Landmark A576
Landmark A576
Landmark A576
UMR 5098, Défense et Résistance des Invertébrés Marins, IFR 56 "Eugène Bataillon", Université Montpellier II, cp 80, 2
place Eugène Bataillon, 34095-Montpellier Cédex 5, France
Jean Torreilles
1. Abstract
2. Introduction
3. Mammals
4. Other vertebrates
5. Invertebrates
6. Low eukaryotic organisms
7. Plants
8. Bacteria
9. Perspectives
10. References
After the discovery of the vasodilatory functions 7 years ago (3) have identical pharmacological properties
of nitric oxide (NO), many signaling mechanisms and that endothelial cells in culture released NO. Then very
involving NO were identified through experiments on intense research into the biological functions of NO in
mammals. NO activates soluble guanylyl cyclase to living organisms began and the number of publications
induce the formation of cGMP, stimulates ADP- dealing with physiological and pathophysiological roles of
ribosylation of GAPDH to alter cell energy production, NO have increased exponentially year by year.
and combines with superoxide to generate peroxynitrite.
It then became clear that NO was a major messenger 3. MAMMALS
molecule in mammals, involved in the regulation of
blood vessel dilatation, immune function and NO is a water- and lipid-soluble radical gas that can
neurotransmission in the brain and peripheral nervous be involved in redox reactions, giving rise to nitrosylated
system. The wide spectrum of physiological effects of derivatives, and it combines with other radicals or transition
NO in mammals prompted researchers to look for the metal ions (Figure 1). Moreover, NO is electrically neutral
presence of NO in vertebrates and invertebrates. Parallel and readily diffuse through membranes (4).
findings on the presence of NO signaling in vertebrates
NO is produced during the conversion of L-
and invertebrates were observed, and then NO was found
arginine to L-citrulline (5) by a family of enzymes, i.e. NO-
to be a signaling molecule widely spread throughout the
synthases (NOS) (Figure 2). In mammalian cells, three
metazoan kingdom and whose functions were highly
distinct NOS isoforms (Table 1) have been isolated and
conserved during evolution. These features were
represent the products of three different genes (Figure 3).
extended to the entire animal kingdom after the
Type I (neuronal) and type III (endothelial) isoforms
discovery of NOS activity in protozoa, yeasts and
termed constitutive NOS, are constantly expressed and
bacteria. Recently, the involvement of NO and NOS in
Ca2+-dependent. The type II (macrophagic) isoform is not
plant disease resistance to infection was documented and
typically expressed in resting cells, must be induced by
many close similarities were detected between NO-
cytokines and microbiol products such as
dependent signaling mechanisms involved in plants and
lipopolysaccharides, and is Ca2+-independent. All NOS
those identified in animals. All of these results indicated
forms are homodimers of subunits which range between
that NO is one of the earliest and most widespread
130 and 160 kDa and have a bidomain structure (Figure 4):
signaling molecules in living organisms. This short
an oxygenase domain within the amino-terminal half and a
review was aimed at marshalling recent information that
reductase domain within the carboxy-terminal half. They
led to this conclusion.
use three substrates: L-arginine, NADPH and O2 and
2. INTRODUCTION require five cofactors: FAD, FMN, calmodulin (CaM),
tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) and heme (6, 7).
Nitric oxide (NO) was a component of the Earth's Non-enzymatic NO production was recently
primitive atmosphere, but for metazoan biologists it is a detected in humans (8, 9), it results from the chemical
young molecule that appeared only 14 years ago. Indeed, reduction of inorganic nitrites and is effective in stomach,
although NO was known to be a central player in skin surface and ischemic heart.
bacterial bioenergetics (1), a biological function of NO in
eukaryotes was observed first by Palmer et al. (2) in Three major molecular targets of NO have been
1987. These authors showed that NO and an detected: soluble guanylyl cyclase (CGs), glyceraldehyde-3
endothelium-derived relaxing factor (EDRF) discovered phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) and superoxide. They
Nitric oxide in living systems
Figure 2. Biosynthesis of nitric oxide. The nitric oxide radical is generated through five-electron oxidation of a guanidino
nitrogen of L-arginine via the NG-hydroxyl-L-arginine intermediate.
