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How to Think Like a Computer

Scientist (Volume One)

Learning with Python

UKZN Local Version


Brad Miller, David Ranum, Jeffrey Elkner,

Peter Wentworth, Allen B. Downey, Chris
Meyers, Dario Mitchell and Anban Pillay.
How To Think Like a Computer Scientist:
Learning Python
(Volume One)

Anban Pillay and others



Contents 1

1 Introduction 13
1.1 Algorithms 13
What is an Algorithm? 14
1.2 Languages 17
Programming Languages 20
Using Python 21
1.3 Exercises 24

2 Elements of Programs 25
2.1 Introduction 25
2.2 Output with the print function 26
2.3 Literals 27
Numeric Literals 27
String Literals 28
2.4 Variables 28
Reassignment 30
Updating Variables 31
2.5 Identifiers and Keywords 32
2.6 Comments 34
2.7 Arithmetic Operators 34
Order of Operations 37
2.8 Data Types 38
Type conversion functions 40


2.9 Input 41
2.10 The math module 43
2.11 The random module 44
2.12 Exercises 46

3 Selection 49
3.1 Boolean Values and Boolean Expressions 49
3.2 Logical operators 51
Operators and Truth Tables 52
3.3 Precedence of Operators 53
3.4 Conditional Execution: Binary Selection 53
3.5 Omitting the else Clause: Unary Selection 55
3.6 Nested conditionals 55
3.7 Chained conditionals 57
3.8 Exercises 58

4 Iteration 61
4.1 The for loop 62
Flow of Execution of the for Loop 62
The range Function 63
4.2 The while Statement 65
Counting digits 68
4.3 Abbreviated assignment 68
4.4 Infinite, Definite and Indefinite Iteration 69
Infinite Loops 69
Indefinite and Definite Iteration 69
The 3n + 1 Sequence 70
Newton’s Method 72
4.5 break and continue 73
The break statement 73
The continue statement 73
4.6 Other flavours of loops 74
4.7 A Guessing Game 75
4.8 Nested Loops 76
4.9 Tables 77
Simple Tables 77
Two-dimensional tables 78
Tables and nested loops 78
4.10 Exercises 81

5 Debugging 85
5.1 Introduction 85


5.2 Tracing a program 86

5.3 Errors 87
Syntax errors 88
Runtime Errors 88
Semantic Errors 88
5.4 How to Avoid Debugging 88
Know Your Error Messages 91

6 Functions 97
6.1 Functions 97
Calling functions 98
Defining functions 99
6.2 Functions that Return Values 102
6.3 Variables and Parameters are Local 105
6.4 Functions can Call Other Functions 107
6.5 Flow of Execution Summary 109
6.6 Using a Main Function 110
6.7 Program Development 112
6.8 Composition 114
6.9 Boolean Functions 115
6.10 Exercises 116

7 Turtle Graphics 119

7.1 Hello Little Turtles! 119
Our First Turtle Program 120
A Bale of Turtles 122
Iteration Simplifies our Turtle Program 124
A Turtle Bar Chart 125
Randomly Walking Turtles 128
Summary of Turtle Methods 133
7.2 Exercises 133

8 Strings 137
8.1 Strings Revisited 137
8.2 Operations on Strings 138
Index Operator: Working with the Characters of a String 139
8.3 Operations on Strings 140
Length 140
The Slice Operator 140
String Comparison 141
The in and not in operators 142
Strings are Immutable 143


8.4 Traversal 143

Traversal and the for Loop: By Item 143
Traversal and the for Loop: By Index 144
Traversal and the while Loop 145
8.5 The Accumulator Pattern with Strings 145
8.6 Looping and Counting 147
A find function 147
Optional parameters 148
8.7 Exercises 150


Copyright Notice
Copyright (C) Brad Miller, David Ranum, Jeffrey Elkner, Peter Wentworth,
Allen B. Downey, Chris Meyers, Dario Mitchell and Anban Pillay.
Permission is granted to copy, distribute
and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation
License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by the Free Software
Foundation; with Invariant Sections being Forward, Prefaces, and
Contributor List, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of
the license is included in the section entitled ”GNU Free Documentation

Preface to the Interactive Edition

by Brad Miller and David Ranum
There are many books available if you want to learn to program in Python.
In fact, we have written a few of them ourselves. However, none of the books are
like this one.
Programming is not a “spectator sport”. It is something you do, something
you participate in. It would make sense, then, that the book you use to learn
programming should allow you to be active. That is our goal.
This book is meant to provide you with an interactive experience as you learn
to program in Python. You can read the text, watch videos, and write and execute
Python code. In addition to simply executing code, there is a unique feature


called ‘codelens’ that allows you to control the flow of execution in order to gain
a better understanding of how the program works..
We have tried to use these different presentation techniques where they are
most appropriate. In other words, sometimes it might be best to read a descrip-
tion of some aspect of Python. On a different occasion, is might be best to
execute a small example program. Often we give you many different options for
covering the material. Our hope is that you will find that your understanding
will be enhanced because you are able to experience it in more than just one way.

This interactive textbook is a triumph of open source. Not only have we stood
on the shoulders of Jeffrey Elkner et. al. as the starting point for the prose
but the interactive features of this book also make use of open source software.
We are indebted to Scott Graham ( for his open source Python inter-
preter written in Javascript. In addition we are indebted to Philip Guo (https:
// for the Online Python Tu-
tor which forms the basis for Codelens.
We would also like to acknowledge the Sphinx project for their fine work in
creating a documentation system that allows us to focus on writing not endless
hours of Javascript and html coding. In particular without the extension archi-
tecture of Sphinx this book would not have made it off the ground.

By David Beazley
As an educator, researcher, and book author, I am delighted to see the com-
pletion of this book. Python is a fun and extremely easy-to-use programming
language that has steadily gained in popularity over the last few years. Devel-
oped over ten years ago by Guido van Rossum, Python’s simple syntax and overall
feel is largely derived from ABC, a teaching language that was developed in the
1980’s. However, Python was also created to solve real problems and it borrows a
wide variety of features from programming languages such as C++, Java, Modula-
3, and Scheme. Because of this, one of Python’s most remarkable features is its
broad appeal to professional software developers, scientists, researchers, artists,
and educators.
Despite Python’s appeal to many different communities, you may still won-
der why Python? or why teach programming with Python? Answering these
questions is no simple task—especially when popular opinion is on the side of
more masochistic alternatives such as C++ and Java. However, I think the most


direct answer is that programming in Python is simply a lot of fun and more
When I teach computer science courses, I want to cover important concepts
in addition to making the material interesting and engaging to students. Un-
fortunately, there is a tendency for introductory programming courses to focus
far too much attention on mathematical abstraction and for students to become
frustrated with annoying problems related to low-level details of syntax, compila-
tion, and the enforcement of seemingly arcane rules. Although such abstraction
and formalism is important to professional software engineers and students who
plan to continue their study of computer science, taking such an approach in an
introductory course mostly succeeds in making computer science boring. When
I teach a course, I don’t want to have a room of uninspired students. I would
much rather see them trying to solve interesting problems by exploring different
ideas, taking unconventional approaches, breaking the rules, and learning from
their mistakes. In doing so, I don’t want to waste half of the semester trying to
sort out obscure syntax problems, unintelligible compiler error messages, or the
several hundred ways that a program might generate a general protection fault.
One of the reasons why I like Python is that it provides a really nice balance
between the practical and the conceptual. Since Python is interpreted, beginners
can pick up the language and start doing neat things almost immediately without
getting lost in the problems of compilation and linking. Furthermore, Python
comes with a large library of modules that can be used to do all sorts of tasks rang-
ing from web-programming to graphics. Having such a practical focus is a great
way to engage students and it allows them to complete significant projects. How-
ever, Python can also serve as an excellent foundation for introducing important
computer science concepts. Since Python fully supports procedures and classes,
students can be gradually introduced to topics such as procedural abstraction,
data structures, and object-oriented programming — all of which are applicable
to later courses on Java or C++. Python even borrows a number of features from
functional programming languages and can be used to introduce concepts that
would be covered in more detail in courses on Scheme and Lisp.
In reading Jeffrey’s preface, I am struck by his comments that Python allowed
him to see a higher level of success and a lower level of frustration and that he
was able to move faster with better results. Although these comments refer to
his introductory course, I sometimes use Python for these exact same reasons in
advanced graduate level computer science courses at the University of Chicago.
In these courses, I am constantly faced with the daunting task of covering a lot of
difficult course material in a blistering nine week quarter. Although it is certainly
possible for me to inflict a lot of pain and suffering by using a language like C++,
I have often found this approach to be counterproductive—especially when the
course is about a topic unrelated to just programming. I find that using Python
allows me to better focus on the actual topic at hand while allowing students to


complete substantial class projects.

Although Python is still a young and evolving language, I believe that it has
a bright future in education. This book is an important step in that direction.
David Beazley University of Chicago Author of the Python Essential Reference

Contributor List
To paraphrase the philosophy of the Free Software Foundation, this book is free
like free speech, but not necessarily free like free pizza. It came about because of
a collaboration that would not have been possible without the GNU Free Docu-
mentation License. So we would like to thank the Free Software Foundation for
developing this license and, of course, making it available to us.
We would also like to thank the more than 100 sharp-eyed and thoughtful
readers who have sent us suggestions and corrections over the past few years. In
the spirit of free software, we decided to express our gratitude in the form of a
contributor list. Unfortunately, this list is not complete, but we are doing our best
to keep it up to date. It was also getting too large to include everyone who sends
in a typo or two. You have our gratitude, and you have the personal satisfaction
of making a book you found useful better for you and everyone else who uses
it. New additions to the list for the 2nd edition will be those who have made
on-going contributions.
If you have a chance to look through the list, you should realize that each
person here has spared you and all subsequent readers from the confusion of a
technical error or a less-than-transparent explanation, just by sending us a note.
Impossible as it may seem after so many corrections, there may still be errors
in this book. If you should stumble across one, we hope you will take a minute to
contact us. The email address is . Substantial changes made
due to your suggestions will add you to the next version of the contributor list
(unless you ask to be omitted). Thank you!

Second Edition
▷ An email from Mike MacHenry set me straight on tail recursion. He not
only pointed out an error in the presentation, but suggested how to correct
▷ It wasn’t until 5th Grade student Owen Davies came to me in a Saturday
morning Python enrichment class and said he wanted to write the card
game, Gin Rummy, in Python that I finally knew what I wanted to use as
the case study for the object oriented programming chapters.
▷ A special thanks to pioneering students in Jeff’s Python Programming class
at GCTAA during the 2009-2010 school year: Safath Ahmed, Howard


Batiste, Louis Elkner-Alfaro, and Rachel Hancock. Your continual and

thoughtfull feedback led to changes in most of the chapters of the book.
You set the standard for the active and engaged learners that will help make
the new Governor’s Academy what it is to become. Thanks to you this is
truly a student tested text.
▷ Thanks in a similar vein to the students in Jeff’s Computer Science class
at the HB-Woodlawn program during the 2007-2008 school year: James
Crowley, Joshua Eddy, Eric Larson, Brian McGrail, and Iliana Vazuka.
▷ Ammar Nabulsi sent in numerous corrections from Chapters 1 and 2.
▷ Aldric Giacomoni pointed out an error in our definition of the Fibonacci
sequence in Chapter 5.
▷ Roger Sperberg sent in several spelling corrections and pointed out a twisted
piece of logic in Chapter 3.
▷ Adele Goldberg sat down with Jeff at PyCon 2007 and gave him a list of
suggestions and corrections from throughout the book.
▷ Ben Bruno sent in corrections for chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7.
▷ Carl LaCombe pointed out that we incorrectly used the term commutative
in chapter 6 where symmetric was the correct term.
▷ Alessandro Montanile sent in corrections for errors in the code examples
and text in chapters 3, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, and 20.
▷ Emanuele Rusconi found errors in chapters 4, 8, and 15.
▷ Michael Vogt reported an indentation error in an example in chapter 6,
and sent in a suggestion for improving the clarity of the shell vs. script
section in chapter 1.

First Edition
▷ Lloyd Hugh Allen sent in a correction to Section 8.4.
▷ Yvon Boulianne sent in a correction of a semantic error in Chapter 5.
▷ Fred Bremmer submitted a correction in Section 2.1.
▷ Jonah Cohen wrote the Perl scripts to convert the LaTeX source for this
book into beautiful HTML.
▷ Michael Conlon sent in a grammar correction in Chapter 2 and an im-
provement in style in Chapter 1, and he initiated discussion on the techni-
cal aspects of interpreters.
▷ Benoit Girard sent in a correction to a humorous mistake in Section 5.6.
▷ Courtney Gleason and Katherine Smith wrote, which was used
as a case study in an earlier version of the book. Their program can now be
found on the website.
▷ Lee Harr submitted more corrections than we have room to list here, and
indeed he should be listed as one of the principal editors of the text.


▷ James Kaylin is a student using the text. He has submitted numerous cor-
▷ David Kershaw fixed the broken catTwice function in Section 3.10.
▷ Eddie Lam has sent in numerous corrections to Chapters 1, 2, and 3. He
also fixed the Makefile so that it creates an index the first time it is run and
helped us set up a versioning scheme.
▷ Man-Yong Lee sent in a correction to the example code in Section 2.4.
▷ David Mayo pointed out that the word unconsciously in Chapter 1 needed
to be changed to subconsciously .
▷ Chris McAloon sent in several corrections to Sections 3.9 and 3.10.
▷ Matthew J. Moelter has been a long-time contributor who sent in numer-
ous corrections and suggestions to the book.
▷ Simon Dicon Montford reported a missing function definition and several
typos in Chapter 3. He also found errors in the increment function in
Chapter 13.
▷ John Ouzts corrected the definition of return value in Chapter 3.
▷ Kevin Parks sent in valuable comments and suggestions as to how to im-
prove the distribution of the book.
▷ David Pool sent in a typo in the glossary of Chapter 1, as well as kind words
of encouragement.
▷ Michael Schmitt sent in a correction to the chapter on files and exceptions.
▷ Robin Shaw pointed out an error in Section 13.1, where the printTime
function was used in an example without being defined.
▷ Paul Sleigh found an error in Chapter 7 and a bug in Jonah Cohen’s Perl
script that generates HTML from LaTeX.
▷ Craig T. Snydal is testing the text in a course at Drew University. He has
contributed several valuable suggestions and corrections.
▷ Ian Thomas and his students are using the text in a programming course.
They are the first ones to test the chapters in the latter half of the book, and
they have make numerous corrections and suggestions.
▷ Keith Verheyden sent in a correction in Chapter 3.
▷ Peter Winstanley let us know about a longstanding error in our Latin in
Chapter 3.
▷ Chris Wrobel made corrections to the code in the chapter on file I/O and
▷ Moshe Zadka has made invaluable contributions to this project. In addi-
tion to writing the first draft of the chapter on Dictionaries, he provided
continual guidance in the early stages of the book.
▷ Christoph Zwerschke sent several corrections and pedagogic suggestions,
and explained the difference between gleich and selbe.


▷ James Mayer sent us a whole slew of spelling and typographical errors, in-
cluding two in the contributor list.
▷ Hayden McAfee caught a potentially confusing inconsistency between two
▷ Angel Arnal is part of an international team of translators working on the
Spanish version of the text. He has also found several errors in the English
▷ Tauhidul Hoque and Lex Berezhny created the illustrations in Chapter 1
and improved many of the other illustrations.
▷ Dr. Michele Alzetta caught an error in Chapter 8 and sent some interesting
pedagogic comments and suggestions about Fibonacci and Old Maid.
▷ Andy Mitchell caught a typo in Chapter 1 and a broken example in Chapter
▷ Kalin Harvey suggested a clarification in Chapter 7 and caught some typos.
▷ Christopher P. Smith caught several typos and is helping us prepare to
update the book for Python 2.2.
▷ David Hutchins caught a typo in the Foreword.
▷ Gregor Lingl is teaching Python at a high school in Vienna, Austria. He is
working on a German translation of the book, and he caught a couple of
bad errors in Chapter 5.
▷ Julie Peters caught a typo in the Preface.



If you give someone a program, you will

frustrate them for a day; if you teach them
how to program, you will frustrate them
for a lifetime.
- David Leinweber

First, solve the problem. Then, write the

— John Johnson

1.1 Algorithms
The goal of this book is to teach you to think like a computer scientist. This way
of thinking combines some of the best features of mathematics, engineering, and Figure .:
natural science. Like mathematicians, computer scientists use formal languages al-Kwārizmī. The
word algorithm
to denote ideas (specifically computations). Like engineers, they design things, originates from the
name of this Persian
assembling components into systems and evaluating tradeoffs among alternatives. Mathematician.
Like scientists, they observe the behavior of complex systems, form hypotheses,
and test predictions.
The single most important skill for a computer scientist is problem solving.
Problem solving means the ability to formulate problems, think creatively about

. Introduction

al-Kwārizmī was a solutions, and express a solution clearly and accurately. As it turns out, the
Persian mathematician. process of learning to program is an excellent opportunity to practice problem-
In the 12th century,
his work introduced the solving skills. The idea of an algorithm is central to programming 1 . Programmers
decimal positional number devise solutions to problems and express these solutions with algorithms. These
system to the Western
world. He presented the algorithms can be executed by computers if they are written in programming
first systematic solution languages. The word algorithm
of linear and quadratic
equations in Arabic. originates from the name of a Persian mathematician al-Kwārizmī.
Consider the algorithm to find the greatest common divisor or GCD of two
GCD is also known as numbers . The algorithm is known as Euclid’s algorithm and is named after the
HCF: Highest Common Greek mathematician Euclid. The problem may be stated as follows:

Given two postive integers m and n, find their greatest common divisor,
i.e. the largest postive integer that divides both m and n without

For example the GCD of 12 and 8 is 4. Euclid’s algorithm to do this is:

1 1: Divide m by n and store the remainder in r (r = remainder).
2 2: If r == 0, n is the answer and the algorithm terminates.
3 3: Let m = n and n = r and go back to Step 1.

Note that the = means that we replace whatever is in the variable on the left
hand side with whatever is on the right hand side. This replacement operation is
also known as assignment. Do not confuse == which means “is equal to”. r==0
is asking if r is equal to 0.
To find the GCD of 12 and 8 using the algorithm we proceed as follows:
1 1. Divide 12 by 8 and the remainder, r , is 4.
2 3. m is now 8 and n is now 4
3 1. Divide 8 by 4 and the remainder is now 0
4 2. Since r equals 0, the answer is 4 and algorithm terminates.

What is an Algorithm?
We build up to answering this question by first making some important observa-
tions about the Euclid’s algorithm.

There are two styles of 1. Algorithms are procedures.

programming as well.
Some programming lan- We can make the distinction between two kinds of knowledge. The first
guages are declarative e.g. kind we call declarative. This kind of knowledge tells us what is. For exam-
functional programming
languages while others are ple we can say that the GCD of two numbers is the largest positive integer
procedural e.g. Python that divides both. This tells us what the GCD is but not how to calculate
1 The discussion on algorithms is based on that given in Donald Knuth’s book: The Art of
Computer Programming-Volume One.

.. Algorithms

it. The other kind of knowledge we shall call procedural knowledge. This
kind of knowledge tells us how-to do something. The GCD algorithm
above captures procedural knowledge about how to calculate the GCD
2. Algorithms are executed
An algorithm consists of various steps or instructions that are meant to
be followed one after another. Algorithms can be executed by humans or
computers. The human or computer must be able to carry out each of the Computers have a set of ba-
instructions (in the order specified). Euclid’s algorithm can be executed sic built-in instructions.

if the human or computer knows how to divide one number by another

and how to calculate remainders etc. Thus, when writing algorithms, it
is important to understand the capabilities of the human or machine that
will execute it.
3. Algorithms are built from a set of simple operations
When designing algorithms we assume that there exists a set of basic opera-
tions and that each operation can be carried out by the computer or human
that will execute the algorithms. The set is surprisingly small and consists
of a few arithmetic operations that include addition, subtraction, multi-
plication, division, modulus, and power. Modulus means “the remainder
after division” i.e. 3 mod 5 means the remainder after dividing 3 by 5 (the
answer is 3). There are also operations for manipulating variables. Note that different algo-
rithm writers may use dif-
Algorithms often make use of variables that denote particular values or ferent symbols. For exam-
numbers. They are similar to the use of variables in Mathematics. In the ple you may see <- being
used for assignment and =
algorithm above we use the variables m, n, and r. Note that a variable being used for “is equal to”.
refers to any number (hence their name) but at any time they each have a
particular value. The value of a variable changes as the algorithm executes.
This is done with the assignment operator, i.e. “=”. The = means that
we replace the value of of variable on the left hand side with the value of
whatever is on the right hand side. When we executed the algorithm, m
and n were given the values 12 and 8. In the second step, m is assigned the
value 8 and n is assigned the value 4.
There are also operations for comparing numbers – the comparison opera-
tors. These would include == (is equal to), < (is less than), <= (is less than
or equal to), > (is greater than), >= (is greater than or equal to), != (is not
equal to). These operators allow us to ask true/false questions such as Is this
number greater than that one or is this number equal to this one.
4. Algorithms use control structures
When algorithms are executed the computer or human follows and com-
pletes each step. Its makes sense to control the order in which the steps are

. Introduction

executed. In the GCD algorithm you can see that we have three such ways
to control execution of the steps. First, we specify that the steps must be
carried out in the sequence they are written (i.e. one after another). The
order of the steps are thus very important. See step 3. m = n and then n =
r is very different from n = r followed by m = n. If we followed the second
sequence then whatever value is in n would be overwritten by whatever is
in r. Thus, the value of n is lost before we can assign it m.
The second way to control the execution of statements is conditional branch-
ing. For example, in the GCD algorithm, we see that if r is 0, the answer
is n and we stop; otherwise (if r is anything else, we continue to step 3.
This type of control is called branching because we have to take one of two
paths through the algorithm. The path we take depends on the answer to a
true-false question (i.e. is r equal to 0) – this question is called a condition.
Repetition is also known as The third way to control the execution of statements is repetition . In
iteration this case we specify that some statements (maybe all) must be repeated. In
the GCD algorithm, step 3 ends with go back to Step 1. After doing the
assignments in step 3, we go back to step 1 and repeat the steps. Repetition
is tricky - we must take care that the algorithm will eventually terminate.
Algorithms that go on and on and on are problematic. Loops that do not
eventually terminate are known as infinite loops.
5. Algorithms are finite.
An algorithm must terminate after a finite number of steps. Proving that
an algorithm eventually terminates is not always straight forward – we need
In general no procedure ex- to show that it will always terminate. To show that the GCD algorithm
ists that will determine if will terminate we argue as follows: After step 1 the value of r is less than
a particular algorithm will
terminate or not. n so if r != 0 the value of r decreases the next time we get to step 1. So a
decreasing sequence of positive integers must eventually terminate so step
1 will only be executed a finite number of times. We should note that finite
does not mean small or few as steps in algorithms may run any number of
times - millions or billions or more.
6. Algorithms must be unambiguous.
Each step of an algorithm must be precisely defined and unambiguous i.e.
This is why natural lan- there must be no doubt or uncertainty as to what needs to be done. Steps
guages such as English are in an algorithm should leave no room for interpretation. This ensures that
are not good for writing al-
gorithms. the algorithm will always produce the same results if given the same inputs
even if executed by different computers or humans.
7. Algorithms have inputs.
Most algorithms require some values to be input either before it starts or
while executing it. The GCD algorithm takes two inputs viz. m and n.

.. Languages

Note that the set of input values may be restricted i.e. not every value input
to it will produce correct results: the GCD algorithm takes only positive
integer values.
8. Algorithms have outputs.
An algorithm has one or more outputs. The output of the GCD algorithm
is the greatest common divisor of the two positive integers input.

To close off this section on algorithms we give another example of an algo-

rithm - an algorithm to determine the day of the week for a given month, day
and year : Use this algorithm to de-
Note that floor(x) is the largest integer not greater than x and ceiling(x) is termine on which day of
the week did November 18,
the smallest integer not less than x. Also x mod y is the remainder after dividing 1992 fall. (You should get
x by y. Wednesday.)

1.2 Languages
Algorithms are written in some language. The GCD algorithm was written in
a natural human language (English) and could be suitable for execution by any
human that understands the language and understands the instructions i.e. they
know how to divide, how to find remainder etc. If we want algorithms to be
executed by computers, then we need to use computer languages. Computers
are (not yet) able to understand human languages. Computer languages define a
precise set of instructions that can be executed by a computer. For example, the
instruction divide 35 by 7 and store the answer in the variable x may be written
as x = 35 / 7.
Languages such English, Zulu, French, Hindi etc. are natural languages.
They are the languages that people speak and were not designed by people (al-
though people try to impose some order on them); they evolved naturally . Natural languages can be
Formal languages are languages that are designed by people for specific appli- ambiguous: For e.g. there
are at least 5 different in-
cations. For example, the notation that mathematicians use is a formal language terpretations of “I saw a
that is particularly good at denoting relationships among numbers and symbols. man on a hill with a tele-
scope.” And, “Eats, shoots
Chemists use a formal language to represent the chemical structure of molecules. and leaves” may refer to
And: a panda or a disgruntled
Programming languages are formal languages that have been de-
signed to express algorithms.

