The Commerce Game Ebook

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In this book

i reveal the truth about

the commerce game,

how it works,

and how to win it……



Three Reasons Your Incompetent

Your Foreign Situs Trust Estate

This is what happened to You

The Solution to Your Incompetence

The Commerce Game and How to Win it


Old Souls Nation

Roadmap to Freedom Webinar Series

Brief Backstory

For thirty years, i worked at the top of the financial pyramid with some of the most influential

i created one of the biggest money management firms of its type in the United Kingdom.

My firm had a joint venture with one of the biggest banks in the UK and the money was
rolling in, life was good, and opportunities were everywhere, i thought i had made it.

In 2008, i started to realise how the game of commerce really works and was offered a deal
by my bank joint venture partners that would have enriched me and taken me even higher
up the financial pyramid, but if i accepted the deal my firms’ clients would have been
financially devastated.

i turned the deal down, and my ex joint venture partners who run all aspects of the money
game including having the financial regulators in their pockets tried to destroy me, and they
nearly achieved it.

But the more they tried to push me down the more i came up stronger.

From 2008, i have been on an incredible quest to reveal the truth about how commerce
works and provide facilitated financial abundance and a freedom lifestyle for those that
want to free themselves from the control system that i call the Matrix.


You can read about my incredible journey in my "The Freedom Chronicles" eBook.

You can also read my other popular eBooks:

• “The Great Escape”

• “The Roadmap to Freedom”
• “Living Privately, The Roadmap to Freedom Way”

Or you can attend my webinars to access facilitated financial abundance at:

Three Reasons You’re Incompetent

There are three reasons why you're not already financially abundant:

1) Your incompetence. Commerce is a game; the rules are deliberately not outlined or

explained, but they are all in plain sight for those seeking them out.

2) The State's breach of trust, when your mother put you into voluntary serfdom by

unknowingly settling your energy and labour into a Foreign Situs Trust (birth certificate

TITLE "created by State") and an artificial NAME was Registered onto the sea of


3) You are programmed through fear to accept the appearance of the world without

challenge; this is cognitive dissonance and most suffer from it.

Your Foreign Situs Trust

The Foreign Situs Trust splits your Estate (your energy, labour, and property) into:

• "Legal Title" (right of possession) for the State

• "Equitable Title" (right of use) for you.

At the age of 18, you can claim the Legal Title over your Estate (all property) by correcting

your standing and status; by doing this, you remove the implied consent that the State

relies on to legally control you.

Like the majority, your relationship with the State is probably misunderstood; most believe

they are servants of the State, that the State is at the top and they are at the bottom.

But the State is now, and has always been, a Trust Relationship with the people over the


Trust Relationships are managed under Equity Law and Chancery law, the Law of the Sea.

Natural Law is the basis of our system of law, and the State complies with it by getting our

consent to the Acts and Statutes that they use to control us.

So long as our consent is given, the State it is in accord with Natural law, and the 'rules that

are made' once consent is given (legal Acts, Codes and Statutes) have power over us.

Man's laws are the rules created once consent is given or implied.

The State takes control of the people because the people consent to State control.

Law of Free Will

A trust agreement, or contract, seems like some invention of modern society, but it is a

principle of the natural world and has always existed.

When two or more free-will beings want to interact, they do so using agreements, and if we

analyse life itself, we can see that there is always consent to operate at every level of


In this sense, free will is always honoured, but since someone may not understand what

they are consenting to (due to lack of knowledge), they may agree to something in the past,

that is later discovered to be dishonourable.

Power and authority are therefore agreements between the State and the people.

All States, whether by way of Monarchy, Democracy or Republic, are Corporations

(Corporeal Oration - to make real through a speaking agreement) and they all have a trust

agreement with the people.

This aspect of reality i.e. the corporate State and trust agreements is deeply understood by

our would-be masters, the State.

The State know that that their perception of power over the people is illusory.

To rule by consent the State tricks the people by using coercion, threats of violence, fines,

imprisonment, sanctions, etc.

