Inibuilds A300-600R (F) Checklist

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Inibuilds A300-600R Checklist MSFS

Batteries on
Hydraulic panel: ELEC pumps off
Wipers off
Gear lever down
Slats/flaps handle agrees with slat/flap indicator
Reversers down
Fuel levers off
Weather radar off
External power as required
ECAM powered, APU test: squib test, loop test.
APU: as required
APU start: inner tank 2 fuel pump on, APU master switch
on, start switch on after –3+ seconds, monitor APU start
on ECAM, when AVAIL shows turn on APU bleed
IRS align, ISDU: PPOS select and system 1 select
Crew oxygen on
ANN light test
Preselect frequencies, set volumes.
FMS: check A/C status correct, clear messages, INIT A
page: from/to, ALTN, verify LAT and LONG, align IRS,
Request Sim brief data on EFB, load cargo/PAX, baggage,

Overhead panel: no smoking auto, seat belt sign as

required ( PAX: on when refueling complete, cargo: now),
Hydraulic panel check, grd ctl on, strobe lights auto, logo
light 1 or 2, other light off, anti ice off, ATS and yaw damper
switch on, pitch switches on when IRS aligned, turn on
galley, eng 1 fire test, AC selector EMER, DC selector ESS,
HF radio off, wipers off, APU as required, engine switch
off, fuel pumps on when refuelling complete (when turning
on fuel pumps, make sure fuel quantity is good, check it
on ECAM), CVR test on first flight of the day, rate limit set
norm, no light illuminated, outflow valve open, diff press
zero, cabin vs zero or close to it, cabin altitude at field
elevation, window heat on and probe heat on, lights off,
cargo smoke detectors norm position, engine 2 fire test,
cockpit door indicator shows as it is, arm EMER lights,
ANN lights as needed, turn on APU bleed if APU on, temp
controls as required, no white lights, oxygen pressure
Not overhead panel: set lights as required, no white lights
on captain switch panel, check speed indicator, set QNH
on captain side, set bug to field elevation, clock is correct
and set as required, erect standby ADI, set QNH on
standby altimeter, check alternate braking system:
parking brake on, BRK ANTI-SKID switch ALTN on position,
parking brake release, apply brake manually, check brake
pressure rises symmetrically, release brake, set parking
brake, select NORM on position. To refill ACCU pressure,
make sure no one is around the aircraft, turn on ELEC HYD
pump, turn on right PTU pump, when ACCU pressure
refills turn off right PTU pump, turn off ELEC HYD pump.
Autobrake lights extinguished, reverser lights
extinguished, select landing elevation, check landing gear
warning, position detection set to 1 if captain flying, 2 if FO
flying, brake fan off, speed brake retracted and disarmed,
check TO warning, advance thrusts, fuel switches off,
press recall on ECAM, set transponder as required, switch
TCAS to above, set ADF radios as needed, rudder trim
shows zero, weather radar test, set weather radar as
required, set tilt –5+ degrees.

FMS: IFSIP (INIT A page, flight plan page, second flight

plan page, INIT B page, performance page.
Cost index, cruise flight level, flight ID, TOC temperature
TROPO, cruise wind.
Select SID, set flight route, select STAR and approach,
look at route using plan page on ND.
FROM/TO set as DEP airports, set airport ICAO RWY/
RWY heading/ carry on for [NM] engine out, set RWY
course on that waypoint, insert, select approach for
departure runway.
Set block fuel, ZFW, ZFWCG, taxi fuel, ALTN fuel, final
reserve fuel, cruise FL.
Set V1, VR, V2 on FCU set ACCEL height 1000ft above
RWY elevation, thrust reduction same as ACCEL height
press speed knob, preset VFTO speed.
Set ILS frequency and course as required for immediate
Set initial climb altitude and RWY heading on FCU.
Check FD on.
PF FMS on TO/APP page, PM MFS on route page.
Select FLX TO temperature.

