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NSTP Worksheet

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Module 1 Lesson 1

Worksheet No. 1 Module 1 Lesson 1

Name: Jhayne C. Ducay BSN 2B Worksheet No. 2
Score:_______ Name: Jhayne C. Ducay BSN 2B
1. What is the purpose of preamble?
The purpose of the preamble in the Philippines is to provide an introduction 1. Enumerate the 8 national Defense Policies of the Philippines
and context for the Constitution, as well as to declare the aspirations and  The preservation of the state and the obligation of every citizen
ideals of the Filipino people. It highlights their commitment to democracy,  Employment and nations citizen and resources for national defense
social justice, peace, equality, and human rights. The preamble also serves shall be affected by national mobilization.
as a reminder of the historical struggles that have shaped Philippine society  Natural mobilization shall include the execution of all measures
and government. necessary to pass from a peace to war footing.
 The civil authority shall always be supreme
2. Enumerate the 6 citizen soldiers.  National Mobilization shall be ordered in any case of threatened or
 Army Reserve actual aggression.
 Air Force Reserve  The National defense organization shall be adopted as closely as
 Navy Reserve possible
 AFP-wide technical reserve  Mobilization of financial, industrial, economic, social, intellectual, and
 Affiliated Reseves moral forces and resources of Philippnes shall conform to the provision
 Reserve Officer of the constitutions.
 No profit incident to was shall accrue to any individual, corporation
3. Why male between the ages of 18-25 required to register for military associaion, or partnership.
instruction before? How about today?
Male citizens between the ages of 18-25 were required to register for military 2. Recall the purpose of military training and enumerate them.
instruction before in the Philippines because they may be called upon to The purpose of military training is to prepare individuals for service in the
defend their country if necessary. Today, while compulsory military service is armed forces. It aims to develop physical fitness, discipline, leadership skills,
not mandatory in the Philippines, all able-bodied males are still required to and proficiency in various military operations and tactics. Military training
undergo basic military training as part of their civic duties. This is aimed at also instills values such as patriotism, respect for authority, and commitment
promoting patriotism and national defense awareness among young to duty. The specific objectives of military training may vary depending on
Filipinos. the type and level of training provided. For example, basic military training
focuses on preparing recruits for combat operations while advanced courses
4. Discuss the role of the Citizen Armed Forces to the State target higher-level skills like intelligence gathering or special operations
The Citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines (CAFP) is a reserve force procedures.
composed of Filipino citizens who have undergone military training. Their 3. Disuss how the citizens of the Philippines are employed in the
primary role is to augment and support the regular armed forces during times Military Service.
of war, natural disasters, or other emergencies. The CAFP serves as an Filipino citizens can be employed in the Military Service through various
important component in ensuring the country's national security, as it means, such as enlisting as regular soldiers, joining the reserve force or
provides additional manpower and resources when needed. Additionally, Citizen Armed Forces, or providing specialized services relevant to their
they also play a crucial role in community development by engaging in expertise. It is seen as a duty and honor among many Filipinos due to
various civic activities such as disaster response preparedness and cultural emphasis on civic responsibility and public service.
environmental conservation efforts.
4. Explain how the male citizens of the Philippines are elisted and Lastly, LTS develops the literacy skill of Filipinos particularly school children
reenliste in the Military. through tutorial services for elementary learners who are having difficulty in
Male citizens of the Philippines can enlist or reenlist in the Military by reading Filipino or English. This component aims to assist underprivileged
meeting certain requirements, such as being a Filipino citizen, at least 18 communities in improving their quality of life through meaningful assistance
years old, and physically fit for service. They must also undergo screening for youth development.
and pass medical examinations to determine their eligibility. Once accepted,
they receive basic military training before being assigned to specific units or 4. Why do you think female students are now required to take NSTP?
areas of service. Female students are now required to take NSTP because it aims to instill
patriotism, discipline, and leadership among all students regardless of
Module 1 Lesson 1 gender. This ensures that everyone contributes to nation-building efforts and
Worksheet No. 3 promotes equity in education. Additionally, by involving female students in
Name: Jhayne C. Ducay BSN 2B community-based projects and literacy programs, they can develop civic
Score: ______ consciousness and social responsibility while also contributing to the
development of their own communities.
1. If the government has the prime duty to serve and protect its
citizens, in return, what is our responsibility in state? 5. Why are foreigners not required to take up NSTP?
As citizens, our responsibility in the state is to obey laws and regulations and Foreigners are not required to take up NSTP (National Service Training
actively participate in the democratic process by voting, staying informed on Program) in the Philippines because NSTP is a program aimed at
issues, and holding elected officials accountable. developing the civic consciousness and defense preparedness of Filipino
citizens. Foreigners are not obligated to participate in such national service
2. Why does the government recognize the important role of the youth initiatives.
in nation building?
The government recognizes the youth's important role in nation building Module 1 Lesson 1
because they are the future of the country and have potential to become Worksheet No. 4
active contributors to economic growth and community development.
Name: Jhayne C. Ducay BSN2B
3. What are the 3 components of NSTP? Explain each. Score: _______
The 3 components of NSTP are Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC),
Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS), and Literacy Training Service (LTS). 1. Define the Bill of Rights.
The Bill of Rights comprises the initial ten amendments to the United States
ROTC is a military training program that aims to instill patriotism, discipline, Constitution, safeguarding individual freedoms and shielding against
and leadership among students. It provides skills in basic military drills, government intrusion. These amendments encompass rights like freedom of
tactics, first-aid techniques and other related subjects. speech, religion, assembly, and press, the right to bear arms, protection from
unwarranted searches and seizures, due process in criminal proceedings,
CWTS focuses on implementing community-based projects that address and safeguarding against cruel and unusual punishment.
societal needs such as health promotion, environmental protection, disaster
risk reduction management among others. The primary goal of this 2. Discuss the Importance of the Bill of Rights
component is to develop civic consciousness and social responsibility The Bill of Rights is vital as it establishes fundamental rights and protections
among the students. crucial in a democratic society. It ensures citizens' freedom of expression
and religion, shields against unjust government searches and seizures, and
guarantees due process in legal proceedings. Serving as a check on
government power, it upholds human dignity and fairness under the law, 2. Enumerate the Places where the Philippine Flag is hoisted
remaining a cornerstone of American democracy. permanently day and night.
 Stars: Luzon, Visayas, Mindanao
3. Explain what a constitution is  Sun: Laguna, Nueva Ecija, Bulacan, Pampanga, Manila, Cavite,
A constitution is a foundational set of principles governing a nation or
Tarlac, Batangas
organization, delineating government structure, individual rights, checks and
balances, and citizen-state relationships. It aims to ensure stability, uphold
the rule of law, prevent abuses of power, promote social justice, and provide 3. Explain how to raise the Philippine Flag when mourning.
a framework for conflict resolution. Constitutions can be either written or When raising the Philippine flag in mourning, it should be hoisted to
unwritten. full-mast and then lowered to half-mast. The flag should remain at
half-mast for a period of seven days as a symbol of national mourning.
4. Enumerate the Citizens of the Philippines After this, it can be raised back to full-mast again. It's important that
 Citizens adopt the constitutions the lowering and raising of the flag is done with respect and dignity so
 Fathers and Mothers as to honor those who are being mourned.
 Born before January 17, 1973 that elect Philippines citizenship upon
reaching th age of majority 4. Explain the National Motto
 Naturalized in accordance of Law
The National Motto of the Philippines is "Maka-Diyos, Maka-Tao,
5. Explain the duties and obligations of citizens.
Makakalikasan at Makabansa" which translates to "For God, People,
Citizens typically have various duties, including obeying laws, paying taxes, Nature and Country". This motto emphasizes the importance of having
serving in defense or emergencies, participating in democratic processes, a national identity that prioritizes responsibility towards these four
contributing to national development through work or community service, elements. It encourages Filipinos to have a strong sense of patriotism
and respecting others' rights. Essentially, citizens are expected to actively while also being socially responsible and environmentally conscious.
uphold societal values and contribute positively to its progress. 5. Recite the Pledge of Allegiance
“Ako ay Pilipino
Buong katapatang nanunumpa
Module 1 Lesson 2 Sa watawat ng Pilipinas
Worksheet No. 5 At sa bansang kanyang sinasagisag
Na may dangal, katarungan at kalayaan
Name: Jhayne C. Ducay BSN2B
Score: _______
Na pinakikilos ng sambayanang
Maka Diyos, Maka tao, makakalikasan, at makabansa

