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Food Hazards

To identify the major food hazards with possible prevention

Food hazards mechanisms

Abebe Bereda (PhD)

@ 2024 FTVT Institute All Rights Reserved

OF/FTI/ALL /18 Issue No: 1


Food hazards Food hazards

What is food hazards? Three classes of contamination represent hazards in food, and these

• Any biological or chemical agent, foreign matter or 1. Biological hazards: microorganisms such as bacteria, fungi and
other microbial pathogens
other substance that may compromise food safety
2. Chemical hazards: drug and pesticides residues
• Any agents with the potential to cause adverse
3. Physical hazards: needles, fragments of metal or glass and any
health consequences for consumers other foreign objects like hair, feed particles, etc

Biological hazards
• Primarily microbiological These biological hazards classified as visible and invisible
• Many thousands of consumers can be affected hazards
• Some illness can be quite serious even fatal (the biggest problem in the food
industry) • Invisible microbiological hazards in food are
bacteria, yeasts, protozoa, molds and viruses
• They are contaminate, multiply and survive in the food

• Source of biological contamination are soil, water, air, animals and food handlers • Visible biological hazards in food are caterpillars,
• Examples of biological hazards are bacteria (salmonella, E.coli, staphylococcus
worms, flies
aureus), protozoa (amoeba), worms (tapworms, round worms) and viruses


Bacteria Pathogenic bacteria

Salmonella spp. Listeria monocytogenes
• Varied shapes and sizes
Clostridium botulinum Vibrio cholerae O1
• Some bacteria produce heat-resistant spores Clostridium perfringens
Staphylococcus aureus
• Varied oxygen and temperature requirements Bacillus cereus
Campylobacter jejuni
Shigella spp
• Bacteria classified by their significance: Pathogenic Yersinia enterocolitica and
organisms, spoilage organisms and useful organisms. pseudotuberculosis Escherichia coli
(Enterohemorrhagic –O157:H7)

Virus Yeast

• Major viruses causing food borne disease are Hepatitis A • Larger than bacteria
and E virus, and Rotavirus
• Usually produce gas

• Generally heat labile

Molds Prevention of biological hazards

• Varied heat resistance
• Salt/sugar tolerance – generally higher than bacteria Good personal hygiene (GPH)
• Wash hands before and after work
• Mycotoxins • Wash hands after using bathroom/toilet
• Clean clothing
• Some toxigenic molds causing food borne diseases
(Aspergillus spp., Fusarium spp., and Penicillium spp.) Good manufacturing practices (GMP)
• Clean and safe raw materials
• Proxy indicator of toxins production, which is considered as • Adequate maintenance of equipment and utensils used within food production
chemical hazards and preparation

Good sanitation practices (GSP)

• Proper cleaning and sanitizing of all food contact surfaces and utensils
• Food storage for proper time and at safe temperature


2. Chemical hazards The problems of chemical hazards can be prevented by:

• Invisible hazards  Use of non-toxic food grade cleaning chemicals

 Deign and management of appropriate sanitation procedures

• Chemical contamination can happen during growing of the raw
materials to consumption of the finished products  Post-cleaning equipment inspections

• The main chemical hazards in food product are pesticides residues,  Proper storage
veterinary residues, adulterants, cleaning chemicals, toxic metals and
 Adequate training of staff
chemical additives
Always use the right amount of chemicals when cleaning
• The cleaning chemicals are the most significant chemical hazards
Make sure all chemical are labelled and stored away from food

Never store chemical in food containers

Pesticides Pesticide control include

• Substances used to prevent insect and animal infestation in cultivated • Strict control on the pesticides that can be used
• Knowledge of all pesticides applied to all raw materials at any stage in
• A significant role in food production=protect crops and increase yield their production, storage, handling and preparation

• Toxic: carcinogenic • Knowledge of permitted pesticides

• Risk increases for people who are exposed (working fields) • Knowledge of maximum safe residues in each case

• Pesticide which are harmful for human and remain in the environment • Avoid cross-contamination with pesticides at any stage in food
for a long time are banned production

Allergic Allergen prevention

• Some food components can cause an allergic or food intolerance For consumer
response in individuals
• Know what things your are allergic
• Major allergens include: peanuts, eggs, milk products, shellfish • Read the ingredient labels

