HH Grade 5

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Social Science Worksheet

Chapter1- The Globe and The Imaginary Lines

Chapter13- Prominent Dynasties of India

I. Fill in the blanks.

1. _____________________ is also known as the Great Circle.
2. ______________________ is responsible for the spread of Buddhism in parts of South Asia.
3. Ujjain was taken as the ___________________________ by the early Indian geographers.
4. Akbar’s council of nine men were known as ______________________.

II. Name the following.

1. Name the newest ocean, named in the year 2000. _______________________________
2. The philosophy of Hindu culture took shape during this period. _______________________
3. This is marked at 00 longitude. __________________________
4. Name the dynasty which had strong naval presence in the south. ____________________________

III. Imaged based questions.

1. This is the world’s largest revolving or rotating globe. 2. He was Akbar’s grandson.

_______________________________________ ___________________________________

3. This battle was the turning point of Ashoka’s life.

IV. Very short answer type questions.
1. Name the two literary highlights during the time of Ashoka.
2. De ine axis.
3. Write any one advantage and disadvantage of a globe.
Advantages Disadvantages
1. 1.

V. Short answer type questions.

1. Write a short note on the meridians of longitude.
2. Who was Akbar? Write about his achievements.
3. Marked the parallels on the following diagram.

VI. Map.
In an outlined World Map mark the following:
1. Smallest continent.
2. Largest and deepest ocean.

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