There are two important ideas to consider when discussing languages: syntax
and semantics.
Formal languages tend to have strict rules of syntax. The syntax of a language
is a set of rules that must be followed to construct valid sentences (or statements)

. Introduction

Listing .: Day of the Week Algorithm

3 INPUTS: day, month, year (all positive integers)
4 OUTPUT: Day of the week
6 1. Let century_digits = the first two digits of the year
7 2. Let year_digits = the last two digits of the year
8 3. Let value = year_digits + floor(year_digits / 4)
9 4. if century_digits = 18 then value = value + 2
10 else if century_digits = 20 then value = value + 6
11 5. if month == January and year is not a leap year
12 then value = value + 1
13 else if month == February and the year is a leap year
14 then value = value + 3
15 otherwise (year is not a leap year)
16 then value = value + 4
17 else if month == March or November
18 then value = value + 4
19 else if month == May
20 then value = value + 2
21 else if month == June
22 then value = value + 5
23 else if month == August
24 then value = value + 3
25 else if month == October
26 then value = value + 1
27 else if month == September or December
28 then value = value + 6
29 6. value = (value + day) mod 7
30 7. if value == 1 then day is Sunday
31 else if value == 2 then day is Monday
32 else if value == 3 then day is Tuesday
33 else if value == 4 then day is Wednesday
34 else if value == 5 then day is Thursday
35 else if value == 6 then day is Friday
36 else if value == 0 then day is Saturday

.. Languages

in the language. For example, 3 + 3 = 6 is a syntactically correct mathematical

statement, but 3 = +6@ is not. H2 O is a syntactically correct chemical name, but
2 Zz is not. Each programming language has its own rules of syntax. For example,
x = 3 + 5 may be syntactically valid statement but x + y = 5 may not be valid.
A part of the process of learning to program involves learning the syntax rules of
the language.
Syntax rules come in two flavors, pertaining to tokens and structure. Tokens
are the basic elements of the language, such as words, numbers, and chemical
elements. One of the problems with 3=+6@ is that @ is not a legal token in
mathematics (at least as far as we know). Similarly, 2 Zz is not legal because there
is no element with the abbreviation Zz.
The second type of syntax rule pertains to the structure of a statement— that
is, the way the tokens are arranged. The statement 3 = +6 is structurally illegal
because you can’t place a plus sign immediately after an equal sign. Similarly,
molecular formulas have to have subscripts after the element name, not before.
When you read a sentence in English or a statement in a formal language,
you have to figure out what the structure of the sentence is (although in a natural
language you do this subconsciously). This process is called parsing.
For example, when you hear the sentence, “The other shoe fell”, you under-
stand that the other shoe is the subject and fell is the verb. Once you have parsed
a sentence, you can figure out what it means, or the semantics of the sentence.
Assuming that you know what a shoe is and what it means to fall, you will un-
derstand the general implication of this sentence.
The semantics of programming languages are clearly and unambiguously spec-
ified by the language designers. For example, the syntactically correct statement
x = 3 + 5 may mean evaluate the expression on the right (work out what 3 + 5 is)
and assign the answer to the variable x.
Although formal and natural languages have many features in common —
tokens, structure, syntax, and semantics — there are many differences:
People who grow up speaking a natural language—everyone—often have a
hard time adjusting to formal languages. In some ways, the difference between
formal and natural language is like the difference between poetry and prose, but
more so:
Here are some suggestions for reading programs (and other formal languages).
First, remember that formal languages are much more dense than natural lan-
guages, so it takes longer to read them. Also, the structure is very important, so
it is usually not a good idea to read from top to bottom, left to right. Instead,
learn to parse the program in your head, identifying the tokens and interpreting
the structure. Finally, the details matter. Little things like spelling errors and
bad punctuation, which you can get away with in natural languages, can make a
big difference in a formal language.

. Introduction

Programming Languages
Learning to program a computer then requires the ability to write algorithms
using a particular programming language. Many programming languages have
been invented. The programming language you will be learning is Python. Python
is an example of a high-level language; other high-level languages you might have
heard of are C++, PHP, and Java.
As you might infer from the term “high-level language”, there are also low-
level languages, sometimes referred to as machine languages or assembly lan-
guages. Machine language is the encoding of instructions in numbers so that
Figure .: The they can be directly executed by the computer. A machine language program is
first computers were
programmed by setting
thus a long list of numbers with each number specifying a particular instruction.
jumper cables. The instructions themselves are very simple and usually involve the movement
of numbers from one part of the computer to another, adding two numbers and
storing the answer somewhere else. Programming in machine code is very te-
dious – the programmer needs to know what each number of the code does and
a long list of instructions is required even for very simple operations. Each kind
of computer (actually each kind of processor) has its own machine language.
Assembly language uses a slightly easier format to refer to the low level in-
structions. Instead of using numbers a mnemonic is used for each instruction.
For example instead of a numeric code that says add the number in location R1
to the number in location R2 and store the result in location R3 we write:
1 ADD R1 R2 R3

This language is easier to use than machine language but is still tedious to
High-level languages were invented to make the writing of programs easier
See: http://www. for humans. Computers can only execute programs written in machine language.
net that has a program
Thus, programs written in a high-level language (and even those in assembly
to generate the lyrics of language) have to be translated into machine language instructions before they
the song in 1500 different can run. This extra processing takes some time, which is a small disadvantage
programming languages.
of high-level languages. However, the advantages to high-level languages are
First, it is much easier to program in a high-level language. Programs written
in a high-level language take less time to write, they are shorter and easier to
read, and they are more likely to be correct. Second, high-level languages are
portable, meaning that they can run on different kinds of computers with few
or no modifications. Low-level programs can run on only one kind of computer
and have to be rewritten to run on another.
Due to these advantages, almost all programs are written in high-level lan-
guages. Low-level languages are used only for a few specialized applications.
Two kinds of programs process high-level languages into low-level languages:
interpreters and compilers. An interpreter reads a high-level program and exe-

.. Languages

cutes it, meaning that it does what the program says. It processes the program a
little at a time, alternately reading lines and performing computations.

A compiler reads the program and translates it completely before the program
starts running. In this case, the high-level program is called the source code,
and the translated program is called the object code or the executable. Once a
program is compiled, you can execute it repeatedly without further translation.

Many modern languages use both processes. They are first compiled into a lower
level language, called byte code, and then interpreted by a program called a vir-
tual machine. Python uses both processes, but because of the way programmers
interact with it, it is usually considered an interpreted language.

Using Python
We want to now get started on designing algorithms to solve problems and then Figure .: Guido
expressing them (writing them) in Python. Before doing that, we look at various van Rossum: Author
of the Python Program-
ways of using Python. ming language.

Python at the command line Python was named for the

Guido’s favorite television
show: “Monty Python’s
The first way, that we will not use frequently is command line interaction with Flying Circus.”
Python. All major operating systems (Windows, Linux and OSX on the Macin-
tosh) have a command line interpreter. This is a special program that allows the Before 1973 (when the
user to type commands that the interpreter then runs. The program on Windows first Graphical User Inter-
face was developed) the ter-
is called cmd, and on Linux and OSX it is called Terminal. The picture below minal was the only way to
shows the terminal in OSX (it is similar to the one on Linux). The picture below interact with a computer.
shows the Terminal program with the first command pwd that prints the current
directory followed by the command ls that lists the directories and files in the
current directory and the copy command (cp) that copies files and directories.
There are many commands that are available in the terminal, including moving

. Introduction

and deleting files, changing directory, editing text files etc. The next command
shown below python3 starts the Python interpreter.

Figure .: Python at the command line

The Python interpreter is a program that waits for the user to type python
statements that it then executes and it then displays the results. When we use
the Python interpreter in this way we say we are using it in shell mode. In shell
mode, you type Python expressions into the Python shell, and the interpreter im-
mediately shows the result. In the picture above the terminal command python3
starts the interpreter. When the interpreter starts it prints out some helpful in-
formation and then presents the user with the Python prompt. The >>> is called
the Python prompt. The interpreter uses the prompt to indicate that it is ready
for instructions. We typed 2 + 3. The interpreter evaluated our expression and
replied 5. On the next line it gave a new prompt indicating that it is ready for
more input.
Working directly in the interpreter is convenient for testing short bits of code
because you get immediate feedback.
Another way to use the Python interpreter is to write an entire program by
placing lines of Python instructions in a file and then use the interpreter to
execute the contents of the file as a whole. Such a file is often referred to as
source code. For example, we use a text editor to create a source code file named with the following contents:

1 print(”My first program adds two numbers, 2 and 3:”)

2 print(2 + 3)

By convention, files that contain Python programs have names that end with
.py. Following this convention will help your operating system and other pro-

.. Languages

grams identify a file as containing python code. We then ask the Python inter-
preter to execute the instructions in the file as shown here:

$ python
My first program adds two numbers, 2 and 3:

Writing programs on your Desktop/Laptop

We will use a program called WingIDE 101 . This is an IDE (an integrated Download for free from
development platform). It includes an editor for typing python programs and http://wingware.
allows you to save the programs on disc and to run and debug them. It also wingide-101/
provides a way to interact with the python interpreter. All this in one program -
which is why its called an integrated development environment.

Figure .: Wing IDE

Your First Program

For almost as long as programming has been taught, the first program written
in a new language is called Hello, World! because all it does is display the words,
Hello, World!. A beginner programmers’ first program is thus to greet the world.
In Python, the source code looks like this.
1 print(”Hello, World!”)

This is an example of using the print function, which doesn’t actually print
anything on paper. It displays a value on the screen. In this case, the result is the
1 Hello, World!

. Introduction

printed on the screen. The quotation marks in the program mark the begin-
ning and end of the value we want printed. They don’t appear in the result.

1.3 Exercises
1. Design an algorithm to find an approximation of x . The following ap-
proach is known as the Babylonian method:
▷ Make a guess of the square root, call it G .
▷ Improve the guess by averaging G and x/G .
▷ Keep improving the guess until it is good enough.

Use this approach as the basis of your algorithm.

2. Write an algorithm to compute x ÷ y using only addition, subtraction and
3. Write an algorithm that takes three integers as input and calculates the sum
of the squares of the larger numbers.


Elements of Programs

Theory is when you know something, but

it doesn’t work. Practice is when
something works, but you don’t know why.
Programmers combine theory and practice:
Nothing works and they don’t know why.

Code never lies, comments sometimes do.

- Ron Jeffries

2.1 Introduction
Recall that we want to use the Python programming language to write algorithms Figure .: Charles
that may be executed by computers. Babbage (1791-1871)
Originated the concept
of a programmable
Algorithm computer by inventing
the first mechanical
An algorithm is a self contained step-by-step set of opera- computer.
tions that begins with some input and produces some output
when executed.
Python provides the fundamental building blocks to use in constructing al-
gorithms. The building blocks required for algorithms include the following: It is surprising how small
the list of building blocks
required to write any algo-
25 rithm possible!
. Elements of Programs

Literals are things that 1. literals: to express the data that the algorithms manipulate. These are the
stand for themselves, such
as actual numbers and actual values (numeric and text values such as “42”, and “Hello!”.
characters. 2. variables: to refer to particular values. The language must provide a way
to create and assign variables. This provides a way to name values.
3. arithmetic expressions: The language must provide operators that are
used together with literals and variables to form arithmetic expressions such
(v * 0.5 * (a / t)).
Booleans are named after 4. boolean expressions: The language must provide comparison operators
the British logician George that are used together with literals and variables to form boolean expres-
Boole who invented an al-
gebra of logic we now call sions that evaluate to true or false. Boolean expressions are used to test
a Boolean algebra. values and variables, for example (x + y)>= 0.
5. input functions: to allow us to read input values from the user.
6. output functions: to allow us to write results to the screen.
7. control structures: that allow us to control the execution of the algo-

The goal of this chapter is to introduce you to the basic vocabulary of pro-
gramming and some of the fundamental building blocks of Python.

2.2 Output with the print function

Output from a program is used communicate the results produced from running
the program to the outside world i.e. users of the program. Python provides
The idea of a function in a function, the print function for output. In Python, a function is a named
programming is a very im- sequence of instructions that accomplishes some task . Functions take one or
portant idea that we ex-
plore in more detail later. more inputs, processes the inputs and produces some output or accomplishes
some task. Other words for input are parameter and argument. So we say that
The format of a a function has parameters or arguments. Having parameters or arguments for
function is thus: functions is a very powerful idea—it means that we can call the same function
on different values to get different outcomes. Python provides many functions
Python provides several for programmers to use . To use them, the programmer needs to know the name
built-in functions. In a of the function and the kind of input it takes.
later chapter we show how
you could write your own 1 print(”Hello, cruel world”)
2 print(42)
3 print(”The answer is ”,42,”!”)

Functions have this format name(inputs). The inputs to the print function
are the things we want to print (for example, the first statement has the text we
want printed as input while the second has the number we want printed. When
executed, each print function displays its input on the screen. The last example

.. Literals

shows that the print function accepts multiple inputs separated by commas. In
this example the print function takes 3 inputs. So the print function takes
a variable number of argu-
ments (0, 1 or more).

2.3 Literals
A literal is one of the fundamental things – like a word or a number – that a
program manipulates. A literal is a sequence of characters that stand for itself.
Things like 0, 42, 3.14, Hello are literals – they stand for themselves i.e. what
you see is what you get.
A character is any single thing we can type at the keyboard. Simply put,
each key on the keyboard allows us to type one character. We use the numeric
characters (and optionally the ., +, - and e) to type numbers and all the characters
(alphabetic, punctuation, numeric, etc. ) to type words or text. Note that we
also have some non-printable characters–characters that do not show up when
we type them such as the space, the new-line, the tab etc.

Numeric Literals
A numeric literal is used to type numbers and it is a literal that contains only
the digits 0-9, an optional sign character (+ or -) and an optional decimal point
(.) and optionally the character e for exponential notation. No other characters
(and especially not the comma ,) are allowed when writing numeric literals.
Programming languages, generally, distinguish between two kinds of num-
bers. If a numeric literal has a decimal point then it is a floating point number
(or simply a float), e.g. 42.42; otherwise it is an integer. Humans do not make
such a big deal of this distinction but programming languages do, due to the way
numbers are represented inside the computer . Integers are stored differ-
ently from floating point
For each of the following examples it is easy to tell which are integers and numbers inside a com-
which are floats. puter.

1 5 5. 5.0 0.00000005
2 +5 -5 +5.0 -0.00000005

Numeric values may also be expressed using exponential notation. For ex-
ample, to show 42.004x104 we type 42.004e+4 and to type 0.03x10−2 we type
Remember to not put commas or spaces in your integers, no matter how big
they are. Also revisit what we said in the previous chapter: formal languages are
strict, the notation is concise, and even the smallest change might mean some-
thing quite different from what you intended.

. Elements of Programs

String Literals
To type normal text (words and sentences) we use various quotation marks to sep-
arate them from the rest of the program. In programming, we use the word string
to refer to text. String literals, then, is any sequence of characters surrounded by
single quotes (’) or double quotes (”) or three of each (’’’ or ”””). String literals
are usually used to communicate with users – for example to output answers or
to ask for specific input.
We should take care to understand that a string is any sequence of charac-
ters surrounded by quotes. What about values like ”17” and ”3.2”? They look
like numbers, but they are in quotation marks–so they are strings! This is an
important point so 42 and ”42” are not the same thing.
1 print(’This is a string.’)
2 print(”And so is this.”)
3 print(”””and this.”””)
4 print(’’’and even this...’’’)

Double quoted strings can contain single quotes inside them, as in ”Bruce’s
beard”, and single quoted strings can have double quotes inside them, as in this
’The knights who say ”Ni!”’. Strings enclosed with three occurrences of ei-
ther quote symbol are called triple quoted strings. They can contain either single
or double quotes:
1 print(’’’”Oh no”, she exclaimed, ”Ben’s bike is broken!”’’’)

Triple quoted strings can even span multiple lines:

1 print(”””This message will span
2 several lines
3 of the text.”””)

Python doesn’t care whether you use single or double quotes or the three-
of-a-kind quotes to surround your strings. Once it has parsed the text of your
program or command, the way it stores the value is identical in all cases, and the
surrounding quotes are not part of the value.
1 print(’This is a string.’)
2 print(”””And so is this.”””)

2.4 Variables
Algorithms often make use of variables that denote particular values. They are
similar to the use of variables in Mathematics. A variable is a name that refers
to a value. Note that a variable can refer to any value (hence their name) but

.. Variables

at any time it refers to a particular value. The value of a variable changes as the
algorithm executes.
Assignment statements create new variables and also give them values to refer
1 message = ”What’s up, Doc?”
2 n = 17
3 pi = 3.14159

This example makes three assignments. The first assigns the string value
”What’s up, Doc?” to a new variable named message. Note carefully that the Ensure that you are not
variable’s name is message and the value it refers to is the string ”What’s up, confused by this legal
statement: message
Doc?” = ”message”
The second assignment assigns the integer 17 to n, and the third assigns the
floating-point number 3.14159 to a variable called pi. The assignment operator,
i.e. = means that we make the variable on the left hand side point to the value of
whatever is on the right hand side.
The assignment token, =, should not be confused with equality (we will see
later that equality uses the == token). The assignment statement links a name, on
the left hand side of the operator, with a value, on the right hand side. This is
why you will get an error if you enter : What error do you get?

1 17 = n

When reading or writing code, say to yourself “n is assigned
17” or “n gets the value 17” or “n is a reference to the object 17”
or “n refers to the object 17”. Don’t say “n equals 17”.

A common way to represent variables on paper is to write the name with an

arrow pointing to the variable’s value. This kind of figure, known as a reference
diagram, is often called a state snapshot because it shows what state each of the
variables is in at a particular instant in time. (Think of it as the variable’s state
of mind). This diagram shows the result of executing the assignment statements
shown above.
We use variables in a program to “remember” things, like the current score
at the football game. But variables are variable. This means they can change
over time, just like the scoreboard at a football game. You can assign a value to a
variable, and later assign a different value to the same variable. But it is important
to note that at any particular time, the variable refers to one particular value.

This is different from math. In math, if you give x the value

. Elements of Programs

Figure .: A Reference Diagram

3, it cannot change to refer to a different value half-way through

your calculations!

To see this, read and then run the following program. You’ll notice we change
the value of day three times, and on the third assignment we even give it a value
You should avoid assigning that is of a different type .
different types of things to
a variable (even though it 1 day = ”Thursday”
is possible). It is confusing 2 print(day)
and is source of errors in 3 day = ”Friday”
4 print(day)
5 day = 21
6 print(day)

A great deal of programming is about having the computer remember things.

For example, we might want to keep track of the number of missed calls on your
phone. Each time another call is missed, we will arrange to update or change the
variable so that it will always reflect the correct value.

As we have mentioned previously, it is legal to make more than one assignment
to the same variable. A new assignment makes an existing variable refer to a new
value (and stop referring to the old value).
1 bruce = 5
2 print(bruce)
3 bruce = 7
4 print(bruce)

.. Variables

The first time bruce is printed, its value is 5, and the second time, its value is
7. The assignment statement changes the value (the object) that bruce refers to.
Here is what reassignment looks like in a reference diagram:

Figure .: Reassignment

It is important to note that in mathematics, a statement of equality is always

true. If “a is equal to b” now, then a will always equal to b. In Python, an
assignment statement can make two variables refer to the same object and there-
fore have the same value. They appear to be equal. However, because of the
possibility of reassignment, they don’t have to stay that way:
1 a = 5
2 b = a # after executing this line, a and b are now equal
3 print(a, b)
4 a = 3 # after executing this line, a and b are no longer equal
5 print(a, b)

Line 4 changes the value of a but does not change the value of b, so they are
no longer equal. We will have much more to say about equality in a later chapter.

In some programming languages, a different symbol is used
for assignment, such as <- or :=. The intent is that this will
help to avoid confusion. Python chose to use the tokens = for
assignment, and == for equality. This is a popular choice also
found in languages like C, C++, Java, and C#.

Updating Variables
One of the most common forms of reassignment is an update where the new
value of the variable depends on the old. For example,
1 x = x + 1

. Elements of Programs

This means get the current value of x, add one, and then update x with the
new value. The new value of x is the old value of x plus 1. Although this assign-
ment statement may look a bit strange, remember that executing assignment is a
two-step process. First, evaluate the right-hand side expression. Second, let the
variable name on the left-hand side refer to this new resulting object. The fact
that x appears on both sides does not matter. The semantics of the assignment
statement makes sure that there is no confusion as to the result.
1 x = 6 # initialize x
2 print(x)
3 x = x + 1 # update x
4 print(x)

If you try to update a variable that doesn’t exist, you get an error because
Python evaluates the expression on the right side of the assignment operator be-
fore it assigns the resulting value to the name on the left. Before you can update a
variable, you have to initialize it, usually with a simple assignment. In the above
example, x was initialized to 6.
Updating a variable by adding 1 is called an increment; subtracting 1 is
called a decrement. Sometimes programmers also talk about bumping a vari-
able, which means the same as incrementing it by 1.

2.5 Identifiers and Keywords

An identifier is a name given to an entity in a program. Variables are one kind
of entity we name and the names given to variables are referred to as identifiers.
Like all programming, Python has rules for identifiers. Identifiers (names) can
be arbitrarily long, can contain both letters and digits, but they have to begin
with a letter or an underscore. Python is case sensitive – it distinguishes between
upper case and lower case characters. num and Num are different variables.

Variable names can never contain spaces.

The underscore character ( _) can also appear in a name. It is often used in

names with multiple words, such as my_name or price_of_tea_in_china. There
are some situations in which names beginning with an underscore have special
meaning, so a safe rule for beginners is to start all names with a letter.
Some programmers do not like the use of underscores in identifiers and find
these identifiers difficult to read. They prefer camel case where the underscores
are not used but the first letter of each word (except the first) is capitalized. Thus
we can have myName or priceOfTeaInChina. Note that there is no rule in Python

.. Identifiers and Keywords

that insists that the first character of the name should be lower case but all Python
programmers do this.

Do not confuse strings with identifiers (names). In the state-
ment day = ”Thursday”, day is the identifier (name) of a vari-
able and Thursday is the value the variable refers to.
Note that String values do
If you give a variable an illegal name, you get a syntax error. In the example not follow the rules for
below, each of the variable names is illegal. identifiers. They can con-
tain any character.
1 76trombones = ”big parade”
2 more$ = 1000000
3 class = ”Computer Science 101”

76trombones is illegal because it does not begin with a letter. more$ is illegal
because it contains an illegal character, the dollar sign. But what’s wrong with
It turns out that class is one of the Python keywords. Keywords define
the language’s syntax rules and structure, and they cannot be used as identifiers.
Python has thirty-something keywords (and every now and again improvements
to Python introduce or eliminate one or two): You might want to keep
this list handy. If the inter-
preter complains about one
and as assert break class continue of your variable names and
def del elif else except exec you don’t know why, see if
it is on this list.
finally for from global if import
in is lambda nonlocal not or
pass raise return try while with
yield True False None
Table .: Python Keywords

Programmers generally choose names for their variables that are meaningful
to the human readers of the program — they help the programmer document,
or remember, what the variable is used for. This is an important point. Although
we write programs for computers, writing programs that humans can read helps
programmers find problems in code, helps them to understand how the code
works so they can improve the programs or learn from them. So naming your
variables after your boyfriend or girlfriend may be cute and impress him or her,
programmers who read your code will not be impressed. So variable names must
be meaningful and give an indication of what value the variable is referring to.
So a name such as x is meaningless, sum may be better and sumOfMarks may be
even better.

. Elements of Programs

Beginners sometimes confuse “meaningful to the human readers”
with “meaningful to the computer”. So they’ll wrongly think that be-
cause they’ve called some variable average or pi, it will somehow au-
tomagically calculate an average, or automagically associate the vari-
able pi with the value 3.14159. No! The computer doesn’t attach
meaning to your variable names.

As programs get bigger and more complicated, they get more difficult to read.
Formal languages are dense, and it is often difficult to look at a piece of code
and figure out what it is doing, or why. For this reason, it is a good idea to add
notes to your programs to explain in natural language what the program is doing.
These notes are called comments.
A comment in a computer program is text that is intended only for the hu-
man reader - it is completely ignored by the interpreter. In Python, the # token
starts a comment. The rest of the line is ignored. Here is a new version of Hello,
1 #---------------------------------------------------
2 # This demo program shows off how elegant Python is!
3 # Written by Joe Soap, December 2010.
4 # Anyone may freely copy or modify this program.
5 #---------------------------------------------------
7 print(”Hello, World!”) # Isn’t this easy!

Notice that when you run this program, it still only prints the phrase Hello,
World! None of the comments appear. You’ll also notice that we’ve left a blank
line in the program. Blank lines are also ignored by the interpreter, but comments
Robert C. Martin said and blank lines can make your programs much easier for humans to parse.
“The proper use of com- Comments are meant for other programmers to help them understand your
ments is to compensate for
our failure to express our- code. So it is not necessary to comment every line: If your code can be un-
self in code.” derstood then do not write a comment–write comments only for code that is
difficult to understand.