This is a crucial point to understand, and while many people would like to believe the State

victimises us, the truth is that it is our incompetence and lack of action that gives the State


The Source of Energy – Consciousness

The source of all energy originates from consciousness, it is everything, and we are all part

of it, we are just like drops of water from the ocean, the drop is as powerful as the ocean as

it is the ocean.

The State knows of our power but does not want us to know of it.

Control via Ego Programming Despite the Truth Being in Plain Sight

To separate the people from their power the State programmes the people by concealing

the truth with false information that appears true.

False information is reinforced by our parents, friends, teachers, bosses, books, TV, the

internet, and other sources.

The State knows that by concealing the truth the majority will behave through their ego

which is motivated by fear and greed.

The older souls know that something is not right, they challenge the false information and

seek out the truth.

The Control of Your Estate

If we want to understand our proper place as creators and creditors of our Foreign Situs

Trust estate, our freedom of mind, body, and soul we must know how the system of

commerce works.

The Creator is within each being in the universe, from small to large, and when free will

acts, it is an aspect of the Creator in operation.

Most don't seek this knowledge, but the State knows it, as can be seen by reviewing the

Papal bulls of the Vatican.

When the Creator 'sent us forth into creation, to move, breathe and have our being', we

agreed to do the 'working of a Creator' and honour its will.

We were entrusted with a mind, body, and soul to create our 'temple within' and help create

a harmonious paradise on earth.

The Papal Bulls assert the Vatican and its trustees as the trusted consorts to the Creator,

stating that until the Creator or the people do otherwise, their rule is divinely ordained until

we dispel their presumption of Creator-given authority.

They say that until we 'come of age' and realise our purpose, those who have 'come of age'

are entrusted to share their knowledge and educate us so we can do great work.

If we refuse to do the work and fall into sin (ignorance of our original trust as a Creator), a

trusted consort must come in and manage us until we see the light: the Vatican and its

agents in this case.

Because each person is a powerful embodiment of Creation, we can create much chaos in

the world if we use our powers unwisely.

Until we come of age and begin using our will to create harmony, we must be managed like

animals and spiritually dead things.

While this is a sobering perspective, it is in harmony with Natural Law.

The creation of the Foreign Situs trust via registration of newborn babies and the pledge of

their energy and labour to underwrite the State and its costs and the State control of the

masses via consent is a way to finance the economy and manage and control the masses.

Most of the people resonate with their ego, see themselves as separate from and in

competition with others, and for this reason the world is run like a prison planet which the

majority consented to via trust agreements between them and the State.

The Management of your Foreign Situs Estate

The State manages your estate and presumes you are dead, incompetent, and lost at sea.

You act as the trustee and a joint beneficiary to your estate with the State, the State as the


The State as the Executor has complete control over your Estate.

You, the trustee will pay all debts of the Estate and will own and control nothing within the


To take control of your Estate you must be present, indicating you have come of age, are

alive and not lost at sea and are competent to manage your Estate, i.e., your body, mind

and soul.

Taking Control of Your Estate

To reclaim the trust, you must execute a range of Standing and Status correction steps.

If you fail to do this, you will remain dead and lost at sea and will be treated as incompetent.

In other words, if you don’t correct your Standing and Status and become competent you

agree to be controlled and will remain incompetent via implied or tacit consent.

Countries are Bankrupt Corporations

From 1933, all countries were registered as corporations to the United States, itself a

corporation, via a Securities and Exchange Commission listing.

The United States Inc is in Chapter 11 bankruptcy, as are all countries registered to the

United States.

The State you were registered to is a subsidiary of the United States Inc and you as a As a

Citizen of your State you are an employee of the United States Inc.

All Citizens are deemed incompetent and enemies of the State ("Trading With The Enemy

Act" (Sixty-Fifth Congress, Sess. I, Chs. 105, 106, October 6, 1917), and as codified at 12

U.S.C.A. 95a.).

Under Equity Law, world Citizens who do not rebut the presumptions of being dead and lost

at sea and incompetent by correcting their Standing and Status and by demonstrating their

competence accept the control of the United States Inc.

