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Concept note


PROJECT COST: Rs. 20.00 Crore


Rapid increase in solid waste generated from domestic, industrial and

commercial activities and lack of safe disposal system have become a growing
concern for developing countries. A ‘waste’ generally causes environmental pollution
and damage of land, water, air and living environment-being beyond the capacity of
the environment to absorb and recycle it through natural processes, and in most cases,
it is also a human health hazard. In view of large quantities of such waste management
that is suitable to the conditions of each city is the need of the hour.

How a society manages its ‘waste’ has critical socio-economic, health

and environmental implications. Waste materials may be broadly categorized into
solid, liquid, gaseous or radioactive; hazardous and non-hazardous, or, toxic and non-
toxic etc. In the course of solid waste management, different methods can be adopted
and incorporated as part of the plan.


1. Waste Reduction – Waste reduction include manufacturing products with less
packaging, encouraging customers to bring their own reusable bags, or using reusable
products such as cloth napkins, plastic and glass containers, backyard composing etc.
Waste prevention method requires public participation and thus training and
educational programmes need to be undertaken to educate the public of their role and
also the government to regulate mandatory laws.

2. Recycle method – Recycling can save energy ad provide cheap base materials
for industry. It also means less waste has to be disposed. In this method, waste
materials are sorted, and recyclables collected and used as raw materials in the
production of new products.

3. Treatment and Disposal – Waste treatment seek to transform the waste into a
form that is more manageable, reduce the volume or reduce the toxicity of the waste
thus making the waste easier to dispose off. Treatment methods are selected based on
the composition, quantity and form of the waste material. Some of the methods used
today include thermal treatment that includes incineration, gasification and open
burning, or dumps and landfills and use of biological process to treat the waste.



This concept takes an overall approach to creating sustainable system

that is economically affordable, socially acceptable and environmentally effective.
This system involves the use of a range of different treatment methods, and key to the
functioning of such a system is the collection and sorting of the waste materials in an
environmentally effective way. Thus all of the available treatment and disposal option
must be evaluated equally and the best combination of the available option suited to
the particular community chosen. Effective management schemes therefore need to
operate in ways which best meet the current social, economic, and environmental
condition of the community.


Mizoram, the 23rd state of the Indian Union is a late comer in the
development process of the country as it was included in the country’s Five Year Plan
Programme only from the 7th Plan. More than 60% of the population are still
depending on agriculture and allied activities for their livelihood. The total population
as per the last census is 10, 91,014 and density area with 95 persons per

During the last 15 years or so, Mizoram witnessed rapid urbanization

with a third of its entire population concentrated in the capital city because of job
opportunities, education, better amenities and living conditions etc. Aizawl has grown
so much both in terms of population and area. In view of this unplanned growth and
the resulting insufficiency in amenities and infrastructure, an effective waste
management scheme is therefore required in order to solve health and environmental
problems caused by increasing amount of waste and to turn the situation into an
opportunity to contribute to the socio-economic development of the people.


Waste collection and disposal in Aizawl city was primarily in the hands
of the Local Administrative Department (LAD) until Aizawl Municipal Council was
formed in November 2010. The department was understaffed and not equipped to
handle such a task as complicated and technical in nature as waste management.


Waste collection vats at various points within Aizawl City became breeding grounds
for fly and pests. Individual families, commercial establishments and institutions
throw their solid waste in bins, street, drains and open spaces. This has resulted in
dirty streets and clogged drains leading to insanitary conditions affecting overall
health and environment. Waste collected is dumped in the disposal site and there is no
scientific treatment of the waste dumped.

As of now, waste collection and disposal is being implementing by

Aizawl Municipal Corporation (AMC) in Public Private Partnership mode within the
Aizawl Municipal Area. All the 83 local councils within Aizawl Municipal Area have
been entrusted with the responsibility of collecting domestic and commercial wastes
within their respective areas and to dispose this waste in common Solid Waste
Management Centre (SWMC) at Tuirial, for scientific treatment and in compliance
with the MSW Rules 2000. The new arrangement gained public support and active
participation which in turn contribute largely to the success to the cleaning drive.