• Control options are prevent cross-contact between allergen and non- Producer
allergens, and proper labelling of the potentially allergic components
• State allergens in food ingredient label
• About 90% of allergic reactions in the US are caused by milk, wheat,
fish nuts, soybeans and eggs • Prepare food with unique allergen separately from food without or different
allergen to prevent cross contamination


Chemical hazards – toxic metals • Toxic metabolites produced by fungi that can cause diseases in
The most significant sources of toxic metals (lead, iron, nickel, arsenic, human and animals
copper) to the food chain are
• Many different types of mycotoxins (aflatoxin is the most
Environmental pollution important mycotoxin in tropical countries)
The soil in which food stuffs are grown
• Mycotoxins produced by mainly two types of Aspergillus spp:
Equipment, utensils and containers for cooking, processing and storage Aspergillus flavus (B aflatoxin), and A. parasiticus (B and G
Food processing water

Chemical applied to agricultural land

3. Physical hazards

• Fungal species of greatest concern in the dairy industry are

Aspergillus flavus, and A. parasiticus
• Visible hazards

• Contamination by such fungi can occur at many stages • Foreign objects that are capable of damaging or injuring consumers
during feed production, e.g. during plant growth, harvesting,
• They are contaminates
storage and processing.
• The potential physical hazards are glass, metal, wood, bones, plastic, jewellery
• Mycotoxins are found mostly on feed ingredients such as and stone

maize, sorghum, wheat and groundnuts. • Foreign materials items are food safety hazards if

Items are sharp and could cause injury

Items are hard and could cause dental damage

Items are capable of blocking the airways

Prevention of physical hazards

Source of physical hazards

Contaminated raw materials
Poorly designed or maintained equipment
Faulty production procedures
Improper worker practice

Note: Many physical hazards can be controlled effectively as part of GMP procedures



• CCP Decision Tree: A sequence of questions to assist in determining whether a

control point is a CCP.

• Control Measure: Any action or activity that can be used to prevent, eliminate or
HACCP reduce a significant hazard.

• Control Point: Any step at which biological, chemical, or physical factors can be

• Corrective Action: Procedures followed when a deviation occurs.

• Criterion: A requirement on which a judgement or decision can be based.

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• Critical Control Point: A step at which control can be applied and is HACCP: A systematic approach to the identification, evaluation, and
essential to prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard or reduce it to an control of food safety hazards.
acceptable level.
HACCP Plan: The written document which is based upon the principles of
• Critical Limit: A maximum and/or minimum value to which a biological, HACCP and which delineates the procedures to be followed.
chemical or physical parameter must be controlled at a CCP to prevent,
eliminate or reduce to an acceptable level the occurrence of a food HACCP System: The result of the implementation of the HACCP Plan.
safety hazard.
HACCP Team: The group of people who are responsible for developing,
• Deviation: Failure to meet a critical limit. implementing and maintaining the HACCP system.

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• Hazard: A biological, chemical, or physical agent that is reasonably • Prerequisite Programs: Procedures, including Good Manufacturing
likely to cause illness or injury in the absence of its control. Practices, that address operational conditions providing the foundation
for the HACCP system.
• Hazard Analysis: The process of collecting and evaluating information on
hazards associated with the food under consideration to decide which • Severity: The seriousness of the effect(s) of a hazard.
are significant and must be addressed in the HACCP plan.
• Step: A point, procedure, operation or stage in the food system from
primary production to final consumption.
• Monitor: To conduct a planned sequence of observations or
measurements to assess whether a CCP is under control and to produce • Validation: is element of verification focused on collecting and
an accurate record for future use in verification. evaluating scientific and technical information to determine if the HACCP
plan, when properly implemented, will effectively control the hazards.

