, A., „Modern Microeconomics‟, English Language Book Society, Macmillan.
2. Joseph, L Massod, “Essential of Management”, Prentice Hall, India.
0 2 0 0
Course Objectives (COs) at the end of this course students should be able to:
Indian Constitution Sources and Features, Preamble, Fundamental Rights, Fundamental Duties and
Directive Principles of State Policy
Union Executive President, Vice President, Prime Minister, Council of Ministers, State Executives-
Governor, Chief Minister and Council of Ministers
Union Legislature Parliament- Composition and Functions, Speaker of Lok Sabha, Amendment
Process, State Legislature- Vidhaan Sabha, Panchaayati Raj, Institutions- History, Basic Features and
73rd Amendment
Judiciary Supreme Court, High Courts, Judicial Review and Judicial Activism UNIT-V- Election
Commission Election Commission: Role and Functioning, Chief Election Commissioner and Election
Commissioners, State Election Commission: Role and Functioning, Institute and Bodies for the
Welfare of SC/ST/OBC and Women.
Reference Books:
The course provides basic knowledge of Soaps, their raw materials and manufacturing
processes apart from domestic and industrial applications. This also gives exposure of plant and
machineries used for purification of raw materials, their importance, packaging and quality control.
Knowledge of various oils, fats and fatty materials for soap manufacture.
Course Outcome:
(CO1) Have basic knowledge of various surface active agents, their Understand
effectiveness and applications.
(CO2) Select raw materials on the basis of their properties on the requirement Apply
of finished products & testing of the raw materials.
(CO3) Select method of Soap Manufacture, builders, fillers and additives & Apply
knowledge of the plant & machinery & maintenance of the same.
(CO4) Evaluate quality of raw materials and finished products Evaluate
(CO5) Prepration of laundry & tiolet soap in pilot project or in laboratory Create
Assess process for saponification and develop formulation, to make it
cost effective, knowledge of pollutant produced in the industry & their
Assessment Pattern:
Bloom‟s Category Continuous Terminal
Assessment Tests Examination
1 2 3 4
Remember 10 10 10 20
Understand 10 20 20 20
Apply 20 20 20 20
Analyze 20 20 20 30
Evaluate 20 20 20 10
Create 20 10 10 0
Course Outcome 1(CO1)
1. Survey of raw materials for soap manufacture.
2. Knowledge of various types of soaps and their utility.
3. Knowledge of equipments and machineries required.
Course Outcome 2(CO2)
1. Selection of process for saponification & soap manufacture.
2. Selection of builders and fillers based on required quality of end products.
3. Other conventional methods of saponification & soap manufacture.
Course Outcome 3(CO3)
1. Acquiring knowledge of types of soaps like soft soap, liquid soaps, transparent soaps,
medicated soaps, floating soaps, etc.
2. Maintenance, quality control and process cost.
3. Eco-friendly process adoption.
Course Outcome 4(CO4)
1. Selection criteria for plant and machineries.
2. Estimation of process cost like energy consumption, etc.
3. Analysis of all incoming materials and final product.
Course Outcome 5(CO5)
1. Assessment of eco friendly processes of soap manufacture.
2. Modification of raw materials for better quality.
3. Effluent treatment plant, air pollution control devices and green technologies.
Fundamentals of soaps:
History and background of soaps, General principles of soap-making, chemistry of cleaning
action in soaps. Study of saponification reaction, velocity and temperature. Raw material for
soaps and their selection: role of INS factor, solubility ratio and hardness number, quality
specifications and soap making properties of oils and fats. Selection and functions of
builders, fillers and other auxiliary raw materials, Upgradation of raw materials including
fractionation .
Manufacture of household soaps:
Machinery employed and quality specifications with emphasis on effect on quality of milling
and plodding, Production of soap base by traditional methods in single vessel, saponification
in presence of catalysts and/or at high temperature and high pressure and Production of
washing and toilet soaps from soap base by cold, semi-boiled and full boiled processes, phase
behavior, Manufacture of soaps from fatty acids & methyl esters.
Continuous processes of soap manufacture:
Principles related to the production of extruded soaps-solidification and high shear reaction
system, drying, extrusion, solid-solid co-extrusion, homogenization and plastic working.
Modern process and plant for the production of household and toilet soaps viz. cascade,
mazzoni. Specifications of soaps and fatty acids as per BIS standards.
Manufacture of specialty soaps:
Soft soaps, liquid soaps, transparent and translucent soaps, super fatted soaps, medicated soaps,
floating soaps, multi colored soaps etc. Soap powders like spray-chilled and spray-dried powders.
Fat splitting and fatty acid distillation:
Hydrolysis of oils and fats; composition of partially split fats. Effect of temperature, pressure,
catalyst and ratio of reactants in hydrolysis of fats; degree of splitting; Plants and processes
employed for fat splitting: Twitchell process, enzymatic fat splitting, low, medium and high
pressure autoclave processes; semi-continuous and continuous processes of fat splitting, columns
for DFA production. Fatty acid distillation, crystallization, fractionation, high purity fatty acid
products blends distillation. Specifications of fatty acids and glycerin as per BIS, Recovery of
glycerin from spent soap lye & sweet water.
Module -VI
Laboratory work
Analysis of household washing and toilet soaps as per BIS- Moisture and volatile matter, Free
alkali, Total alkali, Total fatty matter, Sodium chloride content, Glycerol content, Titre of fatty
acids, Alcohol soluble &Insoluble, Analysis of P2O5 content in STPP, Analysis of Glycerin as per
BIS/AOCS Method, Karl-Fischer method for determination of moisture, Analysis of synthetic
detergent powders as per BIS; Active matter content, Moisture and volatile matter, Matter
insoluble in water& alcohol, Active alkalinity, Chloride content, Analysis of alkyl benzene
sulphonic acid as per methods of BIS, Determination of performance characteristics of surfactants
and detergent products; Foaming power, Dispersing power, Relative detergency, Surface tension
and Interfacial tension, Critical miscelle concentration, Detergency test.
2.6 Manufacture of soaps from fatty acids & methyl esters 1
3. Continuous processes of soap manufacture
3.1 Production of extruded soaps-solidification 1
3.2 High shear reaction system 1
3.3 Modern process and plant for the production of household and toilet 3
3.4 Cascade, mazzoni processes for the production of household and toilet 2
3.5 Specifications of soaps and fatty acids as per BIS standards 1
4. Manufacture of specialty soaps
4.1 Soft soaps, liquid soaps 1
4.2 Transparent and translucent soaps 1
4.3 Super fatted soaps, medicated soaps 2
4.4 Floating soaps, multi coloured soaps 1
4.5 Soap powders like spray-chilled and spray-dried powders 2
5. Fat splitting and fatty acid distillation
5.1 Hydrolysis of oils and fats 1
5.2 Effect of temperature, pressure, catalyst and ratio of reactants in 1
hydrolysis of fats
5.3 Plants and processes employed for fat splitting 2
5.4 Twitchell process 1
5.5 Enzymatic fat splitting, low, medium and high pressure autoclave 1
5.6 Semi-continuous and continuous processes of fat splitting 2
5.7 Fatty acid distillation, crystallization, fractionation, high purity fatty acid 2
products blends distillation
5.8 Specifications of fatty acids and glycerin as per BIS, Recovery of 1
glycerin from spent soap lye & sweet water
Total 43
L : T: P:C
3 : 1: 0:4
The subject deals with the application of preparation of oil seeds & other oil bearing
materials, expression &extraction methods for the purpose of achieving better oil quality, cost
effective processing and adoption of newer techniques.
Knowledge of various oil bearing materials oil seeds cakes etc.
Course Outcome:
(CO1) Acquire the knowledge of various oil bearing materials, oil seeds, cakes and Understand
their processing for oil extraction the need of analytical methods for better oil
contents quality.
(CO2) Select processes for seed preparation. Apply
(CO3) Select methods of recovery of oil from oil bearing material, their performances. Apply
Machines & plants used, their maintenances
(CO4) Assess quantity and quality of extracted oil& de-oiled cake, adoption of green Analyze
technologies & their impact on environment.
(CO5) Evaluate quality of end products viz extracted oils, de-oiled cake adopting Evaluate
different process and cost effectiveness.
Reference Book and suggested readings:
1. Bailey‟s Industrial Oil and Fat, Edition 6 Vol-5 ( 2005), Edited by Feireidoon
Shahidi, Wiley Interscience publication
2. Seader J. D. and Henley E. J. “Separation Process Principles”, 2nd Ed. (2006),
3. King C. J., “Separation Processes”, Tata McGraw Hill (1982).
4. Basmadjian D., “Mass Transfer and Separation Processes: Principles and
Applications”, 2nd Ed. (2007), CRC.
5. Khoury F. M., “Multistage Separation Processes”, 3rd Ed. (2004), CRC
6. Wankat P. C., “Separation Process Engineering”, 2nd Ed. (2006), Prentice Hall.
7. Official methods of AOCS
8. Handbook of FSSAI
Course contents and Lecture schedule:
Module Topic No. of
No. Lectures
1. Pre-treatments of oil bearing materials
1.1 Introduction to various oil bearing materials 1
1.2 Seed cleaning equipments(seed cleaner, de-stoner ) 1
1.3 Size reduction, cooking etc. 1
1.4 Flaking operation 1
1.5 Expander, extruder, pelletizer 3
1.6 Stabilization of rice bran-various methods 1
1.7 De-hulling, De-cortication processes 1
1.8 Other Machines and Equipments 1
2. Production of Oil by mechanical expression
2.1 Ghanis for oil expression 1
2.2 Hydraulic press and power press 1
2.3 Screw presses 1
2.4 Low pressure Expellers 1
2.5 High pressure Expellers 2
2.6 Expanders 1
2.7 Extruders 1
3. Production of Oil by solvent extraction
3.1 Extraction theory 1
3.2 Various Solvents and their availability 1
3.3 Selection of solvent-merits and de-merits 1
3.4 Solvent extraction techniques 1
3.5 Batch extraction plants 1
3.6 Continuous extraction plants 3
4. De-solventization of meals
4.1 De- solventization process for meal and miscella 1
4.2 Equipments and plants required for De- solventization 3
4.3 Solvent losses and their control methods 1
4.4 Utility requirement 1
4.5 Energy conservation steps 1
4.6 Safety and environmental aspects 1
4.7 Solvent recovery systems 1
5. Alternative extraction processes
5.1 Alternative solvents for extraction 1
5.2 Comparison with conventional solvents 1
5.3 Super critical extraction 2
5.4 Oleo stearine preparations 1
5.5 Aqueous extraction 1
5.6 Enzymatic extraction 1
Total hours 40
L : T: P:C
2 : 0: 0:2
This course has been designed to utilize knowledge of bio-technology for oil bearing
materials and oils. Scenario of GM crops along with application of bio- technology for edible oils,
foods and lipid sciences for better value addition.
Basic science and engineering and oil technology
Course Outcome:
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to.
(CO1) Understand GM crops, oil bearing GM crops, their composition and Understand
Characteristics, Non-GM crops, word trend and scenario of GM crops.
(CO2) Apply bio-technology specially to lipid sciences & prepration of different Apply
enzymes for oil & allied industries processing of bio-degumming by use of
enzyme, bio-deacidification, bio-inter-esterification
(CO3) Apply knowledge of bio-technology for inter- esterification for production of Apply
structured lipids, margarine And shortening, cocoa-butter substitutes, esters
etc. More over oleo-chemicals, bio-surfactants And other medicine products.
Production of bio-diesel by cheaper materials, application of bio chemicals
process in Water effluent treatment plant, preparation of polyol and other
(CO4) Understand and analyze modification processes of oil seed such as canola oil Analyze
production, low Erucic mustard oil, low linoleic soybean oil, high oleic sun
flower oil and low linolenic Canola oil processing of these oils by using the
bioprocess & chemical process & their cost effectiveness.
(CO5) Evaluation of the products produced by bio-chemical process with Evaluate
conventional Process to evaluate the merits and de-merits of the same.
