T of Bachelor of Business Administration - BBA - Web - Profile

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Rayat Shikshan Sanstha’s

Shri Sadguru Gangageer Maharaj Science, Gautam Arts and

Sanjivani Commerce College, Kopargaon,
Dist- Ahmednagar -423601
Affiliated to Savitribai Phule Pune University, Pune
Department of B.B.A

 Introduction:-
Department of Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) has established in June 2007.
The department has offers UG program.
In this competitive era, setting up a new business or running the existing one is not an
easy task. With the passing time and the evolution of new technologies, competition among
businesses is at a high level. To meet the challenges and stay tuned with every day changing
technologies, pursuing a degree course in Bachelor of Business Administration from S.S.G.M.
College, Kopargaon has always proved beneficial.
For candidates with huge potential and aspirations, none other than this present time,
when due to the Covid-19 pandemic followed by lockdown has adversely affected our economy,
can be the most exciting time to pursue a career in BBA. In this present scenario, numbers of
stable companies from decades with huge market capitalization are struggling to level their net
incomes. In this situation, where companies have laid off many employees, the same time they
are looking for the best business administrators who are equally talented and possess a quality of
being a leader, strategic thinker, innovative mind, and problem-solvers.
 The Objectives of this program:-
1. To provide knowledge regarding the basic concept, principles & functions of management.
2. To provide knowledge & requisite skills in different area of management like HR, Finance,
and Operation & Marketing to give a holistic understanding of a business system.
3. To promote employability.
4. To make them think analytically and ethically.
This UG Program is designed to impart business administration skills to enlighten
students for a better understanding of the corporate world and its business activities. It would
help students plan their business activity properly in various capacities. The department also
conducting Short term courses, Add-On Courses, Skill Based Courses and Value Added
Courses to develop various skills among the students. Department organized various student
centric activities to enhance their personality, employability skills and develop leadership
qualities for the students.
We Aim to create business leaders, entrepreneurs and employees by providing quality
education to bring out the students’ soft skills and providing them ample opportunities for
overall growth and development
To make our students managerial superior and ethically strong who in turn shall advance the
quality of life.
To generate competent professionals to become a part of industry and organization at the
global level.

Faculty Profile
Name of the Qualification Specialization Experience in Photo
Faculty Years
M. Com., Business
M.B.A., Administration
1 Mr. Salve N.B. BTEC HNC, Finance, H.R.M. 10
Ph.D. Business
(Appeared) Administration

B.B.A., Marketing
2 Ms. Gandhi C.M. M.B.A., 03
M.Com. Accountancy

M.Com. Business
3 Mr. Gaware M.B. M.B.A. 04

M.A., English

4 Ms. Jadhav S.S. M.B.A. Marketing & Nil

Program & Courses Offered

 Pattern- Choice Based Credit System

Level Programmes Specialization Pattern
Bachelor of Business Administration Finance CBCS
1 UG (B.B.A.) Marketing CBCS

 Bachelor of Business Administration

 Course Offered- F.Y.B.B.A.
Course Course
Semester I Semester II
Code Code
Core Courses
101 Principles of Management 201 Business Organization and System
102 Business Communication Skill 202 Principles of Marketing
103 Business Accounting 203 Principles of Finance
104 Business Economics 204 Basics of Cost Accounting
105 Business Mathematics 205 Business Statistics
106 Business Demography 206 Fundamentals of Computers

 Course Offered- S.Y.B.B.A.

Course Course
Semester III Semester IV
Code Code
Core Courses
301 Principles of Human Resource 401 Entrepreneurshipand Small Business
Management Management
302 Supply Chain Management 402 Productions andOperations
303 Global Competencies & Personality 403 Decision Makingand Risk
Development Management
304 Fundamentals of Rural Development 404 InternationalBusiness
Marketing Specialization
305 A Consumer Behaviour & Sales 405 A Advertising &Promotion Management
306 A Retail Management +Business Exposure 406 A Digital Marketing + (prescribed computer
course or online course
Finance Specialization
305 B Management Accounting 405 B Business Taxation
306 B Banking &Finance +Business 406 B Financial Services + Computer course
Exposure (prescribed course or online course )

 Course Offered- T.Y.B.B.A.

