A Hybrid Classical-Quantum HPC Workload: Aniello Esposito, Jessica R. Jones, Sebastien Cabaniols and David Brayford

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A Hybrid Classical-Quantum HPC Workload

Aniello Esposito∗ , Jessica R. Jones† , Sebastien Cabaniols‡ and David Brayford§

HPC/AI EMEA Research Lab
Hewlett Packard Labs
Location: ∗ Basel Switzerland, † Bristol UK, ‡ Grenoble France, § Munich Germany
Email: ∗ aniello.esposito@hpe.com, † j.r.jones@hpe.com, ‡ sebastien.cabaniols@hpe.com, § david.kenneth.brayford@hpe.com

Abstract—A strategy for the orchestration of hybrid classical- that those challenges can be addressed, a hybrid classical-
quantum workloads on supercomputers featuring quantum de- quantum system can be thought of as broadly similar to any
vices is proposed. The method makes use of heterogeneous job
arXiv:2312.04933v1 [quant-ph] 8 Dec 2023

other HPC system with more than a single node architecture,

launches with Slurm to interleave classical and quantum compu-
tation, thereby reducing idle time of the quantum components. e.g. with a mixture of accelerators such as GPUs and FPGAs.
To better understand the possible shortcomings and bottlenecks That means that most of the tools at our disposal today, such
of such a workload, an example application is investigated that as Slurm [3] and MPI [4], can be repurposed. Slurm already
offloads parts of the computation to a quantum device. It executes supports heterogeneous jobs and can be configured to schedule
on a classical high performance computing (HPC) system, with hybrid classical-quantum jobs on a suitable hybrid machine.
a server mimicking the quantum device, within the multiple
program, multiple data (MPMD) paradigm in Slurm. Quantum The first part of this work presents an example hybrid
circuits are synthesized by means of the Classiq software suite workload as described above. It makes use of the HHL
according to the needs of the scientific application, and the Qiskit quantum algorithm to solve a system of linear equations
Aer circuit simulator computes the state vectors. The Harrow- repeatedly, where a quantum device is mimicked by a circuit
Hassidim-Lloyd (HHL) quantum algorithm for linear systems simulator within the MPMD paradigm. This testbed allows the
of equations is used to solve the algebraic problem from the
discretization of a linear differential equation. Communication investigation of possible shortcomings and bottlenecks of the
takes place over the message passing interface (MPI), which is workload design, which is the main purpose and contribution
broadly employed in the HPC community. Extraction of state of this part. A solid understanding of this preliminary stage
vectors and circuit synthesis are the most time consuming, while is crucial before including a real quantum device, which
communication is negligible in this setup. The present test bed would then allow investigation of the performance of both
serves as a basis for more advanced hybrid workloads eventually
involving a real quantum device. the hardware and software. In the second part, a general
Index Terms—quantum, hybrid, simulation, supercomputing, and more sophisticated strategy for hybrid classical-quantum
hpc workloads is proposed that employs heterogeneous Slurm jobs.
This approach allows the idle time of a quantum device to
I. I NTRODUCTION be further reduced, thereby increasing the efficiency of hybrid
Quantum computers hold the potential to solve certain very workloads. This is an improvement over MPMD from the first
difficult problems with moderate input sizes efficiently but part, where the quantum device is not released during a Slurm
accessibility and usability lag behind. On the other hand, job and can be left idle.
supercomputers and their data-intensive applications are large
but operate with proven tools developed over decades. Several
promising algorithms for quantum architectures have been A. General Considerations
developed over the past decades [1]. However, as was ex- A realistic architecture of a hybrid classical-quantum system
plained in [2, Sec. 1.1], parallelism is not as easy to realise in the near future could consist of a large number of classical
in quantum algorithms. A more suitable approach therefore, compute nodes, as found in today’s supercomputers, and at
given the small size of early noisy, intermediate-scale quantum least one or two orders of magnitude fewer nodes with quan-
(NISQ) devices, is to offload portions of a classical code tum hardware, likely NISQ devices with 10-100 qubits each,
that would most benefit from quantum speed-up. Many HPC sharing a common high-speed interconnect as shown in Fig. 1.
applications could profit from this approach in a hybrid The quantum devices are exposed as regular compute nodes
workload, but how that might happen in a practical sense has to a workload manager (WLM) using a hardware interface
not been standardized yet. It is therefore crucial that today’s that is assumed to be compatible with the possibly very
computational scientists are able to adapt early on to make different cooling requirements of the various architectures.
use of these machines as they become available, while ideally From an algorithmic point of view, offloading portions of a
keeping as much as possible from the proven HPC ecosystem, classical code to quantum devices presents another challenge,
in order to shape hybrid workflows to their needs. In [2] namely that of data transfer speed, which will affect how
some of the challenges that will need to be addressed to those portions are selected. Hoefler et.al. [5] demonstrated,
make a hybrid classical-quantum supercomputer truly useful with some fairly pessimistic, if realistic, assumptions about
to the wider scientific community are explained. Assuming I/O speed, that it is necessary to minimise the amount of data
Figure 1. Schematic representation of a tightly coupled hybrid system, where
quantum devices access via an interface the same high-speed network as the
classical compute nodes and service nodes. Figure 3. Iterative solution of a linear system of equations Ax = b as it is
used for the time evolution of a discretized partial differential equation. At
each time step the circuit for the HHL algorithm is synthesized for a different
right hand side and the solution is computed on a quantum device (quantum
circuit simulator in the present case). Note that the matrix A is synthesised
only once as long as the discretization grid does not change.

