2022 Riva Star SMART Technique
2022 Riva Star SMART Technique
2022 Riva Star SMART Technique
Article type: As the coronavirus disease-2019 pandemic outbreak continues to be a global public
Review Article health concern, dentists should seek means to provide oral health care with minimal
risk. To meet the recommendations of the Center for Disease Control, alternative
Article History: non-aerosol generating techniques have been proposed to minimize the risk of
Received: 24 May 2021 disease transmission to patients and dental healthcare personnel. Among recent
Accepted: 23 Dec 2021 materials, silver diammine fluoride (SDF) has been shown to be effective in
Published: 12 Mar 2022 preventing and arresting caries. This along with an atraumatic restorative treatment
with glass ionomer cements (GICs) makes it a potentially attractive adjunctive
therapy for caries management in pediatric patients. In this technique, SDF is applied
* Corresponding author: over carious tissue and the lesion is restored with auto-polymerizing GIC. This
Department of Pedodontics and Preventive review article aims to provide a practical background and clinical guide for the
Dentistry, Chettinad Dental College and
application of silver-modified atraumatic restorative technique (SMART) as a safe
Research Institute, Kancheepuram District,
Tamil Nadu, India
way to provide dental services to children during the pandemic.
Keywords: SARS-CoV-2; COVID-19; Silver Diamine Fluoride; Dental Atraumatic
Email: dr.divya@outlook.in
Restorative Treatment; Silver Fluoride; Fluorides, Topical; Pediatric Dentistry
Cite this article as: Natarajan D. Silver Modified Atraumatic Restorative Technique: A way towards “SMART” Pediatric
Dentistry during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Front Dent. 2022;19:12.
such procedure could be done using silver the tooth with adhesive restorative material;
diammine fluoride (SDF) and glass ionomer thereby, removing the sensory triggers and
cement (GIC) by atraumatic restorative reducing dental anxiety [9]. One modification
treatment (ART). This new paradigm in caries of the ART proposed by Massara et al. [10]
intervention and management using SDF and included the use of a rotary handpiece on the
ART together is called the silver-modified enamel only, followed by placement of a
atraumatic restorative technique (SMART). traditional restoration and termed it the
This technique offers children an interim “modified atraumatic restorative treatment”.
alternative to traditional restorative tech- This enhanced visualization of the lesion,
niques providing the dual benefit of arresting saved time, and caused less manual fatigue.
the carious lesion and restoring the tooth But Frencken clarified that ART consisted of
without the risk of aerosols. the use of hand instruments only, and the use
of adhesive materials and hence advocated the
EVOLUTION “adherence to the original description”
Silver has been used in dentistry for many [10,11]. In the SMART technique described
years because of its antimicrobial properties; here, the use of hand instruments or
whereas, fluoride has been used to prevent modification by using high speed handpiece
and arrest caries. In 1917, silver was used by depends on the patient, clinical scenario, and
Howe in the form of silver nitrate to treat dental setting.
caries lesions as “Howe’s solution” [5]. Later
in 1972, 38% SDF was developed in Japan. It MATERIAL
was approved by the Food and Drug SDF is a topical fluoride solution that has been
Administration in 2014 as a class-II medical used at a concentration of 38% and contains
device to treat dentin hypersensitivity in 44,800 ppm fluoride. Its fluoride concentra-
patients over the age of 21 years, and its use tion is the highest among all the commercially
for caries arrest was off-label [6]. Since then, available fluoride agents in dentistry. It
SDF (Ag[NH3]2F) has been a popular caries contains around 25% silver, 8% ammonia, and
management tool in pediatric dentistry. SDF 5% fluoride [12]. SDF is available as e-SDF
has been commonly misspelled as “diamine (India), FAgamin (Argentina), Fluoroplat
silver fluoride” or “silver diamine fluoride” (Argentina), Bioride (Brazil), Saforide (Japan),
and “ammoniated silver fluoride”. The term Advantage Arrest (United States), Topamine
“silver diammine fluoride” is a more accurate (Australia) and Riva Star (Australia) at a
description of its chemical structure since SDF concentration of 38%. It is also available as
contains two ammine (NH3) groups and not Cariestop (Brazil) at a concentration of 12%
amine (NH2) groups [7]. In October 2016, it and 30% and Creighton Dental CSDS –
was recognized by the Food and Drug ammonia free (Australia) at 40%. It is
Administration as a breakthrough designation odorless, with a pH ranging from 10-13 and is
therapy for caries arrest. The breakthrough available as clear or tinted blue liquid
therapy status does not mean approval; (Advantage Arrest) based on the manufac-
rather, it is designated for drugs to treat a turer for an easier application. Among these,
serious or life threatening disease or condition Riva Star is the only commercially available
that demonstrate substantial improvement product containing both silver diammine
over available therapy. It has a unique ability fluoride and potassium iodide (SDF + KI), but
to be a “silver-fluoride bullet” because of its because of the high pH of 13, the use of a
potential to arrest and prevent caries [8], and gingival barrier or rubber dam should be
has since been widely employed as part of considered to avoid chemical burn of the soft
non-restorative cavity control. tissue [13]. One bottle of SDF provides 250
The ART was pioneered in the mid-1980s in drops, and each drop could be used for
Tanzania by Jo Frencken. It encompasses a applying on up to 5 tooth surfaces.