No white lights illuminated where they shouldn’t be,

check fuel quantity, check PERF page set on PF FMS,
route page set on PM FMS, FCU set, landing elevation set,
altimeters set, TO warning checked, BRK ANTI SKID NORM
ON position, before start checklist to the line.
Turn on APU if not already on, disconnect GPU, request
pushback, check slides are armed, turn on beacon light,
transponder XPDR.
When pushback clearance received, before start checklist
below the line.
Start pushback
Engine start: set ignition A if captain flying, set B if FO
flying, check arm lights illuminate, check pack flow bars
extinguish, start ENG 2 first, observe blue open light ,
check you have N2, oil pressure increasing, N1 rotating, at
20% N2, set fuel lever on, at 45% N2, blue open light
extinguishes, and N1 rotation must be obtained within 30
seconds of reaching N2 idle speed.
Repeat ENG 1.
Ignition off, APU bleed off, APU master off, anti-ice as
required, arm speed brake, reset rudder trim, set
slats/flaps for TO, set trim, after start checklist.

Max taxi speeds: 10 knots during turn, 15 on apron, 30 on

straight taxiway, 50 when backtracking runway
flight control check, nose light taxi, RWY turn off lights on,
start taxi, do brake check.
During taxi if possible: check FCU, update briefing if
At hold short line: autobrake MAX, check speed brake
armed, transponder TA/RA, weather radar on, TO config
test using button, before TO checklist down to the line,
brake fan off, turn on landing lights, turn strobe lights to
on, turn nose light to TO when TO clearance is given.
If there is standing water, precipitation, or turbulence
expected after departure, turn ignition to continuous, set
packs as required, TCAS in TA/RA, before TO checklist
below the line, Line up and stop aircraft if allowed.

Arm NAV mode on FCU if applicable.

40% N1, TOGA, confirm THR, SRS, RWY, little bit forward
pressure on column, 100 knots checked, rotate, positive
rate of climb, gear up, when VFTO sped is set on PFD,
select auto on TRP, above F speed flap 0, above S slats 0,
go into profile mode after slats retracted, After TO
procedure, spoilers disarmed, landing gear off, packs on,
RWY turn off lights off, nose light off, anti-ice as required,
ignition as required, APU off, after TO checklist.

Passing TA, set STD on altimeter.

Passing 10000, landing lights off (in the US keep them on
until passing 18000), seat belt sign as required, set airport
or VOR on EFIS, use progress page on FMS.
Set ND rings to show next turn.
Use anti-ice when TAT is less than 10c and visible
moisture, turn of when SAT is less than –40c.
When leaving terminal area, set TCAS to 12 NM range.
When 1000 before cruise altitude, make sure VS is 1000 or

Make sure TRP is in CR mode, select below mode in TCAS,

select tilt to 1.5 down, do ECAM and EICAS checks at least
once every hour, compare fuel burn with flight plane once
every 30 minutes.

Descent preparation: Look at charts for arrival airport,

check flight route on ND, do landing calculations, and go-
around, insert winds, set autobrake, check landing
elevation, set baro minimums on altimeter if applicable
(exclude CAT 2 and 3 approaches), select ILS frequency
and course, at TOD pull altitude knob on FCU, set GPWS
slats/flaps as required.

Passing TA, set current QNH.

Passing 15000 or 15 minutes away from landing, turn on
seatbelt sign.
Passing 10000(18000 in US) turn on landing lights.
Passing 10000 turn on RWY turn off lights.
Turn on ENG anti-ice if TAT is below 10c.
Approach checklist when required.
When ALT* shows on PFD, set slats 15.

When coming on final approach and glideslope+localiser

is captured turn on LAND on FCU and engage AP1 or 2,
whichever isn’t yet turned on, set go-around altitude.
Set flaps 15, gear down, flaps 20, set APP mode on FMS,
arm spoilers, turn on nose light to TO, set landing flaps,
landing checklist, land.
Reverse thrust idle at 80 knots.

-not included in tutorial videos-

Stop timing, after landing checklist, strobe lights auto,
landing lights off, turn on taxi lights, reset trim to zero.
APU on during taxi, turn of taxi and RWY turn off lights
when approaching gate, parking brake set, APU bleed on,
fuel levers off, anti-ice off, when N2 less than 20% beacon
light off, verify differential pressure zero, when doors are
open turn off seatbelt sign, parking brake as required, fuel
pumps on except for inner 2, squawk 2000, standby,
parking checklist,

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