Course Course
Semester V Semester VI
Code Code
Core Courses
501 Research Methodology 601 Essentials of E – Commerce
502 Database Administration and Data 602 Management Information System
503 Business Ethics 603 Business Project Management
504 Management ofCorporate Social 604 Management OfInnovations &
Responsibility Sustainability
Marketing Specialization
505 A Marketing EnvironmentAnalysis and 605 A InternationalBrand
Strategies Management
506 A Legal Aspects inMarketing Management 606 A Cases in Marketing + Project 50 marks
+ Project & Viva theory + Project& Viva 50marks (Internship
(50 marks
Finance Specialization
505 B Analysis ofFinancial Statements 605 B Financial Management
506 B Legal Aspects ofFinance & Security Laws 606 B Cases in Finance + Project 50 marks theory +
+ Project & Viva (50 marks ) Project& Viva 50 marks (Internship )

CompulsoryCredit 299 Democracy, Election and Governance

GR1 Physical Education
Skill enhancement 117(W) Environmental Awareness
317(1M) Basic Course inEnvironmental Awareness
A Basic Managerial Skills
B Communication Skill for Manager
Extra CreditSubject GR6-A Participation insummer school /program short term
( ValueAdded) GR8-A Field visit, Studytours, Industrialvisit, Participation in
Curriculum Activities
POs, Cos and PSOs
Programme Outcomes (PO) - BBA

After successfully completing B.B.A. Program students will be able to:

PO1: Problem solving approach:

Enables students to apply knowledge of management theories and practices to solve business
problems .
PO2: Analytical and critical thinking:
Encourages analytical and critical thinking abilities for business decision making .
P03: Communication and leadership skills:
Enables students to communicate effectively in business issues, management concepts, plans and
decisions both in oral and written form using appropriate supportive technologies.
PO4: Managerial skills:
Enables students to demonstrate the use of appropriate techniques to manage business challenge.
PO5: Ethics and problem solving:
Enable learners for recognizing and solving ethical issues.

Specific Outcomes (PSO) :

After successfully completing B.B.A. Program students will be able to:

PSO1: Basic knowledge of business, different aspects of business.

PSO2: Knowledge of Human resource management, Marketing management, Finance


PSO3: Understanding basic Practical knowledge of industry working through industrial visit,
project work etc.

PSO4: Knowledge of supply chain and logistics management, Business demography, business
mathematics and economics.
Course Outcomes (CO)

