Assessment Workbook - Module 1

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Student name: Diego Fernando Pérez Lucena

Student ID: 8843403 Date Completed: 29/05/2022


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o If working in a group, where group work is allowed in an assessment task, I actively participated in group work and
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o I confirm that I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this block.

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Assessment Workbook
Module 1

Assessment Block Qualification Code and Title

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Module 1 2
Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire 12
Question 1 12
Question 2 12
Question 3 12
Question 4 13
Question 5 13
Question 6 14
Question 7 14
Question 8 14
Question 9 14
Question 10 15
Question 11 15
Task 2 – Map, Sketch and Decide 16
Task 2.1 Mapping 18
Task 2.1.1 Form the Team 18
Task 2.1.2 Meet with the team 19
Task 2.1.3 Ask the experts 24
Task 2.1.4 Long term goals and sprint questions 26
Task 2.1.5 Map 27
Task 2.2 Sketching 29
Task 2.2.1 Research for the Lighting Demo 29
Task 2.2.2 The Big Idea 29
Task 2.2.3 '4' Step Sketch 30
Task 2.3 Deciding 33
Task 2.3.1 The art museum 33
Task 2.3.2 Heat Maps 34
Task 2.3.3 Speed Critique 34
Task 2.3.4 Straw Poll and the Super Vote 35
Task 3 – Prototype and test 38
3.1 Prototyping 38
Task 3.1.1 Storyboarding session 38
Task 3.1.2 Prototyping 40
3.2 Testing 42
3.3 Final Presentation 47
3.4 Wrap Up 49

Module 1

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Assessment Workbook – Module 1 BSB50820 Diploma of Project Management

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Task summary and instructions
This Assessment Workbook has been designed to evaluate your competency in the following
units of competency:

BSBCRT512 - Originate and develop concepts

BSBCMM511 - Communicate with influence

The above units are clustered for delivery and assessment in Module 1.
The assessment has been contextualised to use the Design Sprint framework.
However, the Design Sprint methodology has been adapted to ensure that the two
units' requirements are met.

To complete this workbook satisfactorily:

You must be able to demonstrate knowledge of:

BSBCMM511 - Communicate with influence

● industry, media and government organisations, events and communication channels that
are relevant to the organisation
● cross-cultural communication

● techniques for negotiation, mediation, conflict resolution and incident de-escalation

● structured and inclusive meeting procedures

● organisational policies and procedures relevant to:

o presenting and negotiating
o leading and participating in meetings
o making presentations
● communication tone, structure, style and impact on others

● relevant organisational policies and procedures on confidentiality of information.

BSBCRT512 - Originate and develop concepts

● creative thinking techniques to generate innovative solutions to issues

● existing products, programs, processes or services to address selected issue

● factors affecting viability of possible solutions including:

o commercial potential
o suitability for the target audience or purpose
o feasibility of implementing solution
● issues and requirements to commercialise the concept

● practical and operational issues to be considered in specific work or community context

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Task summary and instructions

● practical and operational issues that determine whether a concept can be implemented

● techniques for generating creative ideas and solutions, and for translating them into
workable concepts.

You must demonstrate the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the following elements
and performance criteria:

BSBCMM511 - Communicate with influence

1. Identify communication requirements

1.1 Confirm authority to present material on behalf of an organisation or work area,
according to organisational policies and procedures
1.2 Identify information that may be subject to confidentiality and manage appropriately
1.3 Identify information needs of audience and prepare a position in line with purpose of

2. Negotiate to achieve agreed outcome

2.1 Identify objectives of negotiation, and needs and requirements of stakeholders
2.2 Identify and document potential issues and problems
2.3 Prepare positions and supporting arguments according to objectives
2.4 Communicate with stakeholders, and establish areas of common ground and potential
2.5 Confirm and document outcomes of negotiation

3. Participate in and lead meetings

3.1 Identify the need for meeting and schedule according to stakeholder availability
3.2 Prepare meeting materials and distribute to stakeholders
3.3 Conduct meeting and contribute to discussions
3.4 Seek consensus on meeting objectives
3.5 Summarise outcomes of meetings and distribute to stakeholders

4. Make presentations
4.1 Identify forums to present according to organisational objectives
4.2 Determine tone, structure, style of communication and presentation according to
target audience
4.3 Prepare presentation according to desired outcomes
4.4 Provide an opportunity for audience to ask questions
4.5 Follow up with stakeholders following presentation
4.6 Evaluate presentation and identify areas for improvement

BSBCRT512 - Originate and develop concepts

1. Scope issue
1.1 Select issue to be explored in consultation with relevant personnel
1.2 Assess possible solutions to business issue and identify restrictions according to job
role and organisational policy
1.3 Research information on possible solutions to identified issue

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Task summary and instructions
1.4 Assess factors affecting viability of possible solutions

2. Generate and present solutions

2.1 Brainstorm ideas for addressing issue
2.2 Evaluate ideas against identified factors affecting viability
2.3 Compare ideas with best practice examples of similar products or programs or
processes or services
2.4 Select and present a solution in relevant format to stakeholders

3. Refine solutions for implementation

3.1 Seek feedback on ideas from stakeholders
3.2 Respond to questions with substantiated answers
3.3 Document feedback according to organisational requirements
3.4 Refine and finalise solution according to task requirements

The language, literacy, numeracy and employment skills that are essential to
performance but not explicit in the performance criteria, and which you must demonstrate
the ability to complete, are:

BSBCMM511 - Communicate with influence

● Prepares documentation that summarises key findings and outcomes
● Prepares presentations appropriate to audience needs, context and purpose

Oral Communication
● Uses active listening and questioning to seek information and confirm understanding

● Selects and uses relevant conventions and protocols when communicating with team

● Demonstrates sophisticated control over oral, visual and/or written formats, drawing on a
range of communication practices to achieve goals

Problem solving
● Uses analytical processes to evaluate options, and aid in problem-solving and decision-
● Plays a lead role in situations requiring negotiation and collaboration, demonstrating high
level conflict resolution skills and ability to engage and motivate others

Initiative and enterprise

● Adapts personal communication style to build trust and positive working relationships and

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Task summary and instructions
to show respect for the opinions and values of others
● Understands the implications of legal and ethical responsibilities to maintain
● Selects relevant vocabulary adjusting language and presentation features to maintain
effectiveness of interaction

Planning and organising

● Plans, organises and implements tasks required to achieve required outcomes

BSBCRT512 - Originate and develop concepts

● Reflects and evaluates methods used to develop concepts and seeks ways to improve
● Actively elicits views and opinions of others to develop and refine ideas

Oral Communication
● Expresses thoughtful and challenging opinions using engaging language and non-verbal
● Elicits views and information from others using a range of active listening and questioning

● Interprets and evaluates a range of complex information

● Documents findings and ideas using language and structure to suit the purpose
● Prepares proposals and plans for relevant stakeholders incorporating appropriate
vocabulary and grammatical structures

● Collaborates with others to achieve joint outcomes, playing an active role in facilitating
effective group interaction and influencing direction
● Selects and uses appropriate conventions and protocols when communicating with
internal and external stakeholders to seek or share information

Planning and organising

● Uses systematic, analytical processes in complex, non-routine situations to gather and
evaluate possible concepts, and select the most appropriate concept for development
● Monitors outcomes, considering results from a range of perspectives and identifying key
concepts and principles that may be adaptable to future situations


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Task summary and instructions

● Uses main features and functions of digital tools to complete work tasks and access

You must demonstrate evidence of the ability to complete the tasks outlined in the elements,
performance criteria and foundation skills of this unit, and to:

BSBCMM511 - Communicate with influence

● participate in and lead at least two meetings

● prepare and make a presentation to two different groups.

In the course of the above, you must:

● communicate with key stakeholders to position the business to best effect including:
● listening actively
● understanding information needs of others
● adapting communication to suit the audience
● identifying suitable platform for presentations
● presenting reliable information
● designing the presentation to meet the needs of the audience
● answering questions clearly and concisely.

BSBCRT512 - Originate and develop concepts

● develop, refine and implement a solution to address a workplace issue on at least one

In the course of the above, you must:

● consult with stakeholders to identify workplace issue to be addressed within scope of job
role and organisational policy
● generate potential ideas that provide innovative solutions to identified issues
● evaluate viability of ideas
● present ideas and information to others and reflect on responses
● refine chosen solution in response to feedback.

Assessment Conditions

BSBCMM511 - Communicate with influence

Skills in this unit must be demonstrated in a workplace or simulated environment where the

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Task summary and instructions
conditions are typical of those in a working environment in this industry.

This includes access to:

● workplace documentation and resources relevant to performance evidence
● organisation information, including organisational structure, goals, objectives and plans.

Assessors of this unit must satisfy the requirements for assessors in applicable vocational
education and training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.

BSBCRT512 - Originate and develop concepts

Skills in this unit must be demonstrated in a workplace or simulated environment where the
conditions are typical of those in a working environment in this industry.

This includes access to:

● background information required to evaluate the operational factors that will affect the
implementation of concepts
● opportunities to collaborate with others throughout the concept development process.

Assessors of this unit must satisfy the assessor requirements in applicable vocational
education and training legislation, frameworks and/or standards.

What is this Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire

about? This assessment task is a written questionnaire with a mix of objective and
subjective questions.

This is an open book task – you can use your learning materials as

The questionnaire is designed to meet the knowledge required to meet the

individual unit requirements safely and effectively.

The written questions may use a range of 'instructional words',

such as 'outline' or 'list'. These words will guide you as to how you should
answer the question. Some questions will also tell you how many answers
you need to give – for example, 'Describe three (3) provisions of…'.

Your assessor will be looking for demonstrated evidence of your ability to

answer the questions satisfactorily, follow instructions, conduct online
research and review real or simulated business documentation as

Task 2 - Map, Sketch and Decide

Add scenario.

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Task summary and instructions
This task comprises of the following assessment methods:
o Product-based ☒
o Direct observation of Role-Play ☒
o Case Study/Scenario

You are required to address the following:

● Task 2.1 Mapping

o Form the team
o Conduct the ‘ask the expert’ session
o Define the long term goals and the sprint questions
o Develop the user journey map and the target map

● Task 2.2 Sketching

o Conduct research for the lightning demo
o Perform the sketching

● Task 2.3 Deciding

o Participate in the art museum session
o Vote on the solution
o Participate in the speed critique
o Conduct the straw poll session including negotiating with the
o Document the decision on the preferred solution based on the
super vote
Task 3 -Prototype and test

This assessment task builds on Task 2.