2.7 Arithmetic Operators

An operator is a symbol, such as +, that represents an operation or computa-
tion that may be performed on one or more things (for e.g. values or variables)
called operands. An operand are the things that the operator operates on. An
expression is a combination of operands and operators. For example, 2 + 3 is

.. Arithmetic Operators

an expression with operator + and two operands 2 and 3. Syntactically correct

expression are evaluated by Python and a value results. The value is the result of
applying the operator to the operand/s. A unary operator operates on only one
operand. For example, in the expression -x, - is the unary negation operator.
Operators that operate on two operands are known as binary operators.
The following are all legal Python expressions whose meaning is more or less
1 20 + 32
2 hour - 1
3 hour * 60 + minute
4 minute / 60
5 5 ** 2
6 (5 + 9) * (15 - 7)

The tokens +, -, and *, and the use of parenthesis for grouping, mean in
Python what they mean in mathematics. The asterisk (*) is the token for multi-
plication, and ** is the token for exponentiation. Addition, subtraction, multi-
plication, and exponentiation all do what you expect. If the input to the print
function is an expression then Python evaluates the expression before printing
out the resulting value (answer).
1 print(2 + 3)
2 print(2 - 3)
3 print(2 * 3)
4 print(2 ** 3)
5 print(3 ** 2)

When a variable name appears in the place of an operand, it is replaced with

the value that it refers to before the operation is performed. For example, what if
we wanted to convert 645 minutes into hours. In Python 3, division is denoted
by the operator token / which always evaluates to a floating point result.
1 minutes = 645
2 hours = minutes / 60
3 print(hours)

What if, on the other hand, we had wanted to know how many whole hours
there are and how many minutes remain. To help answer this question, Python
gives us a second flavor of the division operator. This version, called truncating
division, uses the token //. It always truncates its result down to the next smallest
integer (to the left on the number line).
1 print(7 / 4)
2 print(7 // 4)
3 minutes = 645
4 hours = minutes // 60
5 print(hours)

. Elements of Programs

Pay particular attention to the first two examples above. Notice that the result
of floating point division is 1.75 but the result of the integer division is simply
1. Take care that you choose the correct flavor of the division operator. If you’re
working with expressions where you need floating point values, use the division
operator /. If you want an integer result, use //.
The modulus operator, sometimes also called the remainder operator or in-
teger remainder operator works on integers (and integer expressions) and yields
the remainder when the first operand is divided by the second. In Python, the
modulus operator is a percent sign (%). The syntax is the same as for other oper-
1 quotient = 7 // 3 # This is the integer division operator
2 print(quotient)
3 remainder = 7 % 3
4 print(remainder)

In the above example, 7 divided by 3 is 2 when we use integer division and

there is a remainder of 1.
The modulus operator turns out to be surprisingly useful. For example, you
can check whether one number is divisible by another—if x % y is zero, then x is
divisible by y. Also, you can extract the right-most digit or digits from a number.
For example, x % 10 yields the right-most digit of x. Similarly x % 100 yields
the last two digits.
Finally, returning to our time example, the remainder operator is extremely
useful for doing conversions, say from seconds, to hours, minutes and seconds.
If we start with a number of seconds, say 7684, the following program uses in-
teger division and remainder to convert to an easier form. Step through it to be
sure you understand how the division and remainder operators are being used to
compute the correct values.
1 total_secs = 7684
2 hours = total_secs // 3600
3 secs_still_remaining = total_secs % 3600
4 minutes = secs_still_remaining // 60
5 secs_finally_remaining = secs_still_remaining % 60

Here is a summary of the arithmetic operators where x and y are either nu-
meric literals or variables referring to numbers:
The division / and the truncating division // operators can cause you some
grief if you do not understand them well. The application of the division operator
always results in a float. The results of truncating division operator depends on
the type of the operands (i.e. whether they are floats or integers). When the
truncating division operator is applied to operands that are both integers then
the result is an integer (i.e. the integer obtained by chopping off the decimal
part). This truncated division is also known as integer division. If one or both

.. Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic Operators Example Result

-x negation -42 -42
x + y addition 33 + 9 42
x - y subtraction 52 - 10 42
x * y multiplication 6 * 7 42
x / y division 84 / 2 42.0
x // y truncating div 428 // 10 42
428 // 10.0 42.0
x % y modulus 42 % 53 42
x ** y exponentiation 4 ** 2 16
Table .: Arithmetic Operators in Python

of the operands are then floats, then the result is a truncated float (i.e. the float
obtained by chopping off the decimal part of the result). The table below shows
Operands result type example result
int, int float 7 / 5 1.4
/ (Division) int, float float 7 / 5.0 1.4
float, float float 7.0 / 5.0 1.4
int, int truncated int 7 // 5 1
// (Truncating Division) int, float truncated float 7 // 5.0 1.0
float, float truncated float 7.0 // 5.0 1.0
Table .: The Division Operators

Order of Operations
Recall that an expression is a syntactically correct combination of operators and
operands that evaluates to a value. Interesting expressions have many operators
and operands.
1 (v ** 2) + (2 * a * d)
2 P * ((1 + (r / n)) ** ( n * t))

When more than one operator appears in an expression, the order of evalu-
ation depends on the rules of precedence. Python follows the same precedence Perhaps you were taught
rules for its mathematical operators that mathematics does. the BODMAS rules in
school. The idea is the same
but the rules are different.
1. Parentheses have the highest precedence and can be used to force an expres-
sion to evaluate in the order you want. Since expressions in parentheses If you use brackets a lot
then you do not have worry
are evaluated first, 2 * (3-1) is 4, and (1+1)**(5-2) is 8. You can also use too much about precedence
. Elements of Programs

parentheses to make an expression easier to read, as in (minute * 100)/

60, even though it doesn’t change the result.
2. Exponentiation has the next highest precedence, so 2**1+1 is 3 and not 4,
and 3*1**3 is 3 and not 27. Can you explain why?
3. Multiplication, both division operators, and modulus have the same prece-
dence, which is higher than addition and subtraction, which also have the
same precedence. So 2*3-1 yields 5 rather than 4, and 5-2*2 is 1, not 6.
4. Operators with the same precedence (i.e. on the same level) are evaluated
from left-to-right except for exponentiation which are evaluated from right-
to-left. So in the expression 6-3+2, the subtraction happens first, yielding
3. We then add 2 to get the result 5. But in the expression 2 ** 3 ** 2
the right-most operator gets done first and the result of the expression is
512. You may use parentheses to force a different order. In the expression
(2 ** 3)** 2 the left most operator evaluates first to give 8 and then the
right most one is applied to give a final value of 64.

This table summarizes the precedence rules in Python:

* / // %
+ -

Table .: Operator Precedence

A useful hint is to use parentheses to make the order you want clear.
Here are some examples:
1 print(2 ** 3 ** 2) # the right-most ** operator
2 # is done first!
3 print((2 ** 3) ** 2) # use brackets to force
4 # the order you want!
5 4 + 2 ** // 10

2.8 Data Types

We have previously studied values that programs manipulate. Values manipu-
lated by programs are also referred to as data or objects. We encountered differ-
ent types of values (or data) thus far: the two numeric types (integers and floats)
and strings. We looked at how to write literals of these types and how to assign
them to variables. In this section we look more closely at types.
These objects are classified into different classes, or data types: 4 is an integer,
and ”Hello, World!” is a string, so-called because it contains a string or sequence

.. Data Types

of letters. You (and the interpreter) can identify strings because they are enclosed
in quotation marks.
If you are not sure what class a value falls into, Python has a function called
type which can tell you. The input to the function is a literal or variable and the
output is its type.
1 print(type(”Hello, World!”))
2 print(type(17))
3 print(”Hello, World”)
4 x = 42.3
5 print(type(x))

Not surprisingly, strings belong to the class str and integers belong to the
class int.

When we show the value of a string using the print function,
such as in the third example above, the quotes are no longer
present. The value of the string is the sequence of characters
inside the quotes. The quotes are only necessary to help Python
know what the value is.

In the Python shell, it is not necessary to use the print function to see the
values shown above. The shell evaluates the Python function and automatically
prints the result. For example, consider the shell session shown below. When we
ask the shell to evaluate type(”Hello, World!”), it responds with the appropri-
ate answer and then goes on to display the prompt for the next use.
1 Python 3.1.2 (r312:79360M, Mar 24 2010, 01:33:18)
2 [GCC 4.0.1 (Apple Inc. build 5493)] on darwin
3 Type ”help”, ”copyright”, ”credits” or ”license” for more
4 >>> type(”Hello, World!”)
5 <class ’str’>
6 >>> type(17)
7 <class ’int’>
8 >>> ”Hello, World”
9 ’Hello, World’
10 >>>

Note that in the last example, we simply ask the shell to evaluate the string
“Hello, World”. The result is as you might expect, the string itself.
Continuing with our discussion of data types, numbers with a decimal point
belong to a class called float, because these numbers are represented in a format
called floating-point. At this stage, you can treat the words class and type inter-

. Elements of Programs

1 print(type(3.2))

What about values like ”17” and ”3.2”? They look like numbers, but they
are in quotation marks like strings.
1 print(type(”17”))
2 print(type(”3.2”))

They are strings!

So what exactly is a data type? A data type is a set of values together with
a set of operators that may be applied to those values. So for the int data type
the whole numbers is the set of values and the operators would include addition,
subtraction, multiplication, and division etc. Similarly for floats, the set is the
set of real numbers and the usual operators.
Programming languages need to carefully distinguish between types to ensure
that programmers do not use values incorrectly for example by trying to divide a
string by a number. Languages deal with data typing in two ways. In languages
with static typing, a variable must be declared as a certain type before it is used
and is only allowed to refer to values of that type throughout the life of the
program. For example, in a language such as Java we have:
1 int num = 5;
2 num = 2.0; //ERROR - cannot assign a float to an int

Python, however, is dynamically typed - the data type of a variable is the type
of the value it is currently referring to. This means that the type of a variable may
change as the program executes.
1 num = 5 # num is of type int
2 num = 2.0 # num is now of type float
3 num = ”Hello” # num is not type string
4 answer = num / 2 # ERROR
To avoid errors like this, do
not use a variable to hold So dynamically typed languages do not provide the safety net that statically
more than one type of data.
typed languages provide. You only find the error when the program is running
but in languages such as Java, the program will not compile until the error is
fixed. You have to be careful about the use of variables in any programming
language–more so in dynamically typed languages like Python since the inter-
preter/compiler does not check if you are using variables correctly.

Type conversion functions

Sometimes it is necessary to convert values from one type to another. Python
provides a few simple functions that will allow us to do that. The functions int,
float and str will (attempt to) convert their arguments into types int, float
and str respectively. We call these type conversion functions.

.. Input

The int function can take a floating point number or a string, and turn it
into an int. For floating point numbers, it discards the decimal portion of the
number - a process we call truncation towards zero on the number line. Let us see
this in action:
1 >>> print(3.14, int(3.14))
2 (3.14, 3)
3 >>> print(3.9999, int(3.9999)) # This doesn’t round to the
closest int!
4 (3.9999, 3)
5 >>> print(3.0, int(3.0))
6 (3.0, 3)
7 >>> print(-3.999, int(-3.999))
8 (-3.999, -3)
9 >>> print(”2345”, int(”2345”)) # parse a string to
produce an int
10 (’2345’, 2345)
11 >>> print(17, int(17)) # int even works on
12 (17, 17)
13 >>> print(int(”23bottles”)) #ERROR
14 Traceback (most recent call last):
15 File ”<stdin>”, line 1, in <module>
16 ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ’23bottles’
17 >>>

The last case shows that a string has to be a syntactically legal number, other-
wise you’ll get one of those pesky runtime errors. Modify the example by deleting
the bottles and rerun the program. You should see the integer 23.
The type converter float can turn an integer, a float, or a syntactically legal
string into a float.
1 print(float(”123.45”))
2 print(type(float(”123.45”)))

The type converter str turns its argument into a string. Remember that when
we print a string, the quotes are removed. However, if we print the type, we can
see that it is definitely str.
1 print(str(17))
2 print(str(123.45))
3 print(type(str(123.45)))

2.9 Input
The program in the previous section works fine but is very limited in that it only
works with one value for total_secs. What if we wanted to rewrite the program

. Elements of Programs

so that it was more general. One thing we could do is allow the user to enter any
value they wish for the number of seconds. The program could then print the
proper result for that starting value.
In order to do this, we need a way to get input from the user. Python provides
a built-in function to accomplish this task. As you might expect, it is called input.
1 n = input(”Please enter your name: ”)

User friendly programs The input function allows the programmer to provide a prompt string. When
will have clear prompt the function is evaluated, the prompt is shown. The user of the program can en-
strings so the user knows
exactly what kind of input ter the name and press return. When this happens the text that has been entered
is required. is returned from the input function, and in this case assigned to the variable n.
Make sure you run this example a number of times and try some different names
in the input box that appears.
1 n = input(”Please enter your name: ”)
2 print(”Hello”, n)

It is very important to note that the input function returns a string value.
Even if you asked the user to enter their age, you would get back a string like
”17”. It would be your job, as the programmer, to convert that string into an int
or a float, using the int or float converter functions we saw earlier.
To modify our previous program, we will add an input statement to allow
the user to enter the number of seconds. Then we will convert that string to an
integer. From there the process is the same as before. To complete the example,
we will print some appropriate output.
1 str_seconds = input(”Please enter the number of seconds you wish
to convert”)
2 total_secs = int(str_seconds)
4 hours = total_secs // 3600
5 secs_still_remaining = total_secs % 3600
6 minutes = secs_still_remaining // 60
7 secs_finally_remaining = secs_still_remaining % 60
9 print(”Hrs=”, hours, ”mins=”, minutes, ”secs=”,

The variable str_seconds will refer to the string that is entered by the user.
As we said above, even though this string may be 7684, it is still a string and not
a number. To convert it to an integer, we use the int function. The result is
referred to by total_secs. Now, each time you run the program, you can enter
a new value for the number of seconds to be converted.

.. The math module

2.10 The math module

We have already used functions such as print, input, and type. Recall that a
function is a named sequence of instructions that accomplishes some task. Func-
tions take one or more inputs (or parameters or arguments), processes the inputs
and produces some output or accomplishes some task. We use a function by
calling or invoking it i.e. we type its name and the arguments. For example to
print something we did this:
1 print(”The answer is: ”, 42)

The three functions we mentioned above are built-in functions - they are part
of the Python language. Python provides hundreds of useful functions that we
may use in our programs.
Some functions are not built-in but are collected in modules. A module is a
collection of useful functions that are available to programmers. Modules may Python has a huge collec-
also contain constants which are named values. A constant then, is a name of a tion of modules that pro-
grammers may use. See the
particular value and unlike a variable, the value referred to by a constant cannot online documentation for
be changed. An example of a constant is pi i.e. the mathematical constant pi. details.
The math module contains the kinds of mathematical functions you would
typically find on your calculator and some mathematical constants like π and e .
In order to use any python module, such as the math module, we need to
import it into our programs. We do this by typing import math.

Figure .: The Python Math Module

Here are some items from the math module in action. If you want more
information, you can check out the documentation online by clicking this link:
math module documentation.

. Elements of Programs

1 import math
3 print(math.pi)
4 print(math.e)
5 print(math.sqrt(2.0))
6 print(math.sin(math.radians(90))) # sin of 90 degrees

In order to use the functions in a module, we need to import the module.

We do this with the import statement (see line 1). Once we have imported the
math module, anything defined there can be used in our program. Notice that
we always use the name of the module followed by a dot followed by the specific
item from the module (math.sqrt). This is to tell Python where the function is
Notice that the input to a function can be another function. For example, the
input to the third print function is the sqrt function. The innermost function
is evaluated first i.e. Python finds the sqrt of 2.0 and the print function prints
out the answer. In the fourth print statement, we first convert 90 degrees into
radians using the radians function, then we calculate the sine of this and finally
print out the answer. Thus we print out the sine of 90 degrees. We need to do it
like this because the argument to the sin function must be in radians.
Here are some useful functions in the math module. More details can be
found in the documentation.

2.11 The random module

We often want to use random numbers in programs. Here are a few typical uses:

▷ To play a game of chance where the computer needs to throw some dice,
pick a number, or flip a coin,
▷ To shuffle a deck of playing cards randomly,
▷ To randomly allow a new enemy spaceship to appear and shoot at you,
▷ To simulate possible rainfall when we make a computerized model for es-
timating the environmental impact of building a dam,
▷ For encrypting your banking session on the Internet.

Python provides a module random that helps with tasks like this. You can
take a look at it in the documentation. Here are the key things we can do with
1 import random
3 prob = random.random()
4 print(prob)

.. The random module

Function Meaning
ceil(x) Return the ceiling of x as a float,
the smallest integer value greater than or equal to x.
floor(x) Return the floor of x as a float,
the largest integer value less than or equal to x.
exp(x) Return e x .
log(x, base) Return the logarithm of x to the given base.
log10 (x) Return the base-10 logarithm of x
pow (x, y) Return x*y.
sqrt (x) Return the square root of x.
degrees (x) Converts angle x from radians to degrees.
radians (x) Converts angle x from degrees to radians.
sin (x) Return the sine of x radians.
cos (x) Return the cosine of x radians.
tan (x) Return the tangent of x radians.
asin (x) Return the arc sine of x, in radians.
acos (x) Return the arc cosine of x, in radians.
atan (x) Return the arc tangent of x, in radians.
pi The mathematical constant pi.
e The mathematical constant e.
Table .: Functions and constants in the math module

6 diceThrow = random.randrange(1, 7) # return an int, one of

7 print(diceThrow)

Run this program several times and note that the values change each time.
These are random numbers.
The randrange function generates an integer between its lower and upper
argument – the lower bound is included, but the upper bound is excluded. All
the values have an equal probability of occurring (i.e. the results are uniformly
The random() function returns a floating point number in the range [0.0,
1.0) — the square bracket means “closed interval on the left” and the round
parenthesis means “open interval on the right”. In other words, 0.0 is possible,
but all returned numbers will be strictly less than 1.0. It is usual to scale the results
after calling this method, to get them into a range suitable for your application.
In the case shown here, we’ve converted the result of the method call to a
number in the range [0.0, 5.0). Once more, these are uniformly distributed
numbers — numbers close to 0 are just as likely to occur as numbers close to
0.5, or numbers close to 1.0. If you run the program several times you will see

. Elements of Programs

random values between 0.0 and up to but not including 5.0.

1 import random
3 prob = random.random()
4 result = prob * 5
5 print(result)

2.12 Exercises
1. What is the order of the arithmetic operations in the following expression.
Evaluate the expression by hand and then check your work.

2 + (3 - 1) * 10 / 5 * (2 + 3)

2. It is possible to name the days 0 through 6 where day 0 is Sunday and day
6 is Saturday. If you go on a wonderful holiday leaving on day number 3 (a
Wednesday) and you return home after 10 nights. Write a general version
of the program which asks for the starting day number, and the length of
your stay, and it will tell you the number of day of the week you will return

3. Add parenthesis to the expression 6 * 1 - 2 to change its value from 4 to


4. Write a program that will compute the circumference and area of a circle.
Prompt the user to enter the radius and print a nice message back to the
user with the answer.

5. Write a program that will compute MPG for a car. Prompt the user to
enter the number of miles driven and the number of gallons used. Print a
nice message with the answer.

6. Write a program that will convert degrees fahrenheit to degrees celsius.

7. Write a program which calculates the value of sin(x) where x is expressed

in degrees. The input is just the value of x.

8. At the beginning of a journey the reading on a car’s odometer is S kilometres

and the fuel tank is full. After the journey the reading is F kilometres and
it takes L litres to fill the tank.
Write a program which reads values of S,F, and L and outputs the rate of
fuel consumption.

.. Exercises

9. In the “old days” measurements used to be expressed in yards, feet and

inches (12 inches = 1 foot, 3 feet = 1 yard). Write a program that inputs
the number of inches and outputs the number of yards, feet and inches.

10. If an amount of money A earns R % interest over a period of P years then

at the end of that time the sum will be:
(100 + R) P
T = A ×( )

Write a program which inputs A ,R and P and outputs T .

11. An object falls to the ground from a height h in time t given by

t = (2h/g )0.5

where g is the gravitational constant ( = 9.81 metres/sec ).

▷ Write a program which computes the time it would take an apple

to hit Newton on the head assuming he was 1.37 metres high (when
sitting) and the apple was on a branch 6.7 metres high.
▷ An computer with an Intel Core i7 processor can execute 117160
MIPS (million instruction per second). Write a program which out-
puts the number of instructions that it can execute during the time it
takes for an egg to drop to the floor from a table 1 metre high.
▷ In order to payoff in N years a mortgage of P on which interest is
charged at an annual rate of R % and computed annually, A must be
repaid every year where :

P × (1 + r )N × r
(1 + r )N − 1

and r = 100 .
Write a program which reads P , N and R and outputs A .

12. A room is B metres wide, L metres long and H metres high. It has a door
(B 1 metres wide and H 1 metres high) in one wall and a window (B 2 metres
wide and H 2 metres high) in another. Wallpaper is available in rolls M
metres long and F metres wide. Write a program which reads values for
B, L, H , Bl , H I , B 2, H 2, M and F and calculates how many rolls of wallpaper
would be needed to paper the walls assuming no waste.

. Elements of Programs

13. A farmer has a field B metres wide, L metres long.

The field yields C cubic metres of grain per hectare (1 hectare = 10000
square metres). The farmer has a number of cylindrical grain silos, R me-
tres in radius, H metres in height in which he stores the harvest. Write a
program which reads B, L,C , R, H and outputs the number of completely
filled silos and the height of grain in any unfilled silo
14. Write a program which reads the coordinates of the vertices of a triangle
and outputs the area of the triangle.
15. Write a program that inputs the the cost of a customer’s purchases and the
amount of money paid by the customer and prints the change due to the
customer. It also prints the number of each note (R200, R100, R50, R20,
R10) and the number of coins (R5, R2, R1, 50c, 20c, 10c, 5c) that have
to be returned to the customer.



Always code as if the guy who ends up

maintaining your code will be a violent
psychopath who knows where you live.
- Martin Golding

There are two ways of constructing a

software design. One way is to make it so
simple that there are obviously no
deficiencies. And the other way is to make
it so complicated that there are no obvious
- C.A.R. Hoare

3.1 Boolean Values and Boolean Expressions

One of the building blocks of algorithms are boolean expressions. Boolean ex- Figure .: George
pressions are used to test values and variables. They ask true/false questions: for Boole (1815-1864):
British Logician who
example x >= 0 is a boolean expression that asks (tests) whether the value referred invented an algebra of
to by the variable x is greater than or equal to 0. The answer is either True or logic.

False depending on the value of x.

An expression is a sequence of symbols that evaluates to some value. We There are two kinds
of expressions we use
in Python: boolean
49 expressions and arithmetic
. Selection

have encountered arithmetic expressions that are composed of literals, variables

and arithmetic operators that evaluate to numeric values. For example (2 +
3)* 2 is an arithmetic expression that evaluates to 10. Boolean expressions are
composed of literals, variables, arithmetic operators, comparison operators, and
logical operators.
A boolean expression evaluates to one of two special values: True or False.
Arithmetic expressions The Python type for storing true and false values is called bool, named after the
evaluate to numbers British mathematician, George Boole.There are only two boolean values. They
and boolean expressions
evaluate to True or False. are True and False. Capitalization is important, since true and false are not
boolean values (remember Python is case sensitive).
1 print(True)
2 print(type(True))
3 print(type(False))

Boolean values are not strings!
It is extremely important to realize that True and False are
not strings. They are not surrounded by quotes. They are the
only two values in the data type bool. Take a close look at the
types shown below.

1 print(type(True))
2 print(type(”True”))

bool is another Python data type. We have already seen int, float, and str
A boolean expression is an expression that evaluates to a boolean value i.e.
True or False. The equality operator, ==, compares two values and produces a
boolean value related to whether the two values are equal to one another.
1 print(5 == 5)
2 print(5 == 6)

In the first statement, the two operands are equal, so the expression evaluates
to True. In the second statement, 5 is not equal to 6, so we get False.
The == operator is one of six common comparison operators; the others are:
1 x != y # x is not equal to y
2 x > y # x is greater than y
3 x < y # x is less than y
4 x >= y # x is greater than or equal to y
5 x <= y # x is less than or equal to y

Although these operations are probably familiar to you, the Python symbols
are different from the mathematical symbols. A common error is to use a single

.. Logical operators

equal sign (=) instead of a double equal sign (==). Remember that = is an assign-
ment operator and == is a comparison operator. Also, there is no such thing as
=< or =>.
Note too that an equality test is symmetric, but assignment is not. For ex-
ample, if a == 7 then 7 == a. But in Python, the statement a = 7 is legal and
7 = a is not. (Can you explain why?)

3.2 Logical operators

An operator is a special function that takes 1,2 or more inputs (operands) and
produces an output value. The arithmentic operators include +,-,/ *. E.g. +
takes two numbers as input and produces a number as output i.e. the number that
results when the two input numbers are added together. Logical operators take
take 1 or 2 inputs (the inputs are boolean expressions) and produces a boolean
value (True or False).
There are three logical operators: and, or, and not. The semantics (meaning) There are many other log-
of these operators is similar to their meaning in English. For example, x > 0 ical operators that are not
part of Python. A course on
and x < 10 is true only if x is greater than 0 and at the same time, x is less than Logic will cover these.
10. How would you describe this in words? You would say that x is between 0
and 10, not including the endpoints.
n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0 is true if either of the conditions is true, that is,
if the number is divisible by 2 or divisible by 3. In this case, one, or the other, or
both of the parts has to be true for the result to be true.
Finally, the not operator negates a boolean expression, so not x > y is true
if x > y is false, that is, if x is less than or equal to y.
1 x = 5
2 print(x > 0 and x < 10)
4 n = 25
5 print(n % 2 == 0 or n % 3 == 0)

Common Mistake!
There is a very common mistake that occurs when program-
mers try to write boolean expressions. For example, what if we
have a variable number and we want to check to see if its value is
5,6, or 7. In words we might say: “number equal to 5 or 6 or 7”.
However, if we translate this into Python, number == 5 or 6
or 7, it will not be correct. The or operator must join the results
of three equality checks. The correct way to write this is number
== 5 or number == 6 or number == 7. This may seem like a

. Selection

lot of typing but it is absolutely necessary. You cannot take a


Operators and Truth Tables

To better understand the logical operators, we show their meaning with truth
tables. A truth table is constructed by considering all possible assignments of
True and False to each operand of the operator and in each case calculating the
resulting evaluation of the whole statement.
Before we can construct a truth table for any particular expression, we must
define truth tables for each operator.
The truth table for not is:

p not p
True False
False False

and a truth table for or and and is:

p q por q pand q
True True True True
True False True False
False True True False
False False False False

Now we can construct truth tables for expressions. For example the truth
table for:

(not p) or (not q)

There are two possibilities for p and two for q , so the truth table has 4 rows.

p q not p not q not p or not q

True True False False False
True False False True True
False True True False True
False False True True True

If there are n propositions in a statement, then its truth table has 2n rows.
The order of the rows does not matter, but it is easier to make sure one has them
all by writing them down in a specific order!

.. Conditional Execution: Binary Selection

3.3 Precedence of Operators

We have now added a number of additional operators to those we learned in the
previous chapter. It is important to understand how these operators relate to the
others with respect to operator precedence . Python will always evaluate the arith- These precedence rules ap-
metic operators first exponentiation (**) is highest, then multiplication/division, ply to boolean expressions.

then addition/subtraction). Next comes the comparison operators. Finally, the

logical operators are done last. This means that the expression x*5 >= 10 and
y-6 <= 20 will be evaluated so as to first perform the arithmetic and then check
the relationships. The and will be done last. Although many programmers might
place parenthesis around the two relational expressions, it is not necessary.
The following table summarizes the operator precedence from highest to low-
est. A complete table for the entire language can be found in the documentation.

Level Category Operators

7(high) exponent **
6 multiplication * / // %
5 addition + -
4 relational == != = <= >= < >
3 logical not
2 logical and
1(low) logical or

3.4 Conditional Execution: Binary Selection

Recall that a control structure allows us to specify the order of execution of the
instructions in a program. There are three such control structures and they may
be combined.

1. Sequence specifies that the instructions must be carried out in sequence–

one after the other. In Python we specify this by writing the instructions
one after another.
2. Repetition (also known as Iteration) specifies that a set of instructions
should be repeated.
3. Selection or Branching. Selection allows us to choose different paths through
the program based on conditions.

This chapter discusses the Selection control structure. It is also called branch-
ing since we reach a point in the program where we choose to execute one set of
statements or another set of statements depending on certain conditions–its as if

. Selection

we reach a branch in the road and we choose which one to take. We write con-
ditions using boolean expressions: if the expression evaluates to True we execute
one set of instructions otherwise we execute the other set.
The simplest form of selection is the if statement. This is sometimes referred
binary means two. to as binary selection since there are two possible paths of execution.

False True

statements_2 statements_1

Figure .: Flowchart of a if statement with an else

1 x = 15
3 if x % 2 == 0:
4 print(x, ”is even”)
5 else:
6 print(x, ”is odd”)

The syntax for an if statement looks like this:

2 STATEMENTS_1 # executed if condition evaluates to True
3 else:
4 STATEMENTS_2 # executed if condition evaluates to

The boolean expression after the if statement is called the condition. If it is

true, then the indented statements (STATEMENTS_1) get executed. If not, then the
statements indented under the else clause (STATEMENTS_1) get executed.
The first line of the selection structure begins with the keyword if followed
by a boolean expression and ends with a colon (:). The indented statements that
In Python a block is follow are called a block. The first unindented statement marks the end of the
contiguous statements block.
indented by the same
amount away from the Each of the statements inside the first block of statements is executed in se-
margin. quence if the boolean expression evaluates to True. The entire first block of state-
ments is skipped if the boolean expression evaluates to False, and instead all the
statements under the else clause are executed.