1. Illustrate the Philippine Flag. 6. Sing the Philippine National Anthem.

Module 2 Lesson 3 3. Explain the following briefly
Worksheet No. 6 a. Using “po” and “opo” and kissing the hands of elders should be
Name: Jhayne Ducay BSN2B Using "po" and "opo" and kissing the hands of elders are important
Score: _______ cultural traditions in many Southeast Asian countries, including the
Philippines. They show respect for older generations and promote strong
1. How do you define values? family values rooted in respect for all members. Preserving these
Values refer to a set of beliefs and principles that guide an individual's customs emphasizes gratitude towards those who came before us which
behavior and decision-making. They are often deeply ingrained cultural, promotes better interaction among diverse communities while fostering
moral, or ethical ideas that reflect what is considered important and desirable harmonious coexistence despite differences in culture.
in a society or community. Values can include things like honesty, respect,
fairness, compassion, responsibility, and integrity. These ideals inform how b. “Kung ano ang puno siya ang bunga”
people interact with one another and shape their attitudes towards issues "Kung ano ang puno siya ang bunga" means that whatever is planted,
affecting themselves and others around them. that will be the result. It shows the concept of karma, where our actions
have consequences in the future.
2. Write at least 10 values that you possess and rank them according
to what you think is important to you. c. “Values are caught and not taught”
"Values are caught and not taught" means that values are learned
My ten values that I prioritize in my life and decision-making are: through observation and experience rather than simply being taught
verbally. It emphasizes the importance of modeling good behavior and
1. Honesty - Truthfulness is important as it builds trustworthiness between setting positive examples for others to follow, rather than just telling
people. them what is right or wrong. This phrase highlights the power of action
2. Respect - All individuals should be respected regardless of nationality or over words in shaping one's values and character.
3. Determination - A strong determination can help achieve any goal no Module 3 Lesson 1
matter how difficult it may seem initially. Worksheet No. 7
4. Dependability - Being reliable means others can count on you to keep
your word and follow through with what you commit yourself to do. Name: Jhayne Ducay BSN2B
5. Compassion - It helps understand others' perspectives and creates Score: _______
empathy which all humans need.
6. Hard Work – Accomplishing tasks through efforts make one feel satisfied 1. Give definition of volunteerism
and empowered Volunteerism is the act of freely giving one's time and skills to serve and
7 .Kindness- Help reduce negativity around them by granting respect help others without expecting monetary compensation. It is a form of
towards everyone they meet every day community service or social engagement that aims to address various issues
8.Courtesy – Basic manners like saying "Please" & "Thank You" make huge or challenges affecting individuals, groups, or society as a whole.
difference when interacting with public The act of holding the door open for Volunteerism may involve a wide range of activities such as fundraising,
others also shows courtesy advocacy, mentoring, teaching, providing healthcare services, disaster
9.Patience – Waiting is part of life; thus patience helps persevere during response and relief operations, among others.
those moments
10.Fairness- Being fair enables just & equal treatment before making
judgements based on prejudice or bias
2. Discuss the purpose of volunteerism act sustainable solutions for their future wellbeing. Ultimately,
The purpose of the Volunteerism Act is to recognize and promote volunteerism supports a culture of empathy and social responsibility
volunteerism as an integral part of nation-building. It aims to establish a legal that is vital for creating a prosperous society where everyone has an
framework that will support, encourage, and facilitate volunteer activities in opportunity to thrive.
various sectors such as education, health, social welfare, and environmental
protection. The Act also seeks to provide incentives and benefits for
Module 4 Lesson 1
volunteers while ensuring their safety and protection from abuse or
Worksheet No. 7
exploitation. Ultimately, the Volunteerism Act serves as a tool for harnessing
the power of collective action towards achieving social transformation and
Name: Jhayne Ducay BSN2B
sustainable development.
Score: _______
3. Enumerate the silent features of this act
1. Explains the liabilty of a person violating any regulation issued by
the Board.
Some of the key features of the Volunteerism Act include:
It's important to note that if a person violates any regulation issued by the
1. Definition and recognition of volunteerism as a legitimate form of service
Board, they may be subject to liability or legal consequences. This can
2. Establishment of a national volunteer program that will promote and
include fines, penalties, or even criminal charges in some cases. It's always
coordinate volunteer activities across different sectors
best to comply with regulations and seek guidance if you're unsure about
3. Provision for incentives, rewards, and recognition for volunteers, including
how to do so properly.
tax breaks, certificates, and other forms of non-monetary benefits
4. Protection of volunteers from exploitation or abuse by providing
2. Discuss the need for the participation of the family, students,
appropriate legal safeguards
teachers, and school authorities in the enforcement of this act
5. Encouragement for private sector organizations to involve employees in
It is important for the family, students, teachers, and school authorities to
volunteering activities through partnerships with NGOs or government
participate in enforcing this act to ensure compliance and create a safe
Overall, these features are aimed at fostering a culture of civic engagement
3. Explain the need for compulsory confinement of a drug dependent.
and participation while ensuring that volunteering remains an inclusive
activity accessible to all members of society regardless socio-economic
The need for compulsory confinement of a drug dependent is based
status or cultural background. on the principle that addiction is a chronic and relapsing disease that
requires intensive, long-term treatment. In some cases, individuals
4. Explains the importance of volunteerism in economic development may be unable or unwilling to seek help voluntarily, putting themselves
Volunteerism plays an important role in economic development as it and others at risk. Compulsory confinement provides an opportunity
helps to address social and environmental challenges that can hinder for these individuals to receive the necessary treatment in a controlled
overall growth and progress. For example, volunteer efforts in environment where they can focus solely on their recovery without any
education, healthcare, and community development can improve the external distractions or temptations. This can ultimately lead to better
quality of life for individuals and communities while helping to create a outcomes for both the individual and society as a whole by reducing
skilled workforce and productive citizens. Moreover, volunteering can drug-related crime and preventing further harm caused by addiction.
help build social capital by fostering trust, collaboration, and
cooperation among diverse groups of people. This can lead to more
resilient communities able to adapt to changes and achieve
Module 4 Lesson 2 D. What can you do as a student of NSTP to help in the campaign
Worksheet No. 8 against drug-abuse?
- As a student of NSTP (National Service Training Program), I can help in
Name: Jhayne Ducay BSN2B the campaign against drug abuse by raising awareness through educational
Score: _______ programs, organizing seminars or workshops, and actively participating in
community outreach to promote a drug-free and healthy lifestyle.I can also
Answer what are being asked for. collaborate with local authorities and organizations to support rehabilitation
1, Definition. efforts and engage in advocacy initiatives.
A. Define the drugs
- A drug is any substance that brings physical, psychological, emotional Module 5 Lesson 1
and behavioral changes when used. Worksheet No. 9