minimal intervention approach to remove The saturated solution of potassium iodide
carious tissue using hand instruments and seal (SSKI) or Lugol’s solution contains 1g of
potassium iodide per milliliter of solution demineralized dentin. In the bacterial cell, the
which helps eliminate the black staining of released silver ions react with the thiol groups
SDF on carious tissue [14]. of amino-acids and nucleic acids and the silver
High-viscosity auto-cure GIC has been amino and nucleic acid conjugates are unable
advocated in ART because it would chemically to carry out metabolic and reproductive
bond to the moist surface being hydrophilic functions. The silver ions also interact with the
providing seal, and acid resistance and sulfhydryl groups of proteins and DNA of
enhancing remineralization at the tooth- microorganisms, altering the hydrogen
restorative interphase. In the SMART bonding and inhibiting the respiratory
restorations, auto-cure GIC is preferred over process, DNA unwinding, cell-wall synthesis
the light-cure as the light could cause and cell division. It inactivates the glucosyl-
darkening of the SDF [15]. transferase enzyme activity and hence the
synthesis of glucans, thereby, inhibiting the
RATIONALE sucrose-dependent adhesion of the bacteria to
The basis for the SMART comes from the fact tooth surfaces and the viability of
that by biologically sealing the tooth with Streptococcus mutans [21]. This results in
caries, the viable bacteria present in the bacterial killing and inhibition of biofilm
remaining carious dentin lose their viability by formation [8].
being deprived of their sucrose substrate. Another theory by Wakshlak et al. [20]
Thus, if the organisms were made nonviable proposed that the biocidal metal-like silver
using SDF and the staining was eliminated by slowly releases cations which are toxic to
the use of KI, prior to placement of a bacteria. The bacteria killed by silver showed
restorative material like GIC as placed in ART, biocidal activity against the viable bacteria of
it would significantly improve the prognosis of the same species. This metal-induced biocidal
the tooth [15]. Placement of a restoration action was called the “zombie effect”. An in
following SDF would eliminate imminent vivo study established a >95% reduction in
fracture of the remaining tooth structure, total viable counts of anaerobes in carious
prevent space loss [16], provide easy access dentin treated with SDF+KI [25]. In addition,
for biofilm removal [17], and eliminate the fluoride from SDF and GIC binds to bacterial
need for advanced behavior guidance [12] cell constituents and influences the enzymes
while satisfying the parents’ demands or such as enolase and proton-extruding adeno-
needs [18]. sine triphosphatase; the latter inhibits sugar
uptake and the carbohydrate metabolism of
MECHANISM OF ACTION acidogenic oral bacteria, thereby, inhibiting
The mechanism of carious lesion arrest by SDF biofilm formation [26].
has been explained by the dual action of both Cariostatic activity
silver and fluoride. The silver acts by its The arresting action of SDF on caries could be
bactericidal “zombie” effect [19,20], enzy- explained by its high concentration of fluoride,
matic inhibition of biofilm [21], inhibition of its alkaline property, and presence of silver.