Nitric oxide in living systems
correspond to the three fields of NO reactivity: binding control, intestinal relaxation and antipathogen defense (16-
to metal ions, nitrosylation and combination with another 25).
But how can NO also function safely as a
CGs is a heme protein which catalazes the messenger and neurotransmitter when produced at low
formation of the guanosine cyclic 3'-5'-monophosphate concentrations and becomes cytotoxic, via peroxynitrite
(cGMP). NO binding to the heme iron of GCs leads to formation, when produced at high concentrations?
activation of the enzyme by formation of a nitrosyl-heme
complex which dislocates the iron-heme complex. This This paradoxical situation was clarified by kinetic
induces a conformational change in GCs which studies (26). Indeed, the reaction rate between NO and
stimulates its catalytic activity. GCs generates cGMP, superoxide to form peroxynitrite is 3-fold faster than the
which in turn specifically regulates protein rate of superoxide dismutation by superoxide dismutase
phosphorylation, ion channel conductivity and (SOD, the enzyme that protects tissues against superoxide).
phosphodiesterase activity. NO is the most potent and When SOD concentrations remain constant, as is generally
effective activator of GCs. This NO-cGMP signal the case in healthy cells and tissues, the NO concentration
transduction system accounts for the observed role of NO is thus the main driving force for peroxynitrite formation.
in central and peripheral nervous systems as well as in NO produced as a continuous flux by unregulated Ca2+-
cardiovascular, renal and pulmonary systems (10). independent type II NOS is then oriented toward defensive
- GAPDH (in brain, red blood cells and platelets)
is a glycolytic enzyme which normally oxidizes Moreover, the three NOS isoforms present in
glyceraldehyde phosphate and transfers electrons to mammals were found in other vertebrates.
NAD+. NO alters this reaction sequence by ADP-
ribosylating the enzyme (11, 12). ADP-ribose resulting 4. OTHER VERTEBRATES
from the cleavage of NAD+ is transferred to a GAPDH
S-nitrosylated cysteine and causes permanent inhibition The L-arginine-NO pathway observed in mammals
of the enzyme. has also been demonstrated in fishes (27, 28), for example,
neuronal type I NOS activity was detected in the brain and
- Superoxide produced during the burst of spinal cord of an amphibian, the frog Rana perezi (29, 30),
phagocytes is another major molecular target of NO. The as well as in all regions of the gut of a reptile, the estuarine
combination of both radicals generates peroxynitrite crocodile (35). This showed that the gastrointestinal
(Fig.1), a potent oxidizing and nitrating agent capable of motility in reptiles is under NO control. Inducible type II
attacking and modifying proteins, lipids and DNA and NOS was characterized in fish macrophages. The NOS
depleting antioxidant defenses (13, 14). from carp phagocytes (36-38) has 57% sequence identity to
human enzyme and contains binding sites for the same
Experiments by Kamosinska et al. (15) on lung cofactors as mammalian NOS. In rainbow trout (36-38), a
epithelial cells give an example of interaction between 130 kDa Ca2+-independent NOS was found in liver and
NO metabolic pathways. They showed that activation of head kidney. In chicken, an increase in nitrite production
the whole-cell current via NO/cGMP is inhibited by the by splenic macrophages was observed during the course of
peroxynitrite generated subsequently to the cytokine- coccidiosis (39, 40). Endothelial type III NOS was found in
induced expression of type II NOS. retina Muller cells of all phylogenetic classes of vertebrates
(41, 42). In day-old chicks, Rickard et al. (43) observed
All studies have demonstrated that NO plays a significant memory loss for 40 min post-training following
crucial role in physiological and pathophysiological the intracranial administration of diphenylene iodonium
processes in mammalian bodies: neurotransmission, (DPI) which is known to specifically inhibit endothelial
neuromodulation, vasodilatation, vasoprotection, secretary type III and inducible type II NOS. On the contrary, no
Nitric oxide in living systems
Figure 3. The primary structure of the three human NOS isoforms (modified from Knowles and Moncada, 1994 (118)).