B. Define drug abuse Name: Jhayne Ducay BSN2B

- the excessive, maladaptive, or addictive use of drugs for nonmedical Score: _______
purposes despite social, psychological, and physical problems that may
arise from such use 1. Define the Geographic Profile of the Philippines.
- The Philippines is an archipelago located in Southeast Asia, comprising
2. Enumeration 7,641 islands in the western Pacific Ocean. It is situated between the
A. Reasons why people turn to drugs (9) Philippine Sea to the east, the South China Sea to the west, and the
1. Boredom Celebes Sea to the south. The country is characterized by diverse
2. Experimentation geographical features, including mountain ranges, plains, plateaus, and a
3. Thrill seeking tropical climate. Notable mountain ranges include the Cordillera Central in
4. Peer pressure Luzon and the Sierra Madre. The Philippines is prone to earthquakes and
5. Medicines can solve problems typhoons due to its location along the Pacific Ring of Fire. Major islands
6. Widespread access to various drugs include Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao, with Manila being the capital and
7. Social colonification Quezon City as the most populous city.
8. Reducing stress
9. Grieving after loss 2. Identify the Philippine Disasters
- The Philippines is prone to various disasters, including typhoons,
B. Description of a person who takes drugs (6) earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, landslides, floods, tsunamis, droughts, and
1. Mood swing impacts of climate change. These events pose significant challenges to the
2. Poor condition country, necessitating robust disaster preparedness and mitigation efforts.
3. Decreased performance at work/school
4. Shaking 3. Explain Philippine Disaster Reduction and Management Act (RA
5. Poor hygiene 10121)
6. Withdrawal from family - The Republic Act 10121, also known as the Philippine Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Act (DRRM Act) of 2010, outlines the country's
C. Efffect of drugs (3) comprehensive framework for disaster risk reduction and management. It
1. Malnutrition emphasizes a proactive and holistic approach, focusing on risk reduction,
2. Physical damage preparedness, response, recovery, and rehabilitation. The law establishes
3. Panic reaction the National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC)
to coordinate and implement policies, plans, and programs at the national B. Six General Effects of Disasters
level. It also mandates the creation of local disaster risk reduction and  Loss of life
management offices (LDRRMOs) in provinces, cities, and municipalities for  Injury
effective disaster management at the local level. The act emphasizes  Property damage
community participation, early warning systems, and the integration of  Loss of livelihoods
disaster risk reduction into development planning to enhance the country's  Social and economic disruption
resilience to disasters.  Environmental damage

4. Discuss the role of the youth in Disaster Preparedness. C. Eight Components of Disaster Management
The youth play a crucial role in disaster preparedness by actively engaging  Prevention of risk or threat of any disaster.
in awareness campaigns, participating in training programs, and contributing  Mitigation or reduction of risk of any disaster or its severity or
to community resilience. Their energy, creativity, and adaptability make them its consequences.
effective advocates for disaster preparedness education. Youth involvement  Capacity building.
in drills, workshops, and community initiatives not only enhances their own  Preparedness to deal with any disaster.
preparedness but also contributes to building a culture of safety and  Assessing the severity or magnitude of effects of any disaster.
resilience within communities. Their use of technology and social media can  Rescue & relief of the people affected by any disaster.
be powerful tools for disseminating information and mobilizing resources  Rehabilitation & Reconstruction.
during disasters. Overall, the youth are essential partners in fostering a  Solidarity
proactive and resilient approach to disaster preparedness at both the 2. Essay
individual and community levels. A. Explain the two categories of disaster and differentiate each.

Module 5 Lesson 1 1. Natural Disasters:

Worksheet No. 10 - Definition: Events caused by natural forces of the Earth, such as
geological, meteorological, hydrological, and climatological phenomena.
Name: Jhayne Ducay BSN2B - Examples: Earthquakes, floods, typhoons, volcanic eruptions,
Score: _______ tsunamis.

