Parenteral Administration Checklist Funda 2024

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Legend for Assessment:
D = Done NI = Needs Improvement ND = Not Done

ACTIVITY D (2) NI (1) ND (0)

1. Check the orders and MAR for accuracy and completeness;
clarify any unclear orders.
2. Review pertinent information related to the medications: labs, last time
medication was given, and medication information: generic name,
brand name, dose, route, time, class, action, purpose, side effects,
contraindications, and nursing considerations.
3. Assessed patient's medical and medication history and history
of allergies
4. Do assessment for contraindications.
• For subcutaneous
injections, assessed for circulatory shock or reduced tissue perfusion.
Assessed adequacy of patient’s adipose tissue.
• For IM injections,
- assess for muscle atrophy, reduced blood flow, or circulatory shock
5. Assessed patient symptoms or condition for which medication was
1. Gather available supplies: correctly sized syringes and needles
appropriate for medication, patient’s size, and site of injection;
diluent (if required); tape or patient label for each syringe;
nonsterile gloves; sharps container; and alcohol wipes and MAR
2. Check doctor’s orders. Aseptically
prepared correct medication dose, checked label with MAR twice.
Prepare the medications (check expiration date and physical condition)
and perform any necessary calculations
Needles (appropriate size depending on site/route; withdraw
medication from a vial or ampule into a sterile syringe (have
separate needles for withdrawal, aspiration and injection)
1. Provided privacy. Kept sheet or gown draped over body parts not
requiring exposure
2. Introduce yourself, your role, the purpose of your visit.
3. Identify patient using at least two identifiers
4. Explained procedure, informed patient of slight burning or sting
and ask if they have any questions
5. Helped patient to comfortable position
a. Subcutaneous: Had patient relax the site chosen for
b. IM: Positioned patient depending on site chosen.
c.ID: Had patient extend elbow and support it and forearm on flat
6. Selected appropriate injection site. Inspected skin for bruises,
inflammation, or edema. Relocated site using anatomical landmarks.
7. Cleaned site with antiseptic swab. Held swab appropriately in
nondominant hand.
8. Held syringe appropriately in dominant hand. Then administer

1. Correctly identify the sites and verbalize the landmarks used for
intradermal injections. Note for lesions or discolorations of skin,
select appropriate ID site
2. Explain that a small wheal (bleb) will be produced
3. Prepare the syringe (hold between thumb and forefinger, hold the4
needle almost parallel to the skin surface, bevel up)
4. Stretched skin over site with forefinger and thumb of nondominant
hand. (Common sites: inner lower arm, the upper chest, and the
back beneath the scapulae)
5. Insert needle appropriately with bevel up at a 5- to 15-degree
angle, advanced to approximately 3mm below skin surface
6. Stabilize the syringe and inject the medication slowly until it
creates a bleb
7. Carefully withdraw the needle, encircle the injection site with ink
for observation (do not massage or cover the site)
8. For ID injections, use BLUE PEN and drew circle around
perimeter of injection site. Read site after 30 minutes
1. Assess site (Common sites: outer aspect of the upper arm, and
anterior aspects of the thighs) • Palpated sites for masses or
tenderness. • Selected appropriate needle size
2. Prepare the syringe for administration (hold between thumb and
finger, with palm facing to the side or upward for a 45-degree
angle insertion 0
3. Pinch the skin of average sized patient at site with nondominant
hand and inject the needle appropriately at 45- degree angle. For
obese patient: pinched skin at site and injected needle
appropriately at 90-degree angle. Released skin

1. Select a site away from large blood vessels, nerves, and bone.
Palpated for tenderness and hardness. (Use ventrogluteal site if
possible, for deltoid part 3 finger below the acrominion process
2. Positioned hand appropriately, held position until medication was
3. Hold the syringe between thumb and forefinger (Held as dart,
palm down), pierce the skin smoothly and quickly at a 90-
degree angle and insert the needle into the muscle with
smooth, steady motion

4. Hold the barrel of the syringe steady with non dominant hand and
aspirate (if blood appears, withdraw the needle, continue if
5. Withdraw the needle smoothly at the angle of the insertion and
release the skin
6. Apply gentle pressure with gauze. Do not massage site. Apply
bandage/dressing if necessary
7. Help patient to comfortable position.
8. Discard needle appropriately into sharps container
9. Remove gloves, performed hand hygiene
10. Observe and assess for reactions/response to medication
1. Return to room, asked patient about symptoms of adverse reaction.
2. Inspect site, noting bruising or induration. Documented and
notified health care provider as necessary.
3. Observed patient's response to medication at appropriate times.
1. Record administration of medications on MAR immediately after
2. Document all relevant information (time of administration,
name of drug, route, client’s reaction).
3. Document if scheduled medication was withheld, record
4. Report any undesirable effects from medication to health care
5. Assess effectiveness of the drug at the time it is expected to
act/response of patient

Evaluator’s Signature over printed name Date

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