.. Omitting the else Clause: Unary Selection

There is no limit on the number of statements that can appear under the two
clauses of an if statement, but there has to be at least one statement in each

3.5 Omitting the else Clause: Unary Selection



Figure .: Flowchart of an if with no else

Another form of the if statement is one in which the else part (or clause) is
omitted entirely. This creates what is sometimes called unary selection.
In this case, when the condition evaluates to True, the statements are executed.
Otherwise the flow of execution continues to the statement after the body of the
if. Basically we instruct the computer: “Do this only if the condition is true”
otherwise move on with the rest of the program”.
1 x = 10
2 if x < 0:
3 print(”The negative number ”, x, ” is not valid here.”)
4 print(”This is always printed”)

What would be printed if the value of x is negative? Try it.

3.6 Nested conditionals

One conditional can also be nested within another. The following pattern of
selection shows how we might decide how two integer variables, x and y are
related to each other.
The outer conditional contains two branches. The second branch (the else
from the outer) contains another if statement, which has two branches of its
own. Those two branches could contain conditional statements as well.

. Selection

1 if x < y:
2 print(”x is less than y”)
3 else:
4 if x > y:
5 print(”x is greater than y”)
6 else:
7 print(”x and y must be equal”)

The flow of control for this example can be seen in this flowchart illustration.

False True
x < y

False True
x > y statements_a

statements_c statements_b

Figure .: Nested Selection Example

Here is a complete program that defines values for x and y. Run the program
and see the result. Then change the values of the variables to change the flow of
1 x = 10
2 y = 10
4 if x < y:
5 print(”x is less than y”)
6 else:
7 if x > y:
8 print(”x is greater than y”)
9 else:
10 print(”x and y must be equal”)

.. Chained conditionals

In some programming languages, matching the if and the
else is a problem. However, in Python this is not the case. The
indentation pattern tells us exactly which else belongs to which

3.7 Chained conditionals

Python provides an alternative way to write nested selection such as the one
shown in the previous section. This is sometimes referred to as a chained condi-
1 if x < y:
2 print(”x is less than y”)
3 elif x > y:
4 print(”x is greater than y”)
5 else:
6 print(”x and y must be equal”)

The flow of control can be drawn in a different orientation but the resulting
pattern is identical to the one shown above.

x < y

x > y


Figure .: Flowchart of a Chained Conditional

elif is an abbreviation of else if. Again, exactly one branch will be exe-
cuted. There is no limit of the number of elif statements but only a single (and
optional) final else statement is allowed and it must be the last branch in the
Each condition is checked in order. If the first is false, the next is checked,
and so on. If one of them is true, the corresponding branch executes, and the

. Selection

statement ends. Even if more than one condition is true, only the first true branch
Here is the same program using elif.
1 x = 10
2 y = 10
4 if x < y:
5 print(”x is less than y”)
6 elif x > y:
7 print(”x is greater than y”)
8 else:
9 print(”x and y must be equal”)

3.8 Exercises
1. Give the logical opposites of these conditions. You are not allowed to use
the not operator.

a) a > b
b) a >= b
c) a >= 18 and day == 3
d) a >= 18 or day != 3

2. Write a program which inputs 3 numbers and outputs the value of the
3. The post office charges parcel-senders according to the weight of their par-
cel. For a parcel weighing 2 kilograms or less the charge is R 125. For each
kilogram or part of a kilogram above 2 there is an additional charge of R
55 dollars.
Write a program which inputs the weight of a parcel and outputs the amount
the sender is charged.
4. A bus company has the following charges for a tour.
If a person buys less than 5 tickets they cost R 1 500 each, otherwise they
cost R 1250 each. Write a program which calculates a customers bill given
the number of tickets.
5. Write a program which reads the co-ordinates of a point, the co-ordinates
of the centre of a circle and the radius of the circle, and determines whether
or not the point is inside the circle.
6. Write a program which reads the co-ordinates of three points and deter-
mines whether or not they lie on a straight line.

.. Exercises

7. Write a program which reads in the 3 coefficients of a quadratic equation

and determines whether it has (a) no real roots (b) a single real root - if so,
prints it (c) 2 real roots - if so prints them.
8. A baby sitter charges R 25 an hour between 18:00 and 21:30 and R 35 an
hour between 21:30 and midnight. She will not sit before 18:00 or after
midnight. Write a program which reads the times at which she started and
finished sitting and calculates how much she earned. Your program should
check for invalid starting and finishing times.
9. A student sits three examinations.
(i) He is awarded a pass if he scores at least 5O in each of the examina-
(ii) He is awarded supplementary exams in all three examinations if he
passes in two, the average of the three marks is at least 50 and the
lowest of the three marks is at least 40.
(iii) He fails if neither (i) nor (ii) applies.
Write a program which inputs the three marks and outputs either PASS or
10. Write a program that will be given the length of two sides of a right-angled
triangle and it should return the length of the hypotenuse. (Hint: x **
0.5 will return the square root, or use sqrt from the math module)
11. Write a program which, given the length of three sides of a triangle, will
determine whether the triangle is right-angled.
Hint: floating point arithmetic is not always exactly accurate, so it is not
safe to test floating point numbers for equality. If a good programmer
wants to know whether x is equal or close enough to y, they would probably
code it up as
1 if abs(x - y) < 0.001: # if x is approximately equal
to y
2 ...

12. A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4 unless it is a century that is not

divisible by 400. Write a function that takes a year as a parameter and
returns True if the year is a leap year, False otherwise.
13. Write a program that reads in three positive integers representing day, month
and year and indicate whether or not these form a legitimate date.



Perfection [in design] is achieved, not

when there is nothing more to add, but
when there is nothing left to take away.
- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Correctness is clearly the prime quality. If

a system does not do what it is supposed to
do, then everything else about it matters
— Bertrand Meyer

Sequence, selection and iteration are three control structures provided by all
programming languages. In this chapter we discuss several language features that
Python provides for specifying iteration. Iteration is also known as repetition or
Repeated execution of a sequence of statements is called iteration. There are Figure .: Ada,
two main structures for iteration in Python. The for statement is a very common Countess of Lovelace:
British mathematician
form of iteration in Python. The while statement is another way to have your and the world’s first pro-
program do iteration.
Iteration is also known as
looping or repetition.

. Iteration

4.1 The for loop

A basic building block of all programs is to be able to repeat some code over and
over again. In computer science, we refer to this repetitive idea as iteration. In
this section, we will explore some mechanisms for basic iteration.
In Python, the for statement allows us to write programs that implement
iteration. As a simple example, let’s say we have some friends, and we’d like to
send them each a message inviting them to our party. The following code will
just print a message for each friend.
1 for name in [”Joe”, ”Amy”, ”Brad”, ”Zuki”, ”Thandi”, ”Paris”]:
2 print(”Hi”, name, ”Please come to my party on Saturday!”)

Take a look at the output produced when you run the program. There is one
line printed for each friend. Here’s how it works:

▷ name in this for statement is called the loop variable.

▷ The list of names in the square brackets is called a Python list. Lists are
very useful. We will have much more to say about them later.
▷ Line 2 is the loop body. The loop body is always indented. The indentation
determines exactly what statements are “in the loop”. The loop body is
performed one time for each name in the list.
▷ On each iteration or pass of the loop, first a check is done to see if there
are still more items to be processed. If there are none left (this is called
the terminating condition of the loop), the loop has finished. Program
execution continues at the next statement after the loop body.
▷ If there are items still to be processed, the loop variable is updated to refer
to the next item in the list. This means, in this case, that the loop body is
executed here 6 times, and each time name will refer to a different friend.
▷ At the end of each execution of the body of the loop, Python returns to the
for statement, to see if there are more items to be handled.

So the for loop processes each item in a list. Each item in turn is (re-)assigned
to the loop variable, and the body of the loop is executed.

Flow of Execution of the for Loop

As a program executes, the interpreter always keeps track of which statement is
about to be executed. We call this the control flow, or the flow of execution
of the program. When humans execute programs, they often use their finger to
point to each statement in turn. So you could think of control flow as “Python’s
moving finger”.
Control flow until now has been strictly top to bottom, one statement at a
time. We call this type of control sequential. Sequential flow of control is always

.. The for loop

assumed to be the default behavior for a computer program. The for statement
changes this.
Flow of control is often easy to visualize and understand if we draw a flowchart.
This flowchart shows the exact steps and logic of how the for statement executes.

Have all items Yes

in sequence had
their turn?


Assign next item

to loop variable

Execute all
statements in loop

Figure .: Flowchart for Iteration

The range Function

In the example below we use a list of four integers to control the iteration i.e. we
cause the statements to be executed four times. We said that we could have used
any four values.
1 for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]: # repeat four times
2 print(i * i) # square each number

It turns out that generating lists with a specific number of integers is a very
common thing to do, especially when you want to write simple for loop con-
trolled iteration. Even though you can use any four items, or any four integers for
that matter, the conventional thing to do is to use a list of integers starting with
0. In fact, these lists are so popular that Python gives us a special built-in range
function that can deliver a sequence of values to the for loop. The sequence
provided by range always starts with 0.
1 for i in range(4):
2 # Executes the body with i = 0, then 1, then 2, then 3
3 for x in range(10):
4 # sets x to each of ... [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

. Iteration

If you ask for range(4), then you will get 4 values starting with 0. In other
words, 0, 1, 2, and finally 3. Notice that 4 is not included since we started with
0. Likewise, range(10) provides 10 values, 0 through 9.

Computer scientists like to count from 0!

So to repeat something four times, a good Python programmer would do

1 for i in range(4):
2 print(i * i)

The range function (see the documentation) is actually a very powerful func-
tion when it comes to creating sequences of integers. It can take one, two, or three
parameters. We have seen the simplest case of one parameter such as range(4)
which creates [0, 1, 2, 3]. But what if we really want to have the sequence
[1, 2, 3, 4]? We can do this by using a two parameter version of range where
the first parameter is the starting point and the second parameter is the ending
point. The evaluation of range(1,5) produces the desired sequence. What hap-
pened to the 5? In this case we interpret the parameters of the range function to
mean range(start,stop+1).

Why in the world would range not just work like range(start,
stop)? Think about it like this. Because computer scientists like
to start counting at 0 instead of 1, range(N) produces a sequence
of things that is N long, but the consequence of this is that the
final number of the sequence is N-1. In the case of start, stop
it helps to simply think that the sequence begins with start and
continues as long as the number is less than stop.

Here are a two examples for you to run. Try them and then add another line
below to create a sequence starting at 10 and going up to 20 (including 20).
1 print(range(4))
2 print(range(1, 5))

In this example, the variable i will take on values produced by the range
1 for i in range(10):
2 print(i)

Finally, suppose we want to have a sequence of even numbers. How would

we do that? Easy, we add another parameter, a step, that tells range what to count

.. The while Statement

by. For even numbers we want to start at 0 and count by 2’s. So if we wanted
the first 10 even numbers we would use range(0,19,2). The most general form
of the range is range(start, stop, step). You can also create a sequence of
numbers that starts big and gets smaller by using a negative value for the step
1 print(range(0, 19, 2))
2 print(range(0, 20, 2))
3 print(range(10, 0, -1))

Iteration can be paired with the update idea to form the accumulator pattern.
For example, to compute the sum of the first n integers, we could create a for To accumulate is to gather
loop using the range function to produce the numbers 1 through n . Using the together or acquire an in-
creasing number or quan-
accumulator pattern, we can start with a running total variable initialized to 0 tity of something.
and on each iteration, add the current value of the loop variable. A function to
compute this sum is shown below. The running total variable
is the accumulator, theSum
1 theSum = 0 in the example.
2 aBound = 100
4 for aNumber in range(1, aBound + 1):
5 theSum = theSum + aNumber
7 print(theSum)

To review, the variable theSum is called the accumulator. It is initialized to

zero before we start the loop. The loop variable, aNumber will take on the values
produced by the range(1, aBound + 1) function call. Note that this produces
all the integers from 1 up to the value of aBound. If we had not added 1 to aBound,
the range would have stopped one value short since range does not include the
upper bound.
The assignment statement, theSum = theSum + aNumber, updates theSum each
time through the loop. This accumulates the running total. Finally, we print the
value of the accumulator.

4.2 The while Statement

There is another Python statement that can also be used to build an iteration. It
is called the while statement. The while statement provides a much more general
mechanism for iterating. Similar to the if statement, it uses a boolean expression
to control the flow of execution. The body of while will be repeated as long as
the controlling boolean expression evaluates to True.

. Iteration



in loop body

Figure .: Flowchart for the while statement

The following figure shows the flow of control.

We can use the while loop to create any type of iteration we wish, including
anything that we have previously done with a for loop. For example, the program
in the previous section could be rewritten using while. Instead of relying on the
range function to produce the numbers for our summation, we will need to
produce them ourselves. To to this, we will create a variable called aNumber and
initialize it to 1, the first number in the summation. Every iteration will add
aNumber to the running total until all the values have been used. In order to
control the iteration, we must create a boolean expression that evaluates to True
as long as we want to keep adding values to our running total. In this case, as
long as aNumber is less than or equal to the bound, we should keep going.
Here is a version of the summation program that uses a while statement.
1 theSum = 0
2 aNumber = 1
3 aBound = 10
4 while aNumber <= aBound:
5 theSum = theSum + aNumber
6 aNumber = aNumber + 1
8 print(theSum)

The statements inside the while loop (i.e. the statements that are repeated)
are known as the body of the loop. The boolean expression that controls the loop
is also known as the loop condition.
You can almost read the while statement as if it were in natural language. It
means, while aNumber is less than or equal to aBound, continue executing the body

.. The while Statement

of the loop. Within the body, each time, update theSum using the accumulator
pattern and increment aNumber. After the body of the loop, we go back up to the
condition of the while and reevaluate it. When aNumber becomes greater than
aBound, the condition fails and flow of control continues to the return statement.
The variable that controls the iteration (i.e. that causes the loop to terminate
or controls how many times the loop executes) is called a control variable. In the
example, the control variable is aNumber. Note carefully that the control variable
must be updated within the body of the loop. What would happen if the update
statement (line 6) was omitted?

The names of the variables have been chosen to help read-

More formally, here is the flow of execution for a while statement:

1. Evaluate the condition, yielding False or True.

2. If the condition is False, exit the while statement and continue execution
at the next statement.
3. If the condition is True, execute each of the statements in the body and
then go back to step 1.

The body consists of all of the statements below the header with the same
This type of flow is called a loop because the third step loops back around to
the top. Notice that if the condition is False the first time through the loop, the
statements inside the loop are never executed.
The body of the loop should change the value of one or more variables so that
eventually the condition becomes False and the loop terminates. Otherwise the
loop will repeat forever. This is called an infinite loop. An endless source of amuse-
In the case shown above, we can prove that the loop terminates because we ment for computer scien-
tists is the observation that
know that the value of aBound is finite, and we can see that the value of aNumber in- the directions written on
crements each time through the loop, so eventually it will have to exceed aBound. the back of the shampoo
bottle (lather, rinse, repeat)
In other cases, it is not so easy to tell. create an infinite loop.

. Iteration

Counting digits
The following program counts the number of decimal digits in a positive integer:
1 n = 710
2 count = 0
3 while n != 0:
4 count = count + 1
5 n = n // 10
6 print(count)

This function demonstrates an important pattern of computation called a

counter. The variable count is initialized to 0 and then incremented each time
the loop body is executed. When the loop exits, count contains the result —
the total number of times the loop body was executed, which is the same as the
number of digits.
If we wanted to only count digits that are either 0 or 5, adding a conditional
before incrementing the counter will do the trick:
1 n = 1055030250
2 count = 0
3 while n > 0:
4 digit = n % 10
5 if digit == 0 or digit == 5:
6 count = count + 1
7 n = n // 10
8 print(count)

What is printed if n is assigned 1 in the first line?

4.3 Abbreviated assignment

Incrementing a variable (adding 1 to it) and decrementing (subtracting 1 from
it is so common that Python provides an abbreviated syntax for it:
1 count = 0
2 count += 1
3 print(count)
4 count += 1
5 print(count)
6 count += 5
7 print(count)

count += 1 is an abreviation for count = count + 1 . We pronounce the

operator as “plus-equals”. The increment value does not have to be 1:
There are similar abbreviations for -=, *=, /=, //= and %=:
1 n = 2
2 n *= 5

.. Infinite, Definite and Indefinite Iteration

3 print(n)
5 n -= 4
6 print(n)
8 n //= 2
9 print(n)
11 n %= 2
12 print(n)

4.4 Infinite, Definite and Indefinite Iteration

Infinite Loops
An infinite loop is a loop structure that theoretically never terminates. This kind
of loop causes your program to hang and you will notice that it continues running
or runs for an extremely long time and does not produce any output or may cause
your computer to crash. Infinite loops are usually due to programmer error. A
common error is to forget to update the loop control variable.
1 # CAUTION: Infinite loop
2 theSum = 0
3 aNumber = 1
4 aBound = 10
5 while aNumber <= aBound:
6 theSum = theSum + aNumber
8 print(theSum)

Here we see that aNumber never changes and the loop condition will always
be true.
Its not enough to check that you update the loop control variable within the
body of the loop. The update must ensure that the loop condition will eventually
become false. For example if your update statement was aNumber = aNumber - 1
then notice that aNumber will always be less than aBound and will therefore never
become false and you still have an infinite loop.

Indefinite and Definite Iteration

The for statement will always iterate through a sequence of values like the list of
names for the party or the list of numbers created by range. Since we know that
it will iterate once for each value in the collection, it is often said that a for loop
creates a definite iteration because we definitely know how many times we are
going to iterate.

. Iteration

while loops may also be used to provide definite iteration. The example above
shows a definite iteration using the while loop. It is known how many times the
loop will run.
1 theSum = 0
2 aNumber = int(input(’Enter a value: ’))
3 aBound = 10
4 while aNumber <= aBound:
5 theSum = theSum + aNumber
6 aNumber = aNumber + 1
7 print(theSum)

We cannot know what value will be input by the user but when the while
loop is executed we can tell how many times the loop will execute.
The while statement may also be used to construct indefinite iteration. Indef-
inite iteration simply means that we don’t know how many times we will repeat
but eventually the condition controlling the iteration will fail and the iteration
will stop. (Unless we have an infinite loop which is of course a problem).
1 kmOrMiles = input(”Enter K or M: ”)
3 while kmOrMiles != ’K’ and kmOrMiles != ’M’:
4 kmOrMiles = input(”Enter K or M: ”)

This kind of loop is used to do input validation. It checks that the input
provided by the user is valid. In this example, the user must enter either K or M.
The while loop will run until the user enters one of these. In this case we cannot
know how many times the loop runs — it depends on how many times the luser
types incorrect values.
What you will notice here is that the while loop is more work for you —
the programmer — than the equivalent for loop. When using a while loop you
have to control the loop variable yourself. You give it an initial value, test for
completion, and then make sure you change something in the body so that the
loop terminates.

The 3n + 1 Sequence
As another example of indefinite iteration, let’s look at a sequence that has fas-
cinated mathematicians for many years. The rule for creating the sequence is to
start from some given number, call it n, and to generate the next term of the
sequence from n, either by halving n, whenever n is even, or else by multiplying
it by three and adding 1 when it is odd. The sequence terminates when n reaches
This Python function captures that algorithm. Try running this program
several times supplying different values for n.

.. Infinite, Definite and Indefinite Iteration

1 print(” Print the 3n+1 sequence from n, terminating when it

reaches 1.”)
2 n = 16 #you may use an input statement here
3 while n != 1:
4 print(n)
5 if n % 2 == 0: # n is even
6 n = n // 2
7 else: # n is odd
8 n = n * 3 + 1
9 print(n) # the last print is 1

The condition for this loop is n != 1. The loop will continue running until
n == 1 (which will make the condition false).
Each time through the loop, the program prints the value of n and then checks
whether it is even or odd using the remainder operator. If it is even, the value
of n is divided by 2 using integer division. If it is odd, the value is replaced by
n * 3 + 1. Try some other examples.
Since n sometimes increases and sometimes decreases, there is no obvious
proof that n will ever reach 1, or that the program terminates. For some particular
values of n, we can prove termination. For example, if the starting value is a power
of two, then the value of n will be even each time through the loop until it reaches
You might like to have some fun and see if you can find a small starting
number that needs more than a hundred steps before it terminates.
Particular values aside, the interesting question is whether we can prove that
this sequence terminates for all values of n. So far, no one has been able to prove
it or disprove it!
Think carefully about what would be needed for a proof or disproof of the
hypothesis “All positive integers will eventually converge to 1”. With fast computers
we have been able to test every integer up to very large values, and so far, they
all eventually end up at 1. But this doesn’t mean that there might not be some
as-yet untested number which does not reduce to 1.
You’ll notice that if you don’t stop when you reach one, the sequence gets
into its own loop: 1, 4, 2, 1, 4, 2, 1, 4, and so on. One possibility is that there
might be other cycles that we just haven’t found.

Choosing between for and while

Use a for loop if you know the maximum number of times that you’ll need
to execute the body. For example, if you’re traversing a list of elements, or can
formulate a suitable call to range, then choose the for loop.
So any problem like “iterate this weather model run for 1000 cycles”, or
“search this list of words”, “check all integers up to 10000 to see which are prime”
suggest that a for loop is best.

. Iteration

By contrast, if you are required to repeat some computation until some con-
dition is met, as we did in this 3n + 1 problem, you’ll need a while loop.
As we noted before, the first case is called definite iteration — we have some
definite bounds for what is needed. The latter case is called indefinite iteration
— we are not sure how many iterations we’ll need — we cannot even establish
an upper bound!

Newtonʼs Method
Loops are often used in programs that compute numerical results by starting with
an approximate answer and iteratively improving it.
For example, one way of computing square roots is Newton’s method. Sup-
pose that you want to know the square root of n. If you start with almost any
approximation, you can compute a better approximation with the following for-
1 better = 1/2 * (approx + n/approx)

Execute this algorithm a few times using your calculator. Can you see why
each iteration brings your estimate a little closer? One of the amazing properties
of this particular algorithm is how quickly it converges to an accurate answer.
The following implementation of Newton’s method requires two parameters.
The first is the value whose square root will be approximated. The second is the
number of times to iterate the calculation yielding a better result.
1 n = 18 #you may use an input statement here
2 howmany = 10 #you may use an input statement here
4 approx = 0.5 * n
5 for i in range(howmany):
6 betterapprox = 0.5 * (approx + n/approx)
7 approx = betterapprox
9 print(approx)

You may have noticed that the second and third calls to newtonSqrt in the
previous example both returned the same value for the square root of 10. Using
10 iterations instead of 5 did not improve the the value. In general, Newton’s
algorithm will eventually reach a point where the new approximation is no better
than the previous. At that point, we could simply stop. In other words, by
repeatedly applying this formula until the better approximation gets close enough
to the previous one, we can write a function for computing the square root that
uses the number of iterations necessary and no more.
This implementation uses a while condition to execute until the approxima-
tion is no longer changing. Each time through the loop we compute a “better”

.. break and continue

approximation using the formula described earlier. As long as the “better” is dif-
ferent, we try again. Step through the program and watch the approximations
get closer and closer.
1 n = 18
2 approx = 0.5 * n
3 better = 0.5 * (approx + n/approx)
4 while better != approx:
5 approx = better
6 better = 0.5 * (approx + n/approx)
8 print(approx)

The while statement shown above uses comparison of two
floating point numbers in the condition. Since floating point
numbers are themselves approximation of real numbers in math-
ematics, it is often better to compare for a result that is within
some small threshold of the value you are looking for.

4.5 break and continue

The break statement
The break statement is used to immediately leave the body of its loop. The next
statement to be executed is the first one after the body:
1 for i in [12, 16, 17, 24, 29]:
2 if i % 2 == 1: # If the number is odd
3 break # ... immediately exit the loop
4 print(i)
5 print(”done”)

The continue statement

This is a control flow statement that causes the program to immediately skip the
processing of the rest of the body of the loop, for the current iteration. But the
loop still carries on running for its remaining iterations:
1 for i in [12, 16, 17, 24, 29, 30]:
2 if i % 2 == 1: # If the number is odd
3 continue # Don’t process it
4 print(i)
5 print(”done”)

. Iteration

4.6 Other flavours of loops

for and while loops do their tests at the start, before executing any part of the
body. They’re called pre-test loops, because the test happens before (pre) the
body. break and return are our tools for adapting this standard behaviour.
Sometimes we’d like to have the middle-test loop with the exit test in the
middle of the body, rather than at the beginning or at the end. Or a post-test
loop that puts its exit test as the last thing in the body. Other languages have
different syntax and keywords for these different flavours, but Python just uses a
combination of while and if condition: break to get the job done.
A typical example is a problem where the user has to input numbers to be
summed. To indicate that there are no more inputs, the user enters a special value,
often the value -1, or the empty string. This needs a middle-exit loop pattern:
input the next number, then test whether to exit, or else process the number:
1 total = 0
2 while True:
3 response = input(”Enter the next number. (Leave blank to
4 if response == ””:
5 break
6 total += int(response)
7 print(”The total of the numbers you entered is ”, total)

Convince yourself that this fits the middle-exit loop flowchart: line 3 does
some useful work, lines 4 and 5 can exit the loop, and if they don’t line 6 does
more useful work before the next iteration starts.
The while bool-expr: uses the Boolean expression to determine whether to
iterate again. True is a trivial Boolean expression, so while True: means always
do the loop body again. This is a language idiom — a convention that most pro-
grammers will recognize immediately. Since the expression on line 2 will never
terminate the loop, (it is a dummy test) the programmer must arrange to break
(or return) out of the loop body elsewhere, in some other way (i.e. in lines 4 and
5 in this sample). A clever compiler or interpreter will understand that line 2
is a fake test that must always succeed, so it won’t even generate a test, and our
flowchart never even put the diamond-shape dummy test box at the top of the
Similarly, by just moving the if condition: break to the end of the loop
body we create a pattern for a post-test loop. Post-test loops are used when you
want to be sure that the loop body always executes at least once (because the
first test only happens at the end of the execution of the first loop body). This
is useful, for example, if we want to play an interactive game against the user —
we always want to play at least one game:
1 while True:

.. A Guessing Game

2 play_the_game_once()
3 response = input(”Play again? (yes or no)”)
4 if response != ”yes”:
5 break
6 print(”Goodbye!”)