assembly language (QASM)) [8], and these are transferred

via MPI_Send/Recv calls using mpi4py [9]. MPI has been
chosen for communicating data because of its established role
in supercomputing, but other mechanisms are also imaginable,
such as the Maestro middleware [10]. The quantum device
that is supposed to process the quantum circuit is accessed
through an interface running in another application. Though,
in the present case, the quantum device is mimicked by the
Qiskit Aer [11] circuit simulator, which computes the
final state vector and sends the solution back to the classical
Figure 2. Schematic representation of the interaction between a classical application. In the simplest scenario, both applications are
application running on the HPC system and an interface server for a quantum
device. A WLM spans a single job that includes both components running in executed within a single job using the MPMD model, where
a MPMD model. The subroutine qsolve_Axb(...) handles the synthesis the job is allocated and started by Slurm (see appendix A). The
of the quantum circuit depending on A and b on the HPC system, as well as classical application and the quantum circuit simulator share
the communication with the quantum device. For the present case, a quantum
circuit simulator mimics the quantum device. a single MPI_COMM_WORLD, which required minor changes
in Qiskit Aer. Alternatively, dynamic process management
in MPI could be used to create an inter-communicator from
being transferred to benefit from the advantages conferred by the individual communicators of the two applications in order
quantum computation. Algorithm selection is therefore key to send and receive information. In the case of a linear time-
in realising quantum advantage. The problem of quantum dependent differential equation, a system of linear equations
error correction (QEC) is ignored for the moment. However, needs to be repeatedly solved, as illustrated in Fig 3. When
it is important to note that this must be addressed before a discretization grid does not change over time, the matrix A
widespread adoption of systems of this type in the HPC remains the same. The Classiq software allows the right-
community. See [2, Sec. 1.2] for further discussion on this hand-side b to be synthesized separately, and then combined
issue. the final circuit without having to synthesize A again. In
the present use case, the circuit for every time step is sent
B. Example Application to the quantum device, which then computes the solution
The discretization of linear differential equations is a stan- and sends it back to the classical application where the b
dard numerical method for solving problems in engineering. vector is assembled for the next time step. Experiments have
The resulting algebraic problem in the form of a system of been conducted on a HPE Cray EX system featuring two
linear equations Ax = b can be solved in principle on a AMD EPYC 7763 (Milan) CPUs per node, giving a total of
quantum device by the HHL [6] algorithm. Fig 2 shows a clas- 128 cores and 512GB memory connected via the Slingshot
sical application calling a subroutine qsolve_Axb(...) interconnect. The NumPy [12] and mpi4py packages made
that passes the the matrix A and right-hand-side b and returns use of the highly tuned math and MPI libraries from the HPE
the solution x. The routine synthesizes the HHL quantum Cray programming environment. Only moderate matrices and
circuits based on A and b by means of the Classiq [7] right-hand-sides of sizes up to N = 64 have been considered
software suite. The circuits are represented by strings of and the number of qubits needed for the quantum algorithm
quantum circuit intermediate representation code (quantum is O(log(N )). The present implementation uses Python and
Table I