Answer what are being asked for. 2. Man-Made or Human-Induced Disasters

1. Enumeration - Definition: Events resulting from human actions or negligence, often
A. Ten common types of disasters with environmental, technological, or societal causes.
 Typhoons - Examples: Industrial accidents, transportation accidents, nuclear
 Earthquakes incidents, chemical spills, armed conflicts.
 Floods
 Volcanic eruptions In summary, natural disasters originate from natural processes, while
 Landslides man-made disasters stem from human activities and errors. Both
 Fires categories can have significant and wide-ranging impacts on
 Cyclones communities, necessitating distinct approaches to preparedness,
 Wildfire response, and mitigation.
 Sinkhole
 Tsunamis
B. How can you actively participate in enhancing community  Avoid moving water.
preparedness during disasters and calamities?  Stay away from damaged areas unless your assistance has been
To actively enhance community preparedness during disasters, take specifically requested by police, fire, or relief organization.
proactive steps by joining or initiating training programs to acquire and  Emergency workers will be assisting people in flooded areas. You can
share essential response skills. Promote awareness through social help them by staying off the roads and out of the way.
media, community meetings, and educational campaigns to inform  Play it safe. Additional flooding or flash floods can occur. Listen for local
everyone about risks and preparedness measures. Volunteer with local warnings and information. If your car stalls in rapidly rising waters, get
disaster response organizations, collaborate on emergency plans, out immediately and climb to higher ground.
including evacuation routes, and engage in regular drills. Utilize  Return home only when authorities indicate it is safe.
technology for real-time information dissemination and communication  Roads may still be closed because they have been damaged or are
during disasters. Establish communication channels with authorities and covered by water. Barricades have been placed for your protection. If
organizations for effective coordination. By participating in these you come upon a barricade or a flooded road, go another way.
initiatives, you contribute to creating a resilient and well-prepared
community in the face of calamities. Module 5 Lesson 3
Worksheet No. 11
Module 5 Lesson 2
Worksheet No. 10 Name: Jhayne Ducay BSN2B
Score: _______
Name: Jhayne Ducay BSN2B
Score: _______ Answer what are being asked for.
1. Enumeration
A. Fill in the Blanks with a correct answer. A. Enumerate the 10 Earthquake Intensity Scale 1.
1. Storm surge pertains to the abnormal rise of water level along a shore as The earthquake intensity scale most commonly used is the Modified
a result of primarily of the winds and pressures associated with storms. Mercalli Intensity (MMI) Scale, which ranges from I (not felt) to XII (total
destruction). Here are the first five levels of the scale:
2. Flood is a condition that occurs when water overflows the natural or
artificial confines of a stream or body of water. 1. I - Not felt: Not felt by people.
3. Tropical Cyclone is a water disturbance which is intense such as 2. II - Weak: Felt by a few people, especially on the upper floors of
typhoon and storm composed of a big whirling mass of wind and rains. buildings.
4. Earthquakes are earth vibrations produced when the stability of rock 3. III - Weak: Felt quite noticeably by people indoors, especially on upper
masses under the surface of the earth is disturbed. floors of buildings. Many people do not recognize it as an earthquake.
5. Conflagration is a large disastrous fire involving numerous 4. IV - Light: Noticeable shaking of indoor items, rattling noises.
building/houses or structures. Significant shaking of windows and doors. Overhead suspended objects
6. Volcanic Eruptions pertains to the volcanic materials ejected such as may swing back and forth.
lava, ashes, rock fragments, stem and other gases through a fissure brought 5. V - Moderate:Felt by nearly everyone, many awakened. Some dishes,
about by tremendous pressure. windows broken. Unstable objects overturned. Pendulum clocks may
7. Tsunami is a series of traveling ocean waves of long length and period stop.
usually caused by seismic disturbances in the ocean floor or confines.
8. Flooding is the most common and destructive of all the natural calamities. These intensity levels describe the effects of an earthquake at different
degrees of shaking and potential damage to structures and objects. The
B. Enumerate 6 things to do after a flood scale continues up to XII, representing total destruction.
D. Most common sources of fire (7)
2. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer. 1. Smoking
2. Cooking equipment
11. Earthquake is a sudden slipping or movement of a portion of the earth's 3. Chemicals
crust, accompanied and flowed by [ESSON 4 series of vibrations.
4. Candle
12. Seismograph is a recording instrument used by the scientists to
determine the strength and location of jectives earthquakes.
5. Electrical fires
13. Digital seismogram is the record of the wave which is imprinted on 6. Faulty wiring