amphibians (29-31), reptiles (32) and birds (33, 34).
significant effect on memory formation was observed the extensive presence of NOS in invertebrate tissues (48-
after injection of three neuronal type I NOS specific 51).
inhibitors (3-bromo-7-nitroindazole, N-propyl-L-
arginine and S-methyl-L-thiocitrulline), at least until 2 h As for vertebrates, histochemical, physiological and
post-training. The authors concluded that the role played biochemical data show that the L-arginine-NO pathway is
by endothelial type III NOS in the memory formation is involved in many physiological functions in invertebrates.
distinct from any role that may be played by neuronal Some well documented reviews (52-56) summarize the
type I NOS. knowledge about the functional roles of NO in
invertebrates. The most specific contributions of
Therefore, studies of NOS activity in lower invertebrate studies to knowledge on physiological role of
vertebrates confirmed the results obtained with NO deal with development, synaptic plasticity, learning
mammalian cells and tissues and gave insight into the and sensorial functions associated with feeding and
physiological role of NO in two new domains: memory olfaction. This is probably due to the accessibility and
formation and light adaptation of retina. This latter NO simplicity of invertebrate nervous systems, which provide
function occurs via the NO-sGC-cGMP cascade as accurate information on all neurons and their functions.
shown by Blute et al. (42, 44) in turtle retina. Some recent reports suggest that NO could play similar
roles in vertebrates (57-60).
Moreover, recent studies on Drosophila
Soon after the detection of NO with EDRF (3), development (61) have firmly established the role of NO in
Radomski et al. (45) demonstrated the role of NO and the control of the balance between cell proliferation and
cGMP in the regulation of platelet adhesion in mammals. differentiation previously suggested by works on
Widening their studies to hemocytes from an arthropod, mammalian embryonic development (62).
the horseshoe crab Limulus polyphemus (46), these
authors observed that aggregation of these hemocytes is Interestingly, the studies of Colasenti et al. (63, 64)
under control of the NO they produce. This result revealed the presence of the NO-cGMP pathway in the
provides the first clear evidence of NO production in freshwater coelenterate Hydra. Since Hydra is the most
invertebrates. Since the horseshoe crab is a living fossil primitive organism with a nervous system, these
directly related to trilobites that lived 500 million years observations support high evolutionary conservation of the
ago, it appears that the NO-cGMP signaling cascade has NO-cGMP pathway.
been strongly conserved through the evolution process.
Some NOS from invertebrates have been
Since then, a number of studies were carried out characterized (50, 55, 64, 65). They exhibited properties
on invertebrates. After the histochemical detection of similar to that described for vertebrate enzymes. i) They
NADPH-diaphorase activity by Elofsson et al. (47) in used L-arginine as substrate, ii) formed NO
tissues of annelids, mollusks, arthropods, echinoderms stoichiometrically with L-citrulline, iii) were competitively
and urochordata, several studies provided evidence of inhibited by L-arginine analogs, and iiii) had apparent
Nitric oxide in living systems
Figure 4. Schematic representation of the nitric oxide synthase monomer. Nitric oxide synthases are dimers whose monomers
are all composed of two domains; they use three substrates: L-arginine, NADPH and O2, and require five cofactors: FAD,
FMN, calmodulin (CaM), tetrahydrobiopterin (BH4) and heme.
Figure 5. Comparison of the primary structure of NOS from Drosophila and rat brain (modified from Regulski and Tully,
1995 (66)).
molecular weights in the 130-150 kDa range in SDS- The involvement of NO and NOS in invertebrate
polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. However, it is not defensive systems is not as well documented.
clear if all isoforms described in vertebrates are present
in invertebrates. Ottaviani et al. (72) showed that the bacterial
clumping activity of Mytilus edulis haemolymph stimulated
The Drosophila NOS gene cloned in 1995 by by LPS was selectively and significantly reduced by NOS
Regulski and Trulli (66) encoded a protein having 43% inhibitors. This indirectly demonstrates that hemocytes of
amino acid sequence identity to rat type I NOS (Figure 5). M. edulis make and use NO as a bactericidal agent to kill
phagocytosed organisms.
