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Introduction to Microwave Engineering

and Transmission line theory

Ratnajit Bhattacharjee
IIT Guwahati

• Brief history of microwaves

• Microwave frequency bands
• Different applications of microwave
• Microwave transmission lines
• Lumped element circuit model of transmission
Brief history of microwaves
• The term Microwaves usually refer to
electromagnetic waves with wavelengths
ranging from about one meter to one
• Microwaves were first introduced in the
technical literature in 1932 by Nello Carrara,
to designate electromagnetic (EM) waves
having wavelength smaller than 30 cm ( i.e.
frequency above 1 GHz) [1][2].
[1] R. Sorrentino and G. Bianchi, “ Microwave and RF Engineering”, John Wiley and
Sons, 2010
[2] N. Carrara, ‘The detection of microwaves’, Proceedings of the Institute of Radio
Engineers (IRE), Vol. 20, No. 10, pp. 1615–1625, 1932
Brief history of microwaves
 Foundations of modern electromagnetic
theory were formulated by James Clerk
Maxwell in 1873
 Maxwell’s formulation was cast in its modern
form by Oliver Heaviside during the period
from 1885 to 1887
 He introduced vector notation, and provided a
foundation for practical applications of guided
waves and transmission lines.

Ref: D. M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering; 4/e, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2012.
Brief history of microwaves
 During the period 1887-1891, Heinrich Hertz,
a noted German physicist and experimentalist
provided experimental validation of Maxwell’s
theory of electromagnetic waves
 Due to lack of reliable microwave sources and
other components, the growth of radio
technology in the early 1900s occurred
primarily in the HF (3-30 MHz) to VHF (30-300
MHz) range.

Ref: D. M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering; 4/e, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2012.
Brief history of microwaves
• During 1895 Marconi designed, built and experimented with a
microwave communication system that worked at a wavelength of
10 inches (or 25.4 cm) corresponding to a centre frequency of
about 1.18 GHz in the present day L-Band [1].

• Marconi’s early experiments on radio, during 1894-1896, were at

frequencies on the order of 1000 MHz although his major efforts in
developing commercial wireless service were at very much lower
frequencies in order to achieve practical long-distance
communications [2].

[1] Prebir K. Bandoyopadhyay, “Guglielmo Marconi - The father of long distance radio
communication - An engineer's tribute”, 25th European Microwave Conference,1995
DOI: 10.1109/EUMA.1995.337090
[2] H. Sobol, “Microwave Communications- An Historical Perspective”, IEEE
Brief history of microwaves
• In the late 1930s, it became evident that
several effects limit the operation of vacuum
tubes in the microwave frequency band, as
wavelength becomes comparable to the
dimensions of the tube.
• Possibility of microwave generation by
utilizing transit time effects together with
lumped tuned circuits was suggested by A. A.
Heil and O. Heil in 1935

Ref: S. M. Liao, Microwave devices and Circuits; 3/e, Prentice Hall of India, 2004.
Brief history of microwaves
• In 1939, W. C. Hahn and G. F. Metcalf proposed
the theory of velocity modulation.
• In the same year, klystron amplifier and oscillator,
which used velocity modulation, were developed
by R. H. Varian and S. F. Varian.
• Although Hull invented magnetron in 1921, it
remained as a laboratory device till cylindrical
magnetron was developed by Boot and Randall in
early 1940.
• In 1944, R. Kompfner invented helix type TWT