paper, film, or recording tape or is stored and displayed by computers. 7. Heating equipment
14. aftershock is an earthquake of similar or lesser intensity that follows the
main earthquake. is based on the effects a person Module 6 Lesson 4
15. Intensity experiences during an earthquake, and on the damage caused Worksheet No. 13
by an earthquake.
16. Epicenter is the place on the earth's surface directly above the point on Name: Jhayne Ducay BSN2B
the fault where the earthquake rapture began. Score: _______
17. Seismic waves are the vibrations that travel outward from the
earthquake fault at speeds several miles per second. Answer what are being asked for.
18. Seismic Sea Waves If you live in coastal areas, be aware of possible 1. Enumeration
are also known as tidal waves. A. Factors to consider in selecting Portable Fire extinguisher
19. Avoid lighting a match if you are trapped. 1. S – Severity of the Fire
20.Magnitude during an earthquake, the amount of energy is released 2. H – Hazards
which is computed from the amplitude of the seismic waves. 3. A – Atmospheric Condition
4. P – Personnel Available
Module 6 Lesson 4 5. E – Ease in Handling
Worksheet No. 12
B. Classes of fire and how to control each
Name: Jhayne Ducay BSN2B Four classes of fire are separated by the type of material that they are
Score: _______ burning.
Class A: Class A classifies the common fire caused by regular flammable
elements like, wood, paper, leaves. This type fire can be
1. Enumeration
suppressed with water, we can also use Air-pressurized Water
A. Elements of Fire (3) Extinguisher for them.
- Heat, Fuel, and Oxygen Class B: This is the classification for the fires caused by flammable liquids
or gasses. Such as, Propane, Gasoline and kerosene. To suppress class
B. General Categories of Energy (5) B fire, we would use Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers that use CO2 to stop
- Thermal Energy, Chemical Energy, Nuclear Energy, Electrical the fire.
Energy, and Radiant Energy Class C: This the classification for the fire caused by electrical equipment,
Carbon Dioxide Extinguishers can also be used to stop class C fires.
C. Stages of Fire (4) Class D: This is the fire caused by flammable metals, such as:
- Ignition, growth, fully developed, and decay magnesium, lithium, sodium. Suppression method for class D fires include
using dry fire retardant powder or removing air or oxygen from the fire.
- Turn off and unplug appliances when not in use. Be mindful of using
C. Procedures in operating fire extinguishers. them near water to avoid electrical fires.
6. Install a Smoke Alarm:
Operating a fire extinguisher involves following specific procedures to - Install smoke alarms in the kitchen and regularly test them to ensure
effectively and safely extinguish a fire. Here are four steps: they are working correctly.
7. Have a Fire Extinguisher:
1. Pull the Pin: - Keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen and ensure everyone knows its
- Begin by pulling the pin located at the top of the fire extinguisher. This location and how to use it.
pin is a safety mechanism that prevents accidental discharge.
2. Aim the Nozzle: 2. List down practices at home which may become sources of fire.
- Aim the nozzle or hose at the base of the fire. Pointing at the base 1. Faulty Wiring or Electrical Issues: Overloaded circuits, damaged
ensures that the extinguishing agent is directed at the source of the wiring, or faulty electrical appliances.
flames. 2. Unattended Candles or Open Flames: Leaving candles burning or
3. Squeeze the Handle: open flames unattended.
- Squeeze the handle to release the extinguishing agent. This action 3. Improper Use of Heaters: Placing heaters too close to flammable
activates the fire extinguisher and propels the extinguishing agent towards materials or leaving them unattended.
the fire. Maintain a firm grip on the extinguisher while squeezing the 4. Cooking Accidents: Leaving cooking unattended, grease buildup, or
handle. using damaged appliances.
4. Sweep from Side to Side:
- While continuing to aim at the base of the fire, sweep the nozzle or 3. Recall an industrial fire that occurred and damaged lives and
hose from side to side. This sweeping motion helps ensure that the properties.
extinguishing agent covers the entire area of the fire, effectively A. Discuss briefly what caused it and the extent of its damage, What
suppressing it. could have been done to prevent it?
- To prevent industrial fires, measures such as regular equipment
D. Procedures to avoid kitchen fire maintenance, adherence to safety protocols, employee training on
1. Never Leave Cooking Unattended: emergency procedures, and the installation of fire suppression systems
- Stay in the kitchen while cooking, and if you must leave, turn off the can be implemented. Conducting thorough risk assessments and ensuring
stove. compliance with safety regulations are also crucial preventive steps. It's
important to stay informed about specific incidents and learn from them to
2. Keep Flammable Items Away: enhance industrial safety practices.
- Keep dish towels, paper towels, pot holders, and other flammable items
away from the stove.

