Class 6 Tier 1 New 1 Revision Sheet History

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Session 2024-2025
Revision sheet
Name- _______________ Class _6___ Sub- _HISTORY____________

Study the pictures and answer the following questions

1. How many types of sources are there in History?

2. Identify the source of History in above picture?
3. Name the other types of sources of History.
Study the pictures and answer the following questions

1. Identify the above discovery of early man.

2. Which age witnessed the discovery of above picture?
3. What led to the above discovery?

Fill in the blanks

1. _____ helps us to understand the society and culture of our past.
2. _____ are the remains of objects that were made by the ancient people.
3. In prehistoric time, toys, tools and jewellery were made of ____, _____ and bones.
4. The ______ was invented 200 years ago.
5. Study of coins is called ______.
6. Most of the early coins had no writing but had the image of a ______ animal.
7. Study of fossils is called ______.
8. ______ are the remains of harder parts of living beings like bones and skulls.
9. ______ throw light on the social, religious and cultural life of the people of the age when they were
10. ______ were fond of painting.
11. Pictures were used in _____ and ______.
12. Study of inscriptions and edicts is called _______.
13. ______ is the story of five brothers.
14. _____ was the first foreign traveller who came to India in the 3rd century B.C from Greece to visit
the empire of Chandragupta Maurya.
15. Kitab-ul- Hind is written by ______.
16. ______ introduced the theory that populations evolve over the course of generations through a
process of natural selection.
17. Man was _____ in Stone Age and he kept wandering here and there.
18. Early man learnt that rubbing of two dry stones produced ____.
19. The term Paleolithic is derived from two Greek words, _____ and _____.
20. Mesolithic age is characterized by small and more advanced tools called ______.
21. The _______ man also made hand axes with wooden handles and stone knives to cut meat and fruits.
22. The _______ domesticated animals, both for supply of milk and meat as well as for harnessing their
labour for various purposes.
23. The _____ man’s intelligence led him to invent the wheel.
24. The ______ wheel was also invented and fine shaped pots could be made.
25. The payment for a work done was made in ____, not in cash.
26. The _____ was worshipped since it was something new and provided light at night.
27. The ____ was worshipped as the Stone Age people thought that the smoke from the fire acted as an
intermediary between the gods and the humans.
28. The term Stone Age and Bronze Age were coined by the Danish historian ________.
29. Man quickly learnt the art of making the copper alloy called bronze by mixing ____ with ____.
30. The villages during the _________ became more self-sufficient.

State True or False

1. To know about pre-history, we study the remains of artefacts i.e. man-made and fossils. ____
2. Writing was invented 6000 years ago. _____
3. Coins also provide information about the personal tastes of kings and their religion.____
4. Fossils leave permanent marks on the rocks._____
5. Ramayana is a story of lord Rama. ______
6. Man was a hunter and gatherer and did not wear clothes during Paleolithic age. ____
7. _________Man began to store food for later consumption.
8. Man became a food producer in the Neolithic Age. _____
9. The people in the New Stone Age worshipped the objects of nature like the sky, sun, moon etc.
10. The Stone Age is divided into two parts on the basis of the type of stone tools. _____

Answer the following questions

1. Name the period before writing was invented.
2. Give a year that marks the beginning of agriculture and the rise of permanent settlement.
3. Name some archaeological and literary sources.
4. Name a source that provides information about kings, their dynasty and the extent of their territory.
5. Name a source that are basically imprints of plants, animals or humans preserved in rocks.
6. Give two examples of fossils that are used to study History.
7. Name a source that are man-made objects like pottery, jewellery, tools, toys, seals and paintings.
8. Name a source that are written records engraved on stones, pillars, rocks, walls of caves, copper and
other metal plates.
9. Define artefacts and inscriptions.
10. Name a literature that contains details of rituals, prayers and religious practices followed by people
in the past.
11. Give two examples of religious literature and secular literature.
12. Name a literature that was written with the intention of recording historical events social life,
administrative regulations.
13. Name the book written by Charles Darwin.
14. Name the parts of the Stone Age.
15. Name the period of transition between the Paleolithic and Neolithic ages.
16. Define Mesolithic
17. Name the age that stands for New Stone Age.
18. Give the advantages of metal tools over stone tools.
19. Define domestication
20. Name the animals domesticated in Neolithic Age.
21. Name the system of exchanging goods and services with other goods and services.
22. Why did early man worshipped sun?
23. Name the age in which man learnt the art of mixing copper with tin to form a harder and stronger
metal called bronze.
24. Name the age in which copper tools such as knives, spear heads etc. were found to be better than
stone tools.
25. Give one use of tools made by Neolithic man.

Select the true statement

1. Neolithic man was hunter and gatherer.
2. Paleolithic Age is characterized by small and more advanced tools called microliths.
3. The Neolithic man’s intelligence led him to invent the wheel.
4. The villages during the Chalcolithic Age became more self-sufficient.

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