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It is a structured, preventative • It is a systematic set of activities used to control food
approach to ensure food safety. production in order to ensure food safety and prevent
changes in foodstuffs.
HACCP provides a means to
identify and assess potential
hazards in food production and • Determine what may go wrong, then work toward finding
establish preventive control ways to prevent the hazard
procedures for those hazards.
• Before a HACCP plan is implemented, pre-requisite program
must already be in place


• This system originated in the early 1960s with Pillsbury factory  Vulnerable groups in society: Aging of the population and infants are
working with NASA and the USA army laboratories to provide exposed earlier to industrially processed foods
food for the American space programme
 Increasing incidence of food safety issues
• Until this time, most food safety control systems had been based
• Raw foods (meats, seafood, vegetables) are potentially hazardous
on end product testing but it was realised that this would not
give enough assurance of food safety. • Organoleptic inspection cannot detect pathogens

• The HACCP system has become the internationally accepted • Food-borne illness outbreaks are a major financial and public
approach to food safety management relations cost to the food service industry

The Benefits of HACCP
Importance of HACCP in food safety management / HACCP • Management tool;  Evidence of safe production and safe
ensures: handling of products;
• Better understanding process
 Accountability  Greater confidence in product safety;
• Cost effective
 Internationally acknowledged standard
 Transparency and consistency • Preventive and pro-active; (FAO/WHO);

 Continuous improvement • Awareness & involvement of  Complementary to other QA and QM

employees = commitment; systems;
 Partnership building
• Systematic and scientific;  Applicable throughout the food supply
 Free movement of products chain
• Identification of all hazards;


Seven principles of HACCP

Prerequisite Program:
Preliminary Setup:
 Premise control

 Receiving and storage control

 Assemble team

 Equipment performance and

maintenance control
 Describe the product

 Personnel training
 Identify intended use
 Sanitation

 Recall procedure  Construct flow diagram

 Verify the diagram on-site OF-FTI-ALL -18

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Good Personal Hygiene

• Diarrhoea
• Sickness and vomiting
Body care • Skin diseases
• Serious cold
• Hepatitis

Care of head-, short and no
beard- and

moustache hair
Before the work and
Good hygienic
Before the work after toilet, wash
remove jewelry and
and watches
practices disinfect hands

Forbidden and
during the sneezing
work without
Touching turning
dirty objects away
your nose
Smoking and ears

Prerequisite programs for HACCP

Preliminary Step 0 !!!

• Management vision: implement HACCP system !


• Budget, time, people, training (expertise) and



Preliminary Step 1: Assemble the HACCP Team Preliminary Step 2:Describe the product(s)

• A multidisciplinary team of expertise and the team should It is important to have a complete understanding/familiarization of the product
by the team members
include members familiar with all aspects of the production
process as well as specialists with expertise in particular areas The product description is not to simply a specification for the product, but rather
such as production, hygiene managers, quality assurance or contains information important to make safety judgments such as
Product name,
control, food microbiology, food chemistry or engineering Hazard type to be considered,
Composition and microbial quality,
• Identification of the scope of the HACCP plan (which segment Physical and chemical structure (including water activity, pH, etc.),
Processing conditions (e.g. heat treatment, freezing, fermentation, etc.),
of the food chain, which classes of hazards to be addressed) Raw materials & ingredients to be used in the product
Packaging system, and
• Set priorities Shelf life, storage and distribution conditions and instructions for use

Preliminary Step 3: Identify intended use of the

product Preliminary Step 4: Construct a flow diagram

• It is necessary to identify the intended use of the product,

including the intended consumer target group, because • A process flow diagram, outlining all the process activities in the
different uses may involve different hazard considerations operation being studied needs to be constructed.
and different consumer groups may have varying
susceptibilities to the potential hazards. • This should list all the individual activities in a stepwise manner
and should show the interactions of the different activities.
• This information is usually included as part of the product • The purpose of the process flow diagram is to document the process
description (Step 2). and provide a foundation for the hazard analysis (Step 5).

• Note: Not more than 2 A4 pages per product process flow

Examples of a process flow diagram

Preliminary Step 4: Construct a flow diagram…

• A common error in HACCP is to list the names of the

process equipment rather than the process activity (Fig.)


Preliminary Step 5: Conduct an on-site verification of the

flow diagram

• Check in the plant (on-site) if the flow chart

description is the real correct overview of the
existing food processing steps in the plant!

Seven principles of HACCP

Seven Principles of HACCP

Principle 1: Conduct a Hazard Analysis Examples of hazard analysis process

Hazard: a biological, chemical or physical agent in or condition of food with the

potential to cause an adverse health effect

Hazard Analysis: the process of collecting and evaluating information on hazards

and conditions leading to their presence to decide which are significant for food
safety and therefore should be addressed in the HACCP plan

Control Measure: an action or activity that can be used to prevent, eliminate or

reduce a hazard to an acceptable level, or to take all necessary actions to ensure
and maintain compliance with established criteria established in the HACCP plan.