3. Regularly Clean Appliances:

- Clean cooking appliances regularly to prevent the buildup of grease,
which can ignite.
4. Check Electrical Cords:
- Inspect electrical cords for signs of damage or wear, and replace any
damaged cords promptly.
5. Use Caution with Appliances:
Module 6 Lesson 4
Worksheet No. 14 11. Help the casualty to be relieved from the anxiety.
12. Gently handle the casualty.
Name: Jhayne Ducay BSN2B 13. Protect the casualty from cold and heat; do not immerse a severe
Score: _______ burn in cold water or apply cold compressed.
14. The casualty should be relieved from pain.
Enumeration: 15. Do not touch or peel blistered or dead skin. Do not apply ointment,
1. List down causes of burns. cream, or adhesive bandages.
 Fire.
 Hot liquid or steam. Module 5 Lesson 4
 Hot metal, glass or other objects. Worksheet No. 15
 Electrical currents.
 Radiation, such as that from X-rays. Name: Jhayne Ducay BSN2B
 Sunlight or other sources of ultraviolet radiation, such as a tanning Score: _______
2. Enumerate the things to do in applying treatment to the fire’s Answer what are being asked for.
victim/s. A. Fill in the blanks with the correct answer.
1. Place the burned area under running cool water for at least 5 minutes 1. Slurryis flaming river of mud.
to reduce swelling. 2. Landslides are brought by movement of masses of rocks, dearth,
2. Apply an antiseptic spray, antibiotic ointment, or aloe vera cream to and other debris saturated with water.
soothe the area. 3. Debris 4.Mudflows are rivers of rock, dearth, or debris saturated
3. Loosely wrap a gauze bandage around the burn. with water.
4. Take pain reliever 5. Problems on landslides are brought by land mismanagement.