operation quantum classical

Solving Ax = b O(κ log(N )) O(N)
Synthesis of circuit for b O(log(N ) N/A
Synthesis of circuit for A O(log(N ) N/A
Readout information from quantum device O(1) − O(N ) N/A

data is represented by NumPy arrays, but an implementation

in C/C++ that passes pointers or references to arrays of
floating point numbers is straightforward. This workload has Figure 4. Schematic representation of two Slurm heterogeneous jobs requiring
been demonstrated during the International Supercomputing a quantum device that is exposed as a compute node. As soon as the quantum
device is no longer needed by the first heterogeneous job it can be released
Conference (ISC) 2023. while the classical part continues to run. The second heterogeneous job can
start using the quantum device.
C. Results and Discussion
The most time consuming portion of the workload in Fig. 3
is the synthesis of A and b into quantum circuits, followed by two jobs are submitted to a queue. Once resources are available
the extraction of the state vector from the circuit simulator. to start, both the classical and quantum parts of job1 begin.
The former is most probably due to the connection of the At a crucial point in the execution, there is a synchronisation
Classiq software to an external server, which could be to allow the classical part to wait on results from its quantum
highly improved by using an on-premise solution, and further counterpart. The classical part polls the quantum resource for
optimizations of the synthesis can be considered once this completion. Once the quantum computation is finished, the
bottleneck has been removed. The matrix A is usually sparse resource is freed and then immediately consumed by the quan-
in terms of non-zero entries depending on the discretization tum part of job2, which has been waiting in the queue for the
scheme, but for the circuit generation an efficient decomposi- resource to become available. This is illustrated in Fig 4, where
tion in tensor products of Pauli matrices is more important. it is assumed that the quantum device is the bottleneck, since
The full extraction of the state vector is not necessary as their availability will initially be limited compared to that of
long as only a portion of the simulation domain in real-space traditional hardware. Sources for the job scripts can be found
is of interest, although this could be insufficient in a time- in the appendix A. Usually, the consumption of classical and
dependent problem. The precision of the solution is another quantum resources does not start at the same time, however
peculiarity of the quantum algorithm that deviates by several this can be achieved by splitting, checkpointing, and restarting
percent from the classical solution. As long as precision can the classical part appropriately. Here follow screen captures of
be traded for efficiency this is not an issue, but otherwise one the output of squeue at critical moments during the execution
has to include more qubits for precision and error correction. of the two hetjobs. The various states of a job can be
Another approach would be use the approximate solution as “pending” (PD), “completing” (CG), or “running” (R).
an input to an iterative refinement procedure. Finally, the com- JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON)
plexities of the individual portions of the quantum algorithm 105756+1 Q job2 seb PD 0:00 1 (Resources)
105754+1 Q job1 seb R 0:21 1 qnode1
are summarized in Table I. Assuming that only part of the 105756+0 HPC job2 seb PD 0:00 2 (Resources)
state vector is needed and that the injection of the circuit in 105754+0 HPC job1 seb R 0:21 2 hpcn[136-137]