Your State, as a subsidiary of the United States Inc, has a mandate, procured by the

people’s consent, to be manage as incompetent serfs.

By not correcting Standing and Status and rebutting the presumptions, the people have

given their permission for the United States Inc and all other States to do anything on Earth.

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This is what happened to You

When you were born, your parents declared you incompetent and created an estate with

the State to manage your affairs for you until you came of age and became competent.

This declaration is accurate.

You need to understand how the world works, what Equity Law is, and your actual status as

a Grantor and Administrator to be competent.

Most people have yet to learn about this, which is why you/they are incompetent.

If the State were honourable, it would disclose all of this to you during your life, and

eventually, you would take control of your Estate.

But the State is not honourable; instead, it does everything it can to keep you ignorant,

offering all sorts of distractions to maintain your status of incompetency.

By the time you come of age, you're more interested in distractions than in managing your

Estate (mind, body and soul), and taking responsibility for your life.

While you are growing up, the State quietly declares you to be dead and lost at sea.

Since you are already considered an enemy of the United States Inc, you are considered a

criminal under the 13th Amendment and can now be treated as a work slave.

Practices of the State

Many people think that slavery ended during the American Civil War, with the ratification of

the 13th amendment, but in fact, the 13-amendment legalised slavery on a massive scale:

We will be discussing these treaties in more detail in a moment and how they go to the

motive of the equally bizarre and false 13th amendment that converts every United States

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Inc employee (including you) into both a criminal and an enslaved person or a 14th

Amendment US citizen into a piece of cargo- being worse than an enslaved person.

Within the Equity System Managed by the Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.), your Estate

is created at birth via the proof of live birth; a birth certificate.

An Estate is an age-old technology developed for imparting trust from the original owner or

creator to a trustee or third party.

For example, during the crusades, the volunteers would entrust their Estate to a friend or

family member, who would manage the land for them while they were gone under a Cestui

Que Vie Trust.

If the Crusader died or was lost at sea, then the friend could claim the Estate as their own.

And this is exactly what the State does to every birth certificate carrying individual:

The United States is the only country in the world that not only condones slavery but has

embedded it as a religious and moral right within its own constitution.

However, that is exactly what the false 13th Amendment says:

The 13th Amendment does not abolish slavery; it converts it into a claimed religious and

moral right. The 13th Amendment did not end slavery; it just changed the name of slaves to


"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for the crime of which

the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place

subject to their jurisdiction."

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How could anyone in their right mind logically conclude then that the 13th Amendment

abolished slavery? It did not! – it institutionalised it to the present day under the Fascist

models of the NWO 2.0, then the Third Reich, and now the Fourth Reich.

Lastly, the Birth Certificate does not clearly state the Live Child or Dead Child, and this

opens the door for a presumption of death.

Like the family member who took ownership of the Crusader's Estate, the State can claim

that the grantor died or was lost at sea.

If you do not show up to say otherwise, this presumption becomes a 'cured fact' under

Equity Law, and the State can step in and begin using your Estate for its own purposes.

The Solution

Hopefully, an underlying theme should be apparent, that complete knowledge or lack

thereof is the root cause of your incompetence and, therefore, the solution is to educate


Knowledge is Power – Truth Sets you Free

Since it is true that when you were born, you were not competent, you must educate


Knowledge is power. How can you possibly hope to get your entrusted Estate back if you

don't even know it exists or that we have claim to it?

The information presented in this article is a great start but memorising a few facts and

correcting Standing and Status is not enough.

Knowledge is the first layer of the onion, it is our behaviour that determines our


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Our Estate is not a birth certificate or a piece of land somewhere; our Estate is our mind,

body and soul.

This is where the lawful/legal side merges with the spiritual side.

We must learn discernment and stop placing blind faith in leaders and experts because

these are representatives; they represent us whilst we are incompetent, once we become

competent, we must present ourselves.

To become competent, you must gain knowledge of the deception, you must resonate with

the truth, come together with others that resonate on the truth frequency as one, remember

you are a drop in the ocean because you are the ocean.