Once you’ve recognized that you need a loop to repeat something, think
about its terminating condition — when will I want to stop iterating? Then
figure out whether you need to do the test before starting the first (and every
other) iteration, or at the end of the first (and every other) iteration, or perhaps
in the middle of each iteration. Interactive programs that require input from the
user or read from files often need to exit their loops in the middle or at the end
of an iteration, when it becomes clear that there is no more data to process, or
the user doesn’t want to play our game anymore.

4.7 A Guessing Game

The following program implements a simple guessing game:
1 import random # We cover random numbers in the
2 rng = random.Random() # modules chapter, so peek
3 number = rng.randrange(1, 1000) # Get random number between [1
and 1000).
5 guesses = 0
6 msg = ””
8 while True:
9 guess = int(input(msg + ”\nGuess my number between 1 and
1000: ”))
10 guesses += 1
11 if guess > number:
12 msg += str(guess) + ” is too high.\n”
13 elif guess < number:
14 msg += str(guess) + ” is too low.\n”
15 else:
16 break
18 input(”\n\nGreat, you got it in {0}

This program makes use of the mathematical law of trichotomy (given real
numbers a and b, exactly one of these three must be true: a > b, a < b, or a == b).
At line 18 there is a call to the input function, but we don’t do anything with
the result, not even assign it to a variable. This is legal in Python. Here it has the

. Iteration

effect of popping up the input dialog window and waiting for the user to respond
before the program terminates. Programmers often use the trick of doing some
extra input at the end of a script, just to keep the window open.
Also notice the use of the msg variable, initially an empty string, on lines 6,
12 and 14. Each time through the loop we extend the message being displayed:
this allows us to display the program’s feedback right at the same place as we’re
asking for the next guess.

4.8 Nested Loops

These loops are the trickiest A nested loop is a loop structure in which a loop is found inside another loop
to read and write. i.e. the body of a loop contains another loop. For example consider the program
below to print the minutes and seconds of a digital clock.
A good example of a nested loop is a digital clock.
The hour value loops through 24 hours (for a 24 hour clock) and for each
hour the minute value loops 60 times. A program to simulate this is:
1 for hours in range(24):
2 for minutes in range(60):
3 print(hours, ’:’, minutes)

The output will be:

1 0:0
2 0:1
3 0:2
4 ...
5 1:0
6 1:1
7 1:2
8 ...
9 23:59

Notice that the hour value loops through from 0 to 23 and for each hour the
minutes value loops through from 0 to 59. The outer loop runs 24 times for each
of these the inner loop runs 60 times. In total, the print statement runs 24 × 60
times i.e. 1440 times.
It should not be surprising that we could nest a loop inside a nested loop and
have a triple nested loop (or a multi-nested loop). For example one could modify
the program above to also print out the seconds. In this case the outer loop runs
24 times, the inner loop 60 times and the inner-inner loop runs 60 times for
time the inner loop runs.

.. Tables

1 for hours in range(24):

2 for minutes in range(60):
3 for seconds in range(60):
4 print(hours, ’:’, minutes, ’:’ , seconds)

4.9 Tables
One of the things loops are good for is generating tabular data. Before computers
were readily available, people had to calculate logarithms, sines and cosines, and
other mathematical functions by hand. To make that easier, mathematics books
contained long tables listing the values of these functions. Creating the tables
was slow and boring, and they tended to be full of errors.
When computers appeared on the scene, one of the initial reactions was, “This
is great! We can use the computers to generate the tables, so there will be no errors.”
That turned out to be true (mostly) but shortsighted. Soon thereafter, computers
and calculators were so pervasive that the tables became obsolete.
Well, almost. For some operations, computers use tables of values to get
an approximate answer and then perform computations to improve the approx-
imation. In some cases, there have been errors in the underlying tables, most
famously in the table the Intel Pentium processor chip used to perform floating-
point division.

Simple Tables
Although a power of 2 table is not as useful as it once was, it still makes a good
example of iteration. The following program outputs a sequence of values in the
left column and 2 raised to the power of that value in the right column:
1 print(”n”, ’\t’, ”2**n”) #table column headings
2 print(”---”, ’\t’, ”-----”)
4 for x in range(13): # generate values for columns
5 print(x, ’\t’, 2 ** x)

The string ’\t’ represents a tab character. The backslash character in ’\t’
indicates the beginning of an escape sequence. Escape sequences are used to
represent invisible characters like tabs and newlines. The sequence \n represents
a newline.
An escape sequence can appear anywhere in a string. In this example, the tab
escape sequence is the only thing in the string. How do you think you represent
a backslash in a string?
As characters and strings are displayed on the screen, an invisible marker
called the cursor keeps track of where the next character will go. After a print
function is executed, the cursor normally goes to the beginning of the next line.

.. Tables

In a nested loop structure such as the one below, we distinguish between

4 areas were we could write code: before the outer loop, in the outer loop but
before the inner loop, in the inner loop, after the inner loop (but still in the outer
loop). Ensure that you can identify each of these areas. Code in each these area
is used for different purposes:

1. Before the outer loop: This code runs only once - we write code here to
print the header for the table and the column labels.
2. In the outer loop but before the inner loop: This code runs every time the
outer loop runs but before the inner loop runs. When we get to this point
we are at the beginning of each row. We write code that we want to execute
at the beginning of each row—for example to print row labels.
3. In the inner loop: Code here runs for every row and for every column. We
write code here that executes as we visit every column of every row—for
example to print the powers.
4. After the inner loop (but still in the outer loop): Code here runs when we
have completed visiting every column in a particular row. We write code
here that we want to execute at the end of every row—for example to print
a newline (i.e. to go to the beginning of the next row).

1 # before loop
2 # print the table header
4 print ’\t’,
5 for i in range(1,5):
6 print ’x^’,i, ’\t’ # do not print a new line
8 print() # go to a new line
10 for x in range(1,11): # outer loop: for each row
12 # before inner loop
13 # code here repeats for each row
14 # but before visiting the columns
15 # do something at the beginning of each row
16 print x, ’\t’,
18 for n in range(1,5): # inner loop: for each column
20 # inside inner loop
21 # do something for each row and each column
23 print x ** n,’\t’ ,

. Iteration

The tab character shifts the cursor to the right until it reaches one of the tab
stops. Tabs are useful for making columns of text line up, as in the output of
the previous program. Because of the tab characters between the columns, the
position of the second column does not depend on the number of digits in the
first column.

Two-dimensional tables
A two-dimensional table is a table where you read the value at the intersection
of a row and a column. A multiplication table is a good example. Let’s say you
want to print a multiplication table for the values from 1 to 6.
A good way to start is to write a loop that prints the multiples of 2, all on
one line:
1 for i in range(1, 7):
2 print(2 * i, end=” ”)
3 print()

Here we’ve used the range function, but made it start its sequence at 1. As
the loop executes, the value of i changes from 1 to 6. When all the elements of
the range have been assigned to i, the loop terminates. Each time through the
loop, it displays the value of 2 * i, followed by three spaces.
The extra end=” ” argument in the print function suppresses the newline,
and uses three spaces instead. After the loop completes, the call to print at line
3 finishes the current line, and starts a new line.

Tables and nested loops

Nested loops are useful when working with tabular data (data in tables). The first
example is a program that prints a table of the powers of x 1 , ..., x n . We want to
print the following table:

x1 x2 x3 x4
1 1 1 1 1
2 2 4 8 16
3 3 9 27 81
... ... ... ...
10 10 100 1000 10000
The table (excluding the labels) has 4 columns and 10 rows. Each item in the
table is sometimes called an element of the table. Study the code below and note
the comments carefully.
We should think of this algorithm as a traversal of the table, i.e. it allows us
to visit every element of the table. The outer loop takes us from row to row and
the inner loop takes us from column to column (of each row).

. Iteration

25 # after inner loop

26 # do something at the end of each row
27 # after visiting every column in that row
29 print() #go to the next row

The general structure for working with two dimensional tables is thus:
1 # before loop: print headers
3 for each row
4 # do something at the beginning of each rows
5 for each column
6 # do something for every element
7 # do something at the end of each row

The “do something” does not have to involve only printing. The next example
solves this problem: Print out the sums of each row of table above i.e. the sum
of x 1 +x 2 +x 3 +x 4 for each value of x from 1 to 10. We note that we should print
the sum of powers at the end of each row. We need an accumulator variable to
store the sum. So we may think that something like this will work:
1 sum = 0
2 for x in range (1,11):
4 for n in range(1,5):
5 sum = sum + (x ** n)
7 print(’Sum of row’, x, ’ : ’, sum)

You see the problem: the sum continues accumulating the sum of every ele-
ment when we wanted only the sum of each row. So we have not reset sum. We
should reset sum at the beginning of each row:
1 for x in range (1,11):
2 sum = 0
3 for n in range(1,5):
4 sum = sum + (x ** n)
6 print(’Sum of row’, x, ’ : ’, sum)

For our last example we want to print the following picture where the number
of rows is input by the user:
1 *
2 **
3 ***
4 ****
5 *****

.. Exercises

In problems like these we need to find patterns. In row 1 we print 1 star, row
2 we print 2 stars, row 3 we print 3 stars … So for each row, the number of stars
to print depends on the row we are on:
1 numRows = input(”How many rows: ”)
2 numRows = int(numRows)
4 for row in range(numRows):
5 for col in range (row + 1):
6 print(”*”,end=””) #print without the new line
7 print()

4.10 Exercises
1. Write a program that prints out the first n triangular numbers. A triangular
number or triangle number counts the objects that can form an equilateral
triangle, as in the diagram below. The n t h triangular number is the number
of dots composing a triangle with n dots on a side. Your program should
produce the following output for n = 5:

Figure .: Triangular Numbers

1 1 1
2 2 3
3 3 6
4 4 10
5 5 15

2. Write a program which inputs N followed by the prices of N items. The

program should output the price at which each item is offered in a sale.
The sale price is calculated as follows. The original price is reduced by
10%, the resulting quantity is rounded to the nearest Rand and then 1 cent
subtracted from it. If the resulting quantity is less than the original price
then the new price is output, otherwise the old price is output together
with a warning message. For e.g. if the original price is R5,69 then less
10% is R5,121. Rounded to the nearest Rand gives R5. Subtract 1c gives
3. Write a program which reads N followed by N numbers and outputs the
positive difference between the two largest numbers.

. Iteration

4. Write a program which inputs N followed by a set of N numbers and out-

puts the variance of the set given by

1 ∑N ∑
V = ( x i2 − 2.A x i + N .A 2 )
N −1 i i

where N is the average of the set.

5. Write a program to evaluate the following series:

100 1 1 1 1
= 1+ 2 + 2 +...+
i =1 i 2 3 1002

6. Write a program which given the day of the week on which the first of a
month falls, together with the number of days in the month, prints out a
calendar for the month in the form shown below.
2 Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Su
3 1 2 3 4 5
4 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
5 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
6 20 21 22 23 24 25 26
7 27 28 29 30

7. If xn is a close approximation to the square root of A then a better one is

x n+1 given by:

1 A
x n+1 = (x n + )
2 xn

Write a program which reads some positive quantity A and calculates its
square root to an accuracy which ensures that the result squared and A
differ by at most 10−6 .
8. The Fibonacci numbers are F0 , F1 , . . . are defined as follows:

F 0 = 0F 1 = 1F n+2 = F n+1 + F n for alln ≥ 0.

Thus the first 8 Fibonacci numbers are 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, . . ..

a) Write a program that reads a positive integer M and prints the first
Fibonacci number which is not less than M .

.. Exercises

b) Write a program which reads an integer N and determines whether

or not it is a Fibonacci number.

9. Consider

1n + 6n + 7n + 17n + 18n + 23n = 2n + 3n + 11n + 13n + 21n + 22n +

What is the first value of n for which the equation fails to hold?
10. Write a program which reads a sequence of positive integers terminated
by −1 and outputs a sequence in which sub-sequences of repeated integers
are replaced by a single instance of the integer preceded by a count of the
integer and *. For example if the input contained
1 4 3 3 3 3 2 5 5 5 9 ...

the corresponding section of the output should be

1 4 4*3 2 3*5 9 ...

11. Write a program which reads in the three positive integer coefficients in
the equation

ax 2 + b y 2 = c

and outputs a solution (a and b are non-negative integers) if any exists.

12. The number of distinct ways in which r objects can be selected from n
distinct objects is given by

nC r =
(n − r )! × r !

where x! is the factorial of x .

Write a program which reads n and r and outputs nC r .
13. In a certain ice skating event, a mark is awarded by each of N judges. The
mark awarded to a competitor is obtained by ignoring the highest and
lowest of the N marks and averaging the remainder. Write a program which
reads N followed by the N marks and outputs the mark awarded.
14. Write a program which finds all the prime numbers between 1 and 1000.
15. Write a program which finds a four digit number A AB B which is a perfect
square. A and B represent different digits.

. Iteration

16. Write a program which finds a four digit perfect square where the number
represented by the first two digits and the number represented by the last
two digits are both perfect squares.
17. Twin primes are consecutive odd numbers both of which are prime num-
bers. Write a program which inputs two positive integers A and B and
outputs all the twin primes in the range A to B.
18. Write, for each of the series below, a program which reads N and x and
outputs the sum of the first N terms.

1 1 1
X = 1+ + + +...
2 3 4
X 2 x4 x6
f (x) = + + +...
2 3 4
1 1 1 1
X = − + − +...
2! 3! 4! 5!



Debugging is twice as hard as writing the

code in the first place. Therefore, if you
write the code as cleverly as possible, you
are, by definition, not smart enough to
debug it.
- Brian W. Kernighan

If debugging is the process of removing

software bugs, then programming must be
the process of putting them in.
Edsger Dijkstra

5.1 Introduction
One of the most important skills a programmer needs is the ability to debug your Figure .: Linus
programs. Debugging is a skill that you need to master over time, and some of Torvalds. Creator of
the Linux operating
the tips and tricks are specific to different aspects of Python programming. In System.
some ways, debugging is like detective work. You are confronted with clues, and
you have to infer the processes and events that led to the results you see. Although
it can be frustrating, debugging is one of the most intellectually rich, challenging,
and interesting parts of programming.

. Debugging

Programming is an odd thing in a way. Here is why. As programmers we

spend 99% of our time trying to get our program to work. We struggle, we
stress, we spend hours deep in frustration trying to get our program to execute
correctly. Then when we do get it going we celebrate, hand it in, and move on
to the next homework assignment or programming task. But here is the secret,
when you are successful, you are happy, your brain releases a bit of chemical that
makes you feel good. You need to organize your programming so that you have
lots of little successess. It turns out your brain doesn’t care all that much if you
have successfully written hello world, or a fast fourier transform (trust me its
hard) you still get that little release that makes you happy. When you are happy
you want to go on and solve the next little problem. Essentially I’m telling you
once again, start small, get something small working, and then add to it.

5.2 Tracing a program

To write effective computer programs, and to build a good conceptual model
of program execution, a programmer needs to develop the ability to trace the
execution of a computer program. Tracing involves becoming the computer and
following the flow of execution through a sample program run, recording the
state of all variables and any output the program generates after each instruction
is executed.
To understand this process, let’s trace the following program we have seen
1 print(” Print the 3n+1 sequence from n, terminating when it
reaches 1.”)
2 n = 3 #you may use an input statement here
3 while n != 1:
4 print(n)
5 if n % 2 == 0: # n is even
6 n = n // 2
7 else: # n is odd
8 n = n * 3 + 1
9 print(n) # the last print is 1

At the start of the trace, we have a variable, nwith an initial value of 3. Since
3 is not equal to 1, the while loop body is executed. 3 is printed and 3 % 2
== 0 is evaluated. Since it evaluates to False, the else branch is executed and
3 * 3 + 1 is evaluated and assigned to n.
To keep track of all this as you hand trace a program, make a column heading
on a piece of paper for each variable created as the program runs and another one
for output. Our trace so far would look something like this:

.. Errors

1 n output printed so far

2 -- ---------------------
3 3 3,
4 10

Since 10 != 1 evaluates to True, the loop body is again executed, and 10 is

printed. 10 % 2 == 0 is true, so the if branch is executed and n becomes 5. By
the end of the trace we have:

1 n output printed so far

2 -- ---------------------
3 3 3,
4 10 3, 10,
5 5 3, 10, 5,
6 16 3, 10, 5, 16,
7 8 3, 10, 5, 16, 8,
8 4 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4,
9 2 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2,
10 1 3, 10, 5, 16, 8, 4, 2, 1.

Tracing can be a bit tedious and error prone (that’s why we get computers
to do this stuff in the first place!), but it is an essential skill for a programmer to
have. From this trace we can learn a lot about the way our code works. We can
observe that as soon as n becomes a power of 2, for example, the program will
require log2 (n) executions of the loop body to complete. We can also see that
the final 1 will not be printed as output within the body of the loop, which is
why we put the special print function at the end.
Tracing a program is, of course, related to single-stepping through your code
and being able to inspect the variables. Using the computer to single-step for you
is less error prone and more convenient. Also, as your programs get more com-
plex, they might execute many millions of steps before they get to the code that
you’re really interested in, so manual tracing becomes impossible. Being able to
set a breakpoint where you need one is far more powerful. So we strongly encour-
age you to invest time in learning using to use your programming environment
to full effect.

5.3 Errors
Programming is a complex process. Since it is done by human beings, errors
may often occur. Programming errors are called bugs and the process of tracking
them down and correcting them is called debugging.
It is useful to distinguish between them in order to track them down more

. Debugging

Syntax errors
Python can only execute a program if the program is syntactically correct; other-
wise, the process fails and returns an error message. Syntax refers to the structure
of a program and the rules about that structure. For example, in English, a
sentence must begin with a capital letter and end with a period. this sentence
contains a syntax error. So does this one
For most readers, a few syntax errors are not a significant problem, which is
why we can read the poetry of e. e. cummings without problems. Python is not
so forgiving. If there is a single syntax error anywhere in your program, Python
will display an error message and quit. You will not be able to complete the
execution your program. During the first few weeks of your programming career,
you will probably spend a lot of time tracking down syntax errors. However, as
you gain experience, you will make fewer errors and you will also be able to find
your errors faster.

Runtime Errors
The second type of error is a runtime error, so called because the error does not
appear until you run the program. These errors are also called exceptions because
they usually indicate that something exceptional (and bad) has happened.
Runtime errors are rare in the simple programs you will see in the first few
chapters, so it might be a while before you encounter one.

Semantic Errors
The third type of error is the semantic error. If there is a semantic error in your
program, it will run successfully in the sense that the computer will not generate
any error messages. However, your program will not do the right thing. It will
do something else. Specifically, it will do what you told it to do.
The problem is that the program you wrote is not the program you wanted to
write. The meaning of the program (its semantics) is wrong. Identifying semantic
errors can be tricky because it requires you to work backward by looking at the
output of the program and trying to figure out what it is doing.

5.4 How to Avoid Debugging

Perhaps the most important lesson in debugging is that it is largely avoidable –
if you work carefully.

1. Start Small This is probably the single biggest piece of advice for program-
mers at every level. Of course its tempting to sit down and crank out an
entire program at once. But, when the program – inevitably – does not

.. How to Avoid Debugging

work then you have a myriad of options for things that might be wrong.
Where to start? Where to look first? How to figure out what went wrong?
I’ll get to that in the next section. So, start with something really small.
Maybe just two lines and then make sure that runs ok. Hitting the run
button is quick and easy, and gives you immediate feedback about whether
what you have just done is ok or not. Another immediate benefit of having
something small working is that you have something to turn in. Turning
in a small, incomplete program, is almost always better than nothing.
2. Keep it working Once you have a small part of your program working the
next step is to figure out something small to add to it. If you keep adding
small pieces of the program one at a time, it is much easier to figure out
what went wrong, as it is most likely that the problem is going to be in the
new code you have just added. Less new code means its easier to figure out
where the problem is.

This notion of Get something working and keep it working is a mantra that
you can repeat throughout your career as a programmer. It’s a great way to avoid
the frustrations mentioned above. Think of it this way. Every time you have a
little success, your brain releases a tiny bit of chemical that makes you happy. So,
you can keep yourself happy and make programming more enjoyable by creating
lots of small victories for yourself.
Ok, let’s look at an example. Let’s solve the problem posed in question 3 at
the end of the Simple Python Data chapter. Ask the user for the time now (in
hours 0 - 23), and ask for the number of hours to wait. Your program should
output what the time will be on the clock when the alarm goes off.
So, where to start? The problem requires two pieces of input from the user,
so let’s start there and make sure we can get the data we need.
1 current_time = input(”what is the current time (in hours)?”)
2 wait_time = input(”How many hours do you want to wait”)
4 print(current_time)
5 print(wait_time)

So far so good. Now let’s take the next step. We need to figure out what the
time will be after waiting wait_time number of hours. A good first approxima-
tion to that is to simply add wait_time to current_time and print out the result.
So lets try that.
1 current_time = input(”Current time (in hours 0 - 23)?”)
2 wait_time = input(”How many hours do you want to wait”)
3 print(current_time)
4 print(wait_time)
5 final_time = current_time + wait_time
6 print(final_time)

. Debugging

Hmm, when you run that example you see that something funny has hap-
This error was probably pretty simple to spot, because we printed out the
value of final_time and it is easy to see that the numbers were just concatenated
together rather than added. So what do we do about the problem? We will need
to convert both current_time and wait_time to int. At this stage of your pro-
gramming development, it can be a good idea to include the type of the variable
in the variable name itself. So let’s look at another iteration of the program that
does that, and the conversion to integer.
1 current_time_str = input(”What is the current time (in hours
2 wait_time_str = input(”How many hours do you want to wait”)
4 current_time_int = int(current_time_str)
5 wait_time_int = int(wait_time_str)
7 final_time_int = current_time_int + wait_time_int
8 print(final_time_int)

Now, thats a lot better, and in fact depending on the hours you chose, it may
be exactly right. If you entered 8 for the current time and 5 for the wait time then
13 is correct. But if you entered 17 (5pm) for the hours and 9 for the wait time
then the result of 26 is not correct. This illustrates an important aspect of testing,
which is that it is important to test your code on a range of inputs. It is especially
important to test your code on boundary conditions. In this case you would
want to test your program for hours including 0, 23, and some in between. You
would want to test your wait times for 0, and some really large numbers. What
about negative numbers? Negative numbers don’t make sense, but since we don’t
really have the tools to deal with telling the user when something is wrong we
will not worry about that just yet.
So finally we need to account for those numbers that are bigger than 23. For
this we will need one final step, using the modulo operator.
1 current_time_str = input(”What is the current time (in hours
2 wait_time_str = input(”How many hours do you want to wait”)
4 current_time_int = int(current_time_str)
5 wait_time_int = int(wait_time_str)
7 final_time_int = current_time_int + wait_time_int
9 final_answer = final_time_int % 24
11 print(”The time after waiting is: ”, final_answer)

.. How to Avoid Debugging

Of course even in this simple progression, there are other ways you could
have gone astray. We’ll look at some of those and how you track them down in
the next section.

Know Your Error Messages

Many problems in your program will lead to an error message. For example as I
was writing and testing this chapter of the book I wrote the following version of
the example program in the previous section.
1 current_time_str = input(”What is the current time (in hours
2 wait_time_str = input(”How many hours do you want to wait”)
4 current_time_int = int(current_time_str)
5 wait_time_int = int(wait_time_int)
7 final_time_int = current_time_int + wait_time_int
8 print(final_time_int)

Can you see what is wrong, just by looking at the code? Maybe, maybe not.
Our brain tends to see what we think is there, so sometimes it is very hard to
find the problem just by looking at the code. Especially when it is our own code
and we are sure that we have done everything right!
Aha! Now we have an error message that might be useful. The name error
tells us that wait_time_int is not defined. It also tells us that the error is on line
5. Thats really useful information. Now look at line five and you will see that
wait_time_int is used on both the left and the right hand side of the assignment
The most common errors are ParseError, TypeError, NameError, or ValueEr-
ror. We will look at these errors in three stages:

▷ First we will define what these four error messages mean.

▷ Then, we will look at some examples that cause these errors to occur.
▷ Finally we will look at ways to help uncover the root cause of these mes-

Parse errors happen when you make an error in the syntax of your program. Syn-
tax errors are like making grammatical errors in writing. If you don’t use periods
and commas in your writing then you are making it hard for other readers to
figure out what you are trying to say. Similarly Python has certain grammatical
rules that must be followed or else Python can’t figure out what you are trying to

. Debugging

Usually ParseErrors can be traced back to missing punctuation characters,

such as parenthesis, quotation marks, or commas. Remember that in Python
commas are used to separate parameters to functions. Paretheses must be bal-
anced, or else Python thinks that you are trying to include everything that follows
as a parameter to some function.
Finding Clues How can you help yourself find these problems? One trick
that can be very valuable in this situation is to simply start by commenting out
the line number that is flagged as having the error. If you comment out line four,
the error message now changes to point to line 5. Now you ask yourself, am I
really that bad that I have two lines in a row that have errors on them? Maybe,
so taken to the extreme, you could comment out all of the remaining lines in the
program. Now the error message changes to TokenError: EOF in multi-line
statement This is a very technical way of saying that Python got to the end of file
(EOF) while it was still looking for something. In this case a right parenthesis.
Finding Clues If you follow the same advice as for the last problem, comment
out line one, you will immediately get a different error message. Here’s where
you need to be very careful and not panic. The error message you get now is:
1 NameError: name ’current_time_str’ is not defined on line 4!.

You might be very tempted to think that this is somehow related to the ear-
lier problem and immediately conclude that there is something wrong with the
variable name current_time_str but if you reflect for a minute you will see that
by commenting out line one you have caused a new and unrelated error. That
is you have commented out the creation of the name current_time_str. So of
course when you want to convert it to an int you will get the NameError. Yes,
this can be confusing, but it will become much easier with experience. It’s also
important to keep calm, and evaluate each new clue carefully so you don’t waste
time chasing problems that are not really there.
Uncomment line 1 and you are back to the ParseError. Another trick is to
eliminate a possible source of error. Rather than commenting out the entire line
you might just try to assign current_time_str to a constant value. For example
you might make line one look like this:
1 current_time_str = ”10”
2 #input(”What is the ”current time” (in hours 0-23)?”)

Now you have assigned current_time_str to the string 10, and commented
out the input statement. And now the program works! So you conclude that the
problem must have something to do with the input function.

