Concordance, Adherence and Compliance in Medicine Taking
Concordance, Adherence and Compliance in Medicine Taking
Concordance, Adherence and Compliance in Medicine Taking
Concordance, adherence
and compliance in
medicine taking
Report for the National Co-ordinating
Centre for NHS Service Delivery and
Organisation R & D (NCCSDO)
December 2005
The report authors and core project team were:
Rob Horne
Centre for Health Care Research University of Brighton
John Weinman
Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London
Nick Barber
School of Pharmacy, University of London
Rachel Elliott
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences,
University of Manchester
Myfanwy Morgan
Department of Public Health Sciences, King’s College
Contributing co-authors:
Professor Alan Cribb, Professor of Bioethics and
Education, King’s College London (Chapter 5)
Dr Ian Kellar, Research Fellow, Centre for Health Care
Research, University of Brighton (Chapter 6 and related
Address for correspondence:
Professor Rob Horne
Centre for Health Care Research
University of Brighton, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9PH
Telephone: 01273 643985 Fax: 01273 643986
Concordance, adherence and compliance in medicine taking
Executive Summary
Rob Horne, John Weinman, Nick Barber, Rachel Elliott,
Myfanwy Morgan, Alan Cribb & Ian Kellar
This report is a product of a scoping exercise commissioned
by the NHS National Coordinating Centre for Service
Delivery and Organisation (NCCSDO) with the following
1 Summarise current knowledge about the determinants
of medication-taking.
2 Construct a conceptual map of the area of compliance,
adherence and concordance.
3 Identify priorities for future research of relevance to the
NHS, with particular emphasis on identifying what new
knowledge is needed to be able to develop effective,
realisable, efficient and equitable interventions to
promote the appropriate use of medicines for the
benefit of patients and the NHS.
The scoping exercise involved analysis of the literature, a
listening exercise involving consultation with both a user
group and with a group of academics, health care
professionals and managers, plus feedback from an Expert
1 Haynes, R., McDonald, H., Garg, A., & Montague, P. (2002). Interventions for
helping patients to follow prescriptions for medications. The Cochrane Database
of Systematic Reviews, 2, CD000011.
Concordance, adherence and compliance in medicine taking
Concordance, adherence and compliance in medicine taking
Concordance, adherence and compliance in medicine taking
Terminology recommendations
We recognised that these three terms are now used
interchangeably and that this has generated some confusion.
After discussion within the Project team and with our Expert
Panel and Consultation Groups, we recommend ‘adherence’
as the term of choice to describe patients’ medicine taking
We recognise that adherence is not always a ‘good thing’ as
a prescription may be inappropriate or not reflect the
patients’ changing needs. We assume that adherence is
appropriate and beneficial if it follows a process that allows
patients to influence the decision making if they wish, and
an appropriate choice of medicine is made by the prescriber.
Determinants of medication-taking
We grouped the literature on adherence into four core
themes: explaining patient behaviour: patient-provider
interactions; societal policy and practice; and interventions.
These are underpinned by complex notions of the various,
and sometimes conflicting, things we consider to be ‘good’
about prescribing and medicine taking. We pause to explore
these issues in between the policy and intervention themes.
Medicine-taking needs to be understood as a variable
behaviour, which occurs within, and is influenced by,
external, environmental factors including interactions with
healthcare providers and by the wider context of societal-
policies and practice. Theme four spans these domains as
interventions to facilitate optimum medicine-taking can be
targeted at one or more of these domains. Below we present
a résumé of current knowledge and key outstanding
research questions for each them. The research agenda as it
relates to SDO research priorities is presented at the end of
this Executive Summary.
Concordance, adherence and compliance in medicine taking
Concordance, adherence and compliance in medicine taking
Concordance, adherence and compliance in medicine taking
Concordance, adherence and compliance in medicine taking
Research priorities
Because medicines carry the potential for harm as well as
benefit we have identified a normative agenda to address
questions of what is good-prescribing and good medicine-
taking and an empirical research agenda to address how
adherence might be improved. In an ideal world the
normative agenda would come first and inform the empirical
agenda, however, realistically both need to be pursued in
There is an imperative to move ahead with the empirical
agenda in conditions where there is strong supporting
evidence for the benefits of medication and importance of
adherence. This is particularly relevant for the NHS SDO
programme as the prescription of a medicine is one of the
most common and, therefore, costly medical interventions.
Optimising use of prescription medicines is a key priority for
the delivery and organisation of healthcare.
literature since 2003. It is possible that more effective interventions may have
emerged since then. However, neither the Project Team nor our Consultation
Groups and Expert Panel were aware of a significant body of studies to
contradict our analysis of the interventions literature, based on published
systematic reviews.
Concordance, adherence and compliance in medicine taking
Concordance, adherence and compliance in medicine taking
4Campbell, M., Fitzpatrick, R., Haines, A., Kinmonth, A. L., Sandercock, P.,
Concordance, adherence and compliance in medicine taking
Concordance, adherence and compliance in medicine taking
Patient choice 7
7 CARERS – Many of the questions that are relevant to patient choice and
support will also apply to patients’ carers and there is scope for synergy and
continuity with the SDO Programme on carers.
Concordance, adherence and compliance in medicine taking
13 How can we equip prescribers (and their patients) to
deal with the cognitive and emotional challenges of
working in partnership to achieve informed choice and
optimal adherence to appropriately prescribed
medicines, where adherence matters most?
14 How can adherence review and adherence support be
incorporated into medication-usage review in a way that
promotes informed choice and supports adherence to
agreed, appropriate prescriptions?
15 What are patients’ perceptions and behavioural
reactions to new prescribers (eg, nurses and
16 What are the barriers to effective and efficient multi
disciplinary approaches to appropriate prescribing and
adherence support? How can these be overcome?
17 How can we enable new and existing prescribers to
identify patients who are priority for medication-review
and adherence support?
18 How can we support prescribers to meet the challenges
of quality frameworks relating to medication-usage as a
component of self-management?
19 In what ways is it possible to supplement the activities
of the NHS workforce in facilitating optimal mediation
usage through other, complimentary approaches (eg,
the use of ‘expert patients’, family support, etc).
20 How can technological developments (eg, computers,
mobile telephones, etc) be utilised to provide ongoing
support for informed choice and adherence to agreed
21 How can we develop and apply effective ‘technologies’
to facilitate behaviour-change to achieve optimal
adherence to appropriate and agreed prescriptions?
Here technologies may be ‘talk treatments,’ such as
cognitive behaviour approaches.
Concordance, adherence and compliance in medicine taking
22 How can we facilitate the honest disclosure of
medication-taking behaviours within prescribing-related
consultations and medication use reviews? How can we
equip health practitioners to respond appropriately and
23 What are the alternatives to full-scale Randomised
Controlled Trials (RCTs) that can be used to conduct
preliminary evaluations of the components of
interventions to support informed choice and
adherence? (corresponding to MRC Phases 1 and 2)
24 How can existing validated methods for assessing
adherence-related perceptions and adherence
behaviours be adapted for routine use in the NHS?
25 How can we enable new and existing prescribers to
identify patients at risk of nonadherence or who are a
priority for medication-review and adherence support
and how can we provide it – new methods, new
practitioners (eg, health trainers)?
26 How should we operationalise ‘informed choice’ in
relation to medications taking?
27 How do differences in the arrangements existing in
England, Wales and Scotland, such as the role of
prescription charges, affect prescription filling for
essential and non-essential medicines, subsequent
patient health, present and future health service and
societal cost?
This document was published by the National Coordinating Centre for the
Service Delivery and Organisation (NCCSDO) research programme,
managed by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.