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Energy Strategy Reviews xxx (2017) 1e12

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Energy Strategy Reviews

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Prospects for hydropower in Ethiopia: An energy-water nexus analysis

Bob van der Zwaan a, b, c, *, Agnese Boccalon d, Francesco Dalla Longa a
Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN), Policy Studies, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Johns Hopkins University, School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Bologna, Italy
University of Amsterdam, Faculty of Science (HIMS), Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Deltares, Delft, The Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: In this article we investigate the prospects for large-scale hydropower deployment in Ethiopia. With two
Received 24 May 2017 distinct modelling approaches we find high projections for future hydropower generation: between 71
Received in revised form and 87 TWh/yr by 2050 in a stringent climate change control scenario in which Ethiopia contributes
1 November 2017
substantially to global efforts to reach the 2  C target of the Paris Agreement. This elevated level is
Accepted 2 November 2017
Available online xxx
obtained despite domestic water use and irrigated agriculture water demand expansions, and irre-
spective of hydrological effects from climate change in terms of a drop in average precipitation nation-
wide. This amount of hydro-electricity production matches the expected national hydropower potential.
Climate change mitigation
Yet, we encourage authorities to take due account of the large impact that climate change may have on
Hydropower rainfall during particular months or years at individual water reservoirs, which we think should be
Impacts researched in greater detail. Our combined energy cost-minimisation and hydrological balance analysis
Ethiopia shows that our models can be jointly used for the assessment of hydropower as climate change miti-
Energy-water nexus gation option, and can assist in the design of policies that integrate the energy and water sectors. Our
case study did not yield direct reasons for the Ethiopian government to swiftly stop pursuing its current
ambitious national hydropower development plan, but we encourage it to adequately internalise an
extensive range of factors e including environmental, geopolitical and social e that may induce it to take
a different course.
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction reliable and affordable energy widely available is critical to the

development of the [Sub-Saharan] region that accounts for 13% of the
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has world's population, but only 4% of its energy demand” [7]. This article
published voluminous reports on the large-scale global deploy- builds on the growing literature that attempts to answer the
ment of renewable forms of energy to achieve deep cuts in question how modern forms of energy supply that contribute to
greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, with the aim of mitigating mitigating climate change, can meet a rapidly increasing energy
climate change [1,2]. In recent years increasing attention has been demand in Africa. We add to this literature by performing a case
paid to emissions reduction requirements at the regional level, in study dedicated to the implementation of low-emission develop-
view of staying well below the 2  C average atmospheric temper- ment strategies (LEDS) in Africa's second most populous country,
ature increase fixed in the Paris Agreement [3]: for recent studies Ethiopia.
on Asia, Africa and Latin America, see e.g., respectively, [4,5]; and Under the Paris Agreement all countries committed to realizing
[6]. Africa occupies a special place among these developing regions, substantial GHG emission reductions in the short term (COP-21,
since it is exceptionally rich in energy resources, yet at the same 2015). Ethiopia's ambitions are particularly significant under its
time currently poor in energy supply, notably in Sub-Saharan Africa Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), as it intends to reduce
[7]. According to the International Energy Agency (IEA): “Making its projected business-as-usual emissions of 400 MtCO2e in 2030 by
64%, implying a decrease of 255 MtCO2e down to 145 MtCO2e [8].
Of this total GHG emissions reduction figure, 130 MtCO2e is realized
* Corresponding author. Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands (ECN), Policy
in forestry and 90 MtCO2e in agriculture, with the remaining 35
Studies, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. MtCO2e materialized through a combination of GHG abatement
E-mail address: vanderzwaan@ecn.nl (B. van der Zwaan). efforts in transportation, industry and buildings. The power sector

2211-467X/© 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article in press as: B. van der Zwaan, et al., Prospects for hydropower in Ethiopia: An energy-water nexus analysis, Energy
Strategy Reviews (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2017.11.001
2 B. van der Zwaan et al. / Energy Strategy Reviews xxx (2017) 1e12