Assessment Pattern:
Bloom‟s Category Continuous Terminal
Assessment Tests Examination
1 2 3 4
Remember 10 10 10 10
Understand 20 30 20 20
Apply 20 20 30 20
Analyze 30 20 20 30
Evaluate 20 20 20 20
Create 0 0 0 0
Course Level Assessment Questions:
Course Outcome 1(CO1)
1. GM crops to be evaluated with Non-GM crops for yield and other parameters to know the further
expansion of the product
2. Evaluation and comparison of characteristics.
3. Knowledge of processing and plant required for production of the same.
Course Outcome 2(CO2)
1. Bio-processing technology for effective and efficient process like enzymatic degumming to be
adopted to control cost of production and better yield in terms of quality and quantity.
2. Other process like bio-deacidification, inter-estrification to be done with proper dose of enzyme.
3. To increase the use of bio-technology for other value added products for food and medicinal
Course Outcome 3(CO3)
1. Production of bio-diesel by cheaper materials,
2. Application of bio chemicals process in water effluent treatment plant.
3. Preparation of polyol and other esters.
Course Outcome 4(CO4)
1. Control over manufacture of products like low linolenic canola, low erucic mustard oil, high. oleic
sun flower oil to explore markets for these specialty products
2. Inter-estrified fats and other products like cocoa-butter substitutes quality and availability at lower
3. Proper knowledge of plant and machine required at cost effective parameters.
Course Outcome 5(CO5)
1. Product manufactured by bio-technology process must confirms to specification fixed and effective
control over different parameters is required.
2. Bio-diesel is very good alternative to our naturally obtained petroleum products. Only sustainable
and cost effective processing is required.
3. Special product manufactured by bio-technology route are being popular and have good marketing
Module-I Introduction to GM crops
Genetically modified crops for oil bearing materials, composition, characteristics,
composition of GM and non-GM crops, certification of GM crops, global scenario in GM
Module-II Enzymes and their Technology
Types of enzymes, sources and their isolation and their applications, immobilized
enzymes,assay of enzymes for oil application
Module –III Bio processing of Oils & Fats
Bio Processing of Oils: Bio degumming, Bio de-acidification, Bio bleaching, Chemistry and
technology of bio-interesterification, bio-hydrogenation interesterified fats vis-a-vis bio-
interesterified fats/hydrogenated fats .
Module –IV Specialty fats & Oils
Structured Lipids, Margarine and Shortening, Production of plastic fats, Cocoa butter
substitute, Food emulsions, Medicinal applications, Preparation of de-acylglycerols, polyol
and other oleo chemicals.
Module –V GM Oilseeds
Canola (rapeseed), Linola (flax), High Oleic sunflower, Low-linolenic soyabean etc.
Course contents and Lecture schedule:
Module Topic No. of
No. Lectures
1. Introduction to GM crops
1.1 Genetically modified crops for oil bearing materials 2
1.2 Composition, characteristics, composition of GMand non-GM crops 3
1.3 Certification of GM crops 2
1.4 Global scenario in GM crops 2
2. Enzymes and their Technology
2.1 Types of enzymes, sources and their isolation 2
2.2 Application of enzymes 2
2.3 Immobilized enzymes 1
2.4 Assay of enzymes for oil application 1
2.5 Enzymatic degumming, process, advantage over conventional 2
3. Bio processing of Oils & Fats
3.1 Bio Processing of Oils: Bio degumming 2
3.2 Bio de-acidification 2
3.3 Bio bleaching, Chemistry 2
3.4 Bio-interesterification 1
3.5 Interesterified fats vis-a-vis bio-interesterified fats/hydrogenated fats. 2
4. Speciality fats & Oils
4.1 Structured Lipids 1
4.2 Margarine and Shortening 1
4.3 Production of plastic fats 2
4.4 Cocoa buttersubstitute 1
4.5 Food emulsions 1
4.6 Medicinal applications 1
4.7 Preparation of de-acylglycerols, polyol and oleo-chemicals 1
5. GM Oilseeds
5.1 Canola (rapeseed) 2
5.2 Linola (flax) 1
5.3 High Oleic sunflower 1
5.4 Low- linolenic soybean 1
5.5 Low linoleic canola 1
Total 40
Reference Book
1. Lehninger, Nelson and Cox, Principles of Biochemistry, 4th Edition, W.H.Freeman &
Company, 2004.
2. Lubert Stryer, Biochemistry, 4th Edition, W.H.Freeman and Company, 1995
3. Biotechnology for the Oils & fats industry (1983) Edited by Colin Ratledge, Peter
Dawson and James Rattray
4. Bailey J.E and Ollis D.F., “Biochemical Engineering Fundamentals”, 2nd 1987 Ed.,
McGraw Hill.
5. Doble M. and Gummadi S.N., “Biochemical Engineering”, Prentice Hall 2007.
6. Schuler M. L. and Kargi F., “Bio Process Engineering”, 2nd Ed., 2002 Prentice Hall.
Sessional: 50 marks
Course Objectives: The purpose of this course is to introduce the undergraduate students with the
most important separation equipments in the process industry, and provide proper understanding of
unit operations.
Course outcomes:
CO 1 Understand the principles of molecular diffusion and basic laws of mass Understand,
CO 2 Ability to determine mass transfer rates using Fick‟s Law Apply
CO 3 Estimate diffusion coefficients and apply to practical problems Apply
CO 4 Ability to determine convective mass transfer rates Apply
CO 5 Analyze the Similarity of mass, heat and momentum transfer – Analogy Analyze
and understand the humidification processes and use of psychometric chart
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSOs
CO1 3 2 2 1 - - - - - 1 1 1 1 2
CO2 3 2 1 1 - - - - - 1 1 1 2 1
CO3 3 2 3 2 3 - - - - 1 1 1 1 2
CO4 3 3 2 2 3 - - - - 1 1 1 1 2
CO5 3 3 3 3 2 - - - - 1 1 1 3 2
Avg 3 2.4 2.2 1.8 1.6 - - - - 1 1 1 1.6 1.8
Module I (8 hours)
Mass Transfer and Diffusion: Steady-state ordinary molecular diffusion: Fick‟s law of diffusion;
Velocities in mass transfer, Equimolar counter diffusion; unimolecular diffusion, Diffusion
coefficients: Diffusivity in gas mixtures, diffusivity in liquid mixtures, Diffusivity in solids, One-
dimensional, steady-state, molecular diffusion through stationary media, Mass transfer in turbulent
flow: Reynolds analogy; Chilton-Colburn analogy; Other analogies, Models for mass transfer at a
fluid-fluid interface: Film theory; Penetration theory; surface-renewal theory; film-penetration theory,
Two-film theory and overall mass transfer coefficients. Introduction to absorption.
Module II (8 hours)
Module IV (8 hours)
Module V (8 hours)
Adsorption: Description of adsorption processes and their application, Types of adsorption, Nature of
adsorbents; Adsorption isotherms and adsorption hysteresis; Stagewise and continuous contact
adsorption operations, Determination of number of stages, Equipments; Ion exchange, Equilibrium
relationship; Principle of ion-exchange, techniques and applications. Introduction to Crystallization
1. Treybal, R.E. “Mass Transfer Operations”, 3rd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, (1980).
2. Seader, J.D. and Henley, E.J., “Separation Process Principles”, 2nd ed., Wiley India Pvt. Ltd., New
Delhi (2013).
3. Sherwood, T. K., Pigford, R. L. and Wilke, C.R. “Mass Transfer” McGraw Hill (1975).
4. Geankoplis, C.J. “Transport Processes and Separation Process Principles”, 4th ed., PHI Learning
Private Limited, New Delhi (2012).
3 1 0 4
Sessional: 50 marks
End Semester: 50 marks
Course Outcomes:
Module I (8 hours)
Rate of Reaction, Elementary and non-elementary homogeneous reactions, Molecularity and order of
reaction, Mechanism of reaction, temperature dependency from thermodynamics, collision and
activated complex theories. Integral and differential methods for analyzing kinetic data, interpretation
of constant volume reactor, zero, first, second and third order reactions, half life period, irreversible
reaction in parallel and series, catalytic reaction, auto catalytic reaction, reversible reactions.
Module II (8 hours)
Interpretation of variable volume batch reactions for zero, first and second order reactions, Space-time
and state-velocity, design equation for ideal batch, steady-state continuous stirred tank, steady-state
plug flow reactors for isothermal reaction.
Design for single reactions, Size comparison of single reactors, Multiple reactor systems, plug
flow/mixed flow reactors in series and parallel, reactors of different types in series, optimum reactor
size, recycle reactor, autocatalytic reactions.
Module IV (8 hours)
Module V (8 hours)
Residence time distribution of fluids in vessels, State of aggregation of the flowing systems, Earliness
of mixing, Role of RTD, State of Aggregation and earliness of mixing in determining reactor
behavior, E, F and C curves, Conversion in Non-ideal flow reactors.
Reference Books:
1. Levenspiel, O., “Chemical Reaction Engineering”, 3rd edition, John Wiley (1998).
2. Fogler H.S., “Elements of Chemical Reaction Engg.”, 4th Ed., Prentice Hall of India
3. Doraiswamy, L.K. and Uner, D., “Chemical Reaction Engineering: Beyond the
Fundamentals”, CRC Press (2013).
3 0 0 3
Sessional Marks: 50
End Semester Exam: 50
CO5 Decipher the role of Institution support and policy framework of Government for
Analyse, Apply
enterprises in India
CO-PO Matrix
Course CO PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSOs
HHS 2 2
CO1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 3 2
CO2 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 3 2 2 2
CO3 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 0 3 1 2 1
CO4 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 2 2
CO5 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 2 2 1
average 0.4 0.6 1 0.2 0.6 1 1 1.2 0.6 0.4 2.8 1.8 2 1.6
UNIT I Entrepreneurship:
Definition, requirements to be an entrepreneur, entrepreneur and intrapreneur, entrepreneur and
manager, growth of entrepreneurship in India, women entrepreneurship, rural and urban
Entrepreneurial Motivation: motivating factors, motivation theories-Maslow‟s Need Hierarchy
Theory, McClelland‟s Acquired Need Theory, government‟s policy actions towards entrepreneurial
motivation, entrepreneurship development programmes.
Small scale, medium scale and large scale enterprises, role of small enterprises in economic
development; proprietorship, partnership, companies and co-operatives firms: their formation, capital
structure and source of finance.
1. Khanka, S S. „Entrepreneurial Development‟, S Chand & Company Ltd. New Delhi
2. Desai, Vasant, „Project Management and Entrepreneurship‟, Himalayan Publishing House,
Mumbai, 2002.
Additional Reference Books
1. Gupta and Srinivasan, „Entrepreneurial Development‟, S Chand & Sons, New Delhi.
2. Ram Chandran, „Entrepreneurial Development‟, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi
3. Saini, J. S. „Entrepreneurial Development Programmes and Practices‟, Deep & Deep
Publications (P), Ltd
4. Holt, Davis, ’Entrepreneurship : New Venture Creations, PHI
L : T: P:C
2 : 0: 2:3
The course provides basic knowledge of Modification of oils for edible, non-edibleand
industrial applications.
Basic knowledge of chemistry of Fatty acids & tri-glycerides and their structures.
Course Outcome:
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to.
(CO1) Have basic knowledge of stability in edible oils for the purpose of food application Understand
(CO2) Have knowledge of processes involved for hydrogenation, application of catalysts, Apply
conditions of Hydrogenation & its parameters.
(CO3) Know other Hydrogenated products, margarine, shortening, fatty alcohols- Apply
manufacturing methods and operating parameters
(CO4) Assess quality of Hydrogenated products for health point viz trans fatty acids etc. Analyze
(CO5) Have exposure for quality assessment of various hydrogenated products, stability Analyze
for longer storage for food application.
