A Hybrid Classical-Quantum HPC Workload: Aniello Esposito, Jessica R. Jones, Sebastien Cabaniols and David Brayford
A Hybrid Classical-Quantum HPC Workload: Aniello Esposito, Jessica R. Jones, Sebastien Cabaniols and David Brayford
A Hybrid Classical-Quantum HPC Workload: Aniello Esposito, Jessica R. Jones, Sebastien Cabaniols and David Brayford
Abstract—A strategy for the orchestration of hybrid classical- that those challenges can be addressed, a hybrid classical-
quantum workloads on supercomputers featuring quantum de- quantum system can be thought of as broadly similar to any
vices is proposed. The method makes use of heterogeneous job
arXiv:2312.04933v1 [quant-ph] 8 Dec 2023
the quantum device, as well as the circuit transfer time, remain Listing 1. job2 waits while job1 uses the quantum resource
negligible, the conditions under which this hybrid workload
can eventually outperform its purely classical counterpart are In Listing 1, job1 has been allocated the quantum resource,
given. qnode1 and, the two HPC machines are waiting for the end
of the quantum computation. job2 is waiting on resources
D. Anatomy of an Improved Hybrid Workload because the quantum machine, qnode1 is busy.
The MPMD model used in Sec. II-B is simple, but it blocks JOBID PARTITION NAME USER ST TIME NODES NODELIST(REASON)
a quantum device for the whole duration of the classical 105754+1 Q job1 seb CG 0:31 1 qnode1
105756+1 Q job2 seb PD 0:00 1 (Resources)
application and so potentially wastes precious resources. A 105756+0 HPC job2 seb PD 0:00 2 (Resources)
reduction of this idle time can be achieved by using the Slurm 105754+0 HPC job1 seb R 0:33 2 hpcn[136-137]
support for heterogeneous jobs (hetjobs) to split a job Listing 2. The quantum part of job1 is completing.
across differing hardware. A simple scenario consists of two
heterogeneous jobs {job1,job2} , each requiring classical In Listing 2, the quantum part of job1 is done; the quantum
and quantum computing resources. As is typical in HPC, the resource is being liberated, while the classical part of job1
is still running. Meanwhile, job2 is still pending as it waits
0 python hhl_demo.py
for the resources it needs to become available. 1 python circuit_simulator.py
Listing 4. Classical part of job1 is still computing, while job2 is running #SBATCH -N2
#SBATCH -C classic
Listing 4 shows job1 is continuing its classical computation. #SBATCH --exclusive
job2 is now running, with the quantum computation in #SBATCH hetjob
progress and the classical computation eventually waiting for #SBATCH -C quantum
the results (blocking MPI call). #SBATCH -p Q
#SBATCH -w qnode1
#SBATCH --exclusive
srun -n2 --ntasks-per-node=1 python hhl_demo.py : -n1 --
A hybrid classical-quantum workload for the repeated so- ntasks-per-node=1 python circuit_simulator.py
lution of a system of linear equations has been executed on
Listing 7. hetjob.sh, the main job script
a single HPE Cray EX system within the MPMD model of
Slurm. The circuits are generated by a classical scientific appli-
cation and then evaluated by a simulator imitating a quantum ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
device. Synthesis of a circuit is ideally done locally and not
remotely, which is really an administrative or legal (licensing) The authors would like to thank Alfio Lazzaro for proof
issue, rather than a technical one. The lower precision of reading and helpful comments, Frédéric Ciesielski and Yann
the results from a quantum device needs to be taken into Maupu for their Slurm expertise and testbed, and also the
account and improved by either using more qubits and an team at Classiq for allowing the authors access to their
improved algorithm, or by classical techniques such as iterative professional tool suite and for continuous support during our
refinement for this particular use case. Extraction of the full collaboration. Thanks also are due to the reviewers, whose
state vector has to be avoided if possible. For the more flexible comments helped guide improvements to this work.
case, where a quantum resource does not have to be bound to
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