is projected to remain at its current emission level of 5 MtCO2e, concisely presenting the two models used for our study (and listing
even while this sector is expected to grow substantially in order to the references in which more model details can be found). In sec-
satisfy increasing demand of, and expand access to, electricity. tion 3 we report the results from our scenario runs for the evolution
In Ethiopia low-carbon energy options like wind and of Ethiopia's energy system until 2050, and for the level of hydro-
geothermal power possess large resource potentials, and it has long power generated under specified hydrological and climatic condi-
been recognised that the economic potential for hydropower is tions and assumptions on the development of water usage in
massive. Ethiopia has ambitious plans for bolstering economic agriculture and for domestic purposes. In section 4 we discuss these
growth and aims at fulfilling much of the associated energy re- results, draw our main conclusions based jointly on the insights
quirements by exploiting its large estimated domestic hydropower that derive from the two models, and put our findings in a broader
potential. Important benefits of this abundant energy resource are perspective. Section 5 is dedicated to our recommendations for
that it allows for stimulating economic development, increasing analysts and policy makers in Ethiopia.
energy access, and alleviating poverty, while simultaneously
avoiding concomitant emissions of GHGs, particularly CO2. It is 2. Methodology
estimated that Ethiopia is endowed with about 140,000 Mm3/yr of
freshwater, of which about 86% are surface freshwater resources. For our study we use two different but complementary meth-
The Blue Nile constitutes the largest river basin in the country, odologies, involving TIAM-ECN (the TIMES Integrated Assessment
where about 70% of its surface freshwater resources can be found. Model, operated at ECN) and RIBASIM (the River Basin Simulation
Within the Blue Nile, three main river systems can be distin- model, developed by Deltares), respectively. TIAM-ECN is an energy
guished: the Abbay, Baro-Akobo and Tekeze, which represent, system optimization model that can be used to find the best energy
respectively, 44%, 20% and 6% of the national freshwater resources mix based on a number of techno- and socio-economic conditions.
of Ethiopia. These river systems together have an estimated average RIBASIM is a water balance model that provides information on
annual water discharge of about 117,000 Mm3/yr. The existence of water availability based on the combination of water demand and
large rivers flowing in deeply incised valleys provides attractive supply functions modelled at the scale of river basins. TIAM-ECN
conditions for medium-to large-scale hydropower plants, with an works at the global, regional, and e more recently e national
overall national potential of perhaps as much as 45 GW [9]. level, while RIBASIM can be implemented at the sub-catchment,
Today about 2 GW of hydropower capacity is in operation in basin, national or trans-boundary scale. Since TIAM-ECN and RIB-
Ethiopia, and construction is underway to multiply this level five- ASIM represent two distinct approaches of analysis, there is limited
fold over the next several years. In its 25-year development plan scope to fully integrate these models. There is opportunity, how-
the Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCO), the govern- ever, for establishing soft-linkages, implying that one can contrast
ment's national utility responsible for power generation, trans- their inputs, fact-check their respective results, and use the outputs
mission, distribution and sales of electricity, describes how it from the one as inputs for the other, and vice-versa. In view of this
intends to greatly expand its hydropower capacity over the next soft-linking, we have ensured that TIAM-ECN and RIBASIM match
few decades [9]. Our purpose in this article is to shed light on the in terms of a number of main assumptions, notably in terms of
desirability and feasibility of such a large role for hydropower in geographical coverage (by singling out Ethiopia in our global TIAM-
Ethiopia's electricity generation system. We do so in a time frame ECN model and by using the Ethiopia's Blue Nile version of the
until 2050 by employing a combination of two models, TIAM-ECN RIBASIM model) and expected population growth (from a value of
and RIBASIM. This allows for inspecting two distinct sectoral per- around 99 million people in 2015 with a gradually declining growth
spectives, that enable, respectively, performing detailed energy rate to approximately 191 million inhabitants in 2050; see [17]). In
systems analysis through a cost-minimisation procedure, and un- the next two sections a description is provided of the main features
dertaking a river basin water balance assessment under varying of our two models so as to provide more insight into the charac-
conditions of surface water supply, domestic water usage and water teristics of each of them.
demand from agriculture.
In this paper we first investigate the large-scale use of hydro- 2.1. TIAM-ECN
power in Ethiopia from a cost-optimality perspective. We next
analyse it from a hydrological point of view for the Ethiopian part of TIAM-ECN is a well-established version of the global TIAM
the Blue Nile river system, and inspect the multiple effects of model developed in the context of the IEA Implementation
population growth and the future possible vulnerability and vari- Agreement called IEA-ETSAP (The International Energy Agency's
ability of hydro-electricity generation due to likely impacts of Energy Technology Systems Analysis Program). TIAM is a member
climate change. On the basis of the domestic geographical distri- of the family of technology-rich bottom-up energy systems models
bution of water resources and the foreseen plans for hydropower based on the TIMES platform and is described in detail in Loulou
development, we extrapolate our results for the Blue Nile to the and Labriet [18] and Loulou [19]. TIAM is a linear optimization
national level. With our research we connect to studies with a model simulating the development of the global energy economy
global focus on the challenges of renewable energy deployment from resource extraction to final energy use over a period of over
(such as [10,11]). We contribute to work that analysts undertake to 100 years. Its regional disaggregation separates the world in a
address the question how to provide “sustainable energy for all” in number of distinct geographical areas, 20 until recently for TIAM-
Africa [12]. By focusing on the use of hydropower and its ramifi- ECN. The objective function of TIAM-ECN consists of the total dis-
cations in Ethiopia, we also make a deep-dive into the water- counted aggregated energy system costs calculated over the full
energy-food nexus discussion (see e.g. [13]). Given the magnitude time horizon and summed across all regions. Running scenarios
of required GHG emission cuts world-wide, the contribution from with TIAM-ECN involves minimizing this objective function.
hydropower in national mitigation efforts is drawing renewed in- The main cost components included in the objective function
terest, particularly in developing countries (for case studies on e.g. are investment costs, fuel costs and fixed plus variable operation
Brazil, Colombia and Ethiopia, see for instance, respectively, and maintenance costs. Smaller cost components such as decom-
[14e16]): with our present work we intend to expand this scientific missioning and infrastructure costs are also included, albeit in an
literature. approximate respectively stylistic way. Since TIAM-ECN is based on
Section 2 of this article summarizes our methodology by a partial equilibrium approach with demands for energy services

Please cite this article in press as: B. van der Zwaan, et al., Prospects for hydropower in Ethiopia: An energy-water nexus analysis, Energy
Strategy Reviews (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2017.11.001
B. van der Zwaan et al. / Energy Strategy Reviews xxx (2017) 1e12 3