dentinal collagen degradation [22], and loss of When SDF or SDF+KI is applied over
mineral content [23]; thereby, inhibiting demineralized enamel or dentin, insoluble
demineralization. The fluoride inhibits biofilm protective precipitates of calcium fluoride,
and facilitates apatite nucleation and silver chloride, silver protein layer and
remineralization [8]. metallic silver are formed. These precipitates
Bactericidal and Biofilm inhibition of silver and fluoride were found in higher
SDF has a strong antibacterial and antifungal levels in demineralized dentin than in sound
effect inhibiting Streptococcus mutans, dentin which explains why SDF application is
Lactobacillus acidophilus, Streptococcus more effective as a means of arresting the
sobrinus, Actinomyces naeslundii [19] and existing dentin caries than preventing caries
Candida Albicans [24] biofilm formation on initiation on sound dentin surfaces. An in vitro
study by Seto et al. [27] showed silver thereby, preventing the caries process [8]. In
microwires that filled the voids in the carious addition, limited detectable silver particles
lesion, permeating the dentinal tubules, and were found on the sound enamel surface
distributing forces throughout the lesion and treated with SDF, which explains why the
into intact dentin, resulting in reinforced hard sound tooth surfaces are not stained black
dentin. Thus, the inhibitory effect on loss of [35]. Clinical trials have shown SDF to be
mineral content, dentin demineralization [19], efficient in preventing caries in both primary
collagen degradation and biofilm formation and permanent dentition [36]. Furthermore,
contributed to the increased microhardness of the fluoride from GIC has also shown to be
caries dentin [28] and thereby caries arrest effective in preventing the progression of
[21,22,29,30]. Evidence shows that SDF at a incipient carious lesions.
concentration of 38% is more effective than Desensitization
12% for caries arrest [31]. Likewise, Dos The silver from SDF forms microwires within
Santos et al. [32] found 30% SDF to be more the dentinal tubules and these precipitates of
effective than GIC used as an interim silver and calcium fluoride prevent fluid flow
restorative treatment for caries arrest. A through the tubules, blocking them, and
systematic review by Chibinski et al. [33] thereby diminishing pain and clinically
established that SDF is 89% more effective in reducing dentin hypersensitivity [13,27,37].
arresting caries than other active treatments Synergistic action of SDF and GIC
in primary teeth. When SDF is applied to carious tissue, it reacts
Remineralization with the hydroxyapatite to form calcium
During the caries process, there is loss of fluoride and silver phosphate. In addition to
minerals and breakdown of collagen fibrils silver phosphate, silver oxide and silver
resulting in high porosity occupied by water. sulfide are formed, which convert the silver
On SDF application, silver and fluoride from ions to metallic silver nanoparticles when
SDF combine with the phosphate group of exposed to light. This results in black staining
proteins and calcium ions to form silver when SDF is applied to the surface of carious
phosphate and calcium fluoride, respectively. lesions. The silver particles penetrate into the
The calcium fluoride acts as a fluoride dentinal tubules to form a silver enriched
reservoir and there is subsequent dissociation “zone” at the end of demineralized sites,
of calcium and fluoride and formation of increasing the hardness of carious dentin [35].
fluorapatite [8]. It also enhances mineral When potassium iodide solution is applied
deposition in the spaces filled with water over this layer of SDF, the free silver ions react
forming a more resistant hybrid layer by with the iodide to form a creamy white
increasing adhesive diffusion, and thereby, precipitate of silver iodide. This will remove
enhancing the microhardness of superficial free silver ions that would potentially stain the
dentin [34]. SDF, being alkaline, facilitates the surface [38]. But the pitfall is that silver iodide
phosphate in the saliva to attach to dentin is believed to be highly photosensitive, and
collagen, inhibits the proteolytic enzymes, may dissociate into metallic silver and iodine
matrix metalloproteinases and cysteine by exposure to light [39]. This could be the
cathepsins and protects them from being reason for the conflicting evidence regarding
exposed, thereby, inhibiting collagen discoloration when KI is used.
breakdown. This serves as a binding site for Furthermore, in carious lesions, SDF initially
calcium ions, thereby facilitating the apatite reacts with the hydroxyapatite to form
nucleation onto the collagen [28]. unstable calcium fluoride, which is washed out
Caries Prevention over time. The calcium and phosphate ions
When SDF is applied to healthy teeth from the odontoblastic processes combined
unaffected by caries, the fluoride anions from with fluoride from SDF and strontium and
the SDF substitute the hydroxyl ions of the fluoride ions from the GIC to form a caries
hydroxyapatite crystal, forming fluoro- resistant base beneath the GIC. The infected
hydroxyapatite which is less acid-soluble, dentin with broken collagen matrix will form
fluoride-rich arrested caries with an intact panel and clinical experience of clinicians who
collagen matrix; this enhances the formation have successfully used the SMART technique
of stable fluoroapatite which is resistant to [38-42] (Box 1).