F.Y.B.B.A Semester-I

Sr.No. Course Course Title Course Outcomes

1 101 Principles of CO1: Understand basic concept regarding org.
Management Business Administration.
CO2: To impart knowledge about various
management principles.
CO3: Develop managerial skills among the
2 102 Business CO1: Understand what is the role of
Communication Skills communication in personal and business world.
CO2: Understand various modes of communication
and their utility.
CO3: Develop proficiency in how to write business
letters and other communications required in
3 103 Business Accounting CO1: Develop right understanding regarding role
and importance of monetary and financial
transactions in business
CO2: Cultivate right approach towards
classifications of different transactions and their
CO3: Develop understanding in preparation of basic
financial as to how to write basis accounting
statement -Trading and P&L.
4 104 Business Economics- CO1: Understand role of economics as it influences
micro on society and business.
CO2: Study how different decisions are taken in
relation to price demand and supply
CO3: Develop right understanding regarding
Monopoly, perfect competition, revenue Etc.
5 105 Business Mathematics CO1: Develop appropriate understanding as how to
use mathematic like computation interest, profit etc
CO2: Cultivate right understanding regaining
numerical aptitude
CO3: Develop logical approach towards analytical
approach data.
6 106 Business Demography CO1: Give proper understanding regarding concept
of demography in modern economic setup
CO2: Study how population and structure changes
affecting quality of life and business
CO3: Develop clarity of concept regarding social
economic process, urbanization and its impact on
F.Y.B.B.A Semester-II
7 201 Business CO1: Understand role and functions of modern
Organizations and business
Systems CO2:Develop right understanding regarding business
CO3:Study how a business institution functions in a
given economic set up
8 202 Principles of CO1: Develop right understanding regarding
Marketing marketing environment in the country
CO2: Develop appropriate conceptual understanding
as to develop basic marketing concept
CO3: Develop new understanding regarding services,
rural marketing and new trends in marketing.
9 203 Principles of Finance CO1: Cultivate right approach towards money,
finance, and their role in business
CO2: Develop right understanding regarding various
sources of finance and their role and utility in
CO3: Develop basic skills to understand concept of
capital structure and Its proper structure.
10 204 Basics of Cost CO1: Develop rational understanding regarding
Accounting concept of cost expenditure in business
CO2: Develop understanding how overheads
influence the cost structure of goods and services
CO3: Develop skills for computation of total cost for
a particular product and services.
11 205 Business Statistics CO1: Understand role and importance of statistics in
various business situations
CO2: Develop skills related with basic statistical
CO3: Develop right understanding regarding
regression, correlation and data interpretation.
12 206 Fundamentals of CO1: Develop concept of information and their role
Computers in modern businesses
CO2: Develop rational approach as to how computers
can be used in data process analysis in business.
CO3: Develop understanding regarding cautions to
be taken security, safety and security while using net
based service.
S.Y.B.B.A Semester-III
13 301 Principles of Human CO1.To introduce the basic concepts of Human
Resource Managment Resource Management.
CO2. To cultivate right approach towards Human
Resource and their role in business.
CO3. To create awareness about the various trends in
HRM among the students.
14 302 Supply Chain and CO1:Introduce the fundamental concepts in Materials
Management and Logistics Management.
CO2: Familiarize with the issues in core functions in
materials and logistics management.
15 303 Global Competencies CO1: To build self-confidence, enhance self-esteem,
& Personality and improve overall personality of the students.
Development CO2. To enhance global and cultural competencies
of the students.
CO3. To groom the students for appropriate behavior
in social and professional circles
16 304 Fundamentals of Rural CO1. To understand the development issues related
Development to rural society.
CO2. To find the employment opportunities for rural
CO3. To create interest among the rural youth to
participate in rural development programmes and
schemes for sustainable development.
CO4. To discourage seasonal and permanent
migration to urban areas.
17 305A Consumer Behaviour CO1. To develop significant understanding of
& Sales Management Consumer behaviour in Marketing.
CO2. To understand the relationship between
consumer behaviour& Sales Management.
CO3. To develop conceptual based approach towards
decision making aspects & its implementation
considering consumer behaviour in Sales
18 306A Retail Management CO1: Provide insights into all functional areas of
CO2: Give a perspective of the Indian retail scenario.
CO3: Identify the paradigm shifts in retailing
business with increasing scope of technology and e-
19 305B Management CO1: Impart basic knowledge of Management
Accounting Accounting.
CO2: Know the implications of various financial
ratios in decision making.
CO3: Study the significance of working capital in
CO4: Understand the concept of budgetary control
and its application in business.
CO5: Develop the calculating ability of various
techniques of management accounting.
20 306B Banking & Finance CO1: Study of banking function and its operations.
CO2: To study the functioning of Regulatory
Authorities in India.
CO3: To study recent technology in banking
S.Y.B.B.A Semester-IV
21 401 Entrepreneurship and CO1: Create entrepreneurial awareness among the
Small Business students.
Management CO2: Help students to up bring out their own
business plan.
CO3: Develop knowledge and understanding in
creating and managing new venture.
22 402 Production and CO1: Provide goods and services at the right time, at
Operation the right place at the right manufacturing cost of the
Management right quality.
CO2: Understand manufacturing technology and its
role in developing business strategy.
CO3: Identify the role of operation function.

CO4: Understand the external and internal effects of

five operation performance and its objectives
23 403 Decision Making and CO1: Find the best alternative in a decision with
Risk Management multiple objectives and uncertainty.
CO2: Describe the process of making a decision.
CO3: Analyze an organization's decision making
CO4: Develop a risk management process.
24 404 International Business CO1: Acquaint the students with emerging issues in
Management international business.
CO2: Study the impact of international business
environment on foreign market operations.
CO3: understand the importance of foreign trade for
Indian economy.
25 405A Advertising and CO1: To develop knowledge and understanding of
Promotion importance of advertising.
Management CO2: To understand different sales promotion
CO3: To know about promotion management.
26 406A Digital Marketing CO1: To provide students with the Knowledge about
business advantages of the digital marketing and its
importance for marketing success.
CO2: To help students become In demand
professional by being acquainted through various
Digital channels & their ways of Integration.
CO3: To get Basic Knowledge of Google Analytics
for measuring effects of Digital Marketing & getting
Insights of Future trends that will affect the future
development of the digital marketing.
27 405B Business Taxation CO1:Understand the basic concepts and definitions
under the Income Tax Act, 1961
CO2: Update the students with latest development in
the subject of taxation.
CO3: Acquire knowledge about Computation of
Income under different heads of income of Income
Tax Act, 1961.
28 406B Financial Services CO1: Study in detail various financial services in
CO2: Make the students well acquainted regarding
financial market.
T.Y.B.B.A Semester-V
29 501 Research CO1: Provide the students with basic understanding
Methodology of research process and tools for the same.
CO2: Provide an understanding of the tools and
techniques necessary for research and report writing.
30 502 Database CO1: Introduce to the students the function of
Administration and management control, its nature, functional areas, and
Data Mining techniques.
Understand the current trends in Data Management
31 503 Business Ethics CO1: Impart knowledge of Business Ethics to the
CO2: Promote Ethical Practices in the Business.
CO3: Develop Ethical and Value Based knowledge
among the future manager’s / entrepreneurs.
32 504 Management of CO1: Understand the industrial contribution for CSR
Corporate Social Policy
Responsibility CO2. To Understand the context of CSR of present-
day Management
CO3. To Understand the contribution of CSR for the
development of Society
33 505A Marketing CO1: Develop students’ understanding of the factors
Environment Analysis shaping Marketing Environment
and Strategies CO2: To develop students’ ability to analyze the
Business Environment

