Syllabus (Detailed Syllabus will be available from the Directorate of Medical Education, Thiruvananthapuram by paying an amount of Rs.50/- as DD in favour of Secretary, paramedical council payable at SBT Main Branch , Thiruvananthapuram). Basic knowledge of Anatomy, Physiology and Forensic medicine. Training in Laboratory method, Technique and management in the following subjects1) Laboratory management and Ethics,General laboratory techniques and use of apparatus,quality control, ,Basic Electricity& Electronics, Lecture 50 hrs; practical 50 hrs 2) Anatomy ,Physiology and Forensic medicine Lecture 30 hrs; practical 30 hrs 3) Clinical Biochemistry Lecture 141 hrs; practical 282 hrs 4) Microbiology A) General microbiology - lecture 10 hrs; practical 20 hrs B) Medical Microbiology- lecture 60 hrs; practical 123 hrs c) Parasitology lecture 30 hrs; practical 60 hrs d) Mycology lecture 10 hrs; practical 20 hrs e) Virology lecture 10 hrs; practical 20 hrs F) Immunology lecture 20 hrs; practical 40 hrs 5) Pathology A) Haematology, lecture 30 hrs; practical 72 hrs B) Clinical pathology lecture 35 hrs; practical 70 hrs C) Blood banking lecture 35 hrs; practical 70 hrs D) Histotechnnoloy and cytology lecture 36 hrs; practical 70 hrs 6) In addition to the theory and practical classes, laboratory assignments in the different laboratories of the Medical college hospitals attached as follows Biochemistry lab postings : 285 hrs Microbiology lab postings : 285 hrs Pathology lab postings : 285 hrs Evaluation i) At the end of Laboratory Assignment ,each students bring completion certificate and attendance percentage report from the medical officers concerned from the different laboratories of Medical college Hospital/Institute Hospital s ii) Three Average Examinations (theory and pracctical) will be conducted in due course. iii) Final examination at the end of IInd year. Scheme of Examination:Number of Papers - Three ( one each in Biochemistry, Pathology and Microbiology) Duration of written examination - 3 hrs Maximum marks - 100 Viva voc maximum marks - 50
Practical - maximum marks - 150 Duration of examination Biochemistry - 2 days Microbiology - 3 days Pathology - 2days Criteria for a pass in the subject Minimum marks in theory - 45 Minimum marks in practical - 75 Minimum marks in average exam. - 20 Minimum marks for the subject - 200 Question paper Biochemistry Section A§ion B Microbiology including Parasitology Section A&B Haematology,Clinical Pathology,Histopathology including Blood Banking Section A§ion B Awarding of certificate Second Class/Pass 50% or above First class - 65% or above Distinction - 75% or above Supplementary examination A supplementary examination will be conducted after 3 months for those failed in the subject/subjects. Separate internal assessment examination will be conducted in theory and practical before the supplementary examination. Eligibility criteria for appearing in the in the final examination Minimun Attendence - 80% Minimum Internal Assessment marks - 40% Examiners External Examiner 1 Internal Examiner 1