The Aizawl City encompasses an area of 128.91 divided into 19

wards. As per census 2011, the population of Aizawl City is 2,93,416.
The current area population of Aizawl in 2020 is 370,000, a 2.49% increase from
2019. The population of Aizawl in 2019 was 361,000, a 2.27% increase from 2018.
The population of Aizawl in 2018 was 353,000, a 2.62% increase from 2017. The
total road length of roads is about 412 kms. AMC has about 96 vehicles of capacity
ranging from 1.5-3 cum on PPP basis which are used for the day-to-day collection and
transportation of waste directly taken without any treatment to the disposal site at
Solid Waste Management Centre, Tuirial which is 20 km away from Aizawl City core
area, which is located at latitude 23.442844 and longitude 92.474430 at eastern side of
the city.

At present, Aizawl city generates solid waste approximate 167.91 TPD

which may increase in yearly. Collection and Transportation of solid waste is a
problem both in the primary and secondary routes due to heavy congestion of in these
routes and lack of adequate number of vehicles at AMC’s disposal. Due to
urbanization, the solid waste generation expected is very high in near future. So, it is
necessary to propose economically feasible and technically viable solutions which can


be implemented in a phased manner. As Mizoram is in hilly area the transportation of
solid waste through long distances in the narrow roads will be very difficult, and there
is a high advantage of landslide attempting which affects traffic will flow/jam
resulting in irregular collection of solid waste. Due to problem faced in hill area and
urbanization, the therefore, it is reveals that the existing one Solid Waste Management
Centre (SWMC) may not cater in near future as already assumed. To manage of
envisage problem, there is need to provide SWMC in each corridors (North, West &
South) of the city other than the existing SWMC. This is to be compliance for Aizawl
Master Plan Vision, 2030.

The following schemes may be adopted and incorporated in MSWM
Rules, 2000.

1. Recycling

Among the accepted 5 R’s – Recycle, Reuse, Reduce, Refuse and Repair of
waste management, recycling is not only the most important aspect, but is also the one
that forms a linkage among the other four R’s

Recycling of wastes not only save energy and reduces the quantity of wastes disposed
in dumping ground, but it can boost’s the state economy and provide a good source of
income for the poor and the unemployed. In a state like Mizoram which does no\t
have a sound economic base and where a large number of educated youth are
struggling to find employment opportunities both in government and private sectors,
recycling business can fill the widening gap between the number of workforce and
income generating activities; and contribute towards the state’s economy by
generating more revenue.

An effective waste collection policy with recycling as the thrust activity can also help
in evolving environmental friendly methods of waste disposal.

Waste Bank – A Novel Idea

The concept of waste banks needs to be evolved so that waste recycling gets social
acceptance. Education and awareness can bring about this change in perception about


A waste bank is a place where people can deposit their segregate waste such as paper,
metal, glass, etc and get paid for the wastes that they bring in. The waste bank then
will processes the waste and sell it further ahead to specific companies/firms
specializing in waste recycling business such as paper recycling businesses, sponge
iron plants and the like. For example, iron scraps have a ready market since there is an
iron plant already in operation at Lengpui Industrial Estate.

Waste banks and waste warehouses need to be established in a number of localities in

and around Aizawl. This concept can also be taken to schools wherein schools on
their own also can form waste banks to sell off waste that students bring in. This not
only will help reduce waste but can help in increasing awareness about the need to
reduce waste and recycle it wherever feasible.

Waste dealing business in Mizoram is by far not organizes and waste dealing itself has
been generally considered a low status occupation. Economic motivation can provide
the necessary incentive for people to adopt the recycling of waste. Establishment of
waste banks has the potentials to create various small scale waste recycling ventures
such as paper cartons and paper packing boxes.

II. Composting

Implementation of a treatment for the proper management of organic wastes is

of great importance because of the benefits that will help to improve human activities
like agriculture, and the mitigation of negative impacts on the ground, Preventing the
wear and loss of the production capacity that leads to the generation of infertile soils
with problems of recruitment of both, water, and nutrients, and therefore, the loss of
the organic layer which is indispensable to sustain plant life. One effective method to
regenerate the soil is the vermin compost, which is based on the utility of an
invertebrate worm called Eiseniafoetida, also known as the California red worm. This
worm is known for its ability to accelerate the degradation of organic matter turning it
into a product with high nutritional value for plants and soil biota, producing a soil
with a composition in micro and macro nutrients that are essential for the growth and
development of all kind of plants.