Rebut the Presumption

If you continue to accept the illusory authority of State, you will remain incompetent.

As you start to gain knowledge of the deception, you can begin acting on it.

For example, by voting, you are entering into an agreement with the State that presumes

your incompetence and their status of authority over you.

By your very action of voting, you gave them your consent and you validated your


Either you stop consenting to all the forms of authoritarian rule (paying taxes, tickets and

fines, accepting corporate justice from courts, etc) and in doing so prove your competence,

or you do nothing and continue to be controlled by implied consent.

In this case, there is no grey area, and there are no bystanders; either you're competent or

incompetent, free or governed, harsh as that may sound.

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This last point unifies all the people of the world under a common cause of true freedom.

Even if we educate ourselves and prove our competence by acting within this knowledge in

our personal lives, there is still a whole world of incompetent and willing slaves to deal with.

Because they have, by their ignorance and inaction, given a mandate to the State to

continue slavery and tyranny.

Remember, the State’s mandate is maintained by deception and ignorance - they deceive

people into giving them the 'right to rule.'

If you are still reading this, you are probably ready to know how the truth about the

commerce game and how it works.

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The Truth about the Commerce Game

How it Works and How to Win it……


The Two Yous





The Natural Person is an expression of consciousness, originating from the source of all

Your Legal Person is a corporation that operates as your Natural Person’s agent in

The name used by the Legal Person registered and controlled by the State.

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Natural Person



• Sentient “One” consciousness.

• Dominion over the earth.

• Inalienable rights.

• The King/Queen.

• Emperor/Empress.

• The master of all.

• Private Sector.

• Creditor.

• Credit creator.

• Tax exempt.

• Unlimited liability.

• Surety for Legal Person.

• Private sector.

• Light.

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Legal Person




• Registered and receives a Birth Certificate.

• Cast away into the Sea of Commerce presumed dead Cestui Que Vie 1666 1707.

• An infant.

• A ward of the State.

• A debtor.

• Will rent everything.

• Public Sector.

• Debtor.

• Private banker.

• Tax Payer.

• Limited liability.

• Warrantor.

• Public sector.

• Dark.
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The Legal Person operates from the Public Sector:

• Owned and controlled by the State as their ward.

• Controlled by the State under Statutes and Codes.

• As a child of the State.

• As a debtor.

• With no rights.

• With no wealth as all assets are registered to the State.

• Rents everything from the State.

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One World System

The commerce system is centrally controlled and co-ordinated from the United States of

America Inc.

All countries are corporations registered at:

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Commerce is a Game

Following the birth registration event, the Legal Person becomes a corporate trust vessel

that plays commerce, it's like playing monopoly on board a vessel on the sea of commerce.

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World Chapter 11 Bankruptcy


Central Banks
Clearing Banks

From 1933 all countries (corporations) operate under chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Rothschilds of England (The Crown) created an empire, the "UNITED STATES OF

AMERICA", and enslaved the Republic of the United States of America under corporate

bankruptcy protocols.

The same was carried out across Europe, Japan and elsewhere, as the nations decimated

by the First World War went cap in hand to the private trust; the Rothschild Bank of

International Settlements, for COUNTERFEIT "credit" to re-build the nations and


This schism of natural economics and finance secured all nations via the already implanted

Rothschild Central Banks with all nations enslaved by the corporate Vatican Cestui Que Vie

Trusts that control the peoples Estates whilst pledging their energy and labour to underwrite


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House Joint Resolution 192 (HJR 192)

Your Right to Discharge Debt and Recoup Your Credit

In 1933 the United States Inc put its insurance policy into place with House Joint Resolution

192 and recorded it in the Congressional Record.

It was not required to be promulgated in the Federal Register.

An Executive Order was issued on April 5, 1933, paving the way for the withdrawal of gold

in the United States.

Representative Louis T. McFadden brought formal charges on May 23, 1933, against the

Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve Bank system, the Comptroller of the Currency,

and the Secretary of the United States Treasury (Congressional Record May 23, 1933,

page 4055-4058).

