NSTP Worksheet
NSTP Worksheet
NSTP Worksheet
4. Discuss the role of the youth in Disaster Preparedness. C. Eight Components of Disaster Management
The youth play a crucial role in disaster preparedness by actively engaging Prevention of risk or threat of any disaster.
in awareness campaigns, participating in training programs, and contributing Mitigation or reduction of risk of any disaster or its severity or
to community resilience. Their energy, creativity, and adaptability make them its consequences.
effective advocates for disaster preparedness education. Youth involvement Capacity building.
in drills, workshops, and community initiatives not only enhances their own Preparedness to deal with any disaster.
preparedness but also contributes to building a culture of safety and Assessing the severity or magnitude of effects of any disaster.
resilience within communities. Their use of technology and social media can Rescue & relief of the people affected by any disaster.
be powerful tools for disseminating information and mobilizing resources Rehabilitation & Reconstruction.
during disasters. Overall, the youth are essential partners in fostering a Solidarity
proactive and resilient approach to disaster preparedness at both the 2. Essay
individual and community levels. A. Explain the two categories of disaster and differentiate each.
3. Enumerate the things the first aider should do to the fire victims B. Discuss briefly the following:
1. Just be calm. Precautionary measures before, during and after landslide.
1.1 before landslide
2. Ensure safety of the casualty.
1. The outside walls, walks or stairs, begin pulling away from the
3. Guard against further injury; do not allow the burn to become building.
contaminated. Avoid coughing and breathing on the burn. 2. There is occurrence of changes in your landscape such as patterns
4. Give the casualties confidence by giving them assurance; of storms weather drainage on slope.
talking and listening to them. 3. There are new cracks appearing in plaster, tiles, bricks, or
4. Essential things to remember in handling fire victims. 4. There are unusual sounds such as cracking of the trees or knocking
5. Position the patient correctly. Do not place a pillow under a victim’s of the boulders together, which indicate moving debris.
head. 5. It is for the first time that the doors or windows are jam.
6. Artificial ventilation should be applied. 6. Appearance bulging ground at the base of the slope.
7. Immediately control bleeding. 7. Retaining walls, fences, utility poles or trees tilt or move.
8. Dress wound. 8. Widening cracks or slowly developing and appearing on the ground
9. Fractures and dislocations must be immobilized. or on paved areas such as that of driveways.
10. The casualty must be place in correct position.
9. Ground slopes downward in one direction and may begin shifting in
the same place under your feet. Name: Jhayne Ducay BSN2B
10. Indications of collapsed pavement, mud, fallen rocks and possible Score: _______
debris flow which can be seen when driving.
11. As the landslides is getting nearer, there is noticeable paint rumbling Answer what are being asked for.
sound that increases in volume. 1. Enumeration
A. What are the visible signs of drought?
1.2 during landslide 1. Reservoir levels
12. As quickly as possible, move away from the path of landslides 2. Low ground water
or debris. 3. Unusual low river flows
13. If it is not possible to escape, curt into a tight ball, and protect 4. Algae blooms
your head.
14. Find out if there are associated damages such as broken B. What are the kinds of drought? Describe each briefly.
electrical wiring, gas and sewage lines, and damaged road 5. Meteorological - is defines on basis of the degree of dryness as
well as the duration period.
ways and rail ways.
6. Agricultural Drought – occurs when crop growth in an area is
adversely affected due to drought. It is a period where there is an
1.3 after landslide inadequate soil moisture to meet the need of a particular crop at
15. Stay away from the slide area to avoid additional hazard. a particular time.
16. Immediately check for injured or trapped persons in the slide 7. Hydrological - occur when a water supply becomes scarce due to
area without entering the premise. Give direct instructions to lower water levels in water bodies likes lakes, rivers, and
the rescuers where the trapped person is. reservoirs. It refers to the deficiencies in surface and subsurface
17. Always listen to local radios and television station to be water supplies.
updated on the latest emergency information. 8. Socioeconomic – occurs when the demand for an economic good
18. Special assistance should be extended to those who needs is greater than its supply due to a water deficit created by
help—elderly people, infants, and those with disabilities, etc... shortfalls in precipitation and other weather-related adverse
changes. The period when the health, well-being, and quality of
19. Always watch as floods may occur after a landslides or debris
life of the people is affected.