Assessment Pattern:
Bloom‟s Category Continuous Terminal
Assessment Tests Examination
1 2 3 4
Remember 20 20 10 20
Understand 20 30 30 20
Apply 10 20 20 20
Analyze 40 10 20 30
Evaluate 10 20 20 10
Create 0 0 0 0
Reference Book
1. Bailey‟s Industrial Oil and Fat, Edition 6 Vol-6 (2005), Edited by Feireidoon Shahidi
A Wiley- Interscience Publication, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
2. Hydrogenation of Oil & Fat Edited by H.B.W. Patterson Applied Science publishers
3. Gupta, M. K., Practical guide to vegetable oil processing. AOCS Press, 2008 Urbana,
4. M.M Chakrabarty. Chemistry and Technology of Oils and Fats. Allied Publishers Pvt.
Ltd. New Delhi.
5. Fats and oils, Formulating and Processing for Applications, 3rd Edition,2009, Richard
D.O. Brien.
6. Fats and Oils Handbook, Michael Bockisch, 1st Edition, 1998, AOCS Press
7. BIS 10633
3.1 Commercial plants for hydrogenation 1
3.2 Design of hydrogenation vessels 1
3.3 Filtration Techniques- Plate & frame filters, candle filters 1
3.4 Chilling equipment for shortening 1
3.5 Nitrogen gas based hydrogenation plants. 1
3.6 Batch and continuous methods, Loop reactors, impellers 1
3.7 Manufacture of salad oils and salad dressing 1
3.8 Shortening, margarine, butter, bakery and confectionery fats 1
3.9 Cocoa butter substitute 1
3.10 Hard oils for industrial applications 1
4. High-pressure hydrogenation:
4.1 Production of fatty alcohols 2
4.2 Hydrogenation of fatty acids 2
4.3 Commercial fatty alcohols and their industrial applications 2
5. Modification of oils and their applications:
5.1 Analysis of modified fats 1
5.2 Dilatometry- theory and practice 1
5.3 Trans, unsaturated fatty acids and polyunsaturated fatty acids in nutrition 1
and health
5.4 Energy conservation in hydrogenationprocess 1
5.5 Frying & stability characteristics, nutrition & health aspects 1
5.6 Inter esterification as low calorie fats 1
5.7 Fractionation, winterization as low calorie fats 1
5.8 Diacylglycerols as low calorie fats 1
Total hours 40
L : T: P:C
2 : 1: 0:3
The subject deals with the study of role of surface active agents, their classification, method
of production and various industrial applications. Emphasis is also laid upon the environmental
impact of the detergent products. Various BIS methods adopted for evaluation of their performance is
also discussed in the course.
Fundamental knowledge of zfatty acid composition of oils and their chemistry.
Course Outcome:
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to.
(CO1) Understand the role of surface active agents in day to day life Understand
(CO2) Apply the knowledge acquired in professional career for serving the Apply
(CO3) Use the knowledge to establish small scale enterprises Apply
(CO4) Use the knowledge to develop suitable formulations of detergent products Evaluate
(CO5) Evaluate the performance and impact of the detergent products on the Evaluate
Assessment Pattern:
Bloom‟s Category Continuous Terminal
Assessment Tests Examination
1 2 3 4
Remember 10 10 10 10
Understand 20 20 20 20
Apply 20 20 20 20
Analyze 30 20 20 30
Evaluate 20 20 20 20
Create 0 10 10 0
2. Chemistry and route of synthesis of cationic surfactants and their applications
3. Chemistry and route of synthesis of nonionic surfactants and their applications
4. Chemistry and route of synthesis of amphoteric surfactants and their applications
Course Outcome 3(CO3)
1. Plants and machineries for production of anionic surfactants
2. Plants and machineries for production of cationic surfactants
3. Plants and machineries for production of nonionic surfactants
Course Outcome 4(CO4)
1. Role of builders in detergent product formulations
2. Production of detergent powders
3. Production of detergent cakes
Course Outcome 5(CO5)
1. BIS analysis of detergent products.
2. Environmental impact of surfactants and builders
3. Performance evaluation of detergent products
Surface active agents:
Theory of surface action; effect and behavior of surface active agents on the interfaces; solid- liquid,
gas-liquid, liquid-liquid and interfaces formed by three phases e.g. solid, liquid and gas and two
immiscible liquids. Bulk properties of surfactant solutions and methods of their measurements:
micelle properties; foaming; wetting, emulsification, dispersion; and detergency; measurement of
critical micelle concentration; foaming power and foam stability, wetting power, emulsifying power,
stability of dispersion and detergency.
Module –II
Classification, synthesis and applications of surfactants:
Anionic surfactants: sulfated and sulfonated surfactants e.g. sulfated oils, alkyl sulfates, alkyl ether
sulfates, sulfated mono-glycerides, alkyl glyceryl ether sulfonates, sulfated derivatives alkanolamides,
ester and amide sulfonates, sulfonated poly-carboxylic acid surfactants, alkyl aryl sulfonates, olefin
sulfonates, methyl ester sulfonates, mahogany and petroleum sulfonates and other miscellaneous
anionic surfactants. Cationic surfactants: Non-quaternary nitrogen bases e.g. amines, nitriles and their:
quaternary nitrogen bases and miscellaneous cationic surfactants. Nonionic surfactants: Poly-ethoxy
ethers and esters and poly-hydroxy nonionic surfactants. Amphoteric surfactants, Bio surfactants,
Novel surfactants.
Module –III
Plants and manufacturing processes of surfactants:
of anionic surfactants viz. alcohol sulfates, alkyl aryl sulfonates, olefin sulfonates, sulfated and
sulfonated oils, alpha methyl esters etc., non ionic surfactants viz. Poly-ethoxy ethers and esters, poly-
hydroxy surfactants etc. and cationic surfactant e.g. quaternary ammonium compounds. Module –IV
Builders, fillers and auxillary materials, production of detergent products:
Inorganic and organic builders and fillers, polymers, optical brighteners, enzymes and other
performance additives used in the manufacture of synthetic detergents and their functions. Various
physical forms of synthetic detergents: Solid, liquid, and non/liquid forms. Manufacture of household
synthetic detergents: Plants and processes employed for manufacture of powder, liquid, cake and
other forms.
Module –V
Evaluation of detergent products:
Analytical techniques employed for analysis of synthetic detergents and surfactants as per BIS
Methods. Environmental impact and toxicity of surfactants. Methods for determination of efficacy of
Reference Books
1. The Handbook Of Soap Manufacture, Simmons ,W. H. and Appleton ,H. A. Kindle
Books, USA.
2. Soap, Detergent & Perfume Industry,Srivastava S.B ,Small Industry Research
Institute,New Delhi.
3. Sulphonation Technology In The Detergent Industry, Herman W. and De Groot,
Springer-Verlag New York.
4. Surface Active Agents , Goliath Company,The Gale Group, USA
5. Powdered Detergents , Showell, M. The Procter & Gamble Company, Cincinnati, Ohio,
6. Synthetic Detergents,. Davidson, A.,and Mılwidsky, B.M.,John Willey Sons,New York.
7. The manufacture of glycerol,by Martin, G. Technical Press, London
8. Handbook Of Detergents, Waldhoff, H.,and Henkel K.CRC Press, USA.
9. Soap-Chemistry and Technology, Kane,J. G.,
10. The Manufacture of Soaps, Other Detergents, and Glycerine,Woollatt, Edgar,
Mountainview Books, PA, U.S.A.
11. Detergent Of Speciality Surfactants,Ed, Fredil,F.E.,Marcel Dekker, Inc.New York.
12. The Handbook of Soap Manufacture, by W. H. Simmons and H. A. Appleton,
13. Handbook of Detergents,Edited by Uri Zoller,CRC Press,London.
14. BIS – IS: 4955-1978; Specification for Synthetic Detergent Powders for household use
15. Gemini Surfactants: Synthesis interfacial and Application
16. Handbook of Detergent; Part A, B, C, D
2.5 Bio surfactants and Novel surfactants 2
3. Plants and manufacturing processes of surfactants
3.1 Plants and manufacturing processes of anionic surfactants viz. alcohol 3
sulfates, alkyl aryl sulfonates, alpha olefin sulfonates, sulfated and sulfonated
oils, methyl esters sulfonatesetc
3.2 Plants and manufacturing processes of nonionic surfactants viz. Poly-ethoxy 2
ethers and esters, poly-hydroxy surfactants etc
3.3 Plants and manufacturing processes of cationic surfactant e.g. quaternary 2
ammonium compounds
4. Builders, fillers and auxillary materials, production of detergent
4.1 Inorganic and organic builders and fillers used in the manufacture of 2
synthetic detergents and their functions
4.2 Polymers, optical brighteners, enzymes and other performance additives used 2
in the manufacture of synthetic detergents and their functions
4.3 Various physical forms of synthetic detergents: Solid, liquid, and non/liquid 1
4.4 Plants and processes employed for manufacture of powder, liquid, cake and 2
other forms
5. Evaluation of detergent products
5.1 Analytical techniques employed for analysis of synthetic detergents as per 2
BIS Methods
5.2 Analytical techniques employed for analysis of surfactants as per BIS 2
5.3 Environmental impact and toxicity of surfactants 2
5.4 Methods for determination of efficacy of surfactants 2
Total 40
L : T: P:C
3 : 0: 2:4
Refining of Oils is the processing of various types of oils, to enhance the oil quality to
increase the shelf life, suitable for human consumption, adoption of latest and most modern
technology to increase the yield and use of minimum inputs to reduce the cost of production, and
processing cost using the optimum level of energy and utilities.
In depth knowledge of various process involved in the refining of oils, their quality
parameters and learning techniques of latest modern technology.
Course Outcome:
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to.
(CO1) Acquire the knowledge of various impurities present in different oils, Understand
the techniques of their processing, understand each and every aspects
pertaining to chemical reactions involved in the processing, understand basic
concepts of unit operations in different processing steps.
(CO2) Apply the knowledge acquired for industrial processes for refining of oil like Apply
degumming, neutralization, bleaching, de-odorisation, physical refining,
fractionation, de-waxing and winterization.
(CO3) Apply the knowledge acquired for improving efficiency of the utilities of Apply
(CO4) Analyze different refining process and select optimum process to be adopted Analyze
for processing of different oils.
(CO5) Assess final end products quality, cost analysis and evaluate effective process. Evaluate
1. Various steps of processing as per raw oil quality to be processed and kind of oil.
2. Selection of optimum technology to be adopted.
3. Knowledge of plant and machinery, their design, preventive and break down
maintenance as per process requirement .
Course Outcome 2(CO2)
1. Use of different process as per requirement.
2. Optimum dose of various chemicals at proper process conditions to have effective
process control.
3. Adoption of latest process equipments as per different steps required for processing.
Course Outcome 3(CO3)
1. Control over working of different associated plants like chillers, boilers, compressors,
filters etc.
2. To ensure the optimum level of waste generation and minimizing the losses at different
processing steps and monitoring the same.
3. Proper knowledge of different axlillary equipments operation and maintenance.
Course Outcome 4(CO4)
1. Quality checks to monitor excellent quality of end product.
2. Use of modern techniques of analysis like G.L.C, U.V Spectro-photometer to meet out
. the various specification as per process being adopted
3. Proper check with respect to the bye-products to ensure the minimum waste so as to
control over cost of production.
Course Outcome 5(CO5)
1. Compare the final product as per standard specifications.
2. Cost analysis to assess the position and to arrive at the correct sailing price decision
3. Control over cost of utilities and energy.
Pretreatment of oils:
Impurities of crude oils & micronutrients: Effect of refining and other processing on specific
impurities. Washing of crude cotton seed oil, degumming of oils and fats: Mechanism of degumming,
various methods employed for degumming, Px series of separators, De-waxing of oils: Principle and
methods of de-waxing of individual oils, Winterization in oils.
De-acidification of oils and fats:
De-acidification by alkalis e.g. caustic soda and sodium carbonate; batch and continuous methods;
separators, refining losses, effect of operating variables, liquid-liquid extraction, miscella refining;
Zenith refining, cold refining, physical refining of oils: Batch, semi-continuous and continuous
methods, principle of major types of continuous process, their merits and demerits, esterification,
nano-neutralisation etc. and their limitations. Treatment and disposal of gums and soap stock: Batch
and continuous methods.