This task comprises of the following assessment methods:

o Product-based ☒
o Direct observation of Role-Play ☒
o Case Study ☐
o Other (specify)

You are required to address the following:

● Task 3.1 Prototyping

o Develop the prototype
● Task 3.2 Testing
o Conduct testing of the prototype
o Finalise the prototype
● Task 3.3 Final Presentation
o Prepare and conduct the final presentation

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Task summary and instructions

● Task 3.4 Wrap up

o Complete the wrap-up tasks

Although the assessment requires group collaboration to simulate a work

environment, the assessment submission is individual, and it will be
marked as such.
Suggested It is advisable to complete the assessment progressively.
Assessment Please refer to the submission dates provided in the Learning Management
Schedule System.
We provide a suggested progressive completion schedule below.
Week 1 Task 1
Complete the knowledge questionnaire progressively as the
content of the unit is covered during the term.

Task 2
o Form the Team
o Complete the SKAs matrix
o Develop a Team Charter
o Document and distribute the minutes of the first team
o Choose teamwork tools
o Reflect on forming the team
Week 2 Task 2
o Design Sprint -Meet the expert
o Design Sprint -HMW questions
o Design Sprint – Sprint goals
o Design Sprint – Sprint questions
Week 3 Task 2
o Design Sprint – Map
o Design Sprint – Target Map
o Research for the lighting demo
Week 4 Task 2
o Design Sprint – The Big Ideas
o Design Sprint – 4 Step Sketch
o Give your anonymous final sketch to the trainer and
Week 5 Task
o Design Sprint – The art museum
o Design Sprint – Heat Maps
o Design Sprint – Speed Critique
o Design Sprint – Straw Poll and the supervote
o Finalise Task 2
Week 6 Task 3
o Design Sprint - Prototyping
Week 7 Task 3
o Design Sprint – Testing
o Prepare the final presentation
Week 8 Task 3

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Task summary and instructions
o Final presentation
o Complete and finalise Task 3

Finalise and submit the Assessment Workbook.

What do I ● submit the completed assessment tasks, according to instructions,
need to do to
complete this ● complete the tasks as instructed and present them in a professional
task manner,
● use your own words and reference sources appropriately,

● meet the word count where required,

● use the scenario provided by the trainer and assessor,

● use the templates provided where required,

● for your performance to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment

task, you must satisfactorily complete all parts of the assessment tasks
and address all of the assessment criteria,
● if part of the assessment tasks is not satisfactorily completed, you will
be asked to complete further assessment to demonstrate satisfactory

Evidence You must ensure that you have completed and submitted all the
Summary following :

● Answered ALL questions in the Knowledge Questionnaire as instructed

● References

Complete the following in Task 2,3:

● List of team members in Task 2.1.1

● SKAs Matrix in Task 2.1.2A

● Team Charter in Task 2.1.2B

● List of teamwork tools in Task 2.1.2C

● Meeting minutes in Task 2.1.2D

● Reflection about forming the team in Task 2.1.2E

● Email to the CEO with the meeting minutes in Task 2.1.2F

● Picture – HMW wall in Task 2.1.3

● Picture – organised HMW questions in Task 2.1.3

● Picture – HMW voting tree in Task 2.1.3

● Picture – Sprint Goals in Task 2.1.4A

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Task summary and instructions

● Picture – Sprint questions in Task 2.1.4B

● Picture – Map in Task 2.1.5A

● Picture – Target Map in Task 2.1.5B

● Evidence of research for the lighting demo in Task 2.2.1

● Picture – student's 3 Big Ideas in Task 2.2.2

● Picture – wall of Big Ideas in Task 2.2.2

● Picture – Notes in Task 2.2.3A

● Picture – Student's sketches ideas in Task 2.2.3B

● Picture – Student's Crazy 8s in Task 2.2.3C

● Evaluation of viability of the Crazy 8s in Task 2.2.3C

● Picture -Student's solution sketch in Task 2.2.3D

● Picture – Art Museum in Task 2.3.1

● Picture – Art Museum voting in Task 2.3.2

● Picture - Facilitator speaking in Task 2.3.3

● Decision Matrix in Task 2.3.4A

● Negotiation/Presentation notes in Task 2.3.4B

● Summary of reflection about the negotiation with the Decider in Task

● Picture – winning solution in Task 2.3.4C

● Email to CEO about the winning solution in Task 2.3.4D

● Picture - Student’s six steps for user test flow in Task 3.1.1A

● Picture – Winning flow in Task 3.1.1A

● Picture – Storyboard in Task 3.1.1B

● Prototyping assigned tasks in Task 3.1.2A

● Picture – First prototype in Task 3.1.2A

● Reflection about the prototype in Task 3.1.2A

● Feedback Form – Prototype Initial Review in Task 3.1.2B

● Evidence of Prototype Initial Review collected in Task 3.1.2B

● Summary of Prototype Initial Review feedback results in Task 3.1.2B

● Brief presentation plan in Task 3.2

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Task summary and instructions

● Meeting minutes in Task 3.2

● Reflection on testing in Task 3.2

● Picture – wall/board with testing feedback in Task 3.2

● List of key points from testing feedback in Task 3.2

● Email to CEO about the testing in Task 3.2

● PowerPoint presentation in Task 3.3

● Presentation plan in Task 3.3

● Observation checklist from the trainer in Task 3.3

● Social media post in Task 3.3

● Reflection about the presentation in Task 3.3

● Feedback to team members in Task 3.4

● Self-evaluation in Task 3.4

● Evidence of teamwork in Task 3.4

Resources and • Computer with Internet access
equipment • Access to Microsoft Office suites or similar software
• Learning material
• Scenario for assessment as provided by the trainer and assessor
• Relevant policies and procedures as provided
• Templates as provided
Assessment Please refer to the Marking Sheet.
Outcome and

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Task 1 – Knowledge Questionnaire

Answer all the questions below:

Question 1

Consider the following three organisations:

● OzHarvest
● Marriot Hotels
● ANZ Bank

For each organisation, identify the industry in which they operate, the media and government
organisations they may liaise with, and events and communication channels they may use to
promote their business.

Organisation Industry Media and Events and

government communication
(3 in total/organisation) channels
(3 in total/organisation)
OzHarvest Food, charity, education Supermarkets, Schools, Internet, News, Social
Community councils. Media, and charity
Marriot Hotels Hotels, events, Australian Hotels Internet, Social and
Hospitality association, Social and private events,
private events, Companies
companies, community
ANZ Bank Finances, banking Corporate events, Internet, stock
Government exchange, Corporate
events, Government

Question 2

Address the following questions about cross-cultural communication:

Question Answer
What is cross-cultural Cross cultural communication is a process based on open and
communication? respectful exchange between individuals, groups and
organisations with different cultural backgrounds or views of
the world. It is aimed to develop a deeper understanding of
diverse perspectives and practices in order to increase
participation, freedom and decision-making capacity, foster
equality and enhance creative processes.

List two (2) principles of cross- ● Language: Language is the main or at least one of the

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Question Answer
cultural communication. most important expressions among different cultures.
In that case, interpreters are crucial to offer context
and precise communication within project
stakeholders and work teams. Even when the
members speak the same language, they may come
from different regions, so it may cause
misunderstanding. Thus, the organisations should
include cross-cultural communications policies.

● Awareness: The importance of knowing the people or

organisation you are dealing with, to be able to
establish the networking and desire results. Because
every culture or nation has different ways to see and
do things, time and patience are relevant when
business or projects are carried out under
multicultural teams.

Why is cross-cultural ● To be effective with the message that we can

communication important? communicate
(30-50 words) ● It is a great opportunity to learn about the
organisational experiences of different countries and
● To create effective communication bridges and proper
environments in the organisation.
List three (3) barriers to cross- ● Ethnocentrism: It may be a tendency to judge groups
cultural communication. of people because of their cultural or ethnic
background. When it is present inside organisations,
the communication barriers are bigger and then also
can route to racism as result. Thus, managers and
CEOs must implement strong policies to eliminate

● Stereotyping: There are assumptions that society and

people have created for some time, however,
nowadays those characteristics should not be taken
on mind when performing projects or running
organisations. Many stereotypes are hostile and can
break partnerships, so they represent a barrier against
workplace communications.

● Emotional display: Emotions can be shown in different

forms from culture to culture, and they may differ on

Question 3

Address the following questions:

Question Answer
Define negotiation. Negotiation is a discussion between two or more parties in

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Question Answer
(30-50 words) order to solve an issue and generally maintaining a quid pro
quo, however each party is aimed to persuade the other to
agree with their own interests and/or point of view.
Define mediation. It is a process where parties mutually find an independent,
(30-50 words) impartial and neutral entity to assist the negotiation. The
mediator does not take any decision, rather assess and
catalyse the differences in the negotiation improving
communication and avoiding confrontation or ill will.
Why is conflict resolution This is crucial as it helps to maintain an adequate work
important in the workplace? environment. Managing conflicts should be done quickly and
(30-50 words) effectively to avoid greater impact in the workplace. Well
managed, it could improve work efficiency and collaboration,
when coming up with new improvements in either processes
or statutes.
Why is it important to de- When de-escalating, an incident can be manageable between
escalate incidents in the the parties. Particularly at the workplace, reducing the
workplace? intensity of the conflict helps to open communication
(30-50 words) channels to canalise the emotions and keep the resolution
more effective.
Research, select and briefly Technique Outline (20-40 words/technique)
outline four (4) techniques for Rethink meaning Identify our company’s BATNA and study
negotiation, mediation, conflict of leverage the other party and their stakeholders.
resolution and incident de- Find a positive leverage in the proposal
escalation. that helps to satisfy our interests and at
the same time there's so making the
other part a desire to make a deal.
Divide mediation Dividing into steps the process of
into steps mediation contributes to identify key
factors between the parties helping the
negotiation. It makes the whole process
more organised to get an outcome that
satisfy the stakeholders.
Clarify the source. As soon as a conflict is occurring at the
workplace, it is important to identify the
source of the problem and the root
causes of it. Focusing all efforts on
solving the conflict and creating
instruments to avoid new ones with the
same cause.
Putting Feelings According to a study carried out by the
Into Words University of California when people put
their feelings into words and express
their feelings the tone of the argument
tends to reduce, opening new spaces to
fruitful dialog.