CO3: To develop students’ understanding of the

strategies for sustaining the forces in Marketing
34 506A Legal Aspects in CO1: Understand the application of different legal
Marketing aspects in Marketing Management
35 505B Analysis of Financial CO1: Prepare students for interpretation and analysis
Statements of financial statements effectively.
CO2: Make the student well acquainted with current
financial practices.
CO3: Expect to be intensive users of financial
statements as part of their professional
36 506B Legal Aspects of CO1: To understand the Legal Aspects of Finance &
Finance & Security Security Laws.
Laws CO2: To know the legal provisions to obtain finance
from various source of finance.
CO3. To explore various finance & securities-related
laws in India.
T.Y.B.B.A Semester-VI

37 601 Essentials of E- CO1:Know the concept of electronic commerce.

Commerce CO2:Know the concept of Cyber Law & Cyber
CO3: Know Internet marketing techniques.
38 602 Management CO1: Understand the concepts of Information System
Information System CO2: Study the concepts of system analysis and
CO3: Understand the issues in MIS.
39 603 Business Project CO1: Develop a significant understanding of Project
Management Management.
CO2: Develop a concept based approach towards
Management of Business Projects.
CO3: Develop the relationship between the
significance of Businesses Projects & their
40 604 Management of CO1: understand the concepts of Innovation and
Innovations and Sustainability in a practical sense.
Sustainability CO2. Better know the significance of organisational
sustainable development and the economic
implications of sustainable development.
CO3. Learn about the most common errors made
when handling sustainable growth.
CO4. Understand the concept of Sustainability
Innovation. Understand socio-political aspects of
sustainable development – social responsibility aspect
41 605A International Brand CO1: Develop students’ understanding of the concept
Management of developing brands
CO2: Develop students’ understanding of the concept
of brand equity
CO3:Develop students’ understanding of the strategies
in managing brand portfolios
42 606A Cases in Marketing CO1: Understand application of theory into practice
Management + and the cases in practical point of view.
Project CO2: Understand practical implementation by writing
Project Report.
43 605B Financial CO1: Make the study of long-term financing.
Management CO2: Make the student well-acquainted regarding
current financial structure.
44 606B Cases in Finance CO1: Understand application of theory into practice
+Project and the cases in practical point of view.
CO2: Understand practical implementation by writing
Project Report.
Teaching Learning Methods
Industrial Visits and Internships
Students Centric Teaching learning Methods

