Specificatii Tehnice Stalpi Compozit ORO
Specificatii Tehnice Stalpi Compozit ORO
Specificatii Tehnice Stalpi Compozit ORO
Sede e stabilimento: S.P. 14 zona industriale, 95040 Piano Tavola (CT), tel 095 7563511, fax 0957563544
Internet http://www.ntetgroup.com, e-mail info@ntetgroup.com
C.F. e P.I. n° 02713560874 - Reg.Soc.Trib. CT n° 180332 - Cap.Soc. € 5.000.000,00 int.vers.
1 Intended use of the product: Poles to support airlines for telephone use.
2 Name and address of the manufacturer: NTET SpA, production plant of Piano Tavola (CT), SP. 14, industrial area
of Piano Tavola, 95040, Belpasso (CT), Italy.
3 Evaluation system and verification of product constancy: NTET performs:
i) factory production control;
ii) other tests on samples taken at the factory in accordance with the prescribed test plan.
4 Declared performance:
8 m pole type R1
- deformations a 300 daN ≥ 440 mm
- flexural strength ≥ 450 daN
7 m pole type L
- deformations a 144 daN ≥ 330 mm
- flexural strength ≥ 220 daN
The NTET S.p.A. declares, under its sole responsibility, that the product shown in this document, manufactured at the Piano Tavola
(CT) plant of the production control system implemented by the company, complies with the specific technical standard indicated
MD.CQ.0129-02 28.06.2018