Jesus in The Gospels - John CH 17-21 by Vijaya 4

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The • John portrays Jesus as the Son of God. His

Gospels- purpose is clear to set forth Christ in His deity,

to spark faith in his readers.
• Some of the main themes being the
JOHN CH Atonement of Christ, Eternal Life, the Holy
Spirit, the Need to be born again, the
Importance of loving others, and the

17-21 importance of believing in the Saviour

Major Events
1. Jesus’ Prayer ch 17

2. Jesus is arrested ch 18:1-11

3. Jesus is taken to Annas the High Priest ch 18:12-14

4. Peter’s first denial ch 18:15-18

5. The High Priest questions Jesus ch 18: 19-24

6. Peter’s second and third denial. Ch 18:25-27

7. Jesus before the Pilate, Roman governor ch18:28-40

8. Jesus sentenced to be crucified ch 19:1-16

9. The Crucifixion ch 19:17-27

Major Events - contd
10. The death of Jesus ch 19:28-37

11. The burial of Jesus ch: 19:38-42

12. The Empty Tomb ch 20:1-9

13. Jesus appears to Mary Magdaline ch 20:10-18

14. Jesus appears to His Disciples ch 20:19-23

15. Jesus appears to Thomas ch 20:24-31

16. Jesus and the Miraculous Catch of fish ch 21:1-14

17. Jesus Reinstate Peter ch 21:15-25

• Vs 1-5 : Jesus prays for Himself
• Vs 6-19: Jesus prays for His disciples
John • vs 20-26:Jesus prays for all Believers
• Ch 17:4 So also we can bring glory to God

chapter by completing the work He has given to

• Vs 9- 11 Jesus prays for the disciples and

17 not for the world. He prays to the Father

to protect them from the evil one.
• 1. Jesus went to the Olive Grove, His usual place, taking his eleven
disciples after prayer. Now Judas came to the spot with the Roman
soldiers, and officials sent by the Chief Priest and Pharisees, to betray and
arrest Jesus. Then Jesus himself asked them for whom they came to arrest
and as they said, Jesus, He said “Here I am”. So they arrested Jesus and
left others.
• John 17:12 was fulfilled “ I have not lost anyone of those you gave Me”.
• Peter was so upset that he struck the High Priest servant’s ear with the
sword. Jesus rebuked Peter and healed the man’s ear.
• In ch 18:11, we see How Jesus willingly accepted His Father’s will.

John chapter 18
• 2. At the High Priest’s place, Jesus was
questioned, humiliated, accused and even
someone struck and then sent bound to Pilate.
• 3. Peter denies Jesus 3 times before the cock
crew, as predicted by Jesus.
• 4. Jesus had a good conversation with Pilate.
John ch 18 Jesus said to Pilate “ My kingdom is not of this
world”, to which Pilate replied, “You are the King
contd.. then”. Jesus answered, “Yes you are right, for this
reason, I was born, and for this cause, I came into
the world to testify the Truth to everyone, who
listens to me”. Pilate told Jesus that he had power
to free or crucify Him. Jesus answered you would
have no power over me if it were not given to
you from above. Pilate handed Jesus over to be
• The Crucifixion:
• 1. Jesus carried His cross and walked to the place of the
skull called Golgatha. The soldiers crucified Him and cast
lots for His garments. Thus the scripture Psalm 22:18 was
• 2. Jesus was a dutiful Son, making arrangements for His
aged mother, to be taken care of. What an example for us
to follow.
• 3. He said, “I thirst”. Then they gave Him Vinegar soaked in
chapter 19 a sponge. Psalm 69:21 fulfilled. After this Jesus said “It is
finished” and died, so the soldiers did not break His leg but
pierced His side from where came blood and water
convincing the soldier that Jesus was dead Psalm 34:20 and
Zechariah 12:10 were fulfilled –” Not one of His bones will
be broken”.
• The burial of Jesus: Joseph of Arimathea along with
Nicodemus took permission from Pilate and buried Jesus in
a new Tomb.
Chapter 20