3. Enumerate the things the first aider should do to the fire victims B. Discuss briefly the following:
1. Just be calm. Precautionary measures before, during and after landslide.
1.1 before landslide
2. Ensure safety of the casualty.
1. The outside walls, walks or stairs, begin pulling away from the
3. Guard against further injury; do not allow the burn to become building.
contaminated. Avoid coughing and breathing on the burn. 2. There is occurrence of changes in your landscape such as patterns
4. Give the casualties confidence by giving them assurance; of storms weather drainage on slope.
talking and listening to them. 3. There are new cracks appearing in plaster, tiles, bricks, or
4. Essential things to remember in handling fire victims. 4. There are unusual sounds such as cracking of the trees or knocking
5. Position the patient correctly. Do not place a pillow under a victim’s of the boulders together, which indicate moving debris.
head. 5. It is for the first time that the doors or windows are jam.
6. Artificial ventilation should be applied. 6. Appearance bulging ground at the base of the slope.
7. Immediately control bleeding. 7. Retaining walls, fences, utility poles or trees tilt or move.
8. Dress wound. 8. Widening cracks or slowly developing and appearing on the ground
9. Fractures and dislocations must be immobilized. or on paved areas such as that of driveways.
10. The casualty must be place in correct position.
9. Ground slopes downward in one direction and may begin shifting in
the same place under your feet. Name: Jhayne Ducay BSN2B
10. Indications of collapsed pavement, mud, fallen rocks and possible Score: _______
debris flow which can be seen when driving.
11. As the landslides is getting nearer, there is noticeable paint rumbling Answer what are being asked for.
sound that increases in volume. 1. Enumeration
A. What are the visible signs of drought?
1.2 during landslide 1. Reservoir levels
12. As quickly as possible, move away from the path of landslides 2. Low ground water
or debris. 3. Unusual low river flows
13. If it is not possible to escape, curt into a tight ball, and protect 4. Algae blooms
your head.
14. Find out if there are associated damages such as broken B. What are the kinds of drought? Describe each briefly.
electrical wiring, gas and sewage lines, and damaged road 5. Meteorological - is defines on basis of the degree of dryness as
well as the duration period.
ways and rail ways.
6. Agricultural Drought – occurs when crop growth in an area is
adversely affected due to drought. It is a period where there is an
1.3 after landslide inadequate soil moisture to meet the need of a particular crop at
15. Stay away from the slide area to avoid additional hazard. a particular time.
16. Immediately check for injured or trapped persons in the slide 7. Hydrological - occur when a water supply becomes scarce due to
area without entering the premise. Give direct instructions to lower water levels in water bodies likes lakes, rivers, and
the rescuers where the trapped person is. reservoirs. It refers to the deficiencies in surface and subsurface
17. Always listen to local radios and television station to be water supplies.
updated on the latest emergency information. 8. Socioeconomic – occurs when the demand for an economic good
18. Special assistance should be extended to those who needs is greater than its supply due to a water deficit created by
help—elderly people, infants, and those with disabilities, etc... shortfalls in precipitation and other weather-related adverse
changes. The period when the health, well-being, and quality of
19. Always watch as floods may occur after a landslides or debris
life of the people is affected.
20. Immediately report to appropriate authorities for broken utility C. Ways to investigate drought vulnerability.
lines, for further hazards and injury can be prevented. 9. Identify relevant drought impacts and trends over time.
21. Damaged grounds should be immediately replaced since 10. Rank significant drought impacts.
erosion caused by loss of ground covers can lead to flash 11. Investigate the underlying cause of drought impacts.
22. Professional advice should be sought from geotechnical 2. Describe briefly how to save water at home.
experts for landslides evaluation hazards or designing  Reuse Wastewater Where Possible
corrective techniques to reduce landslides.  Take Shorter Showers
 Check for water leaks
Module 5 Lesson 7  Turn Off the Water After You Wet Your Toothbrush
Worksheet No. 16
 When Washing Dishes by Hand, Don’t Leave the Water - adaptation can be understood as the process of adjusting to the current
Running for Rinsing and future effects of climate change while mitigation means making the
 Keep a Bottle of Drinking Water in the Fridge impacts of climate change less severe by preventing or reducing the
emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) into the atmosphere.
Module 6 Lesson 1
Worksheet No. 17 7. Enumerate the 7 principles of environment
1. Interdependence:
Name: Jhayne Ducay BSN2B - All living organisms and ecosystems are interconnected, and changes in
Score: _______ one part can affect the entire system.
2. Biodiversity:
Answer what are being asked for. - Diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems contributes to the resilience
1. Give the definition of global warming. and adaptability of the environment.
- A gradual increase in the overall temperature of eath’s atmosphere 3. Sustainability:
generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of - The ability of ecosystems to maintain balance over time, utilizing
carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants. resources without depleting them for future generations.
4. Conservation:
2. Describe global warming - The responsible use and protection of natural resources to prevent
- Global warming is the long-term warming of the planet's overall depletion and ensure long-term environmental health.
temperature. Though this warming trend has been going on for a long time, 5. Integration:
its pace has significantly increased in the last hundred years due to the - Recognizing the interconnectedness of social, economic, and
burning of fossil fuels. environmental factors, emphasizing the importance of holistic approaches.
6. Adaptation:
3. Give the effects of global warming - The ability of organisms and ecosystems to adjust to environmental
 a rise in sea level, leading to the loss of coastal land changes to survive and thrive.
 a change in precipitation patterns 7. Precaution:
- Taking preventive measures to avoid potential environmental harm, even
 increased risks of droughts and floods
in the absence of full scientific certainty.
 threats to biodiversity.
8. Enumerate the 8 Environmental Laws
4. Explain what green effect is. 1. Clean Air Act
- The greenhouse effect is the process through which heat is trapped near 2. Clean water act
Earth's surface by substances known as 'greenhouse gases. 3. Endangered Species Act
4. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
5. Give the definition of climate change 5. National Environmental Policy Act
- Climate change is the significant variation of average weather conditions 6. Toxic substances control act
becoming, for example, warmer, wetter, or drier over several decades or 7. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compension and Liability
longer. Act.
8. Forest Conservation Act