responding to changes in their respective prices through end-use diagram), which is why our scenarios should not be interpreted as
price elasticities, savings of energy demand and corresponding forecasts, but rather as projections of the way in which the energy
cost variations are accounted for in the objective function as well. system could possibly develop in the future. For each of the hun-
The database associated with TIAM-ECN includes hundreds of dreds of technologies simulated in TIAM-ECN across all main
technologies for a broad set of different sectors: for a general energy-consuming sectors of the economy, assumptions are made
description of the reference energy system of TIAM-ECN see also on their present costs, future cost decreases, maximum penetration
Syri et al. [20]. Over the past years TIAM-ECN has been used suc- rates and efficiencies. Demand projections are made on the basis of
cessfully for analysis in several different domains, including on our assumptions with regards to population growth, welfare in-
topics like developments in the transport sector (see [21,22]), the creases and demand-side savings and efficiencies. Other assump-
power sector [23], and burden-sharing among countries for global tions relate to e.g. fossil fuel reserves in different parts of the world,
climate change control [24]. Other examples of studies with TIAM- energy trade capabilities between all main regions, autonomous
ECN e that also provide additional descriptions of parts of the energy efficiency and decarbonisation processes, as well as energy
TIAM-ECN model e include work on global and regional technology or climate policies implemented prior to the reference year at
diffusion (with hydropower as one of the investigated GHG emis- which TIAM-ECN is calibrated. For details on all these assumptions
sions mitigation options: [25,26]. we refer to the publications listed in this sub-section.
We have recently replaced the previous 20-region disaggrega-
tion of TIAM-ECN by a 36-region specification, by sub-dividing
Africa into 17 different geographical entities (countries or sub- 2.2. RIBASIM
regions; see [27]). Replacing the original representation of Africa
as one single region by one in which the African continent is broken RIBASIM is a generic modelling package for simulating the
down in 17 distinct entities allows us not only to more accurately behavior of river basins under various hydrological conditions (for
simulate developments that relate to the region as a whole (and its detailed descriptions of the model, see e.g. [28,29]). RIBASIM is a
interactions with the rest of the world), but also to inspect in comprehensive and flexible tool that links hydrological water in-
greater detail the energy systems of individual countries and sub- puts at various locations in a specified region with water-users in
regions in Africa. We hereby can connect closer to the economic the basin. It allows for evaluating various types of measures related
and political realities of different geographical areas in Africa, to infrastructure and operational plus demand-side management,
which vary broadly from one country to the other. We are thus also and enables inspecting a series of variables such as water quantity,
able to better represent and analyse their specific technical and water quality and flow composition. The model can also generate
resource potentials, which diverge substantially across distinct sub- water flow patterns that may yield a basis for detailed water quality
regions of the African continent, in terms of the availability of both and sedimentation analyses in river reaches and reservoirs. The
traditional fossil fuels and renewable energy options. This article is RIBASIM software package includes a range of DELFT Decision
dedicated to Ethiopia, and for its purposes we have ensured that Support Systems Tools, and is designed for addressing a series of
Ethiopia's current and likely near-term energy system is repre- question types that relate to the water sector and water users in
sented in its entirety, including all main energy-consuming sectors particular.
and energy-providing technologies, as realistically as possible. This Questions that can be evaluated with RIBASIM relate to the
allows for using TIAM-ECN for long-term projections until 2050. prospects of water usage options and the potential for water
We run two scenarios with TIAM-ECN: a baseline respectively resource development (for example: given available water re-
stringent climate change control scenario entitled RCP2.6 (a so- sources and their natural variations, to what extent can a river basin
called Representative Concentration Pathway with an anthropo- be developed in terms of reservoirs, irrigation schemes and supply
genic radiative forcing of 2.6 W/m2; see [2], for the corresponding systems, while avoiding crop damage or harm to other water users;
terminology). The former is a representation of what Ethiopia's when and where can conflicts between water users occur, such as
energy system may look like without the introduction of far- between hydro-power production and agricultural development,
reaching climate policy. The latter is a scenario in which the like- or industrial development and the degree of water pollution in a
lihood is high (around 70%) that the global average atmospheric basin; what is the potential for hydropower production in a basin?).
temperature increase stays below 2  C. As with any model, the Likewise, infrastructure requirements and operational plus
outcome of scenario runs with TIAM-ECN is strongly determined by demand-side management options can be assessed (for instance:
the values of its input parameters (see Fig. 1 for a schematic what is the effect of technical measures to improve water supply for
various users, taking into account water quantity and flow

Fig. 1. Stylistic representation of the main TIAM-ECN inputs and outputs and how policy recommendations can be formulated on the basis of the latter.

Please cite this article in press as: B. van der Zwaan, et al., Prospects for hydropower in Ethiopia: An energy-water nexus analysis, Energy
Strategy Reviews (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2017.11.001
4 B. van der Zwaan et al. / Energy Strategy Reviews xxx (2017) 1e12

composition; what are the agricultural production yields and costs hydropower development in our time horizon until 2050. Model
of the implementation of such measures?). More generically, RIB- improvements also include climate change projections based on
ASIM allows for performing essentially any type of analysis that the regional climate scenario HadGem2 RCP2.6 (see [30,31]),
requires the water balance of a river basin to be calculated, by downscaled at the sub-regional level to generate both climate and
taking into account the use by and drainage from agriculture, the hydrological input for the model (for a detailed description, see
use by and discharges from industry, domestic water demand for [32]). In this study the ENTRO version of RIBASIM is used only for
drinking, cleaning and sanitation purposes, and downstream re-use the section of the Nile river basin belonging to Ethiopia. RIBASIM
of water. The resulting water balance can provide the basic infor- results from this study can therefore not be used to inspect the
mation needed to determine the available quantity and quality of influence that projected future water use scenarios in the Ethiopian
water, as well as detailed results usable for water resources plan- section of the Blue Nile might have on downstream users in South
ning and water policy design. Sudan, Sudan and Egypt. While we recognize the importance of
RIBASIM has recently been used to perform an analysis for such potential impacts, the focus of our study was to investigate the
Ethiopia. It has been updated for the purpose of the present study prospects for large-scale hydropower deployment in Ethiopia using
to reflect as accurately as possible the main water sector features in a combined energy-water sector approach. Although by just
Ethiopia. The analysis behind the current study makes use of the simulating the Blue Nile part of Ethiopia the current version of
existing RIBASIM schematization developed under the ENWSM RIBASIM only covers about 32% of the entire surface of the country
(Eastern Nile Water Simulation Model) project, commissioned by (see Fig. 2a and b), we estimate that still about 70% of the total
ENTRO (Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office) to Deltares. The surface water availability in the country is covered, so that the
present study makes use of the ENTRO version of the RIBASIM model fits our purposes (for the specifics of this claim, see [32]). We
model only for the Blue Nile in Ethiopia, with substantial adopted hydropower turbine efficiencies in RIBASIM of 90% for
improvement with regards to the details of domestic and irrigated both reservoir systems and run-of-river stations.
water demand projections, and the sequential inclusion of For the RIBASIM simulation of socio-economic and climate

Fig. 2. (a) Blue Nile area in Ethiopia (in green).

(b) RIBASIM model schematization of the Blue Nile river system.

Please cite this article in press as: B. van der Zwaan, et al., Prospects for hydropower in Ethiopia: An energy-water nexus analysis, Energy
Strategy Reviews (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2017.11.001
B. van der Zwaan et al. / Energy Strategy Reviews xxx (2017) 1e12 5

Fig. 2. (continued).

scenarios, we formulated one base case (R1) and four hydropower 24% of the national figure. In 2015 around 890 MW reservoir-based
expansion projections (R2-R5), two for the time horizon of 2030 capacity and 540 MW run-of-river-based capacity was in operation
and two for 2050. Scenarios R2 and R3 illustrate the cases, for 2030 in the Ethiopian section of the Blue Nile. These data provide the
and 2050 respectively, without climate change effects, while R4 and
R5 are the corresponding scenarios including impacts from climate
change (see Table 1). For the latter we use HadGem2 RCP2.6 Table 1
Main assumptions for the five scenarios run with the RIBASIM model.
developed by UKMO (United Kingdom Meteorological Office).
Based on an inventory of all existing and foreseen hydropower Scenario Year Climate Number of Plants Capacity
projects in Ethiopia, we estimate that by 2050 approximately 63% of R1: base case 2015 Historical 3 SWR þ2 RoR 890 þ 540 MW
the total national hydro-electricity generation level will derive R2: expansion 2030 Historical 14 SWR þ4 RoR 14,400 þ 750 MW
from the Blue Nile river system (see [32]). By way of comparison, on R3: expansion 2050 Historical 23 SWR þ5 RoR 16,360 þ 960 MW
the basis of existing public information, the estimated current R4: expansion 2030 HadGem2 14 SWR þ4 RoR 14,400 þ 750 MW
R5: expansion 2050 HadGem2 23 SWR þ5 RoR 16,360 þ 960 MW
installed hydropower capacity at the Blue Nile basin only covers
N.B. SWR: surface water reservoir plant; RoR: run-of-river plant.

