1 EN1CCT01 - English - Fine - Tune Your English (T)
1 EN1CCT01 - English - Fine - Tune Your English (T)
1 EN1CCT01 - English - Fine - Tune Your English (T)
Name : .....................
1. A.The boy stood on the burning deck.(Identify the subject.) B. Early bird catches the
worm.(Identify the predicate.)
2. A.The boy moved swiftly. B. You can buy it everywhere. (Underline the adverb in each of
the sentences)
3. A. Our neighbour, besides three others ______ standing in the queue. B. The man, along
with his three dogs _____ taking a stroll in the park. (Use the appropriate auxilary to
complete the given sentences)
5. A. John remained inactive. B.What Mary said is true. (Identify the kind of adjective)
8. Bring out the meaning of the given idioms by using them in sentences of your own. A. an
apple of discord. B. sour grapes
9. Explain the difference between the following expressions. pass out; stand out
13. Repalce the adverbs (given in italics) by adverb clauses. 1. They rested at sunset.2. He
speaks powerfully. 3. Sit somewhere. 4. The door was suspiciously open. 5. He worked
14. Correct the following sentences. 1. These are my sisters books. 2. The group fought
between themselves. 3. He gave me a few advice. 4. The sceneries here are extremely
beautiful. 5. All possible means have been tried.
15. Rewrite the following sentences in passive form. 1. He will finish the work in a fortnight. 2.
They elected him president. 3. We compelled the enemy to surrender. 4. The young man
spoiled the game. 5. You won't gain anything by fretting.
16. Explain the difference in meaning between the given pairs of sentences. 1. a. She made a
good meal; b. She had a good meal. 2. a. She is always making complaints, b. She is
always having complaints.
17. Form the adverbs from the given adjectives. 1. Clever 2. Wise 3. Kind 4. Single 5. Happy
6. Heavy 7. Quick 8. Beautiful 9. Loud 10. Patient
20. Convert into negative form. 1. They have arrived already. 2.John knows English. 3. He is
still there. 4. He does his work carefully 5. The information is reliable.
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22. Prepare a job application for the job of a Physiotherapist in a Multispeciality Hospital
23. A. Frame a telephone conversation between you and an intimate friend of yours about
your career interests. B. Write a short speech you, as the Staff Secretary, would deliver
on the retirement of your colleague.
25. A.Write a letter to a friend describing a recent exciting cricket match in which your side
won.B. Write an essay on the importance of using helmet while riding two wheelers.
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