SQL Test

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Data sample in Another Sheet

Question: Please write a query script in SQL for each of the following tasks.

1.) Sum of sales of 'Thailand' and 'Philipines' country in June 2017, considering only order with 'DELIVERED' status

Result example: country status sum_total_selling_price

Thailand DELIVERED 5000
Philipines DELIVERED 6000

2.) Top 10 best selling item based on number of unit solds (quantity) for partner_name XYZ

Result example: partner_name item_id sum_quantity

XYZ 1001 100
XYZ 1015 84
… … …
(top10) XYZ 1091 5

3.) Distinct count of customer who has 'REJECTED' order that has '1001' as item_id in February and March 2017

Result example: item_id sales_channel distinct_count_of_customer

1001 AAA 12
1001 BBB 45

4.) Number of order in each province and percentage comparing to total number of order

Result example: province number of order percentage of total

กรุงเทพฯ 2 15%

5.) Commission fee for each order from partner XYZ which calculated from total selling price

Result example: partner_name order_id order_date Commission rate total_selling_price Commission fee
XYZ A0001 1-Jan-17 2% 100 2
XYZ A0002 11-Jan-17 2% 20 0.4
XYZ A0002 11-Jan-17 2% 120 2.4
XYZ A0002 11-Jan-17 2% 200 4
XYZ A0005 15-Apr-17 5% 100 5

6.) Number of orders sold to each customer on each sales channel

Result example: sales_channelcustomer_id number_of_orders

AAA cust001 30
AAA cust002 20
BBB cust001 15
BBB cust002 40

7.) List of orders that are delivered to the invalid location (postcode that cannot be identified its provice)

Result example: order_id partner_id destination_postal code

A0007 3 ppp

8.) Top 1 best selling item based on number of unit solds (quantity) for every partner

Result example: partner_nameitem_id sum_quantity

XYZ 1001 100
QWE 1002 84
data sample

1 3

order_id partner_id
partner_id partner_name
item_id country
sales_channel partner_id partner_name country
order_date 1 XYZ Thailand
customer_id 2 QWE Singapore
3 DFG Philipines
order_id partner_id item_id item_quantity total_selling_price sales_channel order_date customer_id

A0001 1 1001 1 100 AAA 1-Jan-17 cust001 4

A0002 1 1005 2 20 BBB 11-Jan-17 cust002
A0002 1 1003 4 120 BBB 11-Jan-17 cust002 RATECARD
A0002 1 1001 2 200 BBB 11-Jan-17 cust002 partner_id
A0003 2 1002 1 80 AAA 3-Mar-17 cust003 partner_name
A0003 2 1008 6 75 AAA 3-Mar-17 cust003 period start
A0005 1 1001 1 100 AAA 15-Apr-17 cust005 period end
A0006 2 1003 5 150 AAA 1-Jun-17 cust006 Commission rate
A0007 3 1001 2 200 BBB 21-Jun-17 cust007 country
A0007 3 1005 1 10 BBB 21-Jun-17 cust007
A0007 3 1004 9 60 BBB 21-Jun-17 cust007 partner_id partner_name period start period end Commission rate country
1 XYZ 20170101 20170131 2% Thailand
1 XYZ 20170201 99991231 5% Thailand
2 QWE 20170101 99991231 3% Singapore
3 DFG 20170101 99991231 3% Philipines

2 5
order_id postal_code
partner_id province
destination_postal code postalcode province
10600 กรุงเทพฯ
40560 ยะลา
10500 กรุงเทพฯ
55012 สงขลา
order_id partner_id status delivered_datedestination_postal code 40620 น่าน
A0001 1 REJECTED 1-Jan-17 10600 10800 กรุงเทพฯ
A0002 1 DELIVERED 11-Jan-17 40560 59850 ประจวบ
A0003 2 DELIVERED 3-Mar-17 10500
A0005 1 DELIVERED 15-Apr-17 10800
A0006 2 DELIVERED 1-Jun-17 40620
A0007 3 IN_TRANSIT ppp

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