Please cite this article in press as: B. van der Zwaan, et al., Prospects for hydropower in Ethiopia: An energy-water nexus analysis, Energy
Strategy Reviews (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2017.11.001
6 B. van der Zwaan et al. / Energy Strategy Reviews xxx (2017) 1e12

basis for scenario R1. We project that these figures are raised to likely to contribute substantially, perhaps by around 25%. In the
14,400 MW and 750 MW in 2030 (scenario R2), and 16,360 MW and RCP2.6 scenario (right plot) we see a similar evolution of the
960 MW in 2050 (scenario R3), respectively. Scenarios R1, R2 and Ethiopian energy system, but with a reduction in the overall level of
R3 involve 3, 14 and 23 reservoir plants, and 2, 4 and 5 run-of-river final energy use of around 15%, as one of the means to contribute to
plants, respectively, as indicated in Table 1. In total we run 5 sce- CO2 emissions reduction efforts. In both plots of Fig. 3 we see that
narios, with R4 and R5 involving the same capacity assumptions as industry and the commercial sector contribute only modestly to
in R2 and R3, respectively, but under precipitation conditions that overall final energy use, while energy use in agriculture (a large
have changed with respect to historically observed patterns as a contributor to GHG emissions) is negligible.
result of climate change. In Fig. 4 we see the same overall final energy numbers as
Other Ethiopia-specific features reflected in the RIBASIM model depicted in Fig. 3, but broken down by type of fuel, rather than by
include assumptions on domestic water demand and water usage sector. As one can observe in the left plot of this Figure, traditional
for irrigation purposes representing agricultural water demand. use of biomass (mostly in solid form, essentially fuel wood and
Domestic water demand increases dramatically, both as a result of charcoal) in the baseline is substantially curtailed in exchange for a
population growth (4.6%/yr in 2015e2030 and 3.5%/yr in large increase in the use of fossil fuels (coal, natural gas and oil).
2030e2050 in urban areas, respectively, 1.7%/yr and 0.8%/yr in rural Electricity use also expands massively, but its share in total final
areas; see [17]) and per capita water usage growth (20, 30 and 51 l/ energy use stays well below 20%. In the right plot of this Figure, one
cap/day in 2015, 2030 and 2050 for urban people, respectively, 15, sees that the use of fossil fuels like oil and gas is substantially
23 and 34 l/cap/day for rural people). We assume an expansion of reduced, while coal is phased out altogether, given its high carbon
the irrigated area from 75,000 ha in 2015 (R1) to 105,000 and content. Biomass re-emerges as a means to supply much of the total
156,000 ha in 2030 (R2, R4) respectively 2050 (R3, R5). For details final energy use, but employed in modern (notably cooking) tech-
on these assumptions we refer to Boccalon [32]. nologies and in a non-traditional (sustainable, low-carbon) fashion.
Electricity expands to a contribution of around 25%, since it pro-
3. Results vides a cost-effective way to reduce GHG emissions. Ethiopia's
sizeable geothermal energy resources also start playing a signifi-
We first report the results that derive from our two models cant role by the middle of the century, but mostly in its capacity to
individually, in section 3.1 and 3.2 for TIAM-ECN and RIBASIM, provide low-cost heat, rather than as a competitive way to generate
respectively, while dedicating section 3.3 to our overall insights electricity. A modest role is foreseen for the use of hydrogen as
obtained from a merger of the outcomes from these two models. energy carrier during the forthcoming decades, but not exceeding a
level of a few percentage points contribution to overall final energy
3.1. TIAM-ECN use.
Fig. 5 shows that we expect the power sector in Ethiopia to
In Fig. 3 we see that final energy use in the baseline scenario (left massively increase, perhaps by as much as some 50-fold during the
plot) expands by almost a factor of three in the course of four de- period investigated in this study until 2050. This is consistent with
cades until 2050, as a result of both population and economic similar expected expansions of the power sectors in other African
growth. The residential sector represents today almost all of this countries, as more people gain access to electricity supply, either
final energy use, and in 2050 it still constitutes the majority of through connection to the grid or by the use of mini-grids or other
energy use in the Ethiopian economy, mostly in association with stand-alone systems, as well as a large increase of electricity con-
the use of cookstoves. As can be seen, in the near term some energy sumption by those already using this modern energy carrier. The
savings can be realized in this sector, notably through the increase in electricity supply is even larger in the stringent climate
replacement of current cookstoves by more efficient ones. In the change control scenario, in comparison to the baseline, as consis-
longer run, however, this effect is probably outshadowed by the tent with our findings presented in Fig. 4 where we observed that
energy consumption associated with an increased number of electrification is a convenient way to decarbonize energy supply.
modern domestic appliances used in households as incomes in- Depicted in Fig. 5 is also the breakdown of domestic electricity
crease. Today, final energy use in transportation is small in com- generation, from which we can see that in the baseline case (left
parison to that in other sectors, but by 2050 the transport sector is plot), hydropower could well represent around 40% of overall

3.5 3.5

3.0 3.0

2.5 2.5
Final energy [EJ]

2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Industry ResidenƟal Commercial Agriculture TransportaƟon

Fig. 3. Final energy use by sector in Ethiopia in two scenarios: baseline (left) and RCP2.6 (right).

Please cite this article in press as: B. van der Zwaan, et al., Prospects for hydropower in Ethiopia: An energy-water nexus analysis, Energy
Strategy Reviews (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2017.11.001
B. van der Zwaan et al. / Energy Strategy Reviews xxx (2017) 1e12 7

3.5 3.5

3.0 3.0

Final energy [EJ]

2.5 2.5

2.0 2.0

1.5 1.5

1.0 1.0

0.5 0.5

0.0 0.0
2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Coal Gas Petroleum products Biomass
Others Electricity Hydrogen Heat incl. geothermal

Fig. 4. Final energy use by fuel in Ethiopia in two scenarios: baseline (left) and RCP2.6 (right).