Control does not mean: to check, to test rather it means to direct,

regulate, command


Examples of agents Examples of agents

Undesirable / pathogen (micro)biological agents: Undesirable Chemical agents:

Bacteria (Bacillus cereus, Brucella spp., Campylobacter jejuni, Clostridium botulinum, Toxins (bacteriological, mycotoxins: aflatoxin)
Clostridium perfringens, Coxiella burnettii, Escherichia coli O157:H7 (EHEC), Listeria
monocytogenes, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Salmonella spp. Enteritidis and S. Chemicals (antibiotics, detergents, disinfectants,
typhimurium, Staphylococcus aureus, Yersinia enterocolitica) pesticides, formaldehyde, unapproved coloring agents, etc.): improper use!

Viruses (Rotavirus)
Undesirable Physical agents:
Moulds (Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium)
Foreign material/objects: iron, wood, paper, sand,
stones, rope, glass, plastic, rubber, hair etc

Controlling the growth of microbes

Hazard Control Needed for growth

Nutrient • Control measures
Prevention of contamination Water Clean surfaces
Temperature Dry surfaces
Prevention of increase in level (growth)
Time Food kept hot or cold
Assurance of adequate reduction (survival = unacceptable) Short holding time

 Prevention of recontamination Survival depends on: temperature, time, food

Prevention of dissemination (spread)

Principle 2: Identify the Critical Control Points

Possible control measures physical hazards

Visual inspection • Critical control point (CCP): a step at which control can be applied
Filters or sieves and is essential to prevent or eliminate a food safety hazard or
Metal detectors reduce it to an acceptable level
• It is important to identify the correct points as CCPs so that
Separation by density resource can be focused on their management during processing.
Personnel precautions (hair net, gloves)
• CCPs can be identified using HACCP team knowledge and
experience or by using tools such as CCP decision tree


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Principle 3: Establish critical limits for each

CCP’s Critical limits (1)
Raw milk

Pasteurised milk:
 Total Bacterial Count: <= 100,000 c.f.u./ml
• Critical limits are the safety limits that must be achieved for  Phosphatase negative
each CCP to ensure the products are safe.  Somatic Cell Count: <= 400,000 /ml
 Coliforms 0 c.f.u./ml
 Growth Inhibiting Compounds (antibiotics): absent
• As long as the process operates within the critical limits, the Gouda cheese: (12 days old)

 Freezing Point: <= -0.54 °C

products will be safe but if it goes beyond the critical limits  Moisture % = 37 – 41

then the products made will be potentially unsafe.  Aflatoxin M1 0.05 – 1.0 µg/kg in raw milk  pH = 5.20 – 5.39

 Listeria monocytogenes: absent in 25 gram

• Critical limits are defined a criterion that separates
Salmonella: absent in 25 gram
acceptability from unacceptability.


Failure to meet a critical limit

Principle 4: Establish a monitoring system for

each CCP
Critical limits (2)
Yoghurt Butter: (unsalted) • Monitoring is the act of conducting a planned sequence of
• Moisture max. 16 % checking (by testing, measuring or observing) control
Phosphatase negative
• Fat min. 82 %
parameters, to assess whether a Critical Control Point (CCP)
Coliforms < 10 c.f.u./ml or is under control
gram • pH max. 5.3

Yeasts and Moulds < 100 • Monitoring requirements are specified by the HACCP team
• Coliforms not detectable in 0.01 during the HACCP study but will usually be done by the
c.f.u./ml or gram gram
process operators when the HACCP plan is implemented in
the operation.


Failure to meet a critical limit


Principle 5: Establish validated corrective actions

Examples of such monitoring can include:

• Corrective action needs to be taken where monitoring shows that there is
(i) inspection of pasteurizer recording charts. a deviation from a defined critical limit

• Corrective action is any actions to be taken when the results of monitoring

(ii) measurement of sanitizer levels. at the CCP indicate a loss of control to be a safe product for the
(iii) observation of the hygiene of an operation or operator
• What to do when the result of the analysis is out of range of the limits

• Who is responsible to make decision to take action

• Who is responsible to do the corrective action

Example of CCP control Principle 6: Establish verification procedures

• Organize internal audits to check if all working people are

acting according to the correct procedures (and the opposite
way). Even procedures of random sampling and analyses.