Bleaching of oils and fats:
Theory of adsorption bleaching; components responsible for oil color; chemical and physical
characteristics of various bleaching agents; activated bleaching earth and activated carbon and their
methods of manufacture, extraction of oils from spent earth, determination of bleach ability and
bleaching efficiency of adsorbents, batch and continuous methods of bleaching by adsorption; DOBI
value, filtration techniques for removal of spent bleaching agents from bleached oils viz. Plate &
frame filter, polish filter, pressure leaf filter, use of hydro gel & silica gel, chemical bleaching; color
fixation in oils and fats.
Deodorization of oils and utilities:
Components responsible for odor, flavor reversion, principle of deodorization, batch and continuous
methods of deodorization; effect of operating variables; deodorization losses, commercial deodorizer
design, thin film deodorization, Thermic fluid heater, thermo-syphoning, vacuum systems and their
applications, steam generation, cooling tower. Concept of 3-MCPDE (3-Mono Chloro Propane Diol
Esters) & GE (Glycidyl esters)
Membrane technology, Biotechnology and other separation processes of crude vegetableoils and
specification of refined oils:
Degumming, de-acidification and bleaching. . Fractionation of Palm Oil and other vegetable and
animal oils & fats. Biotechnology: Principle and its application in oil and fat processing, blending of
oils, micronutrients present in vegetable oil and effect of processing on micronutrients Nutritional
significance, specifications of blended and refined oils. Specifications of oils as per FSSAI,
permissible limits of additives.
Laboratory work
Experiment for degumming, refining (alkali neutralization), bleaching of vegetable oils. Analysis of
intermediate and by products; acid oils, neutral oil, soap stock, wash water, spent earth. Iron content
and Wax content.
Course contents and Lecture schedule:
Module Topic No. of
No. Lectures
1. Pretreatment of oils
1.1 Micro Nutrients 1
1.2 Impurities of crude oil and methods of removal 1
1.3 Degumming of oil 1
1.4 Mechanism of degumming 1
1.5 Various methods- water, acid, dry, enzymatic 2
1.6 Super, top, alpha, special degumming, membrane filters 2
1.7 De-waxing 1
1.8 Winterization 1
2. De-acidification of oils and fats
2.1 De-acidification-chemical method 1
2.2 Alkali-type, strength and calculation of alkali requirement 2
2.3 Equipment used viz. mixers, separators, heat exchanger 1
2.4 Refining loss calculation, utilities 1
2.5 Miscella refining 1
2.6 Zenith refining 1
2.7 Physical refining, equipments used for physical refining 1
3. Bleaching of oils and fats
3.1 Treatment and disposal of gums, soap stocks 1
3.2 Theory of adsorption, bleaching components in oils 2
3.3 Bleaching earth physical and chemical characteristics 1
3.4 Bleach ability of oils/clay 1
3.5 Batch and continuous process of bleaching 1
3.6 Filtration techniques, Utilities 1
4. Deodorization of oils and utilities
4.1 Deodorization of oils 1
4.2 Components responsible for order, flavor reversion 1
4.3 Principle, batch and continuous de-odorisers 1
4.4 Operating variables, losses, Utilities 1
4.5 Deod Designs-thin films, packed column, soft column type 3
4.6 Vacuum systems and their applications, Energy conservation 1
4.7 Physical refining comparison over chemical refining 1
5. Membrane technology, Biotechnology and other separation processes of
crude vegetable oils and specification of refined oils
5.1 Membrane process 1
5.2 Fractionation process 1
5.3 Water effluent treatment plant using bio technology 1
5.4 Micronutrients present in vegetable oil and effect of processing on 1
micronutrients Nutritional significance.
5.5 Blending of oils; significance and specifications. 1
5.6 Specifications of oils as per FSSAI, permissible limits of additives 1
Total 40
TOT 358 Quality Assurance of Oils and Allied Products
L : T: P:C
2: 1: 0:3
The subject deals with the study of techniques used for controlling and assuring the quality
parameters of oil, fats and allied products. The detailed discussion of various techniques of
chromatography and spectroscopy helps the students to work efficiently in the R&D and QC sections
of the industries. The subject also expose the students to the safety measures and good manufacturing
Fundamental knowledge of fatty acid composition of oils and chromatographic &
spectroscopic techniques.
Course Outcome:
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to.
(CO1) Understand the quality parameters of oils and allied products. Understand
(CO2) Use the acquired knowledge for controlling and assuring the quality parameters of oils Apply
and allied products.
(CO3) Use the chromatographic & spectroscopic techniques for analysis of oils, oleo chemicals Analyze
and allied products
(CO4) Use the knowledge for developing and confirming the composition of developed Create
(CO5) Use modern techniques for ensuring good manufacturing practices. Apply
Assessment Pattern:
Bloom‟s Category Continuous Terminal
Assessment Tests Examination
1 2 3 4
Remember 20 20 10 20
Understand 20 30 30 20
Apply 10 20 20 20
Analyze 40 10 20 30
Evaluate 10 20 20 10
Create 0 0 0 0
Nickel content of catalyst and hydrogenated oils; iron, sulphur and phosphatide content of
crude and refined vegetable oils; wax content of vegetable oils; Vitamin A, D & E(natural &
fortified); residual pesticide and solvent analysis, chlorophyll content, amino acid analysis by
chemical and instrumental method etc.
Module –V
Hyphenated techniques:
TLC-FID/FPD, GC-MS, SFC-GC, LC-MS, ICP-MS, AAS in analysis of oils and fats.
Reference Books and suggested readings:
1. Manual of Methods of Analysis of Foods, Oils and Fats. Food Safety and Standards
Authority of India, 2015
2. Laboratory Handbook for Oil and Fat Analysts. L. V. Cocks and C. Van Rede
3. Standard Methods for the Analysis of Oils, Fats and Derivatives. C. Paquot,
Pergammon Press, 6th Edition, 2013
4. Chemistry and Technology of Oils and Fats. M.M Chakrabarty, Allied Publishers
Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi
5. Fats and Oils Formulating and Processing for Applications, 3rd Edition Richard
6. D.O. Brien, 2009Principles of Instrumentation analysis, Edition- III (1985) Edited by
Douglas A. Skog
7. Standard methods of analysis CODEX , BIS, AOCS, ISO, FSSAI.
Course contents and Lecture schedule:
Module Topic No. of
No. Lectures
1. Quality control and Quality Assurance
1.1 Concept of quality assurance and quality control in relation to oil industry 2
1.2 Quality management systems - ISO 9000; total quality management (TQM); 4
hazard analysis of critical control points (HACCP); good manufacturing
practices (GMP)
1.3 Role of international organizations such as ISO; IDF; CAC; AOAC; WTO 4
and national organizations like BIS; and Agmark; FSSAI and APEDA
(Agricultural and Processed Foods Export Development Authority) in oil
1.4 Guidelines for setting up quality control laboratory. Legislation on oils and 4
allied products
2. Chromatographic Techniques
2.1 Theoretical developments of various chromatographic techniques 4
2.2 Principles, practices and applications in the quality control and quality 2
assurance of oils, fats and allied products of thin layer chromatography
2.3 Principles, practices and applications in the quality control and quality 2
assurance of oils, fats and allied products of column chromatography
2.4 Principles, practices and applications in the quality control and quality 4
assurance of oils, fats and allied products of gas-liquid chromatography
2.5 Principles, practices and applications in the quality control and quality 4
assurance of oils, fats and allied products of HPLC
2.6 Principles, practices and applications in the quality control and quality 4
assurance of oils, fats and allied products of Super critical Chromatography
Total hours 34
L : T: P:C
3 :0: 0:3
Environmental pollution from industrial operation is important phenomenon which needs
specific attention by industries. This course has been designed to make students aware environmental
aspects in industrial operation in particular oil & allied industries. The course alsoincludes study on
ISO-14000 and all other environmental management system.
Knowledge of engineering and oil processing.
Course Outcome:
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to.
(CO1) Understand the various pollutants and their effects on global scenario as well as Understand
effects on the processing of oils and allied products.
(CO2) Analyze various characteristics of effluent streams. Analyze
(CO3) Apply the best treatment option available among the various pollution control Apply
(CO4) Apply various waste minimization options available for reduction, recovery, reuse Apply
& recycle principles.
(CO5) Apply Pollution prevention and environment management system. Audit, different Apply
regulations & acts for air, water & solid pollution control. Procedure of lisoning
work & cost of processing for the treatment of the effluents produce in the oil &
allied industries.
Assessment Pattern:
Bloom‟s Category Continuous Terminal
Assessment Tests Examination
1 2 3 4
Remember 10 10 10 10
Understand 20 20 20 20
Apply 20 30 30 20
Analyze 30 20 20 30
Evaluate 20 20 20 20
Create 0 0 0 0
3. Study of by-product utilization.
Course Outcome 2(CO2)
1. Environmental management policy and regulations. Indian and global scenarios.
2. Scope of air and water pollution problems. Methods to control them and convert them
to useful resources.
3. Economic consideration of waste disposal, generate energy and recover useful products.
Course Outcome 3(CO3)
1. Physical methods of separation of the sludge, which can be used for soap making, oil.
recovery etc
2. Waste audit.
3. Assessment of quantity of effluent.
Course Outcome 4(CO4)
1. Liquid effluent treatment technology establishes the process of ETP.
2. Reduce, recycle, recover & reuse concepts.
3. Design of effluent treatment plant.
Course Outcome 5(CO5)
1. Solid biological sludge digestion.
2. Application of solid sludge.
3. Recoveries from flue gas including heat recovery.
4. Air pollution control equipments and devices.
Industrial pollution and its impact
Magnitude of industrial waste, Legislative regulations. Recycle and reuse of waste water, recovery of
by-products from industrial effluents.
Environmental Management Policy and Regulations
Environmental policy global and Indian scenario, scope of air and water pollution problems,
economic considerations of waste disposal, separation and segregation of wastes, gaseous, liquidand
solid waste disposal with special reference to oils and allied product processing CPCB/ statepollution
control board guidelines and regulations.
Waste Management
Pollution prevention and environment Management system ISO 14000. Waste audit, Different
regulation means & acts for air, water& solid pollution control.
Liquid Effluent Treatment Technology
Pretreatment methods, centrifugation filtration, evaporator and concentrator, extraction
anddistillation, treatment of dilute waste water. Treatment requirements, neutralization liquid-solid
separation, biological oxidation, plant control programme, absorption, liquid phase system,
reclamation of waste water effluent and by-product recovery, ion exchange system, acid and alkali
purification, continuous ion-exchange, Case studies on vegetable oil processing, soaps and detergents.
Solid & Gas Effluent treatment
Waste gas treatment: spent earth, catalyst, fly ash boiler ash, Air pollution control by mechanical
method: mechanical collectors, electrostatic precipitator, filters, wet scrubbers, vapour phase
system, activated carbon. Typical air purification system.
Text Books:
1. Air Pollution Engineering, S.K.Garg, Khanna Publishers(2016), DariyaGanj, New Delhi.
2. Waste Water Engineering, Metcalf Eddy, Tata McGraw-Hill publishing Company Ltd. (1990)
2nd edition, New Delhi.
Reference Book:
1. Waste management for Sustainable Development in India by Nonita T Yap & S.K Awasthi,
Tata McGraw-Hill publishing Company Ltd. New Delhi.
2. Industrial waste management study at Kanpur by S.K Awasthi & R.K.Trivedi (2001),
Wisdom Publishing House.
2 1 0 3
Sessional: 50 marks
Course Objectives:
To gain the knowledge of different process instruments and various control processes for closed loop
and open loop systems..