TypeErrors occur when you you try to combine two objects that are not compat-
ible. For example you try to add together an integer and a string. Usually type

.. How to Avoid Debugging

errors can be isolated to lines that are using mathematical operators, and usually
the line number given by the error message is an accurate indication of the line.
Here’s an example of a type error created by a Polish learner. See if you can
find and fix the error.
1 a = input(uu’wpisz ęgodzin’)
2 x = input(uu’wpisz ęliczb godzin’)
3 int(x)
4 int(a)
5 h = x // 24
6 s = x % 24
7 print (h, s)
8 a = a + s
9 print (’godzina teraz %s’ %a)

Finding Clues One thing that can help you in this situation is to print out
the values and the types of the variables involved in the statement that is causing
the error. You might try adding a print statement after line 4 print(x, type(x))
You will see that at least we have confirmed that x is of type string. Now you need
to start to work backward through the program. You need to ask yourself, where
is x used in the program? x is used on lines 2, 3, and of course 5 and 6 (where
we are getting an error). So maybe you move the print statement to be after line
2 and again after 3. Line 3 is where you expect the value of x to be changed to
an integer. Could line 4 be mysteriously changine x back to a string? Not very
likely. So the value and type of x is just what you would expect it to be after line
2, but not after line 3. This helps you isolate the problem to line 3. In fact if
you employ one of our earlier techniques of commenting out line 3 you will see
that this has no impact on the error, and is a big clue that line 3 as it is currently
written is useless.

Name errors almost always mean that you have used a variable before it has a
value. Often NameErrors are simply caused by typos in your code. They can be
hard to spot if you don’t have a good eye for catching spelling mistakes. Other
times you may simply mis-remember the name of a variable or even a function
you want to call. You have seen one example of a NameError at the beginning
of this section. Here is another one. See if you can get this program to run
1 str_time = input(”What time is it now?”)
2 str_wait_time = input(”What is the number of nours to wait?”)
3 time = int(str_time)
4 wait_time = int(str_wait_time)
5 time_when_alarm_go_off = time + wait_time
6 print(time_when_alarm_go_off)

. Debugging

Finding Clues With name errors one of the best things you can do is use the
editor, or browser search function. Quite often if you search for the exact word
in the error message one of two things will happen:
1. The word you are searching for will appear only once in your code, its also
likely that it will be on the right hand side of an assignment statment, or
as a parameter to a function. That should confirm for you that you have
a typo somewhere. If the name in question is what you thought it should
be then you probably have a typo on the left hand side of an assignment
statement on a line before your error message occurs. Start looking back-
ward at your assignment statements. In some cases its really nice to leave
all the highlighted strings from the search function visible as they will help
you very quickly find a line where you might have expected your variable
to be highlighted.
2. The second thing that may happen is that you will be looking directly at
a line where you expected the search to find the string in question, but it
will not be highlighted. Most often that will be the typo right there.
Here is another one for you to try:
1 n = input(”What time is it now (in hours)?”)
2 n = imt(n)
3 m = input(”How many hours do you want to wait?”)
4 m = int(m)
5 q = m % 12
6 print(”The time is now”, q)

And one last bit of code to fix.

1 present_time = input(”Enter the present timein hours:”)
2 set_alarm = input(”Set the hours for alarm:”)
3 int (present_time, set_time, alarm_time)
4 alarm_time = present_time + set_alarm
5 print(alarm_time)

Value errors occur when you pass a parameter to a function and the function is
expecting a certain type, but you pass it a different type. We can illustrate that
with this particular program in two different ways.
1 current_time_str = input(”Current time (in hours 0-23)?”)
2 current_time_int = int(current_time_str)
3 wait_time_str = input(”How many hours do you want to wait”)
4 wait_time_int = int(wait_time_int)
5 final_time_int = current_time_int + wait_time_int
6 print(final_time_int)

.. How to Avoid Debugging

Run the program but instead of typing in anything to the dialog box just
click OK. You should see the following error message:
1 ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: ’’ on
line: 4

This error is not because you have made a mistake in your program. Although
sometimes we do want to check the user input to make sure its valid, but we don’t
have all the tools we need for that yet. The error happens because the user did
not give us something we can convert to an integer, instead we gave it an empty
value. Try running the program again. Now this time enter “ten” instead of the
number 10. You will get a similar error message.
ValueErrors are not always caused by user input error, but in this program
that is the case. We’ll look again at ValueErrors again when we get to more
complicated programs. For now it is worth repeating that you need to keep
track of the types of your variables, and understand what types your function is
expecting. You can do this by writing comments in your code, or by naming
your variables in a way that reminds you of their type.



Controlling complexity is the essence of

computer programming.
— Brian W. Kernighan

So much complexity in software comes

from trying to make one thing do two
— Ryan Singer

6.1 Functions
In Python, a function is a named sequence of statements that belong together Figure .: Dennis
and that accomplishes some task. Functions also accept 0, 1 or more inputs (also Ritchie. Created the C
programming language
known as parameters or arguments) that it operates on. Usually the function and invented, together
with Ken Thompson,
produces and returns a value. Their primary purpose is to help us organize pro- the UNIX operating sys-
grams into chunks that match how we think about the solution to the problem.
So basically a function contains Python code (using any of the statements and
control structures we’ve seen already).

. Functions

Calling functions
There are two aspects to functions in Python. First, a function has to be defined:
the programmer creates a function by giving it a name, specifying its parameters
and writing the code that accomplishes its task/s. Secondly, the function is used
in your programs and can also be used in other functions. Using a function is a
simple matter of typing its name and providing it with the parameters it requires.
This is known as calling a function or invoking a function. We have already used
(called or invoked) functions and here we summarize what we already know:

1. The functions that we have used already include: print, input, type, random,
log, sqrt, sin and various other mathematical functions. All of these func-
tions were defined by other programmers and made available for us to use.
print , input and type were built-in functions while the others are found
in modules. A module is a collection of functions made available to pro-
grammers. To use a function in a module we need to import the module
first and we call the function by using dot notation by specifying the name
of the module then the function name (The built-in functions are part of
the python language so no import is necessary):
1 import math
2 squareRoot = math.sqrt(3.0)

2. Functions accomplish some task. The print function displays test on the
screen, the type returns the type of a literal or variable, the sqrt function
returns the square root of some value.
3. Functions are accept parameters (or arguments or input value/s). A power-
ful feature of functions is the ability to accept parameters. The parameters
to the print function is a comma separated list of values to print, the pa-
rameter to the input function is a prompt string, the parameter to the sqrt
function is the value we want the square root of. Arguments allow us to
call the same function multiple times with different values. The same code
is used to but we get different answers depending on the parameters we
give the function. The parameters modifies the behavior of the function.
4. The syntax for calling functions is the function_name(optional_parameters).
If there are no parameters then the brackets are still required. When there
are parameters, we say that the parameters are passed to the function. When
the function is called, its code is executed.
5. Functions may (or may not) return values. For example the sqrt function
returns the square root of its input, the input function returns the value
typed by the user, and the sin function returns the sine of the input angle.

.. Functions

It is important to know the type of value returned so it may be used properly.

The input function returns a string. If we know that the user inputs a
number then we have to convert the returned string to a number before
using it:
1 inputValue = input(”Enter an integer”)
2 myInteger = (int) inputValue

6. Before using functions we must know whether the function returns a string,
an int, a float, a boolean or something else. The returned value may be used
anywhere that type may be used. For example, the sin function returns a
float so the sin function can be part of an arithmetic or boolean expression
or it can be passed to another function that can accept a float. Note in
particular how functions can be passed to other functions. In line 5, we
use the radians function to first convert degrees to radians since sin works
with radians:
1 b = 3.0
2 a = 5
4 # function is part of an expression
5 root = (-b + math.sqrt( (b * b) - 4 * a * c) ) / (2 * a)
7 # function is input to another function
8 print(math.sqrt(b * b))
10 # radians function is parameter to sin
11 sine = math.sin( math.radians(90))

7. Functions simplify program development. In the examples above, we do

not write any code that actually calculates the sine or code to convert de-
grees to radians. These tasks are done by the functions. The code we wrote
is easier to read and understand. Functions allow us to re-use code: we
write the function once and we use it whenever we wish simply by calling
it and even better, we can use code written by other programmers so we do
not have to do the work that other programmers have already done.

Defining functions
We know want to write our functions that we may use and perhaps other pro-
grammers. Before writing a function we need to already know the following:

1. Task: What we want the function to accomplish.

2. Arguments: What arguments (if any) do we want input to the function.

. Functions

3. Return: What value do we want the function to return, if any.

4. Processing: What processing is required in order to accomplish the task.

Let us begin with a really simple function: cubeVolume. We analyze it as


1. Task: Calculate the volume of a cube.

2. Arguments: One could write a function to calculate the volume of a cube
of a specific length such as 42. Then no arguments are required and the
function calculates 423 and we are done. But such a function is not very
useful. If we wanted to calculate the volume of another cube, we require
another function. Its important to generalize our functions: writing func-
tions that are useful in a wide variety of cases. We decide that the length
of the side of the cube should be an argument to the function and that the
function should calculate the volume of a cube using the length provided
as argument. You may also be tempted to have no arguments but to have
an input statement in the function that gets the length of the side from
the user. You will see that this is not a very general function either: for
example the programmer using such a function is not able to input values
any other values to the function such as values she has calculated.
3. Return: The function should return the volume of the cube. We should
also decide here whether the type of the returned value: float, int, bool etc.
4. Processing: We should have some idea about how to accomplish the task.
For this problem its easy: cubevol ume = s 3 . Usually we need to design
more interesting algorithms.

Now to define (or write) the function.

The syntax for a function definition is:
1 def name( parameters ): # function header
2 statements # body of the function

You can make up any names you want for the functions you create, except
that you can’t use a name that is a Python keyword, and the names must follow
the rules for legal identifiers that were given previously.
The parameters specify what information, if any, you have to provide in order
to use the new function. Another way to say this is that the parameters specify
what the function needs to do it’s work.
There can be any number of statements inside the function, but they have to
be indented from the def. In the examples in this book, we will use the standard
indentation of four spaces. Function definitions are compound statements that
have the same pattern:

.. Functions

1. A header line which begins with a keyword and ends with a colon.
2. A body consisting of one or more Python statements, each indented the
same amount – 4 spaces is the Python standard – from the header line.

In a function definition, the keyword in the header is def, which is followed

by the name of the function and some parameters enclosed in parentheses. The
parameter list may be empty, or it may contain any number of parameters sepa-
rated from one another by commas. In either case, the parentheses are required.
We need to say a bit more about the parameters. In the function definition,
the parameter list is more specifically known as the formal parameters. This list
of names describes those things that the function will need to receive from the
user-programmer of the function. When you use a function, you provide values
to the formal parameters.
The figure below shows this relationship. A function needs certain informa-
tion to do its work. These values, often called arguments or actual parameters,
are passed to the function by the user-programmer.

Figure .: Function as a Black Box

This type of diagram is often called a black-box diagram because it only

states the requirements from the perspective of the user-programmer. The user-
prgrammer must know the name of the function and what arguments need to be
passed. The details of how the function works are hidden inside the “black-box”.
Here is our cubeVolume function.
1 # function definition
2 def CubeVolume (side): # parameter is the length of one side
3 ”””return the volume of a cube with side.”””
4 # function body
5 volume = side ** 3
6 return volume
8 # Using the function
9 print(”A cube with side = 42 has volume ”, cubeVolume(42))
10 aSide = input(”enter a side for the cube”)
11 side = float(aSide)
12 volume = cubeVolume(side)
13 print(”Your cube with side ”, side, ” is ”, volume)

. Functions

Make sure you know where the body of the function ends — it depends on
the indentation and the blank lines don’t count for this purpose!
If the first thing after the function header is a string (some tools insist that it
must be a triple-quoted string), it is called a docstring and gets special treatment
in Python and in some of the programming tools. This is used to document the
function to give user-programmers information about your function.
Another way to retrieve this information is to use the interactive interpreter,
and enter the expression <function_name>.__doc__, which will retrieve the doc-
string for the function. So the string you write as documentation at the start
of a function is retrievable by python tools at runtime. This is different from
comments in your code, which are completely eliminated when the program is
By convention, Python programmers use docstrings for the key documenta-
tion of their functions.
Defining a new function does not make the function run. To do that we
need a function call. This is also known as a function invocation. We’ve already
seen how to call some built-in functions like print, range and int. Function
calls contain the name of the function to be executed followed by a list of values,
called arguments, which are assigned to the parameters in the function definition.
You can see this after the function definition. See that you can identify formal
parameter (side in the function definition) and the actual parameter (aSide in
line 13 and side in line 14) being sent to the function. The actual parameters
represent the specific data items that the function will use when it is executing.
We deliberately used the same name on line 14: note that these are different
variables (more about this later).
Once we’ve defined a function, we can call it as often as we like and its state-
ments will be executed each time we call it.

6.2 Functions that Return Values

Most functions require arguments, values that control how the function does its
job. For example, if you want to find the absolute value of a number, you have
to indicate what the number is. Python has a built-in function for computing
the absolute value:
1 print(abs(5))
3 print(abs(-5))

In this example, the arguments to the abs function are 5 and -5.
Some functions take more than one argument. For example the math mod-
ule contains a function called pow which takes two arguments, the base and the

.. Functions that Return Values

1 import math
2 print(math.pow(2, 3))
4 print(math.pow(7, 4))

Of course, we have already seen that raising a base to an
exponent can be done with the ** operator.

Another built-in function that takes more than one argument is max.
1 print(max(7, 11))
2 print(max(4, 1, 17, 2, 12))
3 print(max(3 * 11, 5 ** 3, 512 - 9, 1024 ** 0))

max can be sent any number of arguments, separated by commas, and will
return the maximum value sent. The arguments can be either simple values or
expressions. In the last example, 503 is returned, since it is larger than 33, 125,
and 1.
Furthermore, functions like range, int, abs all return values that can be used
to build more complex expressions.
So functions can have 0, 1 or more arguments.
Functions may also return a value or it may not. For example the cubeVolume
function returns a value but the print function does not. Functions that do not
return a value do not have a return value. We take a closer look at functions that
return a value.
Functions that return values are sometimes called fruitful functions. In many
other languages, a chunk that doesn’t return a value is called a procedure, but we
will stick here with the Python way of also calling it a function.
Fruitful functions still allow the user to provide information (arguments).
However there is now an additional piece of data that is returned from the func-

Figure .: Functions that return values

How do we write our own fruitful function? Let’s start by creating a very
simple mathematical function that we will call square. The square function will
take one number as a parameter and return the result of squaring that number.
Here is the black-box diagram with the Python code following.

. Functions

Figure .: The Square Function

1 def square(x):
2 y = x * x
3 return y
5 toSquare = 10
6 result = square(toSquare)
7 print(”The result of ”, toSquare, ” squared is ”, result)

The return statement is followed by an expression which is evaluated. Its

result is returned to the caller. Because the return statement can contain any
Python expression we could have avoided creating the temporary variable y and
simply used return x*x. Try modifying the square function above to see that
this works just the same. On the other hand, using temporary variables like
y in the program above makes debugging easier. These temporary variables are
referred to as local variables.
Notice something important here. The name of the variable we pass as an
argument — toSquare — has nothing to do with the name of the formal param-
eter — x. It is as if x = toSquare is executed when square is called. It doesn’t
matter what the value was named in the caller. In square, it’s name is x.
The return statement not only causes the function to return a value, but it also
returns the flow of control back to the place in the program where the function
call was made.
Finally, there is one more aspect of function return values that should be
noted. All Python functions return the value None unless there is an explicit
return statement with a value other than None. Consider the following common
mistake made by beginning Python programmers.
1 def square(x):
2 y = x * x
3 print(y) # Bad! should use return instead!
5 toSquare = 10
6 squareResult = square(toSquare)
7 print(”The result of ”, toSquare, ” squared is ”, squareResult)

The problem with this function is that even though it prints the value of the
square, that value will not be returned to the place where the call was done. Since

.. Variables and Parameters are Local

line 6 uses the return value as the right hand side of an assignment statement,
the evaluation of the function will be None. In this case, squareResult will refer
to that value after the assignment statement and therefore the result printed in
line 7 is incorrect. Typically, functions will return values that can be printed or
processed in some other way by the caller.

6.3 Variables and Parameters are Local

An assignment statement in a function creates a local variable for the variable on
the left hand side of the assignment operator. It is called local because this vari-
able only exists inside the function and you cannot use it outside. For example,
consider again the square function:
1 def square(x):
2 y = x * x
3 return y
5 z = square(10)
6 print(y) #ERROR

When we try to use y on line 6 (outside the function) Python looks for a
global variable named y but does not find one. This results in the error: Name
Error: ’y’is not defined.
The variable y only exists while the function is being executed — we call this
its lifetime. When the execution of the function terminates (returns), the local
variables are destroyed.
Formal parameters are also local and act like local variables. For example,
the lifetime of x begins when square is called, and its lifetime ends when the
function completes its execution.
So it is not possible for a function to set some local variable to a value, com-
plete its execution, and then when it is called again next time, recover the local
variable. Each call of the function creates new local variables, and their lifetimes
expire when the function returns to the caller.
On the other hand, it is legal for a function to access a global variable. How-
ever, this is considered bad form by nearly all programmers and should be avoided.
Look at the following, nonsensical variation of the square function.
1 def badsquare(x):
2 y = x ** power
3 return y
5 power = 2
6 result = badsquare(10)
7 print(result)

. Functions

Although the badsquare function works, it is silly and poorly written. We

have done it here to illustrate an important rule about how variables are looked up
in Python. First, Python looks at the variables that are defined as local variables
in the function. We call this the local scope. If the variable name is not found in
the local scope, then Python looks at the global variables, or global scope. This
is exactly the case illustrated in the code above. power is not found locally in
badsquare but it does exist globally. The appropriate way to write this function
would be to pass power as a parameter. For practice, you should rewrite the
badsquare example to have a second parameter called power.
There is another variation on this theme of local versus global variables. As-
signment statements in the local function cannot change variables defined out-
side the function. Consider the following example:
1 def powerof(x, p):
2 power = p # Another dumb mistake
3 y = x ** power
4 return y
6 power = 3
7 result = powerof(10, 2)
8 print(result)

Now step through the code. What do you notice about the values of variable
power in the local scope compared to the variable power in the global scope?
The value of power in the local scope was different than the global scope. That
is because in this example power was used on the left hand side of the assignment
statement power = p. When a variable name is used on the left hand side of
an assignment statement Python creates a local variable. When a local variable
has the same name as a global variable we say that the local shadows the global.
A shadow means that the global variable cannot be accessed by Python because
the local variable will be found first. This is another good reason not to use
global variables. As you can see, it makes your code confusing and difficult to
To cement all of these ideas even further lets look at one final example. In-
side the square function we are going to make an assignment to the parameter
x There’s no good reason to do this other than to emphasize the fact that the
parameter x is a local variable. If you step through the example you will see that
although x is 0 in the local variables for square, the x in the global scope remains
2. This is confusing to many beginning programmers who think that an assign-
ment to a formal parameter will cause a change to the value of the variable that
was used as the actual parameter, especially when the two share the same name.
But this example demonstrates that that is clearly not how Python operates.

.. Functions can Call Other Functions

1 def square(x):
2 y = x * x
3 x = 0 # assign a new value to the parameter x
4 return y
6 x = 2
7 z = square(x)
8 print(z)

6.4 Functions can Call Other Functions

It is important to understand that each of the functions we write can be used and
called from other functions we write. This is one of the most important ways that
computer scientists take a large problem and break it down into a group of smaller
problems. This process of breaking a problem into smaller subproblems is called
functional decomposition.
Here’s a simple example of functional decomposition using two functions.
The first function called square simply computes the square of a given number.
The second function called sum_of_squares makes use of square to compute the
sum of three numbers that have been squared.
1 def square(x):
2 y = x * x
3 return y
5 def sum_of_squares(x, y, z):
6 a = square(x)
7 b = square(y)
8 c = square(z)
10 return a + b + c
12 a = -5
13 b = 2
14 c = 10
15 result = sum_of_squares(a, b, c)
16 print(result)

Even though this is a pretty simple idea, in practice this example illustrates
many very important Python concepts, including local and global variables along
with parameter passing. Note that when you step through this example, codelens
bolds line 1 and line 5 as the functions are defined. The body of square is not
executed until it is called from the sum_of_squares function for the first time
on line 6. Also notice that when square is called there are two groups of local
variables, one for square and one for sum_of_squares. As you step through you

. Functions

will notice that x, and y are local variables in both functions and may even have
different values. This illustrates that even though they are named the same, they
are in fact, very different.
Now we will look at another example that uses two functions. This example
illustrates an important computer science problem solving technique called gen-
eralization. Consider the cubeVolume function we developed at the beginning
of the chapter. One way to generalize the function is to realize that a cube is a
special case of a rectangular prism:
See the function prismVolume:
1 # function definition
2 def prismVolume (l,b,h): # parameters are length, breadth and
3 ”””return the volume of a rectangular prism.”””
5 # function body
6 return l * b * h
8 # Using the function
9 print(”Volume of the prism: 2 4 6 is ”, prismVolume(2, 4, 6))

The parameter names are deliberately chosen as single letters to ensure they’re
not misunderstood. In real programs, once you’ve had more experience, we will
insist on better variable names than this. The point is that the program doesn’t
“understand” that you’re calculating the volume of prism or that the parameters
represent the width and the height. Concepts like prism, width, and height are
meaningful for humans. They are not concepts that the program or the computer
Thinking like a computer scientist involves looking for patterns and relation-
ships. In the code above, we’ve done that to some extent. We noted that a cube
is just a special case of a rectangular prism. We already have a function that cal-
culates the volume of a prism. To calculate the volume of a cube we note that
l = b = h.
1 def cubeVolume(side): # a new version of cubeVolume
2 prismVolume(side, side, side)

Here is the entire example with the necessary set up code.

There are some points worth noting here:
▷ Functions can call other functions.

▷ A caller of the prismVolume function might say prismVolume(2,4,6). The

parameters of this function, l, b and h are assigned the values 2, 4 and 6
▷ In the body of the function, l, b and h are just like any other variable.

.. Flow of Execution Summary

So far, it may not be clear why it is worth the trouble to create all of these
new functions. Actually, there are a lot of reasons, but this example demonstrates

1. Creating a new function gives you an opportunity to name a group of

statements. Functions can simplify a program by hiding a complex com-
putation behind a single command. The function (including its name) can
capture your mental chunking, or abstraction, of the problem.
2. Creating a new function can make a program smaller by eliminating repet-
itive code.
3. Sometimes you can write functions that allow you to solve a specific prob-
lem using a more general solution.

6.5 Flow of Execution Summary

When you are working with functions it is really important to know the order
in which statements are executed. This is called the flow of execution and we’ve
already talked about it a number of times in this chapter.
Execution always begins at the first statement of the program. Statements
are executed one at a time, in order, from top to bottom. Function definitions
do not alter the flow of execution of the program, but remember that statements
inside the function are not executed until the function is called. Function calls
are like a detour in the flow of execution. Instead of going to the next statement,
the flow jumps to the first line of the called function, executes all the statements
there, and then comes back to pick up where it left off.
That sounds simple enough, until you remember that one function can call
another. While in the middle of one function, the program might have to execute
the statements in another function. But while executing that new function, the
program might have to execute yet another function!
Fortunately, Python is adept at keeping track of where it is, so each time a
function completes, the program picks up where it left off in the function that
called it. When it gets to the end of the program, it terminates.
What’s the moral of this sordid tale? When you read a program, don’t read
from top to bottom. Instead, follow the flow of execution. This means that you
will read the def statements as you are scanning from top to bottom, but you
should skip the body of the function until you reach a point where that function
is called.

. Functions

6.6 Using a Main Function

Using functions is a good idea. It helps us to modularize our code by breaking a
program into logical parts where each part is responsible for a specific task. Here
is the prismVolume program.
1 import random
3 def prismVolume (l,b,h): # parameters are length, breadth and
4 ”””return the volume of a rectangular prism.”””
6 return l * b * h
8 def cubeVolume (s)
9 ”””return the volume of a cube.”””
11 # Using the functions
12 side = random.randrange(1,100)
14 length = random.randrange(1,100)
15 breadth = random.randrange(1,50)
16 height = random.randrange(1,80)
18 print(”Volume of the prism is ”, prismVolume(length, breadth,
19 print(”Volume of a cube is ”, cubeVolume(side))

If you look closely at the structure of this program, you will notice that we
first perform all of our necessary import statements, in this case to be able to
use the random module. Next, we define the function prismVolume. At this
point, we could have defined as many functions as were needed. Finally, there
are statements that call the functions and do the work we wanted. These final
statements perform the main processing that the program will do. Notice that
much of the detail has been pushed inside the functions. However, there are still
these six lines of code that are needed to get things done.
In many programming languages (e.g. Java and C++), it is not possible to
simply have statements sitting alone like this at the bottom of the program. They
are required to be part of a special function that is automatically invoked by the
operating system when the program is executed. This special function is called
main. Although this is not required by the Python programming language, it
is actually a good idea that we can incorporate into the logical structure of our
program. In other words, these five lines are logically related to one another in
that they provide the main tasks that the program will perform. Since functions
are designed to allow us to break up a program into logical pieces, it makes sense
to call this piece main.

.. Using a Main Function

The following code shows this idea. In line 11 we have defined a new function
called main that doesn’t need any parameters. The five lines of main processing are
now placed inside this function. Finally, in order to execute that main processing
code, we need to invoke the main function (line 20). When you push run, you
will see that the program works the same as it did before.
1 import random
3 def prismVolume (l,b,h): # parameters are length, breadth and
4 ”””return the volume of a rectangular prism.”””
6 return l * b * h
8 def cubeVolume (s)
9 ”””return the volume of a cube.”””
12 def main(): # Define the main function
13 # Using the functions
14 side = random.randrange(1,100)
16 length = random.randrange(1,100)
17 breadth = random.randrange(1,50)
18 height = random.randrange(1,80)
20 print(”Volume of the prism is ”, prismVolume(length, breadth,
21 print(”Volume of a cube is ”, cubeVolume(side))
23 main() # Invoke the main function

Now our program structure is as follows. First, import any modules that will
be required. Second, define any functions that will be needed. Third, define
a main function that will get the process started. And finally, invoke the main
function (which will in turn call the other functions as needed).

In Python there is nothing special about the name main. We
could have called this function anything we wanted. We chose
main just to be consistent with some of the other languages.