• Verify if your HACCP-system (+ its records) is operating

well/effective. If not: correct and implement the
improvements!!! Review of deviations and product

Principle 7: Establish documentation and recordkeeping (1)

• It is important to document the HACCP system and to keep adequate records.

• Minutes of HACCP study meetings, decisions made and their reasons, in Hazard
Analysis, CCP determination and Critical Limit determination.

• When the HACCP plan is implemented in the operation, records will be kept on
an ongoing basis.

• Essential records include:

Records of CCP monitoring activities
Records of verification
Records of deviations and corrective actions
Records of modifications to the HACCP plan


Continuous process Quiz (5pts)

• Define Hazards (1pt)

• Lists at least three principals of HACCP (3pts)

• HACCP is stands for what (1pt)

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Food Standards

Food Standards Regulating Bodies • A standard is a document established by consensus and

approved by recognized body.

• Food standards give precise criteria to ensure that

materials, products, processes and services are fit for their
stated purposes.

• They provide common frames of reference for defining the


Uses of food standards

The major areas in which industry standards may be established include:

• It provides consumers with information about the product
• Safety – standards for toxicological and microbiological hazards, and
• It maintains product quality uniformity procedures and practices to ensure that these standards are achieved;

• It establishes market value • Nutrition – maintaining nutrient levels through practices that promote
high quality product;
• It prevents economic fraud • Quality – providing product with desirable levels of flavor, aroma,
palatability, and appearance;

• Value - attributes such as convenience, packaging, and shelf-life

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Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC)

• World population expected to become 9.6 billion by 2050 so

Various bodies that set food standards for products sold internationally are important to provide safe, nutritious and sufficient product
across the world
• Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC)
• The agricultural products are the most traded commodity in
• The International Standards Organization (ISO)
the world
• Various markets, such as the European Union
• International standards important to addresses safe food
• Many individual countries like Australia and the U.S. have been leader where food shortage areas
in setting product standards

Codex Alimentarius Commission (CAC)

• CAC is the principal organization of the worldwide food standards Vision of codex
program set by FAO and WHO (joint venture between FAO and WHO)
• Where the world comes together to create food safety and quality
• CAC is a body set up to establish minimum standards for international standards to protect everyone everywhere (2020 - 2025)
Codex mission
• The commission held its first meeting in Rome in June 1963
• Protect consumers health and promote fair practices in the food trade
• It meets annually alternatively between the headquarters of FAO by setting international, science based food safety and quality
(Rome, Italy) and WHO (Geneva, Switzerland)

The Codex Alimentarius is a group of international food

standards, adopted by CAC
• The codex Alimentarius standards covers all basic food types,
raw, semi-processed and processed that are intended for
The term Codex Alimentarius is take from Latin words meaning distribution to consumers.
• The regulations of the codex refers to food hygiene and quality
including microbiological standards, food additives, pesticides
and residues from veterinary drugs, contaminants, food labelling
and marketing, methods for sampling and hazards analysis,
food import and export, certification system.


Codex Alimentarius: the Joint FAO/WHO Food standards


The mandate of codex is to establish international food

standard to
The work of FAO and WHO with respect to food standards consists of
the following three activities
 Protect the health of consumers
• The provision scientific advice by expert bodies and meeting
 To ensure fair practices in the food trade established by FAO and WHO

• The elaboration of food standards by CAC taking into consideration

the scientific advice provided by FAO and WHO

• The creation of capacity building programmes related to

strengthening food control system, taking into account the CAC

Food under the codex

The codex legal tools
• Any substances, whether processed, partly processed or
raw, which is intended for human consumption and include • Codex standards
drink, chewing gum and any substance which has been in
manufacture, preparation or treatment of food but does not • Codex practice
include cosmetics, tobacco or substances used solely as
• Guidelines and recommendations
Codex standards: Food requirements intended to provide consumers with
a sound, wholesome food product free from adulteration, correctly labelled
and presented

Codex standards Codes of practice

• Prescribed format used to develop each standards • Advisory text issued to all members

• Must include: name, scope description, essential

• Designed to assist members in achieving purposes of codex
composition and quality factors, food additives,
contaminants, hygiene, weighs and measure, labeling and
methods of analysis and sampling • Individual members can be decided how to use code