Course outcomes:
1 2 1 2
CO1 3 3 2 2 1 - - - - 1 1 2 2 2
CO2 3 3 3 2 3 - - - - 1 1 2 2 2
CO3 3 3 3 3 3 - - - - - - 2 2 2
CO4 3 1 1 - - - - - - 1 1 2 2 2
CO5 3 2 1 2 2 - - - - - - 2 2 2
CO6 3 3 3 2 2 - - - 3 2 1 2 2 2
Avg 3 2.5 2.16 1.83 1.83 - - - 0.5 0.83 0.66 2 3 2
Module 1 (8 hours)
Introduction to Process control systems, Use of Laplace & Inverse Laplace Transformation in study of
Process Dynamics & Control. Characteristics of measurement system, classification of measuring
Module 2 (8 hours)
Dynamic Modeling of a Process, Dynamic behavior of First order system, First order systems in series
& second & higher order systems for various kind of inputs, Linearization of nonlinear systems,
Transportation & Transfer Lag.
Module 3 (8 hours)
Classification of control systems, Regulator & Servo control, Feed Forward & Feed backward control,
Negative & Positive Feedback Control, Modes of control action, Controllers & Final control
Elements, Reduction of Block & Signal Flow Diagrams.
Module 4 (8 hours)
Module 5 (8 hours)
Flow measurement: Inferential flow measurements, Quantity flow meters, Mass flow meters. Flow
measurement, head types-area flow meters, mass flow meters, positive displacement type flow meters,
electrical type flow meters and solid flow measurement.
1. Coughnour and Koppel, " Process Systems Analysis and Control ", McGraw-Hill, New York,
2. George Stephanopolous, " Chemical Process Control ", Prentice-Hall of India Pvt-Ltd., New Delhi,
3. Singh, S. K. , Industrial Instrumentation and Control , Prentice Hall of India, 2016
4 .Eckman, D.P., Industrial Instrumentation, Wiley Eastern Ltd., New York, 1990
3 0 0 3
CO1 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 2 - 3 3 1 2
CO2 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 2 - 3 3 3 3
CO3 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 - 3 3 3 3
CO4 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 1 3 - 3 3 3 3
CO5 3 3 3 3 3 2 3 - 3 - 3 3 3 3
Detailed Syllabus:
projects, Network diagram, Terminology, Critical path, Project duration, PERT Network, Activity
time, Probabilities of project completion, Optimal crashing of project activities.
UNIT IV: Replacement and Inventory models:
Replacement Problems: Optimal age of equipment replacement, capital equipment discounting cost,
Replacement of items that fail, Individual and group replacement policies.
Inventory Models: Deterministic inventory models, Classic EOQ model, EOQ with price breaks,
Multiterm, stochastic inventory models under probabilistic demand and lead times.
L : T: P:C
0: 0: 4:2
Awareness of instruments used for quality testing of oils & fats & their properties.
Utilization of Instruments & testing methods.
Use of modern instrument for determination of purity of oils & fats & detecting the
Determination of DOBI value for palm oil,
Preparation of methyl esters from crude oils,
Determination of fatty acid composition and detection of adulteration by Chromatographic
Determination of mono, di and tri glyceride,
Determination of di-ene and tri-ene content by UV-Visible,
Analysis of oils and fats using GC, GC-MS etc..
Course Outcome
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to
CO1 Study of spectroscopic techniques, FTIR, NIR, NMR, Mass spectrography, Understanding
CO2 The utilization of above instruments for testing of the oil samples for their Apply
nature & purity.
CO3 Analyze the properties of Oil & Oleochemicals. Analyze
CO4 Search for advance oleochemicals having similar properties. Searching Create
ecofriendly oleochemicals.
L : T: P:C
2 : 0: 2:3
The essential oils are natural products obtained from various vegetables and animal sources.
The subject is of importance for formulation of perfumery products fragrance and flavors. Cosmetic
products are produced from natural oils, fats and essential oils.
Knowledge of basic sciences organic chemistry, oils & fats.
Course Outcome:
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to.
(CO1) Understand various essential oils,their sources & grades. Understand
(CO2) Characterize various essential oils in various applications as per their physico- Analyze
chemical properties
(CO3) Isolate various active components of essential oils and their recovery Apply
by different suitable process.
(CO4) Synthesize and formulate various perfumery materials for different Create
(CO5) Formulate various cosmetic products for different applications. Create
Assessment Pattern:
Bloom‟s Category Continuous Terminal
Assessment Tests Examination
1 2 3 4
Remember 20 20 10 20
Understand 20 30 20 20
Apply 20 10 20 20
Analyze 20 10 20 30
Evaluate 10 20 20 10
Create 10 10 10 0
Course Outcome 3(CO3)
1. Production of essential Oils by various methods.
2. Composition of various essential oils.
Course Outcome 4(CO4)
1. Isolation of volatile components of essential oils responsible for perfume, fragrances &
2. Production of synthetic isolates.
3. Blending of various volatile oils and isolates.
Course Outcome 5(CO5)
1. Production of various cosmetic products.
2. Production of depilatories, aroma the rapeutic products and herbal products etc.
3. Plant & machinery for cosmetic products, design aspects of manufacturing plant
and machinery.
Module –I
Sources, classification and chemistry of essential oil bearing materials
Different methods of manufacturing essential oils, Grading and standardization of essential oils
Module -II
Physico-chemical characteristics of essential oils
Specific gravity, refractive index, optical rotation, solubility, acid value, ester value, Analysis of
essential oils e.g. free alcohol, total alcohol, aldehyde and ketone content, phenol content, common
adulterants and their detection
Module -III
Production, properties and composition of important Indian essential oils
Rose, jasmine, khus, sandal wood, keora, palmarosa, lemon-grass, peppermint, lemon, spices oils,
clove oil, orange oil, eucalyptus oil, natural fats and bi additives compounds etc.
Module -IV
Important isolates, synthetic perfumery materials and fixatives
Menthol, camphor, thymol, geraniol, citral, eugenol, terpeniol, vanillin, coumarins, musk:Natural,
Synthetic & Artificial, benzyl acetate, benzyl benzoate etc, Synthesis;Esters ofgeraniol, citraniol &
terpenols, ionones, Hydroxy citronellol etc. Castor oil based perfumery chemicals, blending of
Module -V
Production of cosmetic products
Face creams(cold and vanishing creams), Face powders, Talcum powders, Hair oil, Hair cream &
dyes, Shampoos, Tooth pastes & powders, Shaving creams, body gels Lipsticks, Nail polishes,
Depilatories, aroma therapeutic products and herbal products etc; related plant and machinery.
Module -VI
Laboratory preparation for Metallic soaps, Turkey Red Oil, Toilet soaps, Cold Creams, Vanishing
Creams, Tooth Pastes, Tooth Powders, Face Powders, Talcum Powders, Hair Oils & Shampoos
Reference Book
1. Soap, Detergent & Perfume Industry, S.B Srivastava, Small Industry Research Institute,New
Delhi. Essential oils –Vol. I –V by Guenther
2. Perfume Cosmetics & Soaps Vol.-I –III by W.A. Poucher
3. Manufacture of perfumes and essence by Kalicharan
4. The essential oils book Edited by Colleen K. Dodt
5. Conditioning agent for hair and skin Edited by Randyschuller and Perry Romanowski
6. Gylcerin Edited Vol -11 (1991)by Eric Jungermann & Norman O.V. Sonntag
7. Soaps: Their chemistry & Technology by J.G. Kane
8. Soaps & detergent by K.S. Parasuram
9. Bailey‟s Industrial Oil and Fat, Edition 6 Vol-6 (2005), Edited by Feireidoon Shahidi
L : T: P:C
3 : 0: 0:3
Advance oil chemistry and Oleo-chemicals gives exposure of various chemicals derived from
oils & fats as raw materials. The oleo chemicals are used in formulation of several industrial products.
Knowledge of oil chemistry.
Course Outcome:
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to.
(CO1) Understand glyceride structure by different method of testing synthesis of fatty Understand
acids and glycerides.
(CO2) Apply knowledge for derivation of oleo chemicals . Apply
(CO3) Find applications of various oleo-chemicals in different industries. Apply
(CO4) Apply knowledge of oil modification and its utilization in paint & polymer Apply
(CO5) Synthesis bio fuels and eco-friendly surfactants. Comparioson of costing with Create
chemical process of products with bioprocess.
Assessment Pattern:
Bloom‟s Category Continuous Terminal
Assessment Tests Examination
1 2 3
Remember 20 20 10 20
Understand 20 30 30 20
Apply 10 20 20 20
Analyze 30 10 20 30
Evaluate 10 20 20 10
Create 10 0 0 0
Glyceride structure :
Advanced theories of glyceride structure of natural fats, Determination of glyceride structure;
Synthesis of glycerides; estimation of mono – di and tri glycerides. stereo specific analysis, lipase
hydrolysis, polymorphism of fats and fatty acid. chemical synthesis of fatty acid and their
Mechanism of important chemical and biochemical reaction of fats and fatty acids:
Esterification,inter-esterification,isomerisation,polymorphism,dehydration,pyrolysis andoxidation
of fatty acid esters and other oleo chemicals derived from fats and fatty acids, products and
byproducts from castor oil, ,soybean oil, rapeseed oil, neem oil, mahua oil, cotton seed oil etc.
Oil derivatives and their applications:
Production and utilizations of fatty nitriles, amines, sulphited and sulphurised oils; properties,
specification, plant and processes employed. Textile chemicals, leather chemicals, polymer
additives, paint additives, lubricants additives,
Chemistry and applications of drying oils:
Modification of oils for surface coating industries, thermal and chemical modification methods;
properties of modified oils ,changes in drying oils during heat bodying and oxidative
polymerization. process and plants employed for their commercial production. Processes for
production of malenised oils, epoxidised oils, boiled oils, stand oils blown oils, urethanes oil sand
alkyds, evaluation of surface coating materials.
Production and applications of methyl ester:
Various methods for production of methyl esters, production of biodiesel, specifications as per
ASTM and BIS, sulphated and sulphonated methyl esters and their applications.
Reference Book
1. Richard D. O'Brien “Fats and Oils: Formulating and Processing for Applications” 3rd
Edition (2008) CRC Press
2. Moghis Ahmad “Fatty Acids: Chemistry, Synthesis, and Applications” 1st Edition
Academic Press and AOCS Press.
3. Robert Selby Morrell, H. R. Wood “The Chemistry of Drying Oils” E. Benn limited.
4. Ian P. Freeman, Sergey M. Melnikov (2015) “Margarines”
5. International Castor Oil Association (1992) “The Chemistry of Castor Oil and Its
Derivatives and Their Applications”
L : T: P:C
3 :0: 0:3
The course provides basic knowledge of Petroleum, its occurrence in the crust of earth,
various theories of formation & its relevance, products& various petrochemicals.
Knowledge of basic chemistry of hydrocarbons, synthesis processes, applications of
Course Outcome:
On successful completion of the course, students will be able to.
Assessment Pattern:
Bloom‟s Category Continuous Terminal
Assessment Tests Examination
1 2 3 4
Remember 10 10 10 10
Understand 20 20 20 20
Apply 20 20 20 20
Analyze 30 30 30 30
Evaluate 20 20 20 20
Create 0 0 0 0
3. Knowledge of test methods and evaluation of oil stocks.
Course Outcome 2(CO2)
1. Selection of process for processing of crude petroleum.
2. Distillation processes e.g. Atmospheric & vacuum.
3. Various distillation products e.g. natural gas,gasoline, fuel oils, lubricating oils,
waxes, tar & asphalt .
Course Outcome 3(CO3)
1.Conversion processes for converting long carbon chain to small carbon chain products.
2.Conversion processes for converting small carbon chain to long carbon chain products.