Some years later, Ogunshola et al. (67) characterized
NOS from locust Schistocerca and pond snail Lymnaea. They Torreilles and coworkers, by spectroscopic
have more than 50% amino acid sequence identity to measurements (73-75) or using an anti-nitrotyrosine
vertebrate type I NOS and are calcium dependent (68). antibody (76), reported that upon challenge with zymosan
M. galloprovincialis and Crassostrea. gigas hemocytes
Yuda et al. (69, 70) cloned and expressed a generate peroxynitrite.
Ca2+-dependent NOS present in the salivary and CNS
of Rodnius prolixus, a blood sucking arthropod vector Franchini et al. (77) reported that immunocytes
of Chagas' disease. This enzyme was found to have a from Viviparus ater exhibit NOS activity when stimulated
130 kDa apparent molecular weight, and its amino acid with E. coli.. Calcium deprivation promoted 30% inhibition
sequence lacked part of the N terminal domain when of NOS activity, suggesting that a Ca2+-independent NOS
compared to mammalian type I and II NOS. isoform is present in immunocytes next to the Ca2+-
dependent isoform.
In a comparative analysis on NOS activity
performed in several mollusks, Moroz et al. (51, 71) Recently, in two arthropods, Drosophila
reported the presence (in Pleurobranchea and Aplysia) melanogaster and D. teissiere, Nappi et al. (78) observed
of NOS activities inhibitable by trifluoroperazine, a enhancement of NO production at a time when eggs of
calmoduline inhibitor. This suggests the presence of a Leptopilina boulardi, a Drosophila parasite, were destroyed
new NOS isoform since trifluoroperazine is ineffective by hemocyte-mediated melanoic encapsulation. This
in blocking the activity of the three NOS isoforms demonstrated that NO is involved in the Drosophila
described in mammals. defense system against eukaryotic parasites.
Nitric oxide in living systems
The identification of NOS in mollusks, The uptake of atmospheric NO (which results from
crustaceans, arthropods and other invertebrates confirms N2O oxidation into the atmosphere, and is one of the elements
the wide distribution of the L-arginine-NO signaling of the Earth's nitrogen cycle) by plant foliage and its
system in metazoan phyla and its strong evolutionary deleterious consequences have been known for many years
conservation (79, 80). (87, 88). However, NO synthesis in plants has been
demonstrated recently (89), and studies on the physiological
6. LOW EUKARYOTIC ORGANISMS role of NO in plants have just begun (90). However,
mounting evidence suggests that, as in animals, NO is an
Soluble NOS activities were reported to be ubiquitous signal in plants.
present in lower eukaryotic organisms, i.e. protozoan
parasites and yeast. In Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigote Noritake et al. (91) observed, in potato tuber tissue,
forms (81, 82), NOS was localized on the inner surface the induction of phytoalexin accumulation by NO, while
of cell membranes and in free cytosolic clusters in the experiments performed by Gouvea et al. (92) and Riberio et
body, the flagellum and apical extreme. NMDA and al. (93) strongly suggest that NO controls root growth and
excitatory amino acids such as glutamate activated NOS development in maize.
and increased intracellular levels of cGMP as described
for mammalian neural cells. Moreover, an effect of NO on peroxidases involved in
the cell wall lignification in plants was reported by Ferrer and
Soluble NOS activity requiring NADPH was Ros Barcelo (94).
purified 2800-fold from the protozoan parasite
Leshmania donovani (83). Its Western blot analysis with Evidence of the involvement of NO and NOS in plant
NOS type I antibody suggested a strong similarity with disease resistance to infection was recently obtained in
the neuronal NOS isoform from mammals. tobacco (95-99) and soybean (100).
Nitric oxide in living systems
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