• Typically describe hygiene requirement


Food labeling requirement under Codex


Guidelines and recommendations • Name of the food list of ingredients (in descending order)
• Net content and drained weight
• Basic tool used to help member nations in elaboration of their • Name and addressed of manufacturer
standards to conform to codex • Country of origin
• Identification
• Accepted worldwide
• Date marking and storage instructions
• Very useful to developing countries
• Instruction for use

• Example: „‟ code of ethics for international trade in food‟‟

Members country (188)

ISO standard

Where it is now CAC What is ISO standard

• Countries involvement: 33 to 189 • It is international standard setting body

• International organization observers : 16 to 22 • The headquarter in Geneva, Switzerland

• Budget: 55,000 to 8.8 million $ • Found on 23 February 1947
• Product: milk to several commodities
• Function in over 164 countries worldwide
• Collaborative, inclusive and transparent approach
• Independent from government organization
• Risk analysis principles
• The organization promotes worldwide branded industrial and commercial


Advantages of ISO standards

• Promotes food safety Popular standards developed by ISO

It is a global standard therefore it opens up numerous new opportunities for the

 ISO 9001
• Builds brand value  ISO 45001
• Promotes continual improvement  ISO 14001
• It improves the overall business performance  ISO 22000
• Increases the efficiency of the process
 ISO 27001
• Enhances the productivity of the employees

• Increases the business revenue

ISO 9001 ISO 45001

• World‟s best known Quality Management System Occupational health and safety management system

• This standards is for businesses and organizations that wants to ensure their • To improve employee safety, reducing workplace risks and creating better, and
goods and services consistently to meet customers requirements safety working conditions

• It can be used by any large or small organization regardless of its field of activity. • Make sure everyone gets home safely
• In fact, there are over one million companies and organizations in over 170
• According to the International Labour Organization, more than 7600 people die
countries certified to ISO 9001
from work-related accidents or diseases every single day.
• ISO 9001 helps ensure that customers get consistent, good-quality products and
services, which in turn brings many business benefits. • That‟s why an ISO committee of occupational health and safety experts set to
work to develop an International Standard with the potential to save almost
three million lives each year

ISO 14001 ISO 22000

Environmental management system

Food safety management system
• It provides assurance to management, employees • It focuses on the highest level of food safety throughout the entire life cycle of food
and stakeholders
• Whatever their size, or product, all food producers have a responsibility to manage
the safety of their products and the well-being of their consumers. That‟s why
ISO 22000 exists.
• Environmental impact (measured and improved)
• The consequences of unsafe food can be serious.

• ISO‟s food safety management standards help organizations identify and control food
safety hazards, at the same time as working together with other ISO management
standards, such as ISO 9001.


ISO 27001

Information security management system

ISO 22000 : FSMS
• Managing information that considered sensitive and significant
value to a business

• IT security, cybersecurity and privacy protection are vital for

companies and organizations today.

• ISO 27001 is the world‟s best-known standard for information

security management systems (ISMS) and their requirements

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ISO 22000
• About 33,000 organizations worldwide that are ISO 22000
What is ISO 22000
• The revision of ISO 22000:2005 commenced in September
• ISO 22000 is an international standard that specifies the requirements for a 2014 and in June 2018 ISO 22000:2018 was published.
food safety management system (FSMS) easily applicable in any organization
in the food chain of food industry.

• It provides a framework for organizations to identify, prevent, and manage

food safety hazards throughout the entire food chain, from production to

• ISO 22000 was initially developed on September 1st 2005 by the ISO/TC
34/SC 17 as the first truly international FSMS standard.

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Benefits of implementing ISO 22000

ISO 22000: 2005 published in 2005 as a response to:- • Improved heath and food • Comparative advantage
safety • Reduced investigation time

• A number of successive food crises such as adulteration • Improved response to risks • Enhanced transparency

• Help meeting regulatory requirement

• Global market access
• The needs from the food industry to demonstrate that system were • Efficiency and cost saving
established and operating in accordance to applicable laws and the • Customer trust • Help meeting other standards and
requirements specified by codex Alimentarius guidelines
• Improved customer
• Continuous improvement
• It facilitates the harmonization of international foods safety regulations

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• ISO 22000 follows the common structure defined by ISO for management
system standards, known as the High-Level Structure (HLS), making it
compatible with other ISO management system standards such as ISO 9001
(quality management) and ISO 14001 (environmental management).