6. Differentiate mitigation and adaptation Module 6 Lesson 1

Worksheet No. 18 typically requires international cooperation and collaboration among law
enforcement agencies and governments.
Name: Jhayne Ducay BSN2B
Score: _______ 6. Enumerate the types of transitional crimes.
Transnational crimes include:
1. Give the definition of national security 1. Drug Trafficking: Illegal production, distribution, and transportation of
- National security refers to the protection and preservation of a nation's controlled substances across borders.
sovereignty, territorial integrity, citizens, economy, and institutions from 2. Human Trafficking: Illicit trade involving the recruitment, transportation,
external and internal threats. It involves measures to safeguard against and exploitation of individuals across national boundaries.
various dangers, including military aggression, terrorism, economic
vulnerabilities, and other factors that could jeopardize a country's well-being 3. Cybercrime: Criminal activities conducted via the internet, including
and stability. hacking, identity theft, and financial fraud.

2. Descirbe the national security of our country 4. Money Laundering: Concealing the origins of illegally obtained funds by
- National security is dynamic and can be influenced by various factors such making them appear legitimate.
as geopolitical events, internal stability, economic conditions, and evolving
threats. To obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information on your 5. Terrorism: Acts of violence or intimidation with political, ideological, or
country's national security, I recommend checking with official government religious motivations that transcend national borders.
sources, such as defense or security agencies, or referring to the latest
government publications and statements. 6. Arms Smuggling: Illicit trade and transportation of weapons across
international boundaries.
3. Enumerate the different national security threats in our country.
A. Terrorism 7. Environmental Crimes: Illegal activities that harm the environment, such
B. Maitime Security Concerns as illegal logging, poaching, and pollution.
C. Natural Disasters
D. Transnational crimes 8. Piracy: Acts of robbery or violence at sea, often involving the hijacking of
E. Internationl insurgency ships for ransom.
F. Political Instability
These crimes involve transnational elements and require coordinated efforts
4. Enumerte the different national crimes among nations to combat effectively.
- Terrorism, Drug Trafficking, Organized Crime, Corruption, Human
Trafficking, Transitional crimes

5. Give the definition of transitional crimes

- Transnational crimes refer to criminal activities that transcend national
borders, involving individuals, groups, or organizations that operate across
multiple countries. These crimes often exploit differences in legal systems
and jurisdictions, making it challenging for law enforcement to address them
effectively within a single national framework. Examples of transnational
crimes include drug trafficking, human trafficking, cybercrime, money
laundering, terrorism, and arms smuggling. Addressing transnational crimes Module 7 Lesson 1
Worksheet No. 19 3. Global Citizenship:Fostering a sense of global responsibility,
interconnectedness, and a commitment to contributing to the well-being
Name: Jhayne Ducay BSN2B of humanity.
Score: _______
4. Social Justice: Examining issues of inequality, discrimination, and
Answer what are being asked for. social injustice, and promoting actions for a fair and equitable society.
1. Give the definition of peace education.
- Peace education is an interdisciplinary field that aims to promote the 5. Environmental Sustainability: Emphasizing the link between peace
knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values needed to create a culture of peace, and environmental sustainability, promoting responsible stewardship of
prevent violence, and resolve conflicts nonviolently. It emphasizes natural resources.
understanding the root causes of conflicts, fostering empathy and tolerance,
and developing strategies for building peaceful and just societies. Peace 6. Cultural Understanding: Encouraging appreciation for cultural
education occurs in various settings, including schools, communities, and diversity, intercultural communication, and the value of different
international organizations, with the goal of cultivating individuals and perspectives.
communities committed to working towards a more peaceful world.
7. Nonviolence: Advocating for nonviolent approaches and strategies to
2. Explain the importance of peace education. address conflicts and promote positive social change.
- Peace education holds paramount significance in fostering a harmonious
and just world. By instilling conflict resolution skills, empathy, and tolerance, 8. Gender Equality: Addressing gender-based discrimination and
it equips individuals to navigate differences peacefully. This education is promoting equality and respect among all genders.
pivotal in preventing violence, promoting social cohesion, and nurturing a
global citizenship mindset. Additionally, it contributes to sustainable 9. Media Literacy: Developing critical thinking skills to analyze media
development by highlighting the interconnectedness of various societal messages, promoting awareness of bias, and encouraging responsible
aspects. Emphasizing human rights and cultural understanding, peace media consumption.
education is a catalyst for reducing prejudice and fostering a collective
commitment to respect and protect the rights of all individuals. Overall, its 10. Community Building: Highlighting the importance of building inclusive
importance lies in cultivating individuals who actively contribute to conflict and supportive communities that contribute to social cohesion.
prevention, social harmony, and the pursuit of a more equitable and peaceful
global society. These themes collectively contribute to nurturing individuals who are
informed, empathetic, and actively engaged in creating a more peaceful
3. Enumerate peace education themes that need to be addressed. and just world.

Peace education addresses various themes essential for fostering a

culture of peace. Some key themes that need to be addressed include:

1. Conflict Resolution:Teaching skills and strategies for understanding,

managing, and resolving conflicts nonviolently.

2. Human Rights: Educating about the principles and importance of

human rights, emphasizing the dignity and equality of all individuals.

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