250 250
Electricity supply [TWh]

200 200

150 150

100 100

50 50

0 0
2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050
Coal w/o CCS Coal with CCS Gas w/o CCS Gas with CCS
Oil w/o CCS Oil with CCS Hydro Wind
Biomass w/o CCS Biomass CCS Solar Geothermal
Nuclear Ocean energy Hydrogen Other renewables
Others non renew. Electricity net imports

Fig. 5. Electricity supply in Ethiopia by technology and resource in two scenarios: baseline (left) and RCP2.6 (right).

power production by the middle of the century. In the RCP2.6 carbon electricity generation, for which we think in Ethiopia not
scenario (right plot) this share could have increased to even close to only and particularly hydropower but also options like solar and
50%, in response to global GHG emissions reduction efforts that biomass-based energy options could be qualifying candidates. We
Ethiopia will need to contribute to. In other words, an order of here further investigate the feasibility of a large hydropower
magnitude expansion of power production by exploiting Ethiopia's expansion, and leave the realism behind alternatives such as solar
vast hydrological potential appears an obvious way to sustain and biomass-based technologies for future inspection.
economic development and poverty alleviation, irrespective of
whether or not the country engages in serious domestic climate 3.2. RIBASIM
change mitigation activities. From a techno-economic point of
view, there is scope for such expansion, but environmental impacts, Fig. 6 shows the monthly hydropower supply in Ethiopia
institutional and financial limitations, as well as in principle limits calculated with RIBASIM under our five scenarios. In scenario R1 we
in terms of water usage for other purposes (but this specific re- see that on an annual basis on average about 2900 GWh of hy-
striction appears not to be binding, as we will see in the next sec- dropower is generated, with substantial variation throughout the
tion), may constrain it. year between September (peak production of around 360 GWh/m)
In Fig. 5 we also see that biomass could play a large role in and the months of the first semester (approximately
providing electricity services, especially in the baseline scenario 220e240 GW h/m). In scenarios R2-R5 we observe a 10-fold
(left plot): this is mostly through the combustion of solid biomass increment in electricity generation through hydropower plants in
in thermal power plants. In the RCP2.6 scenario (right plot), we see comparison to scenario R1. A striking difference between R1 and
that options like solar power can contribute substantially too, while R2-R5 is that the inter-month variability increases substantially:
smaller roles are reserved for gas-based power production, wind whereas in R1 the peak-month yields around 50% more hydro-
power and imports of electricity. Hence, as we can see from Fig. 5, electricity than in any of the minimum-producing months, in sce-
stringent climate change control requires an enhanced use of low- narios R2-R5 this difference is in some cases as much as 100%.

Please cite this article in press as: B. van der Zwaan, et al., Prospects for hydropower in Ethiopia: An energy-water nexus analysis, Energy
Strategy Reviews (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2017.11.001
8 B. van der Zwaan et al. / Energy Strategy Reviews xxx (2017) 1e12

5 hydropower dams in Ethiopia in 2030 (R2 and R4) and 2050 (R3
R1 R2 R3 and R5) under the no-climate change and climate change scenarios
Monthly hydro-electricity producƟon [TWh]

R4 R5 respectively. The y-axis is cut off at 40 TWh, so that relative dif-

4 ferences between scenarios are smaller than they appear in the
Figure. As one can see, in 2030 climate change leads to a decrease of
around 800 GWh of hydro-electricity generation as a result of
3 climate-change induced modifications in precipitation levels, while
in 2050 the corresponding reduction amounts to close to
1200 GWh. One can conclude from a comparison in Fig. 7 between
2 scenarios R2 and R5, that the additional hydropower capacity
installed between 2030 and 2050 cannot compensate for the loss in
hydro-electricity generation in those years as a result of climate-
1 change induced losses of effective rainfall.
To provide a feeling for the importance of time in the availability
and distribution of water resources from a multi-sector perspective,
0 Fig. 8 shows e for scenario R2 e a comparison of the timing of
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec precipitation on the one hand, and expected water demand from
hydropower production, irrigated agriculture and domestic usage
Fig. 6. Monthly total average electricity supply from hydropower reservoirs in Ethio-
(drinking/cooking, cleaning and sanitation) on the other hand. In all
pia's section of the Blue Nile river basin under our five scenarios.
scenarios tested in this study, the RIBASIM operability option to
satisfy sectoral water demand has been set to a “proximity to
The increase in hydropower production between R1 and R2 is source” mode. As one can see in Fig. 8, water demand for irrigation
mainly driven by 4 of the 11 additional hydropower plant projects purposes is at a minimum during the rainy season, while hydro-
to be commissioned by 2030: the Mendaia, Grand Renaissance, power production ramps up by almost a factor of two: this rapid
Karadobi and Beko Abo reservoirs, which together account for 81% increase in water usage in the power sector does not inflict on
(29%, 25%, 17% and 10%, respectively) of all hydroelectricity gener- agriculture since the latter is in no direct need for water other than
ated in 2030. The additional 9 hydropower dams assumed to be from rainfall during that period. Reversely, during the dry months
built between 2030 and 2050 add approximately 2000 MW (JanuaryeApril), irrigation demand is at its highest level, and less
installed capacity to the electricity network. This normally would water is directly available for power production. Water demand for
add around 4000 GWh of hydro-electricity production to the entire domestic purposes is relatively stable during the year. One observes
Blue Nile basin within Ethiopia on an annual basis, or on average from Fig. 8 that the peak in hydropower production follows the
around 330 GWh on a monthly basis. The explanation for the fact peak in precipitation with a delay of a couple of months, after which
that this effect cannot be clearly seen in Fig. 6 by comparing sce- river flow has been accumulated in reservoirs so that dams can
narios R2 and R3 or, alternatively, scenarios R4 and R5, is that some operate at nearly full capacity. The results presented in Fig. 8 show
of the additional capacity operates at a low load factor in reality. the variance of sectoral water demands during the year, as well as
The seasonal variation of power production with hydro-electrical the importance of operability rules for determining water distri-
dams is a feature that EEPCO will need to account for in its reli- bution across sectors: it matters which operation principles prevail,
ability strategy, like it will need to internalise the intermittency of e.g. “proximity to source”, “first-come, first-served” or “controlled
renewable energy resources such as solar and wind power: these and fractioned supply”. Likewise, the relevance of sectoral water
variabilities must be duly taken into consideration by utilities and use efficiency becomes clear through Fig. 8, such as with electricity
operators of plants as well as transmission lines. production from hydropower reservoirs.
Fig. 7 depicts the annual average electricity supply from
3.3. Combined insights