3. Study of various feed stocks for the conversion processes.
Course Outcome 4(CO4)
1. Extraction of waxes-paraffin, micro crystalline .
2. Extraction of asphalt from the residues.
3. Process like vis-breaking enabling feed stock for further processes.
Course Outcome 5(CO5)
1. Manufacture of basic raw material for polymerization like ethylene.
2 Manufacture of alkyl aryl compounds, ethylene oxide condensation products.
3. Manufacture of benzene, toluene, xylene & styrene.
Module I
Introduction to mineral oils:
Origin and mode of occurrence. Oil resources and refineries in India. Composition of petroleum,
Refinery products and their test methods. Evaluation of oil stocks
Module II
Processing of petroleum;
Processing of crude oil distillation, refinery products and their applications, natural gas, gasoline,
naphtha kerosene, fuel oils and gas oils, petroleum waxes, lubricating oils, tar and asphalt.
Module III
Petroleum refining processes and operations:
Thermal cracking, catalytic cracking, hydro-forming, catalytic reforming, alkylation, polymerization,
Module IV
Auxiliary processes:
Vis-breaking, de-waxing and de-asphalting operations. Manufacture of paraffin wax and
microcrystalline waxes.
Module V
Manufacture of alkyl aryl compounds, ethylene oxide condensation products benzene, toluene,
xylene, buta-di-enes, vinyl chloride and styrene etc.
Reference Book
1. Nelson W. L., “Petroleum Refinery Engineering” 4th Ed.., McGraw Hill 1987
2. Wauquier J. P., “Petroleum Refining 2 Separation Processes”, Vol:1-5, IFP,
Technip Ed. 1998
3. Meyers R. A., “Hand book of Petroleum Refining Processes”, 3rd Ed., The
McGraw-Hill Publication Data 2004
4. Dawe R. A., “Modern Petroleum Technology- Part I”, by Institute of Petroleum
(IP), John Wiley 2002
5. Prakash Surinder “ Refining Processes Hand book” Elsevier 2003
6. Hobson,G.D.” Modern Petroleum technology Volume I & II” Wiley 1984
7. Bhaskar rao, B.K. “Modern Oetroleum refining processes” Oxford &IBH
Publishing Co Pvt.Ltd. 2005
Course contents and Lecture schedule:
Module Topic No. of
No. Lectures
1. Introduction to mineral oils:
1.1 Introduction & origin of crude 1
1.2 Occurrence in earth crust 1
1.3 Refineries in India 1
1.4 Composition of petroleum 1
1.5 Refinery products 2
1.6 Test Methods 3
1.7 Oil Stock evaluation 1
2. Processing of petroleum;
2.1 Crude oil distillation 2
2.2 Refinery products and applications 2
2.3 Natural gas 1
2.4 Gasoline 1
2.5 Naphtha 1
2.6 Fuel oils & gas oils 1
2.7 Petroleum waxes 1
2.8 Lubricating oils 1
2.9 Tar & asphalt 1
3. Petroleum refining processes and operations
3.1 Thermal cracking 1
3.2 Catalytic cracking 1
3.3 Hydro-forming, Catalytic reforming 1
3.4 Alkylation 1
3.5 Polymerization 1
3.6 Isomerisation 1
4. Auxiliary processes
4.1 Vis- breaking 1
4.2 De-waxing and manufacture of paraffin & micro crystalline wax 3
4.3 De-asphalting 1
5. Petrochemicals
5.1 Manufacture of alkyl aryl compounds 1
5.2 Ethylene oxide condensation products 1
5.3 Manufacture of benzene 1
5.4 Manufacture of toluene 1
5.5 Manufacture of xylene 1
5.6 Manufacture of butadiene 1
5.7 Manufacture of vinyl chloride 1
5.8 Manufacture of styrene 1
Total 40
L : T: P:C
3 : 0: 0:3
The course provides necessary knowledge of GST(Goods and Service Tax) and import/export
duties on oil seeds and oils, procurement of oil seeds and oil at different level(national/international),
preparation of techno-economic feasibility report required for entrepreneurship, treatment of effluents,
safety and environmental, eco-friendly and green technology aspect of oil processing industry.
Knowledge of engineering operations, commerce & process economics of oil processing
Course Outcome:
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to
.(CO1) Understand Taxes and import-export duties, procurement of oil seeds/oil at Understand
different level. Able to start-up MSME along with latest technology and
eco-friendly Environmental aspects
(CO2) Prepare TEFR(Techno-Economy Feasibility Report) of industries other than Apply
oil processing industries.
(CO3) Prepare production planning & plant layout of processing plant. Apply
(CO4) Assess utilization of by-products of oil seed & oil industry by value addition. Apply
(CO5) Assess and apply appropriate effluent treatment process and latest eco- Apply
friendly processes and green technology.
Assessment Pattern:
Bloom‟s Category Continuous Terminal
Assessment Tests Examination
1 2 3 4
Remember 10 10 10 20
Understand 10 20 20 20
Apply 40 30 20 20
Analyze 20 20 30 30
Evaluate 20 20 20 10
Create 0 0 0 0
3. Practices of sale of bulk/packaged oils with supply chain management.
Course Outcome 2(CO2)
1. Estimation of capital cost / cost of project of oil processing unit.
2. Technical appraisal of plants.
3. Human resource planning.
Course Outcome 3(CO3)
1. Financial projection of TEFR.
2. Financial analysis such as BEP(Break Even Point), ROR(Rate of Return), PBP(Pay Back
3. Plant layout.
Course Outcome 4(CO4)
1. Processing of by-product such as phospholipids, lecithin/gums.
2. Manufacturing of cattle/poultry field and protein concentrate.
3. Trans-esterification for production of biodiesel.
Course Outcome 5(CO5)
1. Segregation of deodorizer distillate and isolation of value added products.
2. Classification of effluents and its treatments.
3. Fire protection and safety HAZOP guidelines and eco-friendly environmental.
Module- I
Procurement process for oilseeds and oils taxes & duties:
Different mechanisms, Agencies involved in procurement at national and international level. GST and
import/export duty structure for oilseeds, oils – crude and refined, edible as well as non edible.
Components of transport, loading/unloading, insurance and storage involved in cycle of procurement.
Present day practices of sale through bulk/ packaged imports, with supply chain management.
Module II
Components of Costing, project appraisal and Human resource development:
Capital cost of project for establishing oil mills, solvent extraction plant, oil refinery plant, & other
plant related to oil industries, technical appraisal, commercial appraisal & marketing, financial
appraisal, management appraisal & economic appraisal-social cost benefits. Human resource
Planning: Importance and processes, Job analysis and Engagements, Training need analysis,
Management Information System (MIS).
Module- III
Utilities & Production planning:
Financial projections- calculation of cost of production for oil mills, solvent extraction plant, oil
refinery plant & other plant related to oil industries Break Even Point, Rate of Return, Pay Back
Period, Depreciation etc. Energy conservation in oil processing industry, concept of variable
frequency drive, PLC & SAP. Factory lay out: Principles, general considerations, typical flow
diagrams, single & multi storied buildings, different sections of a oil refinery factory and their
locations, Instrumentation and automation in oil refinery. Machine layout of solvent extraction and oil
refinery plant.
By- products of oil and oilseed processing industry and their utilization:
Phospholipids, production of industrial and edible grade Lecithin, gums. Manufacture of cattle and
poultry feed; production of protein concentrates and isolates. Re-esterification of fatty acid with
glycerin and its trans-esterification for production of biodiesel. Utilization of deteriorated deep fried
oil for industrial utilization.
Module- V
Safety management:
Segregation of deodorizer distillate and isolation of value added products by conventional and
molecular distillation and other plants and machinery involved. Classification of effluents of oil and
allied industries, Safety considerations in storage of hazardous and inflammable raw materials. Fire
Protection and safety: Sources, types, Fire & explosion index, safety measures for protection. Health
and Hazards: Resources, competence & regulations, systems & tools, HAZOP guidelines.
Reference Books and suggested readings:
1. Plant Design & Economics by Peter Timmer House
2. Air & Water by Giringer
3. Efficient use of Steam by Goodall
4. Handbook on Project Appraisal & follow-up by D. P. Sarda
2.1 Working out the capital cost of project for establishing oil mills and solvent 2
extraction plant
2.2 Working out the capital cost of project for establishing of oil refinery and 2
other plant related to oil industries
3.1 Financial projection i.e. calculation of cost of production for oil mill and 2
solvent extraction plant
3.2 Financial projection i.e. calculation of cost of production for oil refinery and 2
other plant related to oil refinery plant and other plants related to oil
3.3 Energy conservation in oil processing industry 1
4. By- products of oil and oilseed processing industry and their utilization
Total 43
This course is designed to gain the insights about various bio-simulated reactions, pathways, and
mechanisms in natural way. Also, the use of enzymes for synthetic modification and applications
several fatty products will be studied. Environmental issues from biotechnological industries will also
be discussed.
Advance science and engineering and oil technology
Course Outcome:
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to.
(CO1) Acquire the fundamental knowledge of scholarly discourse in lipid synthesis, Understand
recognize the biological roles vitamins and examine the toxicology of lipid
(CO2) Combine the theories and concepts of microbial lipase in industrial Understand
(CO3) Illustrate the critical skills in solving the reaction kinetics and optimizing the Apply
enzymatic process.
(CO4) Differentiate between structured and genetically modified lipids, and identify Analyze
ethical issues in environmental bioremediation.
(CO5) Evaluate synthesis and inter conversion of fatty acid and determination of Evaluate
glycerides structure of fats by enzymatic methods
Assessment Pattern:
Bloom‟s Category Continuous Assessment Tests Terminal Examination
1 2 3 4
Remember 10 10 10 10
Understand 20 30 20 20
Apply 20 20 30 20
Analyze 30 20 20 30
Evaluate 20 20 20 20
Create 0 0 0 0
3. Genetically modified oil‟s applications & ethical values
Course Outcome 3(CO3)
1. Isolation of stains from different sources
2. Production of enzymes Mechanism of enzyme action, determination of enzyme assay
3. Immobilization of enzymes, Reaction kinetics & application of enzymes
Course Outcome 4(CO4)
1. Structure, isolation of proteins
2. Isoelectric PH and function
3. Gene protein relationship & protein metabolism
Course Outcome 5(CO5)
1. Synthesis of triglycerides & Regulation of lipid metabolism
2. Phosphoglycerides, Sphingolipids and sterol metabolism
3. Determination of glyceride structure of fats by enzymatic methods
Biosynthesis of fatty acids and phospholipids; Mechanism of chain elongation and desaturation of
acyl chains; Regulation of lipid metabolism; Biological role of fat in human nutrition;
EFA, MUFA, PUFA –Sources and biological activities in human health; Biochemical aspects of
vitamins in nutrition; Toxic constituents in oilseeds and oils: Sources, structures, toxicological effects
and methods of detoxification.
Microbial production of fats and other lipids; Biotransformation of fats and lipids using whole
microbial cells; General aspects of Microbial Lipases: Sources, isolation and purification and
industrial applications
Enzymatic Interesterification: Chemistry, reaction in (aqueous/organic) solvent systems,
immobilization of enzymes, factors affecting enzyme activity, enzyme kinetics, reactor design.
Structured lipids: Synthesis, analysis and applications Genetically modified lipids: Physical, chemical
and nutritional functionality modifications. Environmental biotechnology concept: Principles in
bioremediation and biological water & waste treatment.