• 1. Jesus risen from the dead, appeared to Mary Magdalene first as she
remained near the Tomb to find what had happened to the body of Jesus.
Jesus revealed himself to her and told her to go and tell His brothers.
• 2.Jesus’ appearance to His Disciples: When the disciples were gathered
together in the locked room, Jesus appeared among them with His
resurrected body. He showed them His nail-pierced hands for them to
believe. They were overjoyed to see the Lord. Jesus said “Peace be with you,
as the Father has sent me I am sending you. Receive the Holy Spirit. If you
forgive anyone his sins they are forgiven, If you do not forgive, they are not
• 3. Jesus’ appearance to Thomas:
• Thomas was not with other disciples when Jesus came the first time. So
Thomas said unless he sees the nail prints in His hands, he will not believe.
A week later Jesus came to the house where they met, and Jesus asked
Thomas to put his finger into His hand. Then Thomas repented and

• After this Jesus did many miracles which are not recorded.

Chapter 20 contd….
Chapter 21
• 1.Jesus and the miraculous catch of Fish:
• Peter and a few of the disciples decided to go out Fishing.
They were in the boat and fished the whole night but could
not get any fish. Early morning Jesus came to the seashore
and asked them “Have you got any fish? They said “No”. So,
He asked them to cast the net on the right side of the boat.
They obeyed and caught so many fish that they could not pull
the net, and the net was not breaking as they lifted. Then
they recognized that it was Jesus.
• When they came to the shore, they saw Jesus and were
surprised to see the fire of burning coals, the fish on it, along
with some bread to eat. Jesus called them to come and dine.
• What a wonderful Jesus we have who can make things out of
Chapter 21 cont…

• 2. Jesus talks to Peter:

• Peter denied Jesus 3 times and now Jesus asked Peter 3
times “Do you love me”. So Jesus told him If you love
me then take care of His lambs and sheep and feed
them. Jesus mentioned to him how he would glorify
God by his death. He finally said, “Follow me”. Then
Peter asked about John. Jesus asked him to take care of
his life and not to know about others.
• Many times, we want to know about others, but Jesus’
says “Mind your own life that is enough”.
• 1. Pattern of Life:
• He kept in step with the Holy Spirit. Every Scripture was fulfilled in His life.
• 2.Priority for Ministry and Life:
• To fulfill His Father’s will was His Priority. John 6:38
• 3. Principles He followed in His Ministry:
• Jesus understood himself as the Son of God, sent by the Father, to accomplish His
Father’s plan of Redemption. Romans 15:3

• What Miracles Jesus Performed and what did we

learn from them?
• Jesus performed two Miracles
• 1. Healing the ear of His Enemy which Peter cut
• 2. Jesus commanded to put the fishing net on
the other side of the boat and the net filled with
plenty of fish that they could not pull.
Lessons We Learn
• 1.Parables:
• There are no Parables in these chapters
• 2. Grace displayed in these chapters
• Jesus’ life was full of Grace and Truth, as we see whenever He faced
opposition or accusations or was treated badly by nailing, He was calm
and bore everything silently. He was given so much grace that He knew
when to speak and when not to speak.
• 3. Influence of the Gospel to us:
• The Gospel is the good news, it is the life of Christ. When we see Jesus’
way of life, the way He reacted, the way He was focused to please His
Father in every way and thereby lived a Holy and fruitful life. This will
influence anyone who reads about Him.
Kingdom Principles
• 1. Jesus willingly offered himself to the soldiers when they came to arrest
him. We should not justify but yield to what God wants.
• 2. His concern for His disciples is more than his own life.
• 3. He is thoughtful and compassionate even to his enemies
• 4. His total submission to His Father’s will
• 5. He maintained peace throughout the trial and was full of the wisdom
of God
• 6. He forgives His tormentors.
• 7. He forgives Peter for his faithlessness and accepts him and gives him



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