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Name of The Post: Assistant Foreman (E&T) T&S GR - C: Networks Theory

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Name of the Post: Assistant Foreman (E&T) T&S Gr - C

1. Networks Theory
Basic of Network Theory. Nodal and Mesh analysis. Network Theorems-
Superposition Theorem, Thevenin and Norton's Theorem, maximum power transfer
Theorem. Star-Delta transformation, Duality. Steady state sinusoidal analysis, Time
domain analysis of simple linear circuits, Frequency domain analysis of RLC (Series
and Parallel) circuits. Two port network parameters. Graph Theory.
2. Digital Electronics
Number systems, Code converters: BCD, Binary, IIEX, Octal other codes,
Combinatorial Circuits. Boolean algebra. Karnaugh map. CMOS implementations.
Arithmetic Circuits. Multiplexers. Encoder & Decoders. Sequential circuits- latches
and all flip-flops, counters, shift-registers. Data converters- ADC (Analog to Digital
Converter) and DAC (Digital to Analog Converter).
3. Semiconductor memories- ROM (Read Only Memory), SRAM (Static Read Access
Memory), DRAM (Dynamic read Access Memory)
4. Microprocessor (8085-8 Bit)- Architecture, All Instruction, Programming, memory.
5. Signal and System
Signal Operation- Time Shifting, Scaling, & Reversal. System- Linear, causality,
stability. Fourier series and Fourier transform representations, sampling theorem.
Discrete-Time signals discrete-time Fourier transform, DFT (Discrete Fourier
transform), FFT, and Z- transform. LTI systems- Properties, frequency response, group
delay, phase delay.
6. Electronic Devices Circuits (EDC)
Energy bands in intrinsic and extrinsic silicon. Carrier transport- diffusion current,
Drift current, Mobility and Resistivity, Diffusion constant, Generation and
recombination of carriers. Diode, BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor). P-N junction
Transistor, Zener diode, MOSFET, LED (Light Emitting Diode), a photodiode and
solar cell. Thyristor (SCR), Triac Diode, GTO, an IGBT, DC to DC conversion,
Rectifier, Chopper.
7. Analog Electronics
BJT (Bipolar Junction Transistor), and MOSFETs, Simple diode circuits- clipping,
clamping, and rectifiers. BJT and MOSFET amplifiers- multi-stage, differential,
feedback, power and operational, Operational Amplifier circuits, Active filters.
Oscillators- criterion for oscillation, RC Phase Shift, using transistor and FET, Wein
bridge, Clapp's, Colpitts oscillator only Formula. Function generators, wave-shaping
circuits and 555 timers, Voltage reference circuits, Power supplies- ripple removal and
regulation. Cathode Ray Oscilloscopes (CRT), Multimeters, and Digital voltmeters.
8. Control Systems
Basic control system, Transfer function meson's formula, Block diagram
representation, Signal flow graph. Transient and steady-state analysis of LTI systems-
First and Second Order System. Frequency response- Routh-Hurwitz criterion, Polar
Plot analysis, and Nyquist.
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9. Analog Communication System
Amplitude modulation and demodulation For Sinusoidal, Rectangular and Triangular
Signal, Angle modulation(Frequency and Phase Modulation) and demodulation, AM
and FM Spectrum Analysis, super heterodyne receivers.
10.Digital communications
PCM (Pulse Code Modulation), DPCM (Delta Pulse Code Modulation), digital
modulation schemes. Bandwidth Calculation, SNR (Signal to Noise ratio) and
BER/Probability error for digital modulation, Fundamentals of error correction,
Hamming codes, Inter-symbol interference. Basics of TDMA. FDMA, and CDMA
(Code-division Multiple access). Information theory- Entropy, mutual information and
channel capacity theorem.
Electrostatics, Maxwell's equations, wave equation, Poynting theorem & vector. Plane
waves- Reflection and refraction, polarization, phase and, group velocity, calculation
of skin depth. Transmission lines- Equations, characteristic impedance, impedance
matching. impedance transformation, S-parameters, Smith chart. Waveguides- Basic of
12.Antennas- Basic Concept, Definition, Types of Antenna, radiation pattern, gain, and
directivity return loss etc.
13.Computer Networking
Network features-Network topologies, protocols- TCP/IP, UDP, FTP, models, types,
network components, network medias, Specification and standards, types of cables,
UTP, STP, Coaxial cables. Network components like hub, Ethernet switch, router, NIC
Cards, connectors, media and firewall. Difference between PC & Server.
14.Voice Communication
Telephone instruments and signals: Introduction, the subscriber loop, standard
telephone set, basic call procedure, cordless telephones, electronic telephones.
Telephone circuit: Introduction, the local subscriber loop, channel noise and units of
power measurements. transmission parameters, voice frequency circuit arrangements.
Public telephone network: Transmission system, public telephone network, automated
central office switches and exchanges, telephone switching hierarchy, common channel
signaling system. Multiplexing of telephone channels: TDM, digital hierarchy, digital
carrier line encoding, T-carrier systems, digital carrier frame synchronization, FDM,
WDM. Digital telephony: Introduction, voice digitization, TDM of PCM signals,
digital carrier, Fractional T-Carrier Service, Data Terminal, Digital Carrier Line
Encoding, Error Detection, T Carrier System, T-1 Carrier System.

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