Student Strength and Results
Placements (2017-22)
 Placement Record 2017-2018

Sr. Name Of Students Post/ Designation Name Of Organisation

1 Chokhar Akshay Madhukar Trainee Quess Corp Ltd.

2 Gade Yogesh Nanasaheb Medical Nourrir Pharma LLP

3 Gadhave Vishal Sakahari Assistance Manager HDFC Bank

4 Khandare Abhijeet Sudhir Owner SK MOBILE SHOP

5 Mokal Mahesh Madhukar Associate Trainee Bluechip Expert Solution

6 Punde Shubham Shankar Assistance Manager AXIS BANK

7 Tupke Rahul Ashok Assistant Manager- Kotak Mahindra Bank

8 Wadekar Vaibhav Waman Owner Mfg. Of Silk Sarees &

9 Chandgude Nilesh Suresh Senior Analyst Hexaware Technologies


 Placement Record 2018-2019

Sr. Name of Students Post/ Designation Name of Organisation

1 Arne Akash Uttam Attendant Sumeet Facilities Ltd.

2 Chavhan Vishal Kakasaheb Analyst Russell Tobin

3 Deokar Ganesh Bhausaheb UCO Collection Munzeer Bharat Pvt Ltd.

4 Garud Akash Rajendra Associate Analysts Wipro Ltd

5 Kapare Vishal Mukund Analysts Appltsimple Infotek Pvt.


6 Lokhande Rajendra Manjahari Associate KPO Syntel Pvt. Ltd.

7 Nikam Yogesh Ramdas Relationship Officer Rural Lending Farmer

Funding Sales

8 Randive Aniket Anand Relationship Officer Suryoday Small Finance

Bank Ltd.
9 Salve Nilesh Jitendra Sales Executive V5 Global Services Pvt.

10 Ugale Shweta Abasaheb Intern Cognizant Technology

Solution India Pvt. Ltd.

11 Nikole Sameer Rajendra Entrepreneur SN Traders Company

 Placement Record 2019-2020

Sr. No. Name of Students Post/ Designation Name of Organisation

1 Bendake Suraj Bhikaji Owner Kalakar Paithani & Silk

2 Bhabad Saurabh Rajendra Executive VTP Realty

3 Bhalerao Vijay Bapu Unit Manager Manipal Ciga Health

Insurance Company Ltd.

4 Bhoi Monali Raju Deputy Manager ICICI Bank Ltd.

5 Gandhi Saurabh Pramod Owner Ajay cloth store

6 Kankubji Shreeharsh Deepak Sales Development Gnani Innovations Pvt.

Representative Ltd.

7 Mali Sagar Nandu Yes Bank

8 More Sagar Rajendra Sales Executive State street HCL


9 Salve Gaurav Prakash Relationship Officer IDFC FIRST BANK

10 Shaikh Faizan Yunus Sales Executive TATA Motors Ltd.

11 Adhav Sayali Assistant Manager Kotak Mahindra Bank

12 More Saurabh Rajendra Owner Apla Bazar

 Placement Record 2020-2021

Sr. No. Name of Students Post/ Designation Name of Organisation

1 Gadakh Akshay Dnyandev Business MILKBASKET Aaidea
Development Solutions Limited

2 Gadekar Komal Sopan Analyst STATE STREET HCL


3 Gondkar Yash Sampat ENTRPRENEUR Hotel Sai Gurusthan

4 Gudghe Hrushikesh Rajendra Business Pelf Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

5 Jadhav Pratik Balasaheb Deputy Territory Atual Consumer
Manager Products Ltd.

6 Jagtap Bhakti Anil Analyst eClerx

7 Pathan Danish Ibrahim Sales Trainee Biman Reality Solution,


8 Shinde Sneha Suresh Relationship ANDROMEDA Sales &

Manager Distribution Pvt. Ltd.



10 Uttarkar Abhishek Ajay Assistant LIC OF INDIA



12 Hon Aniket Sharad Management Trainee Aditya Birla Fashion &

Retail LTD.

13 Parbhane Pratiksha Santosh Associate Team COFORGE

 Placement Record 2021-2022

Sr. No. Name of Students Post/ Designation Name of Organisation

1 Bansode Vishal Sakharam Jr. Supervisor- TEDRA Automotive
Service & Istallation Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

2 Gadkari Pravin Surykant Trainee-CCD OM Logistics LTD.


3 Pol Tushar Sakharam Lab Technician Vrindavan Diagnostic




 Placement Record 2022-2023

Sr. Name of Students Post/ Designation Name of

No. Organisation
1 CHOUBEY NISCHAL DEEPAK Trainee Process IGT Solutions.
3 DEOAKR MAHIMA SANDIP Tele-Caller RuralShores Centre-
4 GAIKWAD SANKALP VIJAY Management trainee eClerx Services Ltd.

5 Owner SHRAVYA Poultry

6 KRISHNANI HARSHAL Owner Guru Digitals
7 PATIL RUSHIKESH RATANSING B.P.D. New Associate Accenture Solutions
Pvt. Ltd.
8 TAKE VIPUL RAJENDRA D.G. Executive On Direct Marketing
Services LLP
10 Tele-Caller Rural Shores Centre-

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