• The standard is divided into several sections, including scope, normative

references, terms and definitions, context of the organization, leadership,
planning, support, operation, performance evaluation, and improvement.

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ISO 22000 contains 10 clauses

• Introduction (scope , normative references, and terms and

definitions) == they are not auditable

• Clause 4 – 10 are major clauses of ISO

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Scope of ISO 22000

• The 2018 version includes also feed producers and animal food
• Requirements for any organization in the food chain: irrespective producers within the scope.
of size or complexity and directly or indirectly involved in the food
chain • The Scope section of ISO 22000 sets out:

• ISO 22000 is applicable for: feed producers, harvesters, farmers,  The purpose of the standard;
producers of ingredients, food manufacturers, retailers, food services,
catering services, organizations providing cleaning and sanitation  The types of organizations it is designed to apply to; and
services, transportation, storage and distribution services
 The sections of the standard (called Clauses) that contain
• Indirectly involved: suppliers of equipment, cleaning and sanitizing requirements that an organization needs to comply with in order for
agents, packaging material, and additives and ingredients the organization to be certified as “conforming” to it (i.e. being

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• The primary objective of ISO 22000 is to ensure the safety of

food products by implementing effective control measures to
prevent the occurrence of food safety hazards.

• It aims to enhance customer confidence in the safety and

quality of food products, thereby improving market access and
facilitating international trade.

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Terms and definitions

Normative references
• Unlike ISO 9001, there are • Significant food safety hazard: Food safety hazard identified by an
no normative references in organization through the hazard assessment that needs to be
ISO 22000 controlled by specific control measures

• However, it would be useful • Control measures: Action or activity used to prevent a significant food
for you to have a look at the safety hazard or reduce it to an acceptable level
following ISO family
standards that will help to • Acceptable level: Level of a food safety hazard that must not exceed in
better understand its the finished products
• Competence: Ability to apply knowledge and skills to get intended

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Clause 4: Context of the organization

• Define the scope of your food safety management

• Understanding the organizations and its context: external

and internal factors that impact food safety

• Understanding the needs and expectations of interested


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Understandi Understan
ng the
organization d the
s and its needs and
external expectati
and internal on of
factors that
impact food interested
safety parties

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• There is no longer an excuse for top

management not being present during
Clause 5: Leadership a certification audit. An external auditor
will expect to discuss leadership with
those who manage the organization.

Determini • This is not a new concept but it has Demonstrating commitment to food • Facilitating the culture of
been revised in order to refer to the safety from top management
continual improvement
ng the physical and / or geographical site
scope of within which your operations take • Demonstrating that food safety is
place, the products / services supported by the objectives of the • Communicating to employee
the FSMS included in the FSMS, the relevant organization and interesting parties
parties you have identified and the
special characteristics such as type • Provision of appropriate and
• Leading the management
of packaging used, storage or shelf- sufficient resources
life conditions of the product/s review meeting

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In addition, the 2018 version states that top management shall

also: Clause 6: Planning

• Planning is one of the key components of

• Ensure that the strategic plans of the organization and the any management system.
food safety objectives are compatible and integrated within
• This section sets out a framework that asks
the organization
an organization to analyse itself to:-

 Assessing risks and opportunities related to food

• Ensure the integration of the FSMS requirements into the safety
organization‟s business processes  Setting objective for food safety

 Developing plans to achieve those objective

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Clause 7: Support Clause 8: Operations

• Providing the necessary resources
(human, financial infrastructure) for the
• Contain HACCP principles
• Establish process needed to realize safe products
• Ensuring competence and awareness of
personnel regarding food safety • Establish suitable prerequisite programmes (PRPs)
• Establishing communication processes
both internally and externally • Establish an effective product traceability system

• Documentation of FSMS

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Clause 9: Performance evaluation

• Monitor, measure, analyse and evaluate your FSMS Clause 10: Improvement

• Use internal audit to examine conformance and performance • Identify opportunities for improvement based on
performance data
• Carry out management reviews and document your results
• Taking corrective actions to address non-conformities

• Continuously improving the effectiveness of the FSMS

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Thank you

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