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Details of Measurement and Calculation of Qua

Item No. Description of the Items of Work No. Dimensions

1 Earthwork in Excavation
a.)Drawing R & LHS Bed Room
i.) Long Walls 2 11.5 0.9
ii.) Short Walls 3 4.4 0.9
b.)Rhs Bed room (Both Combined)
i.) Long Walls 2 9.6 0.9
ii.) Short Walls 2 3.9 0.9
c.)For Front Verandah
i.) Long Walls 1 9.5 0.6
ii.) Short Walls 1 1.5 0.6
d.)For Back verandah
i.) Long Walls 1 9.5 0.6
ii.) Short Walls 2 2 0.6
2 Lime Concrete
a.)Drawing R & LHS Bed Room
i.) Long Walls 2 11.5 0.9
ii.) Short Walls 3 4.4 0.9
b.)Rhs Bed room (Both Combined)
i.) Long Walls 2 9.6 0.9
ii.) Short Walls 2 3.9 0.9
c.)For Front Verandah
i.) Long Walls 1 9.7 0.6
ii.) Short Walls 1 1.7 0.6
d.)For Back verandah
i.) Long Walls 1 9.7 0.6
ii.) Short Walls 2 2.2 0.6
3 Brick Work in Foundation
a.)Drawing R & LHS Bed Room
i.) Long Walls
1ST Footing 2 11.2 0.6
2ND Footing 2 11.1 0.5
Plinth 2 11 0.4
ii.) Short Walls
1ST Footing 3 4.7 0.6
2ND Footing 3 4.8 0.5
Plinth 3 4.9 0.4
b.)Rhs Bed room (Both Combined)
i.) Long Walls
1ST Footing 2 9.6 0.6
2ND Footing 2 9.6 0.5
Plinth 2 9.6 0.4
ii.) Short Walls
1ST Footing 2 4.2 0.6
2ND Footing 2 4.3 0.5
Plinth 2 4.4 0.4
c.)For Front Verandah
i.) Long Walls
1ST Footing 1 9.65 0.4
Plinth 1 9.6 0.3
ii.) Short Walls
1ST Footing 1 1.85 0.4
Plinth 1 1.9 0.3
d.)For Back verandah
i.) Long Walls
1ST Footing 1 9.65 0.4
Plinth 1 9.6 0.3
ii.) Short Walls
1ST Footing 2 2.35 0.4
Plinth 2 1.9 0.3
a.)Drawing R & LHS Bed Room
i.) Long Walls 2 11 0.4
ii.) Short Walls 3 4.9 0.4
b.)Rhs Bed room (Both Combined)
i.) Long Walls 2 9.6 0.4
ii.) Short Walls 2 4.4 0.4
c.)For Front Verandah
i.) Long Walls 1 9.6 0.3
ii.) Short Walls 1 1.9 0.3
d.)For Back verandah
i.) Long Walls 1 9.6 0.3
ii.) Short Walls 2 1.9 0.3

5 Deduct Door Sills

door sill 1 6 1.2 0.4
door sill 2 2 1 0.4
door sill 3 1 0.75 0.3

6 Brick Work in Superstructure

a.)Drawing R & LHS Bed Room
i.) Long Walls 2 10.9 0.3
ii.) Short Walls 2 5 0.3
b.)Rhs Bed room (Both Combined)
i.) Long Walls 2 9.6 0.3
ii.) Short Walls 2 4.5 0.3
c.)For Front Verandah
i.) Long Walls 1 9.6 0.2
ii.) Short Walls 1 2 0.2
d.)For Back verandah
i.) Long Walls 1 9.6 0.2
ii.) Short Walls 2 2.5 0.2

7 Deduction
door opening
door opening 1 6 1.2 0.3
door opening 2 2 1 0.3
door opening 3 1 0.75 0.2
window opening
window opening 1 11 1 0.3
window opeiing 2 1 2 0.3
window opening 3 2 0.75 0.2
CW opening 18 0.75 0.3
shelves 5 1 0.2

Front Verandah opening in between pillars 1 8.4 0.2

Front Verandah opening sides 1 2 0.2

Back Verandah opening 1 6.8 0.2

Lintels over door

D doors D1 6 1.5 0.3
D doors D2 2 1.3 0.3
D doors D3 1 0.95 0.2

Lintel over Window W1 11 1.3 0.3 W2 1 2.3 0.3 W3 2 0.95 0.2
Lintel over CW 18 0.95 0.3
Lintel Over Shelves 5 1.3 0.3

Verandah Lintels
Front 1 9.75 0.2
Side 1 2.15 0.2
Back 1 0.2 0.2
of Measurement and Calculation of Quantities
Remarks/ Calculation /
Ht. or Depth

1 20.7 11.5
1 11.88 4.4

1 17.28 9.6
1 7.02 3.9

0.5 2.85 9.5

0.5 0.45 1.5

0.5 2.85 9.5

0.5 1.2 2

0.3 6.21 11.5

0.3 3.564 4.4

0.3 5.184 9.6

0.3 2.106 3.9

0.2 1.164 9.7

0.2 0.204 1.7

0.2 1.164 9.7

0.9 2.376 2.2

0.2 2.688 11.2

0.2 2.22 11.1
0.9 7.92 11

0.2 1.692 4.7

0.2 1.44
0.9 5.292

0.2 2.304 9.6

0.2 1.92 9.6
0.9 6.912 9.6

0.2 1.008 4.2

0.2 0.86 4.3
0.9 3.168
0.2 0.772 9.65
0.7 2.016 9.6

0.2 0.148 1.85

0.7 0.399 1.9

0.2 0.772 9.65

0.7 2.016 9.6

0.2 0.376 2.35

0.7 0.798 1.9

1 8.8 11
1 5.88

1 7.68 9.6
1 3.52

1 2.88 9.6
1 0.57 1.9

1 2.88 9.6
1 1.14 1.9

1 2.88
1 0.8
1 0.225 total deduction=3.91
total =24.76

0.4 2.616 10.9

0.4 1.2 5

0.4 2.304 9.6

0.4 1.08 4.5

3.05 5.856 9.6

3.05 1.22 2

3.05 5.856 9.6

3.05 3.05 2.5

2.1 4.536
2 1.2
1.8 0.27
1.5 4.95
1.5 0.9
1.2 0.36
0.6 2.43
1.5 1.5

2.4 4.032 8.4

2.4 0.96

2.4 3.264 6.8

0.15 0.405 bearing 15 cm

0.15 0.117 bearing 15 cm
0.15 0.0285 beariing 10 cm

0.15 0.6435
0.15 0.1035
0.15 0.057
0.15 0.7695
0.15 0.2925

0.15 0.2925 9.75

0.15 0.0645 2.15
0.15 0.006 7.5
Total Deduction = 4.536

Net Total Brick Work = 18.646

Abstract of the Estimated Cost

Item No. Description of the Items of Work Quantities Unit

1 Earthwork in Excavation

2 Lime Concrete

3 Brick Work in Foundation

Rate (in Rs.) Per Amount Contingencies(%) 3
Work Chg. Establishment (%) 2
Total 0
0 Contingencies 0
Work Chg. Establishment 0
0 Grand Total 0

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