Question 4

Address the following questions:

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Question Answer
What is an inclusive meeting? It is a meeting when each person that is part of the meeting
feel confident to participate which allow having a meeting full
of different points of view, ideas and opinion even though
these are opposite to the majority o the meeting people.
What is a structured meeting? It is a meeting where valuable information is provided by
experts. A meeting's structure describes how the meeting is
planned and organized. Every meeting has a structure. When
a meeting leader works to create the structure for the
meeting, they consider: When and where to hold the
meeting. Who to invite and what each person will do
Select and outline three (3) Procedure Outline (30-50 words/procedure)
structured and briefly inclusive Specific Specific description of the timeline to follow
meeting procedures you could timeframe during the meeting, being respectful and
use when managing meetings. aware of the time that each participant will
have to contribute to the meeting. The
timeframe will help to develop a meeting
efficiently and effectively.
Specific Be descriptive about what you want to
agenda with discuss and hope to achieve for each agenda
punctual item.
topics Send your agenda to your participants as
early as you can. This shows respect and
gives people time to reflect on what they
want to discuss.
Invite people Only invite people if they’re needed as per
who are your agenda.
involved in If a meeting has a lot of people in it, this
the situation makes it harder for everyone to contribute.
to discuss Some people may feel nervous speaking in
front of large groups, but not in small

Question 5

Review the policies and procedures folder provided.

Review the following policies and procedures:

A. Meeting procedures
B. Communication policy
C. Information management policy
D. Marketing policy

Briefly outline the structure and content of each of the policies and procedures, and explain how
they may relate to one or more of the following:

● Presenting and negotiating

● Leading and participating in a meeting
● Making a presentation

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● Confidentiality of information

Policies and procedures Outline (40-80 words/policy and procedures)

Meeting procedures Leading and participating in a meeting:
Every formal meeting must be ruled under organizational
procedures that are established on policies and projects.
Some importants aspects of those procedures should follow a
pathway where first, all members must be notified on the
agenda before any meeting, all the general requirements be
fixed previously.
There should be space for motions and resolution with
inclusive participation of stake holders, where cross-cultural
communication is important. Additionally other processes like
voting methods and resolutions have to be included on the
meeting procedures.

Communication policy Presenting and Negotiating:

Effective communication has to be present within any

negotiation, from invitational notifications to contracts
signings. The policy then, must explain the way of present
topics, goals and resolutions. Internally the tactics of
negotiation are defined with the project team.

Outlining the main points that are meant to be exchanged, to

define the limits of negotiation, what is willing to give up and
what can not be flexible so the organization would achieve an

Information management policy Confidentiality of Information:

A proper information management policy should include
statements about the importance of confidentiality, as the
organizations want to preserve sensitive data in regarding to
clients, projects, internal management or other processes. It
has to be clear on terms of users authorizations, accessing
and publication schemes.
Additionally, the organization should include clear and safety
requirements for digital, magnetic and physical storage

Marketing policy Making a presentation:

For customers loyalty activities to be effective within the

marketing concept, it is necessary to create an action plan
which result will lead the company to achieve the set
objectives. Marketing policies refer to the planning of those
activities whose purpose is the achievement of the final
objectives set in the marketing plan.

Presenting the project to the potential clients, investors and

stakeholders is decisive to find out better results, so the
company policy must include a marketing statement that
clearly shows the pathways, rules and scope of the

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Policies and procedures Outline (40-80 words/policy and procedures)
organization during presentations and popups.

Question 6

Explain how the communication tone, structure and style may impact on others. Provide an
example of each.

Question Answer

Explain how the communication Communication tone, structure and style may impact on
tone, structure and style may others in two ways. When the manager sound irritated giving
impact on others. instructions the work team is going to lose engagement while
providing a negative tone. On the other hand, activities/tasks
(40-80 words) that need to be done will be incomplete or pending to do
because the work team lack of compromise with the project
and with the leader. Managers should strengthen
understanding and appreciation for their team

Examples Communication Do not address issues neither come with

some resolution

Tone Giving instructions to the team in an

irritated tone

Structure Do not been clear with the

communication structure might take the
team to ignore the flow of the
communication which might get people

Style Being disinterested delivering

instructions to the team or providing
supervision means lack of assertiveness

Question 7

Select and describe three (3) creative thinking techniques to generate innovative solutions to

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Creative thinking technique Description (30-50 words/technique)

Mind mapping Breaking down problems into different ideas, then focusing on
key ideas and try to find the connection between them will
deliver a better understanding of the issues coming up with
some creative ideas to find possible solutions. While
managing large groups the mind mapping might be divided
into small groups giving each one specific topics.

Wall of ideas Wall of ideas is a creative thinking technique to generate

innovative solutions to issues. Asking every participant
questions, they may answer quickly in a sticky note on the
wall. Then work together with the team selecting the
solutions that fit better to the issue.

Prototyping Creating a physical representation of the ideas solution to the

issue can help the team to know if the product will work and
gather feedback form the team and future users before to
launch it.

Question 8

Identify and list four (4) products, software programs or application, problem-solving processes, or
services that you could use to address an issue.

Provide an example of how you can apply two of them.

● Root cause analysis

● MS Project
● Tableau
● Jira Software
When an issue happens an important process to avoid further impact and maximise the mitigation must
be deployed, in this case root cause analysis is a crucial methodology where the team start identifying the
root cause of a particular issue and systematically start discovering the root of this previous issue and so
on and so forth. In this scenario TABLEAU is an indispensable tool that captures big data and transforms it
into smart data so that it is easy to read and interpret, in the case of addressing an issue, it gives a clear
overview of what is happening and the origin of any issue.

Question 9

Outline how the following factors may affect the viability of possible solutions to issues.

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Factor How the factor may affect possible solutions
(30-50 words/factor)
Commercial potential By identifying the commercial potential allows team to have a
clear picture of the prospect of sales and profit so it can be
evaluated if the viable solutions are worth taking.
Suitability for the target audience Basically if the solution offered is not suitable for the target
or purpose market or main purpose the viability might be affected, it
sound not be discarded as with small changes it could turn
into a adequate solution in order to satisfy the needs.
Feasibility of implementing the Some solutions can be very difficult or sometimes impossible
solution to implement, eventually not just because of the feasibility of
making it possible but the fact of being a cost-effective
solution. It is important to stablish the proper formulation and
evaluation of the project to determinate the adequate budget.
Organisational culture If the organisational culture is not adequate, some solutions
might be left over the table as they might not be even
considered. Organisational culture is crucial to create
mechanisms to address effectively issues and being able to
identify all possible solutions.
Staff capability (skills, As the previous one, having all the assets tangible or
knowledge, number of staff) intangible are vital to being able to ideate a feasible solution
to an issue. If there is a lack of any of this attributes, most of
the times there is going to be more costs associated to the
development of the solution.
Budgetary requirements The idea here is to maximise the benefits of the solution and
minimise the costs to keep the budget on track.
Laws and regulations Any solution must comply with any law and regulation
accordingly. this may affect how even the solution is

Question 10

What could be two (2) issues and two (2) requirements to commercialise a concept idea?

List them below.

Issues Insufficient Budget
Technical malfunction
Requirements Technology licenses
Specific state requirements

Question 11

Address the following questions:

Question Answer
Outline two (2) practical and Issues Outline

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Question Answer
operational issues to be (30-50 words each)
considered in specific work or Lack leadership The lack of ability to provide
community context when direction and motivation to
originating and developing the team is the root case of
concepts. loss of productivity. For
instance, losing the high
performance of the team
create a poor work
environment where work
teams can discuss new ideas
and concepts with different
Silo work
When people do not
communicate, understand,
and work with others in a
team create a partial vision if
the business. That means,
people working as a silo
cannot see the connection
between all the organisation
and for instance cannot
originate and develop new

Outline two (2) practical and Issues Outline

operational issues that determine (30-50 words each)
whether a concept can be
Lack of technology
implemented. A simple technology like
internet service may affects
the implementation of a
concept. Gaps in
communication due to lack of
technology can be an
operational issue that can
affect the project

Lack of Knowledge
Having a team member who
is not aligned with the team
or who lacks commitment due
to lack of knowledge is an
issue that needs to be
identified and some actions
need to be taken to
successfully implement the

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Question Answer


Select and outline two (2) Technique Outline

techniques for generating (30-50 words each)
creative ideas and solutions, and
for translating them into Is a work team tool that
workable concepts
facilitates the emergence of
new ideas on a given topic or
problem. Involves
spontaneous contribution
ideas of every participant or
group member that can be
draft into original

Design Thinking
Is a way to work as a team
an maximize the collective
creativity. Something
important in this technique
involves the idea of
prioritising the customer
needs and then come up with
some creative innovative

Task 2 – Map, Sketch and Decide

You have been engaged by XYZ Pty Ltd trading as InnoStar Business Incubator Centre (IBI)
as a Project Manager.

The Project Manager will provide Design Sprint expertise to support the entrepreneurial community
in originating and developing concepts to take to market. This includes refining concepts for

You will work in simulated work conditions.

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You will work in a team of 4-5 students, playing the project manager's role (PM) in turns so that all
students in the group will have the opportunity to manage and lead the group through the Design
Sprint process.

The trainer and assessor will play the CEO's role and 'Decider' in the simulated work environment.

The organisational chart for IBI is presented below:


CFO Project Manager

Marketing and
IT Administration HR

The departmental teams are as follows:

CEO and Founder Taylor Herbert

CFO Duncan White

Marketing and Marketing Manager – Silvia Trades

2 x marketing and communication officers

1 x social media officer

1 x public relations and partnership officer

Duties include:

● Brand management

● Marketing strategy and implementation

● Social Media management

● Media liaison

● Partnership with colleges, universities and businesses

● Communication management

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● Customer Relationship Management

HR HR Lead – Robert Jamison

Duties include:

● Recruitment, selection and induction of staff

● Provide guidance to management on HR related matters

● Staff performance management in collaboration with management

Administration Administration Manager – Samuel Been

2 x Customer Service Officer

2 x Admin Officer

Duties include:

● Administration

● Admin support to CFO and CEO

● Customer Service

● Front Desk

IT IT Lead – Barbara Green

1 x IT officer

● Installation, maintenance of computer network system

● Website maintenance

● Cybersecurity

● Installing and configuring software, systems, networks, printers and


Project Manager Duties Include:

● Support entrepreneurs with concept development

● Provide project management expertise to entrepreneurs

● Train entrepreneurs in project management practices

● Provide expertise in Design Sprint

Every team will have to:

● Scope an issue

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● Generate and present solutions

● Refine the solutions for implementation

using Design Sprint techniques.