the quantum device, as well as the circuit transfer time, remain Listing 1. job2 waits while job1 uses the quantum resource
negligible, the conditions under which this hybrid workload
can eventually outperform its purely classical counterpart are In Listing 1, job1 has been allocated the quantum resource,
given. qnode1 and, the two HPC machines are waiting for the end
of the quantum computation. job2 is waiting on resources
D. Anatomy of an Improved Hybrid Workload because the quantum machine, qnode1 is busy.
The MPMD model used in Sec. II-B is simple, but it blocks JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON)
a quantum device for the whole duration of the classical 105754+1 Q job1 seb CG 0:31 1 qnode1
105756+1 Q job2 seb PD 0:00 1 (Resources)
application and so potentially wastes precious resources. A 105756+0 HPC job2 seb PD 0:00 2 (Resources)
reduction of this idle time can be achieved by using the Slurm 105754+0 HPC job1 seb R 0:33 2 hpcn[136-137]
support for heterogeneous jobs (hetjobs) to split a job Listing 2. The quantum part of job1 is completing.
across differing hardware. A simple scenario consists of two
heterogeneous jobs {job1,job2} , each requiring classical In Listing 2, the quantum part of job1 is done; the quantum
and quantum computing resources. As is typical in HPC, the resource is being liberated, while the classical part of job1
is still running. Meanwhile, job2 is still pending as it waits
0 python hhl_demo.py
for the resources it needs to become available. 1 python circuit_simulator.py


105756+1 Q job2 seb PD 0:00 1 (Resources)
Listing 6. multi.conf Slurm MPMD configuration file
105756+0 HPC job2 seb PD 0:00 2 (Resources)
105754+0 HPC job1 seb R 0:45 2 hpcn[136-137] The heterogeneous Slurm jobs shown in Sec. II-D are based
Listing 3. Classical part of job1 is still computing, while job2 is still on a script like the following
pending, but the Q resource is almost ready again now.
In Listing 3 job1’s classical part is still computing, while #
# The first allocation is the classic HPC allocation and
job2 is still pending, but the quantum resource is almost will survive
ready again now. # the computational tasks even when the quantum part of the
job is finished.
105756+1 Q job2 seb R 0:01 1 qnode1 # The -C quantum is our quantic resource selector and we
105754+0 HPC job1 seb R 1:01 2 hpcn[136-137] only have one (mimicked by
105756+0 HPC job2 seb R 0:01 2 hpcn[138-139] # requiring qnode1, a unique, particular system).

Listing 4. Classical part of job1 is still computing, while job2 is running #SBATCH -N2
#SBATCH -C classic
Listing 4 shows job1 is continuing its classical computation. #SBATCH --exclusive
job2 is now running, with the quantum computation in #SBATCH hetjob
progress and the classical computation eventually waiting for #SBATCH -C quantum
the results (blocking MPI call). #SBATCH -p Q
#SBATCH -w qnode1
#SBATCH --exclusive
srun -n2 --ntasks-per-node=1 python hhl_demo.py : -n1 --
A hybrid classical-quantum workload for the repeated so- ntasks-per-node=1 python circuit_simulator.py
lution of a system of linear equations has been executed on
Listing 7. hetjob.sh, the main job script
a single HPE Cray EX system within the MPMD model of
Slurm. The circuits are generated by a classical scientific appli-
cation and then evaluated by a simulator imitating a quantum ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
device. Synthesis of a circuit is ideally done locally and not
remotely, which is really an administrative or legal (licensing) The authors would like to thank Alfio Lazzaro for proof
issue, rather than a technical one. The lower precision of reading and helpful comments, Frédéric Ciesielski and Yann
the results from a quantum device needs to be taken into Maupu for their Slurm expertise and testbed, and also the
account and improved by either using more qubits and an team at Classiq for allowing the authors access to their
improved algorithm, or by classical techniques such as iterative professional tool suite and for continuous support during our
refinement for this particular use case. Extraction of the full collaboration. Thanks also are due to the reviewers, whose
state vector has to be avoided if possible. For the more flexible comments helped guide improvements to this work.
case, where a quantum resource does not have to be bound to
a classical application until its termination in an MPMD job, a R EFERENCES
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