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Resham Nagar::Khanapara::Guwahati-22,Assam



Candidate Name SONY BEGUM
Study Centre 1556 K.R.B. GIRLS COLLEGE
Registration No 22113484

Centre of Exam 1556 K.R.B. GIRLS COLLEGE

Subjects/ Papers in which to appear: Date and Time

GS SA GENDER AND SOCIETY 26/05/2024 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
ESO SA ECONOMIC SOCIOLOGY 29/05/2024 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM
SED SA SOCIOLOGY OF EDUCATION 02/06/2024 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM

N.B Any alteration made in the entries on this admission card without the authority of the University renders the candidate
liable for disqualification from appearing in the examination.
Counter Signatures

Study Centre-in-charge Exam Centre-in-charge Controller of Examinations

Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University

1. The Examination will commence on the dates specified on the reverse and be held according to the programme previously notified.

2. The doors of the Examination hall will be opened half an hour before the schedule time and will be closed 10 minutes after the commencement of the examination. In no case a candidate will be admitted or given a
question paper later than 15 minutes after the Examination has commenced. But in very special circumstances the officer in charge may extend the time upto half an hour.

3. A candidate is required to find his/her own allotted seat. He/She shall take his/her seat at least 5 minutes before the time scheduled for commencement of the examination. His/her Examination shall be liable to be
cancelled, if he/she sit at a place not assigned to him/her.

4. No candidate shall be allowed to leave the examination hall until an hour has passed from the time when papers are distributed. After one hour from the commencement of the examination, a candidate may be allowed
temporarily, to leave the hall after putting his/her Roll No. in the temporary leave Register. He/She must also write the time of departure, time of arrival and sign on the temporary register. Except as here-in-after
provided, no candidate will be allowed to re-enter the hall during the hours of examination after once leaving or not leave the hall without giving up his/her answer paper. A candidate having completed his/her answer
paper must hand it over even if blank to an invigilator before leaving the examination hall. The answerscript must not be left on the desk. No candidate will be allowed to remain in the examination hall after the close of
the examination except to allow his/her answer paper to be collected by the invigilator.

5. Candidates are requested to provide themselves with their own ink, pen and pencil. They are also required to provide themselves with all other instruments which are necessary for examination in particular subject.
Square papers for answering question on graphs will be supplied by the University. The University will supply stitched book in which to write the answer. On no account should any paper be torn from the answerscript.
Any mechanical calculating Device (calculator set) should not be used by any examinee during the time of examination.

6. Each candidate shall write on the cover of the answerscript distinctly only his/her Enrolment Number, Subject, Paper in the space provided in the answerscript but not his/her name on the name of his/her

7. Candidates are forbidden to carry into the Examination hall or have in their possession during the hours of examination any printed matter writing or scribbling. An articles carried into the Examination hall or found in
the possession of a candidate in contravention of this rule shall be liable to be seized by the officer in charge and the candidate concerned be disqualified and expelled.

8. A candidate in the examination hall shall not in any manner help or try to help any other candidate nor obtain or try to obtain any help in any manner from other candidates or other person. Communication or help of
any sort in any form is strictly forbidden between a candidate and any other person whether inside and outside the Examination hall. A candidate requiring any additional answerbook or desiring permission to leave the
room for a necessary purpose or desire to give up his/her answerscript may call the attention of the invigilator by rising in his/her seat without making any noise or disturbances. On no account is a candidate permitted to
speak to invigilator on any matter with reference to any question or answer.

9. Candidates must not write any objectionable or improper remarks in their answerscript or attempts in anyway to render identification of the answerscript impossible by giving false Roll Numbers intentionally omitting
to state the correct numbers. Candidates must not write anything on the admission Cards or on the question paper or blotting paper or other paper or carry away any writing scribbling from the Examination hall.

10. Candidates are required to bring their admission Cards and enrolment Cards into the Examination hall and to produce them when required by the officer in charge. They are requested to sign their names on an
attendance Register as and when directed by the officer in charge/invigilator.

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