13.2 Sermon at Pentecost Mary
13.2 Sermon at Pentecost Mary
13.2 Sermon at Pentecost Mary
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Teacher Notes Page 1
1. Cover: Sermon at Pentecost. Acts 1:12-2:41 5. Peter said, “The new apostle must be someone who has
been with us from the beginning. He should have known
2. After living his life on earth Jesus went back to heaven. Jesus really well and should have been following since the
Just before he left he told the apostles that they had a very time Jesus was baptised.” Two men, Joseph called Barsabbas
important job to do. They were to go and tell everyone in (also known as Justus) and Matthias were put forward.
the world the good news about Jesus’ resurrection (his
coming back to life). They were to baptise them and teach 6. The apostles prayed that God would show them the right
them how to be followers of Jesus. choice and then cast lots (sort of like tossing a coin). In this
way Matthias was chosen to be the new 12th apostle.
Jesus told them to wait in Jerusalem and that soon he would
send a special helper to them. He knew they would be sad After this the apostles continued to wait for the special
to see him go but the special helper would be with them helper that Jesus had said would come. The apostles must
and give them comfort and power. The special helper would have wondered how they would actually know when the
be a gift to the whole world. helper had arrived.
3. The eleven apostles and other disciples went to Jerusalem 7. The group waited forty days in all. And then a very strong
just like Jesus had told them to do. Jesus’ mother and wind began to blow. After the wind the apostles saw flames
brothers and some other women joined the apostles to pray come down and sit above their heads. The time had come!
and wait in an upstairs room. The helper, the Holy Spirit, had arrived.
Soon they realised that there were only eleven apostles now Pentecost was a special holiday and thousands of Jews had
instead of the original twelve. Judas was missing. come from many other countries to worship at the temple.
They came from other countries so they spoke different
4. The other apostles remembered the sad way that Judas languages.
had betrayed Jesus when Jesus was still on earth. He had
said he was Jesus’ friend but he did not act like a friend. When they heard all of the noise they rushed over to see
Judas betrayed Jesus and made a deal with some leaders what was happening. The apostles went outside into the
who wanted to hurt him. After the soldiers took Jesus away temple area where many people were gathered.
and crucified him Judas was so ashamed and guilty. But
instead of doing the right thing and asking for forgiveness he
did the wrong thing and killed himself instead.
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Teacher Notes Page 2
8. Remember how Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would help
the apostles tell the good news? That is exactly what
happened. The apostles began speaking in all kinds of
different languages and the people from other countries
could understand. This was amazing because, before that
day, the apostles had never studied or learned those
languages. Being able to speak in another language that you
have never learned or studied is called “speaking in
9. Peter explained that the Holy Spirit was from God and
was making all of these amazing things happen. He told
them the good news about Jesus Christ. He told them that
God sent his son to earth but that the people crucified him.
He told them how Jesus was resurrected and then went
back to heaven to reign as King.
10. Many of the people felt very sad and sorry that they had
not believed Jesus. They asked Peter, “What should we do?”
11. Peter answered them in just the way Jesus had told him
to, “Repent and be baptised, every one of you, in the name
of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will
receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.”
12. About 3,000 people were baptised that day and added
to the number of believers. This was the beginning of the
church. In fact, you could call this the birthday of the church!
If you read the bible book of Acts then you will learn about
some of the exciting things that happened to the church in
the years to come.
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● Text and slideshow compilation by Mary Nelson
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Notice of Alteration: Text added to cover slide.