44 In Table 2 we summarize, as well as contrast, the main results for

annual hydropower generation in 2050 that derive from TIAM-ECN
and RIBASIM. For both models the values reported in this
Annual hydro-electricity producƟon [TWh]

Table include our findings for reservoir-based and run-of-river

43 electricity generation. In the case of RIBASIM the outcome for
run-of-river hydropower production, of approximately 2500 GWh,
varies little between 2030 and 2050, and is little influenced by
climate-change induced precipitation changes. For reservoir-based
42 power production, however, the difference as a result of climate
change can amount to a significant drop, as can be seen in Table 2.
We distinguish three different climate futures: one in which
negligible climate change occurs (precipitation levels until 2050
mimic the average historical values between 1960 and 2000), one
in which moderate climate change takes place with local impacts in
Ethiopia in terms of e.g. altered precipitation levels (an RCP2.6
emissions scenario is followed, in which the climate stabilizes likely
below a 2  C global temperature increase), and one in which
R2 R3 R4 R5
enhanced climate change materializes (a baseline emissions
pathway is followed that leads to a radiative forcing of 7.0 W/m2 in
Fig. 7. Annual average hydropower supply from surface water reservoirs in Ethiopia's 2100). For RIBASIM the first two climate futures are characterised
Blue Nile river basin under scenarios R2, R3, R4 and R5. by scenarios R3 and R5 respectively, while for TIAM-ECN the last

Please cite this article in press as: B. van der Zwaan, et al., Prospects for hydropower in Ethiopia: An energy-water nexus analysis, Energy
Strategy Reviews (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2017.11.001
B. van der Zwaan et al. / Energy Strategy Reviews xxx (2017) 1e12 9

300 6

Monthly rainfall [mm] and water demand [m3 /s]

Monthly hydro-electricity producƟon [TWh]

250 5

200 4

150 3

100 2

50 1

0 0
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

PrecipitaƟon average [mm] Water demand - irrigaƟon [m³/s]

Water demand - domesƟc [m³/s] Electricity producƟon [TWh]

Fig. 8. Comparison of the timing between precipitation and water use for respectively power production, irrigation and domestic purposes in scenario R2.

Table 2
Main results from the RIBASIM and TIAM-ECN models for annual average hydropower generation in 2050.

Climate change (CC) in 2050 Scenario (RIBASIM/TIAM-ECN) RIBASIM RIBASIM (corrected) TIAM-ECN

Negligible CC R3/- 46,030 GWh 73,190 GWh e

Moderate CC R5/RCP2.6 44,850 GWh 71,310 GWh 86,820 GWh
Enhanced CC -/Baseline e e 66,790 GWh

two climate futures correspond to respectively the RCP2.6 and required from the model's cost-minimisation perspective in order
baseline scenarios. Column 3 of Table 2 lists the annual average for Ethiopia to contribute its share in global climate change control
hydro-electricity generation levels (in GWh) in 2050 for the first while meeting domestic demand for energy services.
two climate futures calculated with RIBASIM. Since the RIBASIM In the negligible climate change case, we see that RIBASIM
model developed for this case study only covers the Blue Nile basin foresees an average annual hydro-electricity generation level of
and thereby only 63% of the expected hydropower capacity in 2050, 73,190 GWh in 2050, which is about 3% higher than in the moderate
we list in column 4 these numbers corrected (i.e. multiplied by a climate change case. This is consistent with the observation that on
factor 100/63) so as to reflect the full amount of hydropower likely average there is slightly more precipitation on a national scale in
to be produced on a national scale by then. The last column in- this negligible climate change case than in the moderate climate
dicates the values that TIAM-ECN projects for hydro-electric energy change case. In the enhanced climate change (that is, baseline)
production by the middle of the century, for the last two climate scenario TIAM-ECN projects an amount of produced hydropower
futures. electricity of 66,790 GWh, which is a drop of approximately 23%
Our first observation from Table 2 is that in the moderate from the level calculated under the RCP2.6 scenario. This is a
climate change scenario (R5 and RCP2.6, respectively, for RIBASIM reflection of the assumption that under the business-as-usual
and TIAM-ECN) the projected level of hydro-electricity generation emissions pathway, little effort is undertaken e in Ethiopia as
in 2050 in RIBASIM (71,310 GWh) is substantially lower than that in well as on an international level e to manage global climate change.
TIAM-ECN (86,820 GWh). This means in principle that the cost- The still sizeable level of hydro-electricity generation mostly de-
optimal amount of hydropower production is higher than the rives from economic and development arguments, rather than
amount that we think is technically feasible from a hydrological, targeting specifically climate change control.
water balance and climate change point of view. The discrepancy in The hydropower generation levels depicted in Fig. 5 as deter-
findings with our two models can be explained, however, by the mined with TIAM-ECN derive from installed capacities of around 15
fact that RIBASIM does not include any plants that are not yet in and 20 GW in 2050 for our two scenarios, baseline versus RCP2.6,
some stage of planning, while opportunities exist for the inclusion respectively. As reported in Table 1, the capacities stipulated for
of more small-scale hydropower projects. In other words, in order RIBASIM are a little over 15 GW and close to 18 GW, for the R2 and
to achieve the large amount of hydro-electricity production that R3 scenarios, in 2030 and 2050, respectively. All these figures fall
TIAM-ECN foresees, a capacity would need to be installed by 2050 well within the overall domestic potential of 45 GW as reported by
that even goes beyond what is foreseen in current plans and in- national authorities in Ethiopia such as the Ministry of Water and
tentions (for a total of 28 surface water reservoirs and 5 run-of-river Energy [9]. Our model outcomes are thus realistic from that point of
plants). The explanation for the large amount of hydropower pro- view. The hydro-electricity generation numbers we calculated also
duction projected by TIAM-ECN is that it is the level deemed match economically and technically feasible hydropower capacity

