Admit Card:: BVA 4TH Semester (Art History) Regular Exam - 2022: 03BVA20052: 26-07-2002

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Examination : BVA 4TH Semester (Art History) Regular Exam - 2022
Roll No. : 03BVA20052
Date of Birth : 26-07-2002
Name of the Student : SANGITA NAIK
Name of the College : B.K.College of Art and Craft
Name of the Centre : B.K. College of Art and Crafts, Bhubaneswar
Paper of Exams : Aesthetics : India and the West,Art History : India and the West,Critical Writing and
Documentation,Dissertation and Viva,Print Making,Tribal and Folk Art of India

Principal/Head of the Dept. Centre Superintendent

Controller of Examinations


01. The examination will commence on the date notified earlier and continue as per programme.
02. Candidates suffering from any disease which would render their presence in the Examination Hall , undesirable in the interests of other candidates , will
not be allowed to enter the Examination Hall. In exceptional cases the Centre Superintendent , if informed by the candidate in advance,may make special
arrangements .
03. The doors of Examination Hall will be opened half an hour before the examination starts on the first day and before fifteen minutes on other days.A seat with
same Roll Number as on his/her admit card assigned is to be provided to each candidate and he/she should be in his/her seat five minutes before the examination
begins. Candidates arriving after the examination starts will not be admitted except with special permission of the Centre Superintendent . This permission in no
case will be given to candidate who is more than half an hour late.
04. No book or printed paper or manuscripts other than admit card should be taken into the Examination Hall. A candidate shall not be allowed to consult any
book or paper,printed or manuscript, during examination hours either inside or outside the hall,
05. Candidates are not allowed to leave the hall until an hour after an examination starts.They should not leave their seats until they have submitted their
answer book to an invigilator . No candidates will be allowed to enter the Examination Hall after once quitting it on submission of his/her answer paper. In case
of urgent need , however, a candidate may be permitted by the senior invigilator to leave the hall temporarily and not more than once in an hour, under special
supervision .
06. Candidates are not permitted to talk to each other in the Examination Hall. No one should receive help from or assist another in any manner.
07. A candidate should write on the cover page of his/her answer book the Roll Number, the Registration Number and such other distinguishing marks as are
given to him/her on the Admit Card and should on account write on any other page his/ her name, the name of his/ her college or anything else as a distinct mark
that is not strictly connected with the answers to the questions given.The giving of false Roll Number is a serious offence and no answer book without the
candidate's Roll No.clearly written on the cover page will be examined.
08. Candidates should not while in the Examination Hall, write anything on the question papers or blotting papers, nor should they take out of the hall any
paper other than the question paper.They should not also send the question paper for the examination outside the hall until they hand over their answer sheets to
the invigilator.
09. If a candidate is found with any paper not connected with the examination as mentioned in 4 to 8 above , he/she shall have to surrender it to the invigilator
on and make a written statement. If necessary, refusal to surrender the incriminating materiel or to make a statement shall be treated as an offence.
10. A candidate wishing to say anything should stand up in his/her seat and remain standing until an invigilator comes to him/her. He/she should on no account
leave his/her seat or make any noise to call the invigilator ’s attention to him/her. A candidate is required to behave properly and maintain absolute discipline
inside and outside the Examination Hall. Any candidate accused of misconduct inside or outside the Examination Hall shall be seriously dealt with and would be
liable to expulsion from the examination, or any other punishment deemed suitable by the authority or under the Orissa Conduct of Examination Act 2 of 1988.
11. Persons unconnected with the conduct of Examination,whether relations of candidates or otherwise,shall not be allowed to enter the Examination Hall under
Orissa conduct of Examinations Act 2 of 1988. If a candidate of any of the examinations of the university or a registered student of the University enters the
Examination Hall unauthorised or attempts to supply incriminating materials or help examinee(s) in any manner,he/she shall be liable to expulsion from his/her
examination or any other punishment deemed suitable by the University and the Orissa conduct of Examination Act 2 of 1988.
12. Candidates are allowed to use only ROYAL BLUE ink and if any other coloured pen or ink is used, unless so required by the question, the answer scripts may
be scratched.
13. The Orissa conduct of Examination Act (Orissa Act 2) of 1988 is applicable for all such Examinations and to each candidate.
14. Infringement by the candidate of any of the above rules will render him/her liable to expulsion from the examination hall by the Superintendent and also for
such further penalties as the University may deem fit to impose, under the Orissa conduct of Examination Act 2 of 1988.
N.B. Cell Phones are not allowed inside the examination hall.

I undertake to abide by the rules of the examination as prescribed by the University.

Signature of the Applicant

Published On : 31-03-2023 10:22 PM Downloaded on :11-04-2023 04:58 AM

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