Reference Books:
1. Lehninger, Nelson and Cox, Principles of Biochemistry, 4th Edition, W.H.Freeman & Company,
2. Lubert Stryer, Biochemistry, 4th Edition, W.H.Freeman and Company, 1995
3. Outline of Biochemistry by Eric.E. Conn and P.K. Stumpf, 5thedition, Wiley India.
4. Lipids: Biochemistry, Biotechnology and Health, 6th Edition by Michael I. Gurr, John L.
Harwood, Keith N. Frayn, Denis J. Murphy, Robert H. Michell, WileyBlackwell
5. Fatty Acids in Fish Oğuz Taşbozan and Mahmut Ali Gökçe
6. Food Lipids Chemistry, Nutrition, and Biotechnology, Fourth Edition Edited Casimir C. Akoh
Taylor & Francis Group
2.1 Single cell lipids their production and applications 3
2.2 Genetically modified oils their properties 3
2.3 Genetically modified oil‟s applications & ethical values 3
3. Enzymes their classification
3.1 Isolation of stains from different sources 2
3.2 Production of enzymes Mechanism of enzyme action, determination of 3
enzyme assay
3.3 Immobilization of enzymes, Reaction kinetics & application of enzymes 3
4. Protein synthesis
4.1 Structure, isolation of proteins 2
4.2 Isoelectric PH and function 2
4.3 Gene protein relationship & protein metabolism 2
5. Synthesis and inter-conversion of fatty acids
5.1 Synthesis of triglycerides & Regulation of lipid metabolism 3
5.2 Phosphoglycerides, Sphingolipids and sterol metabolism 3
5.3 Determination of glyceride structure of fats by enzymatic methods 3
Total 40
Open Elective
L : T: P:C
3 :0 : 0:3
To provide basic knowledge of oils, fats, detergents, soaps and oleo-chemicals to the students
of other disciplines. To make them aware of importance of oils & oleo-chemicals in day to day life.
Basic concept of chemistry.
Course Outcome:
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to;
(CO1) Understand fundamental chemistry of oils, oleo chemicals and allied Understand
(CO2) Understand industrial importance of chemicals derived from oils and fats. Understand
(CO3) Understand expression and extraction techniques of oil from oil bearing Understand
(CO4) Understand the process of refining of crude oils and its importance from Understand
health point of view.
(CO5) Understand the role and importance of various ingredients in manufacturing Understand
soaps and detergents.
Assessment Pattern:
Bloom‟s Category Continuous Terminal
Assessment Tests Examination
1 2 3 4
Remember 10 10 10 20
Understand 30 30 30 30
Apply 20 20 20 20
Analyze 20 20 20 30
Evaluate 20 20 20 0
Create 0 0 0 0
Introduction to oils & fats
Introduction to oils & fats, types of glycerides, theories of glyceride structure, determination of
glyceride structure, non-glyceride components of oils, component fatty acids of oils & fats.
Chemical reactions of oils & fats
Chemical reactions of oils & fats and their industrial importance, physico-chemical characteristics of
oils & fats, classification of oils, adulteration of oils.
Post harvest technology of oilseeds
Post harvest technology of oilseeds, handling and storage of oilseeds, different methods for extraction
of oils from oil-bearing materials.
Refining of oils
Degumming, de acidification, bleaching hydrogenation, deodorization, physical refining,
Fractionation, De waxing, Winterization of oils. Neutraceuticals derived from oils
Introduction to surface active agent
Saponification of oils, different methods of soap manufacture, selection of raw materials, analysis of
soaps. Types of surfactants and Manufacturing processes, fat based surfactants.
Reference Books
1. Richard D. O'Brien “Fats and Oils: Formulating and Processing for Applications” 3rd Edition
(2008) CRC Press
2. Moghis Ahmad “Fatty Acids: Chemistry, Synthesis, and Applications” 1st Edition Academic
Press and AOCS Press.
3. Robert Selby Morrell, H. R. Wood “The Chemistry of Drying Oils” E. Benn limited.
4. Ian P. Freeman, Sergey M. Melnikov (2015) “Margarines”
5. International Castor Oil Association (1992) “The Chemistry of Castor Oil and Its
Derivatives and Their Applications”
6. NIIR Board. The Complete Technology Book on Soaps (2nd Revised Edition)
7. Parasuram K. S. (2002) Soaps and Detergents. Tata Macgraw Hill. (ISBN 007-462324-9)
8. Spitz, L. (2016). Soap Manufacturing Technology: Second Edition.
L : T: P:C
0 : 0: 4:2
Objective: Students are allotted to work as trainee in different industries of the field for a
period of 6 weeks. The basic objectives are as follows:
1. To aware with the industrial environment, movement of raw materials upto finished
products, human behavior, industrial relation, manpower management & efficient
management of the manpower.
2. To have a proper knowledge of the manufacturing process of different products, their
quality control procedure, utilities, and various techniques of quality control in terms
of raw material, in process parameters and finished products as per norms of BIS,
FSSAI and other statutory bodies.
3. To gain knowledge of water treatment, effluent treatment and air pollution control
devices. Proper analysis of fuel and other utilities.
4. Students are allotted to work on project assign in that particular industries for
controlling the losses, utilities consumption & other inputs for reducing cost of
5. To understand proper maintenance of the equipment‟s in the plants, i. e. regular,
preventive and other schedule maintenance.
6. To understand the stores activities of procurement, storage & issue of spare-parts,
packaging materials and various consumables & raw materials get conversant with
FIFO system.
7. To understand the industrial drawings like layout, P&ID, line diagrams, electrical &
instrumentation, civil drawings.
8. The students must understand the costing of various inputs on different section basis
so as to have a knowledge of total cost of production.
9. To understand the R&D activities being carried out by the industries or intent to carry
by the company & share their knowledge.
10. They should also aware the applicable the tax structure.
L : T: P:C
0 : 0 : 4:2
The student will be required to prepare and deliver a seminar as well as submit a written report on the
topic assigned to him/her
1. This training provides a basic backbone for students for future industrial working environment.
2. Students after training gain a lot for appearing in campus placement activities.
L : T: P:C
0 : 0: 8:4
1. Specific topic for project are allotted to students to explore the possibilities of
entrepreneurships development right from literature survey, raw materials availability,
plant & machinery suppliers, cost analysis, marketing strategy etc.
2. Students make use of their knowledge and skills in the dissertation, techno-economic
feasibility study. They implement their entire technical & commercial talent for the
3. Equipment design enables use of unit operation principles.
The students are aware of MSME (Micro Small Medium Enterprises) entrepreneurships.
Semester 8
L: T:P:C
3 :1: 0: 4
This course has been designed to provide knowledge for packaging of oils, fats, soaps
detergent, cosmetics and allied products. Awareness of packed edible oils/other products reduces the
chances of adulteration.
Basic knowledge of engineering & technology, material science, oil and oil based products.
Course Outcome:
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to.
Assessment Pattern:
Bloom‟s Category Continuous Terminal
Assessment Tests Examination
1 2 3 4
Remember 10 10 10 10
Understand 20 20 20 20
Apply 20 20 20 20
Analyze 30 30 30 30
Evaluate 20 20 20 20
Create 0 0 0 0
Course Outcome 1(CO1)
1. Elements of packaging and its influence on customers.
2. Scope and function of a package.
3. Comparison of glass and plastic packaging. .
Course Outcome 2(CO2)
1. Compatibility with the material to be packed.
2. Properties of various packaging materials, essential components &criteria for
selection of packaging materials
3. Edible packaging and eco-friendly alternative to the plastic .
Course Outcome 3(CO3)
1. Different forms of packing rigid, semi-rigid and flexible.
2. Types of polymers use as a packaging materials.
3. Useful commercial blend of polymers for packaging..
Course Outcome 4(CO4)
1. Co-extrusion, extrusion Coatings and laminations process technology of the packaging.
2. Typical laminates film‟s constructions and its benefits & application.
3. Coating weight “Neck-in” and drawdown in extrusion Coatings and laminations.
Course Outcome 5(CO5)
1. Packaging materials use for soap, detergent & cosmetics.
2 Limitation of solid waste management practices.
3.Physical & chemical tests of packing materials
Module I Introduction to Packaging
Elements of packaging & its influence on customers, scopes and functions of a package. Materials
used for packaging:paper and paperboards; films and foils; glassware; metals plastics; wood;
miscellaneous other materials. Comparison of glass & plastic packaging.
Module II Criteria and selection of packing material
Requirements of packaging surfaces for oils and allied products viz. Compatibility with thematerial to
be packed, properties of various packaging materials and their specifications,& essential components
for selection of packaging materials, essential criteria for selection of packaging materials,Different
packaging and sealing machine for liquid /semisolid packaging. Edible packaging &eco friendly
alternative to the plastic
Module III Forms of packaging:
Folded cartons/boxes; corrugated board boxes, metal containers bags and envelopes, aerosols.Tubes,
cans and different forms of plastics, types of polymers use as packaging materials & useful
commercial blend of polymers packaging.
Module IV Printing of packaging surfaces
Requirements of Printing and evaluation of printed surfaces, co-extrusion, extrusion Coatings and
laminations of thepackaging surfaces, types and properties of coatings and limitations, different types
of laminating machines. Typical laminates film‟s constructions and its benefits & application. Coating
weight “Neck-in” and drawdown in extrusion Coatings and laminations, lamination machines.
Module V Packaging of various products
Oils and fats, soaps and detergents; cosmetics; petrochemicals, wax and wax products; essential oils
and perfumes; lubricating oils and greases; by products of oils, soaps and allied industries. Food
packaging & its environmental impacts. Limitation of solid waste management practices. Types of
packaging material and environmental issues, advantages and disadvantages.Minimizing
environmental impact. Physical & chemical tests of packing materials.
Reference Books and suggested readings
1. Handbook of food packaging by F. A Paine and H.Y paine., Publisher: Blackis and Son
Ltd London (1983)
2. Food Packaging Principles and Practice: Gordon L. Robertson
3. Modern processing and distribution system for food edited by F. A Paine
4. Food and packaging interaction by Risch. S. H., Publisher: American chemical Society,
Washington (1991)
5. Packaging materials and containers by Paine F. A., Publisher: Blackis and sons Ltd,
London (1983)
6. Mathlouthi, M. Food Packaging and Preservation. Gaithersburg: Aspen, 1999
7. Paine F. A . Packaging media Publisher: Blackis and son Ltd; Bishop Briggs (1977)
8. Bureau, G., and J. L. Multon. Food Packaging Technology. New York, n.d. (1996)
9. Chemistry of Food Packaging by Swalam C.M., American Chemical Society, Washington
D. C. 1974.
10. Packaging. Rockport, MA: Rockport Publishers, 1995.
Course contents and Lecture schedule:
Module Topic No. of
No. Lectures
1. Introduction to Packaging
1.1 Elements of packaging and its influence on customers 2
1.2 Scope and function of a package 1
1.3 Materials used for packaging i.e. paper and paperboards 1
1.4 Materials used for packaging i.e. Films and Foils 1
1.5 Materials used for packaging i.e. glassware, metals, plastics 1
1.6 Materials used for packaging i.e. wood and miscellaneous other materials 1
1.7 Comparison of glass & plastic packaging 1
2. Criteria and selection of packing material
2.1 Compatibility with the material to be packed 1
2.2 Properties of various packaging materials and their specifications 2
2.3 Essential components for selection of packaging materials 1
2.4 Essential Criteria for selection of packaging materials 1
2.5 Different packaging and sealing machine for liquid/semi-liquid packaging 2
2.6 Edible packaging &eco friendly alternative to the plastic 1
3. Forms of packaging
3.1 Different forms of packaging i.e. folded cotton/boxes corrugated boxes 1
3.2 Different forms of packaging i.e. metal containers, bags and envelops, 1
3.3 Different forms of packaging i.e. Tubes cans 1
3.4 Different forms of packaging i.e. rigid, semi-rigid and flexible plastic 2
3.5 Polymers used for packaging materials 1
3.6 Useful commercial blend of polymers packaging 1
4. Printing of packaging surfaces
4.1 Requirement of printing and evaluation of printed surfaces 1
4.2 Co-extrusion, extrusion coating and extrusion laminations of the packaging 2
4.3 Different types of lamination machine 2
4.4 Typical laminates film‟s constructions and its benefits & application 2
4.5 Coating weight “Neck-in” and drawdown in extrusion Coatings and 1
5. Packaging of various products
5.1 Packaging of soap and detergents 1
5.2 Packaging of cosmetics 1
5.3 Packaging of petro-chemical, wax and wax-products 1
5.4 Packaging of essential oils and perfumes 1
5.5 Packaging of lubricating oils and grease 1
5.6 Packaging of bye-product and allied industries 1
5.7 Limitation of solid waste management practices. 1
5.8 Types of packaging material and environmental issues, advantages and 1
5.9 Minimizing environmental impact. 1
5.10 Physical & chemical tests of packing materials. 1
Total 41
L:T: P:C
3 : 1: 0:4
The subject deals with the study of different types of fuels and lubricants used in the
industries. The basis of selection of fuels and lubricants along with the role of various additives is also
discussed. The subject also include information related to the quality parameters and method of
production of lubricating oils and greases.