Please cite this article in press as: B. van der Zwaan, et al., Prospects for hydropower in Ethiopia: An energy-water nexus analysis, Energy
Strategy Reviews (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2017.11.001
10 B. van der Zwaan et al. / Energy Strategy Reviews xxx (2017) 1e12

estimates from other analysts, as well as ambitious long-term na- methodological scope, need to be considered for such reasoning to
tional electric power development plans of EEPCO, of around hold. For example, Ethiopian authorities should take due account of
30 GW in 2050 [16,33]. The upper value of our estimates is about climate change effects at the local level in terms of potential
10 GW below this figure of 30 GW, so in order to satisfy overall changes in rainfall during some months or years. We think that
electricity demand perhaps Ethiopia does not need to reach the these should be researched in greater detail as they might influence
total hydropower capacity level that some of its national in- flow accumulation in reservoirs and therefore their power pro-
stitutions suggest today. duction potential. Substantial effort was put into feeding RIBASIM
with inputs representing the local effects of climate change in
4. Discussion and conclusions Ethiopia. We use precipitation data from around 200 weather sta-
tions in the country, on the basis of which the hydrological features
The results obtained through our cross-validation of TIAM-ECN and water availabilities are determined at the sub-district, district
and RIBASIM model outputs show that we have identified an and basin level. For modifications in rainfall patterns resulting from
approach that can be used for the multi-sectoral assessment of climate change, the effects at 6 of these weather stations (one for
energy and water policies and for the inspection of the compati- each of the distinct weather types in the 6 zones of our basin) were
bility between them. Yet our analysis has focused mainly on the inspected in detail on a monthly basis and were used to represent
quantitative aspects of hydropower development and water re- climate variations at all of the 200 locations throughout the Ethi-
sources management. The actual success of hydropower expansion opian Blue Nile sub-basin. Under the HadGem2 RCP2.6 scenario we
at the national level against concomitant growth of agricultural and observed changes in precipitation of almost any value
domestic water needs will not only be dependent on technical between 70% and þ260% depending on the weather station and
feasibility, but likewise on the technical and managerial capacity of month under consideration. These translated into average changes
operators to ensure an optimal distribution of resources across between 14% and þ27% in 2050, depending on the weather zone.
users and time. It will also depend on the government's ability to These average deviations were used as input for RIBASIM. One of
ensure the institutional support and financing needed for main- the ways in which our research could be improved would be to use
taining the water supply system. Social aspects related to the the variations at all 200 weather stations represented in the model.
building of new hydropower or multi-purpose dams are also of Given the sizeable efforts required for this, we reserve them for a
critical importance for public acceptance of dam construction at the future study. For further details on how we accounted for precipi-
local level through centralised plans pursued at the national level. tation data in RIBASIM, we refer to Boccalon [32].
One of the primary aims of this study was to test the possibility Other arguments that the Ethiopian government needs to
of soft-linking energy and water sector modelling tools so as to consider before deciding to proceed with its ambitious hydropower
provide practical instruments for analysis of energy-water nexus plans are a series of conditions and impacts, among which possible
challenges and constraints. Through a number of joint input as- environmental effects of large-scale hydropower development.
sumptions we enabled the results of our models to be contrasted to Only when detailed assessments thereof yield results that are
each other, even while they followed distinct approaches. We did aligned with the findings of our study, can it justify pursuing a large
not make a detailed technical assessment, nor did we perform a expansion of the use of hydropower. Among the environmental
feasibility study for large infrastructural development projects. effects may not just be the change of natural habitats for animals
Aspects such as the combined effect of erosion and sedimentation and vegetation, but also the accumulation of waste products in the
processes, which can substantially affect the energy productivity water reservoirs and associated emissions of environmental pol-
and life-span of dams, have thus not been taken into account. We lutants (including GHGs). Sedimentation from erosion processes in
have not inspected the optimization of cascaded reservoir opera- the watershed of rivers may also affect the operation of hydro-
tions, potential water losses resulting from irrigated crop diversi- power dams and reservoirs, and could reduce their lifespan. The
fication, or illegal water abstractions. Possible stringent sectoral ambitious hydropower development plans of the Ethiopian gov-
policies that might affect the use and distribution of water among ernment clearly necessitate independent environmental impact
users have also been left out of our scenario analysis. All such as- assessments.
pects should be considered in order to draft a compelling and Environmental costs may also be imposed on communities
comprehensive policy document; we recognize that our study is living downstream of the dams in Ethiopia, and beyond, which
limited in this respect. would add to the modification of water availability patterns and
Through our two approaches we project a high level of hydro- intervals. Neighboring countries are likely to see their historical
power generation in Ethiopia: between 71 and 87 TWh/yr by 2050 water rights disturbed: countries particularly dependent on Nile
in a stringent climate change control scenario in which the country water resources, such as in the case of Egypt, have already threat-
contributes substantially to global efforts to reach the 2  C target ened to take action against the large-scale expansion of dams in
fixed in the Paris Agreement (COP-21, 2015). This elevated level is Ethiopia. Among the multiple tangible and intangible costs that the
obtained despite domestic water use increases and irrigated agri- construction of large dams entail may also be the required reset-
culture water demand expansions, and irrespective of possible tlement of people, which adds to their social costs. An almost
negative hydrological impacts as a result of climate change induced exclusive reliance on a single power production option makes
decreased average precipitation nation-wide. This amount of hy- electricity generation vulnerable to unexpected events. Ethiopia
dropower production falls within the reach of the estimated na- may want to keep its power production diversified, for example to
tional capacity potential of 45 GW, which theoretically (and much allow for periods of droughts possibly not captured by our current
depending on specific conditions prevailing at individual reser- understanding of climate change. Heavy earthquakes are regularly
voirs) could yield a volume of electricity generation between 100 recorded in Ethiopia's seismically active areas, which can endanger
and 200 TWh/yr. On the basis of the dimensions addressed by our hydropower dams and associated tunnels [34,35]. Dams need to be
two models e energy system costs, national hydrological features constructed so as to be able to withstand the impacts of the
and average climate factors e one may be tempted to argue that it strongest possible earthquakes in the country. Issues of governance
makes sense for Ethiopia to pursue its current ambitious hydro- also need to be addressed, not only for the safe management and
power development plan. operation of reservoirs and hydropower plants, but also in relation
Other issues, however, that are beyond our confined to the fact that thus far many contracts for dam construction have