While originating and developing concepts, the group will also:

● Prepare and deliver presentations

● Negotiate with others

● Manage meetings

The schedule of the progressive assessment completion is reflected in this term's schedule:

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8

Form the HWM Map Big ideas The art Prototyping Testing Final
team Goals Target Map Sketching museum Presentation
Questions Research Heats Map
Straw poll

Please consider that when applying Design Sprint to originating and designing a concept, the
Design Sprint’s roles are assigned as follows:

The Trainer Your team The Project Experts on

Assessor who Manager - play specific topics
plays the role of the PM in turns and the
CEO and Decider in your team entrepreneur

Decider Core Team Experts

Note: All team members must play the role of the Facilitator at least once.

Complete the following:

Task 2.1 Mapping

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Task 2.1.1 Form the Team

Form a team of 4-5 students who will work in collaboration during this term.

Please note that, although the assessment requires collaborative work to simulate real work
conditions, assessment submission is individual, and it will be marked as such.
Please take turns in covering the role of Project Manager in the team.

Record the name of the students in the team below:

Student Full Name

Luisa Silva

Sandra Vargas

Liliana Posada

Md Jahedul Islam

Diego Perez

The trainer and assessor will validate that the students listed above are all part of the team (Refer
to the Marking Sheet).

Task 2.1.2 Meet with the team

Meet with the team in week 1.

Decide on who is:

● Chairing the meeting

● Taking the minutes

● Keeping time

During the meeting

● Make sure to have the SKA Matrix, and the Team Charter templates ready to be filled

● Evaluate the Skills, Knowledge, and Attributes (SKAs) of each team member
This activity will help you allocate tasks, maximising the use of resources.
● Develop a Team Charter
This activity will provide you with a framework for teamwork and reduce the risk of conflicts.
● Select tools to facilitate teamwork

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This activity will assist you in using technology to facilitate teamwork and enhance productivity
and oversight.
● Seek consensus to complete all tasks

● Take notes about the discussion to write the meeting minutes.

After the meeting

● Write the meeting minutes for this first team meeting

● Reflect on the task of forming the team

● Send a copy of the meeting minutes to the CEO (Trainer and Assessor), and provide evidence of
the email sent

A. Evaluate the skills, knowledge, and attributes (SKAs) of each team member

Work in collaboration with the team.

Ask each team member to self-evaluate against:

● 8 key Skills (example: market research)

● 4 key Knowledge areas (example: design sprint)

● 5 key Attributes (example: reliability)

The team will have to agree on the Skills, Knowledge and Attributes to self-evaluate against.

Use the SKA Matrix Provided in Template 1 to document the self-evaluation.

Template 1 – SKA Matrix

Items for evaluation Evaluation

Luisa Sandra Liliana Jahe Diego

Silva Vargas Posada dul

Skills Leadership 4 4 4 4 3
Critical Thinking 4 4 4 4 5
Team management 4 4 4 4 3
Problem solving 4 4 4 5 4
Effective communication. 4 3 4 4 3
Decision Making 4 3 4 4 3
Time management 4 4 4 4 3
Strategy Development 3 4 4 2 4
Knowledg Design sprint 1 1 1 3 2
e User experience 2 4 1 5 4
Project management 3 4 4 4 4
Techniques/concepts 3
IT tools/programs 4 5 4 4 4
Risk Management 3 3 4 2 4

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Attributes Adaptability 5 4 5 5 4
Trustworthy 5 5 5 5 5
Quality 5 5 5 5 5
Responsibility 5 5 5 5 5
Creativity - Innovation 3 4 4 4 4
Assertiveness 4 5 4 5 3
Evaluation – Rating
5 – Expert ● Fully capable and experienced

● Sought for help by others

● Needs no assistance to complete tasks

● Demonstrated ability to lead and train others

● Seen as a Subject Matter expert

4 – Proficient ● Capable and experienced

● Demonstrated proficiency

● Able to work independently with little help

● Will be expert with more time

3 –Demonstrating ● Able to perform at a basic level

● Has some direct experience

● Needs help from time to time

2 – Basic ● Limited in ability or knowledge

● Cannot perform critical tasks

● Needs significant help from others

1 – None/Low ● Unable to perform

● Little to no experience

B. Develop a Team Charter

Work in collaboration with the team.

Develop a Team Charter for innovation and concept development in collaboration with the team
(Template 2).

When working on the Team Charter, follow the process below:

a) If someone wants to sit in the driver's seat, that's great! More room for you as a facilitator to

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Individually people need to write on sticky notes what their expectations are (max 3), what they
see as obstacles (max 3), their 1 most important value, their preferred team behaviours and
what will give them energy. Also, each should write down the most critical value they want to
add to the group.

TIP! There is no right or wrong. It is about finding common ground and goals of the team.

b) Review

Take a step back and discuss the expectations, values, energy sources, and obstacles. Again, it
is not a discussion about right or wrong, but about making sure all team members can identify
themselves with what is put on the charter. Either the team as a whole will come up with
common input. If not, the sum of the sticky notes is what the team represents.

TIP! Focus on one subject at a time. When every team member has explained their input, only
then move to the next topic.

c) Identify common themes

When clustering the sticky notes per topic, overarching themes may arise. This is great but
should not be forced. Don't try to be too practical here as a facilitator.

TIP! Being too practical is dangerous; you might overrule someone's personal input. Challenge
all members to be explicit. No buzzwords. If it's unclear, it will not serve the team.

d) Team Goals

Now that everything is filled in, and everybody recognises themselves as an acknowledged and
valued team member, let's fill in the team goals! The team should discuss and come up with a
maximum of 3 goals. Make sure they are not all directly related to their functional goal.

e) Next steps

After the session is finished, have all team members commit to the Team Charter. It is their
contract amongst each other to make the team successful.

TIP! Visualising the finished charter together will make the charter more coherent, along with
the commitment towards the eye-popping end result.

Template 2 – Team Charter

Team Charter for Innovation

Team Members Luisa Silva: My professional experience in different roles in
Who is on the team, and what will each sales, administration and events have given me the opportunity
person individually bring to the team: e.g.,
personal core value, skills, personal slogan, to work in diverse teams, I bring to the team my knowledge in
character trait? business, my responsibility, my experience in customer service
Focus on innovation and creative skills.
and my commitment to developing a successful project.

Sandra Vargas: Hight interpersonal skills and excellent

analysis. My expertise is well complemented by my highly
competent skills across IT tools.

Liliana Posada: In more than 13 years of professional

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Team Charter for Innovation
experience in International Trade and Operations Management
and Logistics I have been developed skills as team-spirited and
open-minded, responsibility, organised/thorough and
trustworthy, positive and high-relational skills, self-motivated
and fast learner, ability to adapt quickly in changing
environments and to new challenges, ready to work under
pressure and independently

Jahed: Experienced full-stack web developer with a

demonstrated history of working as a web developer with
project management skill and effective communication,
currently working as Junior Business Analyst in a renowned
electronic communication systems company.

Diego: Analytic, passionate, and proactive engineer with 5+

years of experience in sales engineering, project management,
product development as well as planning and modelling of
telecommunication solutions including cloud computing. With
great skills to improve constantly and help teams to achieve the
company goals. During my years in the industry, I have
acquired a strategic vision with a high capacity to design
technical solutions and define their feasibility within a financial
framework; also, with negotiation abilities and a large sense of
coworking, ethics, and determination.
Expectations Luisa Silva: Commitment, respect and support in each activity
What do the team members expect from and project to develop as a team.
each other in order to be successful as
Sandra Vargas: Availability to listen, and mediate between
different opinions. Commitment.

Liliana Posada: Respect each other, responsibility, proactivity,


Jahed: Contribution or cooperation on achieving collective


Diego Perez: Commitment and accountability. cooperation and

team work.
Team Values ● Creative thinking
What are the values the team lives by? Are ● Curiosity
these values recognised by all team
members? Note: include values relevant to ● Responsibility
innovation and concept design. ● Integrity
● Accountability
● Quality
Obstacles ● Lack of time
What could prevent the team from working ● No commitment to the project
together fruitfully and reaching their goals
for building an innovative team? ● Lack of creativity and innovation
● Short term thinking
● Lack of resource
● Lack of focus
Energy Sources Team building activities, motivate the team to work together.
What generates energy in the group? What Clear communication and support to each team member.

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Team Charter for Innovation
gets everybody running and going for the Being Grateful for their help.
best results? Empathy and Collaboration.
Positive mindset, open-minded and ability to change quickly in
changing environments
Team goals and purpose As members of this team we want to achieve all the goals
What is the goal the team wants to reach? purposed fr the project, with outstanding quality in the work
When are all the team efforts successful?
Note: focus on goals relevant to being done and professionalism. Once all stakeholders have
innovative and productive. accomplished all theirs expectations, we as a team, will
consider all our efforts will be successful.
Trouble ● Checking the problem and possible causes
What will the team do when facing a ● Making adjustments and changes to solve the trouble
problem? What is the approach to
problem-solving? ● Communicate and as a team try to find the best
alternative to the solution
● Implementing the best option to problem solving
● Track the results
● Evaluate and document for future events

Behaviours 1. Effective communication

Agree on 10 behaviours the team will meet 2. Active listening
(example: punctuality).
3. Commitment
4. Punctuality
5. Ability teamwork
6. Encourage to give and receive feedback
7. Problem-Solving.
8. Clear Objectives understanding
9. Focus on achieving common goals
10. Strategic Planning

C. Teamwork Management

Work in collaboration with the team.

Decide on how the team will communicate and track the completion of assigned tasks.

Suggested tools:

● Slack - Tutorial

● Asana - Tutorial

● WhatsApp

● Gantt Chart – Tutorial

Decide on one or two tools and keep your approach consistent.

Please note that, at the end of the assessment, you will have to submit evidence of:

● Team communication

● Work progress and tracking

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Hence, keep saving evidence such as screenshots or pictures.

Document below the tools that the team will use during the term:

Zoom chat was used to communicate with all the team members and work on the task assigned

Face to face meetings

We created a WhatsApp group to keep in contact each other

We created a drive shared document to share and edit at the same time the information related
with the assessment and the presentation

JamBoard allowed us to work as a team, being a virtual tool where we all could share ours ideas
to model our prototype.

D. Meeting minutes

Document the meeting minutes (Template 3) from your first team meeting.

Summarise the content of the meeting and allocate action items.