acid dissolution [30,40]. The GIC, used after
SDF application, controls caries progression FACTORS AFFECTING SMART RESTORATIONS
by providing proper conditions for Biocompatibility
reorganization of carious dentin. Although GIC When SDF is left in contact with the carious
also releases fluoride, this release is very low tissue for one full minute, it is capable of
when compared with SDF. Thus, the GIC in arresting caries to a depth of 25 µm into
SMART restorations probably controls the enamel and 200 to 300 µm into dentin. The
caries lesions by preventing biofilm retention silver formed microwires in voids caused
and cavity sealing but not predominantly by during demineralization and concentrated at
fluoride release [33]. Thus, these SMART the end of demineralized sites create a self-
restorations kill bacteria and cut off the limiting “zone” or “shield” [27,35]. In a study
nutrient source for any remaining bacteria by done on dogs by Russo et al, histological
placing a chemically sealed restoration that analysis of the teeth lined with 38% SDF and
will arrest and remineralize the caries lesion, restored with amalgam showed that SDF acts
enhancing pulp vitality and preserving the as pulp tissue irritant with presence of
tooth structure [15]. lympho-histio-plasmacytic infiltrate and dark
colored granules inside the cytoplasm of
CLINICAL APPLICATIONS macrophages [41]. Contrastingly, studies by
The indications and contraindications for Bimstein et al, [42] and Korwar et al. [43]
SMART are listed in Table 1. found evidence of silver deposits and no
bacteria within the dentinal tubules, tertiary
CLINICAL TECHNIQUE dentin deposition and absence of pulpal
The clinical protocol for SMART is based on inflammation in deep carious primary teeth
the chairside recommendations by expert treated with SDF.
staining of counter top surfaces, floors, to its antimicrobial activity and inhibition of
instruments and clothing which may be demineralization [19], and it has proven to be
treated with sodium hypochlorite [8]. Any more effective than fluoride varnish [8].
staining of skin would disappear when Wright and White [12] suggested that if SDF
keratinocytes are shed over a period of 14 was used for the management of early
days. The white discoloration or surface childhood caries, it would decrease the need
changes on the oral mucosa would resolve in for sedation and general anesthesia, and the
2 days [36,60,61]; whereas, a long-term cost implications for delivery of care.
mucosal stain would be evident if SDF Alternatively, if SDF was used only as a
contacts an intraoral wound. Hence, temporary means to stabilize the disease until
desquamative gingivitis or mucositis is a conventional restorative treatment could be
relative contraindication [47]. implemented, then the oral health care costs
might actually increase [12]. By implication
SAFETY AND TOXICITY with the right technique and choice of
SDF has been reported to be completely safe restorative material, SMART restorations
for use in preschool children with no could offer promising permanent results. In
adverse effects or reports of acute or serious the current pandemic scenario, the use of
systemic illness [59,62]. The recommended aerosol-generating procedures in SMART
limit of SDF is one drop (25 μL) containing restorations could be avoided. Furthermore,
9.5 mg of SDF per 10 kg per treatment visit when KI is unavailable for use, the use of an
corre-sponding to 0.95 mg/kg. The average auto-cure opaque GIC or an opaquer prior to
median lethal dose (LD 50) of SDF observed in GIC placement is advised to avoid grayish
rat studies is approximately 520 mg/kg [47] discoloration of restoration. While the clinical
by oral administration providing a 547-fold effectiveness of SDF and ART have been
safety margin. The average amount of SDF documented in scientific literature separately,
applied to 3 teeth was found to be 7.6 mg or there are no published trials investigating the
2.5 mg per tooth [47]. This corresponds to success of SMART technique in pediatric
1.5 mg of silver (0.5 mg per tooth) and 0.33 dentistry to date.
mg of fluoride (0.11 mg per tooth) [63].
Thus, a child of 10 kg with 20 decayed teeth CONCLUSION
treated with 38% SDF would receive a In summary, the SMART procedure ensures the
maximum dose of 10 mg (1 mg/kg) silver continued viability of dental practice during the
and 2.2 mg fluoride (0.22 mg/kg), which is COVID-19 pandemic. The synergistic benefits of
within the safety margin. Considering, the antimicrobial activity and caries arrest of
toxic dose of fluoride which is 5 mg/kg [64], SDF+KI and a well-sealed restoration in a single
there would be a 23-fold safety margin. technique could potentially be the reason for
Similarly, the no-observable-adverse-effect clinical success of the SMART technique. The
level of ingested silver for rats is 181 technique offers an efficient and economical way
mg/kg/day and it is 10 g for a total lifetime for management of caries in young and highly
for humans; thus, toxicity is of low concern anxious children and could help break the cycle
for silver [65,66]. A randomized controlled of dental caries. The SMART technique could be
trial investigating the effectiveness and a revolutionary approach to caries management
safety of 38% SDF in 2-to-3-year old children with more clinical trials and longer follow-up to
showed no consistent changes in relative provide more information on its clinical
abundance of caries-associated outcomes.
microorganisms, nor emergence of
antibiotic or metal resistance gene ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
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