Cognitive Distortion Journal
Cognitive Distortion Journal
Cognitive Distortion Journal
V002 Copyright: David Puder, 2019, All Rights Reserved. Instagram: @Dr.DavidPuder
8 Day Cognitive Distortion Journal
Journal any thoughts that came up for you while doing this:
V002 Copyright: David Puder, 2019, All Rights Reserved. Instagram: @Dr.DavidPuder
8 Day Cognitive Distortion Journal
Day 2:
Re-read the cognitive distortions from day one. For the ones that
you identified as being the most frequently used cognitive
distortions, pick the top 3 and write them below. Then write out
some common situations and emotions that they occur with.
1. Cognitive Distortion 1:
Common Situations:
Common Emotions:
2. Cognitive Distortion 2:
Common Situations:
Common Emotions:
3. Cognitive Distortion 3:
Common Situations:
Common Emotions:
What are some things you have identified as trends or patterns from doing this exercise?
V002 Copyright: David Puder, 2019, All Rights Reserved. Instagram: @Dr.DavidPuder
8 Day Cognitive Distortion Journal
Day 3:
Re-read the list of cognitive distortions and think about the last 24
hours and the most distressing situation you had.
What emotions came up for you (anger, sadness, envy, disgust, shock, fear, shame…)
What thoughts came up for you that were distressing in the midst of the situation (like I always
mess up, I am always a failure, I can’t do it right ever, ect.)?
Which three cognitive distortions applied to this situation the most, and how did it specifically
apply? (Re-read the cognitive distortions and see which one applies the most to it.)
● Cognitive Distortion 1:
● Cognitive Distortion 2:
● Cognitive Distortion 3:
Were you able to work through and have less distress about the situation after thinking about
how the cognitive distortions applied to them?
V002 Copyright: David Puder, 2019, All Rights Reserved. Instagram: @Dr.DavidPuder
8 Day Cognitive Distortion Journal
Day 4:
Re-read the list of cognitive distortions and think about the last 24
hours and the most distressing situation you had.
What emotions came up for you (anger, sadness, envy, disgust, shock, fear, shame…)
Rate the intensity of each of the emotions (1%-100%, where 100% is the most intense it could
possibly be).
What thoughts came up for you that were distressing in the midst of the situation?
Which 3 cognitive distortions applied to this situation the most and how did it specifically apply?
(Re-read the cognitive distortions and see which one applies the most to it.)
● Cognitive Distortion 1:
● Cognitive Distortion 2:
● Cognitive Distortion 3:
Looking back at the statements, can you now rewrite them more accurately? For example, “I am
always messing up,” could be seen as having cognitive distortions of: black and white thinking,
overgeneralization, and minimizing the positive. The more accurate statement might therefore
be, “I messed up once, but I mostly do it right.”
Try to re-write one statement here:
V002 Copyright: David Puder, 2019, All Rights Reserved. Instagram: @Dr.DavidPuder
8 Day Cognitive Distortion Journal
Day 5:
Re-read the list of cognitive distortions and think about the last 24
hours and the most distressing situation you had.
Rate the intensity of each of the emotions (1%-100%, where 100% is the most intense it could
possibly be).
What thoughts came up for you that were distressing in the midst of the situation?
Which 3 cognitive distortions applied to this situation the most and how did it specifically apply?
(Re-read the cognitive distortions and see which one applies the most to it).
● Cognitive Distortion 1:
● Cognitive Distortion 2:
● Cognitive Distortion 3:
Looking back at the statements, can you now rewrite them more accurately? For example, “I am
always messing up,” could be seen as having cognitive distortions of: black and white thinking,
overgeneralization, and minimizing the positive. The more accurate statement might therefore
be, “I messed up once, but mostly do it right.”
Try to re-write one statement here:
Now how would you rate the intensity of the emotions? Have they decreased?
V002 Copyright: David Puder, 2019, All Rights Reserved. Instagram: @Dr.DavidPuder
8 Day Cognitive Distortion Journal
Day 6:
Re-read the list of cognitive distortions and think about the last 24
hours and the most distressing situation you had.
Rate the intensity of each of the emotions (1%-100%, where 100% is the most intense it could
possibly be).
What thoughts came up for you that were distressing in the midst of the situation?
Which 3 cognitive distortions applied to this situation the most and how did it specifically apply?
(Re-read the cognitive distortions and see which one applies the most to it.)
● Cognitive Distortion 1:
● Cognitive Distortion 2:
● Cognitive Distortion 3:
Looking back at the statements, can you now rewrite them more accurately?
Try to re-write two of the thoughts here:
V002 Copyright: David Puder, 2019, All Rights Reserved. Instagram: @Dr.DavidPuder
8 Day Cognitive Distortion Journal
What emotions came up for you (anger, sadness, envy, disgust, shock, fear, shame…)
Rate the intensity of each of the emotions (1%-100%, where 100% is the most intense it could
possibly be).
What thoughts came up for you that were distressing in the midst of the situation?
Which 3 cognitive distortions applied to this situation the most and how did it specifically apply?
(Re-read the cognitive distortions and see which one applies the most to it.)
● Cognitive Distortion 1:
● Cognitive Distortion 2:
● Cognitive Distortion 3:
Looking back at the statements, can you now rewrite them more accurately?
Try to re-write two of the thoughts here:
Sometimes cognitive distortions keep us from being grateful. Can you feel the gratitude now that
you worked through the cognitive distortions? Think about how you might act upon this gratitude
(writing a letter, putting in a good review, telling someone how you appreciate them).
V002 Copyright: David Puder, 2019, All Rights Reserved. Instagram: @Dr.DavidPuder
8 Day Cognitive Distortion Journal
What are three things you are grateful for learning, growing,
expanding your understanding of things?
Can you feel any of that gratitude in your body? Where do you feel it?
What emotions came up for you (love, happiness, kindness, curiosity, joy, warmth…)
Rate the intensity of each of the emotions (1%-100%, where 100% is the most intense it could
possibly be).
What thoughts came up for you in the midst of looking back at the last 6 days?
Acting upon gratitude is very important. What are three ways you can act upon this
V002 Copyright: David Puder, 2019, All Rights Reserved. Instagram: @Dr.DavidPuder
8 Day Cognitive Distortion Journal
If this was helpful for you, please let me know! I love hearing about
how people are learning and growing.
V002 Copyright: David Puder, 2019, All Rights Reserved. Instagram: @Dr.DavidPuder