Template 3 – Meeting Minutes

Meeting Agenda
Meeting Title First Team Meeting - SKA Matrix
Date and Time 21/03/2022
Location Zoon Meeting
Attendees Luisa Silva, Sandra vargas, Liliana Posada, Md Jahedul Islam ,
Diego Perez
Items for discussion Summary Duration
SKA’s Matrix During the meeting each team member 30 min.
analysed and ranked our skills, knowledge and
attributes according to the ranking table.
Team Charter After completing the SKA Matriz every 40 min.
member of the team project fill out the
information of the project charter which let us
know each other and be on the same page to
work together as a team.
Teamwork management Building the team and meeting each other we 30 min.
defined the documents to work on, the
communication channels and commitments as
a team to achieve the team goals.
-Drive Shared Document. Google Drive is defined as a work tool and the 10 min.
document was shared to work throughout
these 8 weeks of work.
-Zoom chat Zoom chat was used to communicate with all 1 hour.
the team members and work on the task

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Meeting Agenda
Review of Action Items from the N/A N/A
previous meeting
Proposals for the next meeting - Review the main objectives and Project -
agenda Scope. - - Describe and specify the Design
Sprint application.

E. Reflection about forming the team LUISA

Reflect on the work completed when forming the team. Address the following:

● Why was it important to invest time in setting up the team?

● Can you identify some obstacles and/or challenges ahead when working with the team? What
could you do to overcome/manage them?
● How did you facilitate the meeting? How did you try to find consensus? Provide an example.

● What did you do well during the meeting? What could you improve?

Document your reflection in the space provided below.

(50-100 words)

Each of the team members is a fundamental part of the development of a project. Likewise, it is
important that the team knows each of the members with whom they will be involved, this will
help to obtain good teamwork, and additionally potentiate the skills of each one of those who are
part of it, taking into account their abilities. Some of the obstacles that were identified were the
lack of experience of some team members in the development of the project and lack of
communication, which was resolved through team building activities, open communication and
understanding of different points of view to reach a consensus. consensus. These meetings were
held one by one with the team leader and then the insights were presented in a group meeting
with the team members, thus reaching a consensus and determining improvements for the
project as a group.

F. Meeting minutes sent to the CEO TODOS

Send an email to the Trainer and Assessor who plays the role of the CEO in the simulated work
environment. Note: all team members will have to send an email.

Provide the trainer with an overview of the meeting minutes in the email. Attach the minutes to the

Provide evidence of the sent email in the space provided below (example: a screenshot of the sent

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Task 2.1.3 Ask the experts

Work in collaboration with the team.

Attend a briefing session in week 2 with the expert.

The trainer and assessor (CEO) will organise the session. The expert will be an entrepreneur
presenting an issue.

Before the briefing session:

● Choose 5-6 questions to ask the expert to get the conversation started, for example:
o Describe the product/service
o Who uses the product/service?
o What problem is your product/service trying to solve?
o Who would you like to use the product/service?
o What would the product/service look like in two years if there were no issues/problems?
o What is your long-term goal?
● Nominate a Facilitator in your team to ensure the team is disciplined when liaising with the

Document the name of the Facilitator chosen for the briefing session in the space provided

Manuel Vasquez Sierra

● Ensure that all team members have a block of post-it notes.

● Ensure that all team members have 3 red sticky dots each to use during voting.

● The Decider (trainer and assessor) will have 5 red sticky dots.

During the briefing session:

● Ask the expert to start discussing their product/service/problem.

● Make the expert feel part of the team.

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● Ask questions one at the time.

● Take notes.

● When you hear something that sounds interesting or challenging, write the notes in the form of
a question 'How Might We (HMW)….', example: how might we help people realise that we
also sell other products? Use the block of post-it notes to write the questions. One
● Each team member will have to write as many HMW questions as they can.

Duration: 20 minutes

How To Be More Live Platform Course. -How We See What We Have To Achieve.

● Interactive chat online (Chatbot)

● Global and inclusive community.
● Solve real life challenges.
● Co-launched the social media platform.
● Create Networking Spaces.
● Quizzes during the presentations. or activities to continue.
● Workshops in the industry events
● Offer international certificates and also updates about the courses
● Offer specific expert/orientation advice related with real industry and the courses they

After the briefing session:

● Team members to stick their HMW questions up on the wall.


Take a picture of the HMW wall, copy and paste the picture in the space provided below.

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Interactive chat online (Chatbot)

● How might we support and feed the chatbot to answer as many questions as possible?
● How might we solve internet issues to provide the courses?

Global and inclusive community.

● How might we integrate a global and inclusive community, for everyone, at every
● how might we diversify the courses depending on the target?
● How might we guarantee that the course over-rides differences, and can be pursued
by any person no matter their condition?

Solve real-life challenges.

● how might we aim for those courses?

● How might we create collaborative spaces between companies and real-life challenges?
● How might we develop the content to include those practical scenarios?

Co-launched the social media platform.

● How might we improve the website's appearance and design?

Create Networking Spaces and Workshops in the industry events

● How might we encourage networking between course participants?

● how might we promote the courses Interactive?

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● How might we improve networking needs?

Quizzes during the presentations. or activities to continue.

● How might we evaluate the course progress and user experience?

● How might we integrate small progress evaluations (Quizzes, games, activities) within
the video content?

Offer international certificates and also updates about the courses

● How might we get a recognisable certification?

● How might we partnership with remarkable institutions ?

Offer specific expert/orientation advice related with real industry and the courses
they deliver

● How might we guarantee the expertise of the trainers?

● How might we be a platform to offer job to expert consultants?

● The Facilitator will now read all the notes on the wall.

● The Facilitator will ask the team to define some top-level categories to organise the notes in key
● The Facilitator to organise the notes with the team.


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Take a picture of the organised HMW questions, copy and paste the picture in the space
provided below.

Organise those how might we into categories.


1. IT and Web Development

2. Outbound and Partner Marketing
3. Social Networking and Interactive Media.
4. User’s FeedBack.
5. Quality and Compliance

● Team member to vote on which HMW are the most important, or urgent.

● Create a voting tree, placing the most voted HMW at the top. This will give you a snapshot of
what the team thinks about the key issues/challenges you should focus on.


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Take a picture of the HMW voting tree, copy and paste the picture in the space provided

Which question we have to star with - Most important Idea.

Duration: 20 minutes

Task 2.1.4 Long term goals and sprint questions

The team continues their work at the mapping stage of Design Sprint.

Nominate a Facilitator to moderate this session.

Document the name of the Facilitator in the space provided below:

Diego Perez Lucena

A. Long term goals

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Work in collaboration with the team.

● Ensure the team members have a block of post-it notes and sticky red dots for voting.

● The team members will work individually, and they will have 5 minutes to write down what they
think the long-term goal (2 years) should be. Here the team decides what the primary purpose
of the Sprint is going to be.
In two years', time, if everything goes well, what would be the best-case scenario, for the
organisation, process, product or service? What would that scenario look like?
● Team members can write down one or more goals on their post-it notes. One goal/post-it note.

● After 5 minutes, each team member must read their goal/s out loud and stick their notes on the
● Each team member is given one red dot for voting.

● The Decider (trainer and assessor) will use the information gathered from the voting and decide
on what the goals should be.


Take a picture of the goals with the voting, copy and paste the picture in the space provided

Circle/highlight the winning goal.

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B. Sprint questions

Work in collaboration with the team.

The team will now have to reflect on what hurdles, challenges and obstacles could hinder them
from achieving the goal.

● Ensure team members have a block of post-it notes each, and sticky red dots for voting.

● The team members will work individually, and they will have 5 minutes to write down two-three
questions that start with 'Can we…' about the hurdles, challenges and obstacles they can think
● After 5 minutes, each team member must read their questions out loud and place their notes on
the wall.
● Each team member is given three red dots for voting.

● Create a voting tree with the top three questions.

● The Decider (trainer and assessor) will use the information gathered from the voting and decide
which question the team should focus on the most.
● Take a picture of the voting tree with the question chosen by the decider at the top. Copy and
paste the picture in the space provided below.

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Task 2.1.5 Map

The team is now ready to draw the map for the design sprint.

Nominate a Facilitator to moderate this session.

Document the name of the Facilitator in the space provided below:

Diego Perez Lucena

A. Mapping

Work in collaboration with the team.

● Create some top-level categories: discovery, learning, using, deciding, goal. This will get you
● Decide with the team if the categories should be adjusted.

● List your actor/s (users) on the left side. For example, the customer. Note: could be more than
one actor, depending on the challenge that you are working on.
● This is about what the user would go through in a typical interaction with the product/solution.

● Focus on the touchpoint that the actor/s (or user persona) may have with the business.
o Discovery: how does the customer discover the product/service?
o Learning: how did the customer learn more about the channel they used to discover the

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o Using: what does the customer do?


Take a picture of the map, copy and paste it in the space provided below.

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The map gives you an overview of the user journey.

Duration: 45 minutes

B. Target the map

Work in collaboration with the team.

● Collect the most voted HMW questions.

● Place the HMW post-it notes on the map where they most align.

● Decide the target of the design sprint to determine where you are going to focus when solving
the problem.
● Mark the area/s of focus.


Take a picture of the target map, copy and paste it in the space provided below.

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Duration: 15 minutes

Each team member should now research examples of other products or solutions that provide
inspiration based on the mapping work. This will assist with the next stage of the design sprint
process: sketching.(see Task 2.2.1)

Task 2.2 Sketching

Task 2.2.1 Research for the Lightning Demo TODOS

Research examples of other products or solutions that provide inspiration based on the mapping
work. This will assist with sketching. Provide evidence of research. Collect links, screenshots, and
information about your research.

Evidence may be:

● An email or evidence of communication about the findings of your research sent to the team.
This could be a screenshot of the communication.
● A summary report on your research (100-150 words)

Copy and paste the evidence below.

Luisa its a new concept of At-Home experiences to help connect, learn and enjoy.
Offering activities for different targets. This company was created to connect people through the
pandemic and now they are included in their portfolio outside activitie s.

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Knobby: Creating a new necessity or maybe solving a past problem, this company send
subscription underwear clothes with funny and innovative designs. They target different genres
and ages and also support new artists through the design of underwear. The marketing and
concept are very focused on their customer preferences, so you can choose the frequency
according to your preferences.


Daisie: It is a social media style media platform that to help artists and creators of all genres
and backgrounds from different creative industries showcase their work, discover projects and
collaborations, and provide another avenue to build their careers.


Breaking stereotypes.

Min. 2:22 Dove real beauty campaign

I found two useful ideas that open my mind to come up with more interesting and creative ideas.
Dove released a real beauty campaign including women of all skin colours and sizes. The most
brilliant idea to say that women are beautiful in their own way breaking the stereotypical rules
and beauty taboos. They found a way using unconventional ideas to take their message across
and generate thousands of conversations about the beauty standards.

Thinking out of the box.