Before the Python interpreter executes your program, it defines a few special
variables. One of those variables is called __name__ and it is automatically set
to the string value ”__main__” when the program is being executed by itself in
a standalone fashion. On the other hand, if the program is being imported by

. Functions

another program, then the __name__ variable is set to the name of that module.
This means that we can know whether the program is being run by itself or
whether it is being used by another program and based on that observation, we
may or may not choose to execute some of the code that we have written.
For example, assume that we have written a collection of functions to do some
simple math. We can include a main function to invoke these math functions. It
is much more likely, however, that these functions will be imported by another
program for some other purpose. In that case, we would not want to execute our
main function.
The code below defines two simple functions and a main.
1 def squareit(n):
2 return n * n
4 def tripleit(n):
5 return n*n*n
7 def main():
8 anum = int(input(”Please enter a number”))
9 print(squareit(anum))
10 print(tripleit(anum))
12 if __name__ == ”__main__”:
13 main()

Line 12 uses an if statement to ask about the value of the __name__ variable.
If the value is ”__main__”, then the main function will be called. Otherwise, it
can be assumed that the program is being imported into another program and
we do not want to call main because that program will invoke the functions as
needed. This ability to conditionally execute our main function can be extremely
useful when we are writing code that will potentially be used by others. It allows
us to include functionality that the user of the code will not need, most often as
part of a testing process to be sure that the functions are working correctly.

6.7 Program Development

At this point, you should be able to look at complete functions and tell what
they do. Also, if you have been doing the exercises, you have written some small
functions. As you write larger functions, you might start to have more difficulty,
especially with runtime and semantic errors.
To deal with increasingly complex programs, we are going to suggest a tech-
nique called incremental development. The goal of incremental development is
to avoid long debugging sessions by adding and testing only a small amount of
code at a time.

.. Program Development

As an example, suppose you want to find the distance between two points,
given by the coordinates (x1 , y1 ) and (x2 , y2 ). By the Pythagorean theorem, the
distance is: √
d i st ance = (x 2 − x 1 )2 + (y 2 − y 2 )2
The first step is to consider what a distance function should look like in
Python. In other words, what are the inputs (parameters) and what is the output
(return value)?
In this case, the two points are the inputs, which we can represent using four
parameters. The return value is the distance, which is a floating-point value.
Already we can write an outline of the function that captures our thinking so
1 def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
2 return 0.0

Obviously, this version of the function doesn’t compute distances; it always

returns zero. But it is syntactically correct, and it will run, which means that we
can test it before we make it more complicated.
To test the new function, we call it with sample values.
1 def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
2 return 0.0
4 print(distance(1, 2, 4, 6))

We chose these values so that the horizontal distance equals 3 and the vertical
distance equals 4; that way, the result is 5 (the hypotenuse of a 3-4-5 triangle).
When testing a function, it is useful to know the right answer.
At this point we have confirmed that the function is syntactically correct,
and we can start adding lines of code. After each incremental change, we test the
function again. If an error occurs at any point, we know where it must be — in
the last line we added.
A logical first step in the computation is to find the differences x2 - x1 and y2 -
y1 . We will store those values in temporary variables named dx and dy.
1 def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
2 dx = x2 - x1
3 dy = y2 - y1
4 return 0.0

Next we compute the sum of squares of dx and dy.

1 def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
2 dx = x2 - x1
3 dy = y2 - y1
4 dsquared = dx**2 + dy**2
5 return 0.0

. Functions

Again, we could run the program at this stage and check the value of dsquared
(which should be 25).
Finally, using the fractional exponent 0.5 to find the square root, we compute
and return the result.
1 def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
2 dx = x2 - x1
3 dy = y2 - y1
4 dsquared = dx**2 + dy**2
5 result = dsquared**0.5
6 return result
8 print(distance(1, 2, 4, 6))

If that works correctly, you are done. Otherwise, you might want to print
the value of result before the return statement.
When you start out, you might add only a line or two of code at a time. As
you gain more experience, you might find yourself writing and debugging bigger
conceptual chunks. As you improve your programming skills you should find
yourself managing bigger and bigger chunks: this is very similar to the way we
learned to read letters, syllables, words, phrases, sentences, paragraphs, etc., or
the way we learn to chunk music — from indvidual notes to chords, bars, phrases,
and so on.
The key aspects of the process are:

1. Start with a working skeleton program and make small incremental changes.
At any point, if there is an error, you will know exactly where it is.
2. Use temporary variables to hold intermediate values so that you can easily
inspect and check them.
3. Once the program is working, you might want to consolidate multiple
statements into compound expressions, but only do this if it does not make
the program more difficult to read.

6.8 Composition
As we have already seen, you can call one function from within another. This
ability to build functions by using other functions is called composition.
As an example, we’ll write a function that takes two points, the center of the
circle and a point on the perimeter, and computes the area of the circle.
Assume that the center point is stored in the variables xc and yc, and the
perimeter point is in xp and yp. The first step is to find the radius of the circle,
which is the distance between the two points. Fortunately, we’ve just written a
function, distance, that does just that, so now all we have to do is use it:

.. Boolean Functions

1 radius = distance(xc, yc, xp, yp)

The second step is to find the area of a circle with that radius and return it.
Again we will use one of our earlier functions:
1 result = area(radius)
2 return result

Wrapping that up in a function, we get:

1 def distance(x1, y1, x2, y2):
2 dx = x2 - x1
3 dy = y2 - y1
4 dsquared = dx**2 + dy**2
5 result = dsquared**0.5
6 return result
8 def area(radius):
9 b = 3.14159 * radius**2
10 return b
12 def area2(xc, yc, xp, yp):
13 radius = distance(xc, yc, xp, yp)
14 result = area(radius)
15 return result
17 print(area2(0,0,1,1))

We called this function area2 to distinguish it from the area function defined
earlier. There can only be one function with a given name within a module.
Note that we could have written the composition without storing the inter-
mediate results.
1 def area2(xc, yc, xp, yp):
2 return area(distance(xc, yc, xp, yp))

6.9 Boolean Functions

We have already seen that boolean values result from the evaluation of boolean
expressions. Since the result of any expression evaluation can be returned by a
function (using the return statement), functions can return boolean values. This
turns out to be a very convenient way to hide the details of complicated tests. For

. Functions

1 def isDivisible(x, y):

2 if x % y == 0:
3 result = True
4 else:
5 result = False
7 return result
9 print(isDivisible(10, 5))

The name of this function is isDivisible. It is common to give boolean

functions names that sound like yes/no questions. isDivisible returns either
True or False to indicate whether the x is or is not divisible by y.
We can make the function more concise by taking advantage of the fact that
the condition of the if statement is itself a boolean expression. We can return it
directly, avoiding the if statement altogether:
1 def isDivisible(x, y):
2 return x % y == 0

Boolean functions are often used in conditional statements:

1 if isDivisible(x, y):
2 ... # do something ...
3 else:
4 ... # do something else ...

It might be tempting to write something like if isDivisible(x, y)== True:

but the extra comparison is not necessary. The following example shows the
isDivisible function at work. Notice how descriptive the code is when we
move the testing details into a boolean function. Try it with a few other actual
parameters to see what is printed.
1 def isDivisible(x, y):
2 if x % y == 0:
3 result = True
4 else:
5 result = False
7 return result
9 if isDivisible(10, 5):
10 print(”That works”)
11 else:
12 print(”Those values are no good”)

.. Exercises

6.10 Exercises
1. Write a function areaOfCircle(r) which returns the area of a circle of
radius r. Make sure you use the math module in your solution.
2. Write a function called mySqrt that will approximate the square root of
a number, call it n, by using Newton’s algorithm. Newton’s approach
is an iterative guessing algorithm where the initial guess is n/2 and each
subsequent guess is computed using the formula: newguess = (1/2)*
(oldguess + (n/oldguess)).

3. Write a function called myPi that will return an approximation of PI (3.14159…).

Use the following series known as the Madhava-Leibniz serieshttp://en.

π 1 1 1 (−1)n
= 1− + − +...+
4 3 5 7 2n + 1

4. Write a boolean function isPrime(x) that returns True if x is prime, False

otherwise. Use this function to write efficient programs to do the follow-
a) Print all primes between 2 numbers input by the user.
b) Twin primes are consecutive odd numbers both of which are prime
numbers. Write a program which inputs two positive integers A and
B and outputs all the twin primes in the range A to B.
5. A perfect cube is an integer whose cube root is also an integer. Examples
of perfect cubes are 8 (23 ), 64 (43 ) and 125 (53 ).
A Dudeney number is a perfect cube such that the sum of its digits is equal
to its cube root. For example, 512 is a Dudeney number since the sum of
its digits (5 + 1 + 2 = 8) is equal to its cube root (8).
The following are examples of Dudeney numbers:
1 1 = 1 x 1 x 1 and 1 = 1
2 512 = 8 x 8 x 8 and 8 = 5 + 1 + 2
3 4913 = 17 x 17 x 17 and 17 = 4 + 9 + 1 + 3
4 5832 = 18 x 18 x 18 and 18 = 5 + 8 + 3 + 2

Write a program that finds all Dudeney numbers between 1 and 20000.
Your solution must define and use a function sumDigits(n) that returns
the sum of the digits of n.
6. Write a function factorial(n) that calculates and returns the factorial of

. Functions

7. Write a function gcd(m,n) that calculates the Greatest Common Factor

(GCD) of the two non-two non-negative integers m and n. Then write an-
other function lcm(m,n) that calculates and returns the least common mul-
tiple of m and n. The lcm may be calculated using the fact that l cm(m, n) =
g cd (m,n) . Test both functions.

8. Write a function to find the smallest prime factor of an integer n. Use

this function in a program that inputs an integer and prints out its prime


Turtle Graphics

If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t matter how

fast it doesn’t work.
— Mich Ravera

Any fool can write code that a computer

can understand. Good programmers write
code that humans can understand.
- Martin Fowler

7.1 Hello Little Turtles!

Turtle graphics, as it is known, is based on a very simple idea. Imagine that you Figure .: John
have a turtle that understands simple commands. You can tell your turtle to McCarthy. McCarthy
was one of the founders
do simple commands such as go forward and turn right. As the turtle moves of the discipline of arti-
ficial intelligence. He
around, if its tail is touching the ground, it will draw a line (leave a trail behind) coined the term ”arti-
as it moves. If you tell your turtle to lift up its tail it can still move around but ficial intelligence” (AI)
and developed the Lisp
will not leave a trail. As you will see, you can make some pretty amazing drawings programming language
with this simple capability.

. Turtle Graphics

The turtles are fun, but the real purpose of the chapter is to
teach ourselves a little more Python and to develop our theme
of computational thinking, or thinking like a computer scientist.

Our First Turtle Program

Let’s try a couple of lines of Python code to create a new turtle and start drawing
a simple figure like a rectangle. We will refer to our first turtle using the variable
name alex, but remember that you can choose any name you wish as long as you
follow the naming rules from the previous chapter.
The program as shown will only draw the first two sides of the rectangle. After
line 4 you will have a straight line going from the center of the drawing canvas
towards the right. After line 6, you will have a canvas with a turtle and a half
drawn rectangle.
1 import turtle # allows us to use the turtles
2 wn = turtle.Screen() # creates a graphics window
3 alex = turtle.Turtle() # create a turtle named alex
4 alex.forward(150) # tell alex to move forward by 150
5 alex.left(90) # turn by 90 degrees
6 alex.forward(75) # complete the second side of a

Here are a couple of things you’ll need to understand about this program.
The first line tells Python to load a module named turtle. A module is collec-
tion of python code that provides some functionality. It usually contains several
functions that programmers may use in their programs. Recall that a Python
function is a named sequence of instructions that takes 0, one or more inputs
and accomplishes some task. Another word for input is argument. We say that
the functions takes an argument. The turtle module contains several functions
that allow us to create one or more turtles and to control their movement on the
canvas. The import statement loads the turtle module and makes the functions
available for us to use.
The next line creates and opens a screen (or window), which we assign to
variable wn. Every window contains a canvas, which is the area inside the window
on which we can draw.
In line 3 we create a turtle. The variable alex is made to refer to this turtle.
These first three lines set us up so that we are ready to do some drawing. It is
not terribly important to understand the details of the first two lines. You need
these two lines in all programs using the turtle module. You do need to learn

.. Hello Little Turtles!

how to create turtles (line 3). Note that you are free to use any name for the
variable (provided you follow the rules for identifiers).
In lines 4-6, we instruct alex to move and to turn. Notice that we use func-
tions to this. The forward function takes as input an integer and when the func-
tion is executed it moves the turtle by that number of units (150 in this example).
The left also takes an integer that represents an angle in degrees and turns the
turtle by that number of degrees. So these functions are similar to the print and
input functions in that they take in some input and accomplish some task.
Modify the program by adding the commands necessary to have alex com-
plete the rectangle.

The dot notation (having alex. in front of the function)
means that we want the function to operate on that particular
turtle. This allows us to create multiple turtles and give instruc-
tions to each of them:

1 import turtle # allows us to use the turtles

2 wn = turtle.Screen() # creates a graphics window
3 alex = turtle.Turtle() # create a turtle named alex
4 alex.forward(150) # tell alex to move forward by 150
5 alex.left(90) # turn by 90 degrees
6 alex.forward(75) # complete the second side of a
7 sally = turtle.Turtle() # create another turtle name Sally
8 sally.right(45) # turn sally by 45 degrees
9 sally.forward(100) # move sally forward by 100 units

There are various functions available to instruct the turtles. For example,
each turtle has a color. The function alex.color(”red”) will make alex red and
the line that it draws will be red too. There is also a function to change the the
width of its pen(tail). The window object also has functions for e.g. a function
to change its background color.
1 import turtle
3 wn = turtle.Screen()
4 wn.bgcolor(”lightgreen”) # set the window background color
6 tess = turtle.Turtle()
7 tess.color(”blue”) # make tess blue
8 tess.pensize(3) # set the width of her pen

. Turtle Graphics

10 tess.forward(50)
11 tess.left(120)
12 tess.forward(50)
14 wn.exitonclick() # wait for a user click on the canvas

The last line plays a very important role. The wn variable refers to the window
shown above. When we invoke its exitonclick function, the program pauses
execution and waits for the user to click the mouse somewhere in the window.
When this click event occurs, the response is to close the turtle window and exit
(stop execution of ) the Python program.
Each time we run this program, a new drawing window pops up, and will
remain on the screen until we click on it.
Do the following to extend the program:
1. Modify this program so that before it creates the window, it prompts the
user to enter the desired background color. It should store the user’s re-
sponses in a variable, and modify the color of the window according to the
user’s wishes. (Hint: you can find a list of permitted color names at http:
// It includes some
quite unusual ones, like “PeachPuff” and “HotPink”.)
2. Do similar changes to allow the user, at runtime, to set tess’ color.
3. Do the same for the width of tess’ pen. Hint: your dialog with the user
will return a string, but tess’ pensize method expects its argument to be an
int. That means you need to convert the string to an int before you pass
it to pensize.

A Bale of Turtles
Just like we can have many different integers in a program, we can have many
turtles. Each of them is an independent object — so alex might draw with a
thin black pen and be at some position, while tess might be going in her own
direction with a fat pink pen. So here is what happens when alex completes a
square and tess completes her triangle:
1 import turtle
2 wn = turtle.Screen() # Set up the window and its
3 wn.bgcolor(”lightgreen”)
6 tess = turtle.Turtle() # create tess and set some
7 tess.color(”hotpink”)
8 tess.pensize(5)

.. Hello Little Turtles!

10 alex = turtle.Turtle() # create alex
12 tess.forward(80) # Let tess draw an equilateral
13 tess.left(120)
14 tess.forward(80)
15 tess.left(120)
16 tess.forward(80)
17 tess.left(120) # complete the triangle
19 tess.right(180) # turn tess around
20 tess.forward(80) # move her away from the origin
22 alex.forward(50) # make alex draw a square
23 alex.left(90)
24 alex.forward(50)
25 alex.left(90)
26 alex.forward(50)
27 alex.left(90)
28 alex.forward(50)
29 alex.left(90)
31 wn.exitonclick()

Here are some observations:

▷ There are 360 degrees in a full circle. If you add up all the turns that a
turtle makes, no matter what steps occurred between the turns, you can easily
figure out if they add up to some multiple of 360. This should convince
you that alex is facing in exactly the same direction as he was when he was
first created. (Geometry conventions have 0 degrees facing East and that
is the case here too!)
▷ We could have left out the last turn for alex, but that would not have been as
satisfying. If you’re asked to draw a closed shape like a square or a rectangle,
it is a good idea to complete all the turns and to leave the turtle back where
it started, facing the same direction as it started in. This makes reasoning
about the program and composing chunks of code into bigger programs
easier for us humans!
▷ We did the same with tess: she drew her triangle and turned through a
full 360 degress. Then we turned her around and moved her aside. Even
the blank line 18 is a hint about how the programmer’s mental chunking is
working: in big terms, tess’ movements were chunked as “draw the triangle”
(lines 12-17) and then “move away from the origin” (lines 19 and 20).

. Turtle Graphics

▷ One of the key uses for comments is to record your mental chunking, and
big ideas. They’re not always explicit in the code.
▷ And, uh-huh, two turtles may not be enough for a herd, but you get the

Iteration Simplifies our Turtle Program

To draw a square we’d like to do the same thing four times — move the turtle
forward some distance and turn 90 degrees. We previously used 8 lines of Python
code to have alex draw the four sides of a square. This next program does exactly
the same thing but, with the help of the for statement, uses just three lines (not
including the setup code). Remember that the for statement will repeat the
forward and left four times, one time for each value in the list.
1 import turtle # set up alex
2 wn = turtle.Screen()
3 alex = turtle.Turtle()
5 for i in [0, 1, 2, 3]: # repeat four times
6 alex.forward(50)
7 alex.left(90)
9 wn.exitonclick()

While “saving some lines of code” might be convenient, it is not the big deal
here. What is much more important is that we’ve found a “repeating pattern” of
statements, and we reorganized our program to repeat the pattern. Finding the
chunks and somehow getting our programs arranged around those chunks is a
vital skill when learning How to think like a computer scientist.
The values [0,1,2,3] were provided to make the loop body execute 4 times.
We could have used any four values. For example, consider the following pro-
1 import turtle # set up alex
2 wn = turtle.Screen()
3 alex = turtle.Turtle()
5 for aColor in [”yellow”, ”red”, ”purple”, ”blue”]: # repeat
four times
6 alex.forward(50)
7 alex.left(90)
9 wn.exitonclick()

In the previous example, there were four integers in the list. This time there
are four strings. Since there are four items in the list, the iteration will still occur

.. Hello Little Turtles!

four times. aColor will take on each color in the list. We can even take this one
step further and use the value of aColor as part of the computation.
1 import turtle # set up alex
2 wn = turtle.Screen()
3 alex = turtle.Turtle()
5 for aColor in [”yellow”, ”red”, ”purple”, ”blue”]:
6 alex.color(aColor)
7 alex.forward(50)
8 alex.left(90)
10 wn.exitonclick()

In this case, the value of aColor is used to change the color attribute of alex.
Each iteration causes aColor to change to the next value in the list.
1 for i in range(4):
2 alex.forward(50)
3 alex.left(90)

A Turtle Bar Chart

Recall from our discussion of modules that there were a number of things that
turtles can do. Here are a couple more tricks (remember that they are all described
in the module documentation).

▷ We can get a turtle to display text on the canvas at the turtle’s current
position. The method is called write. For example, alex.write(”Hello”)
would write the string hello at the current position.
▷ One can fill a shape (circle, semicircle, triangle, etc.) with a fill color. It
is a two-step process. First you call the method begin_fill, for example
alex.begin_fill(). Then you draw the shape. Finally, you call end_fill
( alex.end_fill()).
▷ We’ve previously set the color of our turtle - we can now also set it’s fill color,
which need not be the same as the turtle and the pen color. To do this, we
use a method called fillcolor, for example, alex.fillcolor(”red”).

Ok, so can we get tess to draw a bar chart? Let us start with some data to be
xs = [48, 117, 200, 240, 160, 260, 220]
Corresponding to each data measurement, we’ll draw a simple rectangle of
that height, with a fixed width. Here is a simplified version of what we would
like to create.

. Turtle Graphics

Figure .: Tess Drawing a Bar Graph

We can quickly see that drawing a bar will be similar to drawing a rectangle
or a square. Since we will need to do it a number of times, it makes sense to
create a function, drawBar, that will need a turtle and the height of the bar. We
will assume that the width of the bar will be 40 units. Once we have the function,
we can use a basic for loop to process the list of data values.
1 def drawBar(t, height):
2 ””” Get turtle t to draw one bar, of height. ”””
3 t.left(90) # Point up
4 t.forward(height) # Draw up the left side
5 t.right(90)
6 t.forward(40) # width of bar, along the top
7 t.right(90)
8 t.forward(height) # And down again!
9 t.left(90) # put the turtle facing the way we
found it.
11 ...
12 for v in xs: # assume xs and tess are ready
13 drawBar(tess, v)

It is a nice start! The important thing here was the mental chunking. To solve
the problem we first broke it into smaller pieces. In particular, our chunk is to
draw one bar. We then implemented that chunk with a function. Then, for the
whole chart, we repeatedly called our function.
Next, at the top of each bar, we’ll print the value of the data. We will do this
in the body of drawBar by adding t.write(str(height)) as the new fourth line
of the body. Note that we had to turn the number into a string. Finally, we’ll
add the two methods needed to fill each bar.
The one remaining problem is related the fact that our turtle lives in a world
where position (0,0) is at the center of the drawing canvas. In this problem, it
would help if (0,0) were in the lower left hand corner. To solve this we can use

.. Hello Little Turtles!

our setworldcoordinates method to rescale the window. While we are at it,

we should make the window fit the data. The tallest bar will correspond to the
maximum data value. The width of the window will need to be proportional to
the number of bars (the number of data values) where each has a width of 40.
Using this information, we can compute the coordinate system that makes sense
for the data set. To make it look nice, we’ll add a 10 unit border around the bars.
Here is the complete program. Try it and then change the data to see that it
can adapt to the new values. Note also that we have stored the data values in a
list and used a few list functions. We will have much more to say about lists in a
later chapter.

2 import turtle
4 def drawBar(t, height):
5 ””” Get turtle t to draw one bar, of height. ”””
6 t.begin_fill() # start filling this shape
7 t.left(90)
8 t.forward(height)
9 t.write(str(height))
10 t.right(90)
11 t.forward(40)
12 t.right(90)
13 t.forward(height)
14 t.left(90)
15 t.end_fill() # stop filling this shape
19 xs = [48, 117, 200, 240, 160, 260, 220] # here is the data
20 maxheight = max(xs)
21 numbars = len(xs)
22 border = 10
24 tess = turtle.Turtle() # create tess and set some
25 tess.color(”blue”)
26 tess.fillcolor(”red”)
27 tess.pensize(3)
29 wn = turtle.Screen() # Set up the window and its
30 wn.bgcolor(”lightgreen”)
31 wn.setworldcoordinates(0-border, 0-border, 40*numbars+border,

. Turtle Graphics

34 for a in xs:
35 drawBar(tess, a)
37 wn.exitonclick()

Randomly Walking Turtles

Suppose we want to entertain ourselves by watching a turtle wander around ran-
domly inside the screen. When we run the program we want the turtle and
program to behave in the following way:

1. The turtle begins in the center of the screen.

2. Flip a coin. If its heads then turn to the left 90 degrees. If its tails then
turn to the right 90 degrees.
3. Take 50 steps forward.
4. If the turtle has moved outside the screen then stop, otherwise go back to
step 2 and repeat.

Notice that we cannot predict how many times the turtle will need to flip the
coin before it wanders out of the screen, so we can’t use a for loop in this case. In
fact, although very unlikely, this program might never end, that is why we call
this indefinite iteration.
So based on the problem description above, we can outline a program as
1 create a window and a turtle
3 while the turtle is still in the window:
4 generate a random number between 0 and 1
5 if the number == 0 (heads):
6 turn left
7 else:
8 turn right
9 move the turtle forward 50

Now, probably the only thing that seems a bit confusing to you is the part
about whether or not the turtle is still in the screen. But this is the nice thing
about programming, we can delay the tough stuff and get something in our pro-
gram working right away. The way we are going to do this is to delegate the work
of deciding whether the turtle is still in the screen or not to a boolean function.
Let’s call this boolean function isInScreen We can write a very simple version
of this boolean function by having it always return True, or by having it decide
randomly, the point is to have it do something simple so that we can focus on

.. Hello Little Turtles!

the parts we already know how to do well and get them working. Since having it
always return true would not be a good idea we will write our version to decide
randomly. Let’s say that there is a 90% chance the turtle is still in the window
and 10% that the turtle has escaped.
1 import random
2 import turtle
5 def isInScreen(w, t):
6 if random.random() > 0.1:
7 return True
8 else:
9 return False
12 t = turtle.Turtle()
13 wn = turtle.Screen()
15 t.shape(’turtle’)
16 while isInScreen(wn, t):
17 coin = random.randrange(0, 2)
18 if coin == 0: # heads
19 t.left(90)
20 else: # tails
21 t.right(90)
23 t.forward(50)
25 wn.exitonclick()

Now we have a working program that draws a random walk of our turtle that
has a 90% chance of staying on the screen. We are in a good position, because a
large part of our program is working and we can focus on the next bit of work –
deciding whether the turtle is inside the screen boundaries or not.
We can find out the width and the height of the screen using the window_width
and window_height methods of the screen object. However, remember that the
turtle starts at position 0,0 in the middle of the screen. So we never want the turtle
to go farther right than width/2 or farther left than negative width/2. We never
want the turtle to go further up than height/2 or further down than negative
height/2. Once we know what the boundaries are we can use some conditionals
to check the turtle position against the boundaries and return False if the turtle
is outside or True if the turtle is inside.
Once we have computed our boundaries we can get the current position of
the turtle and then use conditionals to decide. Here is one implementation:

. Turtle Graphics

1 def isInScreen(wn,t):
2 leftBound = -(wn.window_width() / 2)
3 rightBound = wn.window_width() / 2
4 topBound = wn.window_height() / 2
5 bottomBound = -(wn.window_height() / 2)
7 turtleX = t.xcor()
8 turtleY = t.ycor()
10 stillIn = True
11 if turtleX > rightBound or turtleX < leftBound:
12 stillIn = False
13 if turtleY > topBound or turtleY < bottomBound:
14 stillIn = False
16 return stillIn

There are lots of ways that the conditional could be written. In this case
we have given stillIn the default value of True and use two if statements to
possibly set the value to False. You could rewrite this to use nested conditionals
or elif statements and set stillIn to True in an else clause.
Here is the full version of our random walk program.
1 import random
2 import turtle
4 def isInScreen(w,t):
5 leftBound = - w.window_width() / 2
6 rightBound = w.window_width() / 2
7 topBound = w.window_height() / 2
8 bottomBound = -w.window_height() / 2
10 turtleX = t.xcor()
11 turtleY = t.ycor()
13 stillIn = True
14 if turtleX > rightBound or turtleX < leftBound:
15 stillIn = False
16 if turtleY > topBound or turtleY < bottomBound:
17 stillIn = False
19 return stillIn
21 t = turtle.Turtle()
22 wn = turtle.Screen()
24 t.shape(’turtle’)
25 while isInScreen(wn,t):

.. Hello Little Turtles!