20. Immediately report to appropriate authorities for broken utility C. Ways to investigate drought vulnerability.
lines, for further hazards and injury can be prevented. 9. Identify relevant drought impacts and trends over time.
21. Damaged grounds should be immediately replaced since 10. Rank significant drought impacts.
erosion caused by loss of ground covers can lead to flash 11. Investigate the underlying cause of drought impacts.
22. Professional advice should be sought from geotechnical 2. Describe briefly how to save water at home.
experts for landslides evaluation hazards or designing Reuse Wastewater Where Possible
corrective techniques to reduce landslides. Take Shorter Showers
Check for water leaks
Module 5 Lesson 7 Turn Off the Water After You Wet Your Toothbrush
Worksheet No. 16
When Washing Dishes by Hand, Don’t Leave the Water - adaptation can be understood as the process of adjusting to the current
Running for Rinsing and future effects of climate change while mitigation means making the
Keep a Bottle of Drinking Water in the Fridge impacts of climate change less severe by preventing or reducing the
emission of greenhouse gases (GHG) into the atmosphere.
Module 6 Lesson 1
Worksheet No. 17 7. Enumerate the 7 principles of environment
1. Interdependence:
Name: Jhayne Ducay BSN2B - All living organisms and ecosystems are interconnected, and changes in
Score: _______ one part can affect the entire system.
2. Biodiversity:
Answer what are being asked for. - Diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems contributes to the resilience
1. Give the definition of global warming. and adaptability of the environment.
- A gradual increase in the overall temperature of eath’s atmosphere 3. Sustainability:
generally attributed to the greenhouse effect caused by increased levels of - The ability of ecosystems to maintain balance over time, utilizing
carbon dioxide, chlorofluorocarbons, and other pollutants. resources without depleting them for future generations.
4. Conservation:
2. Describe global warming - The responsible use and protection of natural resources to prevent
- Global warming is the long-term warming of the planet's overall depletion and ensure long-term environmental health.
temperature. Though this warming trend has been going on for a long time, 5. Integration:
its pace has significantly increased in the last hundred years due to the - Recognizing the interconnectedness of social, economic, and
burning of fossil fuels. environmental factors, emphasizing the importance of holistic approaches.
6. Adaptation:
3. Give the effects of global warming - The ability of organisms and ecosystems to adjust to environmental
a rise in sea level, leading to the loss of coastal land changes to survive and thrive.
a change in precipitation patterns 7. Precaution:
- Taking preventive measures to avoid potential environmental harm, even
increased risks of droughts and floods
in the absence of full scientific certainty.
threats to biodiversity.
8. Enumerate the 8 Environmental Laws
4. Explain what green effect is. 1. Clean Air Act
- The greenhouse effect is the process through which heat is trapped near 2. Clean water act
Earth's surface by substances known as 'greenhouse gases. 3. Endangered Species Act
4. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
5. Give the definition of climate change 5. National Environmental Policy Act
- Climate change is the significant variation of average weather conditions 6. Toxic substances control act
becoming, for example, warmer, wetter, or drier over several decades or 7. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compension and Liability
longer. Act.
8. Forest Conservation Act
2. Descirbe the national security of our country 4. Money Laundering: Concealing the origins of illegally obtained funds by
- National security is dynamic and can be influenced by various factors such making them appear legitimate.
as geopolitical events, internal stability, economic conditions, and evolving
threats. To obtain the most accurate and up-to-date information on your 5. Terrorism: Acts of violence or intimidation with political, ideological, or
country's national security, I recommend checking with official government religious motivations that transcend national borders.
sources, such as defense or security agencies, or referring to the latest
government publications and statements. 6. Arms Smuggling: Illicit trade and transportation of weapons across
international boundaries.
3. Enumerate the different national security threats in our country.
A. Terrorism 7. Environmental Crimes: Illegal activities that harm the environment, such
B. Maitime Security Concerns as illegal logging, poaching, and pollution.
C. Natural Disasters
D. Transnational crimes 8. Piracy: Acts of robbery or violence at sea, often involving the hijacking of
E. Internationl insurgency ships for ransom.
F. Political Instability
These crimes involve transnational elements and require coordinated efforts
4. Enumerte the different national crimes among nations to combat effectively.
- Terrorism, Drug Trafficking, Organized Crime, Corruption, Human
Trafficking, Transitional crimes