Min. 4:04 Domino’s paving for pizza

Another ad that come to my attention was dominos addressing the pizza delivering dilemma that
no one wants to talk about smash and all the ingredients mixed around the pizza box. It wasn’t a
dominos proper problem it was an American infrastructure problem. There were thousands of
portholes on the streets. They focus on the solution for and everyday problem that everyone was
facing and increase their recognition and sales.

Task 2.2.2 The Big Idea

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Meet with the team.

● Each team member must review their research findings and write down three big ideas
(solutions) on post-it notes.
● One by one, the team members will present their big ideas – those ideas/examples that they
think the team can use as inspiration for the concept in the next phase.
● Assign one person from the team to take notes or sketch doodle notes to represent the
● Put the big ideas on the wall and leave them there for the team to see as an inspiration.

Take a picture of your three big ideas, copy and paste the picture in the space provided below.

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Take a picture of the big ideas on the wall, copy and paste the picture in the space provided

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Duration: 25 minutes

Task 2.2.3 '4' Step Sketch

There is four parts to the step sketch:

● Notes

● Ideas

● Crazy 8s

● Solutions Sketch

A. Notes

Everyone in the team must review the work done so far and take notes about it.

The point of this task is to take everything in and into the short memory again.

Duration: 25 minutes

Take a picture of your notes, copy and paste the picture in the space provided below.

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B. Ideas

Look at your notes and make what you find interesting into something more tangible, using

Min. 4 sketches/team member.

At this stage, the sketches aren't meant to be presented to anyone. The point is to prime team
members with early stages of individual ideas.

Duration: 20 minutes


Take a picture of your ideas' sketches, copy and paste the picture in the space provided below.

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C. Crazy 8s TODOS

Conduct a set of Crazy 8s.

Each team member is given a piece of paper which they fold into eight sections. Then a timer will
be set for eight minutes by the trainer and assessor. Once the timer is set, each team member
starts sketching one idea in each paper section. One minute is set for each sketch, and team
members must move to the next section when each minute is up. This exercise finishes when the
timer goes off.

Remember, you have already formulated and reviewed quite a few ideas at this stage, use those.

Duration: 8 minutes


Take a picture of your Crazy 8s, copy and paste the picture in the space provided below.


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Diego Md Jahe

Diego Md Jahe

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Review your Crazy 8s.

● Identify 3 factors that may affect the viability of the possible solutions you sketched.

● Evaluate the possible solutions against the factors.

Summarise your evaluation in the table provided below:

(50-100 words)

- Do not cover a considerable range of users

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- Difficulty to find partnerships

- Considerable time to develop the idea

Find many people to be willing to enrol in the new concept we want to develop
and promote has its own pros and cons. Speaking in terms of cons this new
concept “Game” is not suitable for everyone. Individuals who are used to this
type of scenarios are not the real deal but the ones who want to enrol and are
not into this are the big challenge. How might we catch those people

D. Solution Sketch TODOS

This part is about creating something self-explanatory for your preferred solution.

The sketch of the concept for the potential solution must be in the form of a storyboard. It would
be best if you created something completely self-explanatory, as you won't have a chance to
explain your concept when it will be presented to the group. The sketch is anonymous.

The sketches often describe a sequence of scenarios (e.g. a three-step storyboard). Therefore,
they typically spread over several paper taped sheets together and augmented with some post-it
notes and further explanation written on the sketches.


● It is not a drawing competition; ugly is okay. The goal is for the idea to be clear

● Words are important! Make sure to have clear explanations beside your sketch

● Give it a nickname (the concepts will be anonymous, so other people can easily point to each

● Focus only on one idea (make sure the participants don't get stuck trying to create a giant

Each team member will give their sketch to the Decider (trainer and assessor) to post at the next

Duration: 20 minutes


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Take a picture of your solution sketch, copy and paste the picture in the space provided below.


Task 2.3 Deciding

In Design Sprint, there are five steps to deciding on a solution:

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● The art museum

● The heat map

● The straw poll

● The solution presentation

● The super vote

Task 2.3.1 The art museum

The trainer and assessor (Decider) will set up the art museum with the anonymous solution
sketches that were given to them.

The Core team, the Decider and other stakeholders (classmates from other teams, representatives
from the company client and others), are invited to review the sketches in the art museum, silently.

Nominate a Facilitator to moderate this session.

Document the name of the Facilitator in the space provided below:

Tom Skrzezck

The Facilitator will remind everyone of the work done so far by relating back to the sprint goals, the
questions and the user journey.

The Facilitator will provide each stakeholder with one or two sheets of red sticky dots for voting and
explain how to vote; he/she will also provide blocks of post-it notes for observation and questions.

Everyone starts scrutinising the solution sketches, silently. If the stakeholders have any questions or
observations, they must write them on the post-it notes and stick it next to the sketch, or part
thereof, that the question/observation relates to.

Allow 20-30 minutes.


Take a picture of the art museum, copy and paste the picture in the space provided below.

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Task 2.3.2 Heat Maps

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Stakeholders vote on your preferred solutions (or part thereof). Everyone is encouraged to be
generous with their red sticky dots and apply them wherever they find ideas that stand out to them.

It is important to remember that the focus is to vote on ideas that represent the best way forward
for both the users and the business.

Allow 5 minutes for the voting process.


Take a picture of how the red sticky dots were placed at the art museum (voting) , copy and paste
the picture in the space provided below.

Task 2.3.3 Speed Critique

Next is the review of the voting process.

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Working from left to right, the Facilitator runs through the ideas at a high level, focusing on the
heat maps. The Facilitator runs the team through the ideas that have been voted for, at the same
time dealing with any questions that have come up as a team – all done while keeping it short and

If anyone wants to comment (example: I understood that this idea meant…), the Facilitator will
ensure that those comments are short and answered concisely.

Have one of the team members take notes on post-it notes and place them on top of the sketch.

Duration: 30 minutes

Take a picture of the Facilitator speaking to the team, copy and paste the picture in the space
provided below.

Task 2.3.4 Straw Poll and the Super Vote DIEGO

Once the Speed Critique session is done, each team member will be given a different coloured
sticky dot to write their initials on and use for their final vote.

The Decider (the trainer and assessor) gets two sticky dots and draws a star on both. Everyone,
except the Decider, then votes with their sticky dots for the one idea that appears to be the best
solution for the business.

Once done, each team member presents and negotiates their reason for selecting a particular idea
to the Decider, to consider before they make a decision in a final ' Super Vote'.

A. Evaluate the solutions against identified factors affecting viability

Evaluate the solutions you voted for (2-4) against four criteria of choice (including best practice
examples of similar products, programs, processes, or services). Use a decision matrix for your
evaluation (Template 4).

I. List the alternative solutions in the first column

II. List all criterion in the first row

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III. Weight each criterion based on their importance from 1-4 (1 the least important and 4 the
most important ones)
IV. Score each solution against each criterion from 1-9 (1 satisfies the least and 9 satisfies the
V. Mc vbn21022ultiply given scores by the assigned weight to each criterion
VI. Aggregate values and calculate the total score of each solution
VII. The highest score identifies the best solution

Template 4 – Decision Matrix

Weight: 2 Weight: 1 Weight: 3 Weight: 4

<Networking <Price> <Access to <Innovative> Total score

> real industry

<Solution>1 9 9 9 9 36

<Solution>2 7 5 5 1 18

<Solution>3 7 5 5 1 18

Give your final vote to your preferred solution.

B. Prepare to negotiate LILI

As a Team member, prepare your solution pitch using presentation and negotiation techniques:

● Confirm your authority to present the preferred solution (for example a member of the Core
● Consider any potentially confidential information and manage it appropriately during your
negotiation (remember, external stakeholders may be present at the art museum).
● Identify what information you need to communicate and prepare your position.

● Identify the goal of the negotiation, which is for your preferred idea to be chosen.

● Focus on why your preferred solution should be chosen.

● Identify any issue or problems with your selected solution. Anticipate objections.

● Prepare your position, and write down your supporting arguments.

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● List areas of potential compromise (for instance, if this solution is not chosen, a part of the idea
should be incorporated in the winning solution because…)

Summarise your preparation notes, addressing all the points above, in the space provided below
(100-150 words):

This virtual world let us catch an important portion of the market and promote an innovative idea
surrounded by a lot of solutions that can be add to this idea and catch the prospects attention
easily. As a Core team I will ensure that the content will be easy to understand but covering all
the theoretical concept needed for the student to improve their professional skills. Everyone is
more than welcome to come up with some ideas to make this innovative idea successful. Why
you wound not choose to learn while play in a virtual word. I know that thousands of people are
not into virtual world, but all our team will work together to ensure that everyone can understand
and takes advantage of this great opportunity.

The Decider will ask you three questions, so be ready to respond.

(10 minutes/negotiation)

C. Present your reasons to the Decider LUISA done pd Lili

Address the following:

1. Present the reasons why your preferred solution should be chosen and answer the questions
from the Decider.
Please note that the trainer and assessor will validate that the presentation/negotiation took
place and provide feedback on the Marking Sheet.

2. Reflect on your experience when negotiating with the Decider and:

● Summarise the content of the questions you were asked and how you responded to them

● Describe any areas of common ground that you may have found.

● Evaluate your performance during the negotiation. What did you do well? What could you
● Confirm the outcome of the negotiation and document it in your reflection notes.

3. Summarise your reflection in the space provided below.

(80-120 words)

This virtual world let us catch an important portion of the market and promote an innovative
idea surrounded by a lot of solutions that can be add to this idea and catch the prospects
attention easily. As a Core team I will ensure that the content will be easy to understand but
covering all the theorical concept needed for the student to improve their professional skills.
Everyone is more than welcome to come up with some ideas to make this innovative idea

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successful. Why you wound not choose to learn while play in a virtual word. I know that
thousands of people are not into virtual world, but all our team will work together to ensure
that everyone can understand and takes advantage of this great opportunity.

4. After listening to everyone's point of view, the Decider takes one of their sticky dots and casts
their vote on their idea of choice. The Decider's choice overrides everyone else's and this
becomes the winning solution.

Their second sticky dot can be used to either choose another solution to be 'rumbled' against,
or to pick a feature from another solution, to add to the winning concept.

Take a picture of the winning solution, copy and paste the picture in the space provided

D. Document the decision

Write an email to the CEO Taylor Herbert to inform them of what solution was chosen and why
(outcome of the negotiation).

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Use Template 5 to write the email.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English and written in an appropriate
(polite, business-like) style.

Template 5 – Email

Email to the CEO

Subject: New Academy Prototype
Date email is sent:28/05/22
Attachments: Virtual World Prototype.

Hi Taylor.

Regarding the Project of a New Virtual Academy please find below a description of the prototype

This prototype brings together different solutions for the needs found in current education systems,
and is projected for future times.

