T of Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA - Web - Profile
T of Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA - Web - Profile
T of Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA - Web - Profile
Department of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) has established in June 2007.
The department has offers UG program.
In this competitive era, setting up a new business or running the existing one is not an
easy task. With the passing time and the evolution of new technologies, competition among
businesses is at a high level. To meet the challenges and stay tuned with every day changing
technologies, pursuing a degree course in Bachelor of Business Administration from S.S.G.M.
College, Kopargaon has always proved beneficial.
For candidates with huge potential and aspirations, none other than this present time,
when due to the Covid-19 pandemic followed by lockdown has adversely affected our economy,
can be the most exciting time to pursue a career in BBA. In this present scenario, numbers of
stable companies from decades with huge market capitalization are struggling to level their net
incomes. In this situation, where companies have laid off many employees, the same time they
are looking for the best business administrators who are equally talented and possess a quality of
being a leader, strategic thinker, innovative mind, and problem-solvers.
The Objectives of this program:-
1. To provide knowledge regarding the basic concept, principles & functions of management.
2. To provide knowledge & requisite skills in different area of management like HR, Finance,
and Operation & Marketing to give a holistic understanding of a business system.
3. To promote employability.
4. To make them think analytically and ethically.
This UG Program is designed to impart business administration skills to enlighten
students for a better understanding of the corporate world and its business activities. It would
help students plan their business activity properly in various capacities. The department also
conducting Short term courses, Add-On Courses, Skill Based Courses and Value Added
Courses to develop various skills among the students. Department organized various student
centric activities to enhance their personality, employability skills and develop leadership
qualities for the students.
We Aim to create business leaders, entrepreneurs and employees by providing quality
education to bring out the students’ soft skills and providing them ample opportunities for
overall growth and development
To make our students managerial superior and ethically strong who in turn shall advance the
quality of life.
To generate competent professionals to become a part of industry and organization at the
global level.
Faculty Profile
Name of the Qualification Specialization Experience in Photo
Faculty Years
M. Com., Business
M.B.A., Administration
1 Mr. Salve N.B. BTEC HNC, Finance, H.R.M. 10
Ph.D. Business
(Appeared) Administration
B.B.A., Marketing
2 Ms. Gandhi C.M. M.B.A., 03
M.Com. Accountancy
M.Com. Business
3 Mr. Gaware M.B. M.B.A. 04
M.A., English
Course Course
Semester III Semester IV
Code Code
Core Courses
301 Principles of Human Resource 401 Entrepreneurshipand Small Business
Management Management
302 Supply Chain Management 402 Productions andOperations
303 Global Competencies & Personality 403 Decision Makingand Risk
Development Management
304 Fundamentals of Rural Development 404 InternationalBusiness
Marketing Specialization
305 A Consumer Behaviour & Sales 405 A Advertising &Promotion Management
306 A Retail Management +Business Exposure 406 A Digital Marketing + (prescribed computer
course or online course
Finance Specialization
305 B Management Accounting 405 B Business Taxation
306 B Banking &Finance +Business 406 B Financial Services + Computer course
Exposure (prescribed course or online course )
Course Course
Semester V Semester VI
Code Code
Core Courses
501 Research Methodology 601 Essentials of E – Commerce
502 Database Administration and Data 602 Management Information System
503 Business Ethics 603 Business Project Management
504 Management ofCorporate Social 604 Management OfInnovations &
Responsibility Sustainability
Marketing Specialization
505 A Marketing EnvironmentAnalysis and 605 A InternationalBrand
Strategies Management
506 A Legal Aspects inMarketing Management 606 A Cases in Marketing + Project 50 marks
+ Project & Viva theory + Project& Viva 50marks (Internship
(50 marks
Finance Specialization
505 B Analysis ofFinancial Statements 605 B Financial Management
506 B Legal Aspects ofFinance & Security Laws 606 B Cases in Finance + Project 50 marks theory +
+ Project & Viva (50 marks ) Project& Viva 50 marks (Internship )
PSO3: Understanding basic Practical knowledge of industry working through industrial visit,
project work etc.
PSO4: Knowledge of supply chain and logistics management, Business demography, business
mathematics and economics.
Course Outcomes (CO)
F.Y.B.B.A Semester-I
Student Strength and Results
Placements (2017-22)
Placement Record 2017-2018