HJR 192 passed on June 3, 1933. Mr. McFadden claimed on June 10, 1933: “Mr.

Chairman, we have one of the most corrupt institutions the world has ever known in this

country. I refer to the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks…”

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HJR 192 is the insurance policy that protects the legislators from a conviction for fraud and

treason against the American people. It also protects the American people from damages

caused by the actions of the United States.

HJR 192 provided that the one with the gold paid the bills.

It removed the requirement that the United States subjects and employees had to pay their

debts with gold.

It prohibited the inclusion of a clause in all subsequent contracts that would require

payment in gold.

It also cancelled the clause in every contract written before June 5, 1933, that retroactively

required an obligation to be paid in gold.

It provided that the United States subjects and employees (nearly every citizen in the world

is a US employee) could use any coin and currency to discharge a public debt if it were

used in the ordinary course of business in the United States.

For a time, United States Notes were the currency used to discharge debts. Still, later, the

Federal Reserve and the United States provided a new medium of exchange through paper

notes and debt instruments that could be passed on to a debtor’s creditors to discharge the

debtor’s debts.

That same currency is available to us to use to discharge public debts.

In the 1950s, the Uniform Commercial Code was presented to the States to unify the

generally accepted procedures for handling the new legal system of dealing with

commercial fictions (citizens and other corporations) as though they were real.

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Security instruments replaced substance as collateral for debts. Presumptive contracts

could support security instruments. Debt instruments with collateral and accommodating

parties could be used instead of money.

The World is Made up of Debtors and Creditors

The world of commerce has an equal balance of creditors and debtors.

You are both a creditor (Natural Person) and a debtor (Legal Person) along with all other

corporations (Countries, big corporate) in the monopoly game of commerce.

Public and Private

The world of commerce has a Private sector and a Public sector.

Your Legal Person plays in the Public sector as a debtor with other corporate vessels also

as debtors and your Natural Person plays in the Private sector as a creditor.

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World Bankruptcy


Central Banks
Clearing Banks

From 1933 all countries (corporations) operate in chapter 11 bankruptcy.

Rothschilds of England (The Crown) created an empire, the "UNITED STATES OF

AMERICA", and enslaved the Republic of the United States of America under corporate

bankruptcy protocols.

The same was carried out across Europe, Japan and elsewhere, as the nations decimated

by the First World War went cap in hand to the private trust; the Rothschild Bank of

International Settlements, for COUNTERFEIT "credit" to re-build the nations and


This schism of natural economics and finance secured all nations via the already implanted

Rothschild Central Banks

The populations of those nations enslaved by the corporate Vatican CESTUI Que Vie Trusts

formed at the registration of your flesh and blood.

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Money Creation

Money has no asset backing, its energy and labour that springs into existence via promises

to pay in the future (securities), it’s energy debt.

From 1933 the energy and labour of the Natural Person(s) underpins and creates the

money supply.

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World Debt is Owed to You

Why, because you and all other Natural Person(s) transmitted the energy and labour via a

bank that converted it into currency and it became world debt, the debt is owed back to the

people, because they created it.

You are owed a share of the world debt………….

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They Are Using Your Credit

Your mortgage/s, loan/s and “payments” are securities, they were created by a bank when

you as a Natural Person transmitted energy via your Legal person with a signature on a

contract with the bank or an instruction.

The bank converted your energy (credit) into a security (a promise to pay in the future) and

new debt and credit sprung into existence, the debt and credit held in constructive trusts.

You are the “holder in due course” of the credit that created the mortgage, loan and

payment, you are the beneficiary and creditor to the constructive trusts.

The State is also using your credit to finance all public services.

Public and Private Cestui Que Vie Trusts

Cestui Que
Vie Trusts

Public Private
Debt Credit

Energy and labour originate in the Private sector, its transmitted by Natural person (s) in the

Private sector via their Legal person (s) (as Private bankers) in the Public sector, through

their banks in the Public sector. The debt stays in the Public sector until it is recouped back

to the Private sector.

