Signals Boys
Signals Boys
Signals Boys
Classification of Signals
Classification of Audible and Visible signals.
Audible Signals
• Audible signals such as detonators and fog signals are used in cloudy and
foggy weather when hand or fixed signals are not visible.
• Their sound can immediately attract the attention of drivers.
• Detonators contain explosive material and are fixed to the rail by means of
• In thick foggy weather, detonators are kept about 90 m ahead of a signal to
indicate the presence of the signal to the drivers.
• Once the train passes over the detonators thereby causing them to explode, the
driver becomes alert and keeps a lookout for the signal so that he/she can take
the requisite action.
Visible Signals
These signals are visible and draw the attention of the drivers because of their
strategic positions.
Hand signals Fixed signal Stop signals
• These signals • These are • These are fixed • These are fixed
are in the form firmly fixed on signals provided signals that
of flags (red or the ground by for normally do not
green) fixed to the side of the communicating change their
wooden handles track and can to the driver position.
that are held by be further that the track • They inform the
railway subdivided into ahead is not fit drivers about
personnel caution for the running the condition of
assigned this indicators and the train at the railway line
particular duty. stop signals. normal speed. lying ahead.
Fixed Signals
The various types of fixed signals used on railways are as follows.
• When the track is undergoing repair, trains are required to proceed with caution at restricted speeds
and may even have to stop.
• Caution indicators help the driver of a train to reduce the speed of (or even stop) the train at the
affected portion of the track and then return it to the normal speed once that portion has been
• The following indicators are used for this purpose.
• Caution indicator : This cautions the driver to get ready to reduce the speed.
• Speed indicator :The driver has to reduce the speed (or stop) at this location.
• Stop indicator or stop board : The driver has to stop the train at this location.
• Termination indicator : This indicates that the driver can assume normal speed and that the speed
restriction zone has ended.
Sighting board
• A sighting board (Fig. 31.11) is an indication to the driver that he or she is approaching the first stop signal of
a railway station.
• The function of a sighting board is to allow the driver to estimate the location of the next stop signal from the
current location so that he/she starts applying brakes in case the first stop signal is in an ‘on’ position.
• As the requisite braking distance of goods trains and Rajdhani trains is greater than that of the passenger
trains, the sighting boards for goods trains and Rajdhani trains are located farther and their design is different
from that of sighting boards meant for passenger trains.
Stop Signals
1.) Outer signal
• This is the first stop signal at a station, which indicates the entry of a train from a block section into
the station limits.
• This signal is provided at an adequate distance beyond the station limits so that the line is not
obstructed once the permission to approach has been given.
2.) Home signal
• After the outer signal, the next stop signal towards the station side is a home signal.
• It is provided right at the entrance of the station for the protection of the station limits.
• The signal is provided about 190 m short of the points and crossings.
• The arms provided on a home signal are generally as many as the number of reception lines in the
station yard.
3.) Routing signal