26 coin = random.randrange(0, 2)
27 if coin == 0:
28 t.left(90)
29 else:
30 t.right(90)
32 t.forward(50)
34 wn.exitonclick()

We could have written this program without using a boolean function. You
might want to try to rewrite it using a complex condition on the while statement.
However, using a boolean function makes the program much more readable and
easier to understand. It also gives us another tool to use if this was a larger pro-
gram and we needed to have a check for whether the turtle was still in the screen
in another part of the program. Another advantage is that if you ever need to
write a similar program, you can reuse this function with confidence the next
time you need it. Breaking up this program into a couple of parts is another
example of functional decomposition.

A Few More turtle Functions and Observations

Here are a few more things that you might find useful as you write programs that
use turtles.

▷ Turtle functions can use negative angles or distances. So tess.forward(-100)

will move tess backwards, and tess.left(-30) turns her to the right. Ad-
ditionally, because there are 360 degrees in a circle, turning 30 to the left
will leave you facing in the same direction as turning 330 to the right! (The
on-screen animation will differ, though — you will be able to tell if tess is
turning clockwise or counter-clockwise!)
This suggests that we don’t need both a left and a right turn function — we
could be minimalists, and just have one function. There is also a backward
function. (If you are very nerdy, you might enjoy saying alex.backward(-100)
to move alex forward!)
Part of thinking like a scientist is to understand more of the structure and
rich relationships in your field. So revising a few basic facts about geometry
and number lines, like we’ve done here is a good start if we’re going to play
with turtles.

▷ A turtle’s pen can be picked up or put down. This allows us to move a

turtle to a different place without drawing a line. The functions are up and
down. Note that the functions penup and pendown do the same thing.

. Turtle Graphics

1 alex.up()
2 alex.forward(100) # this moves alex, but no line is
3 alex.down()

▷ Every turtle can have its own shape. The ones available “out of the box” are
arrow, blank, circle, classic, square, triangle, turtle.

1 ...
2 alex.shape(”turtle”)
3 ...

▷ You can speed up or slow down the turtle’s animation speed. (Animation
controls how quickly the turtle turns and moves forward). Speed settings
can be set between 1 (slowest) to 10 (fastest). But if you set the speed to 0,
it has a special meaning — turn off animation and go as fast as possible.
1 alex.speed(10)

▷ A turtle can “stamp” its footprint onto the canvas, and this will remain after
the turtle has moved somewhere else. Stamping works even when the pen
is up.

Let’s do an example that shows off some of these new features.

1 import turtle
2 wn = turtle.Screen()
3 wn.bgcolor(”lightgreen”)
4 tess = turtle.Turtle()
5 tess.color(”blue”)
6 tess.shape(”turtle”)
8 print(range(5, 60, 2))
9 tess.up() # this is new
10 for size in range(5, 60, 2): # start with size = 5 and grow
by 2
11 tess.stamp() # leave an impression on the
12 tess.forward(size) # move tess along
13 tess.right(24) # and turn her
15 wn.exitonclick()

The list of integers shown above is created by printing the range(5,60,2)

result. It is only done to show you the distances being used to move the turtle
forward. The actual use appears as part of the for loop.

.. Exercises

One more thing to be careful about. All except one of the shapes you see on
the screen here are footprints created by stamp. But the program still only has
one turtle instance — can you figure out which one is the real tess? (Hint: if
you’re not sure, write a new line of code after the for loop to change tess’ color,
or to put her pen down and draw a line, or to change her shape, etc.)

Summary of Turtle Methods

Method Parameters Description

Turtle None Creates and returns a new turtle object
forward distance Moves the turtle forward
backward distance Moves the turle backward
right angle Turns the turtle clockwise
left angle Turns the turtle counter clockwise
up None Picks up the turtles tail
down None Puts down the turtles tail
color color name Changes the color of the turtle’s tail
fillcolor color name Changes the color of the turtle will use to fill a polygon
heading None Returns the current heading
position None Returns the current position
goto x,y Move the turtle to position x,y
begin_fill None Remember the starting point for a filled polygon
end_fill None Close the polygon and fill with the current fill color
dot None Leave a dot at the current position
stamp None Leaves an impression of a turtle shape at the current location
shape shapename Should be ‘arrow’, ‘classic’, ‘turtle’, or ‘circle’

Once you are comfortable with the basics of turtle graphics you can read about
even more options on the . Note that we will describe Python Docs in more
detail in the next chapter.

7.2 Exercises
1. Write a program that asks the user for the number of sides, the length of
the side, the color, and the fill color of a regular polygon. The program
should draw the polygon and then fill it in.
2. On a piece of scratch paper, trace the following program and show the
drawing. When you are done, press run and check your answer.
3. Write a program to draw a face of a clock that looks something like this:

. Turtle Graphics

Figure .: Tess draws a clock

4. Draw five stars, but between each, pick up the pen, move forward by 350
units, turn right by 144, put the pen down, and draw the next star. You’ll
get something like this (note that you will need to move to the left before
drawing your first star in order to fit everything in the window):

Figure .: Five Stars

What would it look like if you didn’t pick up the pen?

5. Write a program to draw this. Assume the innermost square is 20 units per
side, and each successive square is 20 units bigger, per side, than the one
inside it.

Figure .: Nested Squares

6. Draw this pretty pattern.

.. Exercises

Figure .: Pretty Pattern

7. Write a non-fruitful function drawEquitriangle(someturtle, somesize)

which calls drawPoly from the previous question to have its turtle draw a
equilateral triangle.



Programming today is a race between

software engineers striving to build bigger
and better idiot-proof programs, and the
universe trying to build bigger and better
idiots. So far, the universe is winning.
- Rick Cook

Simplicity is prerequisite for reliability.

— Edsger W. Dijkstra

8.1 Strings Revisited

Throughout the first chapters of this book we have used strings to represent words Figure .:
or phrases that we wanted to print out. Our definition was simple: a string is Niklaus Emil Wirth
(1934–) is a Swiss
simply some characters inside quotes. In this chapter we explore strings in much computer scientist, best
known for designing
more detail. several programming
So far we have seen built-in types like: int, float, bool, str and we’ve seen languages, including
Pascal, and for
lists. int, float, and bool are considered to be simple or primitive data types pioneering several
classic topics in
because their values are not composed of any smaller parts. They cannot be software engineering.
broken down. On the other hand, strings and lists are different from the others

. Strings

because they are made up of smaller pieces. In the case of strings, they are made
up of smaller strings each containing one character.
Types that are comprised of smaller pieces are called collection data types.
Depending on what we are doing, we may want to treat a collection data type as
a single entity (the whole), or we may want to access its parts. This ambiguity is
Strings can be defined as sequential collections of characters. This means that
the individual characters that make up the string are assumed to be in a particular
order from left to right. A character is any letter, number, space, punctuation
mark, or symbol that can be typed on a computer.
A string that contains no characters, often referred to as the empty string, is
still considered to be a string. It is simply a sequence of zero characters and is
represented by ” or ”” (two single or two double quotes with nothing in between).

8.2 Operations on Strings

In general, you cannot perform mathematical operations on strings, even if the
strings look like numbers. The following are illegal (assuming that message has
type string):
1 message - 1
2 ”Hello” / 123
3 message * ”Hello”
4 ”15” + 2

Interestingly, the + operator does work with strings, but for strings, the +
operator represents concatenation, not addition. Concatenation means joining
the two operands by linking them end-to-end. For example:
1 fruit = ”banana”
2 bakedGood = ” nut bread”
3 print(fruit + bakedGood)

The output of this program is banana nut bread. The space before the word
nut is part of the string and is necessary to produce the space between the con-
catenated strings. Take out the space and run it again.
The * operator also works on strings. It performs repetition. For example,
’Fun’*3 is ’FunFunFun’. One of the operands has to be a string and the other
has to be an integer.
1 print(”Go” * 6)
3 name = ”Packers”
4 print(name * 3)
6 print(name + ”Go” * 3)

.. Operations on Strings

8 print((name + ”Go”) * 3)

This interpretation of + and * makes sense by analogy with addition and

multiplication. Just as 4*3 is equivalent to 4+4+4, we expect ”Go”*3 to be the
same as ”Go”+”Go”+”Go”, and it is. Note also in the last example that the order
of operations for * and + is the same as it was for arithmetic. The repetition is
done before the concatenation. If you want to cause the concatenation to be
done first, you will need to use parenthesis.

Index Operator: Working with the Characters of a String

The indexing operator (Python uses square brackets to enclose the index) selects
a single character from a string. The characters are accessed by their position
or index value. For example, in the string shown below, the 14 characters are
indexed left to right from postion 0 to position 13.

Figure .: Index Values of a String

It is also the case that the positions are named from right to left using negative
numbers where -1 is the rightmost index and so on. Note that the character at
index 6 (or -8) is the blank character.
1 school = ”University of KwaZulu-Natal”
2 m = school[2]
3 print(m)
5 lastchar = school[-1]
6 print(lastchar)

The expression school[2] selects the character at index 2 from school, and
creates a new string containing just this one character. The variable m refers to
the result.
Remember that computer scientists often start counting from zero. The letter
at index zero is U. So at position [2] we have the letter i.
If you want the zero-eth letter of a string, you just put 0, or any expression
with the value 0, in the brackets. Give it a try.
The expression in brackets is called an index. An index specifies a member
of an ordered collection. In this case the collection of characters in the string.
The index indicates which character you want. It can be any integer expression
so long as it evaluates to a valid index value.

. Strings

Note that indexing returns a string — Python has no special type for a single
character. It is just a string of length 1.

8.3 Operations on Strings

The len function, when applied to a string, returns the number of characters in
a string.
1 fruit = ”Banana”
2 print(len(fruit))

To get the last letter of a string, you might be tempted to try something like
1 fruit = ”Banana”
2 sz = len(fruit)
3 last = fruit[sz] # ERROR!
4 print(last)

That won’t work. It causes the runtime error IndexError: string index
out of range. The reason is that there is no letter at index position 6 in ”Banana”.
Since we started counting at zero, the six indexes are numbered 0 to 5. To get
the last character, we have to subtract 1 from length. Give it a try in the example
1 fruit = ”Banana”
2 sz = len(fruit)
3 lastch = fruit[sz-1]
4 print(lastch)

Typically, a Python programmer will access the last character by combining

the two lines of code from above.
1 lastch = fruit[len(fruit)-1]

The Slice Operator

A substring of a string is called a slice. Selecting a slice is similar to selecting a
1 singers = ”Peter, Paul, and Mary”
2 print(singers[0:5])
3 print(singers[7:11])
4 print(singers[17:21])

The slice operator [n:m] returns the part of the string from the n’th character
to the m’th character, including the first but excluding the last. In other words,

.. Operations on Strings

start with the character at index n and go up to but do not include the character
at index m. This behavior may seem counter-intuitive but if you recall the range
function, it did not include its end point either.
If you omit the first index (before the colon), the slice starts at the beginning
of the string. If you omit the second index, the slice goes to the end of the string.
1 fruit = ”banana”
2 print(fruit[:3])
3 print(fruit[3:])

What do you think fruit[:] means?

String Comparison
The comparison operators also work on strings. To see if two strings are equal
you simply write a boolean expression using the equality operator.
1 word = ”banana”
2 if word == ”banana”:
3 print(”Yes, we have bananas!”)
4 else:
5 print(”Yes, we have NO bananas!”)

Other comparison operations are useful for putting words in . This is similar
to the alphabetical order you would use with a dictionary, except that all the
uppercase letters come before all the lowercase letters.
1 word = ”zebra”
3 if word < ”banana”:
4 print(”Your word, ” + word + ”, comes before banana.”)
5 elif word > ”banana”:
6 print(”Your word, ” + word + ”, comes after banana.”)
7 else:
8 print(”Yes, we have no bananas!”)

It is probably clear to you that the word apple would be less than (come
before) the word banana. After all, a is before b in the alphabet. But what if we
consider the words apple and Apple? Are they the same?
1 print(”apple” < ”banana”)
3 print(”apple” == ”Apple”)
4 print(”apple” < ”Apple”)

It turns out, as you recall from our discussion of variable names, that upper-
case and lowercase letters are considered to be different from one another. The
way the computer knows they are different is that each character is assigned a
unique integer value. “A” is 65, “B” is 66, and “5” is 53. The way you can find

. Strings

out the so-called ordinal value for a given character is to use a character function
called ord.
1 print(ord(”A”))
2 print(ord(”B”))
3 print(ord(”5”))
5 print(ord(”a”))
6 print(”apple” > ”Apple”)

When you compare characters or strings to one another, Python converts the
characters into their equivalent ordinal values and compares the integers from
left to right. As you can see from the example above, “a” is greater than “A” so
“apple” is greater than “Apple”.
Humans commonly ignore capitalization when comparing two words. How-
ever, computers do not. A common way to address this issue is to convert strings
to a standard format, such as all lowercase, before performing the comparison.
There is also a similar function called chr that converts integers into their
character equivalent.
1 print(chr(65))
2 print(chr(66))
4 print(chr(49))
5 print(chr(53))
7 print(”The character for 32 is”, chr(32), ”!!!”)
8 print(ord(” ”))

One thing to note in the last two examples is the fact that the space character
has an ordinal value (32). Even though you don’t see it, it is an actual character.
We sometimes call it a nonprinting character.

The in and not in operators

The in operator tests if one string is a substring of another:
1 print(’p’ in ’apple’)
2 print(’i’ in ’apple’)
3 print(’ap’ in ’apple’)
4 print(’pa’ in ’apple’)

Note that a string is a substring of itself, and the empty string is a substring
of any other string. (Also note that computer scientists like to think about these
edge cases quite carefully!)
1 print(’a’ in ’a’)
2 print(’apple’ in ’apple’)

.. Traversal

3 print(’’ in ’a’)
4 print(’’ in ’apple’)

The not in operator returns the logical opposite result of in.

1 print(’x’ not in ’apple’)

Strings are Immutable

One final thing that makes strings different from some other Python collection
types is that you are not allowed to modify the individual characters in the collec-
tion. It is tempting to use the [] operator on the left side of an assignment, with
the intention of changing a character in a string. For example, in the following
code, we would like to change the first letter of greeting.
1 greeting = ”Hello, world!”
2 greeting[0] = ’J’ # ERROR!
3 print(greeting)

Instead of producing the output Jello, world!, this code produces the run-
time error TypeError: ’str’object does not support item assignment.
Strings are immutable, which means you cannot change an existing string.
The best you can do is create a new string that is a variation on the original.
1 greeting = ”Hello, world!”
2 newGreeting = ’J’ + greeting[1:]
3 print(newGreeting)
4 print(greeting) # same as it was

The solution here is to concatenate a new first letter onto a slice of greeting.
This operation has no effect on the original string.

8.4 Traversal
Traversal and the for Loop: By Item
A lot of computations involve processing a collection one item at a time. For
strings this means that we would like to process one character at a time. Often
we start at the beginning, select each character in turn, do something to it, and
continue until the end. This pattern of processing is called a traversal.
We have previously seen that the for statement can iterate over the items of
a sequence (a list of names in the case below).
1 for aname in [”Joe”, ”Amy”, ”Brad”, ”Angelina”, ”Zuki”,
”Thandi”, ”Paris”]:
2 invitation = ”Hi ” + aname + ”. Please come to my party on
3 print(invitation)

. Strings

Recall that the loop variable takes on each value in the sequence of names.
The body is performed once for each name. The same was true for the sequence
of integers created by the range function.
1 for avalue in range(10):
2 print(avalue)

Since a string is simply a sequence of characters, the for loop iterates over
each character automatically.
1 for achar in ”Go Spot Go”:
2 print(achar)

The loop variable achar is automatically reassigned each character in the

string “Go Spot Go”. We will refer to this type of sequence iteration as itera-
tion by item. Note that it is only possible to process the characters one at a time
from left to right.

Traversal and the for Loop: By Index

It is also possible to use the range function to systematically generate the indices
of the characters. The for loop can then be used to iterate over these positions.
These positions can be used together with the indexing operator to access the
individual characters in the string.
Consider the following codelens example.
1 fruit = ”apple”
2 for idx in range(5):
3 currentChar = fruit[idx]
4 print(currentChar)

The index positions in “apple” are 0,1,2,3 and 4. This is exactly the same
sequence of integers returned by range(5). The first time through the for loop,
idx will be 0 and the “a” will be printed. Then, idx will be reassigned to 1 and “p”
will be displayed. This will repeat for all the range values up to but not including
5. Since “e” has index 4, this will be exactly right to show all of the characters.
In order to make the iteration more general, we can use the len function to
provide the bound for range. This is a very common pattern for traversing any
sequence by position. Make sure you understand why the range function behaves
correctly when using len of the string as its parameter value.
1 fruit = ”apple”
2 for idx in range(len(fruit)):
3 print(fruit[idx])

You may also note that iteration by position allows the programmer to control
the direction of the traversal by changing the sequence of index values. Recall
that we can create ranges that count down as well as up so the following code
will print the characters from right to left.

.. The Accumulator Pattern with Strings

1 fruit = ”apple”
2 for idx in range(len(fruit)-1, -1, -1):
3 print(fruit[idx])

Trace the values of idx and satisfy yourself that they are correct. In particular,
note the start and end of the range.

Traversal and the while Loop

The while loop can also control the generation of the index values. Remember
that the programmer is responsible for setting up the initial condition, making
sure that the condition is correct, and making sure that something changes inside
the body to guarantee that the condition will eventually fail.
1 fruit = ”apple”
3 position = 0
4 while position < len(fruit):
5 print(fruit[position])
6 position = position + 1

The loop condition is position < len(fruit), so when position is equal to

the length of the string, the condition is false, and the body of the loop is not
executed. The last character accessed is the one with the index len(fruit)-1,
which is the last character in the string.
Here is the same example in codelens so that you can trace the values of the
1 fruit = ”apple”
3 position = 0
4 while position < len(fruit):
5 print(fruit[position])
6 position = position + 1

8.5 The Accumulator Pattern with Strings

Combining the in operator with string concatenation using + and the accumula-
tor pattern, we can write a function that removes all the vowels from a string. The
idea is to start with a string and iterate over each character, checking to see if the
character is a vowel. As we process the characters, we will build up a new string
consisting of only the nonvowel characters. To do this, we use the accumulator
Remember that the accumulator pattern allows us to keep a “running total”.
With strings, we are not accumulating a numeric total. Instead we are accumu-
lating characters onto a string.

. Strings

1 def removeVowels(s):
2 vowels = ”aeiouAEIOU”
3 sWithoutVowels = ””
4 for eachChar in s:
5 if eachChar not in vowels:
6 sWithoutVowels = sWithoutVowels + eachChar
7 return sWithoutVowels
9 print(removeVowels(”compsci”))
10 print(removeVowels(”aAbEefIijOopUus”))

Line 5 uses the not in operator to check whether the current character is not
in the string vowels. The alternative to using this operator would be to write a
very large if statement that checks each of the individual vowel characters. Note
we would need to use logical and to be sure that the character is not any of the
1 if eachChar != ’a’ and eachChar != ’e’ and eachChar != ’i’ and
2 eachChar != ’o’ and eachChar != ’u’ and eachChar != ’A’ and
3 eachChar != ’E’ and eachChar != ’I’ and eachChar != ’O’ and
4 eachChar != ’U’:
6 sWithoutVowels = sWithoutVowels + eachChar

Look carefully at line 6 in the above program (sWithoutVowels = sWithoutVowels

+ eachChar). We will do this for every character that is not a vowel. This should
look very familiar. As we were describing earlier, it is an example of the accu-
mulator pattern, this time using a string to “accumulate” the final result. In
words it says that the new value of sWithoutVowels will be the old value of
sWithoutVowels concatenated with the value of eachChar. We are building the
result string character by character.
Take a close look also at the initialization of sWithoutVowels. We start with
an empty string and then begin adding new characters to the end.
Step through the function using codelens to see the accumulator variable
1 def removeVowels(s):
2 vowels = ”aeiouAEIOU”
3 sWithoutVowels = ””
4 for eachChar in s:
5 if eachChar not in vowels:
6 sWithoutVowels = sWithoutVowels + eachChar
7 return sWithoutVowels
9 print(removeVowels(”compsci”))

.. Looping and Counting

8.6 Looping and Counting

We will finish this chapter with a few more examples that show variations on the
theme of iteration through the characters of a string. We will implement a few
of the methods that we described earlier to show how they can be done.
The following program counts the number of times a particular letter, aChar,
appears in a string. It is another example of the accumulator pattern that we have
seen in previous chapters.
1 def count(text, aChar):
2 lettercount = 0
3 for c in text:
4 if c == aChar:
5 lettercount = lettercount + 1
6 return lettercount
8 print(count(”banana”,”a”))

The function count takes a string as its parameter. The for statement iterates
through each character in the string and checks to see if the character is equal to
the value of aChar. If so, the counting variable, lettercount, is incremented by
one. When all characters have been processed, the lettercount is returned.

A find function
Here is function that returns the index of a given character in a string.
1 def find(astring, achar):
2 ”””
3 Find and return the index of achar in astring.
4 Return -1 if achar does not occur in astring.
5 ”””
6 ix = 0
7 found = False
8 while ix < len(astring) and not found:
9 if astring[ix] == achar:
10 found = True
11 else:
12 ix = ix + 1
13 if found:
14 return ix
15 else:
16 return -1
18 print(find(”Compsci”, ”p”))
19 print(find(”Compsci”, ”C”))
20 print(find(”Compsci”, ”i”))

. Strings

21 print(find(”Compsci”, ”x”))

In a sense, find is the opposite of the indexing operator. Instead of taking an

index and extracting the corresponding character, it takes a character and finds
the index where that character appears for the first time. If the character is not
found, the function returns -1.
The while loop in this example uses a slightly more complex condition than
we have seen in previous programs. Here there are two parts to the condition.
We want to keep going if there are more characters to look through and we want
to keep going if we have not found what we are looking for. The variable found
is a boolean variable that keeps track of whether we have found the character we
are searching for. It is initialized to False. If we find the character, we reassign
found to True.
The other part of the condition is the same as we used previously to traverse
the characters of the string. Since we have now combined these two parts with a
logical and, it is necessary for them both to be True to continue iterating. If one
part fails, the condition fails and the iteration stops.
When the iteration stops, we simply ask a question to find out why and then
return the proper value.

This pattern of computation is sometimes called a eureka
traversal because as soon as we find what we are looking for, we
can cry Eureka! and stop looking. The way we stop looking is
by setting found to True which causes the condition to fail.

Optional parameters
To find the locations of the second or third occurrence of a character in a string,
we can modify the find function, adding a third parameter for the starting posi-
tion in the search string:
1 def find2(astring, achar, start):
2 ”””
3 Find and return the index of achar in astring.
4 Return -1 if achar does not occur in astring.
5 ”””
6 ix = start
7 found = False
8 while ix < len(astring) and not found:
9 if astring[ix] == achar:
10 found = True
11 else:
12 ix = ix + 1

.. Looping and Counting

13 if found:
14 return ix
15 else:
16 return -1
18 print(find2(’banana’, ’a’, 2))

The call find2(’banana’, ’a’, 2) now returns 3, the index of the first oc-
currence of ‘a’ in ‘banana’ after index 2. What does find2(’banana’, ’n’, 3)
return? If you said, 4, there is a good chance you understand how find2 works.
Try it.
Better still, we can combine find and find2 using an optional parameter.
1 def find3(astring, achar, start=0):
2 ”””
3 Find and return the index of achar in astring.
4 Return -1 if achar does not occur in astring.
5 ”””
6 ix = start
7 found = False
8 while ix < len(astring) and not found:
9 if astring[ix] == achar:
10 found = True
11 else:
12 ix = ix + 1
13 if found:
14 return ix
15 else:
16 return -1
18 print(find3(’banana’, ’a’, 2))

The call find3(’banana’, ’a’, 2) to this version of find behaves just like
find2, while in the call find3(’banana’, ’a’), start will be set to the default
value of 0.
Adding another optional parameter to find makes it search from a starting
position, up to but not including the end position.
1 def find4(astring, achar, start=0, end=None):
2 ”””
3 Find and return the index of achar in astring.
4 Return -1 if achar does not occur in astring.
5 ”””
6 ix = start
7 if end == None:
8 end = len(astring)
10 found = False

. Strings

11 while ix < end and not found:

12 if astring[ix] == achar:
13 found = True
14 else:
15 ix = ix + 1
16 if found:
17 return ix
18 else:
19 return -1
21 ss = ”Python strings have some interesting methods.”
23 print(find4(ss, ’s’))
24 print(find4(ss, ’s’, 7))
25 print(find4(ss, ’s’, 8))
26 print(find4(ss, ’s’, 8, 13))
27 print(find4(ss, ’.’))

The optional value for end is interesting. We give it a default value None if the
caller does not supply any argument. In the body of the function we test what
end is and if the caller did not supply any argument, we reassign end to be the
length of the string. If the caller has supplied an argument for end, however, the
caller’s value will be used in the loop.
The semantics of start and end in this function are precisely the same as they
are in the range function.

8.7 Exercises
1. In Robert McCloskey’s book Make Way for Ducklings, the names of the
ducklings are Jack, Kack, Lack, Mack, Nack, Ouack, Pack, and Quack.
This loop tries to output these names in order.
1 prefixes = ”JKLMNOPQ”
2 suffix = ”ack”
4 for p in prefixes:
5 print(p + suffix)

Of course, that’s not quite right because Ouack and Quack are misspelled.
Can you fix it?
2. Print out a neatly formatted multiplication table, up to 12 × 12.
3. Write a function that reverses its string argument.
4. Write a function that removes all occurrences of a given letter from a string.

.. Exercises

5. Write a function that counts how many times a substring occurs in a string.
6. Write a function count(str,char) that returns the number of occurrences
of the character char in the string str.
7. Write a function that removes all occurrences of a string from another
8. Write a function that implements a substitution cipher. In a substitution
cipher one letter is substituted for another to garble the message. For exam-
ple A → Q, B → T, C → G etc. Your function should take two parameters,
the message you want to encrypt, and a string that represents the mapping
of the 26 letters in the alphabet. Your function should return a string that
is the encrypted version of the message.
9. Write a function called removeDups that takes a string and creates a new
string by only adding those characters that are not already present. In other
words, there will never be a duplicate letter added to the new string.
10. Write a function to determine the most frequently occurring letter in a
11. Write a function for inserting one string at a particular position within
another string.
12. Write a function to determine if all the characters in a string are in alpha-
betical order or not.

. Strings


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