Prototype Name:

Project Manage Virtual World.

A virtual world will be created, where the participants will be among teachers, students, and
companies of different categories that are connected by project management.

A virtual world where will be different spaces connected to each other.

Space for teaching, access to academic material, in order to build skills and develop talents.

Collaboration and work spaces, where the student will have the opportunity to have access to real
projects, which companies have previously published.

Spaces for community and networking.

In this way, education, work and society are intended to connect with each other, universal
collaboration and benefit in the community for now and for times to come.

Looking forward to your comments.

Kind Regards,

<Team Liliana,Sandra, Diego, Luisa, Jahed>

Project Manager
InnoStar Business Incubator Centre (IBI)
123 Road
Example City 0000 Australia

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Task 3 – Prototype and test

This Task builds on Task 2.

Complete the following:

3.1 Prototyping

At this point, you have a winning concept/solution. It is time to develop a prototype using a
structured approach.

Draw empty cells on a whiteboard (about 8), you will use them for storyboarding.

Task 3.1.1 Storyboarding session

The aim of the Storyboarding session is to map out all the required interfaces needed for the
prototyping session. This will help the Core Team to focus on putting the prototype together
quickly, without any other distractions.

To start with, you will define a simple User Test Flow, then elaborate on it, so that it eventually
becomes the Storyboard.

A. User test flow TODOS

Nominate a Facilitator for this session.

Document the name of the Facilitator in the space provided below:

Md Jahedul Islam

During the User Test Flow, the Facilitator reminds the team of the Sprint Goal, Questions, and User
Journey focus.

1. Next, each team member comes up with their personal take on the 6 action steps a user would
go through in their user journey. Think about action steps as clicks, typing or movements that
your user would take to get to the next scene in your storyboard.

Take a block of post-it notes and write a step on each post-it note.

Take a picture of your six steps, copy and paste the picture in the space provided below.


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This is an efficient way to start a Storyboard with the key points.

2. Now present your six points to the team.

3. Every team member gets one red sticky dot for to vote for their preferred flow. The Decider
(trainer and assessor) gets 2 dots. They can give two votes to one flow or one to the preferred
flow and one to a step they would like to incorporate into the preferred flow.

The Decider will select the winning flow, and this acts as the foundation for the Storyboard.


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4. Take a picture of the winning flow, copy and paste the picture in the space provided below.

Duration: 20 minutes

5. Place the actions in the empty storyboard cells. At this point, the first part of the storyboard
session is complete, as the team can see what happens in each cell.

Note: one action may translate in more than one cell, hence consider having more than 6 empty
cells when starting the storyboarding.

B. Storyboarding ?????

Nominate a Facilitator to ensure this task is performed timely and efficiently.

Document the name of the Facilitator in the space provided below:

Sandra Vargas

1. In collaboration with the team, look back to ALL the team's work so far to find anything
(drawings or parts of drawings, for example) that you can re-use.

The purpose of the storyboard is to leave no open questions regarding the prototype.

2. With the team, go back to the empty cells and fill them to create the storyboard.

3. Take a picture of the storyboard, copy and paste the picture in the space provided below:

Duration: 2 hours

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Task 3.1.2 Prototyping

A. Prototyping LILI

Nominate a Facilitator to make sure the goals are met and keep track of time throughout the day.

Document the name of the Facilitator in the space provided below:


1. Together with your team, decide what key pieces from the storyboard will be part of the
prototype. What do you need to test? What do you need to get answers?

2. Schedule time to plan out the prototyping. Agree on tasks and assign them to the team based
on individual skills (SKAs matrix).

3. Document the assigned tasks in the table provided below. Add additional rows if needed.

Luisa Liliana Diego Sandra Jahe

Detail the steps Design all the Detail all the Come up with Metaverse
to follow as a sing in model business some ideas for expert . Detail
student prototyping plan the avatars the metaverse
needs and the
connection with
the problem

Detail the steps Design the

to follow as a prototyping
partnership student’s

Design the

Remember what we mean by the prototype in design sprint: the thing that we build to show our
idea to potential users, get feedback, test and validate the idea. It's not a full version of the whole
solution but the key pieces that constitute the solution to the issue/problem that was identified at
the beginning of the design sprint.
4. Take a picture of the prototype, copy and paste the picture in the space provided below.

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5. Reflect on your experience with the prototyping process:
● What was your contribution to group work?

● What were the challenges?

● What did you do well, and what could you improve?

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● What could the team improve?

Summarise your reflection in the space provided below.

(50-100 words)

The idea of the project, in general, was developed successfully, the team was very participative
and the best ideas were taken as part of the actions developed. There was consensus in each
one of the activities and thus it was possible to consolidate a project in which it was possible to
plan the solution to the exposed problem. The development in general development according to
what was planned, however at the time of prototyping the team had problems due to a lack of
knowledge in the technological part, which led us to have to rethink our scope and request
consulting from experts on the subject. To improve the team to obtain greater knowledge in the
part of programming and technology.

B. Review and iterate

Prepare a brief testing session to review the prototype with a group of stakeholders (played by
other classmates from different teams in simulated work conditions) and the Decider (trainer and
This session is about a trial run using the prototype to guide people through the overall User
Feedback here is inevitable, and from that, there will be changes, so it's important for the Core
Team to make a note of realistic fixes, changes or improvements before the user testing in week 7.

ALL team members must engage with the stakeholders. The trainer and assessor will observe the
review session and provide feedback on the marking sheet.

During the session:

● Present the prototype

● Ask the stakeholders to provide feedback (Template 6)

● Collect and evaluate feedback

1. In collaboration with the team, develop 12-15 questions (a mix of closed and open-ended
questions) to review the prototype.

Adjust and update the feedback form (Template 6) as needed.

Suggested resources:

● 31 prototype testing questions every designer should ask
● 12 of the web's best usability testing checklists and templates

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● 29 Questions to Consider Asking Users During Prototype Testing

Please note that under 'Answer' you can add a rating scale (example: very satisfied, satisfied…)

Template 6 –Feedback Form - Prototype review DIEGO Ya esta parcial/ listo Pd Lili

Feedback Form – Prototype Initial Review

Thank you for taking the time to complete the Feedback Form.
The survey should take less than five (5) minutes to complete and it will provide us with
insights to improve our prototype.
Question Answer

Does your idea solve the Very satisfied

problem or do what it’s supposed
to do?

How are the competitors solving Very dissatisfied

this problem?

Can your prospects think of Satisfied

another product that does
something similar?

How have previous solutions Satisfied


Do the users understand the Very satisfied

purpose of the product or

How do users feel about the Satisfied

product or service?

Who are the direct competitors? Neutral

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What is the site for and what can Satisfied
users do there?

Does the target market have a Very satisfied

need for the product or service?

What devices do users think Satisfied

about when interact with this

When they explore the product Very satisfied

become confuse?

How they describe the product? Satisfied

2. Distribute the feedback forms and collect the feedback (min. 3 feedback forms from different
people must be collected).

3. Provide evidence of the feedback collected – for example, the summary of results or scanned
copies of the feedback form.

Record the evidence in the space provided below.

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4. Summarise the feedback results (changes/refinements) in the table provided below:

It is crucial to have a broader spectrum of respondents to obtain a better picture of the usability
of the prototype. It should include other survey of expectation prior of knowing the product and
other after so the team can crosscheck the results and have a better insight.

5. Finalise the prototype and prepare to test the prototype (Task 3.2).

3.2 Testing

It is time to work on the user testing.


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1. Organise the testing:
● Meet with the team to plan for the testing

● Ensure you have two blocks of post-it notes of different colours to note positive and
negative feedback.
● Organise, with the support of the trainer and assessor, four-five (4-5) classmates to play the
role of users.
● In collaboration with the team, set up the user testing and interviews.

● Nominate a Facilitator to ensure that the testing process is completed successfully and
within time limits.

Document the name of the Facilitator in the space provided below:

Sandra Vargas

2. Prepare a brief presentation plan for the testing (Template 7).

Template 7 – Brief Presentation Plan

Confirm the testing Firstly we highlight information showing why it is important and
setting and how you relevant, and the impact that this could have, thus capturing
will communicate with attention. We encouraged people for feedback and included
the users according to them. Finally, we introduce the final product, and a completed
policy and procedures. handbook is delivered. We provided the training required and
listen carefully for needed improvements.
Decide the tone,
structure, style of Open to listen and generate the necessary changes.
communication and
presentation adequate
to the target audience
Determine the user During the testing, we kept the steps below:
interview process when Verification, Validate if the user can easily understand what they
testing the prototype are looking at and what function it performs. Navigation, Test if
and develop a step by the users can easily navigate their way through and find what
step guide. they are looking for. Finally determine if the prototype achieves
the purpose and fulfils the required function.
Formulate 25 key How was the experience?
questions to ask the How do you rate your overall experience?
testers (use the Was the navigation easy?
'interview framework' What would change?
as a guide). What would improve it?

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Notes: Did it work as expected?
● You may ask more When would you use it?
Who do you think can make use of this tool?
questions during the Did you know something similar to this tool? If so, what?
testing, however, Is there something that doesn't make sense?
you need a solid Was there a particular feature that was missing?
base to start from. How would you rate the level of difficulty of using this tool?
● Consider using some Do you think there is something that should be modified and/or
of the questions eliminated?
used in the initial How did you recognize the interaction of this virtual world?
prototype review Do you feel comfortable paying for this tool?
What information would be missing?
Do you think the tool is easy to guide?
Are the search field and menu where people expect to find
Can people find what they think they will find?
Who could benefit from this tool?
What are your initial thoughts on this app/website?
How do you benefit from using this tool?

3. Document the meeting minutes (Template 3) from the preparation meeting.

Summarise the content of the meeting and allocate action items.

Meeting Agenda
Meeting Title Brief presentation meeting preparation meeting
Date and Time 3-05-2022
Location Zoom meeting
Attendees Luisa, Sandra, DIego, Islam, Liliana
Items for discussion Summary Duration
Testing – resources 5 minutes for all resources to be in place 5 min
Testing – process It begins, announcing the process that will 5 min
take place during the test
Testing – interview questions The previously designed questions are 15 min
Testing – framework The test itself is given way, and space for 45 min
people to have the time to use the new tool
Testing – feedback collection This time is to be used carefully, with open 15 min
communication and taking note of everything
that the people taking the test can contribute.
Action items To conclude, the actions to be taken 10 min
according to the findings during the test will
be reviewed.

The testing:

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4. Conduct the testing:
● The Facilitator will welcome the users and explain the testing process.