Fundamental knowledge of lubricating principles, oils & fats
Course Outcome:
On the successful completion of the course, students will be able to.
CO1 Gain knowledge related to the fuels used in the industries Understand
CO2 Understand the role & properties of lubricants and role of additives in the Understand
performance of lubricants
CO3 Perform analytical tests for assuring the quality of fuel Analyze
CO4 Select the type of lubricant based on different applications Apply
CO5 Develop formulations for natural & synthetic lubricating greases Create
Assessment Pattern:
Bloom‟s Category Continuous Terminal
Assessment Tests Examination
1 2 3 4
Remember 10 10 10 10
Understand 20 20 20 20
Apply 20 20 20 20
Analyze 30 30 30 30
Evaluate 20 20 20 20
Create 0 0 0 0
Course Outcome 3(CO3)
1.Thermo chemistry of fuels
2.Test methods of fuels
Course Outcome 4(CO4)
1. Principle of lubrication.
2. Properties of lubricating oils.
Course Outcome 5(CO5)
1. Properties and types of lubricating greases
2. Additives used in lubricating greases.
3.BIS test methods of greases.
Handling and storage of fuels
Fuels used in industry such as LDO, furnace Oil ,HSD, Gas, thermic fluid, coal, husk, briquets.
Introduction to lubricants
Liquid, Solid and gas lubricants and their applications, Lubricating oils Synthetic lubricants. Physical
properties, manufacture of lubricating oils.Specific requirements for automotive lubricants, oxidation
deterioration and degradation of lubricants, additives and additive mechanism, classification of
lubricating oils such as thermic fluids, gear oils, hydraulic oils etc, viscosity index improver.
Properties of Fuels
Thermo-chemistry of fuels, properties and testing of fuels, relative density, calorific value, distillation,
vapour pressure, flash point, spontaneous ignition temperature, viscosity, pour point, flammability,
ignitability, diesel index, API gravity, aniline point etc.
General aspects of lubrication, lubricant characteristics and types ,selection principle ,Lubrication in
metal cutting, conditions of use for cutting fluids, coolants, gear oils.
Lubricating Greases
Properties, types, ingredients, additives, analysis of lubricating oils and greases as per BIS test
methods. Manufacture of lubricating Greases-Processes and equipments.
Reference Books:
1. Internal Combustion Engineering Edited by V. Ganesan. 2003
2. Lubrication and Lubricants, Edited by Eric R. Braithwaite ( 1967)
3. Lubricating Greases by C.J.Boner
4. Lubricating Oils by C.J.Boner
2.7 Classification of lubricating oils such as thermic fluids, gear oils, hydraulic 2
oils etc
3. Properties of Fuels
3.1 Thermo-chemistry of fuels 1
3.2 Properties and testing of fuels 1
3.3 Test methods for relative density, calorific value, distillation, vapour pressure 2
3.4 Test methods for flash point, spontaneous ignition temperature, viscosity, 2
pour point
3.5 Test methods for flammability, ignitability, diesel index, API gravity, aniline 3
4. Lubricants
4.1 General aspects of lubrication 1
4.2 Lubricant characteristics and types 2
4.3 Selection principle of lubricants 1
4.4 Lubrication in metal cutting, conditions of use for cutting fluids, coolants, 2
gear oils
5. Lubricating Greases
5.1 Properties of lubricating greases 1
5.2 Types of lubricating greases 1
5.3 Ingredients and additives of lubricating greases 2
5.4 Manufacture of lubricating Greases-Processes and equipments. 2
5.5 Analysis of lubricating oils and greases as per BIS test methods. 2
Total 40
Sessional: 50 marks
End Semester: 50 marks
Course Objectives:
This course explores the basic concepts and steady state equations of simple systems in chemical
process industries. It deals with the techniques for derivation of system model equations, data analysis
and visualization. The course aims to present the basic idea and concept on process model with
detailed analysis and solution of model equations for steady operation.
Course Outcomes:
Students completing the course will be able to
CO 1 Model deterministic systems and differentiate between nonlinear and linear Remember,
models Apply, Analyze
CO 2 Numerically simulate linear and non linear ordinary differential equations for Apply, Analyze,
deterministic systems Evaluate
CO 3 Estimate and validate a model based upon input and output data. Apply, Analyze,
CO 4 Create a model prediction based upon new input and validate the output data Understand,
Apply, Analyze,
Evaluate, Create
CO 5 Develop steady state models for flash vessels, equilibrium staged processes, Remember,
distillation columns, absorbers, strippers, CSTR, heat exchangers and packed Apply, Analyze,
bed reactors. Evaluate
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2
CO1 3 3 3 3 2 - - 1 - 1 1 2 1 1
CO2 3 3 3 3 3 1 - 1 - 1 1 2 3 3
CO3 3 3 3 2 3 1 - 1 - 1 1 2 3 3
CO4 3 3 3 2 2 1 - 1 - 1 1 2 3 3
CO5 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 1 - 1 2 3 3 3
Avg. 3 3 3 2.6 2.6 0.8 0.2 1 - 1 1.2 2.2 3 3
Module1 (6 hours)
Module2 (6 hours)
Concept of degree of freedom analysis: System and its subsystem, System interaction, Degree of
freedom in a system e.g. Heat exchanger, Equilibrium still, Reversal of information flow, Design
variable selection algorithm, Information flow through subsystems, Structural effects of design
variable selection, Persistent Recycle.
Module3 (6 hours)
Simple examples of process models; Models giving rise to nonlinear algebraic equation (NAE)
systems, - steady state models of flash vessels, equilibrium staged processes distillation columns,
absorbers, strippers, CSTR, heat exchangers, etc.; Review of solution procedures and available
numerical software libraries.
Module4 (6 hours)
Steady state models giving rise to differential algebraic equation (DAE) systems; Rate based
approaches for staged processes; Modeling of differential contactors – distributed parameter models
of packed beds; Packed bed reactors; Modeling of reactive separation processes; Review of solution
strategies for Differential Algebraic Equations (DAEs), Partial Differential Equations (PDEs), and
available numerical software libraries.
Module5 (6 hours)
Simulation and their approaches, Modular, Sequential, Simultaneous and Equation solving approach,
Simulation softwares and their applications, Review of solution techniques and available numerical
software libraries.
1. Luyben W.L., “Process Modeling, Simulation, and Control for Chemical Engineering”, Mc
Graw Hill.
2. D. F. Rudd and C. C. Watson, “ Strategy of Process Engineering”, Wiley international.
3. M.M. Denn, “Process Modelling”, Wiley, New York, (1990).
Suggested Reference Books
Course Objectives:
The objective of this course is to acquire basic understanding of design parameters, complete
knowledge of design procedures for commonly used process equipment and their attachments (e.g.
internal and external pressure vessels, tall vessels, high pressure vessels, supports etc.), and different
types of equipment testing methods.
Module 1 (6 hours)
Introduction: Classification of engineering materials, properties of Ferrous metals, Non ferrous
metals, alloys & Ceramic materials Structure-Property relationship in materials. Deformation of
Materials Fracture: Elastic deformation, Plastic deformation, Creep, Visco-elastic deformation,
Different types of fracture, Corrosion And Prevention: Direct Corrosion, electro-chemical corrosion,
Galvanic cells, High temperature corrosion, Passivity, factor influencing corrosion rate, Control and
of corrosion-modification of corrosive environment, Inhibitors, Cathodic protection, protective
coatings. Corrosion charts, Metal forming techniques (bending, Rolling, Forming) & Metal joining
techniques, welding – such as Butt, Lap, fillet, corner. Inspection and testing of process vessel.
Module 2 (6 hours)
Pressure Vessels: Type of pressure vessels, Thin cylinder theory for internal pressure. Code &
standard for pressure vessels (IS:2825: 1969), Design considerations, classification of pressure vessels
as per codes, design of cylindrical and spherical shells under internal and external pressure, selection
and design of closures and heads such as Flat, hemispherical, tori-spherical, elliptical & conical.;
Introduction to compensation for opening such as nozzles & manholes etc.
Module 3 (6 hours)
Flanges: Selection of gaskets, selection of standard flanges, optimum selection of bolts for flanges,
design of flanges. Inspection and testing of vessels, heads and flanges as per code specifications.
Piping: Pipe thickness calculation under internal and external pressure, introduction to flexibility
analysis of piping system.
Module 4 (6 hours)
Tall Tower Design: Design of shell, skirt, bearing plate and anchor bolts for tall tower used at high
wind and seismic conditions. Supports: Design of lug support and saddle support including bearing
plates and anchor bolts.
Module 5 (6 hours)
Storage Tanks: Introduction to Indian standards, filling and breathing losses; classification of storage
tanks; Design of liquid and gas storage tanks with and without floating roof. High-pressure vessels,
Fundamental equations, Compound vessels, Liquid storage tanks, Mechanical design of centrifuges,
Centrifugal pressure, Bowl and spindle motion: critical speed.
3 1 0 4
Sessional: 50 marks
End Semester: 50 marks
Course Objectives:
This course will highlight coupling between three transport phenomena with applications in various
disciplines in engineering and science, and will demonstrate to the students the common mathematical
structure of transport problems. The course will deal with flow problems involving Newtonian and
non-Newtonian fluids, solid-state heat conduction, forced and free convection, binary diffusion with
or without chemical reaction.
Course Outcomes:
CO1 Perform basic vector and tensor analysis Understand, Apply,
CO2 Solve transport problems using shell balances Apply, Evaluate
CO3 Formulate and solve one-dimensional transport problems by using Analyse, Evaluate
the conservation equations
CO4 Formulate simple multi-dimensional transport problems Apply, Evaluate, Create
CO5 Understand and apply the shell balance and boundary conditions on Understand, Evaluate
various types of system
PO1 PO2 PO3 PO4 PO5 PO6 PO7 PO8 PO9 PO10 PO11 PO12 PSOs
CO1 3 3 3 2 1 - - - - - - 1 1 2
CO2 3 3 3 2 2 1 - - - 1 1 1 3 3
CO3 3 2 2 2 2 1 - - - 1 1 1 3 3
CO4 3 3 1 2 2 1 - - - 1 1 1 3 3
CO5 3 3 1 2 2 1 - - - 1 1 1 3 3
Avg 3 2.8 2 2 1.8 0.8 - - - 0.8 0.8 1 3 3
3 3
Module1 (7 hours)
Introduction to Newton‟s law of viscosity, non –Newtonian fluids, pressure & temperature
dependence of viscosity, estimation of viscosity from critical properties. Shell momentum balances,
boundary conditions, flow of a falling film, flow through a circular tube, flow through annular,
creeping flow along a solid sphere.
Module2 (7 hours)
The equation of continuity, the equation of motion, use of the equations of change to set up steady
flow problems and applications.
Module3 (4 hours)
Flow near a wall suddenly set in motion, Boundary layer theory and applications.
Module4 (6 hours)
Shell energy balances, temperature profiles, average temperature, energy fluxes at surfaces, Equations
of change, equation of motion for forced and free convection and applications.
Module5 (6 hours)
Definitions of concentrations, velocities & mass fluxes, Fick's law of diffusion, Temperature &
pressure dependence of mass diffusivity, Maxwell‟s law of diffusion. shell mass balance, boundary
conditions, diffusion through a stagnant gas film and applications.
0 : 0: 20:10
1. Students are required to work on the allotted topic for submission of the project
2. Students make use of their knowledge and skills in the dissertation, techno-economic
feasibility study. They implement their entire technical & commercial talent for the
3. Equipment design enables use of unit operation principles.
Students will get an exposure and gain knowledge for establishing industrial enterprises and
design of equipments.