Please cite this article in press as: B. van der Zwaan, et al., Prospects for hydropower in Ethiopia: An energy-water nexus analysis, Energy
Strategy Reviews (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2017.11.001
B. van der Zwaan et al. / Energy Strategy Reviews xxx (2017) 1e12 11

been granted without due competitive bidding. Governance issues ambitions substantially.
may hamper access to financing from international institutions, According to the comparison of model results reported in
which further increases the high upfront investment requirements Table 2 we can see that Ethiopia may not be able to meet its do-
for hydropower development and slows down dam construction mestic energy demand and climate change control contributions by
programs. only relying on the intended hydropower development plans.
The outcomes for RIBASIM and TIAM-ECN reported in Table 2 Based on the results of our investigation we suggest that the
are not complete, hence some cells are left blank. The enhanced Ethiopian government invests more effort into identifying an en-
climate change (baseline) scenario run with TIAM-ECN implies by ergy and water sector policy framework that meets internal de-
2100 an anthropogenic radiative forcing of 7 W/m2, which is a mand for electricity and water resources while complying with its
scenario we did not run with RIBASIM. We could contemplate to do commitments under the Paris Agreement. This framework should
so in the future, as the implications of such a scenario at the local include a broad range of renewable energy sources, energy saving
level could already be significant by 2050. To date, however, we options and water use efficiencies, in order to avoid an over-
cannot draw any conclusions about the possible changes in pre- reliance on natural water resources.
cipitation levels in Ethiopia as a result of such an enhanced climate The scenarios investigated in our study and the level of detail
change scenario. The HadGem2 scenario run with RIBASIM, on the used in our computations suggest that possible future climatic
other hand, does prescribe in detail what these domestic changes in trends will not substantially impact hydropower production on a
Ethiopia could be, at the level of individual communities, as a result national level, even while non-negligible hydro-electricity gener-
of moderate climate change. In an expanded analysis that we could ation reductions of around 3% may result from climate change. Yet
undertake in the future, we could also investigate other HadGem2 at the local level individual hydropower plants may be subject to
scenarios, such as an RCP3.5 or RCP4.5, to mention just a few. For precipitation variability emanating from climate change that could
the negligible climate change scenario that we projected for the lead to larger hydropower production losses than on average
future with RIBASIM the same precipitation patterns were taken as nation-wide. Since there are multiple questions left unanswered in
observed historically between 1960 and 2000, which should yield a our analysis, such as in terms of the local impacts of climate change
reasonable reflection of negligible climate change conditions until during specific time intervals for some hydropower plants, we
2050. For TIAM-ECN, however, the closest we could get to a recommend to continue multidisciplinary research like with our
negligible climate change world is the RCP2.6 scenario, since more joint two-model-based approach. Such research can yield insights
ambitious scenarios that we attempted to investigate resulted in that cannot be achieved from one disciplinary perspective, or
model infeasibilities. A 70% probability of staying below 2  C as in through one type of model only.
RCP2.6 e which we here call moderate climate change e is with The robustness of the numbers independently obtained through
TIAM-ECN as close as we could get to RIBASIM's R3 scenario. our two distinct modelling approaches implies that our findings
Our work has similarities with research undertaken on this topic based on cost-minimisation of Ethiopia's national energy system
by Block and Strzepek [16], since their study, like ours, deals with (TIAM-ECN) match in principle the limits imposed by surface water
the prospects for hydropower in Ethiopia, and likewise covers a availability derived from climate and multi-sectoral water demand
time horizon that extends until 2050. Apart from some overlap, changes at the sub-district level (RIBASIM). Still, the latter model
however, our respective studies are largely complementary [16]. would need to simulate more hydropower projects than currently
assess planned hydropower development under various future foreseen in order to reach the upper limit of hydropower capacity
climates, and calculate the costs associated with compensating for calculated with the former. While our study has not found concrete
hydropower generation losses under climate change conditions. reasons for the Ethiopian government to directly stop pursuing its
We, on the other hand, determine what the cost-optimal level of current ambitious hydropower development plans, we suggest that
hydropower generation could be under baseline and stringent Ethiopia's energy planning authorities take due account of climate
climate change control regimes, and investigate whether these change effects in terms of possible changes in rainfall at the local
production levels are realistic from a hydrological and water bal- level, since for months or years these could lead to substantial re-
ance point of view and may be imperilled by the adverse impacts on ductions in power production levels at some hydro-electric plants
water supply from average climate change effects as well as ex- and produce conflicting claims for water use by different users. We
pected increases in water demand from domestic and agricultural think that local climate change impacts should be researched in
sectors. greater detail than the present study has been able to, and be
complemented by a social and financial feasibility assessment of
5. Policy implications realistic investment options and requirements. Since at certain lo-
cations hydroelectricity production may occasionally or periodi-
From a purely energy-cost and water-quantity point of view, our cally be curtailed by a decrease in precipitation, these effects should
analysis may not give substantial reason to oppose the ambitious be accounted for in national low-emission development strategies
development trajectory for hydropower in Ethiopia as currently (LEDS) based on hydropower, and require further detailed studies.
planned by national authorities. While we did not investigate The large expansion of the use of hydropower as described in
whether the government's targets for economic growth and wel- this paper necessitates significant financial and human capacity
fare increase could perhaps be met with low-carbon options other investments, as well as extensive planning, institutional plus reg-
than the large-scale use of hydropower, our partial equilibrium ulatory development and capacity building. These requirements
cost-minimisation approach shows that broad hydropower devel- will need to be complemented by efforts to reduce vulnerability to
opment could meet the targets without simultaneously signifi- variability at the local level as a consequence of climate-dependent
cantly increasing GHG emissions. A large increase in hydropower water availability. Our hydro-electricity generation findings are
derives from the scenarios considered in our study through both consistent with those by Block and Strzepek [16], who report hy-
models that we employ. Our modelling efforts, however, are merely dropower production levels between 40 and 70 TWh in 2040e2050
based on an economic and hydrological approach, and thus do not under varying assumptions with regards to future climate change
account for a series of other relevant factors, among which envi- developments in Ethiopia. This reinforces the reliability of our
ronmental, geopolitical and social. Such factors may induce the analysis, as well as our finding that on economic, hydrological and
Ethiopian government to take a different course and reduce its climatic factors alone the Ethiopian government may not

Please cite this article in press as: B. van der Zwaan, et al., Prospects for hydropower in Ethiopia: An energy-water nexus analysis, Energy
Strategy Reviews (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2017.11.001
12 B. van der Zwaan et al. / Energy Strategy Reviews xxx (2017) 1e12

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Please cite this article in press as: B. van der Zwaan, et al., Prospects for hydropower in Ethiopia: An energy-water nexus analysis, Energy
Strategy Reviews (2017), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.esr.2017.11.001

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