A pilot composting project specifically a vermin-composting one needs to be

established near to the municipal ground. To start with at least 20 units involving
people from the adjacent communities of Self Help Groups (SHGs) can be set up.
These people will be given proper training in waste segregation and will be equipped
with adequate hygienic equipment for the processing of organic waste. The Vermi-
compost has a ready market in state as Mizoram is a state where there is increasing
awareness about organic food. Such vermin-composting units can ensure sustainable
means of livelihood for people from low income groups and also help in effective
waste management.

III. Landfills

With proper composting, recycling and treatment of bio-medical waste a very

small percentage of inert matter will be left on hand. For this land filling is proposed.

The existing municipal dumping ground for the majority of waste of Aizawl is
at a site about 10 kilometres from the city. Wastes are dumped here, recyclable
materials are collected by those engaged in the activity and then the wastes are burnt.
Such inefficient burning ia hazardous and also adds to the pollution footprint to the

Landfills sites, catering to the east, west, north and south ends of Aizawl need
to be established. These landfills sites should be set up in carefully selected open sites
far away from sources of water and on modern and scientific lines.

IV. Education, Awareness & Training

There is an urgent need to educate, increase awareness and provide training in

terms of capacity building for waste segregation and collection to various stakeholders
including the Local Councils and NGOs. The capacity building programmes will be
aimed at segregation of waste into organic, non-organic/inert matter, paper and glass
at the household level itself. This step itself can make waste collection and
segregation and employment avenue and also help in efficient waste management.

In addition, leaflets targeted at households, schools and colleges, community

based organizations, community leaders and small businesses will be prepared. These
will provide required information about waste management and disposal to the
targeted groups.



The objective of Solid Waste Management is to implement integrated solid waste
management in ways that are protective to human health and the environment. Waste
segregation is included in law because it is much easier to recycle. Effective
segregation of wastes means that less waste goes to landfill which makes it cheaper
and better for people and the environment. It is also important to segregate for public

Waste can be segregated into biodegradable waste and non-biodegradable waste.

The objectives of sorting are as follows:-

1. To protect environmental health: The first goal is to protect the health of the
urban population, particularly that of low-income groups who suffer most from
poor waste management.
2. To separately store recyclable material for reuse.
3. To ensure that waste which can be processed for recovery of material and
energy does not become co-mixed with undesirable elements.
4. To separately store hazardous waste for disposal in hazardous waste landfills or
for appropriate processing.
5. To promote the quality of the urban environment: The second aim is to promote
environmental conditions by controlling pollution including water, air, soil and
ensuring the sustainability of eco-system in and around Aizawl city.
6. To support the efficiency and productivity of the economy: The proposed
scheme supports urban economic development by providing demanded waste
management services and ensuring the efficient use and conservation of
valuable materials and resources.
7. To minimize the waste and ensure reduction in landfill space for final disposal.
8. To generate employment and income: The scheme aims to generate
employment and incomes in the sector itself.


The management of the assets born out of the project will be sustained
through a third party contract system/PPP Mode and the overall accountability of the
project. Sustainability is the most imported sorted feature to ensure success to project.
Sustainability of a project simply implies the continuation of project activity and
sustenance of project outcomes after the completion of the construction of project.
Sustainability is to maintain and continue the effort to achieve the goals objectives of
the project.

So to achieve a sustained project, operation and maintenance cleanliness

is an important factor in every project. It is important to clearly known basic of the
goals and objectives proposed. Therefore if sustainable is importance, the project will
achieve success in every condition.


To cater solid waste generate for western side within the AMC area, it is
propose to establish solid waste management centre at Sihphir. The site is along the
major district road, and is situated at 23.451541’N latitude and 92.393560’N longitude.
Therefore, at present there are no infrastructure facilities provided by the Government
till date.

The proposed site is measuring an area of 3.738 hectares


The project cost will be Rs. 20.00 crore.


The project will be completed within 24 months from the date of

commencement of the project.




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