● Allow about 30-45 minutes for the test. Each team member will conduct the test with one user
(so, if there are 5 students in the team, organise 5 users; if there are 4 students, organise 4
● We will call the user, 'tester'.

● Each tester will work with one team member, the 'interviewer'. They will be given the prototype
and start the test. You might want to invite the expert (client) to view the testing process.
● The interviewer will note the feedback received during the testing process on the ‘positive’ and
‘negative’ post-it notes. It is recommended to use post-it notes for ‘other’ as well, so that all
feedback is captured, for example observations.
● Follow the framework below:

A. The Friendly In a natural friendly manner, the interviewer tries to make the testers
Welcome feel welcome and comfortable by creating a genuine interaction.

B. Context Questions In this part, the interviewer will naturally transition the conversation
to questions about the tester's day to day life and how the product
displayed through the prototype might be relevant.

The idea here is to get a sense of the tester's general behaviour, role
in the process, and needs.

C. Reveal the The interviewer introduces the prototype to the tester and quickly
Prototype explains that it's a dummy version and not the final product.

They explain what the prototype is meant to do and that some of the
details might not be accurate.

It's important testers understand this, so their expectations are

managed before their test journey begins.

Ask the tester if they have any questions.

D. Tasks and Once the testers are clear on the objective of the exercise, the
Scenarios interviewer will start going through scenarios and pre-prepared
interview questions.

These scenarios should reflect the focus of the Sprint Goals,

Questions and User Journey .
This part of the testing is crucial in a Design Sprint because it's where
the business's idea, concept or process can be directly validated by
the users.

Once all of the scenarios and questions are done, the interviewer will
ask testers to summarise their overall thoughts and experiences by
asking questions such as "What do you think of the new proposed

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design?", or "Does this idea bring more value to you as a customer?" .
The answers here are usually straightforward, because users would
have expressed their points, concerns or suggestions in some cases
repeatedly, during the User Testing.

E. Debrief In this last part, the interviewer ends the interview by asking the test
users about their favourite products.

They don't necessarily have to be directly related to the prototype.

These examples can give the Core Team a reference point around
what other products appeal to the testers.

Finally, the interviewer asks "If you could add anything you wanted
to this Prototype, what would you love it to include? "

4. Reflect on your experience as an interviewer:

● What was most challenging during the testing?

● What did you do well, and what could you improve?

● Do you think that you asked the right questions?

● Are you overall satisfied with the testing you conducted?

Summarise your reflection in the space provided below.

(50-100 words)

The most challenging was to attract the attention of the public and explain the reasons why
the project was created in such a way, the role played by each of the steps, the clicks and the
avatars. We found that compared to the other groups, our prototype was a bit plain and not
very visually appealing. As a team we were assertive in the selection of the main characters,
and our idea is clear and punctual with the needs of the client. We believe that we asked the
right questions and that resulted in the feedback received, which gives us the opportunity to
improve our prototype.

After the testing:

5. All interviewers will place their post-it notes (negative and positive feedback) on the wall/board
against the items for feedback, including an 'other' item.

Take a picture of the wall/board with the feedback, copy and paste it in the space provided

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6. The team will collaboratively review the feedback and list the key points as' User Testing

Provide a list of the key points of the feedback received in the space provided below:

● In general, people validate the idea as a good concept

● The user testing gave us the necessity to improve the technology used for the
● The avatar as characters was a good idea and people like them, however, the design
is not the best and we can improve it.

7. Create a plan for improvements based on the feedback received during testing. Develop a list of
which activities the design team will perform. Consider what needs to be removed, what to
proceed with, and what needs iteration or refinement.
Include this action plan in the email to the CEO (see task below).

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8. Each team member must write an email (Template 5) to the CEO to summarise the feedback
and the plan for improvements.

Write an email to the CEO Taylor Herbert to inform them of what changes/refinements, based
on the feedback received, will be made to the prototype before the final presentation.

Attach the meeting minutes you wrote about the testing preparation meeting, to document the
prep work planned and executed by the team.

The text of the email should be in grammatically correct English, written in an appropriate
(polite, business-like) style.

(50-100 words)

Template 5 – Email DIEGO

Email to the CEO

Date email is sent: D/MM/YYYY

Kind Regards,

<Your Name>

Project Manager
InnoStar Business Incubator Centre (IBI)
123 Road
Example City 0000 Australia

3.3 Final Presentation

In collaboration with the team, prepare a final presentation to deliver in week 8.

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All team members must assist with the preparation of the presentation, and all team members must

Before the presentation

1. Develop a PP presentation to address the following:

● What is Design Sprint?

● Your Design Sprint challenge and goals

● The final prototype (refined following the testing)

● What the team learned from using Design Sprint

● What the team could improve

● A topic of choice about this term

● Q&A with the audience


● 8-12 Slides

● Duration of the presentation : 15 minutes

● Q& A: 15 minutes

● You will have to submit the PP with your assessment

2. Prepare any other presentation material, such as the prototype as needed.

You will present to an audience comprised of your classmates, the trainer and assessor, as well as
other stakeholders such as the expert (client).

They will ask you questions about any of the topics listed for the presentation. Ensure that you are
ready to engage with the audience and answer questions.

Remember to submit the PP with the rest of your assessment.

The trainer and assessor will evaluate your performance during the presentation.

If you are absent from class, it is your responsibility to make alternative arrangements with the
trainer and assessor to present. You can reschedule only once.

3. Prepare a presentation plan using Template 8

Template 8 –Presentation Plan

Structure of the
presentation. ● What is Design Sprint?
● Your Design Sprint challenge and goals

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● The final prototype (refined following the testing)
● What the team learned from using Design Sprint
● What the team could improve
● A topic of choice about this term
● Q&A with the audience

Information and PowerPoint / Project management prototype

data needs.
Decide the tone, All related with virtual world, virtual reality and the metaverse using
structure, style of and excitement tone, following the structure detailed above
communication and
adequate to the
target audience
Strategy to make the
presentation One message per PowerPoint slide
engaging and fun.
Used contrast and size to steer focus

Avoid using sentences

Use bark background

Select maximum of 6 objects per slide

material Project management prototyping PowerPoint slides

Tasks to prepare and Islam

deliver the Sandra Diego Luisa Liliana
Add additional rows
if needed. X
Body X X X X

What is Design X

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Your Design X
Sprint challenge
and goals

The final X
(refined following
the testing)

What the team X

learned from
using Design

What the team X

could improve

Extra topic

During the presentation

● Welcome the audience

● Introduce the team

● Present

● Engage the audience

After the presentation

4. Prepare a social media post to present your final prototype.

The social media post can be as simple as content + picture. However, it should showcase the
work of the team.

Document the social media post in the space provided below.


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5. Evaluate the presentation
● Reflect on the final presentation:
o Was the presentation engaging?
o How did the audience respond?
o How did you engage the audience? Provide an example.
o What did you do well? What could you improve?

(50-100 words)

Summarise your reflection in the space provided below.

The presentation was engaging for the concept, people like it the idea of having characters
and avatars easy to customize. In general, the project was validated as a good solution for
the client's problem. However, several points such as the design of each of the characters
and the technology used for the prototype could be much more advanced. The public was
engaged with the diversity of the characters because this idea was not exposed by the other
groups in class and that could attract a lot of attention to the general public.

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3.4 Wrap Up

Complete the following wrap up tasks:

1. Feedback to team members

Evaluate the performance of your team members during this term.
Complete the feedback forms below, providing qualitative feedback against each evaluation
Consider what each team member did well and what they could improve,

Luisa Silva
Factors Qualitative feedback
(30-50 words/factor)
Commitment, reliability and punctuality. Luisa is a committed person
Active participation in group work. Always
Contribution to planning, organisation and 100%
strategising of group work.
Leadership, communication, conflict She maintained the leadership in the group,
resolution and feedback. always aware of all aspects of the project and
connecting everything towards the best
Decision-making, problem-solving, issue Luisa is a person help the group to problem
resolution. solving and quick issue resolution.

Liliana Posada
Factors Qualitative feedback
(30-50 words/factor)
Commitment, reliability and punctuality. Liliana is always present in group work and is
committed to meeting the objectives.
Active participation in group work. Always
Contribution to planning, organisation and She truly avoids procrastination and actually
strategising of group work. executes the tasks by always starting and
directing the first form to the derivables.
Leadership, communication, conflict She is the person who always gave a solution
resolution and feedback. to any communication conflict that could be
Decision-making, problem-solving, issue Liliana managed the group very well, giving
resolution. ideas that put the group in mutual

Sandra Vargas
Factors Qualitative feedback
(30-50 words/factor)
Commitment, reliability and punctuality. Committed person with the project and

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Sandra Vargas
teamwork, she works hardly to achieve the
required derivables.
Active participation in group work. Active participation.
Contribution to planning, organisation and The group work was exceptional.
strategising of group work.
Leadership, communication, conflict Specific ideas were maintained around a
resolution and feedback. Metauniverse, virtuality, space that gave us
the facility to have effective communication,
without conflicts since the objectives were
Decision-making, problem-solving, issue When the objective is clear it is easy to arrive
resolution. at a quick solution and resolution of

Md Jahedul Islam
Factors Qualitative feedback
(30-50 words/factor)
Commitment, reliability and punctuality. Commitmetment OK
Active participation in group work. Ok
Contribution to planning, organisation and Contribution Ok
strategising of group work.
Leadership, communication, conflict Thanks to his deep knowledge of IT and
resolution and feedback. virtuality, this gives him ample space to have
leadership on these issues.
Decision-making, problem-solving, issue Good Decision making and problem solving.

2. Self-evaluation

Self-evaluate your performance in teamwork.

Diego Perez
Factors Qualitative feedback
(30-50 words/factor)
Commitment, reliability and punctuality. Absolutely great commitment.
Active participation in group work. His participation is very important, his
contribution of ideas is exceptional, he has a
good command of the subject and creativity.
Contribution to planning, organisation and Good strategies to execute the project, and
strategising of group work. achieve the objectives of the proposed virtual
Leadership, communication, conflict Being a leader is his nature, he has the
resolution and feedback. greatest communication skills.
Decision-making, problem-solving, issue He was elemental in the group for decision
resolution. making thanks to the fact that he has a

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Diego Perez
broader knowledge of what it means to be a
project manager.

3. Evidence

Provide evidence of teamwork:

● Team communication

● Work progress and tracking

(6-8 evidence such as screenshots and pictures)

Document the evidence in the space provided below.

Share Drive documents

WhatsApp group

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Team Communication

Tracking progress

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Tracking pending tasks

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