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The Commerce Game and How to Win it

Return your Energy to Source

PUBLIC private
DEBTOR creditor

• Control your Legal Person in the Public sector.

• Discharge your Legal person’s debts with credit from your Private sector.

• Recoup your credit from your Public sector back to your Private sector and zero the

constructive trust ledgers.

• Create new debt on your Public sector and recoup it to your Private sector to acquire


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Play The Game by The Rules

The commerce game is designed to keep the Legal Person in the Public sector as a

debtor in serfdom, but for those that have figured out how the game works, there is a

peaceful way out.

Play the game 100% compliantly with the rules of the game, correct your standing and

status, utilise the correct procedures that are freely available from the system and you

are set free! why?

Because the game is set up to keep those in ignorance of the rules, the incompetent as

debtors in the Public and for those that know who they are and play the game correctly

as creditors as they deserve to win their freedom.

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Your Roadmap to Financial Abundance & Freedom

1. Overstand the Public and Private sectors, know you are a creator, the executor and
beneficiary to the Public debt.

2. Convert from debtor to creditor/beneficiary via status and standing correction and get
your Private sector infrastructure set up.

3. Issue credit in Private to discharge your mortgage and loans.

4. Recoup your credit “bank payments”

5. Recoup your “securities” mortgages, loans and other debts.

6. Create new currency to acquire assets by issuing new credit in Private and hold your
assets in private trust.

7. Interact with others in MATRIXFREEDOM’S independent freedom community.

The Roadmap to Freedom

Live in Recoup
the Discharg your Create
Citizenship your Control
Private e of personal new
status and mortgag and
realm as your and currency
standing e and shelter of
the mortgag business to
correction creator loan your
e, debts bank acquire
and securitie assets
and tax payment assets
creditor s

A 100% facilitated program, each component works in peaceful harmony, with the system,

all 100% lawful.

32 | P a g e
Where is The Roadmap to Freedom Available?

The Roadmap to Freedom program is available in most countries across the world.

Members can become financially abundant with a freedom lifestyle, operating within the

infrastructure provided by the Matrix or coexist with the Matrix infrastructure in tandem with

our Freedom nation and its independent infrastructure.


You may be wondering why i and the MATRIXFREEDOM team want and need to recruit

members into the MATRIXFREEDOM Private Members Association, especially as the inner

circle of leaders at MATRIXFREEDOM know all the secrets of financial abundance.

The answer is simple, we are building the words biggest freedom community and an

independent Old Souls Nation.

Members can operate in parallel with the current world infrastructure system or step out of it

completely by becoming a State national of the Old Souls Nation, with:

33 | P a g e
• Abundant waveform electrical energy.

• Abundant fresh water from the atmosphere.

• Natural food.

• Sound frequency and waveform health solutions.

• Independent communications and internet.

• Gold, silver and asset backed money.

• A worldwide vendor network.

• Electric cars.

• Electric airship travel.

• Luxury living on our network of islands.

The solution to the global control agenda is not to fight it, it’s to coexist with it in peace or

step out of it to freedom the MATRIXFREEDOM way.

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Want To Know More

Other books in my series:

• The Roadmap to Freedom.

• Living Privately.

• The Great Escape.

Available at and at Amazon, or book your seat on:


The The Status Recouping Creating

Mortgage Recouping your Holding
“Roadmap The Two One Standing Currency
Operational / Debt Your Bank Mortgage Assets
to Yous World to Acquire
Management Discharge Payments and other Privately
Freedom” System Assets

35 | P a g e
Notice to Public Regulators


Is a Private Members Association that requires no Public licence.

Via its affiliated administrative companies do not provide financial or legal services.

Via its affiliated administrative companies facilitate member directed processes acting

on directions provided by MF-PMA members.

Via its affiliated administrative companies do not act as the members Agent or


The affiliated administrative companies do not represent the member.

Via its affiliated administrative companies do not provide a warranty of the success of

any process or take responsibility for any MF-PMA members directions.

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