Ref: S. M. Liao, Microwave devices and Circuits; 3/e, Prentice Hall of India, 2004.
Brief history of microwaves
• Radar, the first major application of microwave
technology, was intensively developed during World
War II. With the advent of radar, microwave theory and
technology received substantial interest.
• Radiation Laboratory was established at the
Massachusetts Institute of Technology to develop radar
theory and practice.
• Several renowned scientists contributed to theoretical
and experimental treatment of waveguide
components, microwave antennas, small-aperture
coupling theory, and microwave network theory.
Ref: D. M. Pozar, Microwave Engineering; 4/e, John Wiley & Sons Inc, 2012.
Brief history of microwaves
• Early 1960s saw the emergence of solid state
microwave sources and microwave integrated
• Hybrid microwave integrated circuits started
maturing in mid 1970s and Monolithic microwave
integrated circuit technology became popular in
• The recognition of Microwave Engineering as a
major field within electrical engineering resulted
in creation of IRE group of MTT in 1952
Microwave Frequency Bands
• Microwaves usually correspond to
frequencies between 300 MHz and 300 GHz,
(wavelengths between 1 millimetre and 1
• In the Electromagnetic spectrum, microwaves
occupy the frequencies above ordinary radio
waves and below infrared light.
• The microwave frequency range is further
subdivided into several bands
Microwave Frequency bands (IEEE)
Designation Frequency range in GHz
UHF 0.3-1
L 1-2
S 2-4
C 4-8
X 8-12
Ku 12-18
K 18-27
Ka 27-40
V 40-75
W 75-110
Millimeter wave 30-300
Sub-millimeter Waves 300-3000
Ref: R. Sorrentino and G. Bianchi, “ Microwave and RF Engineering”, John Wiley
and Sons, 2010
Applications of Microwaves
• Communication • Radar
– Terrestrial – Civilian
• Air Traffic Control
• Microwave Links • Ship Traffic Control
• Cellular • Car Traffic Control
• Remote Sensing
– Military
• Surveillance
– Satellite • Navigation
• Weapon Guidance
• Electronic Warfare
Applications of Microwaves
• Industrial and • Biomedical
commercial – Hyperthermia
– Heating – Imaging
– Drying – Microwave
spectroscopy and
– Cutting sensing for
– Process control biological cells
– Waste treatment – Medical
– Sensing and monitoring implantable
Microwave Transmission Lines
• Transmission line refers to a structure used to guide
the flow of energy from one point to the other
• A uniform transmission line is defined as one whose
dimensions and electrical properties are identical to
planes transverse to the direction of wave propagation
• The main features desired in transmission lines are:
– Single mode propagation over a broad band of
– Signal attenuation should be very small
• A wide variety of transmission line structures have
been developed for the microwave band of
Microwave Transmission Lines
Microwave Transmission Lines
Lumped Element circuit Model of Transmission Line

• A transmission line can be analyzed by solving

Maxwell’s equations and applying appropriate
boundary conditions.
• However, a simpler technique which utilizes ac circuit
concepts can be used where the phenomenon of wave
propagation on transmission lines can be approached
from an extension of circuit theory
• Circuit analysis assumes that the physical dimensions
of the network to be much smaller than the electrical
wavelength so that the elements of the network can be
treated as lumped.
Lumped Element circuit Model of Transmission Line

• At microwave frequencies, a transmission line may be

of the order of a wavelength, or many wavelengths, in
• Voltages and currents can vary in magnitude and phase
over its length
• A transmission line, as an extension of circuit theory, is
modelled as a distributed parameter network
• A transmission line is often schematically represented
as a two-wire line and an infinitesimal section of such
transmission line can be modelled as lumped element
Lumped Element circuit Model of Transmission Line
Lumped Element circuit Model of Transmission Line

• R, L, G, and C are per-unit-length quantities

• The series inductance L ( in H/m) represents the total

self-inductance of the two conductors
• The shunt capacitance C (in F/m) is due to the close
proximity of the two conductors
• The series resistance R (in Ω/m) is due to the finite
conductivity of the individual conductors
• The shunt conductance G (S/m) represents dielectric
loss in the material between the two conductors.
Lumped element circuit model of transmission line

• The transmission line parameters R, L, G & C

can be determined for simple line geometries
through field analysis of transmission lines
• For a coaxial transmission line of inner radius
a and outer radius b
𝜇 𝑏 2𝜋𝜖 ′ 𝑅𝑆 1 1 2𝜋𝜔𝜖 ′′
𝐿= 𝑙𝑛 𝐶= 𝑅= + 𝐺=
2𝜋 𝑎 𝑏 2𝜋 𝑎 𝑏 𝑏
𝑙𝑛 𝑙𝑛
𝑎 𝑎
𝜖 = 𝜖 ′ − 𝑗𝜖 ′′ =𝜖 ′ 1 − 𝑗tan𝛿
𝑅𝑆 is the surface resistance of the conductor

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